NetEqualizer Quick Start Guide 2019

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Quick Start Guide

Author’s Note:

Congratulations on your NetEqualizer purchase! You are now on your way to achieving "Faster Networks, with Zero
Maintenance, at the Best Prices". In fact, many network administrators find that they can set-up and configure a
NetEqualizer on their network in just a few hours.

However, if you have any questions that you need help with during your install, our Support Team is here to help you.
Please call Support at 303.997.1300 x102 or send an email to [email protected].

After you have completed your installation, if you would like a complimentary review of your NetEqualizer
configuration from the Main Dashboard, Click on -> [Run Diagnostics] and then select [Run Diagnostics]. Then
Click on -> [Download Diagnostics] and Save File to save the results as a .txt file, and email as an attachment
(otherwise email will cut off content) to [email protected].

We would be happy to verify that you have optimized setup for your network.
Table of Contents
Factory Default IP Settings ................................................................................................................................ 2
Installing the NetEqualizer ................................................................................................................................ 2
Step #1: Cabling the NetEqualizer into your Network .................................................................................................. 2
Step #2: Configuring the NetEqualizer ......................................................................................................................... 4
Step #3: Setting Up Equalizing ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Step #4: Validating & Backing Up Your Configuration .................................................................................................11
Appendix #1: Viewing Traffic .......................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix #2: Troubleshooting your Setup ...................................................................................................... 14
Appendix #3: Syncing NetEqualizer Date/Time ............................................................................................... 15

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Quick Start Guide

Factory Default IP Settings

The IP settings to access the NetEqualizer web Graphical User Interface (web GUI) have been set to:

IP Setting Parameter Name Factory Default


Note: The IP address for the NetEqualizer is used to access the web GUI (for management purposes only). All factory default
settings can be changed from the web GUI, the command line, or the API.

Installing the NetEqualizer

The NetEqualizer operates as a Transparent Bridge on your network. There is typically no need to change anything in
your network configuration to install the appliance. Simply install the NetEqualizer between your Firewall/Router and
Network Switch, or anywhere on your network that you can "see" the individual IP addresses and bandwidth that you
want shaped (as shown in diagram below). Once installed, you will use the Factory Default Settings to access it via a
web Graphical User Interface.
Note: Before you rack your NetEqualizer, we recommend that you record the Serial #__________________________________.
You will need your Serial # to request your Final Key. It is located on a sticker on the left-hand side of the unit.

Note: We also recommend that you push in on the CompactFlash Card in the back of the unit to be sure it is fully seated.

Step #1: Cabling the NetEqualizer into your Network

First, make sure that you power on the NetEqualizer. Do this by
pressing the red power button to the right of the LED panel.
Note: We recommend that you install your NetEqualizer on a UPS, to
protect from power surges and outages.

All of the NetEqualizer models (series 3000/4000/5000) have two Ethernet interfaces and a Management Port. We are
now using port plugs to help distinguish the various interface ports on the NetEqualizer. We use four colors: 1) blue
(WAN), 2) orange (LAN), 3) clear (Management Port) and 4) black (unused).

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The easiest way to figure out the ports is to look at the port plug color. The LAN port is orange, the WAN port is
blue, and the Management Port is clear. If you have upgraded to fiber interfaces, the LAN and WAN ports will be white.
For further clarification, please see the "Where to Install the NetEqualizer" diagram below.

Management Port (CLEAR)

First, find the Management Port (Eth2). As you face the back of the machine, Eth2 is on your top row LEFT (NE3000) or
bottom row LEFT (NE4000/NE5000). Remove the clear port plug and then plug a straight cable into the Management
Port (Eth2) and connect it to your Network Switch. If whatever you are plugging into does not have a built-in switch, then
use a crossover cable. Once you have the Management Port connected, you can now configure your NetEqualizer.


Remove the blue port plug (white
if fiber) and then plug a crossover
cable into the WAN Port (Eth0)
and connect it to the Firewall or
Router. As you face the back of
the machine, Eth0 is on your
bottom row LEFT (NE3000), or
top row RIGHT (NE4000/
NE5000). If you have an auto-
sensing Firewall or Router, you
can use a straight cable or a
crossover cable.


