STS - (3000K, 6000K) - H1 Smart Transformer Station User Manual

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer


User Manual

Issue 03
Date 2021-01-19


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Trademarks and Permissions

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The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and
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within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements,
information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees
or representations of any kind, either express or implied.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Address: Huawei Industrial Base
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Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the appearance, transportation, storage, man-machine
interaction, and maintenance of the STS-3000K-H1 and STS-6000K-H1 smart
transformer stations (STSs). Before installing and operating an STS, read through
this document to get familiar with the features, functions, and safety precautions.

Figures used in this document are for reference only.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for photovoltaic (PV) plant operators and qualified

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Remarks

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk

which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk

which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk

which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance
deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related
to personal injury.

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual About This Document

Symbol Remarks

Supplements the important information in the

main text.
NOTE is used to address information not
related to personal injury, equipment damage,
and environment deterioration.

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue
contains all the changes made in earlier issues.

Issue 03 (2021-01-19)
Updated 2.4.4 MV Room.

Updated 2.5.2 STS-6000K-H1 Application Scenario.

Updated 5.1 Insulation Test.

Updated 8 Technical Specifications.

Issue 02 (2020-10-30)
Updated 2.2 Appearance.

Updated 2.4 Components.

Updated 2.5 Configuration Scenario.

Updated 4.2 Interlock Commissioning.

Updated 5.2.1 Setting the Set Value of the Measurement and Control Device.

Updated 7.2 Shutdown and Power-Off.

Added 7.7.15 Replacing the Ring Main Unit.

Added 7.7.16 Replacing a Transformer.

Updated 8 Technical Specifications.

Updated B How Do I Use the Emergency Stop Button (optional)?.

Issue 01 (2019-11-15)
This issue is used for first office application (FOA).

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual Contents


About This Document................................................................................................................ ii

1 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................1
1.1 General Safety.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Operator Qualifications.........................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Electrical Safety........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Site Requirements................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Mechanical Safety................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Commissioning......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Maintenance and Replacement..........................................................................................................................................7

2 Products..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Appearance................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Label Description.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Components............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.1 STS.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.2 LV Room................................................................................................................................................................................12 STS-3000K-H1 Single-sided Cabinet........................................................................................................................ 12 STS-3000K-H1 Double-sided Cabinet......................................................................................................................14 STS-6000K-H1 Single-sided Cabinet........................................................................................................................ 14 STS-6000K-H1 Double-sided Cabinet......................................................................................................................16
2.4.3 Transformer Room............................................................................................................................................................ 16 STS-6000K-H1................................................................................................................................................................. 16 STS-3000K-H1................................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.4.4 MV Room............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 DQS-24 (CVC)................................................................................................................................................................. 20 DQS-24 (DVC)................................................................................................................................................................. 21 DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (CVC).................................................................................................................................... 22 DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (DVC).................................................................................................................................... 23 CGM.3 (CVC)................................................................................................................................................................... 24 CGM.3 (DVC)................................................................................................................................................................... 25 8DJH24 (CCV)..................................................................................................................................................................26 8DJH36 (CCV)..................................................................................................................................................................27

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual Contents 8DJH24 (DCV)................................................................................................................................................................. 28 8DJH36 (DCV)............................................................................................................................................................... 29 8DJH38 (DCV)............................................................................................................................................................... 30
2.5 Configuration Scenario....................................................................................................................................................... 31
2.5.1 STS-3000K-H1 Application Scenario........................................................................................................................... 32
2.5.2 STS-6000K-H1 Application Scenario........................................................................................................................... 33

3 Transportation and Storage................................................................................................ 35

4 STS Cold Commissioning..................................................................................................... 37
4.1 Check Before Power-On...................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Interlock Commissioning.................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.2.1 Interlocking of an STS...................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.2.2 Interlocking Between STSs............................................................................................................................................. 44

5 STS Hot Commissioning....................................................................................................... 47

5.1 Insulation Test........................................................................................................................................................................ 47
5.1.1 Insulation Test on the Transformer MV Side and the Ring Main Unit............................................................47
5.1.2 Insulation Test on the Transformer LV Side..............................................................................................................48
5.1.3 Insulation Test on LV Bus................................................................................................................................................ 50
5.1.4 Insulation Test on the Auxiliary Loop......................................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Man-Machine Interaction.................................................................................................................................................. 52
5.2.1 Setting the Set Value of the Measurement and Control Device....................................................................... 52
5.2.2 Viewing Running Information....................................................................................................................................... 55
5.2.3 Remote Control.................................................................................................................................................................. 55

6 Power-On Commissioning................................................................................................... 62
6.1 Setting the STS Status Before Power-On...................................................................................................................... 62
6.2 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and MV Cables (CVC).................................................................................. 63
6.2.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the Ring Main Unit.................................................................63
6.2.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the Incoming Cable and Outgoing Cable Cabinets
of the Ring Main Unit................................................................................................................................................................. 65
6.2.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and Its Cables.............................................................................................. 65
6.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and MV Cables (DVC)..................................................................................66
6.3.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the Ring Main Unit.................................................................66
6.3.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the Incoming Cable and Outgoing Cable Cabinets
of the Ring Main Unit................................................................................................................................................................. 67
6.3.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and Its Cables.............................................................................................. 68
6.4 Impulse Test on the Transformer (Without a UPS)...................................................................................................69
6.4.1 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1............................................................................................................... 69
6.4.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2............................................................................................................... 70
6.4.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 3............................................................................................................... 70
6.5 Impulse Test on the Transformer (with a UPS).......................................................................................................... 70
6.5.1 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop......................................................................................................................70
6.5.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1............................................................................................................... 71

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual Contents

6.5.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2 and Site 3.......................................................................................... 72

6.6 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop......................................................................................................................... 72
6.7 Supplying Power to the LV Loop..................................................................................................................................... 75
6.8 STS Running Without Loads..............................................................................................................................................76
6.9 STS Running with Loads..................................................................................................................................................... 76

7 System Maintenance............................................................................................................ 78
7.1 Safety Precautions................................................................................................................................................................ 78
7.2 Shutdown and Power-Off.................................................................................................................................................. 78
7.2.1 Powering Off the Transformer for Overhaul (Upper Isolation Structure of the Ring Main Unit, CGM)
............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 80
7.2.2 Powering Off the Transformer for Overhaul (Lower Isolation Structure of the Ring Main Unit, DQS
and 8DJH)....................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
7.2.3 Powering Off the Ring Main Unit for Overhaul..................................................................................................... 83
7.3 Overhauling Cables Between STSs (CVC).................................................................................................................... 84
7.4 Overhauling Cables Between STSs (DVC).................................................................................................................... 85
7.5 Routine Maintenance.......................................................................................................................................................... 86
7.6 Common Faults Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................... 91
7.7 Component Replacement...................................................................................................................................................99
7.7.1 Replacing a UPS................................................................................................................................................................. 99
7.7.2 Replacing the Lightning Arrester............................................................................................................................... 101
7.7.3 Replacing the Measurement and Control Device................................................................................................ 103
7.7.4 Replacing the ACB.......................................................................................................................................................... 104
7.7.5 Replacing the SPD...........................................................................................................................................................105
7.7.6 Replacing the MCCB.......................................................................................................................................................106
7.7.7 Replacing the Oil Surface Temperature Controller............................................................................................. 109
7.7.8 Replacing a Heat Exchanger....................................................................................................................................... 110
7.7.9 Replacing the Power Meter......................................................................................................................................... 111
7.7.10 Replacing the Temperature and Humidity Controller...................................................................................... 111
7.7.11 Replacing the MCB....................................................................................................................................................... 112
7.7.12 Replacing the Light...................................................................................................................................................... 112
7.7.13 Replacing the Smoke Sensor.................................................................................................................................... 112
7.7.14 Replacing the Fuse of the Fuse-Switch-Disconnector......................................................................................113
7.7.15 Replacing the Ring Main Unit.................................................................................................................................. 113
7.7.16 Replacing a Transformer............................................................................................................................................ 117

8 Technical Specifications..................................................................................................... 123

A FAQ......................................................................................................................................... 126
A.1 How to Operate a Transformer..................................................................................................................................... 126
A.1.1 Adjusting the Off-Load Tap Changer.......................................................................................................................126
A.1.2 Releasing Gas in the Gas Relay................................................................................................................................. 127
A.1.3 Draining Oil from the Transformer...........................................................................................................................128
A.2 How Do I Repair Paint Damage on the Container?............................................................................................... 130

B How Do I Use the Emergency Stop Button (optional)?.............................................136

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual Contents

C Acronyms and Abbreviations........................................................................................... 137

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

1 Safety Precautions

1.1 General Safety

Before installing, operating, and maintaining the equipment, read this document
and observe all the safety instructions on the equipment and in this document.
The "NOTICE", "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" statements in this
document do not cover all the safety instructions. They are only supplements to
the safety instructions. Huawei will not be liable for any consequence caused by
the violation of general safety requirements or design, production, and usage
safety standards.
Ensure that the equipment is used in environments that meet its design
specifications. Otherwise, the equipment may become faulty, and the resulting
equipment malfunction, component damage, personal injuries, or property
damage are not covered under the warranty.
Follow local laws and regulations when installing, operating, or maintaining the
equipment. The safety instructions in this document are only supplements to local
laws and regulations.
Huawei will not be liable for any consequences of the following circumstances:
● Operation beyond the conditions specified in this document
● Installation or use in environments which are not specified in relevant
international or national standards
● Unauthorized modifications to the product or software code or removal of the
● Failure to follow the operation instructions and safety precautions on the
product and in this document
● Equipment damage due to force majeure, such as earthquakes, fire, and
● Damage caused during transportation by the customer
● Storage conditions that do not meet the requirements specified in this

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

General Requirements


Do not work with power on during installation.

