FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: 1.0 SCOPE

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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 13-17

April 2019
Interim Revision July 2022
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Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Hazards ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Changes ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Equipment and Processes ................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.1 Protective Systems ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Speed Control and Overspeed Protection ............................................................................. 4
2.2.3 Inlet Air Systems .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.4 Fuel Supply and Proof of Flame ............................................................................................ 5
2.2.5 Condition Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2.6 Lube and Seal Oil Systems ................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Operation & Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Protection Devices .................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Speed Control and Overspeed Protection System .............................................................. 10
2.3.3 Inlet Air System .................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.4 Fuel Supply System ............................................................................................................... 11
2.3.5 Condition Monitoring ............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.6 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.7 Scheduled Inspections .......................................................................................................... 14
2.3.8 Operational Flexibility ............................................................................................................ 17
2.4 Operators ......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 Contingency Planning .................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.1 Equipment Contingency Planning ......................................................................................... 17
2.6 Alerts ................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 18
3.1 Inlet Air Systems .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Fuel Supply System ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.2.1 Fuel Shutoff Valve Leakage .................................................................................................. 19
3.2.2 Fuel Shutoff Valve Leakage Testing ...................................................................................... 19
3.3 Lube Oil System .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Bearing Types ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.2 Mechanical System Resiliency .............................................................................................. 21
3.3.3 Electrical System Resiliency ................................................................................................. 21
3.3.4 System Design Review ......................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Overspeed Trip System ................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Exhaust Temperature Control and Protection System .................................................................... 23
3.6 Condition Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 23
3.6.1 Exhaust Gas Temperature Spreads ...................................................................................... 23
3.6.2 Vibration Monitoring ............................................................................................................... 23
3.6.3 Performance Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 23
3.6.4 Combustor Dynamics Monitoring .......................................................................................... 23
3.6.5 Lube Oil Testing ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.7 Scheduled Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance ........................................................................... 24
4.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 FM Global ........................................................................................................................................ 24

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4.2 Other ................................................................................................................................................ 24

APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................... 25
SERVICE PROVIDER (ASP) SERVICES AND COMPONENTS ......................................... 26
C.1 Field and Shop Inspection Services ............................................................................................... 27
C.2 Field Services .................................................................................................................................. 27
C.3 Shop Services ................................................................................................................................. 27
C.4 Aftermarket Components (Reverse Engineered and Reengineered) ............................................. 28
C.4.1 Reverse Engineered Components ....................................................................................... 28
C.4.2 Reengineered Components .................................................................................................. 28
C.4.3 Design Process ..................................................................................................................... 29
C.4.4 Validation/Testing Process .................................................................................................... 29
C.4.5 Manufacturing Process ......................................................................................................... 29
C.5 Turbine Control System (TCS) Upgrades/Replacements ............................................................... 29
C.6 Alternative Service Provider (ASP) Service Agreement ................................................................ 30

List of Figures
Fig. 1. Double block and bleed configuration ................................................................................................ 5
Fig. 2. Triple block and double bleed configuration ...................................................................................... 6
Fig. 3. Alternative triple block and double bleed configuration ..................................................................... 6
Fig. 4. Double block and bleed configuration ................................................................................................ 7
Fig. 5. Simplified lube-oil system with typical considerations for locked open (LO) and locked
closed (LC) valves ............................................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 6. Simplified lube-oil system for a gas turbine with hydrodynamic bearings ........................................ 21

List of Tables
Table 1. Alarm and Trip Summary for Protective Systems ............................................................................ 4
Table 2. Recommendations for Testing Emergency Devices ....................................................................... 10

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 3

This data sheet provides loss prevention recommendations for gas turbines used to drive generators for
electrical power and mechanical equipment such as compressors. It covers aeroderivative and industrial gas
turbines, however excludes microturbines.
Industrial applications include but are not limited to; prime movers for processing applications, mechanical
drive, marine, and production of power and heat.
For the purposes of this data sheet, the gas turbine assembly includes the following sections: air inlet,
compressor, combustion system (may include water injected for NOx abatement), turbine, and exhaust. The
gas turbine also includes protection systems, control and monitoring systems, and associated auxiliary
For fire and explosion protection information, refer to Data Sheet 7-79, Fire Protection for Gas Turbines and
Electric Generators.

1.1 Hazards
For information on hazards associated with gas turbines, refer to FM Global Understanding the Hazard (UTH)
publication Combustion Turbines (P0230).

1.2 Changes
July 2022. Interim revision. Made editorial changes to provide additional clarity on steam turbine bulletins/


2.1 Introduction
The recommendations in the following sections are for both aeroderivative and industrial gas turbines unless
specifically stated otherwise. While aeroderivative and industrial gas turbine technologies have converged
over the years, this data sheet will focus on the specific differences that have a direct impact on loss
prevention. These differences include the following:
A. Maintenance of aeroderivative gas turbines is mostly done by changing out the engine (or sections
of the engine) and sending it (or them) to a shop for maintenance. Most industrial gas turbines, however,
are maintained onsite unless extensive repairs are needed. Some of the smaller (“package”) industrial
turbines can also be maintained by changing out the unit and sending it to a repair facility for maintenance
B. Aeroderivative gas turbines use rolling element bearings, while industrial gas turbines typically use
hydrodynamic bearings. In some cases, an aeroderivative gas turbine may use hydrodynamic bearings
in the power turbine section.
C. The lube-oil systems differ as a result of the types of bearings used. Units provided with rolling element
bearings have shaft-driven, positive displacement lube-oil pumps that provide an adequate oil supply for
these bearings at various speeds, negating the need for external lube-oil pumps. Units provided with
hydrodynamic bearings require lubrication during startup and shutdown and are typically lubricated using
ac/dc motor-driven pumps.
D. Aeroderivative gas turbines have multiple shafts. Heavy-duty and most other industrial gas turbines
are single-shaft machines. However, some of the smaller industrial gas turbines also have multiple shafts.

2.2 Equipment and Processes

2.2.1 Protective Systems

Provide gas turbines with the alarms and trips listed in Table 1. For alarm and trip settings, adhere to the
original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM’s) recommendations (typically in the operations and maintenance
manual or the control specifications).

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Table 1. Alarm and Trip Summary for Protective Systems

Protective System Device Alarm Trip
Proof-of-flame system x x
Overspeed trip system: x x
- Single-shaft
- Multiple-shaft (each shaft)
High exhaust gas temperature x x
High exhaust gas temperature spread (see 3.6.1) x
Position sensor on compressor bleed valve (failure to open on startup and shutdown, x
failure to remain closed at speed), if equipped
Inlet guide vane (IGV), variable stator vane (VSV), if equipped, abnormal position x
feedback to DCS
Bleed heat anti-icing, if equipped, abnormal position feedback to DCS x
High radial vibration (installed instrumentation, if equipped) (see note 1) x x
Low lube-oil pressure x x
Emergency lube oil pump running x
High lube oil filter differential pressure x
Thermocouples in thrust bearing pads (≥5 MW) (see note 2) x See note 5
High bearing metal temperature x See note 3
Proximity probes for axial displacement (see note 4) x x
High lube-oil header temperature x See note 5
High lube-oil temperature sensor in each drain line, or thermocouples in journal- x See note 5
bearing pads (see note 2)
High pressure differential across inlet air filter (run-back potential, if equipped) x
Note 1: Trip is based on absolute (casing) radial vibration.
Note 2: This recommendation is for turbines with hydrodynamic bearings (may include aeroderivative power turbines). A unit trip may be
warranted depending on manufacturer specifications regarding bearing metal temperature limitations.
Note 3: May be necessary due to bearing metal temperature limitations, notably on exhaust end bearings.
Note 4: This recommendation is for turbines with hydrodynamic (sliding) bearings. A unit trip may be warranted depending on manufacturer
specifications regarding operating clearance limitations.
Note 5: Operational procedure (see Section

2.2.2 Speed Control and Overspeed Protection Provide a speed-governing system capable of preventing the gas turbine speed from increasing into
an overspeed condition when an instantaneous loss of electric, hydraulic, or aerodynamic load occurs. Provide an emergency overspeed protection trip system or device that shuts off fuel to the gas turbine
to prevent overspeed if the governing system fails to control the gas turbine speed. Ensure the trip system
is independent of the governing system. If the gas turbine has multiple shafts, provide individual overspeed trip protection for each shaft. Electronic Overspeed Protection Systems Test the electronic overspeed trip system at least annually, and when repair or maintenance activities
have been conducted that may have affected the overspeed system, using a functional or simulated test.
A simulated test is satisfactory if it is supplemented by an actual shutdown of the machine using the
emergency trip function. The simulated test and the actual shutdown of the machine using the emergency trip
function may be done at separate times within an annual period. See Section 2.3.2 for recommended testing
A functional overspeed test is a functional (fired) test of the overspeed trip system, performed at or below
rated overspeed, to verify the system’s integrity.
A simulated overspeed test is a test in which the functioning of the overspeed response, signal transmission,
and emergency shutoff valve control respond to a simulated overspeed signal. Simulated tests typically do
not test the emergency trip device and the fuel shutoff valves. The test can be conducted while the unit is
online, without actually overspeeding it.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 5 Mechanical Overspeed Protection Systems Perform an annual functional (fired) test of the mechanical overspeed trip system at rated overspeed
to verify the system’s integrity. See Section 2.3.2 for testing guidance. If the test is out of tolerance (as specified by the OEM), consider the overspeed test to have failed.
Troubleshoot the overspeed system to determine and correct the cause of the failed test. Following that,
conduct two additional tests in which the results agree within the tolerance specified by the OEM. Document
all test results, including failed tests.

