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Urine Analysis I: Chemical Examination: Lenka Fialová & Martin Vejražka

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Urine analysis I:
Chemical examination

General Medicine

Lenka Fialová & Martin Vejražka

translated and edited by Jan Pláteník

Chemical analysis of urine

Urine is a biological fluid whose analysis provides valuable information about condition of the human
body and its metabolic state. Examination of urine is one of the basic procedures in clinical chemistry
that significantly contributes to diagnostic process, as well as monitoring of disease course and effects
of therapy. Analysis of urine employs a wide array of techniques ranging from the simplest colored
and precipitating test-tube reactions to very sophisticated and automated ones such as flow cytometry
and computer analysis of urinary sediment. Test strips enable basic examination of urine not only in
the laboratory, but also directly in the consulting rooms or at patient’s beds in the hospitals.
This material describes the usual procedures of routine analysis of urine.

1. Collection of urine
In order to get valid results from urine analysis, an appropriate and correct technique of urine sample
collection is essential.

1.1. Early morning urine

For majority of urine examinations the first early morning urine is the most suitable. It is
recommended the urine collection is preceded by at least eight hours of lying position. The early
morning urine is more concentrated and acidic compared to the later samples, and suitable especially
for chemical examination. The urine taken later during the day is more affected by liquid intake, food
and physical activity.
Urine is typically obtained by a spontaneous micturition. The actual urine collection is to be
performed after thorough washing and wiping of the external urethral orifice. A perfectly clean, dry,
and capped vessel should be used; in particular, it must be free from detergents and disinfectants that
distort chemical analyses. The middle flow of urine is best for analysis. The initial flow is always
contaminated with cells and bacteria from around the external urethral orifice. Therefore, the patient
should dispose the first flow or urine into closet, and pick up the following portion of urine into the
collection vessel.
In certain situations it might be necessary to obtain the urine sample by percutaneous suprapubic
puncture of urinary bladder, or by urinary bladder catheterisation.
In women the examination of urine is avoided shortly before, and shortly after the menstruation.
For majority of qualitative and semiquantitative chemical analyses with urine test strips, no stabilising
additives into the urine sample are necessary. If, however, it is not possible to examine the urine
sample within two hours since its collection, the urine should be kept refrigerated or chemically
During long standing of non-conserved urine the composition of urine changes:
Proliferation of bacteria   glucose (degraded by bacteria)
 ↑ nitrites (reduction of urinary nitrates to nitrites)
 Conversion of urea to ammonia → ↑ pH
 Production of substance interfering with estimation
of some analytes:
o false positivity of bilirubin
o false positivity of urobilinogen
o false positivity of ketone bodies
Evaporation of volatile substances   ketone bodies (especially acetone)
Degradation of photosensitive   bilirubin
Oxidation with air oxygen   urobilinogen
Decomposition of particulate
(erythrocytes, leukocytes, casts)

Chemical analysis of urine

1.2. Second morning urine

It is a sample produced 2–4 hours after the first early morning urination. Its composition is affected by
food intake, drinking and physical activity. The second morning urine is recommended chiefly for
quantitative estimations related to urine creatinine.

1.3. Random urine sample

The random sample means a collection of fresh urine without knowledge of collection time, daily
volume of urine, nor any details of previous patient’s history. It is considered in emergency medicine.
The urine analysis can produce false positive, as well as false negative results.

1.4. Time collection of urine

For quantitative analyses and estimation of clearance of various substances, the urine must be
collected during a defined period of time. We can distinguish a short-term urine collection lasting 1–3
hours, and a long-term collection that takes 12–24 hours. Occasionally an overnight (8-hour)
collection is performed, e.g. for estimation of microalbuminuria. The accuracy of urine collection is
critical for results of the examination. It can be checked by measuring concentration of creatinine in
The urine is collected into clean vessels placed in a cool and dark place; a preservative reagent may be
The collection can start any time during the day after emptying of the urinary bladder and recording its
time. In case of 24-hour collection, however, a start in early morning between 6 to 7 o’clock is
considered most suitable. Patient starts with urination; this portion of urine is not collected. Since that
moment all urine is collected. Patient should remember to urinate to the collection vessel also before
defecation. Exactly after 24 hours the collection ends with the last and complete urination into the
sample vessel. The volume of all urine is measured (with precision to ml), the urine is mixed, and at
least 5 ml sample is taken and transported to the laboratory, together with data about the time of start
and end of the collection period (with precision to minutes), as well as about the precise volume of

The basic examination of urine includes:

 physical examination,
 chemical examination,
 morphological examination (urinary sediment)

2. Chemical examination of urine

The routine chemical examination of urine involves qualitative tests for protein, glucose, hemoglobin,
ketone bodies and bile pigments. These components are mostly present in urine from healthy
individuals as well, but in tiny amounts undetectable by the routine tests. Various pathological
conditions increase their concentration in urine.

