Modern Management in The Global Mining Industry

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assisted by Christopher L. Gilbert and Christopher G. Stobart

United Kingdom – North America – Japan

India – Malaysia – China
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2019

Copyright © CRU International Limited. Published under an exclusive license by

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-78973-788-2 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-78973-787-5 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-789-9 (Epub)

List of Figures vii

List of Tables ix
About the Authors xi
Foreword xiii
Acknowledgements xvii

1. Introduction 1
2. Commodity Price Forecasting 17
3. Recycling 55
4. The Marketing of Commodities 63
5. The Role of Commodity Exchanges in Pricing 83
6. Price Risk Management 115
7. Shareholder Value 133
8. Measuring Mine Production Costs 151
9. Performance Improvement and Capital Productivity 181
10. Risk and the Cost of Capital 199
11. The Mining Cycle 215
12. The Myths and Realities of Resource Depletion 231
13. The Environment: Cost or Constraint? 243
14. Unfinished Business 271

Last Day’s Work 279

Index 281
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List of Figures

Fig. 2.1. The Theory of Perfect Competition. 19

Fig. 2.2. The Theory of Monopolistic Competition. 22
Fig. 2.3. Commodity Supply Chain Examples. 29
Fig. 2.4. The Classic Market-clearing Model of
Commodity Prices. 39
Fig. 2.5. CRU’s Compass Forecasting Methodology. 47
Fig. 2.6. Per Capita Steel Intensity. 48
Fig. 2.7. Steel Intensity Per Unit GDP (kg/$ bn GDP at
2005 Prices). 49
Fig. 2.8. Gap Analysis – Hard Coking Coal Example. 51
Fig. 2.9. Long-run Marginal Cost Curve – Phosphate
Rock Example. 52
Fig. 3.1. Conceptual Overview of Metals Recycling. 55
Fig. 3.2. The Importance of Scrap Increases When
Consumption Slows or the Recycling Rate
Increases. 59
Fig. 3.3: Any acceleration in growth of total demand has to be
met from primary supply sources; deceleration in total
demand growth reduces the need for primary supply. 60
Fig. 4.1. The Copper Supply Chain. 66
Fig. 4.2. The Aluminium Supply Chain. 67
Fig. 4.3. The Iron and Steel Supply Chain.  68
Fig. 4.4. The Geography of Potash Prices. 76
Fig. 5.1. Three Hypothetical Price Forecasts, Each Right
on Average. 102
Fig. 5.2. LME Versus Bank Finance, Aluminium. 106
Fig. 5.3. Options for Producers, Consumers and Traders. 109
Fig. 5.4. Aluminium Premiums for Physical Delivery,
2006–2015. Delivered Price as % of LME
Cash Price. 110
Fig. 6.1. Key Elements in the Risk Management Process. 121

Fig. 6.2. Basic Hedging Programme Design. 126
Fig. 7.1. Three Key Elements in Value-based
Management. 137
Fig. 7.2. The Efficient Frontier. 141
Fig. 7.3. Strategic Characterisation of Processes –
The Steel Example. 142
Fig. 8.1. The Four Basic Value-based Costing Concepts
Are Designed to Be Compatible with the Typical
Corporate Structure. 155
Fig. 9.1. There Are Two Halves to the Operating Excellence
Part of Shareholder Value. 185
Fig. 9.2. The Three Elements in Capital Productivity
Can Be Quantified Using a Small Number of
Simple Concepts. 186
Fig. 9.3. Milling Is the Most Intensively Utilised of All
the Elements in the Production Chain, and So
the Bottleneck in the Whole System. 187
Fig. 9.4. Machine Productivity Is a Concept That Can Be
Readily Communicated at the Operator Level. 190
Fig. 9.5. Analysis of Drills Showed Scope for Better
Utilisation and Operating Efficiency:
Thus Fewer Drills were Required. 195
Fig. 10.1. Real Equity and Bond Returns, 1956–2015. 205
Fig. 10.2. Weighted Average Cost of Capital in Mining,
1991–2015. 209
Fig. 11.1. General Evolution of Value in the Mine
Development Process. 217
Fig. 11.2. International Standards for Quantifying
Resources and Reserves. 222
Fig. 11.3. The Gateway System for Mine Development. 225
Fig. 12.1. Real Metals Prices, 1950–2015. 237

viii List of Figures

List of Tables

Table 1.1. Value of Global Mine Production, $bn, 2015. 6

Table 1.2. Value of Production of Extractive Industries,
$bn, 2015. 9
Table 2.1. Herfindahl Index, Iron Ore, 2015. 23
Table 2.2. Herfindahl Index, Steel, 2015. 24
Table 2.3. Herfindahl Index, Aluminium, 2015. 25
Table 2.4. Herfindahl Index, Nickel, 2015. 26
Table 2.5. Commodity Market Characterisation. 41
Table 4.1. Typical Commodity Marketing Activities. 69
Table 4.2. Benchmark Prices for Major Commodities. 75
Table 5.1. Commodity Exchange Business Model Drivers. 86
Table 5.2. LME Contract Volumes and Liquidity 2015. 87
Table 5.3. Price Volatility Trends for Selected Metals. 91
Table 5.4. Key Functions of Commodity Exchanges. 98
Table 5.5. Three-month Futures Price as a Forecast
(Absolute Errors, $/t). 100
Table 5.6. Three-month Futures Price as a Forecast
(Percentage Errors). 100
Table 5.7. Three-month Futures Price as a Forecast
(Bias, $/t). 101
Table 5.8. Three-month Futures Price as a Forecast
(Percentage Bias). 101
Table 5.9. LME Contangos and Backwardations, 1981–2015. 105
Table 5.10. LME Warehouses Are Very Expensive by
Competitive Commercial Standards. 111
Table 6.1. Roles of Members of a Price Risk Management
Committee. 127

