R O/the Hiddzn Power in Peppb

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r o/TheHiddznPower
in Peppb
P.vhoLogi'r'at rharna"r o[ the rine peoplzdonr
la tnc up to Ihet pote4tial.
Na atulthen,in
a cnsis,theynay callox hiddea.resertes
ol sttength
and perforn incredibleleax while the uisis lasts.But
ou:eit isorertheybecome tleit orcli1rary
What is *n hicldenpowerin peopb?Can1tbe
anallzarl?Cat it beput to iorkT PhilosoyherW illiam
lanesantl RererendNormanVincentPeale
areamangthosewith tellingansuers.

Of Course

- ILor r:ianyof ustheword"cre.
ativirl ha.r uall a'ounoir.andwe are'n .heous:oe. We
protesldratwehavenogift,tlratcreativityis forgeniuses.
But cr.rrrviy \ mt rhe gif ol a laroreoreu, a
buar of ligh youve eiLher goror pu h,veri. Ore ot rhe
mostcr€ativepeopleI everknew wasan old womanwho
livedon a remotesheepranchin California.A Chilean,she
had maniedan Americanseacaptainat sixteen,movedto
his countryand learnedhis language. On that ionely,fog,
s$ep-.oa.r 'he rnJded rome.r lite.an .mpir. borh.p.nrual
and.ommerical. (he borghta-d 'old and.delnered babier,
and cookedfor rhirty men ar shearingtime. She borefive
children,andtaughtthemto readandwrite andrideand ro
be as much at lromein the oceanas a seal.It madeyour

bloodsingto watchher,at nearlyninety,clirnbthehill be-

hindherhouseandfacelhesunasit wentdownin thesea.
Shewasa womanwith little education exceplrvhatshe
hadtaughtherself, ourof needandloveandhigheourage.
But by livingup to herselfandalwaysa litde beyond, she
had found out what shewasand usedit freelyfor herself
It is falseto imaginethat creativityjust happens. The
cnpaciry to be creative is inherentin humanbeings, but the
utilization o{ thatcapacity is hardrvorh.Il is not hobbies or
'laking or "keeping busy."Creativityis workthat
goes somewherq it issustained eforttowardanideal.
WhenSirWilliamHerschel, thefatherof modemastron-
the 6nesttelescope theworldhadever
seen,he firsthadto learnto grindandpolishmirrors. After
monthsol workhis fint minorturnedout to be imPe €ci.
He madetwo hundredattempts belorehe produced a tele-
scope thatsaiisfred him.It tookBrahms almosttwentyyears
tocompose his"FirstSynphony."
\\e rrry.61 be enloqeoro bui.dr briJgeor ur.tea
poemor lind a new star,but if we wouldlive our lives
deeplyandcreativeiy we musilvoik andgo on workingto
sLorvour ownviewol whatit means to be alive.The lL'ork
itselfnall;c noCest, bLujl it callslorth deligLt,curiosill,
i r e n r i ' . n u , r . ' . , . L n ' a n eo r r er h " t g . r r i u. r ' . ' .
Forcreativity is noLsonuch an aptitude asan attitude, and
therefore applicable anywhere frommakinga lemonPieto
buildinga moonrocket. Tbosepeople wecalltalented know
thisbv instinct. T|e restof ushaveto learnit.
The exactprocesis not knolL'n, but perhaps mostoften
crcativitv begrrsin response to thingsgreater ihanoursclves
Thewonderol dresunrisc, nhenfor an instanlyoufeelthe

