Revised Ranger Conclave - Primeval Guardian - GM Binder

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Revised Primeval Guardian Ancient Fortitude

At 7th level, you gain the endurance of the ancient forests.

Rangers of the Primeval Guardian Conclave follow an When you assume your guardian form you can chose to
ancient tradition rooted in powerful druidic magic. These spend available hit dice to increase your current and
rangers learn to become one with nature, allowing them to maximum temporary hit points. In addition, your hit point
channel the aspects of various beasts and plants in order to maximum and current hit points increase by 2 per ranger
overcome their foes. These rangers dwell in the elder forests level, this increase lasts until you leave the form; your hit
of the world and only venture out when they absolutely must, point maximum then returns to normal, but your current hit
as they consider it their sacred duty to protect the druidic points remain the same, unless they must decrease to abide
groves and ancient trees that saw the earliest days of the by your hit point maximum.
Rooted Defense
Guardian Magic Beginning at 11th level, you gain the ability to twist and turn
Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you the ground beneath you. While you are in your guardian form,
reach certain levels in this class, as listed in the table below. the ground within 30 feet of you is difficult terrain for your
The spells count as a ranger spells for you, and they don't enemies.
count against the number of ranger spells you know.
Ranger Level Spells Guardian Aura
Starting at 15th level, your guardian form emanates a
3rd Entangle, Druidcraft magical aura that fortifies your injured allies. When any ally
5th Enhance Ability, Summon Beast starts their turn within 30 feet of your guardian form, that ally
regains a number of hit points equal to half your ranger level.
9th Conjure Animals, Plant Growth This aura has no effect on a creature that has half or more of
13th Hallucinatory Terrain, Grasping Vine its hit points, and it has no effect on undead and constructs.
17th Wrath Of Nature Art Credit: Moonchild; Moonxels on Deviantart

Guardian Soul
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to temporarily grow
and take on the appearance of a treelike person, covering
yourself and your weapon with vines, leaves, bark and sharp
thorns. As a bonus action you can assume this guardian form,
which lasts until you end it as a bonus action or until you are
incapacitated. You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus.
You gain the following properties when you transform:
Your size becomes Large. Unless you were larger, then
your size increases by one category. The weapon you are
wielding when you take your guardian form increases in
size by one category too, along with any ammo like Arrows
and pebbles that the weapon uses.
Any speed you have becomes 5 feet, unless your speed
was lower.
Your reach increases by 5 feet.
When you assume your guardian form you gain temporary
hit points equal to your ranger level + 1d10, replacing any
temporary hit points you already have.
Then as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can
gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10.
You can gain a maximum of temporary hit points equal to
your ranger level + 1d10. While in this form you can not gain
temporary hit points from any other source.
Piercing Thorns
At 3rd level, your command of primal magic allows you to
enhance your attacks with thorns. Once during each of your
turns, you can deal an additional 1d6 piercing damage to one
creature you hit with a weapon attack.

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