Standard Process of Implementing Erp

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Table of Contents

Step 1: Pre-Project Considerations ........................................................................................... 2

Step 2: ERP Implementation Project Phases ........................................................................... 4
2.1 Parallel project work streams ........................................................................................... 4
2.2 Understand & blueprint ..................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Build ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Balance ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Go-live ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Optimize ............................................................................................................................. 9
Step 3: Budgeting Guidelines .................................................................................................. 11
Step 4:To Wrap Up .................................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX 1: ERP IMPLEMENTATION CHECKLIST .............................................................. 13
ABOUT GIMASYS ..................................................................................................................... 17
When debriefing with clients on ERP implementations, vendors usually ask What do you
wish you’d have known before you started?. Often the answers include the following topics:

 What were the key things I should have considered before starting?
 What could I have expected at a high level, activity and outcome wise
during each project phase?
 What are key success tips based on Trajectory’s previous
implementation experience?
 How could I have more accurately approached project budgeting both
financially and resource wise?

You’ll learn:

Pre-Project Considerations: What topics you’ll need to consider before a project starts

Detailed Project Phases: Purpose, activities, deliverables, tips for success:

• Understand & blueprint phases - planning your future state

• Build phase - configuring, testing & learning the system

• Go live phase - migration & adoption

• Optimize phase - data catch up & the road ahead

Budgeting Guidelines: Smart budgeting explained

Wrapping Up: Lessons learned & what you need to learn next

01 Pre-Project Considerations

Before embarking on a NetSuite ERP implementation, ensure you start work on

the critical elements below, as they influence project success.

1. An effective project team being put in place including:

 Project champion: a senior or executive-level team member (often the CFO)

who owns responsibility for sponsoring the project.
 Internal Project manager (PM): Team member who liaises with the NetSuite
implementation partner project manager. Responsible for coordinating team
members to complete the tasks required according to the project timelines. Often,
the internal PM is the Controller or Finance Director as they are best suited to
coordinating insights into company processes.
 Subject matter experts: These experts represent each functional area
involved in the implementation. These are the internal team members who provide
input on the business processes, design, configuration & testing of the ERP system.
SMEs should typically represent these roles:

• The Controller • AR team member

• AP team member • Sales team member
• Procurement team member
2. An effective change management plan: This will lead to smoother system adoption.
Create a communication campaign that covers the following topics:

 Explain the reason and business goal for the system implementation.
 Explain the reason for the system implementation.
 Specify who will be impacted and what will be expected of them.
 How those impacted will benefit from the initiative.
 What the processes will be for providing input and feedback during the project.

3. An effective project management strategy:

Make sure your NetSuite implementation partner offers a strong framework for project
success. It should consist of a realistic plan and an effective strategy for monitoring the
progress of activities. Your partner should hold parties accountable and closely monitor
the project scope, budget and timelines.

4. An effective training plan: Make sure that this is not an afterthought and has
appropriate budget allocation. If the end users feel well trained and supported then the
chance of smooth system adoption goes way up.

5. Business process mapping/redesign:

To facilitate a stress-reduced project, map-out existing company processes. Don’t be

afraid to consider reengineering them as this is the opportunity to implement best practices.

Tips for Success:

In our experience, skimping on training, leads to costly challenges down the road.
Request that training is documented, i.e. record training sessions that your team can use
for new hires and as a reference. Your team is being trained anyway, so recording the
session is low cost vs. written manuals (that become outdated fast).

02 ERP Implementation Project Phases

Every ERP implementation plan is divided into different Project Phases. Each phase
consists of key activities that need to be performed in order to accomplish the outcome.

This checklist will help you understand what to do when and why.

1] Understand 4] Balance
2] Blueprint 5] Go Live
3] Build 6] Optimize


Two work streams that occur during the entire implementation project are project control
and data migration.


 Key Activities
 Project management oversight: monitoring project budget, timelines and task
progress, identifying and mitigating risks
 Weekly project status meetings: between implementation partner and client
PMs and the client
 Monthly project status meetings: with implementation partner and client PMs
and project champion as required
 Main Deliverables
 Project Plan & Forecasting
 Project Task/Issue/Decision Log
 Budget & Scope Review
 Status Meeting Notes


Data migration should always be top of mind throughout the project. How well this
process is managed can make or break an ERP implementation.