slow,rnajesticroll of earth;theawethatfickersthroughyou
whenyouaccomplish, afterall, thetaskthatwastoohard;
theglirnpseinto infinity whenwholelandscapes aremirrored
in a puddleno deeperthana plate-thesearethe stirringsof
creativity.Beyondlhem comereflection,an awareness of
awareness, takingnoiiceofourownthought.
In the film versionof Willian SaroyantThe Human
Comed"y, a little boy keepsaskingwhat it is to be afraid.
Then,at a camival,a manin a maskscares him,andaftera
moment of terroriheboyexclaims with delight,"l'n afraidl
I knowwhatafraidisl" In a similarwaythecreative person
.ay .onimcli. T li, I know.fhi.l r,ue seen and[e]t
On theheelsof arvareness is theimpulseto do somelhing
with whatn'efeelandlnow. Here,sadly,is wheremanyof
usgoaury.N,laking anddoingturnoutto besodi{ficultthat
wc abandon theattempt. Because an ideaor a plandoesn't
readilltakeshape, rvcconclude thatit is no good,thatwe
aren'tcreative anyrvayrvhen,in fact,it takesan enlight-
enedstubbornness to produce anything. EvenMozart,who
co,rldconceive wholemovements of a sl,mphony in onehght:
n fl"'honenoteatar'ne.
" g l i : . hh d r o r r c ' i b " - h . t
SomepeopleinsisttLeyhaveno ideasat ali, whenrvhat
theymeanis thaithel donl havebigor revolutionary ideas.
But goodideasbombard us er,eryday-from people, travel,
reading. Anlonecanhavemoreideas by beinghospitable to
thosehe has-usingthem,tryingthemout,not discarding
$em belorehe hasgiventhema chance.Otherpeople
sproutideaslike nrxhroonsbut let the visiondrift away
because theyareinpatientrvithsmalJbeginnings. If they
can'tstartlmpreslvely, theychoose notto sta at all.Thisis
clcadlyto creativitl'. LlelenKellerwroter"Whenwe let a
resolution or a fine emotionclisslpatc withourresults,it
I,Io,r meansmorethan lost opportunity; it acfuallylemrosthe
la' fulfi mentof futurepurposes, "
the longingto do or makesomething to giveour
fi Beyond
feelingfonn and substance comesthe roughwork ol disci-

pline-a wordwedon'tcaremuchfor thesedays.And yetit
is nore truly in thc small,daily,noment-by
canbe seenthanin ihe crowningtri_
umph.The storyis toldof a womanwhorushedup ro Fritz
Kreisleraftera concertandcried,"l'd givemy life to play
ll asyo'-r dol"Andthcviolinistanswered soberly,"l did."
I Somustwe, if we wouldbe creative. Gving one'slife
neanschoosing fromthemultitudeof psibilities a certain
goalandthenworkingpatientlytowardit, evenwhenwe
aretiredor puzzled or afraid.It means lovingwhatwe do,
notjustrtshighpointsbut itsday-in-day outefiort.It rneans
sticking to one\on'npurpose througha thousand storms and
fires,fromwithinaswell asfromwithout,andexperimenl
ing,failing,tryrngagainuntil boththepurpose andoneself
arerellned amlreadr'.
I knowan actorin his sevcnties whoall his lite bashad
onlyminorroles.OnedayI askedhim aboutit. "WhenI
l"asgctti g on totard fift1',"he said,"l adnittedto mrself
that1r'asnevergoingto be a reallybig staL. Tlrerewasno
oLLeru'orhltl ratherbe doing,soI rnadeup my nind to
gile ny' Lestto evcryrobI got,cr,ena nrlk on.That rvay,
1'r'emademy ou'nplace,andI'vc hadsatisfacrion thatnoth-
ingcantale awarlromme."He lradreallzed thedecpinner
rewarcls of the creative attitude,sonethingquitedifferent
fron thedesirc lor applause.
Toooitcnwe sayin e{fect,"Tell mehowto bc creative."
r,eryrequestis a denialoi crcativitv. The greatand
transiorming LruLh -of
is thatbejngcrediileis a drscovery'--
Irow To lwl wmr YouAsE!!

ouxelves,of oLlI own way of rcspondingto lile And dis

coveryimplieswhat no onehas}aown before.It is some-
thingonedoesalone,like gettingbomor dfng, andto recog'
nizeandaccept that,andstopasking ts to takethe iirst
longstepin ourowncreatl!'rty.

Th" l*rt y.a.sof my life canealterwhat seemed at 0rsta

tragedylrornwhichI couldneverrecover. I hadbeena Dresden
ChinaDoll sortof wlfe.l'd grownup in toomuchl xury.I
knewnothing.And soit happened thatny husband ran our
home,aswell ashis own succeslulbusiness, while I accePted
soft, siveetirresponsibility.
Tlrenonedayhispartnerlootedtheflrm andfled A month
laterrnyhusband s overstrained heartgareway AndI, lgnorant
heir to his wholesale lunerandeggbusines,wal}edinto his
enptvoftceandlegantolearnthlngs. Friendsbegged metosell
out for whatever I couldget. I waswarnedthat l'd end in
bant<ruptcy. Brt someinvisibleforcedroveme or. I stuck l
studierl.I visitedbankers andwholesalers andcusiomels, eagerly
learning. EverynightI fell inrobedexhausted, But theDresden
ChinaDoll had cometo lifc at last.After a yearI wasstill
honil'll in dclt. I hadlosthall tle old custornels. Bu! I felt at
homcin c busines.
ThreeyeanlaterI rvason ny leet,sureof rnyself.I was
makingalmost asmuchasmy husband hadeaned.Prcttygood
for an exChinaDolL.N,lorc oldcustomen hadcomeback.I ate
bettcr,dcptbetter andjoledoftener-than everbefore.
I wasth;ty{ine iea$ old then Now I'rn tumingfrfry-nine
And Iin stillin theBcstYearsof X,lyLife-the l€aisthathav€
br!ugho t ! t r h cr € I ) b e nr , i n c \nonynnsAa fi L'ving
To be Creative

