Idera Solution Brief Getting Started Guide For SQL Diagnostic Manager
Idera Solution Brief Getting Started Guide For SQL Diagnostic Manager
Solution Brief
Due to the depth and potential for customization of SQL Diagnostic Manager,
it is possible to overlook features during the initial trial period. This text
highlights often-missed and modifiable areas that give more complete control
over management and reporting in SQL Server environments. For additional
product information, visit the SQL Diagnostic Manager wiki page.
SQL Diagnostic Manager is a powerful performance monitoring and diagnostics
solution that proactively alerts administrators to health, performance, and
availability problems within SQL Server environments.
• Easily manage and organize monitored instances of SQL Server.
• Identify the impact of slow-running queries and analyze query performance.
• View in-depth analysis of sessions running on monitored instances of
SQL Server.
• Alert predictively, automate alert actions and responses, set up server
baselines, and analyze alert patterns.
• Analyze prescriptively with expert recommendations and executable scripts.
• View past performance and plan future capacity.
• Monitor tempdb to identify and resolve contention and performance issues.
• Connect to other tools by sending alerts to other systems and integrating
with SCOM.
• Access the mobile console to see the entire SQL Server environment on
mobile devices from anywhere.
• Deploy Web-Based Reports via SSRS for comprehensive auditing.
• Adapt to specific needs with custom counters, dashboards, and reports.
• Audit activity by viewing the main actions performed in the SQL Diagnostic
Manager environment.
• Manage large environments by accessing multiple repositories and
publishing reports from multiple data sources.
SQL Diagnostic Manager consists of a light,
unobtrusive architecture that easily runs in
SQL Server environments with minimal
configuration. All components of SQL
Diagnostic Manager run outside and
separate from SQL Server processes. Refer
also to the documentation SQL
Diagnostic Manager components and
architecture, IDERA Dashboard components
and architecture, and SQLDM Mobile
components and architecture including
IDERA Newsfeed.
Desktop Console
Use the desktop console to view real-time
status, configure alert notifications on
specific metric thresholds at the server and
database levels, view historical reports, and
perform administrative functions. The
desktop console retrieves historical
information directly from the repository. All
real-time requests use the product services
to poll the monitored SQL Server.
Product Services
SQL Diagnostic Manager has three
centralized services that reside on the same
1. The management service provides
real-time data to the desktop console,
receives historical data from the
collection service for storage in the
repository, and raises alerts and sends
alert notifications.
2. The collection service performs on-
demand and scheduled collection from
the monitored SQL Servers.
3. The predictive service calculates the alert
forecast every hour and builds a
forecasting model once per day.
When registering SQL Diagnostic Manager
with the IDERA Dashboard, this
deploys the product plug-in module. The
plug-in consists of web views and
widgets and a .NET Framework based add-in
module. This plug-in deploys the web views
and widgets in the web application service of
the IDERA Dashboard, and the add-in in the
core service of the same. The web
application service dynamically loads in the
views and widgets and makes them available
to web console users. The views and wid-
gets use the representational state transfer
(REST) application programming interfaces
(APIs) of the add-in to retrieve data. Likewise,
the add-in retries data from the product ser-
vices and repository. Refer also to the docu-
The repository is a centralized SQL Server
database that stores collected metrics on a
scheduled basis, historical data, and alerts
information. The repository also stores
configuration information, such as the
credentials used to monitor a registered
SQL Server instance. Refer also to the
documentation Connect to the SQL
Diagnostic Manager Repository.
SQL Diagnostic Manager uses the same
types of authentication that are
available in the SQL Server security model.
Use Windows Authentication or SQL Server
Authentication when specifying account
credentials for the product services. SQL
Server Authentication is required when no
domain trust exists between the product
services computer and the computers
hosting the monitored SQL Server instances.
