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® 3 2 AE is L ATTY aolse. Ailes Fabs 1, 198! irs y We enn give a break to the respondent soldiers by shenre ninor aspect of the defense theory ac franed by Gen Oli low Sdnitting tie supronttion that the fatal caliber .38 was fired from She +357 Negoun of Galea. “aut ve neod a witness, preferebly en expert expert on firearnn, to demonstrate this . low the Pact—Pind\ng Board (PPB) osterort slug vas in the hands a i ballistie Ge: ‘8 representative purported: subsitted the fatal alug to the !BI chemiatry section. Gan the respondents chanre ponition at thin stage. (Mark, this te 4 Binor aspect.) Uhile there my be doubts, persovally I think the military's counsel can chanve for it in not only the defense that is ehinging or correcting an assumption but the Majority of the 7B who contended emphatically thut the 38 could not have cinaned from the 3597 Hegnum and therefore the respordenta must anawer for the miadeed. (2) "The trial proper in the candiganbayan haw not yet bemune (3) Justice demands that technicalities should not’ prevail over substantial points, empecially vhon the responiente nicht receive the death sentence for'an alleged crines Cényhow, the Gosuico counsel (not being part of the military) 4s not Bowind by the military assumption of facta, ) Aloo, the respondents through counsel umi expert witness: (a Ph. on bioehendatry) whould prove that the shooting occurred. et the tarmac, drt te the WD srted to reconstruct the incident by employing netene Uitte methods. Of course, their Sine lusions can be rebutted but xe must rely on fulletine experts or oriminslopiests to ret pet fon this (and who ahall build their own theory by asvenbling ‘the photographs and audio sounds in sequence). And polyeraph exanibations having been undertaken during the dgreva Board hearings, let tho remulte be announced for much as been aid at the beginning regarding the soldiers’ initial reluctance submit to the tente. when the reports were submitted, nothin hai 1d about the polysraph ta: Ja it because the soldi re. felling the truth that they shot Gainan subsequent to the letter" onslaught on the Senator? Lat the defense Ate case, spend the tine and money for thin purpono, for their lasteiance Lies in this forums They can't pronent further proof in « hipher tribunal, It"s now or never, Sir, may 1 aupvent that the Defense go ever the reports of the ¥¥B and lioryaca, end other data by persuing the book “The Heperts of the 1B on ths henassination of Senator B.'s Aquino, Ite", Published by the fir} Tira Dubliahing Go. and sold at big bookiterce dn Manila. Yours, in the mame of Justice. Very renpeetfully, G/o President's Secretariat Vaherlika Hall, OP, Malacafang For: General FABIAN ¢. VER ‘Thru: Colonel Balbino Diego This is in connection with our little talk last Saturday in the Study Room, STR. OGfCOS ge gee” 2-1- bE

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