Revision For Mid-Second Term - Grade 12: Find The Word Which Has A Different Sound in The Part Underlined

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Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. endangered B. exterminate C. extinct D. extinguish
2. A. campaign B. horn C. rhino D. extinct
3. A. faraway B. activate C. navigation D. malfunction
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. preservation B. conservation C. environment D. biological
5. A. futurist B. malfunction C. consequence D. activate
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences below.
6. The saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than……….
A. habitual loss B. habitat loss C. habitation loss D. loss of life
7. Saving…… species from becoming extinct is crucial for our health and the future of our children
A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangering D. endangered
8. We need to make sure that robots that might work in factories and homes are clever enough not to…………
kill or harm humans.
A. deliberately B. accidentally C. reluctantly D. responsibly
9. Loss of habitat and increased commercial hunt………. the number of chimpanzees from 2 million to 300.000
A. reduced B. lessened C. weakened D. limited
10. Illegal hunting in Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, puts African elephants……..… of extinction.
A. in the verge B. on the verge C. on brink D. in brink
11. People should be told about the things that threaten the safety of……..… so that they can avoid doing them.
A. the wild B. wildness C. wild life D. wildlife
12. By the year 2050, many people currently employed…………………..their jobs.
A. have lost B. will be losing C. will have lost D. will be lost
13. By the time you finish cooking, they………. their homework.
A. will have done B. are doing C. have been doing D. have done
14. The older you are, …. …….
A. the more you may become worried B. the more worried you may become
C. the more worry you may become D. you may become more worried
15. The more he talked,…………………………
A. the less understanding I was B. the less I understood
C. the less I understanding D. the less understanding it was
16. Artificial Intelligence (AI)………. to the “intelligence” of machinery.
A. talk B. adds C. mentions D. refers
17. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was originally…..... by John McCarthy at a conference in which he……. it
as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”.
A. formed/ defined B. formed/ explained C. shaped/ explained D. shaped/ defined
18. ……. human beings, intelligent machines can work without any brakes.
A. As B. Like C. Unlike D. By
19. Robots can act as 24/7 ……... to children with disabilities or the elderly.
A. equipment B. devices C. aids D. contribution
20. There is no doubt that the technology of artificial intelligence in the wrong……. can cause mass destruction.
A. persons B. controls C. fingers D. hands
21. The saola is also indirectly by insufficient……….to and investment in its conservation.
A. interest B. attention C. care D. treatment
22. Although it’s fine for figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking to raise………….. about the dangers of
artificial intelligence, the majority of computer scientist agree that these problems are far away.
A. existence B. problem C. awareness D. idea
23. We rarely have our luggage….. by porters.
A. carried B. carry C. to carry D. been carried
24. The man ……………his new smartphone stolen on the train last week.
A. got B. made C. let D. caused
25. I will have my car…… by the end of the day.
A. to repair B. repair C. repaired D. repairing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
26. Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety
27. We’ll see how important the conservation of endangered animals is if we put ourselves in their shoes.
A. are in their shoes B. are on their backs C. are in their situations D. live in their habitat
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
28. I’m interested in A.I because I love working with with automated devices and robots.
A. worried B. unconcerned C. unhappy D. bored
29. He believes that future technology might be able to resurrect his deceased father.
A. alive B. dead C. adoptive D. poor
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
30. Why (she/finish) the cleaning by six?
A. Why does she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
B. Why will she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
C. Why will she have finished the cleaning of the kennel by six?
D. Why did she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
31. Small dolphins eat small prey while the large dolphins eat bigger prey.
A. The larger dolphins are, the more prey they eat.
B. The larger dolphins, the bigger prey.
C. The larger are dolphins, the bigger is prey.
D. The larger the dolphins, the bigger their prey.
32. The manager wanted the workers to move the machine to a new station.
A. The manager got the workers moved the machine to a new station.
B. The manager had the workers to move the machine to a new station.
C. The manager forced the workers to moving the machine to a new station.
D. The manager got the machine moved to a new station by the workers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
33. I’d like to have framed this certificate so I can hang it up.
A. I’d like B. framed this certificate C. can D. hang it up
34. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.
