Endodontic Re Treatment
Endodontic Re Treatment
Endodontic Re Treatment
Reasons for failure of root canal therapy
material remaining in the root canal, either
through failure to identify all canals or treating
canals short. Contamination of an initially sterile
root canal during treatment Persistent infection
of a root canal after treatment Bacteria left in
accessory or lateral canals Loss of coronal seal
(Figure-1: Evolution of Treatment) and reinfection of a disinfected and sealed canal
The clinician should be able to differentiate
between success and failure and evaluate it. EXTRARADICULAR CAUSES INCLUDE: Persistent
Factors that affect root canal failures can be periradicular infection, Radicular cysts, and
attained from previous radiographs. Films that Vertical root fractures
were taken preoperatively and postoperatively
can demonstrate presence, absence, or healing of IATROGENIC CAUSES INCLUDE
periapicalpathosis. The history of the previous Post perforation , Bacterial infection is the major
endodontic treatment can allow the clinician to cause of persistent periapical inflammation
discern what treatment was rendered and why.16 following root canal treatment. However, there
Failure to achieve the desired aims of therapy are technical failings that may predispose the
may lead to root canal therapy failure. As with all root canal system to inadequate disinfection:
dental treatment multiple integrated factors
influence the outcome of endodontic therapy.17 Poor aseptic technique incorrect irrigant inability
Factors influencing success and failure to prepare the canal to length missed canals
Strindberg related treatment outcomes to procedural errors poor obturation poor
biologic and therapeutic factors. restoration and coronal micro leakage Resistant
Some of the factors that influence outcome
include: The benefits of using a rubber dam for root
Presence of apical pathosis , Extension of the canal treatment include:
obturation (short or long) , Tooth type, age, sex prevention of microbial contamination
Quality and technique of obturation Observation the safe use of sodium hypochlorite
period Type of intracanal medication and airway protection
bacterial status of the canal before obturation retraction of the soft tissues
unimpeded vision, which is useful with
quicker and more pleasant treatment
reduction of microbial aerosol
Some consistent factors are: Extension of a filling allows the operative field to be dried.15
(over filling or material under filling) Poor
obturation quality Longer observation period do DIAGNOSIS: There may be different ways of
indeed negatively influence treatment results. treating a disease however there can be one
correct diagnosis. The accurate diagnosis is
Clinical examination: Signs and symptoms are Diagnosis: The presence or absence of
commonly assessed – the presence of either if periradicular disease is determined according to
marked and persistent is an indication of failure. clinical and radiographic findings. Differential
diagnosis of non-endodontic disease is also
Clinical criteria for success outlined as follows considered.
(Bender and associates)
Selection of Treatment: Currently, the patient
Absence of pain and swelling ultimately selects the treatment, based on
Disappearance of sinus tract information communicated by the clinician.10
No loss of function Treatment of Existing Disease: Post-treatment
No evidence of soft tissue destruction, disease definitely requires intervention, even
including probing defects. when symptoms are absent. When treatment is
Persistent findings like (swelling or sinus preferred over extraction, re-treatment and
tract) indicates failures.29 apical surgery should be considered for both.
Comparing the two modalities, retreatment
offers a greater benefit and better ability to
Radiographic Findings: The importance of eliminate the disease's etiology (root canal
radiographic evaluation in determining infection) with minimal invasion and a smaller
endodontic success or failure cannot be risk such as significantly less postoperative
overemphasized. It is a universal tool in the discomfort and a lesser chance of injuring nerves,
assessment of treatment results without which sinuses or other structures. Therefore, case
no claim of success could be justified. Since the selection is based on patient, tooth and clinician
radiographic evaluation plays a basic role in the considerations that either preclude retreatment
assessment of treatment results, any fallibility or restrict its feasibility in a way that decreases
associated with the interpretation of radiograph the potential benefits and increases the potential
directly distorts the reported rates of success and risks; the modified benefit-risk balance may not
failure. outweigh that of apical surgery.