21st LAS 7-8s4
21st LAS 7-8s4
21st LAS 7-8s4
1. What is unique about African culture as shown in the myths you’ve read?
2. How can you show heroism today?
__________ ______________________________________________________________
Acceptable (3 Good(5 points) Excellent (10
points) points)
Topic Sentence Unclear or Basic topic Clear topic
lacking topic sentence, doesn’t sentence
sentences fully introduce introducing key
response. elements of the
Evidence Minimal or One to two Three or more
irrelevant relevant relevant
evidence supporting supporting
details. details
Explanation No explanation Minimal Complete
explanation. explanation
1. The writers started to romanticize and tried experimenting with different genres and subject matters.
2. Short Japanese poem: a form of Japanese poetry with 17 syllables in three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five
syllables, often describing nature or a season.
8. You know who I’m taking about : Betty, the one who used to work at the library and always wear her hair in a bun.
How could you prove that this is a tension in the story?
9. The result of climax, and the part when things start falling into place for the characters.
10. What is the result if the writer tells the place in which the events of a story are said to occur.?
a. The writer emphasized the setting of story. c. The writer emphasize where the climax occur.
12. Theme is the underlying message that the writer would like to get across. Determine the theme of story “Things
Fall Apart.”
b. From that day on, the young man started looking for the monster.
c. When he grew up he asked: “Mother, why are there only the two of us?
d. The monster or ogre Shing’weng’we swallowed all the people in the world.
14. In Snow White, a moment of rising action would be when the magic mirror warns the queen that she is no more
the fairest lady of the land. How could you prove that this is the rising action?