 Key Activities (ETL)

 Identify the data to be migrated (only plan to migrate what you need).
 Extract sample data sets, clean up the data, populate the import file templates
(Transform), and test the uploads (Load). Your NetSuite partner must give you the
correct csv templates so that you provide the data in the correct format.
 Expect two or more iterations of the above steps prior to the final data load,
to ensure accurate data input.
 Main Deliverables
 CSV import templates
 Detailed project plan tasks that help track data migration deliverables


This is where you and the implementation partner will determine high level business
needs and timelines. You’ll then enter into an agreement to work together. Proceeding to
collecting and documenting the detailed business requirements and solutions to satisfy the

 Key Activities
 Initial scoping & workshops: usually done on-site, we do not recommend
doing this remotely.
 Data migration: understanding existing data, the state it is in, determining the
system data will be coming from what fields should be migrated and why.
 Questionnaires: great consultants will always take the time to understand your
business needs vs forcing you into a cookie cutter solution.
 Gather & document requirements: written requirements & clear business
process diagrams.
 Main Deliverables
 Statement of work for engagement
 Questionnaires completed
 Business requirements documentation
 Functional solution documentation
 Tips for Success
1. Build the requirements based on future state business processes: This is
your chance to implement best practices and re-engineer processes. It may
require more work, but in the long run it will pay off. Stay close to standard
functionality when you can, the system has been built based on best practices of
thousands of users. Limited customizations will be cheaper to maintain in the long
2. Work with a trusted ERP platform partner: Finding a qualified partner to assist
with the system implementation is critical. Go beyond validating certifications, ask
for references and interview the PM. Be wary of vendors who can’t provide
detailed answers on how they are going to execute your project. Ensure they have
a strong methodology as that correlates with implementation success.
3. Involve all functional subject matter experts from the start: Doing so ensures
you get valuable insights while blueprinting a solution design. This also provides
the opportunity to turn team members into system evangelists, who will help pave
the way for smoother system adoption.
4. Have a detailed responsibility matrix, before the project starts: Get a clear
picture of who owns what activities from the start. Set realistic expectations for all
project participants of what’s expected of them and what supports will be in place.
This will help relieve anxiety about the anticipated workload and reassure the
team that management has the details covered.

The biggest mistake we see in ERP project plans is generic SDLC (software
development life cycle) phase use or focus on detailed features without purpose. Both of
these approaches lead to vague planning and unclear business benefit mapping. To run a
successful project you need to focus on business processes which correspond to core
modules of the ERP system.

Goals by business process: the best run erp implementations put the optimization of
business processes top of mind. This allows traceability from requirements to SOW to
project plans.

Know the modules you need: build the project plan based on modules needed & map
out the processes to be delivered. Keep in mind that not all features apply to every project
and some have additional costs.

 Key Activities
 Configure modules based on the requirements.
 Build automation(s) & integrations as required.
 Grant appropriate system testing access to end users (as appropriate).
 Complete unit testing.
 Data migration (clean up, migrating sample data, testing the data as part of unit
testing to identify issues).
 Main Deliverables
 Detailed Project Plan: at the start of the project
 Demonstrations: ask to see progress as the system is built out
 System Training for SMEs: training prior to unit testing as the system is enabled
Unit Testing: test cases must be detailed and cover all of your business use case
 User Acceptance Testing: end-to-end testing of complete business process once
system is fully configured
 Tips for Success
1. Focus on data migration from the start: It’s super important to execute this
piece in parallel with configuration. Ensure that you plan appropriately resource
and time wise for this.
2. Have a detailed project plan.
3. Keep communication flowing: Weekly status meetings, monthly steering
committee reviews.
4. Have easy traceability between documentation: You should be able to easily
map requirements to the implementation SOW and the project plan.

5. Always have a sandbox environment: This avoids loads of data clean up later.
6. Avoid integrating everything in the world for phase one: Best practice is to build
the system with standard functionality first. Get used to it, then add advanced
feature requirements during phase two.
7. Avoid building custom scripts & workflows unless you really have to. The
reality is that your team needs to adapt to the ERP system’s best practices
designated for your industry.

Finalize data migration, complete end user training and full system user acceptance
testing. This phase is where you cut-over to your new system.

