IFU COVID-19 Antigen Testú¿FIA)

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SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody) the complex is captured by SARS- 5X

CoV-2 antibody on test line. Thus the more SARS-CoV-2 antigen is in
specimen, the more complexes are accumulated on test strip. Signal
intensity of fluorescence of detector antibody reflects amount of SARS-
COVID-19 Antigen Test
CoV-2 antigen captured and Aehealth FIA Meter shows SARS-CoV-2
(Fluorescence Immunochromatograghic Assay) antigen concentrations in specimen.
Instruction for Use Saliva Specimen Collection by Swab:

The following components are included in the COVID-19 Antigen test
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Fluorescence Immunochromatographic Assay)
Materials Provided:
Cough deeply, make Place the swab on Hold the swab in your
Sample Type Materials the nosie of “kruuua” your tongue mouth for 10-20s,
20 Tests/Kit moisten the swab with
1.Test Cassette saliva.
INTENDED USE 2. Test Cassette IC Card
Nasal swabs, Throat swabs and Saliva 3. Extraction Solution The Extraction of Swab Specimen:
The COVID-19 Antigen test along with Aehealth FIA Meter is intended 4.Instruction for Use
for vitro quantitative determination of SARS-CoV-2 in human nasal 5. Swab 1. Put the swab with collected specimen into the extraction tube, hold
swabs, throat swabs or saliva from individuals who are suspected of and press the swab head against the wall of tube with force while
COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. The novel coronaviruses belong rotating the swab for about 10 seconds (10-15 times) to release the
Materials Required but not Provided:
to the β genus of Coronaviruses. COVID-19 is an acute respiratory antigen into the extraction solution from the swab head.
infectious disease. People are generally susceptible. Currently, the 1. Timer 2. Removing swab: Squeeze the swab head while removing the swab
patients infected by the novel coronavirus are the main source of 2. Tube rack for specimens in order to remove as much liquid as possible from the swab. Dispose
infection; asymptomatic infected people can also be an infectious 3. Any necessary personal protective equipment of swabs according to biohazard waste disposal regulations.
source. Based on the current epidemiological investigation, the incubation 3. Screw the nozzle cap onto the extraction tube.
period is 1 to 14 days, mostly 3 to 7 days. The main manifestations STORAGE CONDITIONS AND VALIDITY ×10-15
include fever, fatigue and dry cough. Nasal congestion, runny nose,
sore throat, myalgia and diarrhea are found in a few cases. Test results 1. Store the product at 2-30℃, the shelf life is 18 months tentatively.
are for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen. The 2. Test cassette should be used right after opening the pouch.
antigen is generally detectable in upper respiratory samples or lower 3. Reagents and devices must be at room temperature(15-30℃) when
respiratory samples during the acute phase of infection. The positive used for testing.
results indicate the presence of viral antigens, but clinical correlation Specimen Transport and Storage:
with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to SAMPLE COLLECTION HANDLING
determine infection status. The positive results do not rule out bacterial Samples should be tested as soon as possible after collection. Swabs
infection or co-infection with other viruses. The antigen detected may 1. Swab Specimen Collection or saliva specimen can be stored in Extraction Solution for up to 24 hours
not be the definite cause of disease. The negative results do not rule at room temperature or 2° to 8°C. Do not freeze.
out SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis Throat Swab Specimen Collection:
for treatment or patient management decisions, including infection
control decisions. The negative results should be considered in the Let the patient's head tilt slightly, mouth open, and make "ah" sounds,
exposing the pharyngeal tonsils on both sides. Hold the swab and wipe 1. The test should be operated at room temperature (15-30°C).
context of a patient’s recent exposures, history and the presence of
the pharyngeal tonsils on both sides of the patient with moderate force 2. Add the specimens.
clinical signs and symptoms consistent with SARS-CoV-2 and confirmed
back and forth for at least 3 time.
with a molecular assay, if necessary, for patient management. Swab Specimen:
Nasal Swab Specimen Collection:
a. Insert the swab into one nostril of the patient. The swab tip should be 3 drops

This rapid test kit is based on fluorescence immunoassay technology. inserted up to 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edge of the nostril.
During the test, specimen extracts are applied to the test cards. If there b. Roll the swab 5 times along the mucosa inside the nostril to ensure 15 min

