Purdue AI and ML Dual Master Program SlimUp

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Post Graduate Program

in AI and Machine Learning

In collaboration with IBM
Masterclasses, Exclusive Mentoring Sessions and
Hackathons by IBM

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About the Program 03

Table Key Features of the Post Graduate Program in

AI and Machine Learning in partnership with
of Purdue University 04

Contents About the Post Graduate Program in AI and

Machine Learning in partnership with
Purdue University 05

About Simplilearn 05

Program Eligibility Criteria and

Application Process 06

Learning Path Visualization 08

Program Outcomes 09

Who Should Enroll in this Program 11


Step 1 - Programming Refresher 12

Step 2 - Introduction to AI 13
Step 3 - Statistics Essential 14
Step 4 - Python for Data Science 16
Step 5 - Data Science with Python 17
Step 6 - Machine Learning 19
Step 7 - Deep Learning with Tensorflow and Keras 21
Step 8 - Advanced Deep Learning and Computer Vision 22
Step 9 - AI and Machine Learning Capstone Project 23

Electives 24

Certification 25

Advisory Board Members 26

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the Program
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning are among the most sought after
and highly compensated digital economy
skills. Accelerate your career with our
acclaimed Post Graduate Program in AI
and Machine Learning in partnership with
Purdue University and in collaboration
with IBM. This program features the
perfect mix of theory, case studies, and
extensive hands-on practice in artificial
intelligence education, leveraging Purdue’s
academic excellence and Simplilearn’s
partnership with IBM.

This post graduate program is a blend

of self-paced online videos, live virtual
classes, hands-on projects, and GPU-
enabled labs. Mentorship sessions will
provide you with a high-engagement
learning experience and real-world
applications, helping you master essential
AI and machine learning skills. You will
receive in-depth exposure to AI concepts
and workflows, Python, machine learning,
deep learning concepts using TensorFlow
and Keras, computer vision, GANs,
parallel and distributed computing using
GPUs, and more. You will learn how to
deploy deep learning models in various
environments, such as Kubernetes and
Docker, the basics of natural language
processing (NLP), speech recognition, and
deep reinforcement learning, which will
prepare you for an exciting career in
AI and machine learning.

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Key Features of the Post Graduate
Program in AI and Machine Learning
in Partnership with Purdue University

Purdue Post Purdue Alumni Industry-recognized

Graduate Program Association IBM certificates for
Certification membership IBM courses

25+ hands on projects 450+ hours of Capstone project in

on integrated labs Applied Learning 3 Domains

Masterclasses from Exclusive Mentoring Simplilearn Job

Top Purdue Faculty Sessions and Assistance with
IIMJobs (India Only)
and Industry Experts Hackathons by IBM
at IBM

Simplilearn Career
Service from Talent Inc.
(U.S only)

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About the Post Graduate Program in
AI and Machine Learning in partnership
with Purdue University
This Post Graduate Program in Upon successfully completing this
AI and Machine Learning is in program, you will:
partnership with Purdue University,
Receive a Purdue certification of
one of the world’s leading research
and teaching institutions with over
150 years of academic excellence, Become entitled for membership
offering higher education at its in the Purdue University Alumni
highest proven value. Committed to
student success, Purdue is changing
the student experience with a greater
focus on faculty-student interaction
and creative use of technology.

This program is designed to prepare

you to kickstart your career in
Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, and Deep Learning.

About Simplilearn
Simplilearn is the world’s #1 online bootcamp provider that enables learners through
rigorous and highly specialized training. We focus on emerging technologies and
processes that are transforming the digital world, at a fraction of the cost and time as
traditional approaches. Over one million professionals and 2000 corporate training
organizations have harnessed our award-winning programs to achieve their career and
business goals.

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Program Eligibility Criteria and
Application Process
Those wishing to enroll in the Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine
Learning in partnership with Purdue University will be required to apply
for admission.

Eligibility Criteria
For admission to the Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning,
candidates should have:

A bachelor’s degree with an average of 50% or higher marks

Basic understanding of programming concepts and mathematics

Working Professionals with 2+ years of experience are preferred to

apply for this program

Application Process
The application process consists of three simple steps. An offer of
admission will be made to the selected candidates and accepted by the
candidates upon payment of the admission fee.