 Key Activities
 Data migration (delete test data, import complete data sets for system go live and
validate data imports)
 End user training
 User acceptance testing
 Final configuration tweaks
 Tips for Success
1. Ensure end user engagement: Make sure everyone in the company knows the
reasons for & go live date of the ERP system.
2. Ensure end users are trained before they use the system: Do this during unit
testing, UAT or just before going live. The adage “use it or lose it” applies here.
Training immediately before system usage is most effective.
3. Ensure you keep the full budget in mind: I’m talking about the internal vs
external dollars. Internal budget “brown dollars” refer to the in house cost of the
effort. Some companies care about this others don’t, it depends on who is
sponsoring the project. The most important cost is the external budget “green
dollars”, which is what you will pay the solution implementation provider. This
often includes requirements gathering, configuration, integration, migration,
training & third party tools.

4. Measure the project success via Key Performace Indications (KPI): Reduce
month end close, clear invoicing, automate approvals, reduce unhappy customers,
project budget overruns, etc.

Launch new solution to end users, celebrate, and get ready for phase 2 or tweaks.

 Key Activities
 System cut-over
 Ensure appropriate system access has been provided to all end users
 Complete any final catch-up data migration activities
 Provide follow-up end user training (as required)
 Main Deliverables
 System Go Live
 Data Catch-up
 Tips for Success
1. Review the project plan and sign-off on the project: Make sure that all tasks
in the project plan have been completed to your satisfaction.
2. Set up an internal help desk & procedures: Ensure that users can easily
contact the ERP administrator to have their questions addressed. If required, set-
up weekly internal question & answer workshops for the first 2 months post go
live. The goal is for end-users to feel and be supported in their adoption of the
new system.
3. Document end user feedback: Be sure to log suggestions for review and
improvement for future system implementation phases.

Ad hoc issue and question resolution

 Key Activities
 System troubleshooting
 New user onboarding
 New requirements review
 Main Deliverables
 System Optimization
 Tips for Success
1. Phase 2 Planning: Review suggestions for phase 2, what are critical
improvements vs. nice to haves?
2. Identify Optimization Opportunities: Are there any remaining manual
processes to optimize?
3. Check-in with users: Be sure to check-in weekly for two (2) months from Go Live.
This will allow for ad-hoc issues to be fixed along with optimization requirements
gathering for phase 2.
4. Communicate: Let the entire team know the wins experienced since system
implementation. Examples of this are reduction of manual labor, accurate
reporting, fast month-end close etc. Sharing the good news helps reenforce why
the system transition was important to undertake.
5. Maintain a System Feedback Process: Ensure end-users are encouraged to
provide system feedback to identify future opportunities for improvement

03 Budgeting Guidelines

Now that you understand the different phases of an ERP implementation project, let’s
focus on estimating an ERP project budget. The budget can be divided into three streams:

1. Software related expenses

2. Internal project team resource allocation (internal budget)

A team consisting of project champion(s), a project manager, functional area subject

matter experts and end-users.

3. Third party implementation partner (external budget)

 Less Risk: This approach is more time and value efficient, and less risk prone
than internally led implementations. A solution partner with years of experience in
various industry ERP projects will lead with best practices.
 Advocate for pricing: much does it cost to implement ERP? Pricing
methodologies can range from fixed bid to time and materials. An experienced
implementation partner should be able to provide a high level estimate on ERP

Note that a detailed blueprinting effort is required before an exact estimate can be
provided for the professional services component

04 To Wrap Up

Embarking on an ERP implementation can be daunting. Being aware of best practices

in terms of process, deliverables, resource allocation and budget are critical for ERP

1. Pre-Project Considerations: It’s important to do your homework up-front,

carefully outline your high-level business requirements. This includes business
process mapping, researching solutions for your requirements & resource
planning. Ensure to include subject matter experts and a project manager during
the project planning process. To accomplish the project, be sure to have sufficient
budget for training and develop a change management plan to communicate the
objectives for system adoption to your organization
2. Understand & Blueprint: Your team along with your partner NetSuite consultant
will solidify in detail all of your ERP requirements. From drawing out future state
processes, standard & add on modules required to power your back office, no
stone should be left unturned.
3. Build: This is where your NetSuite platform gets configured to your unique
company requirements. Be sure to have weekly status meetings with your internal
& implementation partner teams. As the system gets built, you should be trained
and the configured system features should be demonstrated to you. This way you
get familiar with the system and have the opportunity for revisions prior to user
acceptance testing.
4. Balance: Go live time! Ensure data migration is part of the discussion from the
start, you’ll fair better than 60% of companies. In this phase you’ll be moving
master & transactional data, doing user acceptance testing and cutting over to
the new environment. Any end-users who have not been trained on the system to
date or need a refresher, should be trained.
5. Optimize: All of your end users should now be on the platform, providing
feedback for further optimization.


