Mash Compendium 2020

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Marketing Club, MaSh

IIM Bangalore
This compendium is divided into 4 sections: Marketing Case interview, Personal
Fit Interview, Personal Interview Experiences (of PGP 2018-20 batch) and Brief
details of probable marketing companies in final placements

The purpose of the first part of the Compendium is to give you quick look at how marketing
cases should be tackled during interviews.

The purpose of second part of the Compendium is to give you quick look at the personal/HR
questions usually asked during marketing interviews.

The purpose of the third part of the Compendium is to give you a quick look at what type of
questions can be predicted during your interviews.

Majority of the concepts and the structure has been taken from the book “Crack the Marketing
Case and Interview like a CMO” by Nitish Rai Gupta. For a more detailed overview, please go
through the book.

Table of Contents
MARKETING CASE INTERVIEW .........................................................................................................................4
CUSTOMER ACQUISITION ....................................................................................................................................4
BENEFIT FROM USING THE BRAND/ VALUE THE BRAND IS PROVIDING ...............................................................................6
EXECUTION OR DELIVERING THE VALUE....................................................................................................................8
PERSONAL (FIT) INTERVIEW .............................................................................................................................9
SALES & MARKETING INTERVIEW EXPERIENCES OF PGP 2018-20 BATCH .......................................................12
COMPANIES’ BRIEF ...................................................................................................................................... 101
COLGATE PALMOLIVE ............................................................................................................................... 101
INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED ........................................................................................................... 103
MARUTI SUZUKI........................................................................................................................................ 105
OLA CABS................................................................................................................................................. 108
VISA........................................................................................................................................................ 110
MPHASIS ................................................................................................................................................... 111
CARBORUNDUM LTD. ................................................................................................................................ 112
COVERFOX INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................................................................. 113
UDAAN ..................................................................................................................................................... 115
JIGSERV DIGITAL ................................................................................................................................. 115
COFFEE DAY ......................................................................................................................................... 116
ZEE MEDIA ............................................................................................................................................ 117
DROOM .................................................................................................................................................. 118

Marketing Case Interview
Evaluation of a marketing campaign – why do you think it’s a good campaign or not?

The answer should have a marketing flair and shouldn’t be opinion based on liking the ad
or a specific execution, how watchable and entertaining it was.

Marketing is all about making a strong case to the potential customers. Therefore, while
evaluating any marketing campaign, it should reflect the following aspects:

1. Customer acquisition
2. Benefit from using the brand/ value the brand is providing
3. Execution or delivering the value (Through the marketing Mix)

This can help in different case situations like – “What do you think the customers want?” or
“Should we launch the brand X?” or “Should we expand the brand?” or “Should we have a
brand extension?” etc.

Customer Acquisition
The core of any marketing campaign is the “customer” which governs the growth
strategy as well as the marketing plan.

i) Acquisition Strategy: Primary objective is to grow the brand/business. From the perspective
of consumer acquisition, there are primarily 2 ways of growing the business or the brand:

a) Drive Penetration: Increase the trial rate, which basically means acquiring new
consumers into your brand/business.
b) Drive Consumption: Increase the usage rate of your current customers, i.e. getting
current consumers of your brand to consume more of your brand.

New Product/service Consumption: New Penetration: Enter a new

categories, Build portfolio of category within existing
brands. e.g. Typical brand category by launching a new
extensions. Olay – launching product/service in the same
a variety of skin care or a new category. e.g.
products – moisturizers, Typical brand line
cleansers, body wash etc. extensions. Variants of the
shampoo brand such as total
repair, dandruff control etc.
Current Product/service Consumption: Usage Penetration: Expand to new
frequency, occasion, Geographies, demographics,
quantity. e.g. Increasing the channels to access untapped
size of the outlet hole by consumer segments. e.g.
Colgate to increase Launch of Sachets by
consumption, Coke’s iconic shampoo brands in rural
Christmas campaign India.
featuring red trucks
Current Consumer New Consumer

On the X axis – Consumer objective for the marketing plan i.e. interacting with current
consumers (drive consumption) or talking to new consumers (drive penetration)

On the Y axis – Product/service offering, i.e. current/existing product/service or a new

product/service under the brand.

Summary: In order to understand any industry’s basic value dynamic, it is necessary to think
of growing the business/brand from the perspective of “penetration” and “consumption”.

Example: In the retail industry, thinking your answer through the lens of penetration and
consumption will give a clearer picture of the core value drivers:

a. Increasing footfalls, i.e. gaining new customers or existing customers coming in more
b. Increasing average spends per visit, i.e. customers buying more per visit or bigger
group sizes

ii) Needs: With a clear idea on the acquisition plan (i.e. penetration vs. consumption), the
next task is to understand what these customers want – their needs, motivations, values that
the brand can leverage to make an impact in their life.


Functional Emotional

Functional: Tangible benefits. e.g. Hair care market is characterized by a variety of functional
benefits – scalp care, smooth hair, soft hair, fragrant hair, damage prevention, reduced hair
fall etc.
Emotional: Intangible benefits driving consumer motivations. e.g. Taking the same example
of hair care market – emotional benefits – beauty, confidence, self-esteem etc.

There can be multiple needs that drives the consumption for a particular category. How do
we decide which need the brand should focus on?

Two criteria:
 It should be sizable enough to meet the brand’s growth ambition (i.e. the consumer
 need that the brand is going after should be big enough to fulfil growth aspirations)
 The brand should be placed at a better position than its competitor to meet the needs
of the segment identified – the company should have the requisite resources to be
able to deliver the solution to the consumers

While identifying or segmenting the customers the brand is going after, the usual tendency is to
quantify through demographics like teen males, working young adults etc. A better way to define
the target is to go beyond the demographics and describe them through the needs.

E.g. a cafe brand could target teens and young adults as demographics, however, a better
way of describing them would be “individuals seeking to catch up and connect”.

iii) Insights: Understanding the consumer needs lays the foundation of a marketing plan,
however, for brands to make them actionable, they need to build on those needs and look for
consumer insights. This requires understanding the underlying motivations, beliefs, and
values of the consumers. This comes from a deep understanding of their needs and how/why
they feel, think and behave the way they say they do. e.g. the brand Fair and Lovely offers the
promise of a fairer skin based on the consumer need to “whiten” their skin tone. The insight
mining process in this case would look as follows:
Why? : Because they that fairer-looking face is perceived as beautiful.
Why is that important? : Because if you look beautiful, it is believed that it increases your
acceptance in the society.
This basic life insight is what has been leveraged by Fair and Lovely for decades via
the proposition that it makes you fairer, thereby opening doors for you.

Consumer Insight

Product Insight Occasion Insight Life Insight

Product Insight: This arises from the consumer’s relationship with the specific product/brand. e.g.
Band aid utilized the product insight that wounds heal better if left open but at the same time they
run the risk of getting infected. Thus, they addressed this by coming up with a proposition that not
just keeps the wound open but also prevents the risk of infection.

Occasion Insight: This arises from the category usage itself. e.g. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk has
successfully helped to grow the chocolates category in India with their local sweet conversion
strategy, i.e. offering Dairy Milk as an alternative to sweet consumption to Indians. To accomplish
the same, they have leveraged multiple occasion insights where sweets were consumed (like
before doing something auspicious, when celebrating any success, during festive occasions etc.)
and positioned Dairy Milk as a relevant product for those occasions.

Life Insights: This arises from the consumer’s life in general. e.g. Axe has leveraged a relevant
life insight to position its range of deodorants globally. While the functional need is to smell
good forms the core of the proposition, the brand has been able to resonate with its young
male consumers by tapping into the life insight that they have entered the mating game but
do not know how to get the girl. Thus, the Axe proposition of “makes you smell good, so you
can get the girl” has helped build a successful global brand.

Benefit from using the brand/ value the brand is providing

After understanding consumer basics by defining the acquisition strategy followed by

consumer needs and insights, the next step is to leverage this to define the single-minded
brand benefit or the proposition for the brand that will help win the consumers. This should
be looked as an iterative step wherein the value or the benefit offering of the brand is
developed and modified by going back to the consumer need and insight based on the

acquisition plan. This shall enable the development of a strong value/benefit offering with a
solid consumer appeal.
The value proposition is what takes the brand beyond the actual product and makes it about
the core brand benefit that the brand is promising to deliver for the consumers. It could be
purely functional (Pantene – reduces hair fall by 82%) or purely emotional benefit (Coke –
happiness) or a mix of the two (Axe – makes you smell great and hence you get the girl),
depending on the relevant consumer need and insight that the brand is leveraging to acquire
customers into its fold.

All good brands have 2 common elements in them.

->They have high relevance among the target consumer segments
-> They are highly differentiated in the category and hence get uniquely associated with the
brand becoming its point of difference in the category when compared to the competition.
Representing the same in a simple matrix would be as follows:

High relevance C: Point of difference B: Point of parity

Low Relevance D: Noticed but not bought A: Not noticed
High differentiation Low differentiation

X Axis: how differentiated is the brand in its category when compared to its competitor
Y Axis: Evaluation of the proposition on relevance to the brand’s target consumers

Quadrant A: Example of this would be a soap brand positioning itself on the proposition of
colored product, i.e. all its variants have a different color ranging from white to red to black.
This proposition is low on consumer relevance since the color of the soap is rarely a deciding
factor in choosing a soap brand. Secondly, it is low on differentiation since almost all soap
brands in the market today already have colored product.

Quadrant B: Example – A diaper brand positioned on the proposition of good absorption

would fall here. This proposition is high on consumer relevance but is low on differentiation
since there are good absorption diaper brands already existing in the market. Thus, it would
become a point of parity – not differentiating the brand but important nonetheless to have a
meaningful play in the category.

Quadrant C: Pampers aiding in the baby’s development is one such example. Pampers benefit
builds off its good absorption capacity enabling the baby to have longer uninterrupted sleep
leading to his/her better mental and physical development, a much-differentiated offering
since no other diaper brand is talking the benefit of better absorption in that emotional
context. It is also extremely relevant to mothers since the emotional payoff insight in the
proposition connects with the mothers instantly. Hence, this is a strong point of difference for
the brand.

Quadrant D: A shampoo brand trying to position itself on a unique fluorescent packaging will
be differentiated in the category, but this probably will have low relevance in consumer’s
purchase decision. Such packaging will definitely get noticed on the shelf but in itself will not
result in the sale of the product.

Summary: During the course of the interview, if a question pops up to identify a particular
brand’s benefit, it would be helpful to think of 2 things: a) What does the brand do for its
consumers? And b) How does the brand make its consumers feel? This shall help in defining
the brand’s proposition accurately. e.g. the budget airline Air Asia gives its consumers the
option to fly cheaper. At the same time, it makes its consumers feel that they have made a
smart choice.