Table 7.1. Different Sources of Comparative Advantage
Exist in Each Sector. 143
Table 8.1. The VBC Nomenclature. 157
Table 8.2. Hypothetical Cu-Au Mine Production and Market
Assumptions. 169
Table 8.3. Hypothetical Cu-Au Mine Cost Assumptions
(Typical Year). 170
Table 8.4. Cost Estimate Reconciliation. 172
Table 11.1. Key Criteria for Determining Project Progress
in Relation to the Gateways. 227
Table 11.2. Work Required by Discipline for Passing
Each Gateway. 228
Table 12.1. Major Metals: Annual Average Price and
Volume Changes. 236
Table 12.2. Major Metals: Production and Reserves
(Million Tonnes), 2015 Versus 2000. 238
Table 13.1. Components of the Policy Potential Index. 255

x List of Tables
About the Authors

Robin G. Adams was born in England

in 1946 but was brought up in Bula-
wayo, now in Zimbabwe. He studied
at Oxford where he gained a dou-
ble first in PPE and was Treasurer
of the Oxford Union. He spent most
of his adult life working as a Miner-
als Economist with Citibank, his own
company Resource Strategies and the
CRU Group both in England and the
United States. His work included consulting to mining companies, to fab-
ricating and manufacturing companies as well as to international organi-
zations. He also helped to facilitate investment agreements between host
governments and multinational companies, resolve commercial disputes
between companies and governments, and was also called upon to pro-
vide expert witness testimony on environmental issues related to mining
and processing. He died in 2014.

Christopher L. Gilbert is Adjunct Professor at the Bologna Center of the

Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He previously
held professorial positions in London, Amsterdam and Trento. He is a
Non-Executive Director of CRU International Ltd.

Christopher G. Stobart worked in the publishing industry and then as

a financial journalist before joining CRU International in 1976. He has
worked for that company in a variety of capacities since that date.

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Robin Adams was an exceptional man and an inspiring force. Our paths
first crossed in the 1970s when Robin came to join CRU back in its fledg-
ling days. One could not help being struck by this tall impressive fellow.
He had a top first from Oxford in PPE, was self-taught in advanced statis-
tics and maths, and widely read in history, politics and sociology. One of
his great gifts was his ability to bring insight and enrichment from many
other subjects to his application of economics.
This interdisciplinary approach is in evidence throughout the book
you hold in your hand. It forms an introduction to the approach Robin
and CRU adopted in different types of assignments; how we applied our
methodologies to gain understanding and use the results to help clients
manage risks more effectively and better assess likely developments and
future trends. Robin was also keenly interested in the forces that engen-
der change in society, industries and markets, both national and local.
CRU was established in 1969 and was the first research company to
specialise in metals, minerals and mining, advising governments and
corporates active in these sectors. Much of that advice came from apply-
ing principles of economic analysis to deal with business challenges that
are typical to natural resource industries. In the extractive industries, for
example, issues can arise from the immovability of assets such as mines
or reserves, or the occurrence of rent and consequently the generation of
super-normal profits. Other issues include the susceptibility of primary
commodities to market cycles, severe short-term price volatility and, not
least, to the impact of innovation and substitution in changing demand
for raw materials offering similar properties.
Robin spent some 25 years with CRU. After an initial period, he left to
work for Chase Manhattan Bank (now part of JP Morgan) before estab-
lishing his own company in Pennsylvania, Resource Strategies, which
CRU acquired in 1995 as part of its expansion in North America.
Robin made his distinctive presence felt across the spectrum of CRU’s
activities. Initially the focus was on non-ferrous industries such as copper

and aluminium but, by the time Robin re-joined, CRU had expanded its
coverage to the steel complex, energy industries and agricultural sectors.
As our client base grew so our challenges became more diverse. Robin
played a leading role in that expansion process and helped to develop new
methodologies that had the breadth of scope and sophistication needed
for our new markets. Robin for instance pioneered applying systematic
econometric modelling to competition between materials in electricity,
transport, construction and packaging markets. He was also instrumental
in developing what we called CRU’s Compass methodology and apply-
ing it to long-term forecasting. Similarly, he was involved in improving
the company’s risk-adjustment methodologies and its value-based cost-
ing system for competitive analysis as between mining operations. Robin
also led CRU in developing its value-in-use models for negotiating iron-
ore and metallurgical coal off-take agreements between western produc-
ers and Chinese counterparties.
He particularly enjoyed applying analytical economics to resolve dis-
putes between parties active in natural resources industries. He would
facilitate negotiations by identifying what he called Bargaining Zones to
achieve win–win outcomes. Robin would frequently be retained to help
resolve fiscal differences between host governments and foreign inves-
tors in connection with existing or planned mining and infrastructure
developments, the merits of more downstream processing, and on mat-
ters relating to transfer pricing.
The book draws on all this work, focussing particularly on the char-
acteristics of primary commodity markets and the political economy of
extractive industries. Robin puts great emphasis on the range of talents
that a mining company executive needs to be able to deploy if he or she is
to deal with the complex issues that mining throws up. These can be geo-
logical, metallurgical, management, economic, political, social, environ-
mental, regulatory and financial. He states that mining companies need
to be led by Renaissance men and women. There is no doubt that Robin
Adams was such a person.
Robin was greatly respected and admired by his colleagues. All who
worked with him gained from the experience and benefitted from the
thoughtful and considerate way he interacted with others. He is remem-
bered as a person who was generous with his time and enjoyed sharing
with others what he knew. He was a great mentor both in the office and
when it came to outdoor activities, especially deep-snow skiing which
he did frequently and expertly in the mountains near CRU’s offices just
south of Seattle. CRU’s US West Coast offices were located on Whidbey
Island next to where Robin and his wife Judith, a writer and poet, chose to