For example, if the monitored SQL Server
instances are located in an untrusted domain
or behind a firewall, use SQL Server
Authentication to deploy SQL Diagnostic
Manager successfully. In this case, use the
system administrator (SA) account or a SQL
Server login that has system administrator
Manage SQL Server Instances
To add an instance to SQL Diagnostic
Manager, select File > Manage Servers and
follow the instructions in the Manage Server
window. This window displays all of the SQL
Server instances monitored by SQL
Diagnostic Manager. After adding an
instance, SQL Diagnostic Manager polls
key performance metrics to start identifying
which areas of the SQL Server environment
need attention the soonest. Within seconds,
identify areas of the environment that cause
pain. These areas include areas that were
not known to have a connection to
experienced issues. Refer also to the
documentation Manage your SQL
Server instances and Add your SQL
Server instances.
Organize Instances
Apply one or more text-based labels to
instances to ensure ease of management for
reporting and user management, and
creating an additional dashboard for each
department, geographical location, and
hosted customer. After tagging an instance,
the instance belongs to a group. Selecting
that group displays all members in a
dashboard style view used to monitor and
segment departments, locations, and
versions for each thumbnail in the list.
Change the display to show an overall view
or details specific to any of the key
performance indicators. Refer also to the
documentation Work with tags.
Identify Impact of Slow-Running
Identify slow-running code that is one of the
main reasons for performance bottlenecks in
SQL Server. The Query Monitor is a
standard SQL Server trace that collects all of
the events that occur on SQL Server
instances over a period. Enable this option
when experiencing query timeouts or other
performance issues. Manually enable and
disable the Query Monitor. Enable the Query
Monitor automatically by using an alert action
so that the Query Monitor does not have to
be utilized all of the time but only for the
periods that the Query Monitor is needed.
Refer also to the documentation Set query
monitor options.
Statement Mode View (Specific
View individual SQL statements or view
query signatures. Query statements are
presented exactly as the query monitor trace
collects them. Query statements provide all
of the detail needed to diagnose a specific
problem with a query. After identifying a
potential problem statement, drill into the
Query Details view. Monitor individual CPU
time, individual reads, individual writes, and
individual execution duration, as well as user
database and application. Refer also to the
documentation View the query monitor
statement mode and Advanced query
statement view.
conjunction with wait stats for a very granular
level of root-cause analysis when identifying
performance bottlenecks in the past. Refer
also to the documentation
View query waits and View your SQL Server
query waits information.
Execution Plan
The execution plan assesses how queries
perform and where to improve the code. The
execution plan diagram displays the query
execution plan (actual or estimated). The
diagram shows the tree of operations that
make up a query. This tree shows individual
operation nodes and the pertaining graphical
execution plan icon, along with basic
information such as operator name and
operation percentage of total cost. The
execution plan also shows the referenced
tables and columns to understand where a
potential index adjustment may improve
performance. Refer also to the
documentation Query Details view.
Queries Tab Filtering
On each Query tab, the filtering capabilities
provide an option for focus on specific
queries relevant to the performance. Include
and exclude specific applications, databases,
users, clients, SQL text, and more via
advanced filters. Refer also to the
documentation View your SQL Server
queries information.
View Session Detail Analytics
The Sessions Details view provides an
in-depth analysis of sessions running on
monitored SQL Server instances. View a
broad range of information from
performance details to open transactions
and configured options. Track process
activity at the statement level. Individual
sessions appear in the top portion of the
window. Right-click any session in the list to
view locks, show the query history, trace the
session, kill the session, print the
associated statistics, and export statistics to
Excel. Cross-reference information gathered
from the Query Waits view to build a full and
forensic picture of root cause analysis. Refer
also to the documentation Get sessions
performance details.
Alert Predictively
Configure alerts to inform and warn about
approaching issues with SQL Server
instances. See the alerts using the desktop
and web consoles, the IDERA
Newsfeed, and the mobile console. After
correcting the situation triggering the alert,
send alerts again if the situation recurs.