Execution or delivering the value

Executing the marketing plan or strategy is all about how the understanding around the
consumer acquisition plan and value proposition is actually applied to a variety of marketing
activities – product development, pricing strategy, communication development, channel
plan, distribution strategy, PR campaign, promotion strategy etc.)
Example: A key challenge for Tide’s expansion plan in India was to make it relevant to the
huge population of low-mid tier households which were not able to afford the price at which
the usual Tide product would end up at. Having identified the new consumer segment that
the brand wanted to target, the team understood the core consumer needs for this segment
basis which they devised the value offering around Tide naturals – basically promising a
product with natural ingredients for effective cleaning and for being gentle on their hands, at
a great price point. Finally, the execution was all centered around this value proposition. Key
element of this execution, low pricing, was made possible by offering a product that had great
fragrance and high foams when dissolved in water – both were signals of good cleaning to the
target consumers, but the product composition optimized the actual expensive cleaning
chemicals (to have performance parity to similar priced competing brands in the category). At
the same time the product was mild on the hands of the housewife who would be doing all
the washing herself. Thus, the execution brought the value offering to life in an engaging and
relevant manner for the target consumers making it a true consumer relevant innovation from
Tide for a developing market like India.

High Consumer Engagement C: Equity building and B: Only

connecting engaging/entertaining
Low Consumer Engagement D: Equity building A: Sub-optimal use of money
and resources
Relevant Execution About the value proposition Not about the value

X Axis: Evaluates the marketing execution on the fact whether it brings the value proposition
to life or not.
Y Axis: Evaluates from the lens of consumer engagement, i.e. would the execution engage the
consumers with a call to action or not.

Place: Will it assist the Acquisition plan by Promotion: Will it communicate the benefit
making it available where the target to the target effectively?
segment shops?
Product: Does it meet the consumer needs Price: Will the consumer consider the
and deliver the benefit? benefit good value?

Relevant Execution

Summary: While evaluating execution in your interviews, the impact of micro and macro
market forces can help in your thinking process. You can think this through 3 stages – 1) Is
there an impact on the consumption behavior of the consumers that the brand is targeting?
2) Is there a need to re-look at the proposition because of the situation? 3) Will this have an
impact the go-to market execution?

Personal (Fit) Interview

During this part of the part of the interview, the interviewer would want to understand your
comfort and suitability with marketing as a career as well as with the company you are
interviewing with. Hence, he/she would be keen to understand how in your life thus far (work,
academic, personal, extra-curricular) you have demonstrated basic skills needed to be a
marketer and hence he/she will be asking to share some examples from your past around
such situations.

Your answer should have a rigid structure that allows you to communicate your point to the
interviewer in an effective manner. The following structure would help to organize your

Context of the situation: Before starting to explain a particular incidence that the interviewer
has asked, it’s always a good practice to set the context upfront before actually diving into
what was actually done. This is important, since you are talking about your experiences, and
in all likelihood the interviewer has no idea of the context in which you came across the

Example: Let’s say you have worked in a FMCG company earlier and you had the distinction
of achieving flat sales when compared to the previous year translating to volume share
decline by -1% in the market. The result in its absolute sense might mean bad year for the
company/brand and your performance. However, if you change the context of the situation
and tell that the company/brand for the last couple of years had been declining in sales year
on year to the tune of almost -5% and all the consumer equity parameters were at an all-time
low when you joined the company/brand and in one year you stopped the decline and
strengthened the company/brand resulting in flat sales thus setting for aggressive growth in
the next year.

Action you took: After setting the context, the focus in your answer should on the action you
specifically took. Make sure to speak about specifically what you thought and what you did
to make the answer/example more meaningful. In your interviews, if you are able to mention
the specific actions that you took in the situation, it not only lends credibility to your answers
but also indicates clarity of thought and helps the interviewer understand where you were
coming from.

Example: Building on the previous example, you can speak of how you leveraged your
thinking and problem-solving skills, led a detailed business review analysis and identified
value (pricing per gram) as the key barrier to growth (the brand has priced itself out of the
market compared to competition per gram of product). This resulted in the launch of upsized
value packs along with a point of difference centered communication campaign.

Results: Your last part of the answer should drive for closure on the situation being discussed.
Closure with the final results because of your specific action also enables you to focus on the
question that the interviewer had asked and at the same time establishes your differentiation
versus the other candidates who would be interviewing for the same position as you are.

Example: Continuing with the same example, the results were very clear in the terms of
stopping the declining trend on business with flat sales and strong equity growth, thereby
setting the brand up for a stellar growth next year.

The type of example you share with the interviewer is of your choice, it makes sense to choose
the ones where you have significant results following your action.

Some sample questions:

You can give example from any sphere of your life (personal at home, with family, from work,
academics, internships, sports, extra-curricular activities) as it communicates to the
interviewer how you went about doing the task.

Step 1: Set the Context

Step 2: Speak about the specific action you took
Step 3: Close the answer with the results achieved

1. Give me an example of how you convinced someone to do something they were not
keen on doing.

Some ideas: Simple examples around influencing someone’s spending habits,

holiday planning or even decision to buy a particular type of property.

2. Give me an example of a moral conflict you faced and how you handled it.

Some ideas: You can speak about the principles and values instilled in you (usually by your
parents or a role model). Talk about situations in context of friends/family members doing
something not in line with your value system and how you corrected the same by explaining
the importance of values to them. You can also speak about championing causes like
preventing child labor/domestic child labor and focusing in their right to education.

3. Give an example of how you conceived an idea and then engaged a team to
passionately own and execute the same.

Some ideas: You can talk about situations where you had envisioned an idea, got early buy-
in and then continuously energized the team to execute the same. The specific situations
could be an idea of launching a school/college magazine or anew club/society or more
personal ones like getting friends to go on a vacation with you.

4. Give me an example where a project that you were working on ran into some
problems and how you overcame it.

Some ideas: Talk about examples where a technical project developed a snag or speak of
regulatory issue you faced while executing a project. Other examples could be around
resources/financial crunch while executing a project or even a personal situation like air-
tickets being sold out on the day you were planning a trip.

5. Give me an example of how you worked in a high-pressure situation to meet a deadline.

Some ideas: Talk about situations they faced as part of your academics, during internships or
previous corporate experiences or while organizing an event/festival.

Summary: When an interviewer asks you something, don’t jump into gory details, but take a
moment in your mind space and try to understand the question. For example, if you are asked
for a situation where you led a team, don’t get into the specifics of that college festival you
organized, but focus on the real objective behind the question – can you lead people? Then
use examples to substantiate your ability to shape consensus, to solve disagreements and to
inspire a team. Focus on the how, not just the what. When posed with any question that
involves your coming up with a solution, don’t jump into the answer that may seem ‘right’ to
you immediately. The interviewer is interested in how you think, how you process complex
problems, how you think through options, versus a glib solution. So, lay out the think through
process and principles you would use to evaluate options, possible options and then the

Sales & Marketing Interview
Experiences of PGP 2018-20 Batch

Name: Mohit Upadhyay
Company & Division: Coca-Cola India

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Marketing Operations

Preference for work experience: Nil

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry: World’s top FMCG brand

Main competitors: PepsiCo

Major Products: Coca-Cola, Thums Up, Minute Maid, Fanta, Smartwater, Kinley

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Application Form Details:
Personal Details, Achievements, PORs
My pros & cons
My Coke Story (in 100 words)
I want to join Coke Family because_____ (in
100 words)

GA – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Activity (Please Specify): 2 teams working on a common topic.

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – Marketing strategy to Stick to marketing basics.
introduce ‘paan’ in China
Use a structured approach.
Number of people per group:
5-6 Prof. Mulky’s slides are Gold!

Listen to other’s ideas, be inclusive.

Number of people qualifying
to the interview: 2-4 General etiquettes are expected.

Try to have a short-term & a long-term plan.


Round 1 (2 executives)
Crucial Questions: 1. Take me through your journey, from childhood to IIMB.

2. What matters the most to you in a job?

3. An instance where you faltered. What happened?

4. Describe yourself in 5 words.

5. If you were given a choice to get placed in any sector and in any
role, what would you prefer? Why?

What went right? I was pretty confident and smiling (adequately).

Prepared for most of the questions.

Answered question no. 4 well.

Honestly answered question no. 5 with reasoning.

What could be
avoided? Blabbered a lot. Gave a long (>5 min) answer to the 1 st question.

Questions asked? 1. In 2016, Govt of India had asked FMCG companies to support
farmers (especially, Coca-Cola India) by launching fruit-based
products. How are we moving towards that? Also, do we see any
dairy-based products in the future?

2. How does the ‘Fruit Circular Economy’ work out from a

logistics & operational standpoint?

Round 2 (HR)
Crucial Questions: 1. What do you expect from this internship?

2. There might be some travelling involved (although not as much as a

Sales internship would have). Do you have any reservations towards

What went right? I was calm and composed.

Listened to all questions completely.

Gave solid reasoning behind my answers and tried to align it with

the company’s values (implicitly).

What could be Should have slept well the night before. The interviewers were
avoided? quick to notice my lack of sleep.
Questions asked? When do I start?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Spoke with a few PGP2s about their interview experiences.

Went through company website & MASH’s book.

Saw a couple of recent YouTube videos of the leaders.

Again, Prof. Mulky’s slides are phenomenal!

Mugged up ‘values, vision & mission’, to modify my answers accordingly.

Thank You - The End

Name: Akshay Bansod
Company & Division: P&G Sales

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Brand, CMK, F&A, IT, Sales

Preference for work experience: NA

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry:

Main competitors: HUL, ITC

Major Products: Gillette, Head and Shoulders, Oral-B, Pampers

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): Step 1 was online Psychometric test.
Next round of evaluation was a paper-based
reasoning test. Duration of the test was 65

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group:
Number of people qualifying
to the interview:


Round 1 – Group Interview

No of people per group – 3
No of people qualifying to Round 2 - 1
Crucial Questions: Questions will be based on your past experience.

1. Tell me about a time when you took a big risk?

2. Tell me about a time when you had to take the initiative to

solve a problem.
3. Tell me about a time when you influenced other people and

What went right? Be confident and pay attention to the numbers. They may ask you
to repeat your response later in the process. Eg. Suppose you say
“You increased productivity of plant by 2%” then stick with 2%
later when they ask.

What could be Do not cook up stories.

Questions asked?

Round 2 – Personal Interview

Crucial Questions: In this round, I was asked to access a situation and to provide solutions
on how I would handle it? Also, I was given very less time to think as
they wanted me to be spontaneous.

1. You are a team leader in a group of 5 students. Professor has

given you a project to complete in 30 days. You have planned
accordingly. Your team works on the project for 15 days and
still a lot of work is yet to be completed. You receive a mail
from the professor that the deadline to submit has been
preponed due to some unavoidable reasons and you need to
submit the project in the next 3 days without fail. What will be
your response?
2. You are working as a manager in a factory and some workers
under you are not performing poorly. Despite several efforts
from the management, there is no change in their attitude. As a
manager will you fire them?
What went right? Read about the company core values.

What could be
Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

In each of your interviews, you will be given time to ask questions about P&G. Make sure
you do your research and read as much as you can about the Company. Ask intelligent
questions that demonstrate your passion to work for P&G and your willingness to learn more
about the Company. Know the Company's Purpose, Values, and Principles (PVP), and some
of their billion-dollar brands.