2.2.3 Inlet Air Systems Provide an air inlet filtration system in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations for the range
of ambient conditions in which the gas turbine will operate. Provide instrumentation to track the pressure differential across the air inlet filter, as well as any
supplemental systems, such as evaporative cooling, when equipped. In climates where icing of the inlet system may occur (ambient temperatures below 40°F [5°C]), make
provision to prevent ice formation in the inlet system.

2.2.4 Fuel Supply and Proof of Flame

Supply gaseous and liquid fuels to the gas turbine in accordance with the OEM’s fuel specification(s) for
the unit. Review fuel supply quality at least annually. Provide a fuel treatment system, as required, to maintain
fuel quality within OEM fuel specifications. Consider shale gas quality, as the distribution origin may be
unknown and may adversely affect the combustion dynamics system and overall performance. Proof-of-Flame Provide a flame monitoring system interlocked to close the fuel shutoff valves and trip the gas turbine
in the event of a failure-to-ignite or flameout during operation. Gaseous Fuels For gaseous fuels, do the following:
A. Provide two fail-closed, automatic shutoff valves in series in the fuel supply line, with proof of closure.
B. Provide an automatic vent valve (with position indication in the control room) between the two valves
(double block and bleed, as shown in Figure 1).
C. Additionally, provide a pressure or flow transmitter downstream of the fuel gas control valve to monitor
the proper flow of fuel through the control valve during startup.

Fig. 1. Double block and bleed configuration

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13-17 Gas Turbines
Page 6 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets For a unit to qualify for gas turbine purge credit, provide three fail-closed, automatic shutoff valves
in series in the fuel supply line, with proof of closure (with position indication in the control room). Provide
automatic vent valves between these valves (triple block and double bleed). Two acceptable configurations
are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Refer to Section 2.3.4 for additional information.

Fig. 2. Triple block and double bleed configuration

V = Valve
PT = Pressure transmitter
Vent Vent FT = Flow transmitter
DPT = Differential pressure
V4 V5
Fuel To gas
supply turbine
V1 V2 V3

Air or
inert gas

Fig. 3. Alternative triple block and double bleed configuration Use shutoff valves that meet the gas turbine OEM’s requirements for closing time and leakage. Locate an automatic shutoff valve in a safe location outside the gas turbine enclosure to
automatically isolate the fuel supply in case of a dangerous condition. Monitor the gaseous fuel properties to ensure the fuel delivered is in accordance with the gas turbine
manufacturer’s recommendations for the unit. Caution is advised where fuel superheating is incorporated
in the supply system for fuel condensation. Fuel Gas System Leakage into Balance-of-Plant Equipment Provide safeguards that prevent fuel gas from entering balance-of-plant equipment.

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Gas Turbines 13-17
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 7 Where fuel gas is preheated using steam or feedwater from the balance-of-plant (e.g., in combined
cycle plants), provide a method to detect fuel gas in the water or condensate line, or water in the fuel line
during operation, as applicable. The specific type of leak detection will depend on the design of the heating
system, and system parameters such as fuel and water pressure. Develop a shutdown procedure to prevent gas migration through the balance of plant in the event
a leak is detected prior to shutting the plant down for maintenance. If leak detection is not installed per Section, follow this shutdown procedure for all maintenance shutdowns (i.e., assume a leak is present
whenever a shutdown occurs for the purposes of maintenance activities). Prior to performing maintenance on a component that may have had fuel gas collect in it due to
leakage, test the atmosphere inside the component for the presence of fuel gas. Use an FM Approved
flammable vapor indicator to determine if flammable vapor is present, and purge the equipment of vapor
before repairs are made. Route displaced flammable vapor to a safe location. Refer to Data Sheet 7-59,
Inerting and Purging Tanks, Process Vessels, and Equipment, for additional information. Liquid Fuels Provide two fail-closed, automatic shutoff valves in series in each fuel supply line, with proof of
closure. Provide a means to prevent or relieve excess pressure between the two stop valves (e.g., double
block and bleed as shown in Figure 4).

V = Valve
PT = Pressure transmitter

Fuel To gas
supply turbine
V1 V2


Fig. 4. Double block and bleed configuration Use shutoff valves that meet the gas turbine OEM’s requirements for closing time and leakage. Locate an automatic shutoff valve outside the gas turbine enclosure to automatically isolate the fuel
supply in case of a dangerous condition. Install automatic drains (false start drains) in the lower combustor casings and/or exhaust casing
of the gas turbine. Monitor the liquid fuel properties to ensure the fuel delivered is in accordance with the gas turbine
manufacturer’s recommendations for the unit.

2.2.5 Condition Monitoring Provide an exhaust temperature monitoring system that will do the following:
A. Alarm if exhaust temperature approaches the maximum allowable operating temperature.
B. Trip the unit if the exhaust temperature exceeds the maximum allowable operating temperature.

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C. Alarm if the exhaust temperature spread exceeds the OEM’s recommended value.
D. Track peak firing hours and temperatures, when equipped, for trending purposes. Provide a continuous online vibration monitoring system to detect the vibration levels, issue alarms,
and shut down (trip) the unit if necessary. If there is a history of combustor instabilities with a particular combustion system design, install a
combustion dynamics monitoring and protection system (CDMS) in accordance with the OEM’s
recommendations. This will aid in the health of the system, warn of potential issues, and forecast tuning
needs. Provide adequate measures to monitor and protect against surge conditions, where applicable. See
the section on performance monitoring and surge in Data Sheet 7-95, Compressors, for more information
on surge descriptions, conditions, protection schemes, and mitigation strategies.

2.2.6 Lube and Seal Oil Systems Lube and seal oil systems may service either a single component or a train of components. A train
of turbomachinery may include components such as a steam turbine, gas turbine, generator, compressors,
gearbox, coupling, etc. If there is a common lube oil and/or seal oil system for these components, ensure
the oil and the systems used are compatible with all of the components serviced. Provide a separate source of oil for each train (or component) supplied. Provide an emergency lube oil and seal oil system if it is required to safely shut down the unit if the
primary oil supply is interrupted. Ensure the emergency lube oil system configuration is inherently resilient and that no single failure
can result in a loss of equipment lubrication. Ensure the emergency oil bypasses coolers and filters and
feeds the bearings directly.
A. When rotating equipment requires lubrication during shutdown and a DC pump is used for emergency
shutdown, do the following:
1. To increase the reliability of the lube oil supply, do one of the following:
a. Provide two separate DC systems, one for the emergency lube/seal oil system and another for
b. When a single DC bus system is used to power both the emergency lube/oil system and control,
make the auxiliary AC lube pump fail-safe (i.e., to automatically start the auxiliary AC pump on the
loss of DC power).
2. Provide a low-voltage alarm for DC buses at a continuously monitored location. Refer to Datasheet
5-19, Switchgear and Circuit Breakers, for more details.
3. Do not wire the DC emergency lube-oil pump motor thermal overload protective devices to trip the
motor, but only to sound the alarm.
4. Provide an appropriately sized circuit breaker, not a fuse, only for short-circuit protection. Provide
an open circuit breaker alarm.
5. Provide a DC emergency lube-oil pump starter that is fail-safe (i.e., automatically starts the pump
when AC power is lost)
6. Provide a means for testing the automatic start functionality of the DC lube oil pump. Pressure drop
via the pressure-sensing line independent of lube oil system pressure is the preferred arrangement.
7. Provide a means (e.g., a check valve) within the normal lube-oil supply line to ensure one-way flow
so that under emergency conditions, when the emergency lube-oil pump is operating, the emergency
supply cannot be short-circuited back into the lube-oil tank.
B. When rotating equipment requires lubrication during shutdown and a steam-driven pump is used for
emergency shutdown, ensure steam is available by locking open the isolation valve(s) between the steam
source and the pump governor valve.

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Gas Turbines 13-17
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 9 Lube-oil temperature is a critical operating parameter and if the machine operates for an extended
period of time at elevated temperatures the bearings can be damaged. Provide high lube-oil temperature or
bearing metal temperature trips as follows:
A. For an attended unit: Provide an alarm on high lube-oil or bearing metal temperature and have a
procedure in place for the operator to respond promptly to diagnose the source of the high temperature.
If the high temperature condition cannot be corrected and the oil temperature reaches the design limit,
direct the operator to trip the unit, or have the unit automatically trip when the temperature reaches the trip
set point.
B. For an unattended unit: If the oil or bearing metal temperature reaches the design set point, have
the unit automatically trip. For units with rolling element bearings, provide chip detector(s) in either the bearing sumps or the
scavenge lines to detect the presence of metallic wear products. Where identified and procedurally acceptable, lock open all lube-oil system valves representing single
points of failure within the piping arrangement to assist in preventing inadvertent manipulation. Include valve
positions in standard and emergency operating procedures, as well as the respective P&IDs. Refer to Figure
5 for a simplified drawing of how this is applicable under normal operation.

Fig. 5. Simplified lube-oil system with typical considerations for locked open (LO) and locked closed (LC) valves

2.3 Operation & Maintenance

Operate the unit within the limits specified by the OEM. Establish and implement as gas turbine inspection
testing and maintenance program. See Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity, for guidance on developing an asset
integrity program.

2.3.1 Protection Devices

At a minimum, test emergency devices in accordance with the frequencies listed in Table 2.

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Table 2. Recommendations for Testing Emergency Devices

Test Frequency
For electronic overspeed protection system, one of the following: Annually
- Functional test
- Simulated overspeed test plus shutdown by emergency trip (see Section 2.2.2)
For mechanical overspeed protection system: Annually
- Functional test (see Section 2.2.2)
Actuation of auxiliary and emergency lube-oil pump(s) Quarterly1
Calibration of protective instrumentation: Per Table 1 Annually2
Refer to for additional guidance.
Follow OEM and/or vendor recommended practices as first priority. Frequencies may vary depending on application, fuel supply, feasibility,
and operational profile and mission.

