Mapeh 7: Learning Activity Sheet No. 1

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Quarter 3
No. 1

Name: _____________________________________Year & Section: _________________

School: _____________________________________Date: __________________________

TOPIC: Situations that Cause Stress


In this LAS, you will know that there are different stages of stress that you experience
in your everyday life. It is important to remember that stress is not a definition of 'one size fits
all'. Depending on the way you view the stressor, what stresses one person out might not bother
you at all. This is why the causes and consequences of stress are important to consider, as well
as how to recognize your own stressors and how to handle your stress properly. Have fun and
enjoy answering all the activities provided for you. Please read, understand, and follow all the
instructions in the activities for you to be guided on what to do.

II. MELC (with code):

H7PH-IIIa-b-28, H7PH-IIIc-34

1.1differentiates eustress from distress.

1.2 Identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress.
1.3 Identifies physical responses of the body to stress.
1.4 Identifies people who can provide support in stressful situations.



There are two kinds of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress refers to positive and healthy response of the
body from the stressor. On the other hand, distress refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a
given stressor.
Directions: Identify the following situations as to eustress and distress.
Draw if it is eustress and if distress. Write your answer in your ½ sheet of paper.

_______1. Going to the beach _______6. Losing your money

_______2. Getting a low grade _______7. Having a new shoe
_______3. Arguing with your friend _______8. You passed your periodical exam
_______4. Attending a birthday party _______9. You are left by the school bus
_______5. Watching your favorite movie ______10. Your favorite toy was broken


Common Internal Stressors:

1. Chronic worry- a mental habit wherein an individual is constantly worrying on things
which happened and may happen to him/ her.
2. Pessimism- a tendency when an individual expects that something worst will happen
and that leads to experiencing lack of hope in life.
3. Negative Self-talk- it is any inner dialogue that a person does in most of his thinking
that may limit the ability to have self-confidence and avoid believing to capabilities.
4. Unrealistic expectation/ perfectionism- People who experience this tend to be not
satisfied with what they accomplish. They may suffer from painful emotions when they
feel that they do not produce a perfect output.

5. Rigid thinking, Lack of flexibility- these are the kind of difficulties when an individual
frequently finds it hard to cope with change. Hence, persons who experience this believe
that any kind of change as a source of anxiety.
6. All or nothing attitude- a thinking that leads to holding back from achieving things in
life. For instance, one may say that; if he/she can’t be the best player in the team, he will
never play the sport.

Common External Stressors:

1. Major life changes- one may feel stressed when a big part of his/ her life changes into
something that is difficult to accept. For instance, a person may find it hard to believe
that his/ her business falls near bankruptcy.
2. Work or school- a kind of stressor wherein an individual cannot able to handle things to
deal with in workplace or school. This includes unexpected deadlines, nature of work,
society to work with and so forth.
3. Relationship difficulty- an individual may experience to hardly accomplish things when
they are facing difficulties in building harmonious relationships. For instance, they may
feel stressed to handle a husband- wife relationship when quarrel always happen.
4. Financial Problems- this is one of the stressors that entails to encountering stress after
an individual faced problem in money. Paying bills, tuition fees, budget for foods and
fares, and other money matters are examples of situations that often lead to stress.
5. Children and Family- for many, this stressor is often experience for a person may feel
difficulties in working for their families and in providing everything to their children.
For example, a big responsibility came up to an individual after getting married and after
giving birth to children who needs shelter, foods, education and the likes.
Internal and external stressors can affect the body’s immune system to the extent that it can
cause certain illnesses like the following:
1. Cancer- a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal and that can spread to one
or many parts of the body
2. Asthma- a physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breathe.
3. Ulcer- a painful, sore area inside or outside of the body.
4. Diarrhea- an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and
in liquid rather than solid form.
5. Stroke- a serious illness caused when blood vessels in your brain suddenly break or
6. Migraine- a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and
7. Cramps- a temporary paralysis of muscles from over use.
8. Infertility- a condition when an individual cannot able to produce offspring.
9. Allergies- a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating,
touching, or breathing that is harmless to most people.
10. Heart attack- a sudden painful and dangerous condition in which your heart
stops beating properly.


Being stressed can lead to medical problems. You must be aware that you need to take
care of yourself.

Directions. Fill in the box with the correct letters to complete the word that correspond to the
Number one has been done for you.

Diarrhea Infertility Asthma Migraine

Cramps Cancer Heart Attack Allergies
Ulcer Stroke
Health problems that are connected to stress:

1. a sudden painful and dangerous condition in which your heart stops beating properly


2. an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid
rather than solid form

3. a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal and that can spread to one or
many parts of the body

4. a painful, sore area inside or outside of the body

5. a physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breathe

6. a condition when an individual cannot able to produce offspring.

7. a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or
breathing that is harmless to most people

8. a serious illness caused when blood vessels in your brain suddenly break or blocked

9. a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting

10. a temporary paralysis of muscles from over use


This activity will test your knowledge about situations that causes stress.
I. Directions: Write C on the blank if the situation causes stress and E if the situation is the effect of
_______1. You felt lonely after seeing your low grades.
_______2. You discovered that your mother has cancer.
_______3. You felt weak after running away from your bully classmate.
_______4. You forgot your money at home.
_______5. You received smaller allowance as punishment for coming home late at night.
_______6. You often had a fight with your sibling.
_______7. Your parents got separated.
_______8. You fainted when a car almost hit you.
_______9. You had arguments with your classmate.
_______10. You were sweating a lot because you don’t know the answer in the test.

ll. Directions. Think of a situation that causes you stress and the effect of this stress to you.
What did you do to overcome your stress? Write your answer in another sheet of paper.

Situation: _____________________________________________________________


1. How eustress differs from stress? ______________________________________________

2. How to deal with stress? ______________________________________________________


3. Why it is important to provide support for those people suffering from stress? ____________


Department of Education, Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material Grade 7.

Pasig City: Department of Education, 2007


What's In

Assessment What's What I Know/Assessment

1. E I.
2. C Activity 3
More 1. Cause
3. E 2. Effec
4. C 1. 3. Cause
5. E 4. Effec
6. C 2.
3. 5. tEffec
7. C 6. Cause
8. E 4. 7. tCause
9. C 5. 8. tCause
10.E 6. 9. Cause
7. 10.Effec
8. II. Answers may vary
9. t
Activity 5
1. Heart attack
2. Diarrhea
3. Cancer
4. Ulcer
5. Asthma
6. Infertility
7. Allergie
8. Stroke
9. Migrain

Prepared by: Marife Enverzo SST-I

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