Thank You - The End

Name: Satya Teja Kona
Company & Division: Bajaj Auto - Sales & Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Management Intern – Sales and Marketing

Preference for work experience: NA

Industry: Automobile

Position in the industry:

Main competitors: Hero Motor Corp, Royal Enfield, Mahindra, Piaggio

Major Products: Avenger, Pulsar, Pro-biking (KTM Bikes)

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): No Written Test

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Role based case. We have to assume
the role assigned to us in the case and negotiate with others in the group.

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – A fixed amount of
money is available, and needs Try to be logical in the approach. Negotiate
are different for book shop in using facts in the case and logic.
charges in different areas who
belong to same company.

Number of people per group: 6

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. What do you know about Baja Auto? Why Marketing?

2. Do STP analysis for a bike. What are various psychographic

factors to be considered for segmenting bike customers?

3. What are the major factors people look for in a two-wheeler in rural
areas? How women consumer segment is different keeping two
wheelers in view?

What went right? They liked my answer for Why Marketing question. Try to be
honest as they said in the end that I was very honest throughout the
interview. May not work with all companies though.

What could be Don’t go to interview without reading about the company. I did
avoided? not read much and it created a bad impression for them. Try
reading about the last year projects mentioned in JD. One of the
questions they asked was from there only.

Questions asked? Did not ask any questions.

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Basics of Marketing are tested in couple of marketing interviews I attended. The shortened
version of Kotler by Palak Marwah is enough. Some knowledge about their major products
would help.

Thank You - The End

Name: Deepanath C
Company & Division: Flipkart and M3

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: General Management

Preference for work experience: Not so much

Industry: E-Commerce

Position in the industry: Internet Segment

Main competitors: Amazon, Paytm, Nykaa

Major Products: FK Website, Msite, App

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):
Will kiranaa stores replace e-commerce platforms?

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group: 6 members

Number of people qualifying 1-2 members

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions:
Pretty Chill and Since my interviewer and I had RNS has the prof, initial
few minutes went about current college activities and I guess he

was testing my awareness about the batch and how I’m fitting into the
profile (They are looking for extroverts and who fun type). After that
pretty much he asked me questions about various activities that will
happen in BBD and asked me to troubleshoot things starting from
server breakdown to inventory management and vendor management.
Tested on consumer research and their behaviour.

What went right? I knew about the firm and the offerings well

What could be
avoided? -

Questions asked?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: Round 2 had 5 panelists and was again mixed type – HR + Logic
Testing. I was asked why didn’t I sit for consult and finance (because I
had lot of “spikes” as per them and also that I had fin experience).
Questions were around how to improve customer experience and how
to get more profit, etc. In both rounds, they tested me on various
products and offerings of Flipkart.

What went right? I was very prompt and very clear on why FK and they were very
happy about it. My research on firm helped me again when they
asked me about cross category recommendations

What could be Asking them too many questions


Questions asked? What values of FK you think you have? Why not consult and
Fin? Why MBA? Why Flipkart? Why this profile? How will you
handle cross category recommendations (questions on
automation, customer profiling etc)

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Current affairs about e-commerce and FK and Amazon is very very important, prepare
very thoroughly on their offerings now that FK has become a consumer utility app.

Thank You - The End

Name: Saubhagya Singh Jangpangi
Company & Division: Kimberly-Clark

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales & Marketing

Preference for work experience: NA

Industry: FMCG (Personal Care & Household Products) *

Position in the industry: Baby diaper (Huggies) – 8% market share (3rd) **

Main competitors: Baby diaper: Pampers(P&G), MamyPoko (Unicharm)*

Major Products: India: Huggies

** as of July 2018

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Group Discussion

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Should India adopt a one-child  Start the discussion, if possible
policy?  Note down other’s points too. The
moderator had asked each student to put
forward their top 3-4 takeaways from the
Number of people per group : discussion at the end of the GD
10  Put forward at least 3-4 unique and
relevant ideas/points
Number of people qualifying
to the interview: 2-3

1 Interview Round
Round 1
Crucial Questions:
1. An accomplishment about which you feel very proud?

2. Any recent initiative where you led a team? Describe the

challenges and how did you overcome them?
Are you a doer or a thinker?

3. Carry out a SWOT Analysis of IIM Bangalore.

Take a category and show how will you segment the market.
Take a brand in the same category and show which segment will
you target? How will you position the brand?

What went right?

Knowing about the company, its values, goals and vision
Staying calm and being confident
Relating the values company holds to yourself

What could be
avoided? Be precise when answering questions. Give details only when
asked to do so.

Questions asked? -

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Read about the company, well-known brands and its recent initiatives/brand/advertisements (if
any). Try to relate the company’s goals to what you have already done or aspire to do. Try not
to use exact words from their vision statement but make sure you get the message across. The
set of Preparatory questions sent by PlaceCom is very useful. Make sure you are thorough with
your answers.

Thank You - The End

Name: Rishal Sivrath
Company & Division: Marico, Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales and Marketing

Preference for work experience: N/A

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry: Top 10 FMCGs in India

Main competitors: HUL, Godrej, Dabur, Colgate-Palmolive

Major Products: Parachute, Saffola, Set Wet, Livon

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):
Case based Group Discussion

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
‘You are an FMCG The solution should be affordable and
manufacturer, and there is a implementable in a short period of time.
state-wide strike planned for Substantiate your arguments with numbers
one week. How will you plan and prove why your solution is better than
your distribution network others quantitatively and qualitatively.
minimising losses and delay
(costs involved were given for
different alternatives)’

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:1


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1.Why marketing?

2.Choose one Marico product and what is your marketing plan for
Bangalore? How is the target segment of Bangalore different from
certain cities in Tamil Nadu (since I was from TN) ?

3. Name one popular ad campaign by any brand? What was the core
message? Do you think the campaign will help to increase the brand

What went right?

I was able to associate to my past marketing experience in B2B,
B2C trucking industry and was able to connect related ideas to the
FMCG industry.

What could be
avoided? Don’t answer in long sentences. Give the interviewer what they
want in a brief tone.

Questions asked? International presence, potential unexplored markets to enter

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1. How will you describe yourself in 3 major words? Give one
instance to substantiate your Leadership skills.

2. In what aspects will sales & marketing be different in a truck

industry and FMCG industry

3. Question on importance of customer focus, methods of

customer retention.

What went right?

Prior preparation on questions about myself helped a lot in quick
response to the questions asked. Simple and brief answers with
interesting examples kept the interviewers engaged in the

What could be
avoided? Don’t think a lot when questions are aimed at your own self.
One must be prepared to answer all kinds of questions about
oneself before entering the interview.

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

 A thorough insight on different brands and their related campaigns is necessary to

 ace the interview.
 The candidate will be usually tested in fundamentals of marketing, hence a
 strong foundation on Kotler is recommended.
 Must be prepared with strong answers (including real life examples) on
strengths, weakness, interests and other questions on oneself.

Thank You - The End

Name: Onkar Nath Pandey
Company & Division: ITC Ltd., Trade Marketing and distribution

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Marketing and Sales, Trade Marketing (Biscuits division)

Preference for work experience: Sales stint

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry: Leadership position

Main competitors: HUL, PnG, Nestle, Marico, Dabur, etc.

Major Products: Sunfeast range of biscuits, Fiama Di Wills, Wills lifestyle,

Classic cigarettes, etc.

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y (Was floated a day before the interview – 3
Written Test (Details): NA

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Case

An aeroplane crashed and 5 different individuals survived(details given). Discuss and

decide who should lead the survivors

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – The case needs to be understood in entirety
Number of people per group: and for the answer proper logic should be
6-7 used. The logic to arrive at the answer needs
to be strong and compelling
Number of people qualifying
to the interview: 17


Round 1
Crucial Questions: Present Brand Onkar – Ice breaker question
What would you contribute to ITC?
For the chocolate brand Fabelle what customer base can be targeted –
focus on sustainable revenue stream
What went right? A good answer to the ice breaker question set the tone for the

What could be It was difficult to remember 5+ brands of ITC especially when

avoided? multiple interviews are lined up for different marketing firms.
To counter this, before going in to the interview room a list of
brands can be glanced at.

Questions asked? Questions on sales stint where I did something deviating from the
firm’s stand
Names of ITC brands

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Above are all the questions asked in the interview. Only one round of interview was conducted
for all candidates.

The panel had 2 members : one from senior leadership of the company with HR experience and
the other at mid-manager level with marketing experience

The impact of prior work-ex was emphasized in all answers

Sales sting was an intriguing point for the interview panel. The panel looked impressed by
the experience of a sales sting in rural geography

Thank You - The End

Name: Nikhil Vaibhav
Company & Division: PhonePe

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Product Manager

Preference for work experience: No

Industry: Online Payments

Position in the industry: One of the top players

Main competitors: Paytm

Major Products: N.A

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):


GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: Mostly HR questions and questions based on my work experience

What went right?

1. I was able to engage the interviewers through stories
around my work experience and hence was able to guide
the interview to some extent.
2. I was waiting for my other shortlists when my name came
in the extended shortlist of PhonePe. I was not expecting
this so I was actually not much concerned. In the hindsight
I believe it helped me in not being afraid of failure and
was confident during the entire interview.

What could be

Questions asked?

Your achievements in work, situations were you showed

leadership skills, how did you handle conflict etc.

Round 2
Crucial Questions: Mostly based on the present model of PhonePe and how to take it
forward. Case based questions

What went right? Even though I did not know much about the industry or the
company I tried to break down the questions to what basic
problem will it solve and based on that I used simple logic to
answer the questions

What could be

Questions asked?

1. How would you add rural merchants on the platform?

2. Cashbacks are not a sustainable model, how to take
the company forward?
3. What can be a differentiator for us? etc

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

It is very important to build stories around your resume and HR questions. It will help you
have some sort of control during the process and will help you remain confident.

Thank You - The End

Name: Surabhi Sharma
Company & Division: Kimberly Clark – Sales & Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Summer Intern

Preference for work experience: Less than 3 years

Industry: Paper based personal care & consumer goods

Position in the industry: Global brand (in the Fortune 500 list)

Main competitors: P&G, HUL

Major Products: Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle, Depend,

Andrex, Intimus and many more.

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):


GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Group Discussion
Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips
1 Topic – Legalization of Euthanasia in India

Number of people per group: 6-8 people per group

Number of people qualifying 30-40

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Tell me something about yourself that is not mentioned in
your resume in 3 statements.

2. Did you face any conflicts during your previous workplace?

Two important things that you learned in your previous work-
ex? What was a turning point in your life?

3. Explain S-T-P with the help of an example. What are the types
of segmentation? Mention three things that make the Indian
market challenging/ unique? Your favourite brand and what is
its positioning?

What went right? Answered questions related to marketing well. Made a few
mistakes here and there, where the interviewers helped me by
giving cues.
What could be
avoided? Could have prepared and answered the HR related questions

Questions asked? i. Questions related to previous work-ex

ii. What is the difference between sales and marketing?
What do you think is more important?
iii. Who is your ideal? What are your strengths? What
compliments do you receive from your friends?

Round 2 – Not Applicable

Crucial Questions: 1.

