Hung Et Al 2021

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Permeability and Strength of Pervious Concrete According to
Aggregate Size and Blocking Material
Vu Viet Hung 1 , Soo-Yeon Seo 2, * , Hyun-Woo Kim 2 and Gun-Cheol Lee 2

1 Civil Engineering Department, University of Transport and Communications, Ho Chi Minh 700000, Vietnam;
[email protected]
2 School of Architecture, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju 27389, Korea;
[email protected] (H.-W.K.); [email protected] (G.-C.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the differences in porosity and permeability
coefficients when the mixing ratio of aggregates is different and to present the mixing ratio satisfying
the strength requirement of compressive specified in a specification of Korea. Three mix ratios were
suggested by considering various aggregate sizes and three cylinders were made for each ratio.
The porosities of those cylinders were evaluated through the compression and water permeability
test, measuring the weight of specimens in underwater and analysis of the pictured Computed
Tomography (CT) image. Experiments have shown that it is best to mix 50% for 5–10 mm aggregates,
45% for 2–5 mm aggregates, and 5% for sand in terms of strength and permeability. In addition,
as the proportion of fine aggregates increased, the porosity and permeability decreased. Moreover,
the effectiveness of maintenance method was also examined in this study.

Keywords: porosity; permeability coefficients; mixing ratio; aggregate size; compressive strength;
computed tomography (CT) image

Citation: Hung, V.V.; Seo, S.-Y.;

Kim, H.-W.; Lee, G.-C. Permeability 1. Introduction
and Strength of Pervious Concrete
Recently, the area of buildings and roads has increased due to the rapid industrial
According to Aggregate Size and
Blocking Material. Sustainability 2021,
development, which has reduced the permeable area of surface runoff during heavy rains.
13, 426.
As a result, the flow of rainwater that has evaporated or flowed into the groundwater in the
su13010426 past has now changed to flow into the stream through the drainage system or accumulated
on the surface of the road. Therefore, the flooding damage of cities is increasing, the ground-
Received: 30 November 2020 water level is lowered due to the decrease of the surface penetration of rainwater, and the
Accepted: 30 December 2020 environmental problems such as heat island phenomenon in urban areas are generated.
Published: 5 January 2021 As such, the amount of damage caused by heavy rains in the last five years (2013–2017) in
Korea has been about 439 billion won ($0.37 billion), which is 52% of the total damage of
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- 8,486 billion won ($7.07 billion) in five years related to the disaster [1]. One of the solutions
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai- to this problem is to increase the permeable pavement area of urban ground and restore
ms in published maps and institutio- the reduced drainage performance.
nal affiliations. Pervious concrete, known as no-fines concrete or permeable concrete, is an envi-
ronmentally friendly paving material, which has been well recognized as one of the key
elements of low-impact sustainable development [2]. In general, it consists of cement,
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
water, uniform/single-sized coarse aggregate, and little or no fine aggregate, resulting in
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
a large, open pore structure. As a result, pervious concrete shows better permeability
This article is an open access article
than conventional impermeable pavements due to the porosity between aggregates [3].
distributed under the terms and con- Generally, the permeability of pervious concrete is due to its macropore structure. However,
ditions of the Creative Commons At- as the use of pavement concrete becomes longer, the pores of pervious concrete are easily
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// clogged by various small particles [4–7]. The permeability of pervious concrete helps to reduce heat island phenomena, traffic noise, and provides better condition for recharging
4.0/). the underground water source. In addition, it has the advantage of ensuring the driver’s