● Do not install, use, or operate outdoor equipment and cables (including but
not limited to moving equipment, operating equipment and cables, inserting
connectors to or removing connectors from signal ports connected to outdoor
facilities, working at heights, and performing outdoor installation) in harsh
weather conditions such as lightning, rain, snow, and level 6 or stronger wind.
● After installing the equipment, remove idle packing materials such as cartons,
foam, plastics, and cable ties from the equipment area.
● In the case of a fire, immediately leave the building or the equipment area,
and turn on the fire alarm bell or make an emergency call. Do not enter the
building on fire in any case.
● Do not scrawl, damage, or block any warning label on the equipment.
● Tighten the screws using tools when installing the equipment.
● Understand the components and functioning of a grid-tied PV power system
and relevant local standards.
● Repaint any paint scratches caused during equipment transportation or
installation in a timely manner. Equipment with scratches cannot be exposed
to an outdoor environment for a long period of time.
● Do not open the host panel of the equipment.
● Do not install other equipment on the top of a container without evaluation
by Huawei.
● Do not perform operations such as arc welding, drilling, and cutting on the
top of a container. Otherwise, the top of the container may be damaged,
which may cause water leakage. When performing operations (such as
hoisting) over the top of a container, take measures to protect the top of the
container against damage. After construction, check the container for
protective paint damage. If the top of the container is damaged, repair it in a
timely manner.

Personal Safety
● If there is a probability of personal injury or equipment damage during
operations on the equipment, immediately stop the operations, report the
case to the supervisor, and take feasible protective measures.
● Use tools correctly to avoid hurting people or damaging the equipment.
● Do not touch the energized equipment, as the enclosure is hot.
● When operating or maintaining the equipment, wear high-voltage insulation
gloves, a safety helmet, insulation shoes, and insulation clothing. When
commissioning or operating the ring main unit, operate the general
protection chamber using an insulated stool.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

1.2 Operator Qualifications

● Personnel who plan to install or maintain Huawei equipment must receive
thorough training, understand all necessary safety precautions, and be able to
correctly perform all operations.
● Only qualified professionals or trained personnel are allowed to install,
operate, and maintain the equipment.
● Only qualified professionals are allowed to remove safety facilities and inspect
the equipment.
● Personnel who will operate the equipment, including operators, trained
personnel, and professionals, should possess the local national required
qualifications in special operations such as high-voltage operations, working
at heights, and operations of special equipment.
● Only professionals or authorized personnel are allowed to replace the
equipment or components (including software).

● Professionals: personnel who are trained or experienced in equipment operations

and are clear of the sources and degree of various potential hazards in equipment
installation, operation, and maintenance
● Trained personnel: personnel who are technically trained, have required experience,
are aware of possible hazards on themselves in certain operations, and are able to
take protective measures to minimize the hazards on themselves and other people
● Operators: operation personnel who may come in contact with the equipment,
except trained personnel and professionals

1.3 Electrical Safety

● For the equipment that needs to be grounded, install the ground cable first
when installing the equipment and remove the ground cable last when
removing the equipment.
● Do not damage the ground conductor.
● Do not operate the equipment in the absence of a properly installed ground
● Ensure that the equipment is connected permanently to the protective
ground. Before operating the equipment, check its electrical connection to
ensure that it is securely grounded.

General Requirements


Before connecting cables, ensure that the equipment is intact. Otherwise, electric
shocks or fire may occur.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Ensure that all electrical connections comply with local electrical standards.
● Obtain approval from the local electric utility company before using the
equipment in grid-tied mode.
● Ensure that the cables you prepared meet local regulations.
● Use dedicated insulated tools when performing high-voltage operations.

AC and DC Power


Do not connect or disconnect power cables with power on. Transient contact
between the core of the power cable and the conductor will generate electric arcs
or sparks, which may cause fire or personal injury.

● Before making electrical connections, switch off the disconnector on the

upstream device to cut off the power supply if people may contact energized
● Before connecting a power cable, check that the label on the power cable is
● If the equipment has multiple inputs, disconnect all the inputs before
operating the equipment.

● When routing cables, ensure that a distance of at least 30 mm exists between
the cables and heat-generating components or areas. This prevents damage
to the insulation layer of the cables.
● Bind cables of the same type together. When routing cables of different types,
ensure that they are at least 30 mm away from each other.
● Ensure that the cables used in a grid-tied PV power system are properly
connected and insulated and meet specifications.

1.4 Site Requirements

● Ensure that the equipment is installed in a well ventilated environment.
● To prevent fire due to high temperature, ensure that the ventilation vents or
heat dissipation system are not blocked when the equipment is running.
● Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do
not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

1.5 Mechanical Safety

Hoisting Devices


Do not walk under hoisted objects.

● Only trained and qualified personnel should perform hoisting operations.

● Check that hoisting tools are available and in good condition.
● Before hoisting objects, ensure that hoisting tools are firmly secured onto a
load-bearing object or wall.
● Ensure that the angle formed by two hoisting cables is no more than 90
degrees, as shown in the following figure.

● Do not drag steel ropes and hoisting tools or bump hoisted objects against
hard objects during hoisting.

Using Ladders
● Use wooden or fiberglass ladders when you need to perform live working at
● When a step ladder is used, ensure that the pull ropes are secured and the
ladder is held firm.
● Before using a ladder, check that it is intact and confirm its load bearing
capacity. Do not overload it.
● Ensure that the wider end of the ladder is at the bottom, or protective
measures have been taken at the bottom to prevent the ladder from sliding.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

● Ensure that the ladder is securely positioned. The recommended angle for a
ladder against the floor is 75 degrees, as shown in the following figure. An
angle rule can be used to measure the angle.

● When climbing a ladder, take the following precautions to reduce risks and
ensure safety:
– Keep your body steady.
– Do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder from the top.
– Ensure that your body's center of gravity does not shift outside the legs
of the ladder.

Drilling Holes
When drilling holes into a wall or floor, observe the following safety precautions:
● Wear goggles and protective gloves when drilling holes.
● When drilling holes, protect the equipment from shavings. After drilling, clean
up any shavings that have accumulated inside or outside the equipment.

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 1 Safety Precautions

Moving Heavy Objects

● Be cautious to avoid injury when moving heavy objects.

● When moving the equipment by hand, wear protective gloves to prevent


1.6 Commissioning
When the equipment is powered on for the first time, ensure that professional
personnel set parameters correctly. Incorrect settings may result in inconsistency
with local certification and affect the normal operation of the equipment.

1.7 Maintenance and Replacement


● After the equipment stops running, wait for at least 10 minutes to ensure that
the voltage is within the safe range, the transfer switch is in the local position,
the ground switch of the circuit breaker cabinet in the ring main unit is
switched on, and the ground cable is connected to the low-voltage cabinet.
Then you can perform maintenance or repair.
● Before maintaining the transformer station, turn off the switches on the LV side
and then the high-voltage (HV) side of the STS.
● Before maintaining the transformer station, turn off the ACB at the LV side and
the switch at the HV side, and attach warning labels to ensure that the
equipment will not be powered on by accident.

● Maintain the equipment with sufficient knowledge of this document and

using proper tools and testing equipment.
● Prior to maintenance, power off the equipment.
● Place temporary warning signs or erect fences to prevent unauthorized access
to the maintenance site.
● If the equipment is faulty, contact your dealer.
● The equipment can be powered on only after all faults are rectified. Failing to
do so may escalate faults or damage the equipment.

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

2 Products

2.1 Overview
An STS converts low-voltage (LV) AC power generated by solar inverters into
medium-voltage (MV) AC power and feeds it into a power grid.
An STS is a combination of an LV cabinet, a transformer, a ring main unit, and an
auxiliary power supply that are all housed in a steel-structure container to provide
a highly integrated power transformation and distribution solution for ground PV
plants in MV grid-tied scenarios.

The STS applies to the grid-tied systems in large PV plants. A typical grid-tied PV
system consists of PV strings, SUN2000 solar inverters, switch boxes, and an STS.