Remove the orange port plug
(white if fiber) and then plug a
straight cable into the LAN Port
(Eth1) and connect it to your
Network Switch. As you face the back of the machine, Eth1 is on your bottom row RIGHT (NE3000) or top row LEFT
(NE4000/5000). If whatever you are plugging into does not have a built-in switch, then use a crossover cable.

Once your machine is on & connected, you should see green lights in the Power LED, Eth0, and Eth1 LEDs, as shown in
the display panel picture on the previous page.

Step #1A (optional): Access Point Configuration in a Wireless Network

Put your radios in bridging mode and set your Firewall/Router at your headend to do DHCP and NAT, instead of doing
DHCP and NAT at your Access Points.

Step #1B (optional): Setting LAN Port Speed and Duplex

Occasionally, customers need to manually set LAN Port Speed and Duplex, as some Firewall/Routers do not auto-
negotiate correctly with the NetEqualizer. If this is happening in your environment, you will see a large number of
collisions and dropped packets as well as reduced network throughput. Although dropped packets are not a good thing,
if you are seeing less than 1/10 of a percent (< 0.1%) of the total packets transmitted it will have no adverse effect on your
network. If it starts to approach 1 percent (1%), you should follow User Guide Appendix #2 to set this in your environment.

Step #1C (optional): Firewalling off the NetEqualizer

If you do not install the NetEqualizer behind a firewall, you should use Maintenance->Manage Firewall to firewall off
the NetEqualizer. See User Guide Appendix #6 for detailed instructions.

Step #1D (optional): Changing BIOS Restore on AC Power Loss

The NetEqualizer is set to "Restore on AC Power Loss - Last State." If you want it to power on automatically after
power loss, change this to "Restore on AC Power Loss - Power On."
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Step #2: Configuring the NetEqualizer

Once the NetEqualizer is powered on and plugged in to your network, you need to access the web GUI to configure
it. The web GUI is accessible out-of-the-box via the factory default IP address: If you have set
up the Management Port as described in Step #1, you should now be able to access the web GUI.

First, login to the NetEqualizer.

Use the factory default IP address:

When the Log In Screen appears, as shown at right, log in to the NetEqualizer using the
factory default username and password:
Username = "neteq" and
Password = "neteq".

You should now be logged in and see the NetEqualizer Main Dashboard, as shown below.
Our enhanced Main Dashboard provides an intuitive visual display. We provide On/Off
status for several of our Core Processes, and a graph of all current activity through the
NetEqualizer. When you have finished your session, you can use Log Out (circled) to close
the GUI.

Key Functions are accessible via the white buttons

along the top, and Shortcuts for Common Tasks via
the dark blue buttons right below. You can also
easily see what software version and key level you
have installed via the green buttons at right. Learn
more about the Dashboard in our full User Guide.

Your next steps to configure the NetEqualizer will be

to change the default passwords, install your license
key, change your IP addresses, and set the
date/time and time zone. All of these functions are
found under the Key Functions -> Setup button. To
get started, Click on -> [Setup].

Note: In this guide, clicking on a button is shown in brackets as follows: Click on -> [button].

The Setup screen at right comes up. Note that the

functions are all available by clicking on the links
(orange text) in the Setup window. The Manage
NetEqualizer links are circled in blue.

The Side Menu also can be used to navigate to

functions. As Manage NetEqualizer is followed by
a “+”, it is an expandable menu. The Manage
NetEqualizer Side Menu is circled in orange at
right. Clicking on Manage NetEqualizer + expands
to contain the same functions as listed in orange
on the Setup screen.
Note: Clicking on a side menu item or a link (orange
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text) will bring up a new configuration window. This paradigm is repeated throughout the GUI.

Step #2A: Change Web Admin GUI Password

We recommend that you change the both the Web Admin GUI Password and the System Root
Password. You can optionally set up a Web Report GUI Password if you want to offer reporting-only
(RTR) access. To Change the Web Admin GUI Password, Click on -> Manage NetEqualizer -> Change
Passwords. The following screen comes up, with the Web Admin GUI Password Tab open.