To be creative
is to unleash the fire within
that at first simmers slowly
biding its time
until it can contain itself no more.

To be creative
is to watch the fire carefully
guarding its flame
until the day
when the roar must be heard.

To be creative
is to listen to the call of the fire
and release the fear
that strangles it
and surrender joyfully to watch its dance

Milliande Demetreu
I have no name
until you name me.
I have no form
until you shape me.
I don't exist
until you make me.
I am creativity.

I am waiting deep within you.

Touch my spark
and let me light you.
Give me life
and I'll revive you.
I am creativity.


e ancientCreeksufd to $i.L tlDt Muscs,the9 daushtedofzeusandMnemoslnc,

inspiftd poery andrhe dB in humds. Mnchlater,durin8 the Ronmtic Perioditr
Empq n beane popllar $ar ootivity Ms loGted{ithin olr nnaginationand .ur
l "'vw_a mFi 'olPod
c m o u o n . n o r 8Eodeb . ' I ! p - r . ' . 1 e ,. . a s r : l n
anddtits dained dat dDri.g .mdion theysse Po$e$ed, ihar is, they{e.e diivento
d.ate byafoEeorer\ehich theyhadno.ont oi.rSoneof fien rPParendlstiuieelpose$ed
Steed lindenan reponsi . .. for nar dtists, the expsielce of beingnerely P^sive
ecpton, {irh Lhespiiitualfore of ddtiviry speakjng in sonenysteriousval throughfien
b very profound,"rFollo$ingdre nolk ol lrmcn Galtonand
Lhdl"' Dafrin.'h. nu:org flr . rll.L" .pdbil:'tr.inl ding
creativitl, are 1he result of our ffnetic inhditance.rThe
impr$ion, therefore, grs thatdeativitl islixedatbitn, md ore
ar do nothingto alt€rit. In.the 20$cntury, howod, rcsdch
conlmed tnatpeophl omtiritl canbe .onsiderabllohanccd,
*en it it cannolbeequalized {itl tlDt of'geniusel.a
Tlt vi6, tharoeativerhi*ener! an be enl,anced or nade
mor probablethronghrheorchestationofmanl fors hs gained

nonentun (seeFigure2.1).Thsc fores indude iNolve @ddn Pexonaliryraits and

moriv€s, rertainftetualapabilities,thecndactsristicoftheenviroMen!oncisin, theuseof
theaeltivc pmbhn{olvins proce$,csllin an6untoferpctje mlevdt todE fieldinuhich
ftati{iri is artenp€d,ad theN ofranoustechniques to
for $inulatingftatile solutions
p.oblens.The dght conbinationof pBsnaliq mits, dodre intelligenc,deauvogo c
eNiroment, rearive probleNolving prores and techniqus,et . can Sreaq inoea&
ortivc pokntial.ln chapterI, re haveahady tou.hedupon&e aeativeprobl€n{olviog
proce$(pmblcnEstruhdng ad qds otconveryeni anddivdgenttninkiig) andoeatit
intelligence(vdiousmentaLabilitieslile fluency,flexibility,probldn Hsitivity, probled
Esllduri.g opabiliry,ek.). Let ustut brieflyoutlinesomeo$d fors rhaton elhMe
our deativity, parriculart crative pdsomlity, dodve eNiromsnt, and deativity