xiv Foreword
build their home. Theirs was a deep and fulfilled marriage that thrived on
the complementary combination of their talents and strengths.
Robin often took it upon himself to act as advisor to parties who had
been disadvantaged by contamination or pollution resulting from min-
ing and processing operations. In one such case his clients, mainly bond-
holders and environmental agencies, had been defrauded into bearing
heavy costs which should rightfully have been borne by the shareholders.
Only two weeks before he died, in spite of his deteriorating health, Robin
made an extraordinary effort to give a deposition which was crucial to the
cause he felt so strongly about. (This book concludes with one of Judith’s
poems, reprinted with her permission, that memorialises Robin’s deposi-
tion.) As a result of the deposition the shareholders were found guilty and
required to pay out over $215 million. They were refused appeal to the US
Supreme Court.
To me personally, Robin was a close colleague and greatly valued
friend. He was a source of sound and impartial advice and a person I
valued for his warmth and integrity as much as for his brilliance. Even
today at CRU one of our key steps in resolving analytical problems is to
ask: “How would Robin have approached this?”
Well, this book provides some answers.
Robert A. Perlman
Chairman, CRU Group

Foreword xv
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It is a privilege for me, as Robin’s wife, to write this acknowledgment

on Robin’s behalf. I know Robin was immensely grateful for all the help
he received while writing this book. I know that he would wish to thank
also those who helped him during his entire career in the field of mineral
economics which was, in fact, much wider than the material he covers in
this book. He met many interesting people who cared about the industry
and the ethics of working in the mining industry.
Robin started to write this book after he received his terminal diagno-
sis of a period of only a few months. He worked on the text while under-
going treatment and the book was completed the day before he died. The
hospice overseeing his care administered Ritalin to enable him to finish.
Robin was keen to pass on what he had learned during his career which
he told me again and again he found fascinating, rewarding and always
interesting. It would have distressed him not to acknowledge all those
who helped him get this book to print and, as his wife, I am deeply hon-
ored to write this on his behalf.
Robin would first have wished to thank Linda Jennings, his remarkable
assistant, who dealt with the management of the office. Linda had inex-
haustible patience and exercised a calming effect on Robin who at times
felt so strongly about things that he could almost levitate. He would also
have particularly wanted to thank Stephanie Ryan, a dear friend of ours,
who despite having plenty of her own work to do, sat by his bed during
the last days taking dictation on her computer as his voice became weak
and less distinct. I am not sure he knew who would take on the Herculean
task of editing his book but he would have been both thrilled and relieved
that two brilliant colleagues would make sure it was finished and in a
publishable form. Thanks then to Christopher Gilbert, who was at Oxford
with him, and Christopher Stobart, who worked with Robin for a very
long time. This book would not be with us if it were not for them. Most
importantly, he would like to thank his long-time friend, also his boss,
Robert Perlman, who was so much more than a boss and a colleague but a

true friend. They had an exceptional bond for they both felt deeply about
ethics both in the work place and in their lives. They shared a special
relationship both at work and as friends. I also know that Robin would
like to thank Taylor Shively who came to work for Robin out of graduate
school. Robin would bounce his ideas off Taylor and get reliable feedback.
He would also have thanked the young people he mentored from time to
time. The promise they showed gave him hope for the future of the min-
ing industry. Robin would also thank the liberal community on Whidbey
Island who surrounded him with encouragement, accepted his eccentrici-
ties and challenged his ideas.
Lastly, I know deeply that he would have thanked me for putting up
with his sometimes very late arrival home, his booming voice waking
me from sleep when he enthusiastically announced his latest idea and
for loving him in the way that I did; his elder daughter, Laura, who chal-
lenged every idea he had, and was like him in her debating acuity; his son
William who, unlike his father, was less of a student but much more of a
party guy, who inherited his father’s free spirit and occupies himself in
saving lives jumping out of a helicopter on a rescue team; and lastly his
younger daughter, Rachel, who taught him about so many things includ-
ing flamenco dancing, how to handle his emotional Portuguese herit-
age, and who for a while worked for him. One day Rachel reported to
me “Mum, dad is an absolute power house at work. I don’t how anyone
keeps up with him.” Robin was proud of his children especially because
they, as Carl Jung once said, “lived their parents’ un-lived lives”!
I know I have missed out many people in the industry who influenced
him, taught him and who touched him over the years. I know he would
have wanted to thank the publishers for taking on his book so that his
thoughts did not go unheard into his grave on the hill on Whidbey.
Judith Adams

xviii Acknowledgements
Praise for Modern Management in the
Global Mining Industry:

‘Robin Adams was one of the great mineral economists of our

times. Drawing on his many years as an industry consultant and
his strong knowledge of economics and business administration,
Robin has, with the help of Christopher Gilbert and Christopher
Stobart, given us a book that provides a wealth of information on
mineral commodity markets. Anyone striving to understand the
behavior of mineral commodity markets and gain an insight into
the mining industry should read this book’.