Type in a new Web Admin GUI Password,

and retype to confirm it. GUI validation will
check to ensure that you use only letters and
numbers in your password; do not use
special characters.

Once you have typed in your new password,

Click on -> [Save Changes] to save.

If your change was accepted, you should see

the following message:
“Success! Your password has been saved.
Changes take effect immediately, so your
browser may ask you to reauthenticate with
the new password.”

Step #2B: Change the System Root Password

For security reasons, it is required that you change your root password from the default. Use an
SSH client that supports secure shell version 2, like PuTTY.

Click on -> System Root Password to open the tab.

Login as root. The password is pre-set to neteq

From the keyboard or SSH type passwd to change the

password for the Console/SSH access for the user
root. Follow the prompts for the new password change.

Note: Once you change the root password, you will be

prompted to enter your new password before making other

Step #2C: Installing Your License Key

In order to use the NetEqualizer on your network, you need to have an authorized License Key from
APconnections, Inc.

Check if your License Key is Installed

You must install a License Key if one is not already installed. You can check this by going to the Main Dashboard. It will
say how many Mbps or Gbps the unit is authorized for. This should match the License Key that you purchased.
If a valid License Key is NOT installed, the information If a valid License Key is
buttons on the Main Dashboard will be red and display “No installed, the information
Valid Key Installed”, along with key violations, as shown at buttons on the Main
right. Dashboard will be green
and display your License
Key and License Level in
Mbps or Gbps, as shown
below. This example is for
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a 750Mbps license.

Installing your License Key

There are several ways to navigate to installing your license key. On the Main Dashboard, you can Click on -> [No
Valid Key Installed] or you can Click on -> [Setup] -> Manage NetEqualizer -> Install License Key. The following
screen comes up.

We have already performed Step 1 for you, and emailed

you a License Key in an order confirmation email from
[email protected]. Once you find this email,
proceed to Step 2. If you cannot find this email, proceed to
Step 1.

Step 1 - Generate License Key

Skip this step if you have your License Key.

Click on -> [Generate Key].

Email the Generated Key and
your unit's Serial Number (found on the side of the unit or
recorded during Installing the NetEqualizer Step) to
[email protected]. Using this information, we will
email your License Key, usually within one (1) hour during
normal Business Hours.

Step 2 – Install Final Key

Once you have received your License Key, you must
install it on the NetEqualizer. Under Install Final Key, type in
your License Key and Click on -> [Install Key].

If your key was accepted, you will see “Success! Installed key is valid.”, along with
your key and license level. In our example, we can now see Valid Key Installed
137055426717. Authorized to Pass 750Mbps.
Note: Step #2D and Step #2E require a reboot of your NetEqualizer. You can reboot ONCE if you wait until after Step #2E to click on
Reboot NetEqualizer.

Step #2D: Manage NetEqualizer -> Change

IP Addresses
To change IP settings from the defaults, Click on ->
Manage NetEqualizer-> Change IP Addresses.
The following screen comes up.

Type in your values to change the Web GUI IP (*BRIDGEIP), Web

GUI Netmask (*BRIDGENETMASK), and Web GUI Gateway
(*BRIDGEROUTE). * Note: These are the parameter names shown in the
NetEqualizer Configuration File.

To save your changes, Click on -> [Save Changes].

To discard your changes, Click on-> [Reset].

Once you click on Save Changes, the Warning Message below right,
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highlighted in yellow, and Success Message, highlighted in green, will appear. The Success Message can be
dismissed. The Warning Message will continue to appear on your screen as a reminder until you reboot.

Note: Yellow warning messages, green success messages, and red error messages are used throughout the GUI.
To have your changes take effect right away, Click on -> Reboot NetEqualizer in either message. Once rebooted, it
may take 3-5 minutes for the NetEqualizer process to reload. You can also choose to wait until after Step #2E (or
later) to have your changes take effect. Click on Reboot NetEqualizer when you are ready for the changes to occur.

Note: Once you reboot, as the old GUI IP address is no longer valid, you will now need to login from your new GUI IP address.