Sustainability 2021, 13, 426.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 2 of 13

safety by preventing water splash and reducing/eliminating the water film phenomenon
on driving surfaces [8]. However, when the sediments, such as leaves, soil, and dust,
penetrate the pores, it can be easily noticed that the pores may be blocked and the water
permeability decreases. Therefore, continuous or regular maintenance of the pervious
concrete is necessary to maintain the permeability performance [9,10].
One of the methods to solve the pore blockage in pervious concrete is the optimum
design using the appropriate size aggregate [11–13]. Accumulation of the fine particles in
the pores of the pervious pavement causes blockages and deposits, which are mainly related
to the size of the clogging particles [4,10,11,14]. Although a series of studies [4,7,14,15]
on the particle size have been conducted, there is little literature associated with the
combined influence of particle size and pore size on clogging because it is difficult to
accurately measure the pore size of pervious concrete. In order to solve this problem,
recently, research has been conducted to determine the pore blockage of pervious concrete
using the CT scanning method [16–19].
The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the differences between porosity
and permeability coefficient by varying the aggregate mixing ratio of pervious concrete,
and to present a mixing ratio that meets the criterion of compressive strength and secures
permeability as well. Moreover, in order to investigate the effect of blocking materials to
the permeability, experiments on the maintenance of pervious concrete and recovery of
permeation performance are carried out by conducting experiments on the pore blocking
phenomenon. In addition, pores were identified using the CT scanning method and
compared with experimental results.

2. Experiment
2.1. Mixture of Test Specimen
The pervious concrete was designed with a water-to-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.3, the Or-
dinary Portland cement was used as a binder and a poly-carboxylate high-range water-
reducing admixture (AD) was applied in this research. The mix ratios of concrete consid-
ered in this study for finding the optimum pores and compressive strength using impact
crush type aggregates are shown in Table 1. Three mix ratios were suggested by considering
various aggregate sizes: 100% aggregate (D5–10) (Mix 1); 80% aggregate (D5–10) + 15% ag-
gregate (D2–5) + 5% sand (Mix 2); and 50% aggregate (D5–10) + 45% aggregate (D2–5) + 5%
sand (Mix 3). When manufacturing test specimens, the component materials were mixed in
order of aggregate (D5–10), aggregate (D2–5), sand, AD, cement, and water. Three cylinder
specimens with φ 100 mm × 200 mm were manufactured for each mixing ratio, and their
permeability and compressive strength were measured. For Mix 1, one more cylinder was
made for CT scanning and three block specimens with 200 mm × 200 mm × 150 mm for
blockage testing. The specimen preparation procedures and their shapes are shown in
Figure 1.

Table 1. Mixing ratio of pervious concrete.

Unit Weight (kg/m3 )

Mix Case
Aggregate Aggregate
Cement Water Sand
(D5–10) (D2–5)
Mix 1 358 107 1595 - -
Mix 2 431 129 1222 229 76
Mix 3 431 129 764 687 76
Mix 1 358 107 1595 - -
Mix 2 431 129 1222 229 76
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 Mix 3 431 129 764 687 7613
3 of

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

preparation procedure andtheir
procedure and theirshapes.
cylinder fabrication;
fabrication; (b)(b) block
block spec-
imen fabrication; (c) block specimens; (d) mix 1 specimens; (e) mix 2 specimens; (f) mix 3 specimens.
men fabrication; (c) block specimens; (d) mix 1 specimens; (e) mix 2 specimens; (f) mix 3 specimens.

2.2. Test after
for Measuring the Content
Void end of compaction
of Hardenedand surface
Pervious finishing process, the concrete
cylinders were
The void covered
content forwith
eacha plastic
cylinderlayer to prevent
specimen wasmoisture
measuredlossatand curedofinage
21 days theby
under a temperature of 20–25 ◦ C and a relative humidity of 50–60% within 24 hours. Then,
the volume displacement method: the underwater mass and the dry mass of concrete◦were
after removing the mold, the cylinders were cured in the water environment of 20–25 C
measured in accordance with ASTM C1754/C1754M-12 [20] as shown in Figure 2, and the
during 14 days and in air under experimental room conditions during the rest period as
void ratio was
mentioned calculated by using Equation (1):