Complete the application After you submit your An offer of admission will be
and include a brief statement application, a panel of made to qualified candidates.
of purpose to tell our admissions counselors will You can accept this offer by
admissions counselors review your application and paying the program fee.
why you’re interested statement of purpose to
and qualified for the Post determine your qualifications
Graduate Program in AI and and interest in the program.
Machine Learning.

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Talk to an Admissions Counselor
We have a team of dedicated admissions counselors who are here
to help guide you in the application process and related matters.
They are available to:

Address questions related to the application

Assist with financial aid (if required)

Help you better understand the program and answer your questions

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Learning Path

1 Programming Refresher

2 Introduction to AI

3 Statistics Essential

4 Python for Data Science

5 Data Science with Python

6 Machine Learning

7 Deep Learning with Tensorflow and Keras

8 Advanced Deep Learning and Computer Vision

9 AI and Machine Learning Capstone Project

Master's Certificate

1 Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition (Electives)

2 Reinforcement Learning (Electives)

3 Git and Github Training (Electives)

4 Master class- Purdue University (Electives)

5 Industry Master Class- Artificial Intelligence (Electives)

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Program Outcomes

Understand the meaning, purpose, Validate machine learning models

scope, stages, applications, and and decode various accuracy metrics
effects of AI

Master advanced topics, such as

Gain an in-depth understanding Keras and TensorFlow, elements of
of data science processes, data a Keras model, Keras on GPU, and
wrangling, data exploration, data more
visualization, hypothesis building,
and testing

Build deep learning models on the

cloud using AWS Sagemaker
Perform scientific and technical
computing using the SciPy package
and its sub-packages, such as
Integrate, Optimize, Statistics, IO, Implement deep learning algorithms,
and Weave understand neural networks,
and traverse the layers of data
abstraction which will empower you
to understand data like never before
Gain expertise in mathematical
computing using the NumPy and
Scikit-Learn package
Learn deep learning techniques like
object detection using computer
Master the concepts of supervised
and unsupervised learning,
recommendation engine, and time
series modeling

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Explore tools, such as Keras, to build Understand how to apply machine
computer vision applications learning and deep learning with NLP

Become familiar with generative- Understand the basics of speech

adversarial networks (GANs) recognition and do hands-on

Perform distributed and parallel

computing using high-performance Perform text-to-speech conversion
GPUs with automated speech recognition

Deploy deep learning models with Work on voice-assistance devices

Flask/Django, Kubernetes, and and build Alexa skills
serverless environments like Docker
and SageMaker

Use Python and TensorFlow to

understand reinforcement learning
Learn about natural language theory
understanding and natural language

Learn how to solve reinforcement

learning problems with a variety of
Understand the fundamentals of strategies
natural language processing (NLP)
using the most popular library,
Python’s Natural Language Toolkit

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Who Should Enroll in this Program?
This program caters to working are most suited to pursue this
professionals from a variety of Post Graduate Program in AI
industries and backgrounds; the and Machine Learning, including:
diversity of our students adds
richness to class discussions and IT professionals
Software developers
The Artificial Intelligence
role requires a combination Data analysts
of experience, Data Science
knowledge, and an understanding Analytics managers
of the correct tools and
Business analysts
technologies. AI is a solid
career choice for both new Data engineers
and experienced professionals.
Aspiring professionals looking Data scientists
for a career transition into AI
and Machine Learning, who have Beginners or recent
basic programming skills and an graduates with a bachelor’s
analytical frame of mind, or master’s degree

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Programming Refresher 1
Programming is an increasingly important skill; this course will
establish your proficiency in handling basic programming concepts. 3
By the end of this program, you will understand object-oriented
programming; basic programming concepts such as data types,
variables, strings, loops, and functions; and software engineering 5
concepts such as multithreading and multitasking using Python.
Key Learning Objectives 7
Obtain fundamental knowledge of programming basics
Achieve an understanding of object-oriented programming 9
principles including data types, variables, strings, loops, and