Step #2E: Set Date/Time and Time Zone

The NetEqualizer uses the date and time to correctly display data in our Real-Time Reporting (RTR)
Traffic Graphs. Therefore, it is important to set your date, time, and time zone when installing your
NetEqualizer, so that your graphs use the correct values. Once you have completed this step, you are
ready to start up RTR Traffic Graphs, which we will do in Appendix #1 – Viewing Traffic.

Set Time Zone

In order to set your time zone, Click on -> Manage
NetEqualizer -> Set Date and Time. Click on -> Time
Zone to open the Time Zone tab.

Click through the fields to set your Time Zone.

Click on -> Region, to set your region.
Click on -> Country, to set your country.
Click on -> Time Zone ID, to set your time zone.

Once set, you will see a Time Zone Name and three-
letter acronym. In our example at right, we have
selected the America/New_York (EDT) Time Zone.
To save your changes, Click on -> [Save Changes].
To discard your changes, Click on-> [Reset].

Once you have saved your changes, you will need to reboot your NetEqualizer. Click on -> Reboot NetEqualizer in
the success message. Once rebooted, it may take 3-5 minutes for the NetEqualizer process to reload. You can also
choose to wait until later. Click on Reboot NetEqualizer when you are ready for the changes to occur.

Set Date and Time

Now that your time zone is set, you are ready to set your date
and time. Click on -> Date and Time to open the Date and
Time tab. The screen at the right comes up.

Use this screen to enter the current date & time. Click on ->
Calendar icon to change the date, which is in MM-DD-YYYY
format. Click on -> Timer icon to change the time, which is in
24-hour format.

To save your changes, Click on -> [Save Changes].

To discard your changes, Click on-> [Reset].

Once you save your changes, you will see a message similar
to the following example: “Success! Date and time have been
set to 07/29/2016 11:00:04 MDT.”

Note: We set Time Zone before setting Date and Time, as the Time
will shift once a new Time Zone is selected.

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Over time, the NetEqualizer time will drift (like all servers) unless synchronized to a clock. Follow the instructions in
Appendix #3 to sync your NetEqualizer's Date/Time with either Internet Time Servers or your own NTP Time server.

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Step #3: Setting Up Equalizing
The next step in setting up your NetEqualizer is to establish the values for five (5) Key
Equalizing Parameters that must be set to control congestion on your network. In order
to set these, the Equalizing process must be ON. Go to the Main Dashboard. If
Equalizing is OFF (red), Click on -> [Equalizing]-> [Start Equalizing]. Now Equalizing will
show as ON (green), as at right.

Step #3A: Key Equalizing Parameters -

Ratio, Bandwidth, Hog Minimum

Now you can set the Key Equalizing Parameters.

Click on -> Setup -> Configure Equalizing. The screen at right
comes up, with Configure Equalizing highlighted on the side
menu (circled in orange), defaulted to the Key Equalizing
Parameters Tab. Key Equalizing Parameters (circled in blue)
are used as follows in Equalizing:

1. Ratio (RATIO) determines when Equalizing should kick-in.

2. Bandwidth Up (TRUNK_UP) and Bandwidth Down
(TRUNK_DOWN) are set to the size of your network pipe.
As we equalize bi-directionally, we need both.
3. When Equalizing Rules (DEFAULT_RULES) = ON look
at every connection (IP pair) in the Active Connections
(BRAIN) table and put a PENALTY on those that are over
Hog Minimum (HOGMIN). Equalizing automatically gives
connections < HOGMIN priority, while connections >
HOGMIN are slowed down by adding a PENALTY.
Note: The parameter name that you will see in the NetEqualizer Logfile is shown in (CAPITALS).