John E. Tilton, Emeritus Professor, Colorado School of Mines, USA

‘This book is a must read if you are planning a career in the miner-
als industry. Its author, Robin G Adams, with more than 20 years’
experience at CRU, one of the world’s most prominent consulting
firms in the field, exhibits mastery in disentangling the intricacies
of this important industry to the lay reader. Complex issues like
metal price formation, measurement of production costs, or the
myths of resource depletion are straightened out so as to be acces-
sible even to my grandkids, yet with no loss of realism. I am full of

Marian Radetzki, Professor of Economics, Luleå University of Technol-

ogy, Sweden

‘Robin understood the mining industry better than most of those

working in it. In these pages, he tells, with characteristic clarity and
vigour, of his personal journey to uncover the economics of the
mining industry, to establish where it differs from other industries,
and to develop the intellectual tools required to pinpoint where
value can be found and how it can be extracted in an effective and
responsible fashion’.

Dr David Humphreys, Former Chief Economist of Rio Tinto and Norilsk


Acknowledgements xix
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I have spent most of my working life as a mining industry consultant.

In this book, I put forward my views on the efficient organisation of the
world mining industry. I do this as an industry insider and based on my
personal practical experience. The views I express are therefore likely to
differ from those of academic industrial economists who will view the
mining industry from a theoretical or policy perspective.
Despite this qualification, my account is informed both by my under-
graduate degree in economics and by subsequent reading in business
administration. Over the past half century, business administration has
succeeded in establishing itself as a recognised academic subject at the
world’s major universities. It offers a range of techniques and methodolo-
gies that are equally applicable to every sector of the economy, ranging
from the local convenience store to the world’s largest corporation. This
body of knowledge has been commercialised by leading management
consulting firms who stress that one of their key advantages is their abil-
ity to capture business insights obtained in one sector and transfer them
to other sectors. To such companies, the development of industry exper-
tise and know-how is something that may be obtained from the client, or
acquired by hiring experts with specialist knowledge, or contracted out to
third parties as a last resort.
I take a different view. Sound general management, accounting and
reporting principles are as important in the mining industry as in other
sectors but they will be insufficient. The mining industry presents a
number of challenges that require a different approach for the following

• Demand volatility: As was apparent in 2014–2019, the demand for

mined commodities is much more volatile over the business cycle
than demand in most other sectors of the economy. This is because
mined commodities are disproportionately consumed in sectors
such as construction, capital investment, and consumer durables

which are dependent on the discretionary spending decisions of
businesses and consumers.

• Long cycles: Construction of a new mine takes years, sometime more

than a decade. Once built, mines typically remain productive for at
least 20 years and often longer. Finance for new developments is
most easily available in periods in which prices are high and exist-
ing mines profitable but the production from these mines will weigh
on prices for an enormous time. Under-investment in mining dur-
ing the 1990s left the industry unprepared for the massive growth in
Chinese metals demand from 2004 onwards. Over-investment over
that ‘super cycle’ period resulted in a fall-back in prices. These long
cycles complicate investment decisions.

• Price volatility: Mineral commodities are homogeneous, or at best

only mildly differentiated from one another. Prices are set in global
commodity markets and are affected by supply and demand events
that take place all over the world, and also by speculative and invest-
ment decisions of all kinds. The resulting price volatility adds to the
demand volatility, with the result that the industry’s revenue stream
is far more volatile that of other sectors of the economy.

• Geographical specificity: Mining is a captive industry in the sense that it

cannot relocate in response to adverse economic or political develop-
ments in a host country, as can other industries such as textiles. Mining
takes place where metal-bearing ore is found. This means that mines
bear exceptionally high exposure to social and political risk, including
potential increases in special taxes once a project is up and running;

• Environmental impact: Mining has an unavoidable and intrinsically

high environmental impact that requires extremely careful man-
agement. Careless actions by some mining companies can trigger
widespread opposition to mining in all its forms, which in turn con-
tributes to project delays, cost overruns and, in extreme cases, the
inability to continue production.

• Lack of sustainability. In the final analysis, any mining operation is

an unsustainable activity. Although the world is far from running
out of resources, each individual mine does have a finite resource
base and sooner or later will close. This creates an obvious source of
social tension. (Sustainability, in the sense of minimising the impact
of mining on the environment, is a separate concept which is cor-
rectly given high priority by all responsible mining companies.)

