Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)
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At the end of the training, participants will be
able to;
• Describe RCCE
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What is health Risk?
• Emergency/Health risk is any public health event or
incident presenting risk to life, health, and infrastructures
including natural, weather-related, and manmade destruction,
infectious disease outbreaks, and exposure to harmful
biological, radiological, and chemical agents.
• Challenges:
• Community becomes emotional and fasten to decision,
• community have questions which needs to be answered
• It is the time for receiving unproven messages from
different sources
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Risk communication and community
engagement (RCCE)
• Transparent communication to the public on
what is known about the health emergency/
issue, what is unknown, and what is being
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Benefits of RC …
• It helps for individuals to take informed-
decisions/actions to mitigate the effects of the
threat (hazard).
What to do:-
Communications Surveillance
Listen and acknowledge truth
Outrage them to your level of concern so that they take
Arose emotions
“Watch out!”
Crisis Communication
High Outrage
High Level of Hazard
Explain what is happening
Which one is bigger?
By how much? 5%? 10%? 20%?
Which line is longer?
What is seen?
2. Be consistent
4. State what you know, what you don't know and what you are
doing about
5. Show empathy
6. Address concerns
7. Follow up
An integrated model for emergency risk
Adapted from new IHR external assessment tool – WHO
1. Strategies, plans,
5. Media and social SOPs, structures,
media surveillance, resources, and
partner , 1. Risk communication
systems simulation exercises
stakeholder, to test systems
community 2. Mechanisms at
feedback, national, local,
emergency international levels
2. Internal & partner
communication & with stakeholders
anthropology KAP 5. Dynamic listening and
rumour management
studies, other coordination (health care
social science tools workers, NGOs,
volunteers, civil
4. Directly or through
society, etc.)
influencers, including
awareness campaigns, 3. Media, social
community radio, 4. Communication media, web,
3. Public information,
interpersonal engagement with communication
communication, using affected communities education, and
existing community communication (IEC)
engagement materials, social
mechanisms mobilization, etc.
Common challenges of RC
• Denial, Fear and avoidance