Key Equalizing Parameters

Parameter Unit Default What you can set to… Tips
Ratio Percentage 85 1-100 Default of 85% works for most networks. To
(RATIO) be more aggressive, use 70 or 75%. To be
less aggressive, raise it to 90%.
Bandwidth Up Mbps 15360 Size of your Outbound network Always set to your License Level or lower.
(TRUNK_UP) (Megabits per pipe. Traffic from the LAN to the License Level is shown as ## in the message
second) WAN (Internet). “The system is authorized to pass ## Mbps.”
Bandwidth Down Mbps 15360 Size of your Inbound network Always set to your License Level or lower.
(TRUNK_DOWN) pipe. Traffic from the WAN License Level is shown as ## in the message
(internet) to the LAN. “The system is authorized to pass ## Mbps.”
Hog Minimum Mbps 1 For networks of size: Default of 0.5Mbps (500 kbps) is set so that
(HOGMIN) (1000 Kbps) 50Mbps 1.0 VoIP, email, web-based applications, web
200Mbps 1.5 surfing, and chat is below Hog Minimum.
1Gbps 4.0
Equalizing Rules On/Off On Leave at Default of "On". Must be "On" for Equalizing to kick in. Turn
(DEFAULT_RULES) toggle off during installation if you want to run
throughput tests.

After you change these settings, Click on -> [Save Changes] to save. Click on -> [Reset] to discard.

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In our example above, we set Bandwidth Up and Down to 750Mbps, Hog Minimum to 1, and kept Ratio at 85%. Once
your settings are saved, as you have changed Bandwidth Up/Down, you will be prompted to Restart Equalizing to
apply your changes (see screen below). Click on -> [Restart Equalizing] to have your new values take effect.

Once you have restarted equalizing, you will see “Success! Equalizing has been restarted.”. Equalizing is now
configured. To validate your settings, from the Main Dashboard, Click on -> Common Tasks -> [Show Configuration]
and review the settings for RATIO, TRUNK_UP, TRUNK_DOWN, and HOGMIN.

Step #3B: Additional Equalizing Parameters

You may also need to tune your Penalty Unit and
Connection Tracking Table Size to optimize for your network pipe.
Maximum Penalty and Inactive Tics are rarely changed. See table
below for tips and recommendations on what you should set these
parameters to, based on your network size.

Click on ->Setup ->Configure Equalizing -> Additional Equalizing

Parameters Tab. The screen at right comes up.

After you change these settings, Click on -> [Save Changes] to save
changes or Click on -> [Reset] to discard changes.

Additional Equalizing Parameters

Parameter Unit Default What you can set to… Tips
Maximum Penalty Hundredths of 140 Rarely changed from Default value. Should be greater than PENALTY UNIT
(MAX_PENALTY) seconds and less than 200.
Penalty Unit N/A 5 For networks of size: PENALTY_UNIT is the minimum penalty
(PENALTY_UNIT) >= 10Mbps to < 50Mbps 2 - 3 that will be inflicted on a packet when a
>= 50 Mbps 1 penalty is set up on an IP address. Values
for this variable are integers in the range 1 -
100, with 1 being the least restrictive.
Connection Number of 10000 For networks of size: How many connections (IP pairs) to keep
Tracking Table Size Connections (IP < 100Mbps 20000 track of at one time during any given
(BRAIN_SIZE) pairs) to track in >= 100Mbps & < 1Gbps 30000 second.
one (1) second. >= 1Gbps 40000
Inactive Tics Hundredths of 200 Rarely changed from Default value. 1 (100) to 8 (800) seconds. Time
(INACTIVE_TICS) seconds 100-800 something tracked in Connection Tracking
Table without activity.

Your NetEqualizer is now installed & configured, actively reducing congestion on your
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Step #4: Validating & Backing Up Your Configuration
Step #4A: Validating Your Configuration Settings
To see your current configuration, from the Main Dashboard, Click on -> Common Tasks ->
[Show Configuration]. The following screen comes up.

You can validate all of your

parameter settings by scrolling
through your Configuration pages
(circled in blue).

To validate Equalizing, review the

settings for RATIO, TRUNK_UP,

To validate any limits that you

have set, click on “Last” and
review the final lines of your
configuration file.

If you would like us to review your configuration, Click on -> Common Tasks -> [Run Diagnostics] -> [Run
Diagnostics]. Email the results as a .txt file attachment (otherwise email will cut off content) with the subject: "Check
My Configuration" and mail to [email protected]. We will call or email you within one (1) business day to
go through your configuration settings.