Chemical analysis of urine

2.1. Test tube reactions

In the past, colored/precipitating reactions performed as ‘wet chemistry’, i.e. in test-tubes, were used
for detection of the pathologic components of urine. Some of these classical reactions have been
already introduced in the previous practical lessons (which see), and their principles are summarized
in table 1.

Table 1: Principles of detection of pathologic components in urine by means of the

colored/precipitating test-tube reactions

Analyte Principle of reaction Particular tests

Protein denaturation of proteins by  test with sulfosalicylic acid
acids or boiling  Heller’s test (with concentrated HNO3)
 boiling test
Hemoglobin iron in heme displays a  Heitz-Boyer’s test (oxidation of reduced
pseudoperoxidase activity, phenolphthalein)
which catalyses oxidation of  benzidine test (oxidation of o-tolidine or
chromogen with organic tetramethylbenzidine)
peroxide to a colored product
Glucose non-specific tests based on  Fehling’s test (reduction of Cu2+)
reducing properties of glucose  Benedict’s test
(reduction of Cu2+)
 Nylander’s test
(reduction of Bi3+)
Ketone bodies reaction with  Legal’s test
sodium  Lestradet’s test
in alkaline medium producing
a violet complex
Bilirubin oxidation of  Rosin’s test
bilirubin to green (oxidation of bilirubin with iodine)
biliverdin or blue  Gmelin’s test
bilicyanin (with concentrated HNO3)
Urobilinogen reaction of urobilinogen with  Ehrlich’s test
in acidic medium producing a
colored condensation product

Chemical analysis of urine

2.2. Test strips

The test strips (diagnostic strips) enable detection of pathological urine components directly at
patient’s bed or in physician’s consulting room. The strips consist of a plastic support onto which one
or more indication zones are attached. In manufacture of the indication zones, a liquid analytic reagent
is applied on a suitable absorbent (e.g. special filtration paper), and then gently dried. In Czech
Republic the strips PHAN made by Lachema/Pliva a.s. are the most widely used.
There are various types of the diagnostic strips: they come either as monofunctional, or polyfunctional,
or strips for specialised examinations.
Monofunctional strips contain basic indication zones for semiquantitative estimation of one urine
component. Polyfunctional strips bear several indication zones and hence enable examination of
several biochemical parameters simultaneously. They are designed for situations where it is useful to
obtain as much information on the patient’s health condition as possible, such as in various screening
Strips for specialized examinations include two or more indication zones chosen with respect to
screening for or examination of a specific disease. For example strips for diabetes mellitus screening
contain zones for ketone bodies and glucose, strips for renal diseases have zones for blood, protein, pH
and nitrite, and strips for hepatic diseases examine bilirubin and urobilinogen.
The strips enable estimation of the following parameters in urine:
 protein  ascorbic acid
 glucose  leukocytes
 ketone bodies  nitrites
 bilirubin  pH
 urobilinogen  specific gravity
 hemoglobin, red blood cells
The reactions involved in test strips detection are largely based on similar principles as the classical
test-tube ones (table 1, table 2). Further we discuss in detail only the reactions not introduced in the
previous practical lessons.

Ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is examined because of its strong reducing properties that affect estimation
of other analytes in urine. In particular, it interferes with reactions employing hydrogen peroxide,
which reduces directly; and it also decomposes diazonium salts.
The principle of ascorbic acid detection utilises phosphomolybdenic acid, which is reduced with
ascorbic acid to molybdenum blue. The test is not specific for ascorbic acid as other strong reducing
agents would react in a similar manner.