2.3.2 Speed Control and Overspeed Protection System Test the overspeed protection system annually using a functional (fired) or simulated test to verify
the system’s integrity. Perform a functional test of the overspeed trip system, at or below rated overspeed, in conjunction
with the following events:
A. During initial commissioning, before first synchronization to the grid
B. After any opening (forced outage, overhaul, or major inspection) before synchronization to the grid
C. After repair, rework, and/or replacement of any components of the electronic overspeed protection
Note: Performing a functional overspeed test for one of the reasons indicated above satisfies the annual
functional testing recommendation. After an extended shutdown of three or more months, perform a fired shutdown emergency trip test
before loading the unit, to ensure the overall system (hydraulics, solenoids, etc.) have not degraded after
months of inactivity. Perform all tests, functional and simulated, in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations as part
of the asset integrity program.

2.3.3 Inlet Air System Monitor the air inlet system differential pressures and perform inlet filter system maintenance as
required and/or in accordance with the gas turbine manufacturer’s recommendations. This includes any
supplemental systems, such as evaporative cooling, and the age of the associated media. Frequent
inspections are recommended due to the potential for deteriorating components based on usage. Methods
to inspect these areas could include transparent windows, camera systems, or increased interval of internal
inspections (while adhering to full FME protocols). Monitor the quality of the water used in evaporative coolers and ensure the water quality is in
accordance with the gas turbine manufacturer’s recommendations. Water sourcing, including make-up and
demineralized systems, should be included. Any cross-connection opportunities for water sourcing should
be evaluated for contamination; including closed loop, zero-liquid discharge, and makeup systems, as well
as single header exposure to affect multiple units.
A. System resiliency for monitoring and/or alarm detection is recommended to eliminate any single point
of failure (e.g., sump level detection, conductivity probe redundancy, water quality sampling).
B. Independent sampling is recommended prior to putting systems online after layup to mitigate quality
concerns. Additionally, winterization or layup procedures should be implemented and adhere to OEM
guidelines to maintain a clean and reliable operating environment.
C. Water flow should be initiated prior to starting each unit and secured only after the unit has stopped
rotating to limit ingestion of contaminants.

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D. Out-of-specification parameters require procedure actions and/or operator intervention to limit prolonged
operation in this off-normal state. This should include alarm capabilities that notify the control room that
an upset condition is occurring.
E. As-found and as-left flow readings should be recorded for each respective unit daily.
F. Sump water quality should be sampled daily via grab sample or remote monitoring to detect any deviated
conditions and prompt operator actions. Conductivity should be measured independently and compared
to the normal system probe reading regularly.
G. Calibration of all associated monitoring, sampling, or metering equipment should adhere to OEM
specifications, or at a minimum annually. Ensure all supporting components to the air inlet system and augmented operations (i.e. foggers,
chillers) are in good repair and working order. This may include flow meters, sight glasses, pressure gauges,
conductivity probes, level switches, etc., as well as the structure itself (e.g., hardware such as brackets,
screws, fasteners, nozzles) to ensure domestic object damage is not of concern.
A. Post-continuous operation and/or prior to layup from sporadic operations, the GT inlet duct work
downstream of the evaporative cooler, including the silencer panels, should be inspected for moisture
corrosion, evidence of any evaporative cooler water droplet, or moisture carryover at the earliest
opportunity or at a minimum annually.

2.3.4 Fuel Supply System Monitor the quality of the water/steam for power augmentation and NOx control as part of the
combustion system, and ensure the water/steam purity is in accordance with the gas turbine manufacturer’s
recommendations During the startup sequence, purge the unit in accordance with applicable procedures for the
jurisdiction of installation. For gaseous fuel systems designed per Figure 1 (double block and bleed), perform a leakage test
on the two shutoff valves as follows:
A. During the shutdown sequence, verify the first shutoff valve (V1) meets the OEM’s leakage criteria. If
leakage exceeds the OEM’s criteria, do not restart the unit until the valve is replaced or refurbished.
B. During the startup sequence, with airflow passing through the gas turbine, verify the most downstream
shutoff valve (V2) meets the OEM’s leakage criteria. If leakage exceeds the OEM’s criteria, abort the start. Following a gas turbine normal shutdown, purge credit is allowed for the subsequent start provided
the gas turbine is fired with gaseous fuel and one of the fuel system configurations described in Section or Section is incorporated. Triple-Block and Double-Bleed Configuration
A. Provide the following for a gaseous fuel-fired unit to qualify for purge credit using a triple block and
double bleed configuration (Figure 2):
1. During the shutdown sequence, verify the second shutoff valve (V2) meets the OEM’s leakage
2. While the unit is shut down, continuously monitor both vent line valves to ensure they are open,
and the three shutoff valves to ensure they are closed. If continuous monitoring is lost or any valve
deviates from its assigned position, purge credit is lost and a subsequent start of the gas turbine requires
a unit purge of the gas turbine and downstream components prior to light-off.
3. Continuously monitor pressures in the spaces between the shutoff valves to prove these spaces
are not pressurized. If continuous monitoring is lost or either pressure indicates leakage, purge credit
is lost and a subsequent start of the gas turbine requires a unit purge prior to light-off.
4. During the startup sequence, with airflow passing through the gas turbine, prove the most
downstream shutoff valve (V3) meets the OEM’s leakage criteria. If leakage exceeds the OEM’s criteria,
abort the start.

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B. With this configuration, the maximum gas turbine purge credit period allowed is eight days (192 hours).
If a unit purge is performed during the eight-day period, the purge credit is reinitiated for an eight-day
period. Unit purges can be performed as needed to continue to extend the purge credit period provided
the conditions in Section are satisfied. Triple Block, Double Bleed, and Pressurized Pipe Configuration
A. Provide the following for a gaseous fuel-fired unit to qualify for purge credit using a triple block, double
bleed, and pressurized pipe configuration (Figure 3):
1. During the shutdown sequence, prior to pressurizing the piping between valves V2 and V3, verify
the second shutoff valve (V2) meets the OEM’s leakage criteria.
2. Introduce air or inert gas to create and maintain a pressurized pipe section between the middle and
most downstream shutoff valves (V2 and V3).
3. Continuously monitor fuel gas shutoff and vent valve positions. If continuous monitoring is lost or
any valve deviates from its assigned position, purge credit is lost and a subsequent start of the gas
turbine requires a unit purge prior to light-off.
4. Continuously monitor pressures in the two double block and bleed pipe sections. If the continuous
monitoring is lost, or the pressure downstream of the middle shutoff valve falls to within 3 psi (0.2 bar)
of the pressure upstream of this valve, purge credit is lost and subsequent start of the gas turbine
requires a unit purge.
5. During the startup sequence, with airflow passing through the gas turbine, prove the most
downstream shutoff valve (V3) meets the OEM’s leakage criteria. If leakage exceeds the OEM’s criteria,
abort the start.
B. The purge credit period is maintained as long as the conditions in Part A above, Items 2, 3, and 4,
are met. The purge credit period is not limited to eight days.
C. Ensure fuel cannot enter the air or inert gas supply line at any time. Inspect the fuel system in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations. At a minimum, perform
inspections, testing, and maintenance of the fuel system during scheduled dismantle inspections (see Section for additional interval information). As part of this inspection, test fuel shutoff valves for leak tightness. Test automatic drains in the lower combustor casings and/or exhaust casing of the gas turbine
annually to ensure they operate properly. Inspect water injection lines for component integrity during operation, as water spray could cause
casing distortion and possible blade rubbing.

2.3.5 Condition Monitoring Exhaust Temperature Spreads Establish a “baseline value” of exhaust temperature spread with which to compare future data.
Establish steady state baseline data during initial startup and before and after planned maintenance. If monitored values differ from the expected operating parameters, evaluate the trend against the
baseline, investigate the cause, and take corrective action as necessary. Vibration Monitoring Establish baseline vibration signatures for monitoring and trending equipment performance.
Establish new signatures any time an overhaul is performed or if adjustments are made to alignment or
balancing. For additional information, see Data Sheet 17-4, Monitoring and Diagnosis of Vibration in Rotating
Machinery. If monitored values differ from the expected operating parameters, evaluate the trend against the
baseline and investigate. Take corrective action as necessary. Calibrate all vibration monitoring equipment after every major scheduled outage, but at least

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 13 Performance Monitoring Monitor the overall efficiency of the unit to track performance degradation and to determine when
maintenance is required. Establish steady-state baseline data at initial startup and before and after planned maintenance. Monitor, maintain, calibrate, and overhaul the surge protection system in accordance with the OEM’s
recommendations. If surge protection performance has degraded, perform maintenance in accordance with
the OEM’s instructions. Based on compressor performance degradation, water wash the compressor in accordance with
the OEM’s instructions. Lube and Seal Oil System Condition Monitoring Program Establish an effective lube-oil system condition monitoring program that includes written
documentation setting forth goals and requirements that are acceptable to the manufacturer for the machine
application, operating history, and the risk. The basic elements of an effective lube-oil management,
inspection, testing, and maintenance program include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Provide purchase specifications with every purchase order for replacement oil.
B. Store replacement oil in properly identified, sealed containers. To prevent contamination, store oil in
a clean, controlled environment.
C. Sample the replacement oil prior to use to ensure it is the specified oil and not contaminated.
D. Perform oil reservoir pre-closure inspection and sign-off to prevent debris from entering the oil system
following any maintenance work and following refill. Follow OEM recommendations for startup of units
as it relates to reservoir cleaning and screen mesh requirements.
E. Conduct an oil analysis two to four times annually, depending on operating conditions and history.
Additionally, conduct an analysis prior to outage planning to obtain information pertinent to the outage.
Using a qualified lab, and in accordance with ISO standards, analyze oil samples to detect the presence
of excess moisture, metallic particles, and contaminants (including varnish if the operating conditions make
this a concern). Trend conditions to identify ongoing concerns.
F. If oil is to be recycled onsite during an outage, adhere to the specifications for the conditioner to be
used (e.g., oil type, the purity required, and the contaminants that could reasonably be encountered). For
units with rolling element bearings, check the chip detector for the presence of metal chips in accordance
with the OEM’s instructions. Emergency Lube Oil System Testing
A. If there is a separate emergency lube oil pump in the system, test it in accordance with the OEM’s
instructions but at least quarterly and/or post-maintenance. If a unit is started at least once every quarter,
and part of the startup procedure is to test the emergency lube oil pump, this is an acceptable alternative
to quarterly testing. As part of this test, confirm operability of the pump by checking the outlet pressure,
motor amperage, or other means as appropriate.
B. Test and calibrate the pressure sensors in the system in accordance with the OEM’s instructions but
at least annually.
C. If a pressurized or gravity-type rundown tank is used to supply emergency lube-oil, test the tank low-level
alarm at least annually.
D. For units that will run continuously for longer than the recommended test intervals, ensure the installation
makes provision for the components of the emergency lube oil system to be tested while the unit is in