2 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

Such factors are individually present in other industries. All are pre-
sent in oil extraction. What makes mining unique and a book on mineral
economics worthwhile is the intensity with which these factors often com-
bine. They have given the mining industry a unique character that power-
fully influences business decisions at both a strategic and an operational
level. Miners are not a representative cross-section of society and mining
companies are not representative of business corporations. Rather, miners
are a largely self-selected brotherhood of rugged and self-sufficient indi-
viduals capable of living and operating in remote and sometimes hostile
environments and contending with job hazards that are simply not pre-
sent in the mainstream economy. Miners do not respond well to micro-
management or top down direction. Failure to understand the culture of
any industry can frustrate implementation of even the most brilliantly
conceived programme for strategic change. The need for cultural change
in an industry or a company is often a target of performance improve-
ment initiatives. However, it is unlikely that any change programme will
succeed unless change agents understand and respect the deep historical
reasons for the industry’s current culture.
Thus, the development of industry knowledge and an understand-
ing of its culture become the key requirements of the successful man-
ager rather than a detail to be out-sourced. Industry knowledge includes
not simply the obvious – understanding how a commodity is produced,
where and why it is used, who the major companies in the industry are,
and so on – but also what might be called the ‘deep history’ of the indus-
try so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated unnecessarily.
It is much more difficult to acquire this deep history, in my experi-
ence, than simply to acquire generic management consulting skills. An
effective mining industry executive needs to become what I choose to call
a ‘Renaissance Man’ and acquire skills from, or at least develop a high
comfort level with, many disciplines ranging from the obvious technical
ones such as geology, metallurgy and engineering, to economics, finance,
sociology, anthropology, politics and communications. For most people
this requires many years, if not a lifetime, of experience. By contrast, the
latest techniques in business administration can be acquired quite quickly
through the many excellent Executive Management programmes offered
by the world’s business schools.
I have been engaged in providing mining consultancy services for most
of my working life, and in recent years with a leading mining consultancy
company, CRU International. CRU and similar companies are firmly com-
mitted to the development and retention of industry expertise, which,
defined in the broadest possible cultural, technical and business terms, is

Introduction 3
the core requirement for successful management in the industry. CRU’s
mission is to help mining industry stakeholders make higher quality and
more robust business decisions by deeply understanding and managing
the risks involved. Industry expertise is our core asset.

Mining in Perspective
My goal in writing this book is to summarise some of the industry know-
how and related analytical techniques that, with the help of colleagues
at CRU and other companies, I have managed to acquire and use in 40
years of consulting. I have chosen to do this by providing examples taken
largely from a small subset of the 200-odd minerals used by the twenty-
first century global economy – coal, iron and steel, aluminium, copper and
the fertiliser minerals. These are high-volume mined commodities with
the largest environmental, social and political consequences for society.
The affairs of the companies that mine them are reasonably transparent.
A huge volume of academic studies, technical conference proceedings
and business reports about these commodities is also available. Readers
who are interested in digging deeper into information that I am necessarily
presenting in a highly summarised form can, therefore, readily do so.
Any sampling bias found in this book has to be seen in context. When
I became Research Director of CRU International in 1973, my first task
was to advise management on the potential diversification of the com-
pany’s interests. At that time CRU’s business was primarily related to
market research and price forecasting in the copper industry. However,
the company was fielding inquiries about many other commodities and
was looking to expand the scope of its business significantly. Unencum-
bered by any prior knowledge of metals and minerals, I therefore began
my analysis with a clean sheet.
My approach at that time was simple and I will follow the same
approach in writing this book. I listed as many minerals as I could iden-
tify and looked up world mine production and the prevailing market
price in order to calculate the global revenues associated with the pro-
duction of each commodity. This analysis revealed that 75% of the value
of the world’s non-fuel mineral production was accounted for by just
four commodities – gold, iron, copper and aluminium. As an economist,
I understood that gold was a currency rather than an industrial commod-
ity. As a transportation expert, I could see that the importance of logistics
cost in the overall price made nonsense of the London Metal Exchange

4 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

(LME) warehouse delivery business model for iron ore. Consequently, my
recommendation was that CRU should diversify into aluminium, which
appeared to me to be similar to, and a partial substitute for, copper. I am
happy to report that this advice was accepted and that aluminium fore-
casting and consulting quickly became a core business for the company.
(A few years later, the LME also diversified into aluminium, which has
become its most valuable contract.)
Table 1.1 shows the results of a similar exercise 40 years later. To pro-
vide a complete perspective of mining, I have added coal, which is the
world’s largest mined product by volume, and I have separately identi-
fied steam coal (mainly used in power stations) and metallurgical coal
and coke (used mainly to produce steel). Table 1.1 includes all metals
and minerals where annual production exceeds $1bn, but excludes gem-
stones. It shows that in 2015 54% of all mining efforts1 are related to pro-
viding electricity and steel, two absolutely essential building blocks of
urban industrial society. Without them, it is inconceivable that the planet
could support its 7 billion inhabitants.
Steam coal represents approximately one-third of the value of global
mine production. Coal is still by far the dominant fuel for the generation
of electricity, and its market share has increased. However, it is also the
single largest contributor to carbon emissions. Alternative ways of gener-
ating electricity reduce these emissions by half in the case of natural gas
and almost entirely in the case of renewable sources of power, both of
which are growing strongly. However, despite the most optimistic projec-
tions for alternative fuels, the world will need coal in today’s quantities
(or more) for at least the next 30 years just to keep the lights on, particu-
larly in high population, low income economies such as China and India
where power consumption per capita is far below western levels.
A further quarter of the global value of mine production relates to iron
ore and metallurgical coal, which are the essential raw materials in the
production of steel, the most commonly used material in the modern
industrial economy. Indeed, global consumption of steel is approximately
30 times larger than the consumption of aluminium, the second most
widely used metal. Steel is widely used in the construction of residential,
institutional and industrial buildings of every kind, bridges and high-
ways, railroads and mass transit systems, water and sewerage plants,

 I consider that the value of mine production is a reasonable proxy for mining effort, because
in the final analysis costs strongly influence price and are a function of effort.

Introduction 5
Table 1.1:  Value of Global Mine Production, $bn, 2015.

