Syllabus Mathematics in The Modern World Edited

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department


Course Code GE 106

Course Name Mathematics in the Modern World

Course Credits 3 units

Course Description This course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions,
and application of mathematical tools in daily life. The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics
as an exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive
reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of
mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich
language in itself (and of science1) governed by logic and reasoning.
The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with
various aspects of present-day living, such as managing personal finances, making social choices, appreciating
geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited resources fairly.
These aspects will provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out
the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’ understanding and capacity.

Contact Hours/Week 3 hours

Prerequisite None
1. Recognize patterns and regularities in the world, and how mathematics comes into play, both in nature and in
Course Outcomes human endeavors.
2. Apply the language of mathematics in dealing problems in a wide variety of situations.
3. Demonstrate that problem solving can be an enjoyable experience.
4. Utilize variety of statistical tools in processing and managing numerical data in order to describe a phenomenon
and predict values.
5. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical
6. Apply Graph Theory on how to analyze and solve variety of problems.

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department


Timeframe Course Contents / Subject Matter

Week 1-2 A. Mathematics in Our World
Week 3-5 B. Mathematical Language and Symbols
Week 6-9 C. Problem Solving and Reasoning
Week 10-14 D. Data Management
Week 10 Introduction to Data Management
Week 11 Measures of Central Tendency
Week 12 Measures of Dispersion and Relative Position
Week 13 Probabilities and Normal Distribution
Week 14 Correlation and Linear Regression
Week 15-18 E. Logic
Week 15 Logical Statement and Quantifiers
Week 16 Truth Tables, Equivalent Statements, Tautologies, Conditional, Biconditional and Related Statements
Week 17 Symbolic Arguments
Week 18 Arguments and Euler Diagrams

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department


Course Objectives Summative Assessment Details


1. Recognize patterns and regularities in the Artwork Activities The students will showcase drawing skills creating original
world, and how mathematics comes into paintings or pictures that resembles patterns, golden ratio,
play, both in nature and in human Fibonacci and the likes.
endeavors. Composition writing In this output the students will disproved the following points:
2. Apply the language of mathematics in Mathematics is not a language but a useless set of formal rules
dealing problems in a wide variety of and unfamiliar symbols; mathematics confuses the
situations. communication of concepts and ideas; mathematics is full of
unnecessary symbols and rules.
Solving Real World Problems
The students will make real-world problems that are currently
3. Demonstrate that problem solving can be an happening in the environment and present solutions
enjoyable experience.
Action Research
The students will write action research applying different
4. Utilize variety of statistical tools in statistical tools and present it in a formal oral defense.
processing and managing numerical data in
order to describe a phenomenon and Solving Logical Puzzles
predict values. Semi-final Examination Students will solve set of logical puzzles using the standard
forms of valid arguments
5. Use different types of reasoning to justify These are given to students to evaluate the students’
statements and arguments made about knowledge and understanding about the lessons. These are
mathematics and mathematical concepts. given to validate the results of their drills and practical activities.