What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Ravi Ranjan
Company & Division: Prione Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

Information about the Company

 Prione is a joint venture between Catamaran Ventures and Amazon,
established in June 2014 to initiate and enable Small and Medium
businesses (SMBs) to be successful in the e-commerce space. Prione
offers services that enable SMBs to develop their business profitably
using the power of the internet to reach their customers and to succeed
in today’s digital economy.

Role and profile offered: Sales Manager

  Acquiring new sellers and enabling them to operate on Amazon platform.
 Defining the seller base and industry vertical targeted for various services.

 Leading the sales team to manage the performance of newly
 acquired managers.
 Responsible for managing a geographic region with more than 10 cities.

 Review the processes through customer feedback mechanism and
provide suggestions to enhance customer experience

Preference for work experience:

 Experience in a highly analytical, results-oriented environment
 with external customer interaction.
 Entrepreneurial drive and demonstrated ability to achieve goals in
 an innovative and fast-paced environment.
 Preferred experience with e-commerce, retail, advertising, or media with
an understanding of the retail and wholesale landscape in India with
prior interactions with sellers and distributors.

Industry: E-Commerce

Position in the industry:

Main competitors:

Major Products: Provides services to Increase seller base and products variety
on Amazon

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Questions related to my hobbies to gauge my knowledge and
interest in Content development and media designing.

2. Develop a revenue model to launch Adobe Photoshop latest version

in India on a subscription basis.

3. Identify a problem/need of the user and come up with an idea of a

product to address the issue.

4. Examples from my earlier work ex to demonstrate my abilities in

team leading, creative problem solving, risk management and cross-
functional working.

What went right? Was able to successfully align my interests with their requirement.
Being a part of the Media club at IIMB helped validating the
Approached every question in a structured way and provided
creative solutions. Excerpts from earlier Work Ex provided a solid
ground to my capabilities.
Ideas presented during the interview were appreciated.

What could be
avoided? Complex solutions should not be presented. Try to address basic
issues and provide innovative yet simple solutions.

Questions asked?
I enquired about the kind of Project I could expect to undertake,
the culture at their organisation, some of their success stories etc.

Round 2
Crucial Questions: The next round was mostly targeted to check my cultural fit into the
organisation. Apart from this I was detailed about various sectors in
which the organisation is working. We discussed the need of
expansion of E-retail and online service industry.

What went right? Although my past work ex was in an organization with strict
hierarchy and Vertical structure, I was able to convince them I
could easily adopt in their organization that encourages Flat
Given that there is greater scope of learning new skills and
requirement of highly creative thinking in such an organisation
makes me passionate about working with a start-up.

What could be Never lose your Calm. Orient your thoughts to align with their
avoided? requirements.

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Please go through Companies Vision and Mission statement and present yourself in
agreement with it.

Thank You - The End

Name: Venkatesh K
Company & Division: Microsoft - GSMO

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: NA

Preference for work experience: Technology background preferred

Industry: Technology (Software & Devices)

Position in the industry: Among top 3

Main competitors: Nil in OS, Lenevo & Others in Devices

Major Products: OS, Surface laptops, Xbox, Cloud Business [Azure]

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips
1 Topic –
Is JIO’s business model The interviewer was expecting deep and
sustainable ? unique points which are very much relevant to
the case. Please don’t globe around. Even,
one decent point fetches you marks

Number of people per group: 6

Number of people qualifying

to the interview: less than 20


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. What is the toughest decision you have taken in your life ?

2. Questions on work experience.

3. Tricky HR questions like “Would you want manage your

own startup ? Or Become CEO of Microsoft ?”

What went right?

Honest and Brutal answers
Convincing points
Clear expression of work experience

What could
be avoided?

Questions asked?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1. Mostly HR questions

2. You don’t have a sales experience. So, why do you think you
will be a good fit for the role that is offered ?

3. Questions on Hobbies. Very in depth questions

What went right?
Diplomatic answers
Discussion about weaknesses and my efforts to overcome them

What could
be avoided? Don’t jump into answers directly. Don’t hesitate to reword
the answer if it is not clear.

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Gloryna Dilbung
Company & Division: Boehringer Ingelheim

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Marketing & Sales, Brand Management

Preference for work experience: None

Industry: Pharmaceutical

Position in the industry: Top 20 worldwide

Main competitors: Novartis, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer,

Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck, Merck, Genentech Usa and Virbac.

 Major Products: Zantac, Mirapex, Aptivus, Bisolvon, Buscopan, Dulcolax

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): No written test

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):
Didn’t attend

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
I didn’t give it but they expected me to know
marketing frameworks and concepts

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying
to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Tell me about yourself. What is different between marketing
and sales?

2. What is one thing in MBA that you don’t learn in your

undergraduate college and vice versa.

3. What is value and how will you communicate it? What is the best
way a company or brand has communicated value to you?

What went right? I was confident and they wanted a doctor. I tried my best to stay on
my toes

What could be Stressing about the company. At least in my case, it was a

avoided? company that never came before sp maybe they didn’t expect me
to know much about them

Questions asked?
What is value? Why is communication important? How will you
deliver value to consumers? What will you do to market
effectively? Favourite commercial and brand?

Round 2- no round 2 for me

Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

They were eager to hire someone who they thought was going to be a good marketer as I have
seen from my interview where they didn’t delve into my medical past but focused only on
marketing. They paid a lot of attention to how I framed my Tell me about yourself answer and I
think they wanted someone who thought and was diverse. They liked that I could speak many
languages and that I was adaptable because I had lived in 6 cities, maybe to gauge how well I
would adapt since I’m both a fresher and the internship was not in Bangalore city. They liked
that I was friendly. I just spoke my mind and told them what I felt honestly every time they
questioned me. I think they wanted authenticity too and they liked that my answers were all
very simple and based on my experiences as a consumer and a club member (since my club
constantly needs something to engage the audience with for visibility). I made all my answers

Thank You - The End

Name: Amoghavarsha Lokeshwara
Company & Division: ReNew Power – BD Team (Distributed Solar)

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Intern (Sales and Marketing)

Preference for work experience: I had no work-ex. Preferred work ex would be in

power and thermal plants or wind generation.

Industry: Renewables

Position in the industry: #1 by capacity installed as of now

Main competitors: Amplus, CleanMax,

Major Products: Ground Mount Solar Plants, Rooftop Mounted Solar, Wind
Power Plants

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details): No written test conducted

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1 (only 1 round of interview was conducted)

Crucial Questions: The PI experience was pretty comfortable. Questions were pertaining
to HR and general awareness about the industry in general.
Theoretical and conceptual questions was not given importance at all

What went right? Since I had worked on a renewable organization as part of OD project,
I could comfortably answer the questions related to industry
evolution as well. Question pertaining to CAT percentile were gently
quashed in line with the institute’s rules and norms.

What could be Try avoiding revealing your CAT percentile to your recruiters inspite
avoided? of them being persistent with the question, which in anyways in line
with the institute’s rules and norms.

Questions asked? Questions pertaining to college experiences in clubs and committees,

languages known, strengths and weaknesses, tell me about yourself
broadly covered the entire interview aspect.

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Considering the scope industry offers for career growth, it’s imperative to say that having some
industry knowledge before going for interview certainly helps. To top that, the interviewer in
my case generally was looking for candidates who were genuinely interested in working in the
renewables sector.

Thank You - The End

Name: Chitrang Chauhan
Company & Division: HCCB (Sales)

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: More Sales side because marketing side is taken care
by Coca cola

Preference for work experience: High

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry:

Main competitors: Pepsi

Major Products: Cola, Minutemaid , Fanta, Limca, Thumsup, Sprite, Maaza

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): Yes
Written Test (Details): There was no written test. They mostly
shortlisted based on work ex and application
form which was quite good in terms of
judging your interest.

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Group Discussion
Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips
1 Topic – Topic was truly sales problems that exists in
industry. There were 6 problems listed. We
were given task of prioritising problems in
terms of highest effects on sales and in which
order to solve problems.

Number of people per group: 8

Number of people qualifying No clue

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Why should we choose you? As I have sales experience,
interviewer asked me that we can higher similar candidate
directly from market for less money. Why me then?

2. How well you can adopt to new culture and area.

3. They asked me to sell water battle at 200 rupees to outsider.

What they look for is how you pitch to other person and how
much effort you are making which they directly relates to your
interest in company.

What went right?

1. I was on top of the list because of GD process + relevant
2. Also attitude mattered a lot. Be open.

What could be
avoided? 1. Excessive jargons and theoretical knowledge
2. You can be right, there is no need to support all the
things they say. Give your opinion.

Questions asked?
1. Ask me about my work experience.
2. What is the difference between me and a other
sales person.
3. Why we should pay you more
4. What unique things you did in sales.
5. How comfortable are you with locations. If we send
you to some remote town in south where no one knows
(Hindi, English, Gujarati) how you will manage.
6. We doubt your capability of selling. Convince us.
7. Go and sell this water bottle in 200 rupees.

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

1. Try to learn as much as possible about distribution network of Coca cola.

2. If you don’t have any experience of sales, talk to person from sales and get hold
on practical aspects of sales.
3. It will be helpful if you can remember some products and its monthly and yearly
sale. (Additional)
4. Try making and practicing speech for selling any type of product.

Thank You - The End

Name: Parth Agarwal
Company & Division: Colgate Palmolive, Sales and Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales & Marketing

Preference for work experience: NIL


Position in the industry:

Main competitors: Dabur, P&G, HUL

Major Products: Colgate MaxFresh, Colgate Mouthwash, Colgate Sensitive Plus,

Colgate visible white, Colgate Toothbrush, Palmolive Liquid Handwash,
Palmolive Body wash,

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): NIL

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Case

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – Something on
branding. (personal care/home

Number of people per group: 8

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. How will you increase the frequency of usage of toothbrush?
Device a marketing plan and how will it be branded?

2. Which is your favourite add of Colgate and why?

3. Do you use body wash? Why Not? What can be done

to increase the usage?

4. What are your expectations from Colgate? Why do you

want to join?

5. Which is your favourite Brand? Why?

What went right?

I used the customer journey map to answer my questions. I used
creativity to differentiate myself. I used ideas from products that
were not of the category being asked about, but whose features
can be used for the category.
My resume had some volunteering activities for the society, I used it
to compliment the CSR work that is being done by Colgate.

What could be
avoided? I went blank for 10 seconds when the question about the
advertisement was asked. It should have been on my
fingertips. But I couldn’t recall an ad at all. Somehow Max
fresh ad came to my memory and it saved me.

Questions asked?
I asked about the role and the career path.

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Read thoroughly about the brand, its products, advertisements, CSR activities.
Study about the competition.
Think of ideas that can be used to increase the sales of all of its products.

Thank You - The End

Name: Aashlesha Potdukhe
Company & Division: ABInBev – Sales & Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales and Marketing

Preference for work experience: less than 2 years

Industry: Beverage

Position in the industry: Management Intern

Main competitors: Bira, Kingfisher

Major Products: Budweiser, Corona, Stella, Haywards 5000

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Cultural fit test, Logical reasoning test
Written Test (Details):
MCQ test, Depending on Pass/Fail of cultural
fit test you can proceed to next round. Each
round is elimination based

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Group Interview. Questions
were asked to a group of 12. Anyone can answer. 2 people went ahead in my group.