Chemical detection of leukocytes with the diagnostic strip is based on demonstration of enzymes
esterases present in granulocytes. The esterase hydrolyses ester of indoxylcarbonic acid to indoxyl,
which reacts with a stable diazonium salt yielding the corresponding azo dye (Fig. 1). In normal
(negative) reaction the strip zone is colored creamy yellow; in case of positive reaction it turns pink or
violet. The chemical demonstration of leukocytes cannot substitute the microscopic examination of
urinary sediment. On the other hand, however, the biochemical examination can also find lysed
leukocytes (e.g. in hypotonic urine), which is not possible with microscopy.
Leukocyturia comes generally as a sign of kidney or urinary tract inflammation. Majority of positive
findings are caused by a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. In case of a positive leukocyte test it is
recommended to perform also examination of proteinuria, hematuria, nitrituria, examination of the
urinary sediment and microbiological examination.

Chemical analysis of urine

Fig 1: Principle of detection of leukocytes in urine with the test strips:

Leukocytic esterase

Ester of indoxyl

Azo dye
Diazonium salt
Violet color

Nitrite (indirect detection of bacteria)

Normal urine does not contain nitrites. Some, in particular gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia
coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, staphylococci and others possess an ability to reduce nitrates normally
present in urine to nitrites. The strips for indirect detection of bacteriuria use nitrites for the Griess
reaction. Its principle is diazotation of sulfanilic acid with nitrites, originating in urine by bacterial
reduction of nitrates, producing a diazonium salt. Azo-coupling follows that yielding a pink or even
violet color (Fig. 2).
The test for nitrites in urine is necessary to perform with the early morning urine, because only in this
case the stay of urine in the urinary bladder is long enough for bacterial reduction of nitrates to nitrites.
Another recommendation is consumption of vegetables (contain nitrates) on the day before
examination. Positive detection of urinary nitrite confirms bacteriuria, while negative test does not
exclude it.
The indirect evidence of bacteriuria is only preliminary and does not replace microbiological
Fig 2: Principle of detection of nitrites in urine with the test strips:

NO3  → NO2 

Nitrite (bacteria)
Sulfanilamide Diazonium salt

Diazonium salt

Azo dye
Coupling reagent
Pink to violet color

Chemical analysis of urine

Table 2: Principles of detection of pathological components in urine with the test strips, and
common causes of interference

Analyte Principle False positive results False negative results

Protein error Alkaline pH, Globulins and light chains of
Protein of acid-base contamination of sample immunoglobulins are difficult to
indicator vessel with disinfectants detect
based on quaternary
ammonium salts
Oxidation of Microbial peroxidases, High concentration of nitrites,
Hemoglobin chromogene with contamination of vessels vitamin C
hydrogen peroxide with oxidizing disinfectants
catalyzed by
activity of
Enzyme method based Contamination of sample Vitamin C,
Glucose on coupled vessels with oxidizing other reducing substances
glucose oxidase/ disinfectants (homogentisic acid, DOPA),
peroxidase urinary infection
Reaction of acetoacetic Substances with free -hydroxybutyrate does not react
Ketone bodies acid and acetone with sulfhydryl groups (e.g.
nitroprusside in alkaline captopril),
medium (Legal test) some drugs based on
phenolphthalein or
sulfopththalein (laxancia)
can stain due to alkaline
acid (orange-red
Azo coupling of Exogenous substances in High contents of nitrites,
Bilirubin bilirubin urine that have red color or light exposition
with diazonium salt in turn red in strong acid
acidic medium
producing colored
Azo coupling of Exogenous substances in Formaldehyde,
Urobilinogen urobilinogen urine that have red color or light exposition,
with diazonium salt in turn red in strong acid old urine (oxidation to urobilin)
acidic medium
producing colored
Griess reaction – Bacterial contamination Lack of vegetables (nitrates) in
Nitrite diazotation of diet, parenteral nutrition,
sulfanilamide with Gram-positive bacteria,
nitrite followed by short stay of urine in urinary
azo coupling bladder,
vitamin C
Esterase activity of Formaldehyde, Vitamin C,
Leukocytes granulocytes and alkaline pH, high specific some drugs
macrophages gravity of urine

Chemical analysis of urine

Procedure for urine examination with test strips:

Take out only the strips that are to be used immediately, and close the tube with remaining strips
again. Never touch the strip indication zones with bare hand. The strips should be stored in original
containers, tightly closed with a desiccant, in a dark and dry place at temperature +2 to +30 ˚C. When
examining a urine sample, dip the strip into the urine so that all the zones are immersed for 2–3
seconds. Then take the strip out and wipe the excess of urine by touching the walls of sample
container. Keep the strip in a horizontal position to avoid mixing of reagents from different reaction
zones. Wait for the recommended incubation time (usually 60 seconds, for leukocytes 120 seconds),
and evaluate the resulting color changes. The evaluation is possible either:
 Subjectively by comparison with the color scale on the tube label.
 Objectively by means of reflection photometers, which measure the intensity of light reflected
from the strip reaction zone.