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department


Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Recognize patterns
and regularities in The Nature of
the world, and how Mathematics
comes into play,
both in nature and I. Mathematics in Our Aufmann, R. (2018), Picture Prompt – Rubrics for Laptop
Mathematics in the Modern show students an written works 2
in human World
A. Patterns and World. Rex Book Store, Inc. image with no focusing on the Video clip Weeks
1. Argue about the Numbers in Nature explanation and content and
and World Sirug, Winston S. (2018), ask them to tell appropriateness Power point
nature of presentation
B. Fibonacci Sequence Mathematics in the Modern something about of the research
 Golden Ratio World. Mindshapers Co., Inc. it using terms work
what it is, how it Pictures
is expressed,  Golden Ratio in from lecture Rubrics for oral
represented and Nature Problem
v=4VrcO6JaMrM – Gods Pair-sharing or presentation
used.  Golden Ratio in Arts sets/work
Fingerprint The Fibonacci small group
2. Discuss the  Golden Ratio in Sequence - Golden Ratio and Set of exercises sheets
sharing, debate
concept of Architecture The Fractal Nature of Reality from the
and discussion or
Fibonacci C. Patterns and prescribed
feedback on oral
numbers and its Regularities - textbook
presentations with
applications.  Symmetry Numbers in Nature focus on
3. Establish the  Fractals mathematics and
relationship  Spirals its properties in
between the
sequence and
the Golden ratio
Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
4. Investigate the D. Behavior of Nature
relationship Aufmann, R. (2018), Gallery Walk –
between the E. Applications of Mathematics in the Modern students display
Fibonacci Mathematics in the World. Rex Book Store, Inc. pictures that show Reflection paper Laptop
sequence and World patterns and
the Golden ratio Sirug, Winston S. (2018), regularities in Video clip
5. Determine the Mathematics in the Modern nature and
application of World. Mindshapers Co., Inc. Golden ratio in Power point
Golden ratio in arts and presentation
arts and architecture
6. Identify patterns Whole class
discussion Problem
in nature and sets/work
regularities in the sheets
7. Appreciate the
nature and uses
of mathematics
in everyday life
8. Express
appreciation for
mathematics as
a human
9. Affirm honesty
and integrity in
the application of
mathematics to
various human
Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Apply the language The Nature of Mathematics Individual or small
of mathematics in group exercises
dealing problems in II. Mathematical including games
a wide variety of Language and Symbols
situations. Whole class Rubrics for
A. Characteristics of discussions of the group games Laptop
10. Discuss the Mathematical comparisons and use the
Language Aufmann, R. (2018), numerical Geogebra
language, symbols between the English 3
B. Expression versus Mathematics in the Modern scores based Application
and conventions of language and weeks
Sentences World. Rex Book Store, Inc. on the
mathematics. Mathematical
C. Conventions in the scoring Power point
11. Explain the Sirug, Winston S. (2018), language
nature of Mathematical mechanics of presentation
Mathematics in the Modern the game
mathematics as a Language Ask the Winner –
World. Mindshapers Co., Inc Work
language D. Four Basic Concepts ask students to
Peer and self sheets
12. Compare and  Language of Sets silently solve a
contrast expression  Language of problem on the assessments
and sentences Functions and board. After
13. Perform revealing the Set of
operations on answer, instruct exercises
 Language of Binary
mathematical those who got it from the
Operations 1 week
expressions right to raise their prescribed
E. Elementary Logic
correctly hands (and keep textbook
F. Formality
14. Acknowledge them raised); then Preliminary
that mathematics is all other students Examination
a useful language are to talk to
someone with a
raised hand to
better understand
the question and
how to solve it
Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Demonstrate that The Nature of Mathematics
problem solving can III. Problem Solving and
be an enjoyable Reasoning Present samples of
experience. A. Inductive and puzzles or brain
15. Compare and Deductive Reasoning teasers that require
contrast inductive B. Intuition, Proofs and problem solving
and deductive Certainty
reasoning. C. Polya’s Four-Steps in Devise a unique
16. Use different Problem Solving solution to a
types of reasoning  Understanding the Aufmann, R. (2018), previously Exercises/ Laptop
to justify Problem Mathematics in the Modern presented solution problem sets
statements and  Devise a Plan World. Rex Book Store, Inc. to a problem Power point 2
arguments made  Carry Out the Plan Rubrics presentation Weeks
about  Look Back Sirug, Winston S. (2018), Exercises on using
mathematics and D. Problem Solving Mathematics in the Modern two types of Work
mathematical World. Mindshapers Co., Inc reasoning in various sheets
Strategies applications
concepts E. Mathematical
17. Apply the Polya’s Problems Involving
four-step in Read about the
Patterns different puzzles.
problem solving  Sequence
18. Organize one’s By pair-share or
 Difference Table small group
methods and
 Polygonal Number discussion, a
procedures for
F. Recreational representative shall
proving and
Problems using be tasked to
Mathematics present certain
19. Perform
operations on puzzles and its
mathematical solutions
Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Assessment Resource Time
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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Learning Activities of Tasks Materials Table

(TLAs) (ATs)
Utilize variety of Whole Class
statistical tools in Mathematics as a Tool Discussion
processing and
managing numerical IV. Data Management Present significant
data in order to statistical findings
describe A. Introduction to Data Aufmann, R. (2018), including
Management Mathematics in the Modern World. interpretations and Real-life Laptop
phenomenon and 1 week
 Organization of Data Rex Book Store, Inc. implications to problems
predict values. MegaStat
 Categorical determine the role
Sirug, Winston S. (2018), Rubrics application
20. Compare the Frequency of statistics in the
forms of data. Distribution Mathematics in the Modern World. world
Mindshapers Co., Inc Exercises in SPSS
21. Identify the  Determining Class the
essential parts of Interval Present real-life Activity
Arnold, J. and Milton, S. (2003), prescribed
a table and  Grouped experiences or Sheets
Introduction to Probability and textbook
describe the Frequency readings that
Statistics. McGrawHill requires different Midterm
different kinds of Distribution Rubrics
graphs for data  Graphing Statistical statistical tools, Examination
presentation Data figures and graphs
22. Draw the  Graphical Methods and discuss
graph/table to for Interval Data specific uses and
present the data  Graphical Methods importance
23. Analyze and for Nominal Data
interpret the data Use Microsoft Excel
presented in a or SPSS and other
graph/table. available computer
24. Discuss the software or
properties of technology as an
mean, median aid in generating
and mode. the results of
statistical tools
Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time

