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1. The knowledge of chemistry in home economics helps to understand the-------------

a. working of electricity in homes
b. working of the refrigerator
c. effects of heat on food nutrients
d. digestion of food in the canal.
e. working of chemist practitioners
2. Home economics is a field of study that teaches how to manage ourselves and __________
a. clothing
b. education
c. nutrition
d. husband
e. household
3. Which area in home economics deals with wise buying goods?
a. child development
b. food and nutrition
c. consumer education
d. family living
e. interior decor
4. Freedom and benefits that are guaranteed to people by law are called_____
a. chance
b. portion
c. rights
d. reward
e. wrong
5. Which area of home economics teaches a child about knitting and crocheting?
a. child development
b. clothing and textile
c. family living
d. home management
e. food and nutrition
6. The following are benefits of repairing an old garment except___________
a. keeping wardrobe tidy
b. saving money
c. wasting time and energy
d. last longer
e. keep in good state
7. The basic needs of the family include ____________
a. clothing, food, shelter, car
b. shelter, food, clothing, healthcare
c. housing, recreation, medics, car,
d. food, water, recreation
e. Housing
8. A person who creates new style of clothing is called a fashion_____
a. advertiser
b. model
c. blazer
d. designer
e. clothes
9. Which of these is not a branch of home economics
a. clothing and textile
b. food and nutrition
c. engineering workshop
d. child development
e. home management
10. One of the following does not belong to the group
a. dietitian
b. nutritionist
c. caterer
d. model
e. chef
11. The following are kitchen linens except_________
a. apron
b. dish cloth
c. napkins
d. tea towel
e. mattress
12. The period of time a person matures and moves from childhood to adult is ____________
a. puberty
b. transition
c. maturity
d. Adolescent
e. menses
13. One of the following deals with planning available space in a house__________
a. housing
b. interior decoration
c. consumer education
d. family living
e. home management
14. The important things the family can use to achieve their aims are __________
a. resources
b. possessions
c. goals
d. needs
e. standards
15. Which of the following are not human resources?
a. money
b. skill
c. energy
d. knowledge
e. attitude {7.5 marks}

1. _____________ is a field that is concerned with improving family life.

2. ____________________and_______________ is major areas of home economics.
3. Human rights are ________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________resources that exist within an individual which include personal
5. Abraham Maslow theory of needs includes
______________________________________________________________ {2.5 marks}



1. Amanda works in a hospital as a nutritionist due to the training she has acquired. She helps
people improve on their nutritional habits and status. Educate her on
i. Other career opportunities that can be found in home economics.
ii. Analyze the relationship between home economics and other 3(three) related subjects.
{5 marks}
Read this case below and answer the questions.

Charles is from Uganda and he is 10 years old. He lives with twenty other boys in an old wagon
in the railway yard in Kampala, a city in Uganda. He has to live there because his parents were
killed by some gun men three years ago and he ran away and hid there. He sleeps on the floor of
the wagon newspaper in the cold of the night. When it is morning, he usually goes to the city
market where Lorries arrive with goods to sell and he helps with offloading and will be given
stipend so as to have food to eat. He has no clothes to wear and he has a pair of shoes he found
on the rubbish pile. He believes that one day life will be better for him by having his own store
in the market and making a lot of money to be able to rent a house.
a. Describe in two paragraphs how Charles right was violated?
b. If you are in the position to help, enlighten Charles on at least 5 fundamental rights of every
child. {5 marks}



1. Which of these reasons is not a reason for care of clothing?

a. ensure that clothes are available for wearing
b. kills any disease carrying germs and pest
c. fade clothes easily
d. saves money as clean clothes last longer
e. keep clothes in good condition
2. The process of passing threaded needle in and out of fabrics to make a design is________
a. sewing
b. embroidery
c. tacking
d. stitching
e. correction
3. In laundry processing the first step is called___________
a. airing
b. boiling
c. sewing
d. sorting
e. mending
4. A person who creates new style of clothing is called a fashion_____
a. advertiser
b. model
c. blazer
d. designer
e. administration
5. Bed linen include the following except______
a. bed sheet
b. blanket
c. pillow case
d. duve
e. drapery
6. The following are kitchen linens except_________
a. apron
b. dish cloth
c. mattress
d. napkin
e. tea cloth
7. The following are benefits of repairing an old garment except___________
a. keeping wardrobe tidy
b. saving money
c. for availability
d. last longer
e. wasting time and energy
8. The process of neatening the raw edges of articles is called___________
a. hemming
b. seam allowance
c. seam lined
d. patching
9. The basic needs of the family include the following except__________
a. clothing
b. food
c. shelter
d. health care
e. family car
10. An example of short term goal is__________
a. building a house
b. providing good education
c. saving money for retirement
d. provision of balance diet
e. provision of family business
11. The last step in decision making is __________
a. acting on the decision
b. identifying the decision
c. evaluation of the decision made
d. choose the best option.
e. identify the problems
12. The process of neatening the raw edges of articles is called___________
a. hemming
b. seam allowance
c. seam lined
d. patching
e. facing
13. The process of passing threaded needle in and out of fabrics to make a design is________
a. sewing
b. embroidery
c. tacking
d. stitching
e. needling
14. A line of stitching that joins two or more pieces of cloth is _____________
a. bias
b. seam
c. hem
d. finish
e. patching
15. The following are human resources except_________
a. energy
b. skill
c. time
d. knowledge
e. money
{7.5 marks}