Comprehend software engineering concepts, such as

multithreading and multitasking using Python

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Course Introduction

Lesson 2- Programming Basics

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1
The Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course is designed to help
learners decode the mystery of AI and its business applications. The 3
course provides an overview of AI concepts and workflows, machine
learning and deep learning, and performance metrics. You’ll learn the
difference between supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning; 5
be exposed to use cases; and see how clustering and classification
algorithms help identify AI business applications. 6
Key Learning Objectives 8
Understand the meaning, purpose, scope, stages, applications,
and effects of AI
Understand the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning and
Deep Learning

Distinguish between supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised


Learn about Machine Learning workflow and how to implement the

steps effectively

Understand the role of performance metrics and how to identify their

key methods

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Decoding Artificial Intelligence

Lesson 2 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Lesson 3 - Machine Learning Workflow

Lesson 4 - Performance Metrics

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Statistics Essential 1
Statistics—a foundation of Artificial Intelligence—is the science of
assigning a probability through the collection, classification, and analysis 3
of data. This course will enable you to define statistics and essential terms
related to it, explain measures of central tendency and dispersion, and
comprehend skewness, correlation, regression, and distribution. You will 5
be able to make data-driven predictions through statistical inference.
Key Learning Objectives 7
Understand the fundamentals of statistics
Work with different types of data 9
Learn how to plot different types of data

Calculate the measures of central tendency, asymmetry, and variability

Calculate correlation and covariance

Distinguish and work with different types of distribution

Estimate confidence intervals

Perform hypothesis testing

Make data-driven decisions

Understand the mechanics of regression analysis

Carry out regression analysis

Use and understand dummy variables

Understand the concepts needed for Data Science, even with

Python and R

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Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Introduction

Lesson 2 - Sample or Population Data?

Lesson 3 - The Fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics

Lesson 4 - Measures of Central Tendency, Asymmetry, and Variability

Lesson 5 - Practical Example: Descriptive Statistics

Lesson 6 - Distributions

Lesson 7 - Estimators and Estimates

Lesson 8 - Confidence Intervals: Advanced Topics

Lesson 9 - Practical Example: Inferential Statistics

Lesson 10 - Hypothesis Testing: Introduction

Lesson 11 - Hypothesis Testing: Let’s Start Testing!

Lesson 12 - Practical Example: Hypothesis Testing

Lesson 13 - The Fundamentals of Regression Analysis

Lesson 14 - Subtleties of Regression Analysis

Lesson 15 - Assumptions for Linear Regression Analysis

Lesson 16 - Dealing with Categorical Data

Lesson 17 - Practical Example: Regression Analysis

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Python for Data Science 1
Kickstart your learning of Python for Data Science with this introductory
course, carefully crafted by IBM. Upon completion of this course, you will 3
be able to write your Python scripts and perform fundamental, hands-on
data analysis using the Jupyter-based lab environment.
Key Learning Objectives 6
Write your first Python program by implementing concepts of 7
variables, strings, functions, loops, and conditions
Understand the nuances of lists, sets, dictionaries, conditions,
branching, objects, and classes 9
Work with data in Python, such as loading, working, and saving data
with Pandas, and reading and writing files

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Python Basics

Lesson 2 - Python Data Structures

Lesson 3 - Python Programming Fundamentals

Lesson 4 - Working with Data in Python

Lesson 5 - Working with NumPy Arrays

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Data Science with Python 1
This Data Science with Python course will establish your mastery of Data
Science and analytics techniques using Python. In this course, you’ll learn 3
the essential Python libraries required for Data Science and gain in-
depth knowledge in data analytics, Machine Learning, data visualization, 4
web scraping, and natural language processing. Python is a required
skill for many Data Science positions, so jump-start your career with this
interactive, hands-on course. 6
Key Learning Objectives
Gain an in-depth understanding of Data Science processes, data
wrangling, data exploration, data visualization, hypothesis building, 9
and testing, as well as the basics of statistics

Install the required Python environment and other auxiliary tools and

Understand the essential concepts of Python programming, such as

data types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators and functions

Perform high-level mathematical computing using the NumPy package

and its vast library of mathematical functions

Perform scientific and technical computing using the SciPy package

and its sub-packages, such as Integrate, Optimize, Statistics, IO, and

Perform data analysis and manipulation using data structures and

tools provided in the Pandas package

Gain expertise in Machine Learning using the Scikit-Learn package

Gain an in-depth understanding of supervised learning and

unsupervised learning models, such as linear regression, logistic
regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, K-NN, and Pipeline

