Unit Test 12B: Fourth Edition

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Unit test 12B Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

1 Complete the reported speech. Make any necessary 3 Decide which reporting verb from the box matches the
changes. sentences below.
1 ‘We are going to get married on a luxury cruise ship
advise   ask   beg   explain   invite   offer
next year.’ order   promise   refuse   remind   tell
They said they were going to get married on a luxury
cruise ship the following year. 1 ‘Complete the project by next week,’ the Managing
2 ‘The planet Tatooine is in another galaxy.’ Director said to him.   _tell_
He told me ___________________________. 2 ‘Remember to buy some flowers for your mum,’ Zack
3 ‘Have you been working here since university?’ said to his wife.  __________
She asked him ___________________________. 3 ‘Come with me to the opera,’ Vicky said to them. 
4 ‘Where are you thinking of going on holiday?’
We wanted to find out _________________________. 4 ‘Could you open the window?’ the old lady said to me.  
5 ‘Would you tell me your computer password?’
He asked me if ___________________________. 5 ‘Put your hands up and step back!’ the policeman said
to us.  __________
6 ‘Is your brother married to that TV presenter?’
6 ‘Please, oh, please tell me your name! Please!’ George
I asked him ___________________________.
said to the beautiful girl.  __________
2 points for each correct answer   10 7 ‘The button on the side is for printing,’ the IT
consultant told me.  __________
2 Complete the conversations with the words in brackets. 8 ‘I will phone you on Sunday,’ Jill said to Stewart. 
1 A Steve is a bank manager. __________
B But he told me he was a millionaire. (millionaire) 9 ‘I’ll help you with your homework,’ I said to Jenny. 
2 A He’s got three children. __________
B But he said he ______________________________. 10 ‘No, I’m not going to buy you the pink car,’ Rachel said
(any children) to her son.  __________
3 A He’s married to Lucy. 11 ‘If I were you, I’d tell John the truth,’ Lisa said to
B But he told me he ___________________________. Alison.  __________
(not married / yet)
A You shouldn’t believe everything he tells you, Karen. 1 point for each correct answer   10
4 A You left your computer on last night.
4 Rewrite the sentences from exercise 3 in reported speech.
B Really? I thought ___________________________.
(remember / switch off) 1 The Managing Director told him to complete the
project by the following week.
5 A Rob’s gone shopping.
2 Zack _____ buy some flowers for her mum.
B Has he? I thought you said ____________________.
(not feeling well) 3 Vicky _____ go with her to the opera.
6 A It’s the 30th of December. I’m 40 today. 4 The old lady _____ to open the window.
B Congratulations. I didn’t realize ________________. 5 The policeman _____ and step back.
(birthday / December). 6 George _____ the beautiful girl _____ name.
7 The IT consultant _____ that the button on the side
2 points for each correct answer   10
_____ for printing.
8 Jill _____ to phone Stewart on Sunday.
9 I _____ Jenny with her homework.
10 Rachel _____ the pink car.
11 Lisa _____ John the truth.

1 point for each correct answer   10

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Unit test 12B Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

5 Correct the mistakes in the reported speech. Tick (3) ‘Yes, I __________.’
the three correct sentences. 5 I asked if he had been feeling tired recently.
1 ‘I’m going to buy a Porsche,’ she said. ‘__________ tired recently?’
She said she is going to buy a Porsche.  was going to 6 He explained that he had actually worked until
buy midnight the previous day.
2 ‘Are you married?’ the blonde girl asked me. ‘Actually, I __________.’
The blonde girl asked me if I am married.  __________ 7 I advised him to take the afternoon off to get some rest.
3 ‘Were you having dinner when the burglar came in?’ ‘Maybe you __________.’
the policeman asked. 8 He offered to stay in the office and rest at the weekend.
The policeman asked if we was having dinner when the ‘__________ and rest at the weekend.’
burglar had come in.  __________
9 I persuaded him to reconsider his decision.
4 ‘Where did you put my sunglasses?’ James asked his ‘I think you __________.’
10 He said he was going to take the following day off
James asked his girlfriend where you had put my
instead if I didn’t mind.
sunglasses.  __________
‘I __________.’
5 ‘Will you still be here next week?’ Carl asked Gail.
11 I reminded him to tell me if he was feeling exhausted.
Carl asked Gail if she will still be here the following
‘Don’t __________.’
week.  __________
6 ‘Will you marry him?’ I asked Ruth. 2 points for each correct answer   20
I asked Ruth to marry me.  __________
7 ‘I won’t marry you,’ Ruth said to Colin. 7 Match the verbs with the definitions. There is one extra
Ruth promised to marry Colin.  __________ definition.
8 ‘Have you got a daughter?’ I asked him. 1 chat    j  
I asked him if he had a daughter.  __________ 2 gossip _____
9 ‘Stop talking and kiss me,’ his wife said to him. 3 accuse _____
His wife told him he stopped talking and kissed her.  4 demand _____
5 quarrel _____
10 ‘I think you’d better tell your mum about failing the
6 scream _____
exam,’ Michelle told Liz.
7 protest _____
Michelle advised Liz to tell her mum about failing the
exam.  __________ 8 criticize _____
11 ‘I won’t lie to you about my ex-boyfriends again,’ 9 whisper _____
Jessica told me. 10 deny _____
Jessica promised me not to lie about her ex-boyfriends 11 suggest _____
again.  __________
a say you do not agree with or approve of something
1 point for each correct answer   10 b say that something is not true
c talk informally about somebody else’s private life
6 Read the reported speech and complete the direct speech. d speak in front of a large audience
1 I asked Mike why he was late again. e argue loudly with somebody
‘Mike, why are you late again?’ f speak very quietly so others cannot hear
2 Mike said he had missed the train that morning. g ask for something in a very firm way
‘I __________ morning.’ h say that somebody has done something wrong
i say what is bad or wrong about something
3 I asked him if he had got up too late.
j talk to somebody in an informal way
‘__________ too late?’
k advise about a plan or an idea you would like to discuss
4 He admitted he had.
l cry out in a loud voice

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Unit test 12B Intermediate FOURTH EDITION

1 point for each correct answer   10 9 Translate the sentences into your language.
1 Many happy returns!
8 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb from ___________________________________________
exercise 7. 2 I don’t mind which one. I’m easy.
1 The boss just started screaming. People heard him from ___________________________________________
downstairs. 3 You win some, you lose some.
2 Thousands __________ against the war yesterday ___________________________________________
outside Parliament.
4 It’s all right for some.
3 Stop __________ me all the time! You’re never happy. ___________________________________________
4 Don’t say it out loud, just ___________ it! We don’t 5 Well I never!
want others to hear. ___________________________________________
5 Workers __________ to know why conditions are not 6 You live and learn.
6 Patrick __________ with his wife a lot. They disagree
7 Better safe than sorry.
about everything.
7 Brian enjoys __________. He told me that Tom’s
8 Rather you than me.
cheated on Jill.
8 I love __________ to my friends about all sorts of
9 ‘I hate tests!’ ‘You can say that again.’
9 He __________ stealing the necklace. He says he’s
innocent. 10 All’s well that ends well.
10 Are you __________ we should go out for a pizza
tonight? 1 point for each correct answer   10
11 I shouldn’t have __________ her of taking my car.
Total 100
1 point for each correct answer   10

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