Activity 1

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TIMELINE: Week 3 - August 29, 2022

OBJECTIVE: To explain the elements of the teaching profession.

What is acrostic?

An acrostic is a poem or other composition in which the first letter (or syllable, or word) of each line
(or paragraph, or other recurring feature in the text) spells out a word, message or the alphabet. The
word must be spelled among the BEGINNING, MIDDLE, or ENDING letter of a line. An Acrostic
poem does not have to rhyme, but it can. It also doesn’t have to follow a specific syllable count.

For example:

How to make an acrostic?

1. Write your subject down vertically, so that when you begin writing your poem, it is easy to
remember which letters of the subject need to be used.
2. Capitalize the first letter of each line (or paragraph) because it is easier for the reader to
keep track of the subject of the poem this way.
3. Lastly, have fun while writing your acrostic poem.

Instruction: Explain explicitly the ELEMENTS of TEACHING PROFESSION by way of an

acrostic. You can have a line or paragraph per letter of your subject. Make sure to Capitalize the
letters and make it bigger, so readers can easily follow. The subject of the acrostic doesn’t have a
format, it depends on you.
Please see attached rubric for assessment:

Parameters 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Structure The poem is set The poem is set The poem is set The poem is not
up vertically and up vertically and up vertically, but set up vertically.
has a striking has a title. a title may not be
title. given.

Lines Each line of the There is one There are 2-3 The first letter of
poem begins with error in the errors with the each line does
the next letter of vertical spelling first letter of each not spell the title.
the title. of the poem. vertical line.

Grammar There are no The poem The poem The poem

grammar errors. contains 3-2 contains 3 contains 4 or
grammar errors. grammar errors. entire grammar

Word Choice Highly effective Good word Weak choice of Words have no
word choice that choice to words that do not clear meaning.
illustrates the illustrate the accurately
subject. subject of the illustrate the
poem. subject of the

Organization The poem sticks The poem mostly The poem has The poem is
to the topic and sticks to the topic many errors in poorly organized
makes sense. and/or makes meaning and/or and does not
sense. organization. make sense.

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