Prog IDS

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If you select one Design Support, you can change the Name and the BOM Description by hand.
If you select more than one (e.g. two Design Supports), you can change the Name of both in
one step, but the BOM Description is not available anymore.


Smart3D V2011 R1


A Custom Command is now available to solve this issue. The ProgID is:


This command is used to change the BOM Description of multiple selected Design Supports in
one step.

Customer needs to do interference check, but the IFC rules are not working correctly.




On the Catalog, the progID was not up to date to this version. First this was updated and
then the Bulkload rule was reloaded. After this, an update was made on the MDB with the
following query:

update ITFCHKIfcSettings
set PostPPRuleVersion = 'InterferenceRules.CodelessIFC'

Then, after closing and opening Project Management again, Interference Checking worked

without any problems.


ProgID was not updated, so bulkload of the Catalog Rule was not successful.

Operator is not displayed when Gate valve is placed. The operator type is operator3.


Not Version Specific


1.Set the filter parts and select the valve with missing operator and run the custom command
with progID ‘SymbolTestCmds.MarkFlavorAndOccsForUpdt’. This custom command will
invalidate the flavor of the selected part and place all the parts that share this flavor on the TDL

2.Change the filter to features and select feature associated to the above valve and run the
update object command (ProgID:

3.Go to the Tools->Utilities and select the “Synchronize workspace with catalog” command
and perform the sync work space. The Sync should be performed in the same workspace. Do
not close the session file and run the sync from Project management.


Fast Delete From Automation Toolkit


The customer would like to know if there is any existing custom command or tool that can help
speed up the deletion of a large number of objects.


2014 R1 and higher


The Automation Toolkit contains a command – Delete Multiple Systems (ProgID:

SP3DAutomation.MiscCmds01;DeleteOneByOne - no button for obvious reasons)

In the Tools -> "Edit Custom Command" dialog box, add the following Progid and Argument:
Command Progid: SP3DAutomation.MiscCmds01
Argument: DeleteOneByOne

This command is useful when deleting systems which contain lots of nested objects. The normal
delete command tries to delete objects in one transaction, which can take long time and
possibly run out of memory. This command deletes the selected systems/runs in a scalable
one-by-one fashion (bottom-to-top approach in system hierarchy), effectively deleting systems
one by one. The user should follow the workflow below.

• Start with a workspace definition using a filter which only includes System tab objects.
• Select the system(s) you want to delete in the workspace explorer, right click and do select
nested. (Without this it works just like normal delete command.)
• Start the command. It brings up a form which shows how many Systems / Runs are selected.
• Click Delete Selected Systems - The command reports about any objects it skipped (due to
permissions / non-working status, etc.)
• Click Close to close the form.

CAUTION: DO NOT configure this command as a Custom Super Short Cut. This command is
useful in very rare circumstances, and most of those are one time use cases to clean up the
system hierarchy.


 Adding the Correlated PID Document Name in SPR


A customer would like to see the correlated P&ID value (number) listed as part of the
displayable attributes in the SPR session when using the SPRDirect workflow.


The following is the COM query for the .QUE file to bring the P&ID Document Name for piping
parts which are correlated with the P&ID.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<REPORT_QUERY Name="Piping Isometric PID Name" Description="Piping Isometric
PID Name" RequiresFilter="No">
<DESIGN_TIME Progid="SP3DReportsQueryBuilder.COMQuery" Action="" Arg="" />

<RUN_TIME Progid="SP3DRuntimeQuery.CQueryInterpreter" Action="" Arg="" />

<PATH SourceType="*" DestinationInterface="IJNamedItem"
<STROKE Filter="First" Interface="IJRtePathGenPart" ExitCondition="" ExitValue=""
RelationCollection="Owner" Recursive="No" IsVirtualRelationship="No" />

<STROKE Filter="First" Interface="IJEFWCorrelatedObject" ExitCondition=""

ExitValue="" RelationCollection="DesignBasis" Recursive="No"
IsVirtualRelationship="No" />

<STROKE Filter="First" Interface="IDrawingItem" ExitCondition="" ExitValue=""

RelationCollection="Representations on Drawings" Recursive="No"
IsVirtualRelationship="No" />

<STROKE Filter="First" Interface="IDrawingRepresentation" ExitCondition=""

ExitValue="" RelationCollection="Drawing" Recursive="No"
IsVirtualRelationship="No" />
 Creating Pipe Segment Length Report


In PDS we have the option to create a Segment Length Report and the user is requesting a similar report
in Smart 3D


In Smart 3D we refer to the segment as PathLeg and we have a property "Length" on the IJRtePathLeg
interface which will give the length of the PathLeg (segment). Below is the sample rqe file information:

<REPORT_QUERY Name="Q1" Description="Example of query based on a filter" RequiresFilter="Yes">

<DESIGN_TIME Progid="SP3DReportsQueryBuilder.SFBQuery" Action="" Arg="" />

<RUN_TIME Progid="SP3DRuntimeQuery.CQueryInterpreter" Action="" Arg="" />

<FILTER FilterName="Catalog Filters\Default Filters\SP3D Object Filters\Object Types\Piping\Piping

Parts" RequiresBinding="Yes" AllowRuntimeSelection="Yes" />


<RETURNED_PROPERTY Name="Length" SQLType="Double">


<PATH SourceType="IJRtePipePart" SourceBOC="" DestinationInterface="IJRtePathLeg"

DestinationProperty="Length" DestinationBOC="" Concatenate="No" PathSeparator="\">


<STROKE Interface="IJRtePathGenPart" RelationCollection="DefiningFeature" Recursive="No"

Filter="First" IsVirtualRelationship="No" ExitValue="1" />

<STROKE Interface="IJRtePathFeat" RelationCollection="theIJRtePathLeg" Recursive="No" Filter="First"

IsVirtualRelationship="No" ExitValue="1" />






<PATH SourceType="IJRtePipePart" SourceBOC="" DestinationInterface="IJNamedItem"
DestinationProperty="Name" DestinationBOC="PipelineSystems" Concatenate="No"


<STROKE Interface="IJRtePathGenPart" RelationCollection="Owner" Recursive="No" Filter="First"

IsVirtualRelationship="No" ExitValue="1" />

<STROKE Interface="IJSystemChild" RelationCollection="SystemParent" Recursive="No" Filter="First"

IsVirtualRelationship="No" ExitValue="1" />




 Custom Command to Get OID from UID


Custom command to get the Smart 3D object OID from the SmartPlant Foundation UID.


Smart 3D - All Versions


The published XML document of S3D contains S3D objects data which are identified by SmartPlant
Foundation unique identifiers called "UIDs".

Customers can use the custom command ProgId: SP3DDebugCommands.CEFUIDtoSP3DID to find the
corresponding object identified (OID) in S3D.


Two Different Flow Directions On Same Run
Two Different Flow Directions On Same Run
Some Pipe Runs show two different flow directions on the run and changing the flow direction
reverses both the directions.

Not Version Specific

When the Flow direction on the Pipe Run is not shown correctly, we can correct it by running the
Validate Flow Direction Custom Command by selecting that particular Pipe Run. Below is the ProgID
of the custom command.

Custom Command: ValidateFlowDirCmd.ValidateFlowDir

In the opened window you have to select "Validate" first. After some time a select List with Runs
having such an issue will be shown. Then you can select the Runs and Fix it. It could happen when
you start two runs with different flow directions. Then you want to merge these two runs to one run
by selecting the Features of one Run and assign them to the other existing run.



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