D Non-Schedule Aircraft Operator
D Non-Schedule Aircraft Operator
D Non-Schedule Aircraft Operator
2 Copy of Security clearance for commencing operations and Copy of approved security program
security arrangements enclosed.
5 AVSEC Qualification of Chief Security Officer - AVSEC CSO: Wg. Cdr. Sanjay Seth
Background and AVSEC Training Basic AVSEC and AVSEC Instructor
8 How operator ensures security of parked or idle aircraft. Security provided by local Police
Operator to produce authenticates documents and
procedures. (Field observation required.)
11 Number of Security Staff in the organization to meet Security provided by local Police
compliance of Security Program
14 Does the pilot trained in six days AVSEC Basic and Yes
thereafter recurrent training including screening
17 Endorsement or authentication from local police that all The screening of Baggage test of X-ray
passengers boarding the helicopter were properly frisked BIS and other baggage security
and their hand baggage searched. measures are undertaken at UTLA
19 Copy of SOP, how operator verify identification of each The screening of Baggage test of X-ray
and every person before issuing the boarding passes to each BIS and other baggage security
passenger. (Records to be checked) measures are undertaken at UTLA
23 How operator ensure hold baggage security and its The screening of Baggage test of X-ray
reconciliation. Copy of baggage tally list and baggage BIS and other baggage security
manifest. (Records to be checked or interview of staff) measures are undertaken at UTLA
27 How operator does ensure the authenticity of travel The due diligence for baggage screening
documents (Ticket, Visa, and Passport, etc) before BTCP and contingency plan for Anti
allowing the passengers on board. Hijacking is administered by the
Security personnel of UTLA
28 Copy of duty allocation of security staff deployment. NA