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2.3.6 Maintenance
The primary scope of the maintenance effort includes the following:
• The gas turbine and its components
• Controls and accessories (including air inlet system)
• Interfaces with driven equipment Ensure the gas turbine and its components are inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance
with the OEM’s recommended practices, typically included in the turbine operation and maintenance manuals
with supplementary material provided via technical alerts (e.g., service bulletins and technical information
letters) as part of the asset integrity program. Ensure all OEM technical alerts have been or are being addressed in a timely manner (also see
Section 2.6). When an alternative service provider’s gas turbine services or components are being (or have been)
procured, have an audit and inspection (A&I) program in place to ensure quality components and services
are procured. At a minimum, ensure the A&I program addresses the items listed in Appendix C as is
appropriate for the services or components being procured. Recommended inspection intervals are based on usage and do not consider the actual operating
conditions for a specific unit. The intervals are affected by cyclic operation, load, firing temperature, fuel (type
and quality), steam/water injection (amount and quality), and site environmental conditions. Conduct a review
of these intervals if/when there is a change in operational profile or regime. See Section 3.7 for examples
of how these intervals are calculated.
The method of determining the recommended inspection intervals differs for each OEM and class of machine.
The following are typical methods of determining recommended inspection intervals:
• equivalent hours and equivalent starts (whichever is limiting)
• factored hours and factored starts (whichever is limiting)
• equivalent operating hours; a combination of hours and starts (each start is converted to an equivalent
number of operating hours [EOH])
• fired hours (for aeroderivatives) Implement a robust foreign material exclusion program during all maintenance and inspection
activities. For further guidance on foreign material exclusion, see Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity.

2.3.7 Scheduled Inspections

Provide the following types of inspections for each unit. Initial Inspection

Perform an initial visual inspection of the unit in accordance with the OEM’s recommendation. This first
inspection is done prior to the normal maintenance inspection interval to evaluate initial startup issues. Running Inspection

Running inspections consist of monitoring operating conditions while the unit is operating. For additional
information see Section 2.2.5. Borescope Inspection

Borescope inspections are an effective method used to monitor the condition of internal components without
removing the casing. Perform borescope inspections in accordance with OEM recommendations, but at least
annually. The OEM’s recommendations and target intervals are typically found in the operation and
maintenance manual, service bulletins, or technical information letters. These target intervals are established
based on average unit operating modes and may be adjusted in accordance with actual operating experience,
mode of operation, the fuels used, and the results of previous borescope inspections. Frequency of these
inspections should be reevaluated with the manufacturer if the unit(s) experience a change in operational

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 15 Inspection of Externals During borescope and similar inspections, verify the condition of the upstream components,
including all systems from the filter house to the compressor inlet. At a minimum, do the following:
A. Inspect inlet air systems, and dirty and clean air sections, for corrosion, cracked silencers, damaged
or cracked expansion joints, and loose parts.
B. Inspect and maintain inlet foggers, evaporative coolers, chiller coils, and anti-icing heaters (if installed)
in accordance with the OEM’s instructions. Inspect gas turbine external devices in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations. At a minimum,
ensure the following steps are included in the inspection, testing, and maintenance plan:
A. Dismantle and inspect the compressor bleed valve for freedom of operation and possible damage.
B. Inspect the lubrication system, including pumps, filters, coolers, and instrumentation.
C. Perform a complete check of the control system.
D. Inspect shaft coupling.
E. If a mechanical trip device is used, inspect the overspeed trip mechanism and calibrate the plunger
spring tension.
F. Check the alignment of gas turbine bearings with those of their driven machines. If alignment is made
while the set is cold, use valid estimates of pedestal temperatures at operating conditions to set cold
offsets so the bearings will be aligned properly at steady-state conditions. A hot alignment at steady-state
temperature is a satisfactory alternative if it can be accomplished readily. Dismantle Inspections Due to the critical nature of the work being performed, ensure adequate supervision or oversight
is present at all times during all dismantle inspections, whether through internal or third-party resources, to
ensure the work is being performed in accordance with all applicable procedures. Ensure the service provider
is following necessary rigging and lifting practices, and documenting all appropriate findings. Ensure data
sheets are being completed properly, pertinent QA/QC checks are being carried out, and a robust foreign
material exclusion program is enforced. Combustion Section Inspection
The combustion section dismantle inspection described below does not apply to aeroderivative gas turbines.
The combustors on an aeroderivative gas turbine can be inspected as part of the maintenance borescope
inspection. The following is the minimum scope of work recommended for a combustion section inspection
(perform additional work as recommended in the OEM’s inspection procedures):
A. For industrial gas turbines with can-annular combustors, inspect combustor or combustor baskets (or
cans) and transition pieces (or combustion annulus) for distortion, cracking, or unusual discoloration.
B. For industrial gas turbines with annular combustors, inspect dismantled burners and lances.
C. For industrial gas turbines with silo combustors, inspect burners and flame cylinder end plates, ceramic
tile linings of the flame cylinders, metallic hot gas path items, and mixing and inner casings.
D. Inspect fuel nozzles for erosion and obstruction, igniters for proper functioning and intact wiring, and
flame detectors for lens condition, soundness of wiring, and specified response.
E. Inspect freedom of operation and leak test gas valves, fuel oil valves, and dual-fuel check valves.
F. Inspect fuel manifold drain valves and combustion casing drain valve(s) for freedom of operation.
G. Inspect first-stage turbine nozzle vanes as far as is possible from the combustor side. Also inspect
turbine blades, turbine nozzles, and outer tip seals as far as possible using a borescope.
H. Inspect inlet, including operation of anti-icing equipment (if installed).
I. Inspect thermocouple harness, tubes for pressure sensors, and vibration instrumentation for cracked
or broken leads and other possible damage.

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J. Inspect exhaust duct for warping, cracking, and evidence of overheating, as well as for soundness of
seals. Hot Gas Path Inspection
The following is the minimum scope of work recommended for a hot gas path inspection (perform additional
work as recommended in the OEM’s inspection procedures):
A. For heavy-duty industrial gas turbines, remove upper half of turbine casing.
B. For aeroderivative gas turbines, remove gas generator from the gas turbine enclosure; unbolting of
hot-section subassemblies for access to high-pressure and low-pressure turbines.
C. Inspect thermal barrier coating (TBC) for evidence of spalling, erosion, and/or thermal fatigue.
D. Inspect, including nondestructive examination (NDE) to whatever extent possible, rotating blades
(buckets) for corrosion and erosion, impact damage, and thermal-fatigue cracking.
E. Remove nozzle diaphragm sections for NDE. Thermal cracking may be found in the nozzle vanes and
in the platforms. Manufacturers have standards for action to be implemented in connection with such
cracking, ranging from no action, to weld repair, to replacement, depending on the locations, lengths and
depths of the cracks.
F. Perform NDE inspections of turbine disks in blade attachment slots and at bolt holes and disk bores
for cracks and corrosion to whatever extent possible.
G. Refurbish parts in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations as indicated, i.e. blending of nicks,
dents and small thermal cracks in rotor blades, blending and weld repair of nicks and thermal cracks in
nozzle vanes, and cleaning of cooling passages.
H. Measure the axial clearances between stationary nozzle diaphragms and rotating wheels, between
blade tips and shrouds, and of labyrinth seals. Compare these measurements with the manufacturer’s
specifications and with previous measurements. Major Inspection
The purpose of the major inspection is to evaluate all of the internal components of the machine from the
inlet through the exhaust. The inspection includes the components previously inspected in the combustion and
hot gas inspections. The major inspection also provides access to the compressor rotor and stationary
compressor blading, as well as the bearing assemblies.In addition to the combustion and hot gas inspections,
include the following in the minimum scope of work for a major inspection (perform additional work as
recommended in the OEM’s inspection procedures):
A. Inspect rotor and stator compressor blades for rubs, impact damage, corrosion, pitting, bowing, and
B. Check all radial and axial clearances, including tip clearances, against their original values.
C. Inspect casings, shells, and frames/diffusers for cracks and erosion.
D. Inspect compressor inlet and compressor flow-path for fouling, erosion, corrosion, and leakage.
E. Visually inspect the compressor inlet including the condition of the IGVs, IGV bushings, and first stage
rotating blades.
F. Inspect bearing liners and seals for clearance and wear.
G. Visually inspect compressor discharge case and turbine exhaust struts for signs of cracking.
H. Perform NDE inspections of components in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations. Consider
NDE inspection techniques such as ultrasonic, phased array, or ping testing (i.e., resonant frequency
testing) to identify defects and deficient conditions of components which have become more prevalent
in the industry. Rotor Inspection and Overhaul
Inspect and overhaul the rotor in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations. The interval is based on
the expected end of serviceable life condition for some of the rotor components and is generally a teardown
inspection and is the repair/replacement interval for the rotor.