Annual Production Price Revenue Share (%) Cumulative (%)

Steam coal 6,087 m tonnes 59 $/tonne 361.0 34.0 34.0
Iron ore 2,078 m tonnes 56 $/tonne 115.5 10.9 44.9
Gold 97.7 m tr oz 1,159 $/tr oz 113.3 10.7 55.5
Copper 19.3 m tonnes 5,502 $/tonne 106.2 10.0 65.5
Metallurgical coal 1,183 m tonnes 83 $/tonne 97.6 9.2 74.7
Aluminium 56.5 m tonnes 1,663 $/tonne 94.0 8.9 83.6
Phosphate rock 258 m tonnes 117 $/tonne 30.2 2.8 86.4
Titanium 5.5 m tonnes 5,023 $/tonne 27.5 2.6 89.0
Zinc 13.2 m tonnes 1,933 $/tonne 25.6 2.4 91.4
Nickel 1.9 m tonnes 11,835 $/tonne 22.4 2.1 93.5
Potash 60.2 m tonnes 228 $/tonne 13.7 1.3 94.8
Silver 874 m tr oz 15.4 $/tr oz 13.5 1.3 96.1
Lead 5.0 m tonnes 1,787 $/tonne 9.0 0.8 96.9
Platinum 5.8 m tr oz 1,054 $/tr oz 6.2 0.6 97.5

Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

Tin 315,000 tonnes 16,084 $/tonne 5.1 0.5 98.0
Uranium 60,500 tonnes 81,153 $/tonne 4.9 0.5 98.5
Palladium 6.5 m tr oz 690 $/tr oz 4.4 0.4 98.9
Molybdenum 287,000 tonnes 14,636 $/tonne 4.2 0.4 99.3
Cobalt 98,100 tonnes 28,920 $/tonne 2.8 0.3 99.5
Magnesium 1.0 m tonnes 2,223 $/tonne 2.2 0.2 99.8
Antimony 147,000 tonnes 7,287 $/tonne 1.1 0.1 99.9
Tungsten 86,100 tonnes 11,884 $/tonne 1.0 0.1 100.0
Others 0.5 0.0 100.0
Total 1,062 100.0
Source: Author’s calculations from CRU data.

power transmission towers, and almost all other forms of infrastructure.
Another major use of steel is in the production of machinery and other
capital goods that are required for the operation of manufacturing indus-
try. Without steel, there is no urban industrial economy.
A further quarter of the value of production reflects the production of
gold, aluminium and copper. Eight other commodities – phosphate rock,
titanium, zinc, nickel, potash, silver, lead and platinum – take the cumula-
tive share to 97.5% of total value. For all practical purposes, everything
else extracted from the earth’s crust can be considered as a niche business.
Individually, none of them account for more than 0.5% of world mine
Minerals produced and used in small quantities can, of course, be cru-
cial to some manufacturing processes, but at the same time the volume
and value of world production may be insignificant compared to the
major minerals from which I draw my examples in the body of this book.
As an example, it may be helpful to reflect upon the concern expressed
in recent years over the potential dominance of China in the supply of
rare earth oxides (REOs). In 2014, China is estimated to have produced
95,000 tonnes per year of REOs out of a world total of 111,000 tonnes.
These minerals (there are 17 of them) are critically important in automo-
tive pollution control catalysts, permanent magnets and rechargeable bat-
teries. Demand is expected to grow strongly as future global demand for
conventional and hybrid automobiles, computers, electronics and port-
able equipment increases. Expanded rare earths usage is also expected in
fibre optics and a wide range of medical equipment applications. In other
words, REOs play a crucial role in modern, high-technology growth sec-
tors of the economy.
However, the value of global production of all 17 REOs was just $1.65 bn
in total, using 2012 prices. Thus, all REOs collectively represent only 0.1%
of the value of world mine production. It is worth adding that REOs are
not all that ‘rare’ either. According to the US Geological Service, world
reserves are 1,000 times greater than current production, and only half
of them are in China. In other words, a hypothetical Chinese attempt to
squeeze international consumers by restricting exports would have only
a short-term impact. The resulting price increases would be very likely to
stimulate additional supply from other countries, and the absolute size of
the investments required for this transformation would be modest when
judged in terms of the industry’s global financial capacity. To put this in
perspective, a single new iron ore mine, the Roy Hill project in Western
Australia, which came into production in 2016, is expected to have an

8 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

Table 1.2:  Value of Production of Extractive Industries, $bn, 2015.

Production Price Revenue Share

Crude oil 33,460 m bbls 50.8 $/bbl 1,700 52.3%
Natural gas 3,539 bn m 3
0.14 $/cubic m 491 15.1%
Coal 7,270 m tonnes 63.1 unit value 459 14.1%
Non-fuel 2,500 m tonnes 241 unit value 603 18.5%
Total 3,253
Source: Authors’ calculation using data from Table 1.1 and BP: Statistical Review
of World Energy, June 2016 (oil and natural gas production); IMF: International
Financial Statistics (oil and natural gas prices).

ultimate capital cost of $14 bn and will have an output worth over $6 bn
per year at current prices.
Another perspective can be obtained by comparing the value of non-
fuel mineral production with the value of the production of various fuels.
From an overall economic perspective, the energy industry is far more
important than the mining industry. Non-fuel minerals account for less
than 20% of the total value of all extracted minerals whether mined or
pumped. Oil accounts for more than 50% as set out in Table 1.2.2

Steel-related Minerals
Within the universe of non-fuel minerals, iron ore is clearly the most
important mineral because it is the raw material base for the steel indus-
try. A number of other minerals are also tied to the steel industry. These
include the bulk ferroalloys such as ferromanganese, ferrosilicon and fer-
rochrome as well as more specialised alloys such as nickel and molybde-
num. The use of alloying materials imparts special properties to carbon,
alloy and stainless steels, including resistance to rust, improvements in
ductility and strength, resistance to chemical and environmental corro-
sion and so forth. When these additional materials are taken into account,
as much as 40% of the value of the global metals and mining industry’s
output must be considered as steel-related.

