QP 74301 Rev 08 Incoming Inspection Procedure

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 1 of 9

Revision History
Rev No DCN # Changes Effective Date Approved
01 Initial Release 08/06/04
02 0008 Modification of procedure 10/080/4 MY
03 0042 Revision Changed 10/19/04 MY
04 0715 Added IQC in section 3&6. Change Owner 07/28/09 YZ
05 0794 Added SQE responsible, Modified flow chart 12/30/09 JC
06 0806 Added Supplier PCN/ECN process 01/15/10 YC
07 0986 Added the requirements, added ship to stock, 05/23/11 A. Qin
added the waiver request, re-wording.
08 1153 Yearly Review, Added PRD-CM-003 in, 05/07/13 A. Qin
Change process owner

Incoming Inspection Procedure

Process Owner: Jeff Chen Date: 05/06/13

Department Manager: Alex Qin Date: 05/07/13

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 2 of 9

1.0 Purpose

This procedure defines the process flow to verify the quality and performance of the
purchased materials and services.

2.0 Scope

This procedure applies to all materials and services purchased from suppliers or
contractor manufacturer that have affect on the final product quality.

3.0 Authority and Responsibilities

• IQC/QA • Perform and coordinate the incoming inspection activities.

• Coordinate the incoming inspections that conducted on the
assigned departments.
• Collect and file the incoming inspection reports.
• Forward the nonconforming products to MRB.
• Production and • Support the incoming inspections to IQC on technical and
Engineering manpower when necessary.
• Built up the IQC standard and provide technical supports.
• SQE • Communicate with suppliers to follow the requests on the
incoming inspections.
• Release the SCAR to suppliers.
• Initiate the improvement programs with suppliers.
• Purchasing • Notify supplier to follow Optoplex supplier PCN/ECN process for
any change on supplied parts.
• MRB • Review any major nonconforming material issues identified during
receiving inspection or production, and propose proper
• Suppliers • Issue the PCN to notify Optoplex of preliminary ECN.
• Obtains Optoplex approval for any change of supplied parts.
• Prepare the Outgoing Inspection Report before shipping out.

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 3 of 9

4.0 Definitions and Acronyms

IQC Incoming Quality Control

SQE Supply Quality Engineering

PO Purchase Order

MRB Material Review Board

A panel of material management/purchasing, quality assurance and
manufacturing / production representatives that reviews and dispositions
nonconforming products..
SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Request

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 4 of 9

5.0 Flow Chart of Procedure

Flow Chart Responsible Notes Record

Purchased Product Receiving Receiving transfer the

Receiving Log
transferred from incoming products to IQC.

IQC Collect the inspection

Perform Receiving standards, related jig or IQC Inspection Status
Inspection fixtures, gages. Log
IQC Inspection Report

Conduct inspection
Meet the spec.? IQC
against inspection

Fill out the Form with IQC Inspection Report

Forward the Non- IQC Please refer to MRB
Yes attached IQC Reports and
conforming to MRB Procedure QP-83002
forward the non-
conforming to MRB for
Complete and file
the Inspection IQC Identify the passed
IQC Inspection Report
Reports products with labels or

Material Material Transfer Form

Transfer to Management

SQE Refer to Supplier

Management Procedure
QP 74001

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 5 of 9

6.0 General Requirements

6.1 Conduct the Qualification on Inspectors

The persons to perform the incoming inspections shall complete the necessary training
courses on related work instructions and received the certificates.

6.2 Prepare the Inspection Standard

The inspection standards shall be prepared and documented before the incoming

For the special material such as optical parts, Engineering or Manufacturing Departments
will provide the technical supports on the contents of the standards.

Inspectors shall collect the inspection standards before performing the inspections.

If there is concern on the cosmetics between Optoplex and suppliers, a limit sample or
photos to demo the pass and reject shall be prepared as the inspection aid.

6.3 Prepare Supporting Jigs/Fixtures and Gages for Inspection

The measuring equipment or devices shall be used to make the measurements during
incoming inspection process. Those equipment shall be calibrated and maintained on the
pre-set intervals.

The gage used for the inspection for thread of screw shall be replaced on weekly basis to
avoid the worn out concerns.

6.4 Delegation of Incoming Inspection Tasks

For those parts that need the technical supports or special measuring equipment/skills
request, the incoming inspection tasks will be delegated to Engineering or Manufacturing

In such condition, the IQC Inspection Tag Form shall be used to trace/monitor the status
of the inspections. The tag shall be attached with the incoming products and forwarded to
delegated departments.

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 6 of 9

Once the inspection was completed, the tag form shall be filled out and collected
(together with the inspected material or products) by QA department.

6.5 Fill out the Incoming Inspection Reports

The Incoming Inspection Report shall be used for the inspection.