Figure 2-1 Networking

(A) PV string (B) SUN2000 solar inverter (C) Switch box (optional)

(D) STS (E) Power grid -

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

2.2 Appearance
Figure 2-2 Appearance

(1) Low-voltage room (LV) (2) Transformer room (TR) (3) Medium-voltage room

(4) Position for the distributed (5) Position for the smart array (6) Double-swing door of the
power system (uninterruptible controller (SACU) MV room
power supply, UPS)

(7) Ring main unit (8) Auxiliary transformer (9) Double-swing screen door
for the transformer room

(10) AC input cable hole (LV (11) Manhole entrance (12) AC input cable hole (LV

(13) Single-swing door for the (14) Double-swing door for the
LV room LV room

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products


The STS-3000K-H1 does not have LV PANEL B configurations.

Figure 2-3 Container dimensions

Figure 2-4 Dimensions of the anchor pad

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

2.3 Label Description

Symbol Name Meaning

Electric shock warning The equipment operates at

high voltage. Only qualified
and trained electrical
technicians are allowed to
install and operate the

Grounding Indicates the position for

connecting the protective
earthing (PE) cable.

Height label The equipment is high. You

may need tools such as an
insulation stool or a step
ladder to facilitate operation.

Box No. label Displays the equipment box


2.4 Components

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

2.4.1 STS
Figure 2-5 STS components

(1) LV PANEL A (2) Heat exchanger (3) Smoke sensor

(4) LV PANEL B (5) Transformer (6) Ring main unit

(7) Power distribution box (8) Auxiliary transformer


2.4.2 LV Room
This section shows only the components. The actual product appearance prevails. STS-3000K-H1 Single-sided Cabinet

The LV room is a single-side cabinet structure. To perform any operation, you only
need to open the door of the LV cabinet without entering the STS.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-6 LV PANEL

(1) Temperature and humidity (2) Measurement and control (3) Multimeter
controller device

(4) Off button (5) Off indicator (6) On indicator

(7) On button (8) Transfer switch (9) Air circuit breaker (ACB)

(10) AC input switch

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products STS-3000K-H1 Double-sided Cabinet

Figure 2-7 LV PANEL

(1) Temperature and humidity (2) Measurement and control (3) Multimeter
controller device

(4) Off button (5) Off indicator (6) On indicator

(7) On button (8) Transfer switch (9) Air circuit breaker (ACB)

(10) AC input switch STS-6000K-H1 Single-sided Cabinet

The LV room is a single-side cabinet structure. To perform any operation, you only
need to open the door of the LV cabinet without entering the STS.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-8 LV PANEL

(1) Temperature and humidity (2) Measurement and control (3) Multimeter
controller device

(4) Off button (5) Off indicator (6) On indicator

(7) On button (8) Transfer switch (9) Air circuit breaker (ACB)

(10) AC input switch

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products STS-6000K-H1 Double-sided Cabinet

Figure 2-9 LV PANEL

(1) Temperature and humidity (2) Measurement and control (3) Multimeter
controller device

(4) Off button (5) Off indicator (6) On indicator

(7) On button (8) Transfer switch (9) Air circuit breaker (ACB)

(10) AC input switch

2.4.3 Transformer Room STS-6000K-H1
The transformer room converts the LV AC power into the MV AC power. The main
equipment is a transformer configured with gas, oil temperature, pressure, and oil
level protection. At the same time, a comprehensive protection device is
configured in the MV room for the transformer.
This document uses the appearance of a transformer as an example. The
appearance of transformers of different models may be different. The actual
product may vary.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-10 Transformer

No. Item Description Description

1 Gas relay Generates a gas ● When a minor fault occurs on the

accumulation alarm transformer, the oil of the transformer
or an oil flow trip. generates gas. The gas will rise and
enter the gas relay. In this case, the reed
switch contact for gas accumulation will
be closed to send signals. When there is
too much gas, it can be released
through the gas nozzle of the gas relay.
● When there is a strong gas flow in the
transformer, the reed switch contact for
oil flow will be closed and the circuit
breaker of the ring main unit will trip.

2 Oil refilling/ Transformer oil ● Oil refilling: Refills the transformer oil
draining valve refilling/draining using an uncontaminated metal or non-
valve rubber hose and oil injection equipment.
(Note: Prevent air from entering.)
● Oil draining: The cabinet oil is led to the
oil container through an
uncontaminated metal or non-rubber

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

No. Item Description Description

3 Dehydrating N/A The insulation oil in the conservator is

breather connected to the atmosphere through a
dehydrating breather with silica gel to
absorb moisture and impurities in the air
and maintain the performance of the
insulation oil.

4 Oil surface Measures and Displays the top layer of transformer oil in
thermometer controls the real time and issues alarms and trip signals
temperature of the through the built-in temperature control
top layer of switch.
transformer oil.

5 Oil level gauge Indicates the oil level. Indicates the oil level of the transformer oil
cabinet and reports the alarms of high and
low oil levels.

6 Pressure release Releases pressure. If a transformer is faulty, a large amount of

valve gas is generated, and the pressure of the
insulation oil increases sharply. When the
certain threshold is reached, the
transformer oil is discharged and the
internal pressure of the transformer
decreases to a normal value. At the same
time, a signal is sent to trip the circuit
breaker in the ring main unit.

7 Off-load tap Regulates the There are five levels. Level 1 indicates the
changer voltage. maximum tapping value, level 3 indicates
the rated tapping value, and level 5
indicates the minimum tapping value. STS-3000K-H1
The transformer room converts the LV AC power into the MV AC power. The main
equipment is a transformer configured with gas, oil temperature, pressure, and oil
level protection. At the same time, a comprehensive protection device is
configured in the MV room for the transformer.
This document uses the appearance of a transformer as an example. The
appearance of transformers of different models may be different. The actual
product may vary.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-11 Transformer

No. Item Description Description

1 Dehydrating N/A The insulation oil in the conservator is

breather connected to the atmosphere through a
dehydrating breather with silica gel to absorb
moisture and impurities in the air and
maintain the performance of the insulation

2 Oil surface Measures and Displays the top layer of transformer oil in
thermometer controls the real time and issues alarms and trip signals
temperature of the through the built-in temperature control
top layer of switch.
transformer oil.

3 Oil level gauge Indicates the oil Indicates the oil level of the transformer oil
level. cabinet and reports the alarms of high and
low oil levels.

4 Oil refilling/ Transformer oil ● Oil refilling: Refills the transformer oil
draining valve refilling/draining using an uncontaminated metal or non-
valve rubber hose and oil injection equipment.
(Note: Prevent air from entering.)
● Oil draining: The cabinet oil is led to the
oil container through an uncontaminated
metal or non-rubber hose.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

No. Item Description Description

5 Gas relay Generates a gas ● When a minor fault occurs on the

accumulation alarm transformer, the oil of the transformer
or an oil flow trip. generates gas. The gas will rise and enter
the gas relay. In this case, the reed switch
contact for gas accumulation will be
closed to send signals. When there is too
much gas, it can be released through the
gas nozzle of the gas relay.
● When there is a strong gas flow in the
transformer, the reed switch contact for oil
flow will be closed and the circuit breaker
of the ring main unit will trip.

6 Off-load tap Regulates the There are five levels. Level 1 indicates the
changer voltage. maximum tapping value, level 3 indicates the
rated tapping value, and level 5 indicates the
minimum tapping value.

7 Pressure release Releases pressure. If a transformer is faulty, a large amount of

valve gas is generated, and the pressure of the
insulation oil increases sharply. When the
certain threshold is reached, the transformer
oil is discharged and the internal pressure of
the transformer decreases to a normal value.
At the same time, a signal is sent to trip the
circuit breaker in the ring main unit.

2.4.4 MV Room
For details about the ring main unit, see the ring main unit manual provided by
the manufacturer. DQS-24 (CVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-12 DQS-24 (CVC)

(1) Operation holes of (2) Load switch operation (3) Isolation switch operation
grounding switches holes hole

(4) Cable connectors (5) Cable clips (6) Ground bar DQS-24 (DVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-13 DQS-24 (DVC)

(1) Operation holes of (2) Load switch operation (3) Isolation switch operation
grounding switches holes hole

(4) Cable connectors (5) Cable clips (6) Ground bar DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (CVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-14 DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (CVC)

(1) Operation holes of (2) Load switch operation (3) Isolation switch operation
grounding switches holes hole

(4) Cable connectors (5) Cable clips (6) Ground bar DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (DVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-15 DQS-36 and DQS-40.5 (DVC)

(1) Operation holes of (2) Load switch operation (3) Isolation switch operation
grounding switches holes hole

(4) Cable connectors (5) Cable clips (6) Ground bar CGM.3 (CVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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Figure 2-16 CGM.3 (CVC)

(1) Load switch operation (2) Grounding switch operation (3) Cable connectors
holes holes

(4) Cable clips (5) Ground bar CGM.3 (DVC)


No cable connector is installed in cabinet G1 or G3. The cable connectors in the figure are
for reference only. The actual position and dimensions may vary.