𝐾 ×Pervious
2.2. Test for Measuring Void Content of Hardened 𝐴 − 𝐵 Concrete
VCR = 1 − × 100 (1)
𝜌 ×𝐷
The void content for each cylinder specimen was×measured
𝐿 at 21 days of age by using
the volume displacement method: the underwater mass and the dry mass of concrete were
where VCRinisaccordance
measured Void content
ASTM (%), K is 1,273,240 ((mm
C1754/C1754M-12 3·kg)/(m3·g)), A and B are dry
[20] as shown in Figure 2, and the
ratiounderwater mass
was calculated by of specimen
using (g),(1):
Equation respectively, ρw is density of water (kg/m3),
D and L are average diameter andlength  of specimen (mm), respectively.
K × ( A − B)
VCR = 1 − × 100 (1)
ρw × D2 × L

where VCR is Void content ratio (%), K is 1,273,240 ((mm3 ·kg)/(m3 ·g)), A and B are dry
mass and underwater mass of specimen (g), respectively, ρw is density of water (kg/m3 ),
D and L are average diameter and length of specimen (mm), respectively.
bility 2021,Sustainability
13, x 2021, 13, 426 4 of 12 4 of 13
Sustainability 2021, 13, x 4 of 12

(a) (a) (b) (b)

Figure 2. Measurement
Figure of mass in underwater
2. Measurement of mass and dry conditions. (a) in underwater; (b) in dry (b) in dry
Figure 2. Measurement of in underwater
mass and dry
in underwater andconditions. (a) in underwater;
dry conditions. (a) in underwater; (b) in
condition. condition.
dry condition.

2.3. Evaluation of Void

2.3. Content
2.3. Evaluation of Void
of Void HardenedofConcrete
Content byConcrete
CT Scan
of Hardened
Hardened Concrete byScan
by CT CT Scan
It is worthItnoting is that
is Itworth worth detailed
noting thatcapture
noting that and
detailed measurement
and and of internalofcomponent,
measurement of internal
internal component,
such as porosity,
suchis often
as vital
porosity, for
is quality
often control,
vital for failure
quality analysis,
control, and
failure material
such as porosity, is often vital for quality control, failure analysis, and material research. research.
and material research.
The measurement The method
measurement of void ratio
method using
of voidunderwater
ratio using mass has
The measurement method of void ratio using underwater mass has the disadvantage of the disadvantage
mass has the of
disadvantage of not
not being able to identify
being able the
to void
identify ratio
the isolated
void ratio inside
isolated the test
inside specimen.
the test
not being able to identify the void ratio isolated inside the test specimen. Therefore, CT Therefore,
specimen. CT
Therefore, CT scans
scans werescans
were to evaluate pores more accurately. Figure 3a shows
were conducted to evaluate pores more accurately. Figure 3a shows the specimens the
conducted to evaluate pores more accurately. Figure 3a the specimens
shows the specimens for
for the CT for
the CT scancutting
scan thecutting
after thethe specimen
cylinder to
specimena height
specimen aofheight
to to a50 mm,
height making
of of
mm, itmaking
makingit itinto
three specimens at the ageatat
specimens of
the days.
ageof ofFigure
21 days.
21 3b,c
days. Figurerepresent
Figure 3b,c 3b,c the
represent equipment
represent thethe for CT for
equipment scan CT CT
for scanscan
and CT
and CT imaging process, respectively. Figure 4 is a representation of the CT-taped image, the
and CT imaging imaging
process, process, respectively.
respectively. Figure Figure
4 is a 4 is a representation
representation of the of the
image, image, with
with the center portion portion
the center of the of the
of specimen
portion thecut cut
to 50
specimen mm to 50
cut tomm
50 mm designated
as 0 mmasand
designated 0asmm
0 mmand thethe
and position
above +5 mm, +5 mm,
+10 mm, +10
+15 mm, +20 +15 mm,
mm,+25 +20mm,mm,−5 +25
mm, mm, −10 − 5 mm,
above +5 mm, +10 mm, +15 mm, +20 mm, +25 mm, −5 mm, −10 mm, −15 mm, −20 mm, and −15 − 10 mm,
mm, −20 − 15 mm,
mm, and − 20 mm, and
−25 mm below. −To25 obtain
mm below.void To obtain the ofvoid
eachcontent of
pixelimage, the pixel of thethearea where the
−25 mm below. theTo obtaincontent
the void content image,
of each image, ofthe
area where
of the area where the
void portion void
was portion
deleted was
was deleted
calculated was calculated
through Photoshop through Photoshop
program and program
converted and
to converted to
void portion was deleted was calculated through Photoshop program and converted to
the entire void.the entire
For the void.
evaluationFor the evaluation
of CT scanofresults, of CT scan
a void results,
content a void content
was performed test was performed
the entire void. For the evaluation CT scan results, a void test was performed
on the CT scan on the CT scan
specimen at thespecimen
age of 21 atdays
the age
by of 21 days
using the by using
ASTM the ASTM C1754/C1754M-12
C1754/C1754M-12 [20] [20]
on the CT scan specimen at the age of 21 days by using the ASTM C1754/C1754M-12 [20]
method, and method,
the results and
were the results were
compared with compared
CT results. with CT results.
method, and the results were compared with CT results.