Researhcondu.tedall overtle worldsDggshsone.oa tni6 of (ative people-tlat by I
and large thel d! orious, conplo! snsitive, independent,pe^isrent,venturesone,
andyd rcalntic..Manyharea led to be difiercnr,to pioneer,
rnd dcrlc.. Erenvhcnthel havea tofth ofMdn{! rbeyar usuaulabh
dis.over,innovarc, I
to hrmes it to Nakedreifd eationrrsing (se boxon ft? rmon lrhindttu Cnatiu PenJl
Not io beundeflatedis $e role ofnotivarion.Tbej&s aE knovnto beoveFa.hieta.
Therek N didene thatJss aregseticallydifferenrfton oderuhit6. Yet,ps opita, they II
lare won55ii'n4 theNobelplizesvonU/ theFren.h,7 tin€stlDseronbytheGends, and
l0 tins 'hos ron bl rbelrllians.8ft is alsolnoun tnrt theexpectatjons ol pssonssnon {e
respedpoeeftlly shapeournotilatlon andbehaviour.r Tberermh ofwalhd, and(osan
andorhe^ shorstharsco*son testsol dealiv4 go up vlFn subjedsareexhoriedto be
oeatieebt rheexF-imenrer.rfl4hileevaluarion tendsto dampo,(oariviry,po$iblr bmause
otuherest anrietyit genBaksrmrd for beingomtivetendslo stinulatc.Eativitl.ir ln later
chapten {Chapte. U md l3),Ncdis.u$at gEateilengthho} *e.a. a.quire
n*rly 50 tnns ol oe,tile people,strengdrntlok notivesthat laciliuF oeativ4 and
' p d J b l ol. o n e r i e r r l . r i o r ,9 .
i r n o L , , o rd.r d p a o v ee v e d
nore ofct

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Onrheotl,€rhafd,thecretivewiteu scored *b*air alyhlsber on esostreg$'dio

tneo.diny/wdt E Esost.$Brh6 i nedre oi mdu ./ selr.ontfol, andtheapa.lq 1o a'E
rllyle r e .'8-
D o r ' . d D. J. , J r o . e hJ , o" e , I b L " - .
creative,rung. Tir6n anunusua
itt. rtregerertrpoprlarion,erost enghind
D d o ' o ' . . o d "
, : ' o 1 r " D ,
divedeepiniodE ild k rece$es
olthes.u xnd.omerpbeafng irera?g l!s.

thl iHjiv€ wit€;x€E ale @nfaieato orliil'/ 'ldieE onanotEf peredallryrest

cahd CalromEPryd,ooskalnvertorT(CP).Thislen ahor€verled someinteEstis

our envnonnenttu partlyghenandpaflt isofou @n ftation. ws dono!havemuch.hoice
abouithemur,f, comunit/, andfanily ve aE bominto,but asadnlts,wecd cnooe,10
someextentatksr, qharkjndofhigho edu@rion uerant, wner b getit, whatkird of{ort
!o do,{nat sortof spouseandfiiendsto have,uharhobbiesandinterelbro pusue,andso
fdth, Rseardrindicats ihatvdiousfeatuE6of our eNironnot cD proloundlyi!{uetrce
The supportrhat enviromeft nry givero ones@atilitt is illustratedwel jn Asbis
Nd4's a(dnt oftwolanou Iodia! $vants,Jagdhh Cbandra B6e,mMed physichtdd
bota.ist, md srinivaa Rlnannjan, hathoaricie.r3 Nedly a cdntu/ back, lce
*pedbenhly denonstrated tbatplantsft€l andieet rovarloussrinuli,alnostin a hulm
fashion.sos va bk$ed with a rupportiveetrvnonment. An only !on, he t@ born in a
reasonably vell-lo do fanily-nis falh{ wasa nagistmts.3os had n{o sndt! at hs