More Validation Resources

User Guide:
FAQ Guide:
Support Archive:

Step #4B: Backing Up Your Configuration Settings

Now that you have validated your setup, we
recommend that you download your
Configuration and save to a safe place. While
we include a backup CF card with each
NetEqualizer shipped, this does not contain
your custom configuration settings.

Click on Common Tasks -> [Maintenance] ->

Troubleshooting Tools ->Edit Configuration
File (circled in orange).

The screen at right comes up. Click on ->

[Download Configuration] (circled in blue) and
save off NetEqConfig-YYYYMMDD-
HHMM.txt file to a backup location.

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Quick Start Appendix
Appendix #1: Viewing Traffic
Once the NetEqualizer is inline on your network, you can view what is happening in several ways:

Real-Time Reporting (RTR)

One of the things that has always differentiated the NetEqualizer from other monitoring and shaping tools is that we
have the actual data for every user accurately updated by the second. Thus, we are able to make shaping decisions
based on usage every second. We display this data in Real-Time Reporting (RTR), our reporting capability
imbedded within the NetEqualizer Dashboard. With RTR, you will be able to slice and dice network usage and
network process data in more meaningful ways, to help you better manage your network. We include a sampling
below, read about all RTR reports in our User Guide. From the Main Dashboard, Click on ->[RTR].

The RTR Side Menu at right will be displayed. Use this menu to access all the charts and
graphs available in RTR.

From the RTR Side Menu, click on -> Active Connections -> View Active Connections to see a
live look at the BRAIN table of the NetEqualizer. Active Connections is sortable and
searchable, so that you can focus on the connections you are most interested in viewing.

Use this to easily find bandwidth hogs by sorting on Wavg (1st circle in blue below) and
displaying largest to smallest (descending). You can search by any IP address to view all
traffic for any particular user by IP. You can also click on the links below any IP address to
view associated IP Reports. We also now show if penalties are currently being applied to the
traffic flow, as shown by the red “yes” value in the Penalty field (2nd circle in blue below).

Active Connections Table

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Traffic Trends & History
You can view traffic graphs by IP, Host Names, VLAN, Pool, or your entire network, to see bandwidth usage at this
moment or in time intervals up to 4 weeks. In order to view data, you need to first start RTR. From the RTR Side
Menu, Click on -> Start/Stop RTR -> [Start RTR]. All processes should now be ON and highlighted in green.

To start populating data in the RTR tables,

and to use the Traffic History Reports,
Click on -> Traffic History -> Manage
Tracked Hosts. Enter in the IPs or IP
ranges (subnets) or Host Names that you
wish to track. After 10 minutes, you will be
able to view Traffic History.

Click on -> Traffic History -> Traffic History

by Host/Pool/VLAN to view a Traffic
Graph. In the example at right, we have
selected "by IP Address" and entered
"". The graph shows
download and upload usage for over 10 minutes.

Top Downloaders & Top Uploaders

Click on -> Traffic History -> Top Downloaders or
Top Uploaders to see the top bandwidth users on
your network. In the example at right, you can see
download for all traffic (IPs) over 1 day. is the largest downloader, and is 2nd largest.

You can filter the report to top downloaders for All

Traffic, or for a Pool, VLAN, or Subdomain (circled
in blue at right).

NetEqualizer Log
From the RTR Side Menu, Click on -> NetEqualizer Log. Here you can see what connections are being made and if
anything is currently being given a Penalty (slowed down).

In the example at right, new penalties are

shown in orange (NEW PENALTY), reduced
penalties in green (DECREASE) and increased
penalties in red (INCREASE). When a penalty
is being removed, it is shown in gray
(REMOVE). If you are under RATIO on your
network, you will not have penalties.

Read our Real-Time Reporting section in our full User Guide to see all that RTR has to offer.