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Mostly based on company Try to take initiative in answering questions.
culture, ethics based, beer Come up with creative answers. They are
industry related looking for candidates who are innovative.
Number of people per group: One maths riddle was also asked which was
12 common sense based. Have presence of mind.
Number of people qualifying

to the interview: 2


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Why should I take you?

2. Why are you the Perfect fit for ABInBev?

3. Reflect on situations from your work experience where you

have shown leadership

What went right? My group discussion round went pretty well and I feel they make
up their mind in that round itself about a candidate. My interview
round lasted for 7 mins only after which I was selected. I think my
creativity in answering during GDs and answers on leadership
questions went well.

What could be Some candidates cut other during group discussions and this
avoided? wasn’t taken well by them. Try to appear stress free and positive.
ABInBev is a chilled out company and looks for culture fit over
anything else.

Questions asked?
1. Will you be okay with travelling/switching work
domains if you are offered a PPO?
2. Why marketing over Analytics profile that they offer in
spite of having work experience in Analytics?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

ABInBev is looking for candidates who can take ownership. Convince them that you can lead
teams, are creative and competent. Know about their company and business. Show them that
you are willing to learn. ALL THE BEST

Thank You - The End

Name: Chinton Chaudhury
Company & Division: AB InBev (BU)

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Internship at one of the company’s breweries.

Preference for work experience: mostly freshers, sometimes 2-3 years of work ex.

Industry: Beverage(mostly beer)

Position in the industry: World’s largest brewer

Main competitors:Heineken, Molson Coors, Bira, Diageo Major

Products: Beers – Budweiser, Beck’s Blue, Aguila, Corona

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): No. There was an online Logical & Critical
Reasoning Test that had to be passed, in order
to qualify for the GD round.

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):
Group Discussion

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – How can you change
the impression of beer in India.
Then generic questions to

Number of people per group:


Number of people qualifying
to the interview: 2-3


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Do you consider yourself to as a leader?

2. If we are planning to put you in breweries, are you ready to

go? What if we shift you to Sales and Marketing, and then to
Business Analytics are you ready to go? Does that mean you
don’t have anything decided as of now?

3. Why did you want to join this company?

What went right? I guess being your natural self, paid out. Also, it is important to
judge the seriousness of the interviewers. Ab InBev, for one, has a
very relaxed GD and Interview environment. It is also important to
go through the values of the company, and ensure that you adhere
to them while answering all the questions.

What could be Try to give answer to the point, as much as possible. Don’t beat
avoided? around the bush. Don’t speak more than necessary, or try to
show off.

Questions asked? A lot of questions were asked during GD :-

1. If this were your company, what would have been the
most important value?
2. Would you prefer a suit & tie or a casual t-shirt in office?
3. If you were in a position to give bribe and get a job done
much faster, how would you react?
4. Which 2 members from this group would you select for
your team?
5. Which department would you choose to work for in the
company and why?

Round 2 (NA)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Create notes on each of the shortlisted companies – what the company does, its vision
and values, financials, its major products, competitors, recent news etc.
Practise a lot of mock GDs and Interviews. That ought to get the nervousness out of the way.
Interact with seniors of respective companies to gather insight on GD and interview process.
Keep calm and don’t get frightened or nervous. Preparing regularly for 1-2 hours should do
the trick.
Don’t compare yourself with others.
Have faith on yourself. The internship process can be tough, but always remember, you are
in IIMB, you will eventually get placed.

Thank You - The End

Name: Mayur Gautam
Company & Division: AbInbev (Sales and Marketing)

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales and Marketing

Preference for work experience: Preferably less 2 years (Not a compulsion)

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry:

Main competitors: United Breweries, Heineken, MillerCoors

Major Products: Budweiser, Haywards 5000, Corona, Stella Artoisbeck’, Beck’s Ice

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details): Yes, Two stages of test.
1. Cultural Fit Test: 20 questions with
multiple choice
2. Normal Test (Similar to CAT): This will
consist of three sections. i). English passages
with 4-5 set of questions ii). Data
Interpretation iii). Logical Reasoning:
Studying patterns.
At the end of test there will be one more
cultural fit test that will last for 30-40

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): It was more of a group interview.
Where they started with intorudce yourself. Then, threw some situations and asked us to
discuss (Like how to allocate bonuses among employees). They also asked the perception
of Beer in India.

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – Beer Perception in 1. Study about their campaigns which they
India run.

Number of people per group: 2. Be clear with their values (available on
10-12 website)

Number of people qualifying

to the interview: 25-30


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Why AbInbev?

2. What role will you prefer?

3. Some situational questions: What if there is no project under


What went right? It was a very short interview where they just asked 4-5 questions. I
think GD is very important in case of AbInbev.

What could be Try not to give diplomatic answers in GD. Say whatever you
avoided? feel and take a side. It would be really difficult when you have to
justify yourself.

Questions asked? Same as Critical questions.

Interesting Part: They told me to introduce myself in 30 seconds

through a story.

Round 2
Crucial Questions: Single round of interview only

What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
1. Be clear with products of the company.
2. Have a good sleep before GD day.
3. Ask your friends to do company research for you.
4. Why this company and this role? (Very important)

Thank You - The End

Name: Mohit Khobragade
Company & Division: Indigo, Finance Department

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Summer Intern, Corporate Planning

Preference for work experience: 2-3 years

Industry: Airlines

Position in the industry: 1st

Main competitors: SpiceJet, Jet Airways, Air Asia

Major Products:

Pre-Process Details : Shortlist Based on Resume.

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details):


GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) TopicsTips

1 Topic –

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. What do know about Airlines Industry? Some Economics
questions related to airlines industry, basically demand and
2. Do read News? How indigo is performing? What is the
reason for Quarter 2 loss? What would you do to bring down
the loss? Marginal cost of adding per customer?
3. What is driver in cost reduction in airline industry?
4. Work experience related questions.

What went right?

I was thoroughly prepared for the News section coz I knew that
they will surely ask me about there Q2 loss of 2018, coz it was
the first time Ingido had any loss.

What could be
avoided? Be specific while answering. Avoid globe

Questions asked?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1. Some HR related questions
2. Will you continue with Indigo for long term

What went right? Honesty and modesty

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

The Industry related data that was prepared by my classmates really helped me for revision.

Thank You - The End

Name: Mervin Joseph
Company & Division: Amazon – Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Marketing, ProdMan, Category Management…

Preference for work experience: None

Industry: E-commerce

Position in the industry: Leader

Main competitors: Flipkart

Major Products: Amazon Prime, Amazon Pay…

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): NA

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: Application based regarding internship project they had in mind – how
would you solve this problem, what approach would you take?

What went right? Reading up on the 14 leadership principles and being able to
present scenarios from workex/acads in light of the same without
making it too obvious.

What could be Comparisons to the competition by name


Questions asked? Workex based, interests and hobbies, mostly regarding the
internship projects (they had already planned the projects but did
not reveal as such. In hindsight, I understood that they were
asking questions related to the projects)

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Read through the 14 leadership principles of Amazon on Google (must do) and try to map out
which ones would be relevant for the role that you plan to apply to. Try to build a strong
story around each of those based on your workex/acads/extracurrics. It will come in handy
during the interview. If you’ve done this part well, you will naturally be able to do well in the

Thank You - The End

Name: Anurag Palaparthi
Company & Division: Swiggy & Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered:

Preference for work experience: Marketing

Industry: Ecommerce

Position in the industry: Leader

Main competitors: Zomato

Major Products: Food delivery as a service

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): N

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions:
Tell about the marking internship you have from IIM Luknow,
in detail. (Discussion on this for 40 min)

What went right? I admitted that I didn’t know the answers to couple of questions he
I also pointed out how I could have made the final project in
internship better after coming to IIM Bangalore and explained it to

What could be I was unprepared for company specific questions like values,
avoided? and said I didn’t know.

Questions asked? What are different types of promotions and describe a situation
where you’ll use those?
What are the limitations of the market research you’ve done in
IIM Lucknow?

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Aakruti
Company & Division: ABInBev

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales and Strategy

Preference for work experience: Marketing

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry: Leader

Main competitors: Kingfisher

Major Products: Budweiser, Beck’s Ice, Corona, Leffe, Stella Artois

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): N

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group: It was like a group interview. There were 4
panelists who interacted with us and asked us
Number of people qualifying questions about role of technology in brewing
to the interview: and how much we knew about the company


Round 1
Crucial Questions:
What do you think will the future of brewing be like in the next
20 years

What would you chose if you have been given two options: a company
that pays less in the initial years but let’s you grow at your pace or a
company that pays more from the beginning

What went right? Focus on ethics

Focus on learning new things
Clearly stating that no matter what you will be able to take
challenges and deliver results

What could be They were grilling in some questions and some of my answers
avoided? were not consistent
Questions asked?

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Read about the company, their values, their recent activities and their CSR. They believe
in working ethically and have a high focus on quality of their products.

Thank You - The End

Name: Amit Malhotra
Company & Division: MakeMyTrip

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales & Marketing/Product Manager/Revenue Manager

Preference for work experience: 2+ years

Industry: Online Travel

Position in the industry: Leader in India

Main competitors: Agoda,,Yatra

Major Products: Domestic/International Hotels, Flights.

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): NA

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group: NA

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions:
Design an Uber for a Physically challenged person.

What went right?
Take the interviewer with you on every step and think from every
perspective possible like making a booking, getting alerts,
boarding a cab, driver sensitization etc. Structuring your solution
to the problem is very important.
What could be

Questions asked?
One or two guesstimates and solution to design uber for
a physically challenged.

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1. NA



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Balaga Sneha
Company & Division: Intuit – Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: marketing intern

Preference for work experience: No preference

Industry: Financial Software solutions

Position in the industry:

Main competitors:

Major Products:

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Yes

Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details):

No written test

GD – (Yes / No): No
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Questions on Work experience

2. Case question – how and where will you market a financial

software solution to small scale businesses


What went right?

Linking experience gained through work experience and

being aware of all latest company products.

What could be
Even if you have no idea about products they mentioned don’t
mention short answers. Tell them upfront and they will help
you with approaching the case.

Questions asked?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Konark Patel
Company & Division: ITC, Sales & Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: ITC KITES Intern, Sales & Marketing

Preference for work experience: No

Industry: FMCG

Position in the industry:

Main competitors: Major FMCG companies

Major Products:

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Yes, Detailed Form
Written Test (Details): Psychographic Test

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Case

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –A case was given. An In this GD, all the ground rules of GD were
aeroplane got crashed and 5 broken. Everybody was cutting each other so
different individuals were much that it became difficult to even complete
survived. Their details were the sentence. Although putting up thoughts
given. We were supposed to without being aggressive and trying to assuage
discuss and decide who should other helped me to clear GD.
lead the survivors.

Number of people per group:

5, 20 mins GD

Number of people qualifying
to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. What would you prefer? Sales or Brands? Follow up questions
were asked based on choice.
2. Projects mentioned in application form – in depth discussion
on Marketing project of first term in my case.