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User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-17 CGM.3 (DVC)

(1) Load switch operation (2) Grounding switch operation (3) Cable connectors
holes holes

(4) Cable clips (5) Ground bar 8DJH24 (CCV)


● The CCV ring main unit includes a circuit breaker cabinet and two load switch cabinets.
● The secondary room of the ring main unit cannot be opened when the power is on.

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Figure 2-18 8DJH24 (CCV)

(1) Manual grounding (2) Manual load disconnection (3) Disconnector

(4) Manually switch off the (5) Manually switch on the (6) Relay
circuit breaker circuit breaker 8DJH36 (CCV)


● The CCV ring main unit includes a circuit breaker cabinet and two load switch cabinets.
● The secondary room of the ring main unit cannot be opened when the power is on.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Figure 2-19 8DJH36 (CCV)

(1) Manual load disconnection (2) Manual grounding (3) Disconnector

(4) Manually switch off the (5) Manually switch on the (6) Circuit breaker electrical
circuit breaker circuit breaker control switch

(7) Relay 8DJH24 (DCV)


● The DCV ring main unit includes a direct cable entry cabinet, a load switch cabinet, and
a circuit breaker cabinet.
● The secondary room of the ring main unit cannot be opened when the power is on.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
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Figure 2-20 8DJH24 (DCV)

(1) Manual grounding (2) Manual load disconnection (3) Disconnector

(4) Manually switch off the (5) Manually switch on the (6) Circuit breaker electrical
circuit breaker circuit breaker control switch

(7) Temperature and humidity (8) Relay

controller 8DJH36 (DCV)


● The DCV ring main unit includes a direct cable entry cabinet, a load switch cabinet, and
a circuit breaker cabinet.
● The secondary room of the ring main unit cannot be opened when the power is on.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
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Figure 2-21 8DJH36 (DCV)

(1) Manual grounding (2) Manual load disconnection (3) Disconnector

(4) Manually switch off the (5) Manually switch on the (6) Circuit breaker electrical
circuit breaker circuit breaker control switch

(7) Relay 8DJH38 (DCV)


● The DCV ring main unit includes a direct cable entry cabinet, a load switch cabinet, and
a circuit breaker cabinet.
● The secondary room of the ring main unit cannot be opened when the power is on.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
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Figure 2-22 8DJH38 (DCV)

(1) Manual load disconnection (2) Manual grounding

(3) Vacuum circuit breaker low-voltage (4) Disconnector


(5) Cable connectors (inside the cable room)

2.5 Configuration Scenario

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

2.5.1 STS-3000K-H1 Application Scenario

Figure 2-23 Networking scenario (Components in the dotted box are optional.)

Component Description

PV string A PV string is a set of PV modules connected in series.

SUN200 Rated capacity of Model: SUN2000-185KTL-H1(≤ 18 PCS)

0 STS-3000K-H1:
● 3150 kVA@40°C
● 2880 kVA@50°C

Rated capacity of Model: SUN2000-200KTL-H2 and SUN2000-215KTL-H0 (≤ 16

STS-3000K-H1: PCS)
● 3250 kVA@40°C
● 2960 kVA@50°C

Switch box (optional) Model: ACBox-1/1-D-S

STS Model: STS-3000K-H1

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
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Component Description

Smart array controller Model: SmartACU2000B-D-PID/PLC or SmartACU2000B-D-PLC

SmartLogger software version:
● If the SmartLogger software version is later than SmartLogger
V200R002C20SPC119, you can directly add devices.
● If the SmartLogger software version is V200R002C20SPC119 or
earlier, you can add devices by importing a configuration file.
Model: SmartACU2000D-D-00, SmartACU2000D-D-01,
SmartACU2000D-D-02, or SmartACU2000D-D-03
If the SmartLogger software version is SmartLogger
V300R001C00SPC020 or later, you can directly add devices.
If the STS has customized features, you need to add devices by importing
a configuration file.

Management system of the Model: NetEco 1000S

PV plant NetEco software version: NetEco 1000S V100R002C10SPC160 or

2.5.2 STS-6000K-H1 Application Scenario

Figure 2-24 Networking scenario (Components in the dotted box are optional.)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 2 Products

Component Description

PV string A PV string is a set of PV modules connected in series.

SUN2000 Rated capacity of Model: SUN2000-185KTL-H1(≤ 18 x 2 PCS)

● 6300 kVA@40°C
● 5760 kVA@50°C

Rated capacity of Model: SUN2000-200KTL-H2 and SUN2000-215KTL-H0

STS-6000K-H1: (≤ 16 x 2 PCS)
● 6500 kVA@40°C
● 5920 kVA@50°C

Switch box (optional) Model: ACBox-1/1-D-S

STS Model: STS-6000K-H1

Smart array controller Model: SmartACU2000B-D-2PID/2PLC and

SmartLogger software version:
● If the SmartLogger software version is later than
SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119, you can directly
add devices.
● If the SmartLogger software version is
V200R002C20SPC119 or earlier, you can add devices
by importing a configuration file.
Model: SmartACU2000D-D-00, SmartACU2000D-D-01,
SmartACU2000D-D-02, or SmartACU2000D-D-03
If the SmartLogger software version is SmartLogger
V300R001C00SPC020 or later, you can directly add
If the STS has customized features, you need to add devices by
importing a configuration file.

Management system of the PV plant Model: NetEco 1000S

NetEco software version: NetEco 1000S
V100R002C10SPC160 or later

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 3 Transportation and Storage

3 Transportation and Storage

Transportation Requirements
● Select proper transportation tools according to the dimensions and weight of
the product.
● A maximum of five layers of equipment can be stacked. Place the equipment
neatly to prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by tilting.
● The product should be placed horizontally during transportation.
● Prevent the product from colliding or scratching.
● Requirements for road transportation: Conduct road survey to identify the
obstacles in the transportation route of the STS to ensure that the vehicle can
pass through the transportation route safely. Survey information: road
condition, height limit, actual height, width limit, actual width, weight limit,
traffic restrictions, and obstacles
● Requirements for waterway transportation: Meets the requirements of full-
load voyage.

Storage Requirements
● The container doors are tightly closed.
● The ambient temperature and humidity are suitable for the storage.

Figure 3-1 Storage temperature and humidity

● The product should be stored in a clean and dry place and be protected from
dust and water vapor corrosion.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 3 Transportation and Storage

● If the STS is stored for a long time, place absorbent in the medium-voltage

Service Statement
The following services and operations are outside the product delivery scope:
● Transporting the equipment to the construction site (The contract prevails.)
● Preparing a crane for unloading the products at the construction site
● Preparing the concrete foundation for installing the equipment
● Installing an optional oil tank (including the grounding of the oil tank)
● Installing devices and connecting cables at the construction site
● Preparing door locks
● Preparing some auxiliary materials that are used for securing the support feet
of the equipment to the foundation
● Checking the system protection, cold commissioning, hot commissioning, and
overall grounding

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 4 STS Cold Commissioning

4 STS Cold Commissioning

4.1 Check Before Power-On

Routine Check
No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

1 Equipment ● The equipment is intact, and free of rust and paint

appearance flake-off. Repaint areas with paint flake-off (if any).
● The labels on the equipment are legible. The
damaged labels must be replaced in time.

2 Cable exterior ● Cable sheathings are properly wrapped and free of

obvious damage.
● Hoses that contain cables are intact.

3 Cable ● Cables are connected in the designed positions.

connection ● Terminals are prepared as required and securely
● Labels on both ends of each cable are clear and
specific, and attached in the same direction.

4 Cable layout ● Strong-current and weak-current cables must be

routed separately.
● Cables are neat and tidy.
● Cable tie joints are evenly cut without burrs.
● Cables are placed properly and not tense at turning
● Cable routes are straight and smooth, and do not
intersect inside a cabinet.

5 Container The container is clean and tidy inside, without any

neatness unnecessary cables, cable heads, terminals, or tools. No
garbage is found outside the equipment.

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User Manual 4 STS Cold Commissioning

Container Check
No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

1 Installation ● The installation complies with the design

● The container is level, and each door can be opened

2 Exterior There is no crack, dent, or scratch on the container

surface. Repaint areas with paint flake-off (if any).

3 Container Each container has at least two ground points and is

grounding grounded securely with a ground resistance of 0.1 ohm
or less.

4 Accessory The number and positions of external accessories

installed comply with design requirements.

5 Icon All icons are correct, legible, and complete.

LV Cabinet Check
No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

1 Circuit The ACB and MCCB are turned off. The setting of the
breaker circuit breaker must match that provided by the user.