A. Despite of B. still C. prefer D. to travel
35. Sperm whale populations are at risk due to illegal hunting, polluting and accidental entrapment
A. populations B. due to C. polluting D. accidental
Read the passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to the questions from 36 to 40
The Grand Challenge Competition
Earlier this month, an unusual race was held in the Mojave Desert of southern California. Thirteen scientific
teams competed to see whose unmanned land vehicle could travel more than 225 kilometers. The winner would
receive one million dollars.
The United States government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency organized the race known as the
Grand Challenge competition. It offered the prize to the team that could successfully move an unmanned
vehicle across the desert in less than ten hours. The purpose of the race is to increase research into driverless
technology. The Department of Defense says the use of driverless vehicles will change how wars are fought and
reduce the number of people killed.
The race is considered the first of its kind because the vehicles were required to find their own way to the finish
line. Team members were not permitted to intervene after the vehicles began to move. The vehicles had radar
and laser sensors, Global Positioning System receivers and computers.
Thirteen vehicles started the race, but none finished. Many crashed or stopped just after the start. For example,
the vehicle from Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg had its brakes fail in the starting area. The vehicle
from the only high school team in the competition stopped after hitting a wall. The vehicle that traveled the
farthest was built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It traveled more than
eleven kilometers before it got caught at the edge of the road and its tires started to burn.
Government officials praised the vehicles even though none finished the race. They promised to hold the same
competition again and again until a team wins the one million dollar prize. The next race will probably be held
next year. Until then, the government plans to talk with some of the competing teams to find out how they built
their vehicles. And they may pay some of the teams for sharing the technology they have already developed.
36. Why was the race organized?
A. Because these robots will probably replace soldiers in the future
B. Because the US government wanted to organize a new game
C. Because the government wanted to improve the toys for American children
D. Because the US government wanted to test driverless technology
37. What would best replace the word “unmanned” in paragraph 1?
A. manmade B. driverless C. unmanly D. hollow
38. What was the best team?
A. Carnegie Mellon University B. Virginia Tech University
C. New York High School D. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
39. What were the rules?
A. You could help your robot to find his way B. The robot had to find his way without your help
C. You could help the robot twice D. You could help in case your robot crashed
40. All of the followings are true EXCEPT……………
A. The race took place in a desert. B. None of the thirteen participating vehicles finished the race
C. The vehicle from Carnegie Mellon University was the best because it travelled the farthest
D. One million dollar prize was given to the team from Carnegie Mellon University
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 45.
In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be (41) __________extinction, the World Wild Fund for Nature and the
Indian Government agreed to set up 'Operation Tiger', a campaign to save this threatened creature. They started
by creating nine special parks where tigers could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region which
was quickly turning into a desert because too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people's cattle. At
the time there were just 14 tigers left there. The government had to (42) __________twelve small villages,
which meant moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land could be handed back to nature.

Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall enough for tigers to hide in, and there are now at
least 40 of them in the park, wandering freely (43) __________. Other animals have also (44) __________. For
example, there are many more deer and monkeys than before. The people who were moved are now living in
better condition. They live in new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water
(45)__________. There are now 16 such tiger parks in India and the animal's future looks a little safer.
41. A. facing B. coping C. heading D. suffering
42. A. clean B. sweep C. push D. clear
43. A. around B. about C. within D. over
44. A. profited B. taken chances C. advantaged D. benefited
45. A. sources B. resources C. containers D. supplies
Read the passage and mark the correct answer A, B, C or D to the questions from 46 to 50.
Endangered species
No animal species can survival indefinitely on the Earth. Centuries ago, species went extinct from
natural causes, for example, they were unable to adapt to bad weather and other difficult conditions. However,
animals are now dying out faster than ever because of human activity. It is estimated that, until the 18 th century,
one species disappeared from the Earth every four years. By the 19 th century, this had increased to one species
per year. By1975, it was 1000 species per year, and today animals are disappearing at the alarming rate of more
than 40000 species per year.