What went right? In application form, we were supposed to mention 5 major projects
undertaken in college, job etc. I had mentioned first term Marketing
project, which we did on Dabur, on first position. I was explicitly
asked about the project. I was able to describe the project in detail.
This worked for me.

Also, at the end, I was asked whether I have any questions for
them. I mentioned some numbers regarding share of revenue and
profits of different products of ITC. Knowledge of recent activities
going on in ITC helped.

What could be At one point of time, what I spoke in interview was not matching
avoided? with what I had mentioned in application form. Although, I was
able to justify the reasons. This could have gone wrong if was
not properly justified.

Questions asked? What would you prefer? Brands or Sales? Why Sales? Wouldn't
Sales become monotonous for you? (I had mentioned in the form
that I like to work in creative environment.) 1-2 cases were
given to justify why I was interested in Sales. (As a sales person,
how would you inspire your mother to user Aashirvaad Atta
instead of using whole wheat grain?)

What different brands of ITC do you know? Do you use them?

Some questions regarding my home town were also asked.

Round 2 - No round 2 in ITC

Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Knowing about brands of ITC and recent happenings of ITC can come very handy in
interview. Application form also played major part in my interview. Try not to create
conflict in what is written in form and what you speak in interview.

Thank You - The End

Name: Harshal Wankhede
Company & Division: Pidilite, Sales and Marketing

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales and Marketing

Preference for work experience: not sure

Industry: Adhesive and Industrial Chemicals

Position in the industry: Management Trainee

Main competitors: NA

Major Products: Fevicols, Dies

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):

GD – (Yes / No): YES

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – Flimstar are most
important for ads success I tried not to put too many point as the topic
After 5 mins topic revised to was quite globe, one thing that I noticed, only
Flimstar are not important for two member of group talk against the topic,
ads success, give one positive both get selected for interview
and one negative point
after 5 mins, asked everyone to
conclude in two points

Number of people per group: 8

Number of people qualifying

to the interview: (Don’t


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Why sales after working 3 years core industry? What value do
you add

2. Why people buy fevicol of Rs. 5, when there are cheaper and
black marketed brands available (Don’t say quality matters,
think as a 10 year buy. Do you really think of quality, when
you can save Rs 1 and buy chocolate)

3. why retail store buy fevicol when there are other products
available (Related to question 2 answer)

following question asked by other person in other room

4. perceptual map of Lux, Dettol, Lifeboy & Dove

5. one or two basic marketing definition (which you can explain

through communication

What went right? I think the guy was quite impress with my question number 4 and
question number 1.
The 2nd person impressed with the question I asked when I asked
me “Any questions you want to ask me?”
I ask him the same question number 2, and he was like excellent

What could be Don’t globe, be specific!!

avoided? HR guy is quite strict about what you say, he almost rejects me

Questions asked? Rest question was quite normal, related to my resume and
numbers mentioned in resume.

Round 2: NA
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
I was not aware of pidilite product, except fevicol and Dr. Fixit, but there is whole lot of
industrial product which they have, and they generally asked end question “why pidilite?” and
“any question for me?”
I almost converted my interview because of this two question as I feel that rest of my
interview was ok ok only.

Thank You - The End

Name: Abhimanyu Singh
Company & Division: Samsung Electronics (Marketing )

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered:

Preference for work experience: Nil


Position in the industry:

Main competitors: LG, Whirlpool,

Major Products: Refrigerator, Washing Machine, A.C.

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details): Nil

GD – (Yes / No): Y
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): Group Discussion

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Should we permit China’s Don’t make a fish market. Participate 2-3
export in India’s electronic times with valid points. Speaking more than
market others doesn’t increase chances of selection.

Number of people per group:


Number of people qualifying

to the interview: 20


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. Difference between Sales & Marketing

2. HR questions from resume

3. What is brand equity? Do Samsung have a good brand equity?

What went right? Thorough preparation of resume points. Confidence. Evidence to

back-up any HR question.

What could be Not knowing the difference between various division of

avoided? Samsung which came for placements.

Questions asked?

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

Thank You - The End

Name: Pavani Yasarapu
Company & Division: Samsung Electronics

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales & Marketing

Preference for work experience: Yes


Position in the industry:

Main competitors:

Major Products:

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): No
Written Test (Details): No

GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):

Group Discussion
Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips
1 Topic –

Number of people per group:

Number of people qualifying

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: 1. The interview started off with scanning my resume. Asked me
about my hometown and my Undergrad college.
2. Asked a few questions relevant to my work experience.
More about my role and responsibilities.
3. Discussion about how courses in MBA are more
theoretical, rather not of much use on field.
4. The interview ended with an informal discussion about
my hobbies.

What went right?

BYJUS (my previous workplace) had a tie-up with Samsung
regarding tablets and the person interviewing me was involved with
this deal. This turned out in favourable to me when I was talking
about my role at BYJUS. The informal chat regarding my interests in
arts and writing brought a positive opinion as they were looking for
extra-curriculars in a candidate for the sales & marketing role.

What could be
avoided? Avoid using too much of MBA jargon if you aren’t sure of them.

Questions asked?
1. What is the primary change you would recommend
if you go back to BYJUS after IIMB?
2. Why MBA after Biotech? (my Undergrad branch)

Round 2
Crucial Questions: 1.



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:

1. Know about the company you’re applying for.

2. Work experience played a crucial role in my case; be thorough with your role
and responsibilities.
3. Be prepared with basic marketing concepts. Will come handy in the interview.

Thank You - The End

Name: Avik
Company & Division: AB InBev, Ops

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Fin-Ops

Preference for work experience: N/A

Industry: Beer

Position in the industry: #1 (globally), #2 (India)

Main competitors: Heineken, Carlsberg

Major Products: Budweiser Premium, Corona Extra, Leffe, Hoegaarden

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): Aptitude,

GD – (Yes / No): Y
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): GD

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – Future of work Be yourself
Number of people per group: 8

Number of people qualifying

to the interview: 1


Round 1
Crucial Questions:
What went right? Spontaneity

What could be Canned responses
Questions asked? If not AB InBev, then which company and why?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Read up on current affairs and prepare HR questions well.

Thank You - The End

Name: Rasuka
Company & Division: AB InBev, GCC

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Project Management, IT D&D

Preference for work experience: less than a year

Industry: Beer

Position in the industry: #1 (globally), #2 (India)

Main competitors: Heineken, Carlsberg, Kingfisher

Major Products: Budweiser, Corona, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Stella Artois, Beck’s

Pre-Process Details

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): Y
Written Test (Details): Aptitude,

GD – (Yes / No): Y
Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify): GD

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic – How to address stigma Be well informed about the company’s
around beer in India position in India and its competitors. The
Followed by a few directed major challenges the company faces, the
questions to some students positioning of its brands in India

Number of people per group: 8

Number of people qualifying

to the interview: depends on
how many they like. Three
from my GD panel made it to
the interview

Interviews – did not ask me any questions, simply gave the offer

Round 1
Crucial Questions:
What went right?

What could be
Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Be aware of recent happenings, prepare HR questions well. Know the 10 ABI principles.

Thank You - The End

Name: Siddharth Thakur
Company & Division: Asian Paints - Sales

Information about the Company (May have come up during company research)

Role and profile offered: Sales

Preference for work experience: No-preferably freshers

Industry: Paints

Position in the industry: Market Leader, Cost Leadership

Main competitors: Nerolac, Nippon

Major Products: Apex Ultima, Royale Health Sheild

Pre-Process Details GD followed by interview

Resume (Y/N): Y
Application Form (Y/N): N
Written Test (Details):


GD – (Yes / No): Yes

Group Discussion/Group Task/Case (Please Specify):
Importance of democracy

Phase No. Procedure (GD/Test) Topics Tips

1 Topic –
Number of people per group: 6-7

Number of people qualifying 1-2

to the interview:


Round 1
Crucial Questions: Why S&M?
Why Asian Paints?
Why are you a good fit for the company?

What skills would make you a good fit for the sales company?

What went right? Basic HR questions preparation

What could be A little detailed company research


Questions asked? Covered in crucial questions

Round 2 ( No round 2)
Crucial Questions: 1.NA



What went right?

What could be

Questions asked?

Please provide any other insights on the preparation process before interviews:
Thank You - The End

Companies’ Brief

Colgate Palmolive
Category Consumer Products
Sector FMCG
Tagline/ Slogan Colgate World of Care
Colgate toothpaste brand is one the most respected brands in
USP the world

Colgate-Palmolive is an American multinational consumer products company focused on the
production, distribution and provision of household, health care, and personal care products.
Colgate is a household name in India with one out of two consumers using
Colgate toothpaste. CPIL is the market leader in the Indian oral care market with a market
share of 51 per cent in the toothpaste segment, 48 per cent in toothpowder segment and 30
per cent in the toothbrush segment

In 1806, devout Baptist English immigrant soap and candle maker William Colgate
established a starch, soap, and candle factory on Dutch Street in New York City under the
name William Colgate & Company. In 1833, he suffered a severe heart attack, stopping his
business's sales; after a convalescence he continued with his business. In the 1840s, the
company began selling individual cakes of soap in uniform weights. In 1857, Colgate died
and the company was reorganized as Colgate & Company under the management of his
devout Baptist son Samuel Colgate, who did not want to continue the business but thought it
would be the right thing to do. In 1872, he introduced Cashmere Bouquet, a perfumed soap.
In 1873, the company introduced its first Colgate Toothpaste, an aromatic toothpaste sold in
jars.[3] In 1896, the company sold the first toothpaste in a tube, named Colgate Ribbon
Dental Cream (invented by dentist Washington Sheffield). Also in 1896, Colgate hired
Martin Ittner and under his direction founded one of the first applied research labs.[4] By
1908, they initiated mass sales of toothpaste in tubes. William Colgate's other son, James
Boorman Colgate, was a primary trustee of Colgate University (formerly Madison
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the B.J. Johnson Company was making a soap entirely of palm oil
and olive oil, the formula of which was developed by B.J. Johnson in 1898. The soap was
popular enough to rename their company after it — Palmolive. Around the start of the 20th
century, Palmolive, which contained both palm and olive oils, was the world's best-selling
soap. Extensive advertising included the radio programs The Palmolive Hour (1927-1931)
and Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre (1934-1937). A Missouri-based soap manufacturer known
as Peet Brothers, who were originally from Wisconsin, merged with Palmolive to become
Palmolive-Peet. In 1928, Palmolive-Peet acquired the Colgate Company to create the
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. In 1953, Peet was dropped from the name, leaving only
Colgate-Palmolive Company, the current name.
Colgate-Palmolive STP

Segment Products and services for daily needs
Target Group Every household especially the middle class
Positioning A company which makes products for caring for its consumers

Product Portfolio
1. Colgate Dental Cream 2. Colgate Total 12

3. Colgate Sensitive 4. Colgate Max Fresh

5. Colgate Cibaca 6. Colgate Active Salt

7. Colgate Plax 8. Colgate 360

9. Colgate Zig Zag 10.Colgate Toothpowder

11. Halo Shampoo 12. Palmolive Naturals

13. Palmolive Aroma 14.Palmolive Thermal Spa

15. Aroma Hand Wash 16.Palmolive Shave Cream

17.Palmolive Charmis

The above mentioned brands are the prominent products under

the Colgate-Palmolive product portfolio.