(a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c)

Figure 3.specimens
Figure 3. Truncated Truncated specimens
Figure 3.and
CT imaging.CT
(a) imaging.
specimens and CT(a) truncated
imaging. (a)specimen;
(b) CT (b)
truncated CT imaging
specimen; equip-
CT CT imaging
imaging process.
ment; (c) CTment;
imaging process.
(c) CT imaging process.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 5 of 13
Sustainability 2021, 13, x 5 of 12

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Images
Images with
CTimaging. (a)(a)
imaging. Center; (b) (b)
Center; +5 mm; (c) −5
+5 mm; (c)mm; (d) + 10
−5 mm; (d)mm;
+ 10(e)
mm; (g) −15 mm; (h) +20 mm; (i) −20 mm.
(f) +15 mm; (g) −15 mm; (h) +20 mm; (i) −20 mm.

2.4. Water Permeability Test

2.4. Water Permeability
The water Test test is an experiment to obtain the permeability coefficient of
The water
pervious permeability
concrete. test with
In accordance is anthe
experiment to obtain the permeability
ASTM C1701/1701M-17a coefficient
[21] infiltration test for
of pervious
pervious concrete.
concrete, In accordance
the sides with the
of the specimens ASTM
were C1701/1701M-17a
wrapped with tape and[21]
test for pervious
to block the waterconcrete,
flowing the
of theofspecimens,
the specimens were
and the wrappedwere
specimens withfixed
tape and rubber
on the pipe
packing to block the water flowing out of the specimens, and the specimens were
top in Figure 5a. The experiment was carried out while keeping the water of 1.2 L constant fixed on
the pipe top in Figure 5a. The experiment was carried out while keeping the water
at a height of 10–15 mm at the age of 28 days. In this process, the total time of 1.2 L water of 1.2 L
constant at a height of 10–15 mm at the age of 28 days. In this process, the
passing through the specimen was measured, and the permeability coefficient was calcu- total time of
1.2 L water
lated passing through
by substituting the specimen
this in Equation (2). was measured, and the permeability coefficient
was calculated by substituting this in Equation (2).
I=KM (2)
I= (2)
D2 × t
where I is the infiltration ratio (mm/h), M is the mass of infiltrated water (kg), D is the
where I is the infiltration
inside diameter ratioring
of infiltration (mm), M
(mm/h), t isistime
the required
mass of infiltrated water
for measured D is
(kg), of
amount the
inside diameter of infiltration ring (mm), t is time required
to infiltrate the concrete (s), K is 4,583,666,000 ((mm ·s)/(kg·h)).
3 for measured amount of water
to infiltrate the concrete (s), K is 4,583,666,000 ((mm3 ·s)/(kg·h)).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 6 of 13
13,xx 66ofof12

(a) (b)
Figure 5.5.Equipment
Figure Equipmentand
5. Equipment and for
progress forpermeability
the test.
the permeability
permeability (a)device
test. for
(a) device
device for (b)
test; (b)test
test; (b)process.
test test process.