dislosal{e a fomer robb€!andtne oinera fomer sePoy-Iot!suG of riveting
Bo;e'sfarnerwasaversatilenm<nftPtneur, @ateu phvsicist od botanist'pfonots of
technhaledumtion,Pdrtime engine;r,sPo5maD,dd Part_tinescial vo*s -Bde\
noilEr vd a dsvourilindu, {hil€ iis [arh{ vd a nenber oi therefomist Bnhno smaj
B o . e , r h 4 e l of "tdea D ' o d d I a n g e o r i n l u e h r 'oAnae u S : n C t u m w A r crm ' m r i f id
i d
HinduI clomi o HIn,luu "dirionr'lHed'nrod ilhs"LhooltoundrJblhnl"thrr''i'
D . o \ d e d' i n t i ' l . l l r n o ' h a' r p o ' u ' ^ r o r y J I n d ; H r r d ' b r o J S l
;dtol lenc"L"ho c,e.:,lerb hoe'oo!"ddo\n LPonbI th' diter' ro n n b 'mPtunq bur
ra_J o grud6in8l"npr'e.i"\r88'*v'clB'ri Inugbrhe' ra
,""""' h; "," ;" , ;,r"", .{. ;d Bo* 'e"ms'o h/" rb orh d rhb ndronrri'm
d ido.eo b! l i umpdm ro'oundanhdiu 'ienr' h* ftor \4ate'! rontrolBor'tudiPd
,, s I$r, .o h;" ;hcr \" bvn" r P,o''8For lqun LdonL h" l' be'jr\no"n
lml€$or in lndia ;f expsinontal plvsics rater, vhe! he 'ent to chisis colese'
ilanbri{lqe,heane into onud {ith tod rakiSh, a fanousPqsicistofhis dai Bose\sile
wa edua"ted. md one Iron a nfordist ranilv.Shehadstrdiedfourvmrsotnedicine'and
n . r o l g l r " n u n r q . d B ooe a l e u P. " l B o v ' P \ D o L ro' I p d n i \ ' d i
oo,to-o"-t-,r,no oi ,r"' Coap"Fad',Jll-rlr'orrd bv| ' LTnd'hiPwirl-s^Fr Nned'a
ir n. n-,Ln.r* o,a. r o r"v eo'od'.8edImror'oLror'oaronL'or'b"h'"n
rnimarernd iiannnarelife fo;ns It n obviousthzt !or's 'ironstdrces vereParticdarly
favounbleto theflNering ol hisgeDius
contra$ the suPP.t that thc envnoment Proided to BoF tith the dilndltes lbe
-t.o..-t coe.l for anotherIndim seiius, srinivls rinanujan' dre sho
Drec..iousmathendicianHe vtr boin in a Poor'nondaoiPt Bnlrnin hmilv ii Sou$
india,reccived a lon_qualiLy education, nuted ou!ofollege,h towor(dadok and'at
22,na.dcda Sirlwhowas13learshisjmior "rhoughhedimv*ed on hisoM rrenl
i n D o . r r ' ' h 4 ; , . , 0 " i \ er " L r ' , ' 1 q u d 'i' n . ' L hn o o P "m r h en . r ' l ' i r d d g d ) '
c d . n o , . t o l , l . o . P t l i o ! , e d l ' . r l ' o ' e r ' d r ( o F ' " df r { r o r ' i L L I ' B t u |
nathesrticiansasEuler,!a!er, andRienannHisfriendsfelrtbxrilhe hadhadbettetfonnal
educarion, hemighthaveb*! ablerore{olutionize nathetu'ti's

In a lald.hapter(ChaPter l4),wedncusin nore detailthelind ofenvnonnent lhat

enconnsddotiviry, andhos to 8oabouta.qunrg t

oB theieds,n*rll ?00te.hniqucsforgenednrgdearive hat ben ideNnftlrL
drctlisr of qustions,
Thc mai;r techniqn*in.ludebninsouninS, attibuts chdrgDs'