The contents of the Incoming Inspection Report include the following information:

1. Part number and revision number,

2. The supplier name,
3. Optoplex P/O number,
4. The lot number from supplier,
5. The items that need be inspected,
6. The sampling size,
7. Total quantity received,
8. Total qty rejected and passed,
9. Etc.

The inspector shall make a final decision on the inspection results and get approved from
supervisor or engineer. The final judgment (Pass or Reject, etc.) on the inspection result
and their respective quantities shall be clearly defined.

The outgoing inspection reports that provided from supplier shall be the reference
documents during the incoming inspections.

6.6 Identify the Status of the Inspection Result on Products

After completed the inspection, the incoming material or products shall have the quality
status identified on them.

A QC (Passed/OK) stamp on the package or green color label shall be used to identify the
passed status. For those material or product that are failed to meet the specification, a
rejected label or mark will be used.

The material or products that had completed the inspections shall keep the appropriate

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 7 of 9

packaging to prevent the damages (Scratches or surface, aging, etc.) during the storage
or transportation. The products with ESD concerns should follow the ESD requirements in

6.7 Check in the Passed Products to Warehouse

The material or products that are passed after inspection shall be forwarded to
warehouse by using the Material Transaction From and Material Transfer Log.

For those material or products that had been used for destructive tests (such as in Damp
Heat Test, Solderability Test, etc.) in Optoplex, the quantity will be absorbed by the
department who conducted the test.

6.8 Check in the Non-conforming Product to MRB

Those that are failed during inspection shall be forwarded to MRB by using the
Non-conforming Material Request Form.

6.9 Notify to Planner and Purchasing about the Non-conforming

If there is a high defect rate found during the incoming inspections and that will have the

impact to the production schedules, IQC shall notify Planner and Purchasing

Departments ASAP.

6.10 Keep the Incoming Inspection Records

The incoming documents such as Incoming Inspection Reports, Suppler Outgoing

Inspection Reports, Certificate of Material, etc shall be filed and kept in inspection

6.11 Fill out the Ship to Stock Request

Those material/products that had demonstrated good delivery performances (quality) in

Incoming quality, IPQC and field claims can be waived for the inspections. The

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 8 of 9

purpose of Ship-to-Stock is to save the resources of the company.

A Ship-to-Stock Request form shall be prepared by IQC and get approved for it. The
forms shall be collected and kept in IQC.

For the material/products that had qualified for the waive of IQC will be skipped for the
IQC process. Only the desk review shall be conducted such as review on the
documents (e.g. Packing List, OQC Report from supplier, C of C, expiration dates, etc.)
during the IQC stages. The IQC Reports shall be kept and maintained too.

An OK stamp or green color mark shall be used to demonstrate the quality status.

6.12 Define the Criteria for the Ship to Stock Material/Products

If anyone of the following minimum requirements had been met, the incoming
material/products will be qualified for the waive of inspections.

1. Consecutively three (within regular size) lots have passed the incoming
inspections and the supplier provides necessary OQC Report or C of C (If any)
on the supplied products.

2. The supplier with famous quality goodwill on the industry, provide the quality
assurance on their products or the products are beyond the Optoplex inspection
technical capacity. Such as Epoxy, Acetone, Motor, etc.

3. Other special reasons.

Even during the waive for the inspection, IQC has authority to conduct inspections on
the Incoming material/products when necessary.

6.13 Terminate the Ship to Stock

When an incoming lot had found claims during the process or field complains, the
waive status shall be terminated by the IQC immediately, no approval process

Further investigation on the pre-delivered material/products shall be checked by

traceability if necessary.

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Document Title

Incoming Inspection Procedure

3390 Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 74301 Revision Number 08
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/07/2013 Page Number Page 9 of 9

For the re-entry of the waive of inspection, the Ship-to-Stock Form shall be used

6.14 Request for the Waive from Optoplex

If the supplier has the concerns on the rejected parts for minor symptoms such as
minor dimensions, minor cosmetics and non-function impact to products, a request for
waive can submit to QA of Optoplex form supplier.

The production, IQC and QA departments will make a review on the request.

No repeat (consecutive lots) waive request from supplier for the some symptoms is
allowed. The supplier performance shall count the records on the parts that had been

6.15 Request Corrective Actions for Suppliers (SCAR)

If necessary, a Corrective Action Request shall be initiated from QA/SQE to supplier f

for further improvements. The detail of process of SCAR, please refer to QP 85201
Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure.

7.0 Reference Documents

QM 001 Quality Manual

QP 74002 Purchasing Procedure
QP 74001 Supplier Management Procedure
QP 83001 Non-conforming Material Control Procedure
QP 85201 Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure
PRD-CM-003 Product Qualification and Quality Monitoring Procedure
WI-ISP-018 IQC Sampling Table
Form Q061 IQC Job Tag
Form Q067 Waive Request Form
Form Q068 Ship to Stock Request Form
Form P152 Material Transfer Log.
Form Q025 IQC Inspection Report

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