 Calculated using average crude oil price and average of United States and Russian natural
gas prices.

Introduction 9
From a business perspective, a key economic issue is that iron ore has
a low value to weight ratio and is required in enormous quantities. The
management challenge is therefore as much about logistics as it is about
mining and beneficiation. Similar challenges arise with other so-called
bulk commodities such as the bulk ferroalloys, bauxite and phosphate
rock. Another feature of these bulk commodities is that quality varies
from one producer to the next, which introduces significant complica-
tions in any analysis of markets, prices and competition.

Power-intensive Industries
The next most important commodity in the industrial economy is alu-
minium. Its main uses are in the construction, transportation and
packaging sectors. A key driver of aluminium demand is its very light
weight, which makes it an ideal material for transportation equipment,
as reduction in the weight of vehicles is a key to improving fuel econ-
omy. Aluminium is now making significant inroads into the previously
dominant position of steel in the automobile industry as vehicle manu-
facturers strive to meet government-imposed fuel economy standards
without sacrificing the interior size of their vehicles or the amenities they
offer. Another strategic advantage enjoyed by aluminium is the plenti-
ful nature of bauxite, the main source of raw material. Aluminium is
the third most common element in the earth’s crust after oxygen and
silicon. While it is very energy-intensive to smelt aluminium in the first
place, once in service the material can be recycled far more easily than
any other metal with a small fraction of the energy required for its initial
From a business perspective, aluminium really involves two com-
modities, one a mineral and the other energy. The extraction of baux-
ite, aluminium’s raw material, is an example of (usually quite simple)
bulk commodity mining. However, bauxite mining represents only
5–7% of the total value of primary aluminium. Bauxite must first be
converted into alumina in a chemical process plant, at which point
the alumina represents 25–30% of the value of aluminium metal. The
alumina must then be reduced to pure aluminium in an electrolytic
smelter, which requires huge quantities of electricity. Thus, aluminium
smelters tend to be located in places where relatively cheap power is
available. The insights obtained from a study of aluminium can readily
be transferrable to other power-intensive industries such as silicon and

10 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

Hard Rock Mining
Another metal of critical importance is copper, the world’s pre-eminent
conductor material. Approximately 70% of copper ends up in wire and
cable products that facilitate the distribution and use of electricity and
support communications networks. Aluminium is an alternative con-
ductor material and is widely used in high voltage overhead transmis-
sion cables. However, copper remains the preferred material for most
electronic products and major electrical appliances, as well as for wiring
inside buildings. Without copper, the world would revert to the pre-elec-
tricity age and would not be able to support current population levels at
anything resembling today’s standard of living.
Despite periods of temporary surplus, resource scarcity is the key busi-
ness issue in the copper sector. Resource scarcity may be a reflection of the
absolute scarcity of the mineral within the earth’s crust, or it may reflect
the fact that the mineral has been mined for many centuries, and conse-
quently all the very high grade deposits have already been exhausted.
Copper is an example of the latter. Copper ores currently being extracted
grade at about 1%, compared to grades of 5–10% that may have been
mined in past centuries, and typical grades of 30–65% for iron ore, 30–50%
for bauxite and 10–30% for phosphate rock, all of which occur naturally in
much greater quantities.
This means that the key challenges in copper are related to the mining
process, which are now locating, extracting and beneficiating extremely
low-grade ores in increasingly remote locations. Economic considerations
in copper are therefore similar to those encountered in other relatively
scarce minerals such as cobalt, nickel, molybdenum and, arguably, lead
and zinc. This group of metals is sometimes known as the ‘base metals’.
The term ‘hard rock mining’ has also been used to describe the extractive
process in these sectors, and to differentiate them from bulk commodities
such as bauxite discussed above. Most of these metals are smelted and
refined to virtually pure standardised forms and many of them trade on
organised commodity exchanges.

Fertilizer Building Blocks

The final group of minerals discussed here are phosphate rock and pot-
ash, which are essential to the world’s food supply. Advances in agricul-
tural yields have made it possible to feed a global population in excess of
7 billion people. In turn, the application of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)

Introduction 11
and potash (K) fertilisers has been one of several factors that have made
this possible.
The world obtains most of its nitrogen from the essentially limitless
supply in the earth’s atmosphere. The key input is not the raw material
itself but the energy (usually in the form of natural gas) required to convert
atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, the basic building block of nitrogen
fertilisers. The P and K components of fertiliser come from mined prod-
ucts. In the absence of these fertilisers, agricultural yields would almost
certainly decline, even if natural fertilisers were a partial replacement.
Although we might be able to mitigate part of this in various ways, one
result would almost certainly be higher food prices and probably wide-
spread hunger in some countries. Another outcome might be to require
that even more land be converted for agricultural use.3
This sector raises business issues similar to those found in other
parts of the mining industry, but it also has to contend with a far more
complex set of marketing issues in an economic sector that is becom-
ing increasingly exposed to critical review from an environmental and
health perspective, while still being expected to supply cities with
extremely cheap food. Fluctuating crop prices and a bewildering array
of governmental support, taxes and regulation leave farmers exposed
to potentially unstable incomes, which obviously affect their capacity to
invest in the subsequent growing season. On top of this, the optimal fer-
tilisation is a complex function of the kind of crop planted, the soil type
and the equipment available. Effectively, the fertiliser sector presents
affordability and substitution issues in a manner that is far more intense
than for metals.
I have not drawn many examples or anecdotes from the other group
of economically significant minerals, the precious metals. By far the most
important is gold, the vast majority of which is used as an investment
product. As a result, at least 90% of all the gold ever mined is still avail-
able in above-ground stocks. There are some industrial uses of gold in the
electronics and dentistry sectors, but these require small quantities com-
pared with annual mined production. The main consumer use of gold
and other precious metals is in jewellery and other decorative objects.
Substitutes are readily available for gold’s industrial and consumer uses.
While the mining of commodities such as iron, bauxite, copper,
phosphates and potash is clearly fundamental to the living standards