Highlight columns containing associated
alerts with their status color based on
configurable thresholds. Identify trends in
past alert activity and recognize the
likelihood of the events happening going
forward. Discover past trends in alert
behavior and determine the percentage of
likelihood that these same events may pop
up at particular times later in time. Be better
prepared to respond instead of reacting with
surprise to alerts. Refer also to the
documentation Alert on SQL Server Metrics.
Automate Alert Actions and Responses
When reaching an alert threshold,
automatically send an email notification,
display an alert message in the Windows
taskbar, write an event to the Windows Event
Log, generate an event on the timeline, and
execute a SQL or PowerShell script. Be
informed very quickly to issues of health and
performance, and implement steps to
minimize and resolve issues and problems
SQL Diagnostic Manager finds automatically.
View a list of current rules used to assist in
managing the SQL Server environment. Add
new rules and modify existing rules. Generate
multiple alerts for different levels of severity,
metric, and time frame. Alert and report on
custom counters. The breadth of alerting and
management capabilities is vast. Refer also to
the documentation Configure how SQL
Diagnostic Manager responds to alerts.
fluctuations throughout the day, to alert only
when current performance jumps excessively
outside of normal. The baseline visualizer
displays metrics to determine the hot spots
during the day, to understand what may
be the appropriate time windows to create
within the multiple baseline functionality.
more. Execute the prescriptive analysis
manually, scheduled to run, or launched in
response to an alert. Refer also to the
documentation Run a prescriptive analysis
on your SQL Server.
Monitor Tempdb
Identify and resolve contention and
performance issues with the tempdb
system database. Monitor and view the
tempdb space and performance related
information, including tempdb file space,
tempdb version store, tempdb sessions
space usage, and waits related to tempdb.
See the current capacity usage and recent
trends of the files over time. Display a list of
sessions currently using tempdb along with
their cumulative usage and tempdb space.
Refer also to the documentation Tempdb
panel, Get the tempdb status summary, and
Tempdb Statistics database analysis report.
Plan Future Capacity
The Capacity Usage chart in the Summary
view of the Database tab displays the usage
of data and logs in the databases. This chart
provides information on the text, tables, and
indexes space, as well as the unused space
of the databases. Refer also to the
documentation View your SQL Server
databases information.
Connect to Other Tools
Connect SQL Diagnostic Manager to other
tools. For example, provide in-depth granular
diagnostic information to generic
management tools currently on the market.
those installations. Once discovered,
propagate the status, health, and events of
these instances up to SCOM. Refer also to
the documentation Integrate SQL Diagnostic
Manager with SCOM.
Adapt to Specific Needs
Setup Custom Counters
In addition to monitoring a wide variety of
the most common SQL Server and operating
system performance metrics, add additional
performance metrics via custom counters.
Add any Windows system counters
including any Performance Monitor and
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
counters. Also, add any SQL Server system
counter stored in the sysperfinfo system
table, and any numerical value that custom
SQL scripts return. Also, add and any
performance counters accessible through
the virtual machine and host server. Refer
also to the documentation Use custom
counters to track metrics.
Audit Activity
Given the number and different types of users
in SQL Server production environments,
keeping track of changes to the configuration
of SQL Diagnostic Manager is critical. View a
list of the main actions performed in the SQL
Diagnostic Manager environment (such as
when adding a server for monitoring, and
changing an alert configuration or grooming
configuration). View a thorough and instant list
of information on modifications. Refer also to
the documentation Use the Change Log to
review changes in your SQL Diagnostic
Manager configuration.
Access Multiple Repositories with
Web Console
The web console provides additional
product scalability and federation of many
IDERA products, viewable in a single web
browser interface. Attach to multiple
deployments to view them as a single
enterprise unit. The web console provides
much of the same useful data as the desktop
console including alerts, heat map, sessions,
query activity, query waits over time, query
waits by duration, database health, alert
timelines, top instances, and custom
dashboards. The web console manages
selected individual deployments or all
instances. Refer also to the documentation
Navigate the web console dashboard.
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