Account Statement
Account Statement
Account Statement
of Issue: 01-Jul-2022
Account Title: BILAL AHMAD
Account Number: 03064292922
Account Type: L1
Statement Period: 01st July, 2022 - 18th August, 2022
05-Jul-2022 034711833149 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 175.00 181.50
16:09:50 ********0015
05-Jul-2022 034712742197 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 1,000.00 1,181.50
16:37:20 ********0015
06-Jul-2022 034739863985 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 170.00 0.00 1,011.50
10:53:17 Customer Customer -
08-Jul-2022 034843613769 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 5,000.00 0.00 1,011.50
19:35:16 Customer Customer -
09-Jul-2022 034855063941 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 915.00 1,926.50
04:49:49 ********0015
11-Jul-2022 034928601847 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 1,926.00 0.00 0.50
15:38:14 Customer Customer -
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11-Jul-2022 034928854193 Get Loan THIRD_PARTY_WEB Get Loan - 0.00 100.00 100.50
15:50:45 ********0026
11-Jul-2022 034931268314 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 26.00 26.50
17:45:51 ********0015
15-Jul-2022 035056662093 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 5,000.00 5,026.50
16:27:42 ********0015
This is an electronic statement.
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Mobilink Microfinance Bank will not be Liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this file nor for any delay in its receipt or
damage to your system. Mobilink Microfinance Bank does not guarantee that the integrity of this file has been maintained nor that this communication is free of
viruses, interceptions or interferences.
19-Jul-2022 035221261105 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 8,025.00 0.00 1.50
20:29:54 Customer Customer -
19-Jul-2022 035221261105 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 8,025.00 0.00 1.50
20:29:54 Customer Customer -
19-Jul-2022 035222753656 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 25.00 26.50
20:55:24 ********0015
19-Jul-2022 035222753656 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 25.00 26.50
20:55:24 ********0015
22-Jul-2022 035320997191 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 2,500.00 2,526.50
10:20:47 ********0015
25-Jul-2022 035453712434 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 2,526.00 0.00 0.50
19:07:41 Customer Customer -
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Mobilink Microfinance Bank will not be Liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this file nor for any delay in its receipt or
damage to your system. Mobilink Microfinance Bank does not guarantee that the integrity of this file has been maintained nor that this communication is free of
viruses, interceptions or interferences.
27-Jul-2022 035528641090 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 5,000.00 0.00 0.50
17:28:02 Customer Customer -
01-Aug- 035740359953 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 150.00 150.50
2022 ********0015
01-Aug- 035740508042 Utility Bills NEW_JC_APP Customer makes a 115.00 0.00 35.50
2022 Payment bill payment to
21:46:17 NADRA or
05-Aug- 035910794872 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 2,000.00 0.00 35.50
2022 Customer Customer -
21:03:23 ********0015
09-Aug- 036035514040 IBFT Credit ATM IBFT Credit - 0.00 4,920.00 4,955.50
2022 ********0015
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damage to your system. Mobilink Microfinance Bank does not guarantee that the integrity of this file has been maintained nor that this communication is free of
viruses, interceptions or interferences.
09-Aug- 036036875045 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 4,995.00 0.00 0.50
2022 Customer Customer -
16:55:38 ********0015
15-Aug- 036295977792 IBFT Outgoing NEW_JC_APP IBFT Outgoing 7,000.00 0.00 63.50
2022 Customer Customer -
21:43:31 ********0015
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