 Agriculture has a far greater impact on the environment than any other industrial activity.
For example, the conversion of native forest into arable land has been identified as a key
factor in the increase of carbon emissions and the reduction of biodiversity.

12 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

of the world in which we live, the same cannot be said of gold. There
are many alternatives to luxury consumer products that contain gold.
Moreover, it is hard to make the case that mankind is achieving a great
deal by digging up gold in places such as Africa and Latin America and
then burying it in bank vaults in Dubai, London, New York or Zurich
so that it can be used as backing for investment products. Finally, gold
no longer plays any real role in the international monetary system. The
famous British economist, John Maynard Keynes, has been credited with
describing the gold standard as a ‘barbarous relic’.4 It is a sentiment with
which I concur as much today as when I first encountered the proposi-
tion at university.
However, the other precious metals do have significant industrial uses.
Over half of all silver usage is in industrial applications. More importantly,
platinum catalysts have allowed auto manufacturers greatly to reduce the
pollution emitted by vehicle exhaust systems. They are thus instrumental
in reducing the adverse environmental impact of vehicle use.

Identifying the Core Issues

While the emerging ‘Renaissance Man’ will face a wide range of issues,
I have tried to identify those issues of most importance and those with
which most mining company personnel feel least comfortable. First and
foremost is price, which is extremely volatile from one day to the next.
The trend seems to be down more often than up and engenders a sense
of helplessness. Price appears utterly outside the influence of manage-
ment, whether by producer or consumer. This uncertainty permeates
almost every action in a mining company from the nature of the dialogue
with shareholders and financial institutions at the top of the company to
borderline obsessive micromanagement of supplies in the maintenance
department of a mine.
For this reason, the first section of this book is an attempt to de-mystify
the fundamental problem of commodity price risk. Understanding why
markets produce certain prices is the starting point for forecasting prices.
This leads naturally to a discussion of what is involved in commod-
ity marketing and the role of commodity exchanges, and ultimately a
discussion of managing price risk, once it has been quantified and its
materiality has been determined. If we can then understand commodity

 Keynes, J.M. (2003). A Tract on Monetary Reform. London: Macmillan.

Introduction 13
prices and to some extent forecast them, we can at least plan in a mean-
ingful way. Mining companies can also earn marketing and trading
premiums, and in many instances at least partially manage price risk.
Improving a company’s comfort level on price will reduce the feeling of
helplessness and open the door to other initiatives for taking control of
its destiny.
The second section of this book directly addresses what I think is the
single greatest cultural obstacle to more effective management in mining,
namely that the only viable business strategy in a commodity sector is to
build or acquire low-cost operations in the first or maybe second quar-
tiles of the supply curve. This thinking stems from the cultural impact of
price uncertainty. Managers know they cannot do anything about price
but think they can do something about costs. They think getting costs
down means not only earning a higher profit margin over the cycle but,
more to the point, improving job security in a high-paying, but also high
risk, occupation. I try to correct this bias by showing how it is at odds
with modern concepts of business strategy. I discuss the basics of value-
based management that many mining companies say they have adopted.
I introduce a number of techniques developed by CRU to allow com-
panies to reorient themselves from a narrow technical focus on cost of
production to a broader focus of delivering value. I also discuss more
specific techniques such as benchmarking and out-sourcing, and the
pitfalls involved.
The third section of this book addresses mine development, the life
blood of the industry. This is where the demands on the ‘Renaissance
Man’ combine in their most intense form and where there is still major
unfinished business in the relationship between the industry and the soci-
eties and environments in which companies operate. I cover the rewards
and pitfalls of the mine development process, because we need new
mines, not simply to meet growth in demand for commodities but also to
replace mines that have depleted their resource base. The capital invest-
ments involved are very large, the decision-making process is complex
and extended over long periods of time, and exposure to risk is typically
at its most acute at this point. Moreover, this is where the industry has its
most immediate impact on the environmental, social, and political health
of the societies that provide these resources for the benefit of the rest of
the world.
This book is not intended to supply answers. It is intended to improve
the reader’s comfort level with the three most important topics in mining –
dealing with commodity price risk, maintaining a competitive position
and effectively managing the mine development process. If readers come

14 Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry

away with the notion that there are often more dimensions to a prob-
lem than meets the eye and that most of them require a multidisciplinary
approach for their solution, I will have at least made some small contribu-
tion to improving the quality of business decisions. If I stimulate even one
person to decide that he is going to become a ‘Renaissance Man’ and lead
a mining company from this perspective, the time I have spent writing
this book will have been justified.

Introduction 15

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