1. _________________is the act of making a choice from alternative course of action or things.
2. ___________________ is a term used collectively to include a variety of textile articles used in the
3. Clothing repair is __________________________________________________
4. _________________ and _____________________ are types of patches.
5. ____________is done when the garment or fabrics to be patched is thick or woven.



Jennifer has a comprehensive schedule on Monday that covers more than 1000 pages of material. She is
scheduled to work on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Her employer refused to let her take the
weekend off to study. Jennifer has had very little time to review her grades and very little time to review
her grades and have been low this semester. If she scores poorly on this test, she will fail out of nursing
school. To compound the problem, there is a big party on Saturday that Jennifer really wants to attend.

i. Discuss the step in decision making based on this case.

ii. Proffer three different solutions to the problem identified.
iii. If you were in Jennifer’s situation, what will be your decision?

2. Mrs. Okonkwo sowed a beautiful gown a long time ago, she

now has a party she wants to go and she suddenly remembers that she has a gown she can wear for
the party. When it was time for the party, she brought out the cloth to wear and found out that
there were lots of holes on it. She was totally disappointed and confused seeing the state of the
i. If it happens to be you what type of patch would you use? State your reasons.
ii. Explain to her how she can make a simple patch on the garment.




1. The last step in decision making is __________
a. acting on the decision
b. identifying the decision
c. list all the alternatives
d. choose the best option
e. evaluation of the decision made
2. Wise management of family income is achieved through_________
a. listing needs
b. saving
c. budgeting
d. lavish spending
e. cash income
3. __________ is a plan of how to spend family income.
a. requisitions
b. receipts
c. budget
d. planning
e. spending
4. ________________ is the amount spent on the goods and services which the family needs
a. income
b. net profit
c. gross profit
d. expenditure
e. salary
5. ____________ is an increase in skill and complexity of function
a. Development
b. growth
c. life
d. energy
e. skill
6. The baby developing in the womb is called __________
a. egg
b. ovum
c. fetus
d. cell.
e. Uterus
7. The complete set off clothes required by new born baby is called____________
a. clothing
b. textile
c. shawl
d. wrapper
e. layette
8. What is child care?
a. bathing and dressing the child
b. providing all physical and emotional needs of the child
c. providing toy and sweets
d. rocking the child
e. playing with child
9. The care required by a pregnant woman before child birth is _________ care
a. child
b. normal
c. post-natal
d. sta-natal
e. ante-natal
10. The basic needs of the family include the following except__________
a. clothing
b. food
c. family car
d. health care
e. recreation
11. Children develop at ____________
a. different rates
b. similar rates
c. a time
d. high rate
e. same pattern
12. __________and________ are two major factors that influence child development
a. exercise, hereditary
b. environment, language
c. love, feeding
d. hereditary, environment
e. environment, emotional
13. An increase in skill and complexity of function in a child is referred to as __________
a. smart
b. health
c. energy
d. development
e. growth
14. The following are right of the consumer except the right to __________
a. to be heard
b. be informed
c. to speak
d. receive value for money
e. destroy new products
15. Consumer redress is a policy that allows _____________________
a. Companies who sell goods and products to abide by all relevant consumer laws
b. Companies rule over consumer’s choice.
c. Companies pair up with other guarantee consumers
d. Consumers to have right to do anything they want.
e. Companies are mandated to beg consumer in buying
{7.5 marks}

1. ___________________ is an increase in physical size of the whole body or any of its parts.
2. ____________ is measured in meters and kilograms
3. The _____________ needs are desirable, but the family can do without them.
4. The plan for the future expenditure of a family is called ___________
5. ___________________ is the final man in the chain of production.
{2.5 marks}


1. Raymond works as a lab attendant in a hospital. He earn

#20 000 every month. He has needs above his income. He has a challenge as to how he can
plan for his income. As you have been taught, in tabular form, make an imaginary budget for
Mr. Raymond which should cater for all his needs.
There are stages of child development. This stage is
important in the life of every child because growth is predictable and therefore
follows a pattern. In a table form Explain these stages each of a child from:
i. 1st month – 3 months
ii. 9th month -12 months.

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