2 Copper bar The copper bar is not deformed, and no foreign matter
is placed on the copper bar.

3 Fuse switch- Measure the fuse resistance. The resistance of three

disconnector phases should be small and their resistance should be

4 SPD The SPD indicator is green.

5 Ammeter and The ammeter and voltmeter display no information.


6 Cable The bolts for installing the cables are tightened and the
cables are not loose.

7 Cable hole Cable holes have been sealed.


8 Component Each component is intact.

9 Foreign Foreign matter in the LV cabinet, such as tools and

matter remaining materials, is cleared.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
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Transformer Check
No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

1 Exterior There is no crack, dent, or scratch on the transformer


2 Oil leakage No oil leakage occurs on the transformer surface.

3 Oil The oil temperature indicator reading of the

temperature transformer is close to the ambient temperature. The
cover of the oil temperature meter is installed securely,
the surface is clean, and the glass is intact. The
temperature measurement loop is complete and intact.

4 Oil level The indication of the oil level gauge of the transformer
is consistent with the oil temperature-oil level curve.

5 Pressure relief The fuse link of the pressure relief valve has been
valve removed, and the pressure relief valve takes no action.

6 Gas relay There is no gas inside the gas relay. If there is a small
amount of gas, the air can be exhausted through the
gas release plug.
The butterfly valve is open.

7 Dehydrating The silica gel particles are dry.

breather If more than half of the silica gel has changed in color,
replace the silica gel.

8 Off-load tap The off-load tap changer is set according to the

changer requirements of the user. If there is no special
requirement, set it to the rated level (level 3).
When setting the level, open the handle. After
adjusting the level, close the handle to the slot.
After the check is complete, tighten the protective
cover for the level switch.

9 Foreign There is no packing residue on the transformer surface,

matter and there is no foreign matter in the transformer room.

10 Oil drain The oil drain ventage of the transformer room is not
ventage blocked.

11 Screen door The double-swing screen door of the transformer room

is closed and locked.

Rain Main Unit Check

No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

1 Exterior There is no crack, dent, or scratch on the cabinet


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No. Check Item Acceptance Criteria

2 SF6 air gauge The SF6 air gauge pointer is in the green zone and is
away from the yellow or red zone.

3 Protective If there is a relay protection tester or current source,

device check the value settings of the protective device,
including the set value, control word, and soft clamping
plate. The set value must match that provided by the

4 Trip enable/ The trip enable/disable slicer has been put into
disable slicer operation.

5 Door of the The door of the power cable room is closed.

power cable

6 Power supply The auxiliary AC power circuit breaker in the cabinet is

in the cabinet turned on.

7 Foreign Foreign matter in the ring main unit, such as tools and
matter remaining materials, is cleared.

4.2 Interlock Commissioning

4.2.1 Interlocking of an STS


● The internal interlocking is configured only for the high-configuration STSs. The
interlocking has been commissioned before delivery and can be tested and verified on
● K3, K4, K8, and K9 are equipped with a key ring and a blank label.

● In the figures in this document, indicates that the Kx and Ky are delivered together.
● The interlocking of the STS is related only to K3 and K4 of cabinet C. This section uses
the interlocking of the STS with a CVC ring main unit as an example.

STS-3000K-H1 Interlocking
Step 1 Mechanical lock K8 is configured for ACB 1 in LV PANEL A. After the K8 key is
inserted, you can turn on or off ACB 1. You can remove the K8 key only after the
ACB is turned off.

Step 2 Mechanical lock K3 is configured for the disconnector in the MV circuit breaker
cabinet. After the K3 key is inserted, you can turn on or off the disconnector. You
can remove the K3 key only after the disconnector is turned on.

Step 3 Mechanical lock K4 is configured at the operation hole of the grounding switch in
the MV circuit breaker cabinet. After the K4 key is inserted, you can turn on or off

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 4 STS Cold Commissioning

the grounding switch. You can remove the K4 key only after the grounding switch
is turned on.

Step 4 Exchange Box2, a key switching box, is installed in the MV room. The supported
key numbers are K10, K11, and K12. The K11 and K12 keys can be removed only
after the K10 key is inserted. The K10 key can be removed only after the K11 and
K12 keys are inserted.

Step 5 The transformer room has two doors, each equipped with a mechanical lock, that
is, K13 and K14. After inserting the K13 and K14 keys, you can open the
corresponding transformer room door. The mechanical locks can be locked and the
keys can be removed only after the doors are closed.

Figure 4-1 STS-3000K-H1 factory key connection


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STS-6000K-H1 Interlocking
Step 1 Mechanical lock K8 is configured for ACB 1 in LV PANEL A. After the K8 key is
inserted, you can turn on or off ACB 1. You can remove the K8 key only after the
ACB is turned off.
Step 2 Mechanical lock K9 is configured for ACB 2 in LV PANEL B. After the K9 key is
inserted, you can turn on or off ACB 2. You can remove the K9 key only after the
ACB is turned off.
Step 3 Exchange Box1, a key switching box, is installed in the LV room. The supported key
numbers are K5, K6, and K7. The K6 and K7 keys can be removed only after the K5
key is inserted. The K5 key can be removed only after the K6 and K7 keys are
Step 4 Mechanical lock K3 is configured for the disconnector in the MV circuit breaker
cabinet. After the K3 key is inserted, you can turn on or off the disconnector. You
can remove the K3 key only after the disconnector is turned on.
Step 5 Mechanical lock K4 is configured at the operation hole of the grounding switch in
the MV circuit breaker cabinet. After the K4 key is inserted, you can turn on or off
the grounding switch. You can remove the K4 key only after the grounding switch
is turned on.
Step 6 Exchange Box2, a key switching box, is installed in the MV room. The supported
key numbers are K10, K11, and K12. The K11 and K12 keys can be removed only
after the K10 key is inserted. The K10 key can be removed only after the K11 and
K12 keys are inserted.
Step 7 The transformer room has two doors, each equipped with a mechanical lock, that
is, K13 and K14. After inserting the K13 and K14 keys, you can open the
corresponding transformer room door. The mechanical locks can be locked and the
keys can be removed only after the doors are closed.

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Figure 4-2 STS-6000K-H1 factory key connection


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4.2.2 Interlocking Between STSs


● K1 and K2 are equipped with key rings and blank labels.

● Each STS and each switch have a unique number. The numbers are marked on the key
label. If cabinet G1 does not have a switch, mark the door number of the cable room.
● Cabinet G1 of each STS connects to the power grid. Do not exchange the cables
connected to cabinets G1 and G3. Otherwise, the interlocking between STSs will be in
● Put the interlock keys between STSs on key rings according to the cascading diagram.
For the same MV cable, put the key of its grounding switch in cabinet G3 and that in
cabinet G1 on the same key ring.
● For the STS that is farthest from the booster station, turn on the grounding switch in
cabinet G3, remove the key, and deliver the key to the O&M personnel for proper

Interlocking Between STSs with a DVC or DCV ring main unit

Switch operation process: Cabinet G1 in STS1 closest to the booster station needs
to be interlocked with the grounding switch of the outgoing cable cabinet
connected to the booster station. After turning on the grounding switch of the
outgoing cable cabinet at the booster station, take out the key to the cable room
door of cabinet G1. After the key is returned, you can turn off the grounding
switch of the outgoing cable cabinet.

Step 1 Mechanical lock K1 is configured at the operation hole of the cable room door of
cabinet G1. After the K1 key is inserted, you can open the door. You can remove
the K1 key only after the door is closed.
Step 2 Mechanical lock (not a padlock) K2 is configured at the operation hole of the
grounding switch in cabinet G3. After the K2 key is inserted, you can turn on or off
the grounding switch. You can remove the K2 key only after the grounding switch
is turned on.
Step 3 Based on the hand-in-hand connection diagram of the STSs obtained from the
customer, put the K2 key of cabinet G3 in STS 1 and the K1 key of cabinet G1 in
STS 2 on the same key ring. Mark the STS and switch numbers on the labels. The
operations for STS 2 and STS 3 are similar. Turn on the grounding switch of
cabinet G3 in the last STS. Remove the K2 key and hand it over to the O&M
Step 4 For the first STS closest to the booster station, the key to the cable room door of
cabinet G1 needs to be interlocked with the outgoing cable knife switch of the
booster station. The interlocking logic is the same as that of STSs.
Step 5 If the grounding switch does not have the interlocking function, close the cable
room door of cabinet G1 and remove the key. Then hand the key over to the O&M
personnel for proper storage. According to the requirements, interlock the
grounding switch of the booster station with the cable room door of cabinet G1 of
the first STS to ensure operation safety.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 4 STS Cold Commissioning

Figure 4-3 Interlocking between STSs with a DVC ring main unit (1)

Figure 4-4 Interlocking between STSs with a DCV ring main unit (2)


Interlocking Between STSs with a CVC or CCV ring main unit

Switch operation process: Cabinet G1 in STS1 closest to the booster station needs
to be interlocked with the grounding switch of the outgoing cable cabinet
connected to the booster station. After turning on the grounding switch of the
outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station, take out the interlock key K1 of the
grounding switch of cabinet G1. After the grounding switch of cabinet G1 is
turned off, take out the K1 key and return it to the corresponding outgoing cable
cabinet of the booster station. Then, you can unlock the grounding switch of the
outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station and turn off the grounding switch.