2.5. 2.5. Compressive

Compressive Strength
Strength TestTest
In In order to knowcompressive
the compressive strength of the pervious concreteeach
for each case,
mix case,
orderto toknow
knowthe the compressivestrength
concreteforfor eachmixmix case,
the cylinder specimens of ∅100 mm × 200 mm size were cured for 28 days and then tested
specimensof of ∅100
∅100mmmm××200 200mmmmsize
according to the KS F 2405-2005 [22] test method for cylindrical concrete specimens. In the
accordingto tothe
methodfor forcylindrical
specimens.In Inthe
compression test, the surface of the specimen was polished to be the same load condition
compressiontest, test,the
specimenwas waspolished
for for each
each test test specimen,
specimen, and and
the the
was was carried
carried out out
by by padding
padding rubber
rubber un-bondedcaps
un-bonded caps on
for each test specimen, and the test was carried out by padding rubber un-bonded caps
on the top and bottom. Figure 6 shows the rubber pad used in the test and the compressive
showsthe therubber
strength test. test.
strength test.

(a) (b)
rubber pad;
Figure 6. Compressive strength test. (a) rubber pad; (b) setup.
test setup.

2.6. Clogging
VoidVoid Test
Clogging TestTest
In pervious
pervious concrete,
concrete, “pore
“pore blockages”
“pore occur
blockages” occur in
occur pores
in which
which are
pores by
are blocked
blocked by deposits
such as leaves, sand, and dust on the road. In this study, to verify the effectivenessof
such leaves,
as sand,
leaves, and
sand, dust
and on the
dust road.
on the In this
road. study,
In this to verify
study, to the effectiveness
verify the ofthe
the of
the method
maintenance of pervious
method of concrete,
pervious permeability
concrete, tests
maintenance method of pervious concrete, permeability tests were carried out by accu- carried
tests wereout by accu-
carried out by
mulating 8.3 g/L 8.3
of g/L of
contaminant contaminant
substance substance
of 0.15 mm of 0.15
or mm
less or
mulating 8.3 g/L of contaminant substance of 0.15 mm or less four times assuming the less four
times times
assuming assuming
sandythe sandy
soils soils
the ageatof
age ofthe
56 age
56days as56
as daysin
shown as(a)
in shown
and(b) inof
(b) (a)
of and (b)
Figure of Figure
After that, 7. After
high pres-that,
sure high pressure water and vacuum cleaning were performed
sure water and vacuum cleaning were performed as shown in (c) and (d) of Figure77to
water and vacuum cleaning were performed as shown in (c)asandshown
(d) ofin (c)
Figureand (d)
to of
recover the permeability. This process was repeated three times to examine the permea- the
recover the 7 to recover
permeability. the permeability.
This process This
was process
repeated was
three repeated
times to three times
examine theto examine
bility coefficient
coefficientof coefficient
thepervious of the
pervious pervious
concrete concrete block.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 7 of 13
Sustainability 2021, 13, x 7 of 12

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 7. Void
Figure 7. clogging test. (a)
Void clogging application
test. of the blocking
(a) application material;
of the blocking (b) after(b)
material; water
afterpenetration; (c)
water penetration;
high (c)
pressure watering;
high pressure (d) vacuum
(d) vacuum