&arysis,dd slnectic.AI of tben prcvidehelpir dilergd fiinljng buraE

bdedor difieHt principles.
Thenosi sidelr $ed techoique ror genqadngdeativeidas is calledbrainsloming.FIt
{d thebnincniu otAlexOsbon,anadveftin8 eieotive. h is a grouptchniqueblt it @
alsobeucd lry individuals.
Thebninstom* txls up a fairrydedly{tatedprcblemehich
hd nm/ po$iblesolurions, suchashowto indeae produdiviqin a plmt or hov to interest
.hildm in rienc. Tlseaftd the bminsromd {indivi&al or a paei) is encousgedto
'bminston,'tlal isgenaatein arapidtu lashionnoveisolutlotuto thep.oblen.Duringdis
brtinltoming phse, aUmiticim or eraluation
of ary ideais taboo.
li"4 Anothd kchniqueh .h(klist of qustions,alsodeveloped by osbom.L6 Thisconsists
$bjectingaproductor asystenor aproa$ to abmge ofqustions.soniofthae de qune
,rBighloMdd, suchashowan ve nodit rheiten to makeit nore economical, or qn $c
findodreruss ol tneiten| or whatconldNeaddto o. deletelion it to nakei! noE elegdt,
nore practicl; etc sone qu€stiotrstinulatenor far-reachin8 search,suchasb@ do re
niniaturin or ninit iti o. hos doNenag t ,r nanr lines; or Nhatis its opposne?Thse
qudrionsGn forcedmnati. shiftsofpenpdi& andopenup radi@llrdirersr options.
cmlford\ auibuteschangiiistechriqueisfoundedon theprilciple tbri mosttinkeins
ftatiity isbdedonchangiiganatdbuleofthepresenr solutio.or produd,or Sraftingonto
it tlreatributesofsonethingelr. ) Roomair{onditionin&for exrmple,inrolvs graftingon
b theahbientai! in rhercon thecoolnssofrheair rvaihbleat heiShh;apartnents in
highisA iNolvetlE goftiig on ro high{jtitude hons sr-prcpclhdladddsthatrc oll
'urerem !nnh$ {als in vlich vc .an .hargc thepresentchreterislicsol any
Foduc! seflice,evenr,rehtionship,or state.Takca pilloq for emple Oneon change irs
.l.pe .blou. "{"11.r'. ' .r r-s. tc \ruT,ng.ota.;rd !o 01.
Mo.phologndanalfis mrks systcnaticCnvfordt rtributes .han8inS.rll iN.lvcs
identirying se Nrntdrangedin athiig. Ifthereare
a ter alkmatjresrorerh oftheattributcs
nle au.ibutesofatilld{ue sanrroconsidoclmgnrg{sryshrpe,colonr,snell,Jze,andf€l),
xndNeon thinliup,Fy, thee intomtingaltrnativs ior eachatribute,we(ouldRdEnk -
inmiduFs Sror24jdifieE.!desiSnsof apillowl
slndics, a sronptechnique inrentedbyCordon,spdalirs in usingavlietl ofanalo$s
in o€ativep.obhn solvins.L, Thde are lour chiefons. TI'e t(r involvesdiso$ing an
analoSloftheprobhn sitLution fton avertdili{ent teld. Forexample, ifde pmblenisone
ofDakiDgasubmdinethrt an divedeep,thegroupnar exploiehowsoneshalesN ablero
direneadya mileaid sofas. ll th€probkn is ol raiing watercheaplyfton a vallel on to
rrrc for faoing purposs,th. BrouFnay diso$ howtbeep riseshund.edsor fcd in
n& giantredwoods.lfthde is a grealdealofindusrialindis.ipline in a fador/,thesn{tics

3 0 .

grcupmaydistus howdis.iplineis naintainediu a beehive.

The sond @Uedpesonal
analogr,rquirB th€ problen-elver!o prcjec!himer into a situationdd ryoft vhat he
erperieces.Thus,ironeisIookingintothecauses ofmet,lfati8neinje8, |,!egroupbenbe*
N dked ro imaginetbehslvB io benebl in ajer flyingara highaldrudqdd r€port nt
thel feel-see-heatunelltastel
This subjdincationof anobjectot inquirysometiDes yi€lds T
dramaLic i.si8hts.The third anaio8/usd in 6ynatia b $e fanrasfanalogy, in whichthe
penon is sked to releae his4rerinagiiadon fron @l,iife codtrainri, and in ett4t
dayd@n whatwouldhappenifroodbeade unlnned or ilhousescouldfll o. iftelepathy
beoBe connonplace.Obvious\,rhefantasy rquestedhasa relatioHonetinesa reeote :
relatjoHo theproblen2t ha!d.Thefourrhdalogy n GIed thebool ti]e, ad requfts the
nenbeB tofrunishpifii burpoedcor pdadoxiol phnes for asitutio.- Fordmple, boot
tidesforagorybadecouldb€CreatDecidation,MigrationtoHell,V tuet Pandise' Dice/
valou, Finisld Hate.Sincrid hA ban su(sstully enploled ror nnding inndative
dpp oa,hrs'oa run be' o ni 4.labl, F,hnndl probl"l. .

s)ndticsisadifrftlt te.bniqne, butib pnncipleorconsrrudive

lstchologicl stminismos!
pmrricalB^icrlll, ir consisr!
of nehdisnyanalogiesandnetaphos rhatLendandsnetch
thenind in everydiretion throu8hrheshrltofpodrl. ILisalechiiquefo! chumiigdE mind
solhat nokl lisionsaodiisi8hri riseto it5sufac.
Bsids thse rechniqu$,shnh minf help us ge.eare irhovativeo ions,tlrre ae
struduEd,$ep-bt slepprcBrannesfor crative problemso&n,8.Oneof then, rhich is
|o neanla qumer nillion studenG
in Nofth Aoe&a andelsshqe, is
calkdrutur lfoblenSollin8orus.!0Itisa six{Epprca$.
L hdide tneproblen{oireAvit! a tuaI snution drM froh a generalproblen
afta (suchd .omunal tensions).
?. Genentealkmateprcblenstaiemenrs otthetuzzysiruarion
in abminstomnode.
One{ai is r,oidenrit dd articuhlesEral sub,areaswithinti,e nury snuation,
,nd identi! diflemt kindsorproblensin erchsub{rea
3 Gd theprobhn*olvor !o converse
ro oncproblem$temenr or oie prolkn
4. cen*are altdnariresolutions!o thestaredproblen(s)in thebninsrom node.
5. Ce!thegrouproiddrify oiteria ofevaluarion,
md appli themtoeachalremarive
6. Identifyieconmended
rhatis/arebesron thc bast of d,eseevalu on