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2.3.8 Operational Flexibility

As market demand changes, modes outside of base load operation become more common. These profiles
include terms such as cycling, peaking, intermediate, and two-shifting. Aspects to consider include additional
unit starts, low or partial load, fast start/shutdown, ramp rate, load following operation, and extended layup.
These variations in operational profiles could have a profound impact on equipment and components
stemming from operating outside of nominal design limits to how the unit is operated, environmental
conditions, fuel type/quality, and unit design (heavy duty vs. smaller units). This may cause units to become
more susceptible to damage mechanisms that can shorten the as-designed life of the unit. For flexible units, have an engineering assessment performed if a unit is operating outside its design
criteria and profile. Include an evaluation of current and new failure mechanisms, and how the unit will be
impacted with age, hours, and cycles. Also consider other aspects such as plant operation, starts/trips,
inspection intervals, testing, maintenance schedule, operating conditions, and management of change.

2.4 Operators
2.4.1 Refer to Data Sheet 10-8, Operators, for guidance on operator training programs, the competence of
operators in their day-to-day roles, the supporting management structure, and organizational culture.
2.4.2 Ensure operators are trained to identify operational deviations that may lead to equipment damage,
such as fuel or water quality excursions.
2.4.3 Ensure there are procedures in place to evaluate the effects of these operational excursions on the
safety of operating the equipment.
2.4.4 Due to operational profiles changing, adequate refresher training and material should be made available
to refamiliarize operating crews with methods of identifying trends of an off-normal state, as well as
preparatory guidance to emergency conditions based on these profiles.

2.5 Contingency Planning

2.5.1 Equipment Contingency Planning When a gas turbine breakdown would result in an unplanned outage to site processes and systems
considered key to the continuity of operations, develop and maintain a documented, viable gas turbine
equipment contingency plan per Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity. See Appendix C of that data sheet for
guidance on the process of developing and maintaining a viable equipment contingency plan. Also refer to
sparing, rental, and redundant equipment mitigation strategy guidance in that data sheet.
In addition, include the following elements in the contingency planning process specific to gas turbines:
A. OEM design information for the gas turbine unit
B. Processes and procedures needed for removal, dismantling, transportation, availability and installation
of a gas turbine unit and/or components.
C. Review of any service contracts with OEM and/or vendors to identify the duration of delivery of the
gas turbine unit and/or components.
D. When applicable, OEM and/or third-party vendor review to determine the optimum spare part strategy.
Refer to Appendix C for more information. When required by the equipment contingency plan, properly store and maintain equipment breakdown
spare parts/components and/or units to ensure the viability of the units.

2.6 Alerts
Original equipment manufacturers and alternative service providers issue technical alerts or bulletins when
design or operating problems occur that differ from expectations. Implement an alert/bulletin management
process to track, prioritize, and implement these alerts, as well as evaluate how they may affect the
management of change process in regard to procedures, design, drawings, etc.

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3.1 Inlet Air Systems

The inlet air filter house and ducting system are designed to minimize airborne contaminants that could cause
erosion and corrosion of gas turbine components. Many factors affect the efficiency of the filter system,
including the choice of filter media used and maintenance and installation practices. Improper design,
installation and/or maintenance of the inlet system could cause bypassing of the filter media, leading to
unwanted contamination of downstream components.
It is essential that the inlet system be properly designed, installed and maintained, with no leaks or bypasses
into the clean air section.
The inlet filter elements should be maintained or replaced according to the overall maintenance schedule
provided by the original equipment manufacturer. If foggers or evaporative coolers are used, it is critical to
maintain water quality and establish rigid guidelines for media maintenance and water monitoring to ensure
proper operation. It is essential to the integrity of the inlet system that all gaskets and bolted joints be installed
correctly to minimize the risk of dirty air and/or water contaminating the clean air section of the gas turbine.
Maintenance and operation of a gas turbine are influenced by the quality of the air the turbine consumes.
Airborne contaminants such as dust, salt, and oil can cause compressor blade erosion, corrosion, and
fouling. Particles entering the compressor can cause significant blade erosion. Corrosion of compressor
blading causes pitting of the blade surface, which, in addition to increasing the surface roughness, also serves
as potential sites for fatigue crack initiation.
Sources of contamination can be both external and internal.
A. Potential external sources of contamination include the following:
1. Coastal sites (elevated concentration of sodium and potassium chlorides)
2. Dry lake beds (high salt content)
3. Corrosive elements in ambient air, such as chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates
4. Cooling tower drift due to facility arrangement, prevailing wind direction, and cooling-water chemistry
(water source, chemical treatment, etc.)
5. Blowout from the surrounding equipment (steam, lube oil, compressor, etc.) into the inlet filter
compartment and filters
6. Local industrial and agricultural activities having potentially elevated emission sources
B. Potential internal sources for contaminants include the following:
1. Air and water bypass around filtration systems (coalescers, moisture separators, pre-filters, and final
filters) due to the following:
a. Open implosion doors, access doors, and hatches
b. Missing or improperly installed filters, gaskets, and associated caulking
c. Improper operation and maintenance of power augmentation and protection systems such as
evaporative coolers, foggers, chiller coils, and anti-icing steam heaters
2. Evidence of a corrosive environment includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Significantly damaged, degraded, or continually wet filter media
b. Corrosion on inlet and upstream components/structure
c. Visible deposits or residue in the inlet or on the filter media
Maintenance and operation of a gas turbine is influenced by moisture intake to the gas turbine using inlet
foggers or evaporative coolers for power augmentation. If inlet foggers and evaporative coolers are not
operated and maintained correctly, the water may not be fully vaporized and visible water droplets may enter
the unit. These water droplets can collect and coalesce on inlet surfaces causing local thermal distortion
of the inlet bell-mouth and compressor casing, which can cause blade rubbing or cause rubs to worsen. Water
droplets can also cause leading edge erosion on the first few stages of the compressor. This erosion, if

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sufficiently developed, may lead to blade failure. Any source of visible water in the compressor inlet, including
rainwater ingress and evaporative cooler sump overflow, can have these effects. The use of evaporative
cooling and fogging in normally restricted when ambient temperatures are <50°F (10°C).
Experience has shown that, depending on the quality of water used and condition of the inlet silencer and
ducting material, fouling of the compressor can be severe with inlet foggers or evaporative coolers. Operation
of a compressor in such an environment may lead to long-term degradation of the compressor due to
corrosion and erosion, fouling, and material property degradation. The OEM’s water quality standards for
inlet foggers or evaporative coolers should be strictly followed.

3.2 Fuel Supply System

3.2.1 Fuel Shutoff Valve Leakage

Fuel shutoff valves are typically fail-safe valves (i.e., fail-closed) and may also control fuel flow or pressure.
Excessive leakage through fuel shutoff valves can lead to fires or explosions in the gas turbine exhaust
system. Causes of excessive leakage include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Fouling of valve seats with contaminated fuel
• Out-of-calibration servo control cards
• Faulted or out-of-calibration instrumentation
• Worn components including position sensors
• Contaminated hydraulic fluid
• Assembly errors after valve maintenance

3.2.2 Fuel Shutoff Valve Leakage Testing

The following are examples of methods that can be used to ensure the shutoff valves in gaseous fuel systems
meet the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM’s) operational leakage limit criteria. For each application,
the time duration and allowable pressure rise or pressure decay need to be determined by the OEM as a
function of fuel pressure and pipe section volume. The values in the following examples are illustrative
and are included to clarify the approach. The following is an example of how to leak test the gaseous fuel system shutoff valves in a double
block and bleed configuration (refer to Figure 1):
A. Valve V1 leakage test (test sequence during shutdown to prevent excessive leakage of gas to
atmosphere through vent):
1. When the fuel system control logic shuts off the fuel, vent valve (V3) is opened, and the two fuel
shutoff valves (V1 and V2) are closed.
2. To test V1, close the vent valve (V3).
3. Monitor the pipe section between the shutoff valves (V1 and V2) for a pressure increase. The
allowable pressure increase should be within OEM’s acceptance criteria. Typically, a pressure increase
of more than 10 psi (0.7 bar) in 30 seconds is considered excessive.
4. Failure of this test indicates a failure or leak in the shutoff valve V1.
B. Valve V2 leakage test (test sequence during startup):
1. Prior to any startup sequence, the vent valve (V3) should be open, and the fuel shutoff valves (V1
and V2) are closed.
2. To test V2 during the startup sequence, close the vent valve (V3) and open V1.
3. Close V1.
4. Monitor the pipe section between the shutoff valves (V1 and V2) for a pressure decrease. The
allowable pressure decrease should be within the OEM’s acceptance criteria. Typically, a pressure
decrease of more than 10 psi (0.7 bar) in 30 seconds is considered excessive.