Step 1 Mechanical lock K1 is configured for the grounding switch of cabinet G1. After the
K1 key is inserted, you can turn on the grounding switch and open the door of the
cable room. You can remove the K1 key only after the door of the cable room is
closed and the grounding switch is turned off.
Step 2 Mechanical lock (not a padlock) K2 is configured at the operation hole of the
grounding switch in cabinet G3. After the K2 key is inserted, you can turn on or off
the grounding switch. You can remove the K2 key only after the grounding switch
is turned on.

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User Manual 4 STS Cold Commissioning

Step 3 Based on the hand-in-hand connection diagram of the STSs obtained from the
customer, put the K2 key of cabinet G3 in STS 1 and the K1 key of cabinet G1 in
STS 2 on the same key ring. Mark the STS and switch numbers on the labels. The
operations for STS 2 and STS 3 are similar. Turn on the grounding switch of
cabinet G3 in the last STS. Remove the K2 key and hand it over to the O&M
Step 4 For the first STS closest to the booster station, the interlock key K1 to the
grounding switch of cabinet G1 needs to be interlocked with the outgoing cable
knife switch of the booster station. The interlocking logic is the same as that of
Step 5 If the grounding switch does not have the interlocking function, turn off the
grounding switch of cabinet G1 and remove the interlock key K1. Then hand the
key over to the O&M personnel for proper storage. According to the requirements,
interlock the grounding switch of the booster station with that of cabinet G1 of
the first STS to ensure operation safety.

Figure 4-5 Interlocking between STSs with a CVC ring main unit (1)

Figure 4-6 Interlocking between STSs with a CCV ring main unit (2)


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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 5 STS Hot Commissioning

5 STS Hot Commissioning

5.1 Insulation Test

5.1.1 Insulation Test on the Transformer MV Side and the Ring

Main Unit

● Perform the insulation tests before connecting incoming cables and sealing cable holes.
● Before the insulation test, ensure that no lightning arrester is installed in cabinet G2
because high voltage may damage the lightning arrester during the test.
● During the insulation test, ensure that the grounding switch of the ring main unit is
turned off, and the load switch and disconnector are turned on.
● The methods for performing the insulation test on the CVC/CCV/DVC/DCV ring main
units are the same.
● This document uses the CVC ring main unit as an example.

Step 1 Adjust the switch of the ring main unit to be consistent with that in the test
schematic diagram.

Step 2 Use a temporary ground cable to ground phase A, phase B, or phase C of LV


Step 3 Turn off the load switch in cabinet G1 or G3, turn on the grounding switch, and
open the door of the cable room.

Step 4 Route the cable of the insulation tester into the cable room from the bottom of
cabinet G1 or G3. Connect the positive pole to the bushing and the negative pole
to the ground.

Step 5 Close the door of the cable room, turn off the grounding switch, turn on the load
switch, and perform the test.

Step 6 Adjust the insulation tester to test the 2500 V voltage for 1 minute. Record the
insulation resistance values in 10th second, 30th second, and 60th second. The
insulation resistance value must be greater than 100 MΩ.

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Figure 5-1 Test schematic diagram

Step 7 After the test is complete, shut down the insulation resistance tester.

Step 8 Turn off the load switch, turn on the grounding switch, and open the door of the
cable room. Discharge the test loop by contacting the high-voltage bushing with
the ground cable.

Step 9 Remove the test cables and temporary ground cable, and close the cable room


5.1.2 Insulation Test on the Transformer LV Side

Step 1 Adjust the positions of the switches, as shown in the schematic diagram. (If LV
incoming cables are connected, turn off all the MCCBs. If the SACU has been
installed, turn on the knife fuse switch of the SACU and turn off the switch of the
three phases inside the SACU.)

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Step 2 Use a temporary ground cable to ground phase A, phase B, or phase C of LV

PANEL B. (Skip this step for the STS-3000K-H1.)

Step 3 Connect the positive pole of the insulation tester to phase A, phase B, or phase C
of LV PANEL A, and connect the negative pole to the ground.

Step 4 Adjust the insulation tester to test the 1000 V voltage for 1 minute. Record the
insulation resistance values in 10th second, 30th second, and 60th second. The
insulation resistance value must be greater than 10 MΩ.

Figure 5-2 Test schematic diagram

Step 5 After the test is complete, shut down the insulation tester.

Step 6 Discharge the test loop by contacting the test points with the ground cable.

Step 7 Remove the test cables and temporary ground cable.


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5.1.3 Insulation Test on LV Bus


The methods for testing the insulation of LV PANEL A and LV PANEL B are the same. This
document uses LV PANEL A as an example.

Step 1 Adjust the positions of the switches, as shown in the schematic diagram. (If LV
incoming cables are connected, turn off all the MCCBs. If the SACU has been
installed, turn on the knife fuse switch of the SACU and turn off the switch of the
three phases inside the SACU.)

Figure 5-3 Test schematic diagram

Step 2 Use a temporary ground cable to ground the bus of phases B and C in the LV
Step 3 Connect the positive pole of the insulation tester to the bus of phase A, and
connect the negative pole to the ground.
Step 4 Measure the insulation between phase A and phases B and C.
Step 5 Adjust the insulation tester to test the 2500 V voltage for 1 minute. Record the
insulation resistance values in 10th second, 30th second, and 60th second. The
insulation resistance value must be greater than 10 MΩ.

● Measure the insulation between phase B and phases A and C, as well as phase C and
phases A and B in the same way.
● When measuring the insulation between phase B and phases A and C, use a temporary
ground cable to ground the bus of phases A and C in the LV cabinet. Connect the
positive pole of the insulation tester to the bus of phase B in the LV cabinet, and
connect the negative pole to the ground.
● When measuring the insulation between phase C and phases A and B, use a temporary
ground cable to ground the bus of phases A and B in the LV cabinet. Connect the
positive pole of the insulation tester to the bus of phase C in the LV cabinet, and
connect the negative pole to the ground.

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Figure 5-4 Test schematic diagram

Step 6 Discharge the test loop by contacting the test points with the ground cable.
Step 7 Remove the test cables and temporary ground cable.


5.1.4 Insulation Test on the Auxiliary Loop

Step 1 Adjust the positions of the switches, as shown in the schematic diagram.
Step 2 Connect the positive pole of the insulation tester to the phase line of the auxiliary
transformer, and connect the negative pole to the ground.
Step 3 Disconnect the neutral wire from the auxiliary transformer.
Step 4 Short-circuit phases A, B, C, and N. Adjust the insulation tester to test the 500 V
voltage for 1 minute. Record the insulation resistance values in 10th second, 30th
second, and 60th second. The insulation resistance value must be greater than 10

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Figure 5-5 Test schematic diagram

Step 5 Discharge the test loop by contacting the test points with the ground cable.
Step 6 Remove the test cables and temporary ground cable.


5.2 Man-Machine Interaction

For details about the time and protection parameters of the micro protective
device, see its user guide delivered with the STS.

5.2.1 Setting the Set Value of the Measurement and Control


● The measurement and control device does not require any onsite commissioning but set
value settings.
● After the measurement and control device of the STS is powered on, the SH-043 display
● The initial password of the SH-043 display is 111111.
● Use the initial password upon first power-on and change it immediately after login. To
ensure account security, change the password periodically and keep the new password
in mind. Not changing the initial password may cause password disclosure. A password
left unchanged for a long period of time may be stolen or cracked. If a password is lost,
devices cannot be accessed. In these cases, the user is liable for any loss caused to the
PV plant.

Step 1 Tap Enter on the home screen of the measurement and control device, enter the
password, and tap OK. The parameter setting screen is displayed. Set DEV and
PROT, and tap Download. The parameters are set successfully.

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Figure 5-6 Setting set values

Tab Parameter Parameter Value


DEV PT1 Ratio Change ratio of PT1. 8

Ue1 Secondary voltage of 100 V


CT1 Ratio Change ratio of CT1. 500

Ie1 Secondary current of 5A


PT2 Ratio Change ratio of PT2. 8

Ue2 Secondary voltage of 100 V


CT2 Ratio Change ratio of CT2. 500

Ie2 Secondary current of 5A


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Tab Parameter Parameter Value


MV Prot Info Model of the MV Set this parameter based on the

protective device. protection device installed in the
ring main unit. The options are
as follows:
● 1 (Shenzhen CEC iRelay 50-P)
● 2 (Omazabal ekor.rpg)
● 3 (Siemens 7SJ58, Vietnam
● 4 (Nanjing INT PA620-L1)
● 5 (Ormazabal ekor.rpa-031)
● 6 (Nanjing INT PA620-L1,
Vietnam PECC 2)
● 7 (Siemens 7SR45)
● 8 (Siemens 7SR1003)
● 9 (Siemens 7SR1004)
● 10 (Ormazabal ekor.rpa-0220)

MV T1 Info Model of the Set this parameter based on the

MV T2 Info temperature and manufacturer of the temperature
humidity controller. and humidity controller. The
LV T1 Info options are as follows:
LV T2 Info ● 51 (Shanghai Tesoer TX3001)
● 52 (Changzhou Pacihc)

Device Info Model of the STS. Set this parameter based on the
STS model. The options are as
● 0 (STS-6000K)
● 1 (STS-2500K)
● 2 (STS-6000K-H1)
● 3 (STS-3000K-H1)

Default F Frequency of the STS. Set this parameter based on the

frequency on the transformer
nameplate of the STS. Currently,
the options are as follows: 50 Hz
and 60 Hz.