Colgate-Palmolive SWOT Analysis

1. It is one of the biggest brands in the personal care consumer
products industry
2. It has over 38000 employees globally
3. One of the market leaders globally with excellent R&D
4. Colgate focuses on four core businesses: Oral Care, Personal
Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition
5. Colgate has excellent reach and distribution and its products
are available in over 200 countries
6. Excellent advertising and brand visibility of products with a
strong customer loyalty for brands
1. Market share is limited due to presence of other strong
Weaknesses FMCG brands
2. Fake brands are supplied under their brand names
1. Tap rural markets and increase penetration in urban areas
2.Mergers and acquisitions to strengthen the brand
3.Increasing purchasing power of people thereby increasing

1. Intense and increasing competition amongst other FMCG
2.FDI in retail thereby allowing international brands
3. Competition from unbranded and local products

Colgate-Palmolive Competition
Below are the top 7 Colgate-Palmolive competitors:

1. Marico

2. L'Oréal

Competitors 3. Nirma Ltd

4. HUL

5. ITC

6. Procter and Gamble7. Dabur

Recent news & campaigns

Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), commonly known as Indian Oil is an Indian state
government owned oil and Gas Company headquartered in New Delhi. It is the largest
commercial oil company in the country, with a net profit of INR 19,106 crore (USD 2,848
million) for the financial year 2016–17. It is ranked 1st in Fortune India 500 list for year 2016
and 137th in Fortune's ‘Global 500’ list of world's largest companies in the year 2018. As of
31 March 2017 Indian Oil's employee strength is 33,135.
Indian Oil accounts for nearly half of India's petroleum products market share, 35% national
refining capacity (together with its subsidiary Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., or
CPCL), and 71% downstream sector pipelines through capacity. The Indian Oil Group owns
and operates 11 of India's 23 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 80.7 MMTPA
(million metric tonnes per annum). On 19 November 2017, IOC, in collaboration with Ola,
launched India’s first electric charging station at one of its petrol-diesel stations in Nagpur.
Indian governments’ National Electric Mobility Mission Plan launched in 2013 aims at
gradually ensuring a vehicle population of 6 to 7 million electric and hybrid vehicles in India
by 2020.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
Parent Company IOCL
Category Oil & Gas
Sector Energy & Power

Tagline/ Slogan The energy of India

Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL) is India's most well renowned
Corporates, countries, individuals looking to fulfil energy
Enterprises looking for energy for production, people for petrol
Target Group
diesel for vehicles and domestic uses
Positioning IOCL provides energy, fuel and gas to entire India
IOCL SWOT Analysis
1. IOCL is India's largest commercial enterprise with a strong
brand name
2. Indian Oil has petroleum products, fuels, lubricants,
petrochemicals etc.
3. Operates many refineries in India
4. Huge distribution network through retailing makes Indian
Oil a popular brand name
5. Accounts for a majority share in the petroleum products
market and substantial share in refining capacity and
Strengths downstream sector pipelines capacity in India
6. IOCL has over 35,000 employees
7. Loyalty programs like XTRAPOWER Fleet Card Program is
aimed at Large Fleet Operators

8. IOCL's pipeline in India spans more than 11,000km making

it one of the largest globally

9. Strong branding and marketing exercises through TVC,

sponsorships, print, online ads etc. make Indian Oil a top brand
1. High competition from other oil companies means limited
market share growth
2.Bureaucracy affects the operations of a government
controlled company like IOCL
1. IOCL can tap on increasing demand and higher fuel/oil
2. Increasing natural gas market for industries and

3. Global expansion with tie-ups with international oil

4. Acquisition of smaller companies can further strengthen the

position of IOCL
1. Government regulations can slow down business
2. High Competition means limited market share for IOCL
3. NGOs and environment focused companies can be an
obstacle in business
IOCL Competition
Below are the top 4 IOCL competitors:

1. Bharat Petroleum

Competitors 2. Hindustan Petroleum


4. Riliance Industries limited

Recent News

Maruti Suzuki
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited, is an automobile
manufacturer in India. It is a 56.21% owned subsidiary of the Japanese car and motorcycle
manufacturer Suzuki Motor Corporation. As of July 2018, it had a market share of 53% of
the Indian passenger car market. Maruti Suzuki manufactures and sells many popular cars as
given below. The company is headquartered at New Delhi. In May 2015, the company
produced its fifteen millionth vehicle in India, a Swift Dzire. Maruti Udyog Limited was
founded by the Government of India in 1981, only to merge with the Japanese automobile
company Suzuki in October 1982. The first manufacturing factory of Maruti was established
in Gurgaon, Haryana, in the same year
Popular products
Model Launched Category

Wagon R 1999–present Hatchback
Swift 2005–present Hatchback
Dzire 2008–present Sedan
Eeco 2010–present Minivan
Alto K10 2010–present Hatchback
Ertiga 2012–present Mini MPV
Alto 800 2012–present Hatchback
Celerio 2014–present Hatchback
Ciaz 2014–present Sedan
Baleno 2015–present Hatchback
S-Cross 2015–present Mini SUV
Vitara Brezza 2016–present Mini SUV

Maruti Suzuki
Parent Company Suzuki Motor Corporation
Category Sedans, Hatchbacks, SUV’s
Sector Automobiles
Tagline/ Slogan Way of life; Count on us
Maruti has car models in every segment with a wide price
USP range to choose from, apart from being the most reliable name
in Indian automobile market
Maruti STP
Segment Complete automobile segment including sedans & SUV’s
Indian urban and semi-urban middle class and upper middle
Target Group class
Positioning Maruti is India’s No.1 automobile brand with strong legacy
Maruti SWOT Analysis
1. Maruti Suzuki is the largest passenger car company in India,
accounting for around 45% market share

2. Over 12,000 people are employed with Maruti

3. Good advertising, product portfolio, self-competing brands

4. Largest distribution network of dealers and after sales

service centres

5. Strong brand value and strong presence in the second hand

car market

6. Having different revenue streams like Maruti finance,

Maruti Insurance and Maruti driving schools

7. Over 700,000 units sold in India annually including 50,000

8. Maruti Suzuki launched NEXA showrooms to cater to its

premium cars market

9. The company has been recognized by several awards in the

automobile segment in India
1. Inability to penetrate into the international market
2. Employee management, strikes, worker wage problems have
affected Maruti's brand image in the past
1. Developing hybrid cars and fuel efficient cars for the future
can be an opportunity for Maruti Suzuki

2. Maruti can target tapping emerging markets across the world

and building a global brand

3. Fast growing automobile market and increased purchasing

1. Government policies for the automobile sector across the

2. Ever increasing fuel prices

3. Intense competition from global automobile brands and
cheaper brands can hurt Maruti Suzuki's business

4. Substitute modes of public transport like buses, metro trains

Maruti Suzuki Competition
1. Honda Motors

2. Toyota Motor Corporation

3. Nissan Motors

4. Hyundai Motors
5. Fiat

6. Mitsubishi Motors

7. Chevrolet

8. Tata Motors

9. Skoda Auto

10. Volkswagen

11. Ford Motor Company

12. Volvo

Latest news

Ola Cabs
Ola Cabs (stylised as OLΛ), is an Indian transportation network company (TNC) offering
services that include peer-to-peer ridesharing, ride service hailing, taxi and food delivery. The
company is based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and was developed by ANI Technologies
Pvt. Ltd. As of May 2019, Ola was valued at about $6.2 billion. A variety of venture
capitalists including Softbank have large stakes in the company.
Ola Cabs was founded on 3 December 2010 as an online cab aggregator in Mumbai, and is
now based in Bangalore. As of 2018, the company has expanded to a network of more than
10, 00,000 vehicles across 169 cities. In November 2014, Ola diversified to incorporate auto
rickshaws on a trial basis in Bengaluru. After the trial phase, Ola Auto expanded to other
cities like Delhi, Pune, Chennai and Hyderabad starting in December 2014. In January 2018,
Ola extended into its first overseas market, Australia, and in New Zealand in September
2018. In March 2019, Ola began its UK operations introducing Auto Rickshaws in UK.
Company ANI Technologies Pvt Ltd
Category Service provider for taxi hiring (Aggregator)
Sector IT & Technology
Slogan Chalo Niklo
USP Standardized customer experience & Price transparency
OlaCabs STP
Segment People who mobile from one place to another for any purpose

Target Group Customers who are in need of cabs instantly
Positioning Using technology to bring the higher efficiency and customer experience
OlaCabs SWOT Analysis
1. First mover advantage as a taxi aggregator in India

2. Acquisition of Taxi For Sure made it No. 1 in India

3. Top of the mind service

4. High awareness due to aggressive TV, online and print media

Strengths marketing

5.Huge customer base & due to network effect it is increasing

6. Rapid expansion and online application

7. Multiple rounds of VC investments have made the brand financially

1. Drivers are the face of the company and hence their misbehaviour
directly affects the brand image
2. While the demand is huge, amount of cash burning is huge and
monetization is very difficult
1. Unorganized market is huge (~90%) and hence potential is high

2.Increasing internet penetration & smart phone users

Opportunities 3. Rising disposable income

4. Shifting of consumers towards convenience creates huge demand

5. Acquisition of smaller players

1. Rising competition

2. Uber has deep pocket and hence can burn cash heavily

3. Presence of many national players

4. Absence of clear government regulations in developing countries

5. Future is unclear due to lack of regulations and Customer loyalty is less

in this industry
OlaCabs Competition
Below are the top 5 OlaCabs competitors:

1. Uber Cabs

2. Meru cabs (India)

3. Easycabs

4. Unorganized players (Auto rickshaws/Taxis)

5. Carpooling services

Recent News

Visa Inc. is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Foster
City, California, United States. It facilitates electronic funds transfers throughout the world,
most commonly through Visa-branded credit cards, gift cards, and debit cards. Visa does not
issue cards, extend credit or set rates and fees for consumers; rather, Visa provides financial
institutions with Visa-branded payment products that they then use to offer credit, debit,
prepaid and cash-access programs to their customers. In 2015, the Nelson Report, a publication
that tracks the credit card industry, found that Visa's global network (known as VisaNet)
processed 100 billion transactions during 2014 with a total volume of US$6.8 trillion. Visa is
the world's second-largest card payment organization (debit and credit cards combined), after
being surpassed by China Union Pay in 2015, based on annual value of card payments
transacted and number of issued cards.
Parent Company VISA Inc
Category Credit Card Company, Consumer Finance
Sector Banking & Financial Services

Tagline/ Slogan Go with Visa; More people go with Visa

USP Strong global presence
Segment Credit card users looking for payment solutions
Target Group Retail consumers from the urban areas
Positioning Credit and financial solutions

VISA SWOT Analysis
1. Largest market share in the world
2. Strong supply chain and branding through advertising
3. Has over 7000 employees and over 8500 branches globally
4. Visa’s global network (known as VisaNet) processed 62
billion transactions
5. VISA has been sponsoring a lot of major global sporting
6. Visa launched "Currency of Progress," an effort to better
educate the world about how digital currency advances
economic empowerment and business efficiency worldwide
1. High exposure to risk and fraud
2. Litigation risks
1. Cashless economies in developing and emerging economies
2. Digital currency
1. Stringent economic policies world over
2. Highly competitive environment
VISA Competition
Competitors 1. Mastercard

Recent News

Mphasis is an IT services company based in Bangalore, India. The company provides
infrastructure technology and applications outsourcing services, as well as architecture
guidance, application development and integration, and application management services. It
serves financial services, telecom, logistics, and technology industries. Mphasis was ranked
#7 in India IT companies and overall #165 by Fortune India 500 in 2011.[2] In April 2016,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise sold the majority of its stake in Mphasis to Blackstone Group LP
for around US$1 billion
Mphasis is a service company, so it doesn’t have products of it own. The markets served by
the company are financial services and insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, government,
transportation, communications, and consumer and retail industries .
SWOT Analysis

 Low cost advantage
 Broad range of research and development services
 Strong Brand Equity as its position as an HP company
 High quality standards
 Currently has employed strength of 38000 with presence in 14

Weaknesses  Margin pressure increased due to increase in direct sales

 Company has good opportunity since the sector is growing
Opportunities  Can diversify in brand product category and consulting services
 Huge potential in domestic market
 Slowdown in US economy as major client base is from US
Threats  Attrition and Employee loyalty
 Increasing cost of Human capital

Recent News

Carborundum Ltd.