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5. Since valve V1 was proved leak-tight during the preceding shutdown, failure of this test indicates
that a failure or leak in downstream shutoff valve V2 may have occurred. Leakage could also have been
through vent valve V3. The following is an example of a valve-proving system for a gas turbine with gaseous fuel systems
as shown in Figure 2 and 3:
A. Valve V2 leakage test (test sequence during shutdown):
1. Gas vent valves (V4 and V5) are opened, and the three fuel shutoff valves (V1, V2, and V3) are
closed when the fuel system control logic shuts off the fuel.
2. To test V2, close both vent valves (V4 and V5) and open V1.
3. Monitor the pipe section between the middle and most downstream shutoff valves (V2 and V3) for
a pressure increase. The allowable pressure decrease should be within the OEM’s acceptance criteria.
Typically, a pressure increase of more than 10 psi (0.7 bar) in 30 seconds is considered excessive.
4. Failure of this test indicates that a failure or leak in the middle shutoff valve (V2) has occurred.
B. Valve V3 leakage test (test sequence during startup: Prior to any startup sequence, both gas vent valves
(V4 and V5) are open, and the three fuel shutoff valves (V1, V2, and V3) are closed.
1. To test V3 during the startup sequence, close both vent valves (V4 and V5) and open V1 and V2.
2. Close V1 and V2 and open V4.
3. Monitor the pipe section between the middle and most downstream shutoff valves (V2 and V3) for
a pressure decrease. The allowable pressure decrease should be within the OEM’s acceptance
criteria. Typically, a pressure decrease of more than 10 psi (0.7 bar) in 30 seconds is considered
4. Failure of this test indicates that a failure or leak in the most downstream shutoff valve (V3) may
have occurred. Leakage could also have been through vent valve V5.

3.3 Lube Oil System

For rotating machinery, a properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained lube oil system is critical.
Because of the vital function of this system, it is essential to ensure the system configuration, including
electrical and mechanical support systems, is inherently resilient (i.e., no single failure can result in the loss
of equipment lubrication). Additionally, locked-open valves will assist in preventing the inadvertent closing of
the identified single points of failure.
A lube oil system may service a single piece of equipment or a train of equipment. In some cases this system
may also supply control oil and seal oil. The focus of this section is on the lube oil system itself.

3.3.1 Bearing Types Units with Rolling Element Bearings

A typical lube oil system includes a shaft driven pump and scavenge pumps. These pumps are typically driven
from an accessory gear box. The scavenge pumps remove oil from the bearing sumps and deliver it to an
external reservoir, filter, and cooling systems. These units typically have shaft-driven positive displacement
lube-oil pumps that provide an adequate oil supply for these bearings at various speeds, negating the need
for external lube-oil pumps. Units with Hydrodynamic Bearings

Typical lube-oil systems are likely to include one of the following configurations depending on the OEM, unit
size, and the age of the system:
A. Two 100% capacity ac lube oil pumps and dc motor or steam driven emergency pump.
B. A main shaft driven pump, a motor-driven startup/shutdown pump, and a dc motor or steam driven
emergency pump.

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C. Same as (A or B) except that, in place of the emergency pump, a gravity or pressurized rundown tank
(designed in accordance with OEM recommendations) is used for emergency backup.
A simplified diagram showing a typical lube oil system that utilized two AC motor driven pumps and a DC
motor driven emergency pump is shown in Figure 6.

Fig. 6. Simplified lube-oil system for a gas turbine with hydrodynamic bearings

3.3.2 Mechanical System Resiliency

To illustrate the concept of mechanical system resiliency refer to the system in Figure 6. In Option A the
discharge of the DC emergency lube oil pump ties into the system after all of the system auxiliaries and with
no intervening devices between the pump discharge and the bearings to be lubricated. Consequently, the
flow from the emergency DC pump can flow directly to the bearings thus minimizing the risk of a lube oil loss.
In the system configuration shown as Option B, the discharge of the DC emergency lube oil pump ties into
the system before the oil coolers, oil filters and the pressure control valves. These intervening devices
increase the risk of a failure should one of the filter or cooler transfer valves fails and block flow or if the
pressure control valve were to fail closed and block flow. In essence, this reduces the resiliency of the system.
This risk can be mitigated by doing the following:
A. Altering the configuration of the discharge pipework from the DC emergency lube oil pump so the
discharge from the DC emergency lube oil pump feeds directly to the turbine-generator bearings (Option
A in Figure 6). This oil feed line should be unimpeded and without valves.
B. If altering the systems is not an option, do not attempt to changeover the filters or the cooler when
the unit is online.
C. If neither of the above are options and changeover is needed while online, provide procedures and
operator training to ensure that the operators are aware of the potential risk of changing over the filters
or coolers online and ensure they follow an appropriate changeover procedure. Any control valves after the
DC pump piping connection should fail in the open position and any isolation valves should be locked

3.3.3 Electrical System Resiliency

Insufficient electrical system resiliency has led to multiple lube oil system failures that consequently led to
significant mechanical damage. Predominantly, single DC bus systems designed to provide power for the unit
digital control system, protection, and the emergency lube oil DC pump led to multiple losses in the industry.

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When a single DC bus system is designed to provide power for the entire DC load, there is a potential for
a unit trip and loss of electric power to the emergency lube oil pump when DC power is lost. If the AC pump(s)
require DC power to either stay in operation or start up on low oil pressure, the resulting damage from lube
oil starvation can be significant.
Independent DC systems for the emergency lube/seal oil system and for the control/ protection systems
allow for a more resilient lube oil system.When a single DC bus system is designed to provide power for the
entire DC load, the reliability of the AC lube oil pump should be ensured. This can be achieved by using
fail-safe designs. In some designs fail-safe AC pumps are achieved by using the scheme of de-energizing
in motor control circuit (MCC) to start the motor. This means normally energized (closed) coil of the relay in
the control logic when the motor starter is in ″auto position. To start the motor or to maintain the motor in
running status, the relay coil is de-energized (open). It is also referred as “drop-out-to-run” design. By this
method, the risk of failure to start the motor when required can be reduced.The intent of the recommendations
in Section 2.2.6 is to ensure maximum reliability (resiliency) of the lube oil supply to turbine-generators,
compressors, etc.

3.3.4 System Design Review

Careful review of the mechanical and electrical systems is needed to identify scenarios in which component
failure and/or operator error could result in the failure of the emergency lube oil system. This hazard analysis
can be done using a recognized methodology such as HAZOP (hazard and operability) or FMEA (failure
modes and effects analysis). If the study identifies any deficiencies, these deficiencies should be remedied
as soon as possible. See FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-43, Process Safety.

3.4 Overspeed Trip System

3.4.1 Gas turbine control and protection system technology has evolved over the years to improve reliability
and to accommodate increasingly complex operating requirements. Overspeed trip systems commonly found
in gas turbines include:
A. Mechanical bolt with single circuit electronic back-up activated by a relay from the main control sensor
and circuit
B. Electronic 2-out-of-3 voting logic activated by relays from sensors in the main control circuit
C. Electronic 1-out-of-2 voting logic activated by relays and circuitry independent from the main control
D. Electronic 2-out-of-3 voting logic activated by sensors and circuitry independent from the main control
E. Mechanical bolt primary with independent electronic 2-out-of-3 voting logic back-up
3.4.2 Simulated overspeed trip system testing is typically achieved by one of the following methods (electronic
systems only):
A. A simulated test can be programmed into the control system and performed periodically. Depending
on the system configuration, testing can be done while the turbine is online or offline.
B. A simulated test can be performed using signal generators to simulate the overspeed condition and
verify system integrity. Depending on the system configuration, testing can be done while the turbine is
online or offline. If, in the process of doing a simulated test, it is necessary to use jumpers or to force logic,
procedures should be in place to ensure the system, or portion of the system, is returned to its initial
configuration before putting the full system back into service.
C. In some modern control/protection systems with self-diagnostic capability it may be possible to achieve
the same level of testing as a simulated test (Section during startup and operation. Testing of
the functionality of the components, circuit boards, and circuit board logic is normally done in the startup
mode. Failure of a component or circuit can also be detected during operation and the failure will be
identified and an alarm sent. If a unit has a self-diagnostic system, it should be confirmed that the level
of testing matches or exceeds the level identified for the simulated test in Section If this level of
testing can be verified, it should be deemed an acceptable simulated test.
3.4.3 The systems listed above have been proven in service with those incorporating electronic 2-out-of-3
voting logic having higher reliability and, based on design logic, providing less chance for false trips.

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3.4.4 Independent governor control/emergency trip circuitry is preferred.

3.5 Exhaust Temperature Control and Protection System

An over-temperature protection system protects the gas turbine against possible damage caused by
over-firing the unit. Over-firing will negatively influence the lifetime of the hot gas path components and in
the extreme, can lead to catastrophic component failures. Since it is not practical to directly measure the actual
firing or turbine inlet temperature, this temperature is implied from the exhaust temperature
measurements.Under normal operating conditions, the exhaust temperature control system reacts to regulate
fuel flow when the firing temperature limit is reached. However, in certain failure modes the exhaust
temperature and fuel flow can exceed operating limits. If this occurs, the over-temperature protection system
provides an over-temperature alarm annunciation that allows the operator time to unload the gas turbine
to avoid tripping the unit. If the temperature continues to increase, the gas turbine is tripped.

3.6 Condition Monitoring

Condition monitoring is a key component of a condition-based or predictive maintenance strategy. Condition
monitoring is based on trending critical parameters to identify equipment degradation and to detect/predict
incipient failures. Some of the key elements of a condition monitoring system for a gas turbine are included
in the following sections. When the results from these different elements are combined, the ability to isolate
the location of problems can be improved.

3.6.1 Exhaust Gas Temperature Spreads

An excessive exhaust gas temperature spread can be indicative of problems with the combustion system.
It is important to establish a baseline value of the exhaust temperature spread with which to compare future
data. When evaluating exhaust temperature spreads, it is not necessarily the magnitude of the spread, but
the change in spread over a period of time that may be indicative of a problem. The accurate recording and
plotting of exhaust temperatures can be helpful in diagnosing developing combustion problems.

3.6.2 Vibration Monitoring

Vibration monitoring is an effective technique to detect mechanical defects in a gas turbine. Regular vibration
monitoring can detect bearing deterioration, mechanical looseness, and worn gears. It can also identify
misalignment and rotor imbalance before it results in bearing or shaft damage. It is important to establish a
baseline value of the vibration with which to compare future data. When evaluating vibration measurements,
it is not necessarily the magnitude of the vibration, but the change in vibration over a period of time that may
be indicative of a problem. Using vibration measurements in conjunction with lube-oil conditions and lube-oil
or bearing metal temperatures has proven useful in many situations. Refer to ISO 10816 for references of
vibration severity.