There are many factors that can cause an animal or plant species to become endangered, and one big one
is the destruction of their habitats. Deforestation and soil, air, and water pollution are usually the main culprits.
For example, the population of critically Sumatran orangutans is now less than 10000 on their home island of
Sumatra, Indonesia, due to deforestation and farming.
Another cause of endangerment is from humans exploiting wild animals. Uncontrolled hunting of
whales in the last century, for example, resulted in many whale species becoming critically endangered. The
high demands for animal parts stems from their use in foods or medicines or their values as decorative objects.
For example, the ivory tusks of elephants are used to make jewelry, and the price is high enough that people risk
being arrested and jailed to go after these animals.
Introducing a non-native species to an environment by humans, either intentionally or by accident can
also cause species endangerment. In Florida, large pet snake such as the anaconda and the python have been
released into the large Everglades swamp. The snakes have thrived in their new environment, and now compete
with and may soon overwhelm the swamp’s alligators.
Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) try to raise awareness of threatened animals and plants. These organizations collaborate with
government agencies to save threatened or endangered species and to make new laws that will protect them. But
to really protect plant and animal species now and in the future, the public needs to be educated on the value of
keeping these species alive.
46. According to the passage, what happened between the 18th century and now?
A. The amount of human activity increased
B. Animals were less able to adapt to the weather
C. More animals started dying from natural causes
D. The weather conditions became more disadvantageous to animals
47. Why have many whale species become endangered?
A. Their habitat is being destroyed
B. The high demand for decorative objects and jewelry
C. They have been hunted in great numbers
D. A non-native species has been introduced to their environment
48. Which is NOT mentioned as a cause of species endangerment?
A. introduction of non-native species B. spread of diseases
C. unrestricted hunting D. habitat destruction
49. Which animal is native to the Everglades swamp?
A. anaconda B. pythons C. large snakes D. alligators
50. What is the main idea of the final paragraph?
A. Governments and organizations must work together to be effective
B. The most important thing is to raise awareness and educate people
C. Laws are needed to protect these endangered species
D. The public should know the value of animal parts in foods, medicines, and decoration

---- END OF THE TEST ----

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. endangered B. exterminate C. extinct D. extinguish
2. A. campaign B. horn C. rhino D. extinct
3. A. faraway B. activate C. navigation D. malfunction
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. preservation B. conservation C. environment D. biological
5. A. futurist B. malfunction C. consequence D. activate
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences below.
6. The saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than……….
A. habitual loss B. habitat loss C. habitation loss D. loss of life
7. Saving…… species from becoming extinct is crucial for our health and the future of our children
A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangering D. endangered
8. We need to make sure that robots that might work in factories and homes are clever enough not to…………
kill or harm humans.
A. deliberately B. accidentally C. reluctantly D. responsibly
9. Loss of habitat and increased commercial hunt………. the number of chimpanzees from 2 million to 300.000
A. reduced B. lessened C. weakened D. limited
10. Illegal hunting in Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, puts African elephants……..… of extinction.
A. in the verge B. on the verge C. on brink D. in brink
11. People should be told about the things that threaten the safety of……..… so that they can avoid doing them.
A. the wild B. wildness C. wild life D. wildlife
12. By the year 2050, many people currently employed…………………..their jobs.
A. have lost B. will be losing C. will have lost D. will be lost
13. By the time you finish cooking, they………. their homework.
A. will have done B. are doing C. have been doing D. have done
14. The older you are, …. …….
A. the more you may become worried B. the more worried you may become
C. the more worry you may become D. you may become more worried
15. The more he talked,…………………………
A. the less understanding I was B. the less I understood
C. the less I understanding D. the less understanding it was
16. Artificial Intelligence (AI)………. to the “intelligence” of machinery.
A. talk B. adds C. mentions D. refers
17. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was originally…..... by John McCarthy at a conference in which he……. it
as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”.
A. formed/ defined B. formed/ explained C. shaped/ explained D. shaped/ defined
18. ……. human beings, intelligent machines can work without any brakes.