I CrflCraridi!h&Jradr
I we iakea closr look zt rlBe and oino ftative problenaohi.g teciniqud andthdir
I uderting p.inciplesandapplicationsin a larerchaptd(chaptert 5).

t 'Ihevaids kks for misingpcople\
deariviq,Iure ftnctincdin|oweel datiity daini.g
i pro$mDes.sonc of rhse haleden foundldge covonte dients.Forexmpte,Fordand
Hrnh condudedthatby 1hemrli 1990s, overtatt of rtE 600rdgestUs ol?omrionshad
adoptedsone or L\e ol,\o fom of dmtive lhinktngddor innovative
i traininglo. theirsi!fls.: well-designed
oeadvq laining pmgranm$ sen to yieldgood
dtuidends.In thc late1980s, PaulTomnceexmired over140sldies ofdfttiritl tniniig
tmgnms md condudedtlDr rher is sutricien!didenc ro sh@ rharoeativirron be
hught.l!A surey ot over100sddiesof oeativirylraidng prcSrannesin rhecarty1990s,
iNolvinsover175independ.msanplesofsbjeds rhathadundsgonetrainin&.oncluded
'hatdeatiity ll:ining issenemlyefedivejhowever, ir isnon cflctive in enhancing
pfltbmanc ontasb sinild to droseusd dunngbainingthar dissiDih ksll..c
lvhat de oeativry trainingprognnnB t*e? ret ne givc 4 an eranple rhe oneI
d{eloped in rhelate 1970sand haveuiedwitb soneriations ijr gaininga vaiety of
g o!! s Fordesigni
ng $e prognmne, I broadlyurilte rheno dcl of ceatiyeachiercmenr

An),kind ofachierenentis an ouiconeoffado'r likepssnaliri rrajrs,hental abitities,

notivadon,and a appropiareenvnonnent,dDt is, one that providercerraintlds or
rsa s,andotPortunitis. If therearetrdousdeficiencies jn anrof ttrese,
cfiancofdieving anlrlins signifnnr islildr to bealhd slin. on L\eodE hand,it rtrde
$ an adequate leveiof och of rhese,rhe.hanceof sn.e$ nq, be quiresubsrantial, and
ind*d, rhetobabilig' risesfastiI anyor .11m srren8rhened sinultaneous!bemu$ofr
conpoundiigelfed. ]l]us,ju$i0%inpiorene in oorirepdsomlirl,nentatabiliry, and
envmnDent coutdleadroover307.(l l0% x i loE'N I l0%)indor in rhedpa.iryror

enph8isin nl outivirr wori{shops isonstrengthonScrtain pdsonalirrriairslike
onosry, cougej pdsistenejandindependencej encou&gjn8 certainmorivAlike t]tened
to oate, d$.ov*, pioner, d*etop olsetf, nate a socialconrributionr andon incrasing
dNsSmt andcondgent thinkingabilnid lilc pfobkh sensiririty, problemresrncturing
abiliti, fluenq, lexibility, originaliry,elabdativealtlity, soludorrefinementabilirl, er..
raftitants are madenor &are of .errainfea(ures of theii hone,so.ial,andNork
envitunnenssorhattheyon q andnnke rhed noE conducive to d€dive &1tui9.The

pdticipantsarealsoexFsedtovdioustechniqnsfor produins ftative id€asandtovaious

mechaisnsofcowo6enranddivergot tbinkingThq alsoundest nd nore cldrlv Nhath
is rhatmkes anoutconeof hunan€trortoeatik,
Frquendl, I measuenanl of tlse notives,fem, neltal rbilities'ald soforth at the
beginningoi d,e.reatilitysorkshoPandalsoardF endof theworkhoP,to 8etsm id@of
rh; chd*s brcughtabNt byrhewofk5hoP sofar,thePdticipan6hNeshN! quitesi4abls
incieasos in sdeol oeadvnrrelatedabilities,aid a sizeable dedeas.in thoteGarsthat
debilitabtne desirero bc oeative,suchs thefeas ot failuE ot beingconftFd' of social
dnapprolal,md ofbei.g hmiliated oe isles dmmaticindeasein dr€notivauotrto be
deativeb@usetobegrnqnh, due10thevolu fttu.eofthsevo*shoPs, thisrotintion
is bigh. Swd;l indMdlals havealtesatds ftPoned that rheysot iNohed in oe'aiive