are SARS-CoV-2 antigen in the extract, the antigen will bind to the that both mucus and cells are collected.
SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody. During lateral flow, the complex c. Using the same swab, repeat this process for the other nostril to ensure Quick Test:
that an adequate sample is collected from both nasal cavities. Withdraw
will move along the nitrocellulose membrane toward the end of the
the swab from the nasal cavity. After 15 minutes of sampling reaction, insert the test cassette into the
absorbent paper. When passing the test line (line T, coated with another
fluorescent immunoanalyzer carrier according to the arrow direction 3. Positive test results do not rule out co-infections with other pathogens. protective clothing such as laboratory coats, disposable gloves, and
on the card (the sampling hole is towards the instrument direction), 4. Results of SARS-CoV-2 antigen test should be correlated with the eye protection when specimens are collected and evaluated. Patho-
press the “Test" button on the Quick test interface, and the instrument clinical history, epidemiological data, and other data available to the genic microorganisms, including hepatitis viruses and Human Immu-
will detect automatically; clinician evaluating the patient. nodeficiency Virus, may be present inclinical specimens. Standard
5. A false-negative test result may occur if the level of viral antigen in precautions and institutional guidelines should always be followed in
Timing Test: a sample is below the detection limit of the test or if the sample was handling, storing, and disposing of all specimens and all items
collected or transported improperly; therefore, a negative test result contaminated with blood or other body fluids.
Double click “Timing test” to input the sample information, After the does not eliminate the possibility of COVID-19 infection. 10. Dispose of used test kits as biohazardous waste in accordance with
timing is complete, the timer color will change to red, then insert the 6. The amount of antigen in a sample may decrease as the duration federal state and local requirements.
cassette, click the corresponding item on the screen to check sample of illness increases. Specimens collected after day 5 of illness are more 11. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection
information, then click “Test”, the test is automatically performed. likely to be negative compared to a RT-PCR assay. when handling the contents of this kit.
“Timing Test” again or click brank area in screen to process other tests. 7. Failure to follow the test procedure may adversely affect test performance
and/or invalidate the test result. INDEX OF CE SYMBOLS
Quanlity Control: 8. The contents of this kit are to be used for the qualitative detection
of SARS-CoV-2 antigens from throat, nasal swab or saliva specimens
When the control line (C-line) of the test card is abnormal,the fluorescence
immunoassay analyzer displays "Error! Test paper test error" indicates
9. The reagent can detect both viable and non-viable SARS-CoV-2
IVD In Virto Diagnostic
medical Device 2 Do Not Reuse

that the test result of the test card is invalid. antigen. The detection performance depends on antigen load and may
not correlate with other diagnostic methods performed on the same Expiration Date Consult Instructions
10. Negative test results are not intended to rule in other non- SARS- 30℃

Cut-off: 100 CoV-2 viral or bacterial infections. 2℃

Store at 2-30℃ Date of Manufacturer
Cut-off ≥100, Positive, SARS-CoV-2 antigen is detected in sample tested; 11.Positive and negative predictive values are highly dependent on
Cut-off <100, Negative, SARS-CoV-2 antigen is not detected or the prevalence rates. Positive test results are more likely to represent false
concentration of SARS-CoV-2 antigen in sample been tested is lower
positive results during periods of little/no COVID-19 activity when disease Manufacturer LOT Batch Code
prevalence is low. False negative test results are more likely when
than detection limit; prevalence of disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is high. Warning, please refer to the
Note: Individual reference range is suggested to be established for 12. This device has been evaluated for use with human specimen ! instruction in the annex
Keep Dry
each laboratory. material only.
13. The performance of this test has not been evaluated for use in Avoid overexposuer to the
CE Mark
REPORTING OF RESULTS patients without signs and symptoms of respiratory infection and sun
performance may differ in asymptomatic individuals. Don’t use the product when
Positive Test: 14. The kit was validated with the assorted swabs. Use of alternative the package is damaged Biological risks
swabs may result in false negative results.
Positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antigen. Positive results indicate 15. Users should test specimens as quickly as possible after specimen EC REP Authorized Representative in the European Community
the presence of viral antigens, but clinical correlation with patient history collection.
and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine infection 16. The validity of COVID-19 Antigen Test has not been proven for
status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection dentification/confirmation of tissue culture isolates and should not be Please read this user manual carefully before operating to ensure proper use.
with other viruses. The antigen detected may not be the definite cause used in this capacity.
Document No: 30900112 Version: 1.0
of disease.
Negative Test:
1. For in vitro diagnostic use.
Negative results are presumptive. Negative test results do not preclude 2. This test has been authorized only for the detection of proteins from
Address: Unit G25 Waterfront Studios, 1 Dock Road, London, United Kingdom, E161AH
infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens. Email: [email protected]
patient management decisions, including infection control decisions, 3. Do not use this kit beyond the expiration date printed on the outside
MedNet GmbH
particularly in the presence of clinical signs and symptoms consistent carton. EC REP
Borkstrasse 10, 48163 Muenster, Germany
with COVID-19, or in those who have been in contact with the virus. 4. Do not use the kit to evaluate patient specimens if either the positive
It is recommended that these results would be confirmed by a molecular control swab or negative control swab fail to give expected results.
testing method, if necessary, for patient management Control. 5. Test results are meant to be visually determined.
6. To avoid erroneous results, specimens must be processed as indicated
LIMITATION OF THE TEST in the assay procedure section.
7. Do not reuse any kit components.
1. Clinical performance was evaluated with frozen samples, and test 8. Proper specimen collection, storage and transport are critical to the
performance may be different with fresh samples. performance of this test.
2. Users should test specimens as quickly as possible after specimen 9. Specific training or guidance is recommended if operators are not
collection. experienced with specimen collection and handling procedures. Wear

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