3.6.3 Performance Monitoring

Thermodynamic and compressor performance monitoring provides insight into equipment degradation by
comparing measured gas turbine performance against a model of “expected” performance for the current
ambient operating conditions, corrected to ISO conditions. It can be used to optimize maintenance planning,
such as identifying the ideal time to perform a compressor water wash, and to identify incipient failures.

3.6.4 Combustor Dynamics Monitoring

Today’s lean-burning gas turbines operate on the verge of flame-out to achieve the extremely low emissions
required by environmental restrictions. Combustion instabilities resulting in pressure pulsations in the
combustors are a consequence of this lean-burn operation. If left unchecked, these pulsations can cause
high-cycle fatigue to the hardware and quickly damage components. Exhaust gas temperature spreads can
detect some major instabilities but cannot detect incipient combustion instabilities. If a combustion system
has a history of combustion dynamics issues, the OEM typically recommends that a combustion dynamics
monitoring system, or CDMS, be installed.

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3.6.5 Lube Oil Testing

The lube-oil system is designed to supply filtered lubricant at the proper pressure, temperature and viscosity
for the operation of the turbine and its associated equipment, therefore monitoring the lube oil system is
paramount to the operation of the unit. This should include analysis of the lube oil condition to provide a useful
life parameter, contamination concentration, and internal equipment condition to identify wearing of
Additionally, alert action items should be implemented to provide indications that a change has occurred in
the system and needs further investigation. Internal analysis methods should be audited periodically for
accuracy, and outsourced vendors should have undertaken a vetting process by the owner/operator. See
Appendix C for more information.

3.7 Scheduled Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance

There are many factors that influence component life, and these must be understood and accounted for when
planning inspection, testing, or maintenance activities. Some key factors in determining the inspection,
testing, and maintenance interval requirements are starting cycle (hours per start), power setting, fuel, level
of steam or water injection, and site environment. These factors directly influence the life of replaceable gas
turbine parts.
The methods of determining the recommended inspection interval differ by OEM and class of machine. These
intervals are usage-based and do not consider the actual operating experience or the environment in which
the machine operates. As a result, there are considerations for intervals based on average, base-loaded,
natural gas-fired operating conditions.


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 5-19, Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
Data Sheet 7-43, Process Safety
Data Sheet 7-59, Inerting and Purging Tanks, Process Vessels
Data Sheet 7-79, Fire Protection for Gas Turbines and Electric Generators
Data Sheet 7-95, Compressors
Data Sheet 7-101, Fuel-Fired Thermal Electric Power Generation
Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity
Data Sheet 10-8, Operators
Data Sheet 17-4, Monitoring and Diagnosis of Vibration in Rotating Machinery
UTH Combustion Turbine (P0230)

4.2 Other
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion System Hazards Code.
International Standards Organization (ISO). ISO 8217:2017, Petroleum Products-Fuels (class
F)-Specifications of Marine Fuels.
International Standards Organization (ISO). ISO 10816, Mechanical Vibration-Measurement and Evaluation
of Machine Vibration-Part 8: Reciprocating Compressor Systems.


Aeroderivative gas turbine: Units derived from aircraft jet or fanjet engines. Typically, the gas generator
section will be derived from an aircraft engine and the balance of the turbine designed for power (drive)
Alternative service provider (ASP): An entity that is not affiliated with the original equipment manufacturer.
Base load unit: A generating unit operated at or near full capacity on a nearly continuous basis.
Cycling unit: Cycling involves a generating unit being removed from service frequently to satisfy market
conditions and load demand requirements. Mechanical and thermal stresses may significantly increase when
compared to a base load unit.

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Fail-safe condition: When a piece of machinery or other component reverts to a safe condition in the event
of breakdown or malfunction.
Functional overspeed test: A functional (fired) test of the overspeed trip system, performed at or below
rated overspeed, to verify the systems integrity.
Hydrodynamic (sliding) bearings: Bearings that carry a shaft load on a self-renewing film of lubricant. Thrust
bearings support the axial loads, and radial loads are supported by journal bearings.
Industrial (frame) gas turbine: Any gas turbine manufactured solely for use in industry. The larger machines
(OEM dependent, typically >100MW) are referred to as “heavy-duty gas turbines” and the smaller units (OEM
dependent, typically 5-70MW) as “packaged gas turbines.”
Integrity operating window (IOW): Sets of limits used to determine the different variables that could affect
the integrity and reliability of a piece of machinery or process. Machinery operated outside of IOW’s may
cause otherwise preventable damage or failure.
Load following unit: A generating unit operated over a range of MW versus standard base load MW output
to satisfy grid demand. Due to load changes required for these output variations, thermal stresses may see
a significant increase.
Microturbine: A small gas turbine engine typically of radial design, closer in concept to low-cost turbochargers
than the more complex axial industrial and aeroderivative gas turbines. The size of these machines is usually
2 MW or less.
Peaking unit: A generating unit that undergoes load following profiles but with additional attributes of high
load-change ramp rates. Units of this profile may see increased thermal stresses due to the cyclic nature of
the required load changes.
Ping test: Physical test to determine the natural and resonant frequencies of an assembly
Rolling element bearings: Bearings that carry a shaft load by interposing rolling elements between an inner
and outer race. The two general types of rolling element bearings are ball and roller. Either can carry radial
or thrust (axial) loads or both.
Runback: A reduction in load due to upset conditions during operation.
Simulated overspeed test: A test in which the functioning of the overspeed response, signal transmission,
and emergency shutoff valve control respond to a simulated overspeed signal. Simulated tests typically do
not test the emergency trip device and the fuel shutoff valves. The test can be conducted while the unit is
online, without actually overspeeding it.
Triple modular redundant (TMR): A fault-tolerant system in which three systems monitor a process and
the results are processed by a voting system to produce a single output. If any one of the three systems fails,
the other two systems can correct and mask the fault. If the voter fails, the complete system will fail; however,
in TMR systems the voter is much more reliable than the other TMR components.
Turndown: A generating unit that undergoes load changes to minimum operating parameters, typically to
limit start/stop cycles while remaining connected to the grid.


The purpose of this appendix is to capture the changes that were made to this document each time it was
published. Please note that section numbers refer specifically to those in the version published on the date
shown (i.e., the section numbers are not always the same from version to version).
July 2022. Interim revision. Made editorial changes to provide additional clarity on steam turbine bulletins/
January 2022. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
October 2021. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
April 2021. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
January 2021. Interim revision. Added guidance to support air inlet and power augmenting systems.
October 2020. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.

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July 2020. Interim revision. Updated contingency planning and sparing guidance. Added new terms to the
July 2019. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
April 2019. This document has been completely revised. Significant changes include the following:
A. Added guidance for overspeed and lube-oil protection systems, in addition to lube-oil testing.
B. Added guidance for auxiliary systems and their associated hazards.
C. Added guidance on an audit and inspection program for evaluating alternative service providers.
D. Added inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) strategies, where applicable, regarding intervals
and associated programs.
E. Addressed flexible operation and industry trends.
January 2019. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
October 2018. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
April 2018. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
October 2017. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
April 2017. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
April 2012. This data sheet has been completely revised and reorganized. The main thrust of the
reorganization was to combine the loss prevention recommendations common to heavy-duty and
aeroderivative gas turbines.
Technical changes include the following:
• Added inlet air system recommendations
• Updated overspeed protection recommendations
• Removed cooling air flow and temperature alarm and trip recommendations
• Updated lube-oil temperature trip recommendations
• Addressed condition monitoring (EGT spread, vibration, performance monitoring)
May 2010. Minor editorial changes were done for this revision.
January 2005. The following changes were done for this revision:
1. Section, Maintenance Testing. Overspeed revised from actual to simulated at less than rated speed.
2. Section Revised to be consistent with Actuation of back-up lube oil pump quarterly versus
weekly. Quarterly is adequate for verification of functionality. The emergency pump provides further back-up.
May 2003. Minor editorial changes were done for this revision.
January 2001. This revision of the document was reorganized to provide a consistent format.


When gas turbine services and/or components are being (or have been) procured, an Audit and Inspection
(A&I) Program should be in place to ensure that quality components and services are being procured.
For all services and components:
A. The service provider should have a documented and verifiable Quality Assurance and Quality Control
(QA/QC) program that includes full traceability of all parts and materials.
B. The service provider should have a documented and verifiable QA/QC program that includes
specifications, procurement, manufacturing, inventory, inspection, testing, transport, storage, installation
checkout and commissioning as applicable to the services procured.

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C. At a minimum this program should also address the items listed below as is appropriate for the service(s)
or components being procured. This guidance should not be considered to be complete but rather as a
starting point for the development of a detailed A&I Program.
D. The A&I should be put in place by the purchaser or the party designated by the purchaser to procure
the services and/or components.

C.1 Field and Shop Inspection Services

Inspection services provided may include several types of non-destructive examinations (NDE). When these
services are being procured:
A. The inspector(s) should have relevant experience for both the type of inspection(s) being performed
and of the specific component being inspected. In addition to this experience, ensure the inspector has
access to the OEM’s recommended inspection procedure (or equivalent) and the OEM’s acceptance
B. If NDE services are being provided, the NDE technician should be certified to ASNT SNT-TC-1A, Level
II at a minimum (or an equivalent nationally recognized standard).
C. ASNT SNT-TC-1A is a recommended practice that provides guidelines for employers to establish in
house certification programs for qualification of NDE personnel. This is not the same as an ASNT
certification since companies can tailor their in house certifications to meet their minimum needs.
D. Services should be provided in accordance with a qualified written procedure or have appropriate
E. The service provider should adhere to a strict foreign material exclusion (FME) procedure (See FM
Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity).