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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
B. Measures of Central
25. Compute the Tendency
different measures  Mean
of dispersion for  Median Solve real-life
both grouped and problems that
 Mode Aufmann, R. (2018), requires
ungrouped data different Real-life
 Weighted Mathematics in the Modern statistical tools problems Laptop
26. Analyze and C. Measures of Dispersion World. Rex Book Store, Inc. 5
interpret the data  Range Wisdom of Another – Rubrics MegaStat weeks
presented in the
 Variance and Standard Sirug, Winston S. (2018), after an individual application
table using
Deviation Mathematics in the Modern exercises, partner Exercises in
measures of central SPSS
D. Measures of Relative World. Mindshapers Co., Inc students up to share the
Position their results. Then, prescribed
27. Use linear Activity
 Quartiles Arnold, J. and Milton, S. call for volunteers of textbook
regression to Sheets
 z-Score (2003), Introduction to students who found
predict the value of
a variable given  Box-and-Whisker Plot Probability and Statistics. their partner’s work Semifinal
certain conditions E. Probabilities and McGrawHill to be interesting or Examination
28. Apply correlation to Normal Distribution exemplary. Students
determine the  Standard Normal are sometimes more
relationship Distribution willing to share in
between two  Application of Normal plenary the work of
variables Distribution fellow students than
29. Advocate the use of F. Correlation and Linear their own work
statistical data in Regression
making important  Pearson – r
decisions  Simple Linear
30. Use a variety of Regression Analysis
statistical tools to
process and manage
numerical data

Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
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Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Use different types of
reasoning to justify Mathematics as a Tool
statements and
arguments made V. Logic Aufmann, R. (2018), Whole Class
about mathematics Mathematics in the Modern Discussion Problem Work
and mathematical A. Logical Statement and World. Rex Book Store, Inc. Sets Sheets
concepts. Quantifiers Use the readings
31. Illustrate and  Operations on Sirug, Winston S. (2018), about Switching Logic puzzle
Mathematics in the Modern Networks made by and games Laptop 2
symbolize Propositions
World. Mindshapers Co., Inc Claude E. Shannon weeks
propositions  Conjunction
(1916-2001) as an Quiz Bee Power point
32. Distinguish between  Disjunction
Epp, Susana S. (2004), application of presentatio
simple and  Negation n
compound Discrete Mathematics with symbolic logic.
 Conditional
propositions Application. Thomson
 Biconditional Video clips
33. Determine the truth Learning Inc. Videos or stories can
 Exclusive-or also be used. These
values of  Switching Network
propositions activities elicit
 Quantifiers students sense of
34. Construct switching B. Truth Tables, Equivalent
network appreciation and
Statements, and meaning to the topic
35. Illustrate the Tautologies
different forms of  Truth Tables Utilize provided
 Equivalent exercises as practice
Statements in class either in
36. Illustrate different
 Tautologies group or by pair
types of tautologies
and fallacies
37. Determine the
validity of

Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Page 10 of 11
Bauan, Batangas
College Department

Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks (ATs) Materials Table

38. Establish the C. Conditional, Aufmann, R. (2018), Pass the problem –
validity and falsity of Biconditional and Mathematics in the Modern students will be Problem Work
real-life arguments Related Statements World. Rex Book Store, Inc. divided into groups. Sets Sheets
using logical D. Symbolic Arguments Give the first group a
propositions,  Arguments Sirug, Winston S. (2018), case or a problem Logic puzzle
syllogisms, and Mathematics in the Modern and ask them to and games Laptop 2
 Fallacies
fallacies World. Mindshapers Co., Inc identify (and write weeks
E. Arguments and Euler
39. Determine the down) the first step in Quiz Bee Power point
validity of an Epp, Susana S. (2004), solving the problem presentatio
argument Discrete Mathematics with or analyzing the case Final n
Application. Thomson (3 minutes). Pass the Examination
Learning Inc. problem on to the
next group and have
them identify the next
step. Continue until
all groups have

Prepared by: Noted: Approved:


Instructor Head, Business and Psychology Department College Dean

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