3. Test
3. Test Results
3.1. Porosity
3.1. Porosity of Hardened
of Hardened Pervious
Pervious Concrete
TableTable 2 shows
2 shows the information
the information and calculated
and calculated resultsresults
for each forspecimen
each specimen
to calculate the porosity. The average void content for Mixes 1,
calculate the porosity. The average void content for Mixes 1, 2, and 3 was measured at 2, and 3 was measured
at approximately
approximately 22.2%,and
22.2%, 13.7%, 13.7%, andrespectively.
11.6%, 11.6%, respectively.
As a resultAs of ameasuring
result of measuring
the poros- the
porosity of specimens by mass in water, it was observed that the porosity
ity of specimens by mass in water, it was observed that the porosity decreased as the pro- decreased as the
portion of fine aggregates increased. The reason for this is that, when the amount of fine fine
proportion of fine aggregates increased. The reason for this is that, when the amount of
aggregate increases,
increases, the surface
the surface area area in which
in which the aggregates
the aggregates contactcontact
each each
otherother increases.
FigureFigure 8 shows
8 shows the porosity
the porosity graphgraph for position
for each each position
obtainedobtained by analyzing
by analyzing CT images
CT images of
of Mix 1 case. At locations +25 mm and −25 mm, the breaking of concrete was serious
Mix 1 case. At locations +25 mm and −25 mm, the breaking of concrete was serious once
once cutting so the results were not included. As a result of analyzing, the porosity after
cutting so the results were not included. As a result of analyzing, the porosity after pho-
photographing specimens, the porosity ranged from 17.62% to 21.94% and the average
tographing specimens, the porosity ranged from 17.62% to 21.94% and the average was
was 19.57%. Before the CT measurement as mentioned previously, the void content test
19.57%. Before the CT measurement as mentioned previously, the void content test for the
for the specimen was also performed by [20]. The porosity obtained from the test was
specimen was also performed by [20]. The porosity obtained from the test was 17.1%,
17.1%, which is 87% of the CT scan result. The reason for this difference is that isolated
which is 87% of the CT scan result. The reason for this difference is that isolated pores
pores inside the specimen, which could not be measured in the underwater mass, can be
inside the specimen, which could not be measured in the underwater mass, can be iden-
identified by CT scan.
tified by CT scan.
Table 2. Measurement results of porosity.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 ρω A B 8 of 13 P

Mix Case
(kg/m3) (g) (g)
Table 2. Measurement results of porosity.
2555 1600
2 999.26 2493 1556
Mix 1Mix Case ρω A B
3 (kg/m(14.2
3) °C) (g) 2515(g) 1564
1 2555 2521
1600 1573
Mix 1 2 2493 1556 22.3
1 (14.2 ◦ C) 2589 1557
3 2515 1564 22.0
Avg.2 997.44 2521 2683
1573 1614
Mix 2
1 3 (23.4 °C) 2589 2609
1557 1571
Mix 2 2 2683 1614 13.5
Avg. (23.4 ◦ C) 2627 1581
3 2609 1571 14.2
Avg.1 2627 2716
1581 1662
1 2 997.51 2716 2724
1662 1670
Mix 3 2
Mix 3
3 (23.1 ◦(23.1
C) °C) 2724 1670
3 2724 1668 11.7
Avg. 2721 2721
1667 1667

Figure 8. Void ratio at each truncated section from CT image.

Figure 8. Void ratio at each truncated section from CT image.
3.2. Water Permeability Coefficient of Pervious Concrete
Table 3 shows the permeability coefficients obtained by substituting the results ob-
3.2. Water
tained from Permeability Coefficient
the water permeability tests ofofthree
Pervious Concrete
specimens for each mixing ratio into
Equation (2). The diameter of infiltration pipe and weight of infiltrated water for all
specimens 3 shows
were the1.2permeability
100 mm and kg, respectively. coefficients obtained by substitut
tained from the water permeability tests of three specimens for each
Equation (2). The diameter of infiltration pipe and weight of infiltrated
imens were 100 mm and 1.2 kg, respectively.

Table 3. Permeability coefficients calculated by Equation (2) using water permeability test resu

Mix 1 Mix 2
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 9 of 13

Table 3. Permeability coefficients calculated by Equation (2) using water permeability test results.

Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3

No. of
No. of Tests Permeability Permeability Permeability
Specimen Time Time Time
Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient
(s) (s) (s)
(mm/s) (mm/s) (mm/s)
1 94.5 1.62 183.7 0.83 183.7 0.15
2 88.8 1.72 172 0.89 172 0.18
1 36 4.13 225.4 0.68 225.4 0.10
2 37 4.23 219.4 0.70 219.4 0.09
1 63.3 2.41 147.5 1.04 147.5 0.22
2 61.4 2.19 155.5 0.98 155.5 0.23
Average permeability
2.72 mm/s 0.85 mm/s 0.16 mm/s

The average permeability coefficient for each mix case is 2.72 mm/s for Mix 1,
0.85 mm/s for Mix 2, and 0.16 mm/s for Mix 3, respectively. It can be seen that all
the mix ratios satisfy the permeability coefficient of 0.1 mm/s or more according to Guide
Specifications of Korea Land & Housing Corporation [23]. However, despite the same
porosity, there was a difference in the permeability coefficient. This is because the perme-
ability coefficient is affected when the voids in the specimens are not connected smoothly
or are isolated by themselves. In other words, the infiltration rate of pervious concrete
depends on pore connectivity rather than porosity [24]. In addition, as the proportion of
fine aggregates increased, the porosity and permeability decreased. It can be explained that,
when the blended aggregates of different sizes were used in pervious concrete mixture,
the initial porosity between aggregates after compaction is smaller than that of single size
due to the particle packing effect. As a result, the total void content for pervious con-
crete with an appropriate aggregate mix is to be lower. Therefore, the water permeability
coefficient decreases.

3.3. Compressive Strength

Table 4 shows the results of 28-day compressive strength of specimens. The average
compressive strengths of Mix 1, Mix 2, and Mix 3 were 11.0 MPa, 13.3 MPa, and 18.4 MPa,
respectively. Among them, the average compressive strength of the specimens of Mix 3
satisfied 18 MPa that can be applied to sidewalks, bicycle roads, and other civil facilities
without considering the traffic loads [23]. It can be seen that, when the porosity increases,
the compressive strength of pervious concrete decreases. In this study, different aggre-
gate mixing ratios significantly influence the void content and thus affect the strength of
hardened pervious concrete. By substituting smaller and appropriate-sized aggregates in
blended aggregate system, it is believed that the void content becomes lower due to further
particle contacting effect, resulting in higher compressive strengths. Similar result was also
observed and well-explained in another research [25].
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 10 of 13

Table 4. Compressive strength results of specimens.

Porosity Compressive
Density Load
Mix Case No. Ratio Strength
(kg/m3 ) (N)
(%) (MPa)
1 22.2 2078 81,200 10.3
Mix 1 2 22.3 2065 84,000 10.7
3 22.0 2060 93,200 11.9
Average 22.2 2068 86,133 11.0
1 13.3 2170 102,400 13.0
Mix 2 2 13.5 2167 114,200 14.5
3 14.2 2152 97,200 12.4
Average 13.7 2163 104,600 13.3
1 11.6 2272 163,000 20.8
Mix 3 2 11.4 2284 138,000 17.6
3 11.7 2271 132,800 16.9
Average 11.6 2276 144,600 18.4

3.4. Void Clogging Test Results

Table 5 and Figure 9 represent the void clogging test results. The average permeability
coefficient, which was 1.72 mm/s before the test without blocking materials, decreased to
0.77 mm/s after one cycle, and recovered 1.11 mm/s after the internal cleaning; the coef-
ficient is reduced by 55% compared to before the test in the first cycle. After completing
the second and third cycles, the permeability coefficients were 0.65 and 0.68, respectively.
These values represent 38% and 40%, respectively, as ratios of the permeability coefficient
drawn from the permeability test without blocking materials. The experimental results
show that the vacuum cleaning and high pressure watering methods are effective in the
recovery of permeability. Similar results were also observed in [9,10]. However, further ex-
periments will be needed to restore the exact limit life, maintenance cycle, and permeability
of pervious concrete.

Table 5. Variation of permeability coefficient corresponding to accumulation of blocking material.