C.2 Field Services

Field services provided may include craft labor, technical field direction, NDE services, and evaluation of
NDE results. When these services are being procured:
A. The service provider should utilize appropriately skilled, trained, experienced and documented
engineers and technicians. Any inspection services should comply with section C.1.1 of this document.
B. The service provider should follow industry established good engineering practices, processes and
procedures. Services should be provided in accordance with a qualified written procedure.
C. The service provider should adhere to a strict FME procedure (See FM Global Property Loss Prevention
Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity).
D. The service provider should have (or have access to) appropriate shop fabrication capabilities. The
shop should have documented quality control of critical equipment performance measures.
E. The service provider should have documented training records for all field servicing and installation
F. The service provider should have adequate support staff when issues arise that can’t be answered in
the field.
G. As appropriate, all tooling provided by the service provider should have been inspected and determined
to be fit for service, with particular emphasis on lifting devices.

C.3 Shop Services

An important part of the maintenance of a gas turbine is the reconditioning of components to extend their
life. The reconditioning process may involve many disciplines such as skilled labor, destructive and non-
destructive examination personnel and engineering support. When parts are sent to a shop for reconditioning,
ensure the following are in place:
A. The facility should have relevant experience for both the type of refurbishment being performed and
on the specific component(s) being refurbished. In addition, any inspection services should comply with
section C.1.1 of this document.

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B. The service provider should utilize appropriately skilled, trained, experienced and documented
personnel. The service provider should have documented training records for all reconditioning
personnel.The service provider should follow industry established good engineering practices, processes
and procedures.
C. The service provider should have appropriate reconditioning capabilities (or an approved vendor), as
well as documented quality control of critical turbine equipment performance measures.
D. The service provider should have access to replacements for parts that are scrapped during the repair
process. The service provider should verify the suitability (histories or pedigrees) of the replacement parts
to be utilized for one more service interval(s) in a turbine, whether that service interval is a combustion
inspection or a hot gas path inspection.
E. The service provider should have verified the source of all consumable materials used during the repair
process, such as weld wire, filler materials, braze materials etc. Repairs such as brazing and/or welding
should undergo an engineering evaluation including metallurgical analysis to confirm that the suggested
repair has been identified as adequate for the specific application, material, temperature, and method.
F. The service provider should have an adequate and verifiable source for all miscellaneous hardware
required during the repair process, such as pins, seals, etc.

C.4 Aftermarket Components (Reverse Engineered and Reengineered)

Prior to utilizing aftermarket components, the supplier should have evaluated the OEM’s component design
and identified any issues with the parts performance (i.e. premature wear or failure). If no issues can be
identified and there are no patent issues, then a reverse engineered component that meets the quality criteria
listed below is an acceptable alternative. If there are known issues with the component then a reengineered
component that meets the criteria listed below is acceptable.

C.4.1 Reverse Engineered Components

If a sample is provided by the Owner to be the basis from which the reverse engineered component will be
modeled, the Owner should understand that the component may be damaged/destroyed for metallurgical
analysis in order to accurately quantify the component.
The sample from which the reverse engineered component is to be measured should be dimensionally
accurate and within appropriate tolerances. Measurements should be performed using reproducible laser
based measuring techniques.
All necessary and appropriate metallurgical surface finishes should have been identified and incorporated.
Any deviations from OEM standards, such as alternate alloys or thermal barrier coatings, should be evaluated
and determined to be acceptable prior to use in the design.
Appropriate expertise (either internal or external to the Owner) should be engaged to assist with developing
metallurgical and other pertinent technical specifications for the purchase of the reverse engineered

C.4.2 Reengineered Components

When a component experiences consistent issues during operation (i.e. failures) an Alternative Service
Provider should reengineer (redesign) the component to address these issue(s) before manufacturing the
component. Another situation where an Alternative Service Provider may choose to reengineer a component
is to avoid potential patent infringement issues. When an Owner is looking to procure reengineered
components, such as blades and vanes, FM Global should be involved, through the Owner, to assist in the
evaluation of the risk associated with installing the redesigned component(s).
When an Owner is looking to procure reengineered components, Engineering Standards should be contacted
to assist in the evaluation. Engineering Standards will apply the same criteria as are applied to OEM upgrades
to determine if the use of the reengineered components will have an effect on overall risk (maturity
classification) associated with operating the turbine.

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C.4.3 Design Process

The supplier should analyze the potential cause(s) of any issues with the component using engine testing,
lab testing, computer models, etc. as necessary to identify the root cause of the issue.
Components with known issues should be redesigned to eliminate issues (utilizing state-of-the-art, generally
accepted and up to date analytical tools, and testing).
The impact of the redesigned component(s) on other components and the overall engine performance should
be evaluated as part of the redesign process.The supplier should have an established process with written
procedures that include all steps of the engineering design process.
The supplier should be willing to fully disclose, to the Owner and FM Global, the design rational and any
assumptions utilized when reengineering or making modifications that could materially change existing
machine aerodynamics.

C.4.4 Validation/Testing Process

The supplier’s validation process for their design changes should include verification of their resonant
frequency margins.
The supplier should have testing capabilities to prove that the reengineered component(s) will perform as
required for the service intended. A redesigned component, or group of components, should not materially
impact the remaining portion of the machine (i.e. the downstream flow and flow profile should not be materially
affected) unless an analysis done for all of the effected components conclusively shows that the affected
components will not be adversely impacted under all operating conditions.
Redesigned components should undergo an engine test utilizing additional instrumentation as required to
assist in the evaluation of the performance of the new design.
Additional periodic inspections should be performed until the component has proven that it is suitable for
the operating environment and the application within the machine.

C.4.5 Manufacturing Process

The component supplier should have a well-documented quality assurance/ quality control program and
should be willing to allow the Owner to review the program.
The quality assurance/ quality control program should be explicit in how the parts supplier monitors and
guarantees the quality of all work being provided by subcontractors of all tiers, including raw material
The parts supplier should guarantee compliance with their material specifications and that all material
certificates have complete traceability to supplement a respective material identification program.
The parts supplier should be willing to share critical manufacturing data with the Owner such as master heat
chemical analysis, high resolution radiographs, bond coat and top coat certification and analysis for all
coatings being used and heat treatment documentation showing time at temperature.
With particular emphasis on the combustion system, flow tolerances on all fuel and air orifices should be
maintained and the parts supplier should understand that the fuel nozzles and other combustion hardware
should be installed sequentially, as a set.

C.5 Turbine Control System (TCS) Upgrades/Replacements

The TCS should provide complete, reliable, state of the art, control, monitoring, sequencing, and emergency
protection functions for the turbine(s).
The service provider should follow industry established good engineering practices, processes and
The service provider should have detailed knowledge of the specific gas turbine model and configuration
being controlled.

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The service provider should be knowledgeable of the strengths and weaknesses of the controls platform
being utilized, including response rate and sample rate. The service provider should be able to articulate how
the offered controls platform compares to the system being replaced and be able to address any perceived
relative weaknesses of the new system.
The service provider should understand the known failure modes of the controls hardware being offered
and should be able to address how these failure modes can manifest and how to protect against them.
The TCS should incorporate all gas turbine OEM recommended protection systems.
The TCS should be designed such that it can be programmed to avoid critical speeds and combustion
instability points.
Sufficient redundancy should be provided in the turbine protection systems such that no single failure will
cause a unit trip or prevent the unit from being tripped.
System diagnostics should be provided as an integral part of the TCS. Automatic recognition and location
of instrumentation and control faults should be available at the engineering and operators workstations. Fault
alarms should be available for each device fault.
The new/modified system should provide the capability to test the protection systems. If the proposed systems
are ″self-diagnostic″ to the extent that separate testing is not considered to be necessary, the supplier should
provide documentation verifying that the ″self-diagnostic″ features are sufficient to eliminate the need to
separately test the components of the system.
Comprehensive Factory Acceptance Testing (including critical auxiliary systems) should be done as a part
of the commissioning process to ensure the system works as intended. The hardware should be physically
tested to ensure it is functioning properly.
Comprehensive Site Acceptance Testing (including critical auxiliary systems) should be done as a part of
the commissioning plan to ensure the system works as intended.

C.6 Alternative Service Provider (ASP) Service Agreement

A service agreement is an agreement to supply some combination of replacement parts, parts refurbishment,
inspection services, field services, monitoring & diagnostics (M&D), inventory management and contract
management. When entering into a service agreement type contract with an Alternative Service Provider,
all the applicable considerations presented in this Audit and Inspection section of the Data Sheet should be
taken into account.
A financial and technical due diligence should be performed on any ASP service agreement service provider
under consideration. This due diligence should include any sub-suppliers that will be furnishing parts or
services under the service agreement.
In the case of a forced outage, the supplier should be able to provide parts and services in a timely manner.
The Owner should reserve the right to source parts and services from the OEM or other sources if the ASP(s)
cannot perform in accordance with the contract.
If the service agreement service provider is sourcing new alternative service provider parts and is not
controlling the manufacturing process directly, the service agreement contractor should have a program in
place to guarantee parts quality and adherence to the guidelines presented in these A&I program guidelines.
If the service agreement contractor is going to supply refurbished, grey market or used components into a
pooling arrangement, the supplier should guarantee parts pedigree, (i.e., the number of hours and starts on
the units, as well as other key historical parameters), to ensure that the parts are fit for service in the
The Owner should maintain the right to utilize the services of third- party contractors/consultants to support
outage oversight; parts refurbishment processes or in the event of a failure, a root cause analysis (RCA).

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