485_RTU_Addr Communication Set this parameter based on the

address of the STS onsite address.

PROT Action Settings of the Alarm

measurement and
control signal type.

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5.2.2 Viewing Running Information

The measurement and control device is used for analog parameter collection, non-
power protection, remote control, and communication. It implements remote
management and automatic monitoring of the equipment at the booster station.


For details about the measurement and control device, see the user guide.

5.2.3 Remote Control

Method 1: Adding an STS Using the SmartLogger


If the SmartLogger software version is SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119 or

SmartLogger V300R001C00SPC020 or later, you can directly add devices. The
figures are for reference only.

Step 1 Log in to the SmartLogger WebUI as Advanced User.

Figure 5-7 Login page

Parameter Description

Language Select the language as required.

User Name SmartLogger2000: Advanced User

SmartLogger3000: admin

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Parameter Description

Password ● Initial password: Changeme.

● Use the initial password upon first
power-on and change it
immediately after login. To ensure
account security, change the
password periodically and keep the
new password in mind. Not
changing the initial password may
cause password disclosure. A
password left unchanged for a long
period of time may be stolen or
cracked. If a password is lost,
devices cannot be accessed. In these
cases, the user is liable for any loss
caused to the PV plant.

Step 2 Set RS485 parameters for the equipment to connect to the COM port.

Figure 5-8 Setting RS485 parameters

Parameter Description Example: STS Default


Protocol Protocol, Baud rate, Parity, and Set this parameter to

Stop bit should be consistent with Modbus.
those of the STS.
Baud rate Set this parameter to 9600.

Parity Set this parameter to None.

Stop bit Set this parameter to 1.

Start Start address ≤ STS Retain the default value 1.

address communications address ≤ End
End Retain the default value
address 247.

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Step 3 Add an STS.

Figure 5-9 Adding an STS

Parameter Description

Device Type Set this parameter to STS.

Port number Set this parameter based on the COM

port number of the SmartLogger
connected to the STS.

Address Set this parameter based on the

communications address planned by
the customer for the STS.

Step 4 Check the running information to ensure that the STS data is correct.

Figure 5-10 Checking the device status

Tab Page Function Description

Teleindication Views the device status, such as N/A

the on and off status of a circuit

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Tab Page Function Description

Telemetering Views the real-time data of the The potential

device, such as the voltage. transformer (PT) ratio
of the measurement
and control device is
800/100. The current
transformer (CT) ratio
is 2500/5.

Telecontrol Remotely controls the on and off Delivers commands

status of the air circuit breaker based on situations.
(ACB) in the LV cabinet (LV
PANEL) and the circuit breaker in
the ring main unit.

Performance Views and exports performance N/A

Data data.

About Views the serial number (SN) and N/A

information of a device.


Only when the STS is equipped with UPS, can the circuit breakers in the ring main unit be
remotely turned on.


Method 2: Adding an STS by Importing a Configuration File over the



If the SmartLogger software version is V200R002C20SPC119 or earlier, you can

add a device by importing a configuration file. The screenshots are for reference

Step 1 Configure a points list and generate a .cfg file based on the Modbus protocol.
Step 2 Log in to the SmartLogger WebUI as Advanced User.

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Figure 5-11 Login page

Parameter Description

Language Select the language as required.

User Name Supports Common User, Advanced

User, and Special User.
Select Advanced User.

Password ● Initial password: Changeme.

● Use the initial password upon first
power-on and change it
immediately after login. To ensure
account security, change the
password periodically and keep the
new password in mind. Not
changing the initial password may
cause password disclosure. A
password left unchanged for a long
period of time may be stolen or
cracked. If a password is lost,
devices cannot be accessed. In these
cases, the user is liable for any loss
caused to the PV plant.

Step 3 Set RS485 parameters for the equipment to connect to the COM port.

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Figure 5-12 Setting RS485 parameters

Parameter Description Example: STS Default


Protocol Protocol, Baud rate, Parity, and Set this parameter to

Stop bit should be consistent with Modbus.
those of the STS.
Baud rate Set this parameter to 9600.

Parity Set this parameter to None.

Stop bit Set this parameter to 1.

Start Start address ≤ STS Retain the default value 1.

address communications address ≤ End
End Retain the default value
address 247.

Step 4 Import the .cfg file.

Figure 5-13 Importing the configuration file

Step 5 Add a user-defined device.

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Figure 5-14 Adding a user-defined device

Parameter Description

Device Type Supports user-defined device

1/2/3/4/5. Set this parameter based on
the generated .cfg file. For example, if
you import the
modbus_equip_custom_1.cfg file,
select Custom Device 1.

Port number Set this parameter based on the COM

port number of the SmartLogger
connected to the STS.

Address Set this parameter based on the

communications address planned by
the customer for the STS.

Step 6 Check the running information to ensure that the STS data is correct.


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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 6 Power-On Commissioning

6 Power-On Commissioning

Only qualified electrical technicians are allowed to perform power-on



● All operation instructions for the STS are issued by the booster station in the
order of one-way operation.
● Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating the high-voltage
loop in the STS. Configure the safety hooks. One person performs the operation
and the other person ensures safety.


● The procedures for installing the ring main units of different manufacturers are
the same. The appearance of the ring main unit described in this section is for
reference only.
● The switch numbers are determined by the PV plant planning personnel based
on actual scenarios. All switch numbers in this document are for reference only.

6.1 Setting the STS Status Before Power-On

Overhaul of the CVC Ring Main Unit
The status of the ring main unit is as follows:
● Load switch: OFF (cabinets G1 G2, and G3)
● Grounding switch: ON (cabinets G1 G2, and G3)
● Circuit breaker: ON (cabinet G2)
● Remote/local switch of the circuit breakers: local
● The Interlock key between STSs is inserted at the grounding switch in cabinet

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The status of the gas insulated substation (GIS) outgoing cable cabinet is as

● Disconnector: OFF
● Grounding switch: ON
● Circuit breaker: ON

Overhaul of the DVC Ring Main Unit

The status of the ring main unit is as follows:
● Load switch: OFF (cabinets G2 and G3)
● Grounding switch: ON (cabinets G2 and G3)
● Circuit breaker: ON (cabinet G2)
● Remote/local switch of the circuit breakers: local
● The interlock key between STSs is inserted at the door lock of the cable room
in cabinet G1.

The status of the GIS outgoing cable cabinet is as follows:

● Disconnector: OFF
● Grounding switch: ON
● Circuit breaker: ON

Status of the LV Cabinet and Auxiliary Loop Before Power Supply

● 800 V switch
– 800 V three-phase switch, 250 A incoming cable MCCB, 250 A SPD MCCB,
and 63 A auxiliary transformer MCCB: all OFF
– Remote/local switch of the circuit breakers
● Auxiliary circuit breaker
Power MCB, secondary loop circuit breaker of the PT, and PT circuit breaker:
all OFF
● Knife fuse switch
knife fuse switch of the PT, potential induced degradation (PID), and
insulation monitor device (IMD): all OFF

6.2 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and MV Cables


6.2.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the Ring

Main Unit
After checking the STS overhaul, the booster station issues a cold standby
instruction to the STS.

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Step 1 Perform the following operations on site 3:
1. Cabinet G1: Turn off grounding switch 50037, and pull out the mechanical
interlock key for grounding switches 50037 and 57027.
2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 50037 and circuit breaker 56035.
3. Cabinet G3: Pull out the mechanical interlock key for the grounding switch.
Step 2 Perform the following operations on site 2:
1. Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key for grounding switches 50037
and 57027, and turn off grounding switch 57027.
2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 56027 and circuit breaker 56025.
3. Cabinet G1: Turn off grounding switch 50027, and pull out the mechanical
interlock key for grounding switches 50027 and 57017.
Step 3 Perform the following operations on site 1:
1. Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key for grounding switches 50027
and 57017, and turn off grounding switch 57017.
2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 56017 and circuit breaker 56015.
3. Cabinet G1: Turn off grounding switch 50017, and pull out the mechanical
interlock key for grounding switches 50017 and 51017.
Step 4 Report to the booster station that the cold standby status of the STS is confirmed.
Submit the mechanical interlock key for grounding switches 50017 and 51017 and
that for the grounding switch of cabinet G3 to the booster station. The booster
station performs cold standby for the outgoing cable loop.
Step 5 Perform the following operations at the booster station:
1. Turn off circuit breaker 51015 and receive the mechanical interlock key for
grounding switches 50017 and 51017. Turn off grounding switch 51017.
2. Save the interlock key for the grounding switch of cabinet G3 at site 3.