A. As B. Like C. Unlike D. By
19. Robots can act as 24/7 ……... to children with disabilities or the elderly.
A. equipment B. devices C. aids D. contribution
20. There is no doubt that the technology of artificial intelligence in the wrong……. can cause mass destruction.
A. persons B. controls C. fingers D. hands
21. The saola is also indirectly by insufficient……….to and investment in its conservation.
A. interest B. attention C. care D. treatment
22. Although it’s fine for figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking to raise………….. about the dangers of
artificial intelligence, the majority of computer scientist agree that these problems are far away.
A. existence B. problem C. awareness D. idea
23. We rarely have our luggage….. by porters.
A. carried B. carry C. to carry D. been carried
24. The man ……………his new smartphone stolen on the train last week.
A. got B. made C. let D. caused
25. I will have my car…… by the end of the day.
A. to repair B. repair C. repaired D. repairing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
28. Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety
29. We’ll see how important the conservation of endangered animals is if we put ourselves in their shoes.
A. are in their shoes B. are on their backs C. are in their situations D. live in their habitat
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
28. I’m interested in A.I because I love working with with automated devices and robots.
A. worried B. unconcerned C. unhappy D. bored
29. He believes that future technology might be able to resurrect his deceased father.
A. alive B. dead C. adoptive D. poor
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
30. Why (she/finish) the cleaning by six?
A. Why does she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
B. Why will she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
C. Why will she have finished the cleaning of the kennel by six?
D. Why did she finish the cleaning of the kennel by six?
31. Small dolphins eat small prey while the large dolphins eat bigger prey.
A. The larger dolphins are, the more prey they eat.
B. The larger dolphins, the bigger prey.
C. The larger are dolphins, the bigger is prey.
D. The larger the dolphins, the bigger their prey.
32. The manager wanted the workers to move the machine to a new station.
A. The manager got the workers moved the machine to a new station.
B. The manager had the workers to move the machine to a new station.
C. The manager forced the workers to moving the machine to a new station.
D. The manager got the machine moved to a new station by the workers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
33. I’d like to have framed this certificate so I can hang it up.
A. I’d like B. framed this certificate C. can D. hang it up
34. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.
A. Despite of B. still C. prefer D. to travel
35. Sperm whale populations are at risk due to illegal hunting, polluting and accidental entrapment
A. populations B. due to C. polluting D. accidental
Read the passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to the questions from 36 to 40
The Grand Challenge Competition
Earlier this month, an unusual race was held in the Mojave Desert of southern California. Thirteen scientific
teams competed to see whose unmanned land vehicle could travel more than 225 kilometers. The winner would
receive one million dollars.
The United States government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency organized the race known as the
Grand Challenge competition. It offered the prize to the team that could successfully move an unmanned
vehicle across the desert in less than ten hours. The purpose of the race is to increase research into driverless
technology. The Department of Defense says the use of driverless vehicles will change how wars are fought and
reduce the number of people killed.
The race is considered the first of its kind because the vehicles were required to find their own way to the finish
line. Team members were not permitted to intervene after the vehicles began to move. The vehicles had radar
and laser sensors, Global Positioning System receivers and computers.
Thirteen vehicles started the race, but none finished. Many crashed or stopped just after the start. For example,
the vehicle from Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg had its brakes fail in the starting area. The vehicle
from the only high school team in the competition stopped after hitting a wall. The vehicle that traveled the
farthest was built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It traveled more than
eleven kilometers before it got caught at the edge of the road and its tires started to burn.
Government officials praised the vehicles even though none finished the race. They promised to hold the same
competition again and again until a team wins the one million dollar prize. The next race will probably be held
next year. Until then, the government plans to talk with some of the competing teams to find out how they built
their vehicles. And they may pay some of the teams for sharing the technology they have already developed.