Project Phase Key Activities Check Deliverable & Outcome

Consistent Project Control Project management oversight: Monitoring • Project Plan
project budget, timelines and task • Project Task / Issue /
progress, identifying and mitigating risks. Decision Log
Weekly project status meetings between • Budget Tracking
implementation partner and client PMs. Document
Monthly or bi-weekly project status • Status Meeting Notes
meetings with implementation partner and
client PMs and project champion as
Understand • Initial scoping • Statement of Work
Determine the client’s high
level needs and timelines and • Contract finalization
enter into an agreement to • Data migration
work together. (understanding existing data)
Blueprint • Business Requirements
Collect and document detailed • Gather requirements and Solutions Document
business requirements and • Questionnaires • High Level Project Plan
design solutions to address the • Discovery sessions
requirements. • Data migration (determining what data
should be migrated and why)
• Collect and incorporate feedback to
create a finalized Business Requirements
and Solutions Document
Build • Configure modules & features based on • Detailed Project Plan
Configure the NetSuite solution the requirements • Module Unit Testing
by module and complete unit • Build automation(s) & integrations as • CSV data import
testing of each module. required templates
• Grant appropriate system testing access • Module Demonstrations
to SMEs/end users Prior to Unit Testing Cycles
• Detailed unit testing • Test data loads
• Data migration (cleanup, migrate sample completed + validated
data, validate the data as part of unit document process to do
testing to identify issues) this
Balance • Data migration (delete test data, import • Training Documentation
Finalize data migration, complete data sets for system go live) • Testing Issue Log
complete just-in-time end user • End user training • Go Live
training and full system user • User acceptance testing
acceptance testing • Final configuration tweaks
Go-live • System cut-over • System Live
Launch new solution to end • Ensure appropriate system access has • Data Catch-up
users. been provided to all end users
• Follow-up end user training (as required)

Optimization • Issue troubleshooting • System Optimization task
Ad hoc issue and question list


The only way to guarantee a successful ERP Implementation is to identify realistic

operational improvemt goals based on the problems the system aims to solve. Each goal
should articulate a challenge your team is currently facing and should be discussed with
the Solution Partner chosen before the project begins during he understand phase of the

Setting goals for an ERP implementation is key in order to know if the project is

When documenting the goals, ensure they are specific, measurable, and time-based.
Every goal should have an associated metric to help you understand the impact after the

Below are some examples of operational improvement goals:

1. Decrease 3 months end from X days 7. Automate invoice approval

to Y days
2. Have 1 true source of data 8. Automate PO approvals
3. Have reporting confidence for 9. Track project budget & % complete
management reports & dashboards
4. Decrease FTE manual labour on 10. Improve Service Experience
maintain custom built spreadsheets
5. Decrease FTE manual labour on 11. Provide Access to Standardized
maintain custom built integrations College Data
6. Increase partner satisfaction with an 12. Audit Compliance
easy to login user area for billing,
collateral, and invoicing


Since being founded in 2004, with more than 16 years of experience, Gimasys has
become one of the leading companies in the field of providing digital transformation
solutions for businesses, as well as a reliable and prestigious partner for information
technology projects. With technological capabilities recognized by customers nationwide,
Gimasys is confident in the abilities of providing powerful solutions and services, in order
to support maximum business growth.

Gimasys has established partnerships and become a leading provider of major

Technology Corporations in the world such as Oracle, Salesforce, Google, Tableau,
MuleSoft, AWS. With this close connection, Gimasys affirms that it always catches up with
the latest technology trends and is always ready to meet the needs of business innovation.


Head Office:

- Address: Floor 17th, Kim khi Thang Long Tower, No. 1 Luong Yen, Bach Dang

Ward, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Ha Noi

- Phone: (+84) 243 628 2267

- Email: [email protected]

HCMC Branch:

- Address: Floor 8th, Estar Tower, No. 147-149 Vo Van Tan, Ward 6, Dist. 3, HCMC

- Phone: (+84) 28 7305 0186

- Email: [email protected]


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