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Use the Scikit-Learn package for natural language processing

Use the matplotlib library of Python for data visualization

Extract useful data from websites by performing web scraping with


Integrate Python with Hadoop, Spark, and MapReduce

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Data Science Overview

Lesson 2 - Data Analytics Overview

Lesson 3 - Statistical Analysis and Business Applications

Lesson 4 - Python Environment Setup and Essentials

Lesson 5 - Mathematical Computing with Python (NumPy)

Lesson 6 - Scientific Computing with Python (SciPy)

Lesson 7 - Data Manipulation with Pandas

Lesson 8 - Machine Learning with Scikit–Learn

Lesson 9 - Natural Language Processing with Scikit Learn

Lesson 10 - Data Visualization in Python using Matplotlib

Lesson 11 - Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup

Lesson 12 - Python Integration with Hadoop MapReduce and Spark

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Machine Learning 1
Simplilearn’s Machine Learning course will make you an expert in Machine
Learning, a part of AI that automates data analysis to enable computers 3
to learn and adapt through experience to do specific tasks without
explicit programming. You will master Machine Learning concepts and
techniques, including supervised and unsupervised learning, mathematical 5
and heuristic aspects, and hands-on modeling to develop algorithms and
prepare you for your role with advanced Machine Learning knowledge. 6
Key Learning Objectives 8
Master the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning,
recommendation engine, and time series modeling
Gain practical mastery over principles, algorithms, and applications of
Machine Learning through a hands-on approach that includes working
on four major end-to-end projects and 25+ hands-on exercises

Acquire thorough knowledge of the statistical and heuristic aspects of

Machine Learning

Implement support vector machines, kernel SVM, Naive Bayes,

decision tree classifier, random forest classifier, logistic regression,
K-means clustering, and more in Python

Validate Machine Learning models and decode various accuracy

metrics; improve the final models using another set of optimization
algorithms, which include boosting and bagging techniques

Comprehend the theoretical concepts and how they relate to the

practical aspects of Machine Learning

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Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Lesson 2: Data Preprocessing

Lesson 3: Supervised Learning

Lesson 4: Feature Engineering

Lesson 5: Supervised Learning-Classification

Lesson 6: Unsupervised Learning

Lesson 7: Time Series Modelling

Lesson 8: Ensemble Learning

Lesson 9: Recommender Systems

Lesson 10: Text Mining

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Deep Learning with TensorFlow 1
and Keras 2
This course will take you from machine learning to the next level,
providing you with a solid understanding of deep learning using 4
TensorFlow and Keras. Master the concepts of deep learning to build
artificial neural networks and traverse layers of data abstraction. This
course will help you learn how to unlock the power of data and prepare 6
you for new horizons in artificial intelligence.
Key Learning Objectives 8
Understand deep learning leveraging neural networks
Gain a fair understanding of Tensorflow and Keras
Comprehend convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their
Gain familiarity with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and
Optimize the performance of your neural network using L2
regularization and dropout layers
Create autoencoder models to detect anomalies

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - AI and Deep Learning Introduction
Lesson 2 - Artificial Neural Network
Lesson 3 - Deep Neural Network and Tools
Lesson 4 - Deep Neural Net Optimization, Tuning, and Interpretability
Lesson 5 - Convolutional Neural Net (CNN)
Lesson 6 - Recurrent Neural Networks
Lesson 7 - Autoencoders

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Advanced Deep Learning and 1
Computer Vision 2
Take the next big step toward advancing your deep learning skills with
this high-level course. This Advanced Deep Learning and Computer Vision 4
course covers real applications of computer vision, generative-adversarial
networks (GANs), distributed and parallel computing with GPUs, and 5
deployment of deep learning models on cloud.
Key Learning Objectives 7
Learn how to filter with restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) 8
Work on image translation with GAN
Encode, decode, and denoise images with autoencoders
Understand the structure and function of neural networks and CNNs/
Detect objects in images with You Only Look Once (YOLOv3)
Learn to deploy deep learning models on Docker, Kubernetes, and in
serverless environments (cloud)