36. Why was the race organized?
A. Because these robots will probably replace soldiers in the future
B. Because the US government wanted to organize a new game
C. Because the government wanted to improve the toys for American children
D. Because the US government wanted to test driverless technology
37. What would best replace the word “unmanned” in paragraph 1?
A. manmade B. driverless C. unmanly D. hollow
38. What was the best team?
A. Carnegie Mellon University B. Virginia Tech University
C. New York High School D. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
39. What were the rules?
A. You could help your robot to find his way B. The robot had to find his way without your help
C. You could help the robot twice D. You could help in case your robot crashed
40. All of the followings are true EXCEPT……………
A. The race took place in a desert. B. None of the thirteen participating vehicles finished the race
C. The vehicle from Carnegie Mellon University was the best because it travelled the farthest
D. One million dollar prize was given to the team from Carnegie Mellon University
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 45.
In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be (41) __________extinction, the World Wild Fund for Nature and the
Indian Government agreed to set up 'Operation Tiger', a campaign to save this threatened creature. They started
by creating nine special parks where tigers could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region which
was quickly turning into a desert because too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people's cattle. At
the time there were just 14 tigers left there. The government had to (42) __________twelve small villages,
which meant moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land could be handed back to nature.

Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall enough for tigers to hide in, and there are now at
least 40 of them in the park, wandering freely (43) __________. Other animals have also (44) __________. For
example, there are many more deer and monkeys than before. The people who were moved are now living in
better condition. They live in new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water
(45)__________. There are now 16 such tiger parks in India and the animal's future looks a little safer.
41. A. facing B. coping C. heading D. suffering
42. A. clean B. sweep C. push D. clear
43. A. around B. about C. within D. over
44. A. profited B. taken chances C. advantaged D. benefited
45. A. sources B. resources C. containers D. supplies
Read the passage and mark the correct answer A, B, C or D to the questions from 46 to 50.
Endangered species
No animal species can survival indefinitely on the Earth. Centuries ago, species went extinct from
natural causes, for example, they were unable to adapt to bad weather and other difficult conditions. However,
animals are now dying out faster than ever because of human activity. It is estimated that, until the 18 th century,
one species disappeared from the Earth every four years. By the 19 th century, this had increased to one species
per year. By1975, it was 1000 species per year, and today animals are disappearing at the alarming rate of more
than 40000 species per year.
There are many factors that can cause an animal or plant species to become endangered, and one big one
is the destruction of their habitats. Deforestation and soil, air, and water pollution are usually the main culprits.
For example, the population of critically Sumatran orangutans is now less than 10000 on their home island of
Sumatra, Indonesia, due to deforestation and farming.
Another cause of endangerment is from humans exploiting wild animals. Uncontrolled hunting of
whales in the last century, for example, resulted in many whale species becoming critically endangered. The
high demands for animal parts stems from their use in foods or medicines or their values as decorative objects.
For example, the ivory tusks of elephants are used to make jewelry, and the price is high enough that people risk
being arrested and jailed to go after these animals.
Introducing a non-native species to an environment by humans, either intentionally or by accident can
also cause species endangerment. In Florida, large pet snake such as the anaconda and the python have been
released into the large Everglades swamp. The snakes have thrived in their new environment, and now compete
with and may soon overwhelm the swamp’s alligators.
Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) try to raise awareness of threatened animals and plants. These organizations collaborate with
government agencies to save threatened or endangered species and to make new laws that will protect them. But
to really protect plant and animal species now and in the future, the public needs to be educated on the value of
keeping these species alive.
46. According to the passage, what happened between the 18th century and now?
A. The amount of human activity increased
B. Animals were less able to adapt to the weather
C. More animals started dying from natural causes
D. The weather conditions became more disadvantageous to animals
47. Why have many whale species become endangered?
A. Their habitat is being destroyed
B. The high demand for decorative objects and jewelry
C. They have been hunted in great numbers
D. A non-native species has been introduced to their environment
48. Which is NOT mentioned as a cause of species endangerment?
A. introduction of non-native species B. spread of diseases
C. unrestricted hunting D. habitat destruction
49. Which animal is native to the Everglades swamp?
A. anaconda B. pythons C. large snakes D. alligators
50. What is the main idea of the final paragraph?
A. Governments and organizations must work together to be effective
B. The most important thing is to raise awareness and educate people
C. Laws are needed to protect these endangered species
D. The public should know the value of animal parts in foods, medicines, and decoration

---- END OF THE TEST ----

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