rctivitts. On€bmlcr sl.1rtedgivinstalkson @arivitr andlool activclvta PublicsPeakjns'
Whenhe cme to tle workshoP, he{s quitea dnb, nouq chaPAn enginoerPartrcrPanr
htd p^tentedaninvenrion. nnothd chapstlited Soingto $hoolsto talk about'realv'tl to
sudenc.A rouithsrdtedMidng PoerrtA fifth tool ajobin areativeadagenqinstod ofa I

pd$isites ricn nulrinational,and lats beGne tlt editor of a 6ne psiodnal on dah
pmcesinS.Srydal beane a,trePreneunand Pdscd uP PlDshiobr in nultinadonal
corporalions. MostEPon a nuch ryatd confidenain facinguP to life\ problcns sone
hde Nen organized nodshopson theiro{n, usual!{ith soneinitialhelpfron se
Thetypical daybe8nsarg a n. {ith anhourorvhatI Gllnenbl rym TbhconsisN of
exdcisespstine to the dal\ rhene and is d$igned to P'lvide Pndnc on sonc
deativiqehcd abihie5. Thisn rorNedbydiscu$ion ofotnigltRadings,exetn*' and I
{hat I cllendgizds. Thee energiz€saredesignedto loosei uP the panicjPantsThe
pdri.ipaits dofunnythinsslike hoPPing ona le8,'naftngwendsoulds niiuri'ig aonals,
ft*zing intostad$, md whatnot Th6e ProrideopPortunities to exdcise
to $e ParticiPaots
alllhen enss an.ltodisplaydealiviryin Prysidl,io.{debml{tivnies During$c dav,the
panicipants hai alsobe6ked 1otfo.es feedba.kfton kstsotdotiliry andlo indulSein
srh asho' to goal'outgdtinsrid or a u oublesome block'
F$nal planninS, Psrchological
or hos b srrensthe!a ocativiryrelaledabilitl.At thedrd or rlt dar rle Paticifm$ reuect
ontbedal\ &rivities andlotdom ail DightidmsthelmiShthavehads ucll d aiirhing
tbatmiShinotbc de& l,o$en. Thse biSht idds or under idersat shred nr tle SrouP
O(asionally,I invitesoneoneomtire to .ohe andt,lt abouthis4rcrcreativeProce$and

'l liken saslpre. it isnoi ThePdticilants andthelrainerPutin 10-12

hismI sound
houd ofvork dailyfor scral dals.lNlile $E 8erexnausttd,dreyalsofind rhc{ortshoP
quiteexhilmtirS 1r I Mid4rlier, themults * rluitehcatening Ii $ouldbei"tosdng to

cd Cddttr!tcEnitu?rr

rz@ rheoree$ ot thes pdticipmtl. TheAppddix to rhisvolme tudinesa fairlr @ical


So,on delivit/ beshaned? Yes,ofcoune,butonlysith sonegrit. Ihe agenda ofchalge!
leededto rchise Sroterdeativcpotentialisa substanrjal
andvariedone.B'nwhseAeE is
aeil, thereisa vay,andwhoe tjler i a{ay, tlde 6n b€tun andexhilratjon.ln theMt
daprs, {e disos akdery ofconnon belielsabolt dotiviry, a4d$paate thewhearFon

EEluat€the followingstatementr,
L Nomo0ntofpfentalcarean enhince credtiviry
of children
if thehschoong

2. One€nnot b€deativ€th4e dqs withoutpo$4singat l4t SEduatslerel

3. Bninslomlntisa muchmorepoweultechnlque
thd slnedlcswhent .omesto
lindintsoiutions problems.
to comdd techni@l

4. C.€atMty
techni+rs $neratojmpncttcal,
mosdy_nelp garennotb€

5. D€velopin8
ns prcducls
k mctt a marerofsharpdal),st,anddtq@s r6thg.

i. Tri* ofrheii'reegreo,esr
ierosolroust es coold

2. WhoinyautfMily is thems. ct@tiw?

ln \thdtway?

3. Vlhoinyovf.niryisahe
hdstoeoti€? rt/hotconyoudoobo$jr?

4. Whar@ethefiJen.^,thnpdtdrtsrefsJo!woutd.onsider
!oeri qceyowqeatvtt?

5. S4pdedrcdtle genius

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