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Quick Start Appendix
Appendix #2: Troubleshooting your Setup
Troubleshooting Guide
If you do not see enough Make sure Bandwidth Up (TRUNK_UP) and Bandwidth Down (TRUNK_DOWN) are set correctly for
traffic flowing through your your bandwidth. See Key Equalizing Parameters Table.
If you want to shape less Increase the size of Hog Minimum (HOGMIN), based on your network pipe size. Hog Minimum
strictly (let larger types of should be set to at least .2Mbps (30,000 bps) if you want VoIP, email, web-based applications,
traffic through)… and web surfing to flow freely. See Key Equalizing Parameters Table for recommended settings.
If you have a lot of users and Make sure that your Connection Tracking Table Size (BRAIN_SIZE) is set correctly, based on
a very busy network… the size of your network. Depending on how many users you have and their activity, you may
need to increase this. See Additional Equalizing Parameters Table for recommended settings.
If you think that shaping is too If you feel you're penalizing too harshly then reduce your Penalty Unit (PENALTY_UNIT). The
severe… faster the trunk the less radical the PENALTY should be. PENALTY_UNIT will adjust that.
Recommendations in Additional Equalizing Parameters.
If you have local traffic going If you have traffic that is purely local (not going to or from the Internet) that you do not want
through the NetEq... shaped, you can use MASKING. Masked traffic will not be shaped (see User Guide).
If you are seeing issues with Set Individual Connection Limits for special servers like DNS or Web Servers if they are part of
web or DNS servers… a subnet that is being connection limited. Set to a high value, such as 3000.
If you are seeing "Key Key violations occur when you go over your total bandwidth throughput licensed on the
Violations" messages on the NetEqualizer. For example, for a 50Mbps license, you are allowed to pass up to 50Mbps in and
Main Screen… 50Mbps out. If your NetEqualizer is connected to a switch or router or firewall at more than
50Mbps (such as 100Mbps or 1Gbps connection), it is possible for some local machine on one
side to try talking to another one of your local machines on the other side at this higher speed.
In order to stay within your license, you have several options:
1) (preferred) you can MASK this local traffic (see User Guide "Masking Off Traffic") or
2) you can lock down your NetEqualizer ports (see User Guide Appendix #2).

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Quick Start Appendix
Appendix #3: Syncing NetEqualizer Date/Time
Follow the instructions below, either #2A (Sync to your NTP Time Server) or #2B (Sync to Internet Time Servers), but
NOT both. If you prefer to use a CLI, you can edit the /root/ and /root/crontab files via SSH with a text editor.

Synchronize NetEqualizer Date/Time with NTP Time Server (2A) OR Internet Time Server (2B)
# Click on… Type in….
1 Click on -> Maintenance -> Type in /root/ and Click on -> [Edit] to open this file.
Troubleshooting Tools -> Edit
Any Text File.
2 Update file as #2A. Sync to your NTP Time Server #2B. Sync to Internet Time Servers
needed. Type either #2A or You need to update the commands included Commands to sync to the Internet Time
#2B, NOT both. to sync to your NTP Time Server. Replace Server area already included in the
–debian with your ntp time server IP. file.
Make sure file looks as follows:
/usr/sbin/ntpdate <return> /usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian <return>
/sbin/hwclock --localtime --systohc <return> /sbin/hwclock --localtime --systohc <return>

You MUST make sure to hit <return> to Click on -> [Save] to save any changes.
force an EOL character after each line. On the next screen, you will see "Your
Click on -> [Save] to save changes. request is complete".
On the next screen, you will see "Your
request is complete".
3 Click on -> Maintenance -> You MUST make sure to hit <return> to force an EOL character after the line.
Troubleshooting Tools -> Edit
Any Text File. Type in /root/crontab to open this file. Replace file contents with the following:
Type in */5 * * * * /root/ <return>
Click on -> [Save] to save changes.
On the next screen, you will see "Your request is complete".
4 Click on -> Maintenance -> The Edit Autostart file Tab comes up. To have the sync persist upon reboot, you must add
Manage Autostart File. this to the Autostart file.
Type in crontab /root/crontab on a new line right ABOVE the line that says thedate=`date`.
Click on -> [Save] to save changes.
On the next screen, you will see "Your request is complete".
5 Click on -> Maintenance -> Reboot in order to start your time sync. This is also needed so that real-time
Troubleshooting Tools -> reporting (RTR) recognizes the new time.
Reboot NetEqualizer.
Please note that any data that you have in RTR will be lost upon reboot. If RTR was started
previously, you must restart it. See instructions in Appendix #1: Viewing Traffic.

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