No. of Test
Test Cycle
1 2 3 4 5
1.72 * 1.42 1.21 0.93 0.77
First cycle coefficient (mm/s)
Ratio (%) 100 83 70 54 45
1.11 + 0.93 0.83 0.73 0.65
Second cycle coefficient (mm/s)
Ratio (%) 65 54 48 42 38
0.98 + 0.81 0.78 0.72 0.68
Third cycle coefficient (mm/s)
Ratio (%) 57 47 45 42 40
* Before adding blocking material; + After cleaning the blocking materials of previous cycle.
Second cycle
Ratio (%) 65 54 48
Permeability coefficient (mm/s) 0.98 + 0.81 0.78
Third cycle
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 Ratio (%) 57 1147
of 13 45
* Before adding blocking material; + After cleaning the blocking materials of previo

Figure Permeability
Figure 9. 9. corresponding
Permeability to accumulation
corresponding of blocking material.
to accumulation of blocking material.
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
An experimental investigation is conducted to examine the influence of blended aggre-
gate and blocking materials on the mechanical and permeability characteristics of pervious
An experimental investigation is conducted to examine the influence o
concrete in this study. The void ratio, density, compressive strength, water permeabil-
gregate andand
ity coefficient, blocking
the pore materials on the mechanical
clogging phenomenon and permeability
of pervious concrete charact
are investigated.
vious concrete in this study. The void ratio, density, compressive strength,
This contribution will support the introduction and popularization of permeable concrete
technology to sustainable development, minimizing the adverse effects of heavy rainfall
ability coefficient, and the pore clogging phenomenon of pervious concre
and urban heat island. Based on observed data in this study, the following conclusions
have been This contribution will support the introduction and popularization
1. technology
The mixing to sustainable
ratio of pervious concrete Mixdevelopment, minimizing
3 (kg/m3 ), which contains the
431 kg of adverse ef
129 kg
rainfall of water,
and urban 764 heat
kg of D5–10
on(50%), 687 kg of
observed D2–5in
data mm aggregate
this study, the f
(45%), and 76 kg sand (5%), was considered as the most appropriate ratio that can
clusions have been drawn:
satisfy the permeability coefficient of 0.1 mm/s, the porosity of 8%, and the strength
1. ofThe
18 MPa.
mixing ratio of pervious concrete Mix 3 (kg/m3), which contains 431
2. Comparing the porosity through the experiment of mass underwater and the CT
129 kg of water, 764 kg of D5–10 mm aggregate (50%), 687 kg of D2–5 m
image analysis, it can be seen that the porosity by the CT image is to be 115% higher.
This is because it is difficult to measure the voids isolated inside in the case of the test
of underwater mass, but it is possible to measure all the voids inside in the case of
CT imaging.
3. From the permeability test results, it was shown that the permeability coefficient
is about 2.72 mm/s for Mix 1 with an average porosity of 22.2%, 0.85 mm/s for
Mix 2 with an average porosity of 13.7%, and 0.16 mm/s for Mix 3 with an average
porosity of 11.6%. From the above results, it can be concluded that, by blending
smaller and appropriate-sized aggregates into concrete mix, the porosity of hardened
concrete decreases resulting in the reduction of the water permeability coefficient
of pervious concrete. As a result of the compressive strength test, it was found that
the compressive strength increased as the porosity decreased. This is because the
specific surface and adhesion area between aggregates and cement paste increase
as the aggregate size gets smaller, which is beneficial to the compressive strength of
pervious concrete.
4. Analyzing the results of laboratory research conducted within this study on the pore
clogging experiment presented in Section 3.4 and in Table 5, it can be concluded that
the water infiltration rate of pervious concrete was restored at a constant rate when
the permeation performance was reduced and then cleaned by vacuum cleaning
Sustainability 2021, 13, 426 12 of 13

and high pressure spraying. However, it was not possible to restore the original
permeability performance. Further experimentation and research are needed.

Author Contributions: V.V.H.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing—original

draft, Writing—review and editing. S.-Y.S.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing—
original draft, Writing—review and editing. H.-W.K.: Investigation, review and editing. G.-C.L.:
Investigation, Writing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2018R1A4A1025953)
and 2018 NRF Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers from the National Research
Foundation of Korea.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to the continuation of research and
other manuscripts that are in process.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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