Carborundum Universal Ltd (CUMI), a part of Murugappa Group, is one of the largest and
oldest conglomerates in India. CUMI is the leading manufacturer and developer of abrasives,
ceramics, refractories, aluminium oxide grains, machine tools, polymers, adhesives and
electro minerals in India. CUMI is the only abrasive manufacturer with the diversification

The company has subsidiaries in India, Russia, South Africa, Australia, China, Thailand and

Products and brands

Some renowned brands include BSA, Hercules, Ballmaster, Ajax, Parry’s, Chola, Gromor,
Shanthi Gears and Paramfos

SWOT Analysis
• The company provides value for money to the customers through
Strength their better quality and innovative products.
• The company treats customers with respect and concern

• The company has got strong R& D department, which have a
policy that 6% of total sales every year should be from new
products. R &D enables the company to have an edge over
competitors in the new product development.
• The company has got professionally managed sales team with
strong back up of reputed dealers.
• ISO 9001: 2008 certification also helps in obtaining some orders
as well as maintaining the standard of the company.
• The greatest strength of the company comes from the employees
who are efficient, energetic and sincere. Dynamic top level
management backs them. There is no barrier between
management and workers.
• The salinity of water has to be improved.
• The roads within the company are to be developed so that men
Weakness and materials can be moved easily.
• Promotion is based on the seniority not on performance

• The company can introduce more of its products in the market.

• The company can produce new and improved products with less
labour and advanced technology.
• More mines have to be developed.
• Globalization and liberalization can make its products globally
• The company can employ best brains from top business and
technical institutions for better working and management.
• CUMI faces stiff competition from world majors and local
• Power and other equipment are expensive.
• The demand for abrasives has fallen down because of industrial
and economy slowdown.
• European financial crisis.

Recent News

Coverfox Insurance Company


Coverfox Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd. provides insurance brokerage services online. It offers
two wheeler, car, term, health, travel, life, and general insurance products. The company was
incorporated in 2013 and is based in Mumbai, India
Coverfox not only helps one to compare features and prices of an insurance policy and buy
the best policy, but also provides expert help if one ever wants to make a claim or renew the
Founders: Varun Dua, Devendra Kumar Rane
Key Investors: Innoven Capital, Accel Partners, SAIF Partners
Investment so far: $58.59Mn

SWOT Analysis
 Large Variety of Products
 Insurance products + Consultant Services
Strengths  Strong investors
 Marketing campaigns: Recently signed Tapsee Pannu for the same.
 Low awareness & motivation amongst general population to avail
insurance & services.(only 3.9% have insurance)
 Slow Adaptation to avail online services related to insurance amongst
Weaknesses general population
 High Bounce rate : 70%(people visiting the first page and returning
without converting to sale) Competitor average is 55%

 Prospective Acquisition by Paytm

 Growing Digitalization
Opportunities  Growing GDP in India
 Increasing Insurance Awareness(expected to reach $280 billion in 2020)
 Increasing awareness to online platforms offering insurance

 Strong local competitors providing offline services such as LIC with

already a huge customer case and online competitors such as
Threats PolicyBazaar.
 Changing market laws and insurance environment

Recent News

 Paytm may acquire Coverfox for around $120 million if the deal goes through
 Coverfox has plans to set up office in Hyderabad
 Coverfox Receives INR 40 Cr From Existing Investors In Ongoing Series C Round
 Previously collaborated with Aditya Birla Group in BizLabs Fintech, an accelerator-
like platform for Indian startups
 Coverfox Learn – Platform that publishes insurance related knowledge
 Coverfox to unveil ‘customized’ micro-insurance products soon; CEO,
Premanshu Singh: “We aim to grow 500% in next FY, enter new categories like cyber

114 : SWOT for insurance

Udaan is a Bangalore based B2B trading platform, akin to Alibaba in China. It’s a
Collaborative landscape that empowers traders, wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers in
India through technology. The technology here refers to their website and app interface which
is similar to that of e-retailers like amazon and Flipkart. It is merely a solving credit
underwriting problem, payment, logistics, sales, and marketing. The ecommerce start-up has
more than 150,000 buyers and sellers from 29 states on its platform.
The relatively new start-up recently raised a funding of Rs.140 crore to make its total
Funding to be about Rs.1600 crore since inception. In September 2018, the company had
become the fastest Indian start-up to reach unicorn status, in merely 26 months of
registration. It had secured $225 million (Rs 1,575 crore) in its Series C round from Russian
internet billionaire Yuri Milner’s DST Global and Lightspeed Global Growth, at a valuation
of $1 billion.

SWOT Analysis

Strength • Highest market share in B2B trading industry.

• Fastest unicorn status of any startup in India.
• Excellent funding rounds to stimulate growth for the coming years.
Weakness • Relatively new player, founded in 2016, so the organisation structure is
• Traders have a mind-set barrier to do trading business through online
Opportunities • Targeted at SME industry which is expected to boom in India.
• Urban penetration and expansion across categories.
Threats • E-retailers continue to build their oligopoly in the market with little
room for trading platforms.
• Differentiation in the product is minimal from the competitors and
customer retention could be a task.

Jigserv Digital is a start-up which specialises in multi-channel digital advertising, marketing
& creative services. They help you leverage multiple channels like Search, Social &
Display to achieve the best results from the digital media spends with their proprietary
platform. With a technology + creative + business gene pool, they strive to best understand
the business requirement and help the client’s brand win on digital. The company was
founded by 3 ISB alumni in 2008. The major clients of Jigserv include IIM Bangalore, ISB
YLP program, Pearson professional exams, Columbia University, Sharekhan, Iskcon etc.

SWOT Analysis
• Good pool of clients, both in India and abroad (US & UK).
Strength • Have a good creative core team, and the revenue has grown
exponentially in the recent quarters.
• The company is trying to be a general digital marketing company but it
has the built a niche around educational institutions which may hamper
Weakness growth
• Lot of competitors in the digital marketing medium has affected the
margins severely
• Digital marketing industry is on the rise with the advent of micro
Opportunities segmentation and targeting advertisements.
• Greater pool of clients can be attracted as JigServ grows
• Low entry barriers in the digital marketing ecosystem can enable
Threats plethora of competitors
• Low brand image of JigServ may restrict general clients

Recent News

Coffee Day is the parent company of the chain Cafe Coffee Day. They started their
operations in 1993 with a highly optimised and vertically integrated coffee business which
ranges from procuring, processing and roasting of coffee beans to retailing of coffee products
across various formats. The other subsidiaries of Coffee Day include:-
Coffee day hotels and resorts: Along with our three resorts, in 2014, Coffee Day Hotels
& Resorts acquired a minority stake in the Barefoot Resort in the Andaman and Nicobar
Way2Wealth Securities: The core businesses of Way2Wealth can be classified into four
major categories. The broking and commission businesses comprise equity, commodity, and
currency brokerage, among a number of other services; while the distribution business
consists of financial products distribution, the Margin trade financing is for premium clients
for their market activities.
Tanglin: Tanglin is currently developing and operating a Special Economic Zone in
Bengaluru and a technology park in Mangalore. The former is Global Village, a 114-acre
IT-focused SEZ in Bengaluru. The latter is Tech Bay, approximately 21-acre, riverfront
Sical: Sical combines numerous aspects of logistics, namely port handling, road and rail,
logistics, container freight stations and mining to provide integrated logistics solutions.

SWOT Analysis

• Have the highest market share and penetration in the coffee business.
• Coffee industry, both retail and processing, is projected to grow at a
high rate.
• Company sold its stake in Mindtree and its IT park to reduce debt.
• Company has weak leadership post the demise of the founder.
• Company is surrounded with lot of bad news
Weakness • Company has high debt
• Company has diversified into lot of businesses without proper
knowledge about the various industries.
• Coca Cola is in talks to buy a stake in Coffee Day at a valuation
Opportunities between 8,000 - 10,000 crore. This could be a major opportunity to bring
a uptick in the business.
• Company faces the threat of identity crisis amidst its founder’s death
• Starbucks and Tata Coffee is a strong competitor, which is growing its
market share as well as its value share by projecting itself as the premium

Recent News

Zee Media is an Indian news media company owned by Essel group. Zee Media owns 14
news channels across 6 languages with a viewership of 327 million people, and digital reach
to 421 million people. It includes national news channel Zee News and newspaper daily. Its
online properties include and
The Zee Media Company is separate from Zee Entertainment Enterprises which is
responsible for ZeeTV, DishTV, Venus movies etc. Zee Media only looks after the news

SWOT Analysis
• Has considerable penetration and brand image in an industry which has
Strength significant barriers to entry.
• Brand image of Zee is good.
• Company has weak leadership post the resignation on the MD.
• Company has high debt and a negative return on equity for past 3 years.

• Promoters have pledged 93.55% of their holding
• Mukesh Ambani is planning to buy a stake in Zee
Opportunities • Brand image could be leveraged to partner with various industries such
as film industry.
• Company faces the threat from the growing digital space over television.
Threats • Company must innovate to cater to the evolving needs of consumers to
get back to being profitable.

Recent News

Droom is India’s first and only online marketplace for buying and selling new and used
automobiles. At over 65% of the automobile transactions market share online, Droom is the
largest auto portal in India. Droom is the only fully transactional online platform enabling
end-to-end transaction between buyer and seller. Our Full Circle Trust Score, Buyer’s
Protection, Orange Book Value, Droom History and Eco Inspection addresses all the buyers'
pain points and hassles involved in the stressful process of buying or selling a used vehicle.
The platform offers broad catalogue of vehicles and deals in all automobile categories -
everything from bicycles to planes

Droom only provides services or acts as an online platform to sell or buy vehicles of any
kind, starting from cycles to 4 wheelers. It doesn’t sell its own range of products. However,
we can find its official merchandises in the online site.
Recent News


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