3. Simple chemical reactions in urine used in screening of inborn

errors of metabolism
Biochemical investigation of inborn errors of metabolism of amino acids includes several
steps. It usually starts with screening. Screening investigations consist of simple tests
performed with blood or urine samples and are based on various principles; some of them are
carried out at departments of obstetrics on all the babies newly born in the department.
A good screening test should typically have negligible low chance of false negative result,
but may quite often be false positive. When positivity is found in any screening reaction, it
does not yet make diagnosis, but rather it leads to further more detailed examinations.

Screening tests for amino acid inborn errors include:

1. Simple chemical reactions in urine
2. Chromatographic methods
3. Indicator papers
4. Bacterial inhibition tests

In some inborn errors urine has a typical smell caused by the abnormal metabolite accumulation.

Selected simple chemical reactions in urine:

Föllings test with ferric chloride

Reaction with ferric chloride is a classical test for the screening detection of newborn with
phenylketonuria. Ferric chloride gives with phenylpyruvate present in the patient urine a green
complex. However, other compounds also react with Fe 3+ producing complexes of various colors
(Table 3).

Hyperphenylalaninemia (phenylketonuria) is a classical example of an inborn error of amino acids and

also one of the most important in medical practice. Phenylketonuria is a disease caused by a total defect of
hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine that is normally catalyzed by phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase
(phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase) in the presence of oxygen and tetrahydrobiopterin as a coenzyme.
Phenylalanine accumulates in the blood. Urinary excretion of this substance as well as of its pathologic
metabolites (phenylpyruvate, phenyllactate and phenylacetate) increases. Phenylpyruvate can be
demonstrated by the reaction with FeCl3 (the Fölling’s test). Unless recognized early after birth, the
phenylketonuria results in severe and irreversible brain damage and mental retardation. On the other hand,
early restriction of phenylalanine in the diet can totally prevent the damage and the child can develop

Chemical analysis of urine

Brand’s test with sodium nitroprusside

Reaction of sodium nitroprusside with sulfhydryl compounds (e.g. cysteine, homocysteine) yields
rose or purple-red complex products:
[FeII(CN)5NO]2 + S2 → [FeII(CN)5NOS]4
Disulfides (cystine, homocystine) do not give the reaction and therefore must be first reduced to
free sulfhydryls by alkaline sodium cyanide.

Cystinuria is one of inborn errors caused by a disorder in the transport of amino acids in the kidney and gut.
It is caused by a defect in the reverse transport of cystine, lysine, arginine and ornithine in the epithelial cells
of renal tubuli and digestive tract. Biochemical tests reveal increased urinary excretion of all the mentioned
amino acids. Cystine urolithiasis is the major clinical sign; it is caused by a low water solubility of cystine.
The presence of cystine in urine can be demonstrated by the Brand’s test with sodium nitroprusside.

Dinitrophenylhydrazine test for ketoaciduria

2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in acidic medium reacts with 2-oxo acids (-keto acids) and forms
precipitates of hydrazones. Positive test indicates elevated excretion of keto acids or other ketone
bodies in urine.

Leucinosis (maple syrup urine disease) develops due to defect in the enzyme system performing oxidative
decarboxylation of branched-chain α-ketoacids. High levels of leucine, valine and isoleucine are found in the
serum. Oxo-acids that are formed by transamination of these amino acids (2-oxoisovalerate, 2-oxo-3-
methylvalerate and 2-oxoisocapronate) are excreted in urine in amounts 10-100 higher than normal. The oxo-
acids in urine can be demonstrated by the reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.

Table 3: Examples of screenings reactions in urine

Test Reacting substance Color
Fölling’s test phenylpyruvate permanent bluish-green
p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate transient green
branched chain keto acids greyish-blue
salicylates purple
homogentisate transient blue
Brand’s test cysteine red
homocysteine red
disulfide of cysteine & homocysteine red
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine branched chain keto acids brownish-wine
phenylpyruvate brownish-wine
p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate brownish-wine

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