Course curriculum
Lesson 1 - Course Introduction

Lesson 2 - Prerequisites for the course

Lesson 3 - RBM and DBNs

Lesson 4 - Variational AutoEncoder

Lesson 5 - Working with Deep Generative Models

Lesson 6 - Applications: Neural Style Transfer and Object Detection

Lesson 7 - Distributed & Parallel Computing for Deep Learning Models

Lesson 8 - Reinforcement Learning

Lesson 9 - Deploying Deep Learning Models and Beyond

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AI and Machine Learning 1
Capstone Project 2
The AI and Machine Learning Capstone project will allow you to
implement the skills you learned in this Post Graduate Program across 4
domains such as e-commerce, finance, and retail. With dedicated
mentoring sessions, you’ll know how to solve a real industry-aligned
problem. You’ll learn various Artificial Intelligence-based supervised and 6
unsupervised techniques such as regression, SVM, tree-based algorithms,
and NLP. The Capstone Project is the final step in the learning path and 7
will help you showcase your expertise to employers.
Key Learning Objectives 9
The AI and Machine Learning Capstone Project will bring you through the
Artificial Intelligence decision cycle, including exploratory data analysis,
building and fine-tuning a model with cutting edge AI-based algorithms,
and representing results. The project milestones are as follows:

Exploratory data analysis - In this step, you will apply various data
processing techniques to determine the features and correlation
between them, transformations required to make the data sense, new
features, construction, etc.

Model building and fitting - This will be performed using Machine

Learning algorithms like regression, multinomial Naïve Bayes, SVM,
tree-based algorithms, etc.

Unsupervised learning - Clustering in order to group similar kind of

transactions and reviews using NLP and related techniques to devise
meaningful conclusions.

Representing results - As a last step, you will be required to export

your results into a dashboard with useful insights.

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Elective Course
Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition
This Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition course will give you a
detailed look at the science of applying machine learning algorithms to process large
amounts of natural language data. This module primarily focuses on natural language
understanding, feature engineering, natural language generation, automated speech
recognition, speech to text conversion, text to speech conversion, and voice assistance
devices (including building Alexa skills)

Reinforcement Learning
This course will take you through all of the core concepts in deep reinforcement
learning (RL). You will learn how to solve reinforcement learning problems with a
variety of strategies, using Python and TensorFlow to understand RL theory. By the
end of this course, you will be able to use reinforcement learning as a problem-solving
strategy and use different algorithms to solve problems.

Git and Github Training

Learn the basics of Git—a version control system (VCS), and understand how to set up
Git in your system, list the three-stage workflow in Git, create branches and track files,
create a repository in Git and GitHub, and more

Academic Master Class – Purdue University

Attend an online interactive masterclass and get insights about
advancements in technology/techniques in data science and AI.

Industry Master Class – Artificial Intelligence

Attend this online interactive industry master class to gain insights about
advancements in data science, AI, and machine learning techniques.

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This is to certify that

John Doe
has successfully completed the
on 9th February 2022

Venkata N Inukollu, PhD Krishna Kumar

Assistant Professor, Purdue University CEO,

Upon completion of this Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning

in partnership with Purdue University, you will receive the Post Graduate
certification from Purdue University and IBM. You will also receive certificates
from Simplilearn for the AI and machine learning courses in the learning path.
These certificates will testify to your skills as an expert in AI and machine

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Advisory Board Members

Venkata N Inukollu PhD

Assistant Professor, Purdue University

Venkata N Inukollu has a Ph.D. in Computer

Science, from Texas Tech University (USA). He
received his M.S(Tech). in Software Systems
from BITS -Pilani, INDIA. Dr. Venkata N Inukollu
has interests vested in the areas of Software
Engineering, E-Learning/Education, Software
Testing in AI/Machine Learning and has received
multiple commendations for his research and
teaching expertise.

Recently received a [ Prestigious] grant: Global

Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN):”
SoftwareSecurity” from Govt of India in
collaboration with NIT, Andhra Pradesh& Purdue
university, USA.

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Disclaimer: All programs are offered on a non-credit basis and are not transferable to a degree.

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