Figure 6-1 Operations on the STS switches


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6.2.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the

Incoming Cable and Outgoing Cable Cabinets of the Ring
Main Unit
After confirming that the operation of the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster
station is complete, issue the instruction for switching cold standby to hot standby
for the incoming cable and outgoing cable cabinets of the STS.

Step 1 Perform the following operations on site 1:
1. Cabinet G1: Turn on load switch 50011.
2. Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57011.

Step 2 Perform the following operations on site 2:

1. Cabinet G1: Turn on load switch 50021.
2. Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57021.

Step 3 Turn on load switch 50031 in cabinet G1 at site 3.

Step 4 Report to the booster station that the hot standby status of the incoming cable
and outgoing cable cabinets of the STS has been confirmed. The booster station
switches the outgoing cable loop to hot standby.

Step 5 Turn on disconnector 51011 at the booster station.

Figure 6-2 Operations on the STS switches


6.2.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and Its Cables
After confirming the operation on the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster
station, issue an instruction to evacuate all personnel around the STS. After all the
personnel are evacuated, issue an instruction to conduct the impulse test.

Step 1 Turn on circuit breaker 51015 at the booster station.

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Figure 6-3 Operations on the STS switches

Step 2 Check the running status of the ring main unit.

Position Electric display in Electric display in Electric display in
cabinet G1 cabinet G2 cabinet G3

Site 1 Blinking Not blinking Blinking

Site 2 Blinking Not blinking Blinking

Site 3 Blinking Not blinking Not blinking

Step 3 After checking the running status, report to the booster station. After the booster
station is checked, the impulse test is complete.


6.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and MV Cables


6.3.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the Ring

Main Unit
After checking the STS overhaul, the booster station issues a cold standby
instruction to the STS.

Step 1 Perform the following operations on site 3:
1. Cabinet G3: Pull out the mechanical interlock key for the grounding switch.
2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 56037 and circuit breaker 56035.
3. Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and
grounding switch 57027.
Step 2 Perform the following operations on site 2:
1. Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and
grounding switch 57027 of cabinet G1 at site 3. Turn off grounding switch

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2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 56027 and circuit breaker 56025.
3. Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and
grounding switch 57017 of cabinet G1 at site 2.

Step 3 Perform the following operations on site 1:

1. Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and
grounding switch 57017 of cabinet G1 at site 2. Turn off grounding switch
2. Cabinet G2: Turn off grounding switch 56037 and circuit breaker 56035.
3. Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and
grounding switch 51017 of cabinet G1 at site 1.

Step 4 Report to the booster station that the cold standby status of the STS is confirmed.
Submit the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and grounding switch
51017 of cabinet G1 at site 1 and the mechanical interlock key for the grounding
switch of cabinet G3 at site 3 to the booster station. The booster station performs
cold standby for the outgoing cable loop.

Step 5 The booster station performs the following operations:

1. Turn off circuit breaker 51015 and receive the mechanical interlock key to the
cable room door and grounding switch 51017 of cabinet G1 at site 1. Turn off
grounding switch 51017.
2. Save the interlock key for the grounding switch of cabinet G3 at site 3.

Figure 6-4 Operations on the STS switches


6.3.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the

Incoming Cable and Outgoing Cable Cabinets of the Ring
Main Unit
After confirming that the operation of the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster
station is complete, issue the instruction for switching cold standby to hot standby
for the incoming cable and outgoing cable cabinets of the STS.

Step 1 Turn on load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1.

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Step 2 Turn on load switch 57021 in cabinet G3 at site 2.

Step 3 Report to the booster station that the hot standby status of the incoming cable
and outgoing cable cabinets of the STS has been confirmed. The booster station
switches the outgoing cable loop to hot standby.

Step 4 Turn on disconnector 51011 at the booster station.

Figure 6-5 Operations on the STS switches


6.3.3 Impulse Test on the Ring Main Unit and Its Cables
After confirming the operation on the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster
station, issue an instruction to evacuate all personnel around the STS. After all the
personnel are evacuated, issue an instruction to conduct the impulse test.

Step 1 Turn on circuit breaker 51015 at the booster station.

Figure 6-6 Operations on the STS switches

Step 2 Check the running status of the ring main unit.

Position Electric display in Electric display in Electric display in

cabinet G1 cabinet G2 cabinet G3

Site 1 Blinking Not blinking Blinking

Site 2 Blinking Not blinking Blinking

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Site 3 Not blinking Not blinking Not blinking

Step 3 After checking the running status, report to the booster station. After the booster
station is checked, the impulse test is complete.


6.4 Impulse Test on the Transformer (Without a UPS)

During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the ring
main unit. The operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

6.4.1 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1

Step 1 Turn off circuit breaker 51015 at the booster station.
Step 2 In cabinet G2 at site 1, turn on disconnector 56011 and circuit breaker 56015.
Step 3 Evacuate all personnel around the STS at site 1 to a safe place.

Figure 6-7 Operations on the STS switches

Step 4 Turn on circuit breaker 51015 at the booster station.

Figure 6-8 Operations on the STS switches

Step 5 When the transformer at site 1 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually
weakens and becomes even after 5 seconds.

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Step 6 The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 at site 1 are blinking. The
protective devices are running properly.


6.4.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2

Step 1 Turn off load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1.
Step 2 In cabinet G2 at site 2, turn on disconnector 56021 and circuit breaker 56025.
Step 3 Evacuate all personnel around the STS at site 2 to a safe place.
Step 4 Turn on load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1.
Step 5 When the transformer at site 2 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually
weakens and becomes even after 5 seconds.
Step 6 The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 at site 2 are blinking. The
protective devices are running properly.


6.4.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 3

Step 1 Turn off load switch 57021 in cabinet G3 at site 2.
Step 2 In cabinet G2 at site 3, turn on disconnector 56031 and circuit breaker 56035.
Step 3 Evacuate all personnel around the STS at site 3 to a safe place.
Step 4 Turn on load switch 57021 in cabinet G3 at site 2.
Step 5 When the transformer at site 3 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually
weakens and becomes even after 5 seconds.
Step 6 The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G2 at site 3 are blinking. The protective
devices are running properly.


6.5 Impulse Test on the Transformer (with a UPS)

During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the ring
main unit. The operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

6.5.1 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

● If a Huawei outdoor uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is used, the UPS has
no temporary power supply for charging and startup, and the transformer
protection device uses the self-power supply protection, the power supply
process is the same as that without a UPS.

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● If a Huawei outdoor UPS is used and the protection device is a normal

protection device, ensure that the UPS is running before power supply. Charge
the UPS using a temporary power supply 1 to 2 days before supplying power
to the UPS. After the charging is complete, the UPS keeps running with power
and cannot be shut down.

Step 1 Supply power to the auxiliary loop.
1. Turn on the circuit breaker in the ring main unit (in cabinet G2). The
protection device starts with power on, and the circuit breaker control loop is
2. Turn on the energy storage circuit breaker (in cabinet G2). The circuit breaker
starts to store energy, which takes about 10 seconds.
3. Switch on the measurement and control device.
4. Switch on the SACU.
Step 2 Supply power to the SmartLogger.
Open the door of the SACU and switch on the SmartLogger. The running indicator
of the SmartLogger blinks half a minute later.


6.5.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1

During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the ring
main unit. The operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

Step 1 Connect the SmartLogger to the PC using the prepared network cable.
Step 2 Turn the remote/local handle of cabinet G2 to the remote position and turn on
disconnector 56011.
Step 3 Evacuate all personnel around site 1 to a safe place.
Step 4 Issue a remote turn-on instruction over the SmartLogger to turn on switch 56015.

Figure 6-9 Operations on the STS switches

Step 5 When the transformer is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually weakens
and becomes even after 5 seconds.

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Step 6 The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 are blinking. The protective
devices are running properly.


6.5.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2 and Site 3

The method is the same as that for site 1. For details, see 6.5.2 Impulse Test on
the Transformer at Site 1.

6.6 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

Switching On the SPD of the LV Cabinet and the Auxiliary Loop
Step 1 Switch on the 800 V SPD in LV PANEL A.

Step 2 Switch on the 800 V SPD in LV PANEL B.

Step 3 Turn on the SPD circuit breaker of the auxiliary loop.


Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Transformer

Turn on the MCCB of the auxiliary transformer on the power supply side to
energize the auxiliary transformer.

Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

Step 1 Turn on the auxiliary power supply switch.

Step 2 Turn on the power supply switch of the UPS and LV auxiliary equipment.

● If a UPS is configured, the UPS should transfer from the battery mode to the normal
state. Check the indicators on the power supply unit (PSU) and energy storage modules
(ESMs). Ensure that the green indicators are blinking fast (4 Hz) and that the yellow
and red indicators are off.
● Some auxiliary loops have been powered before the transformer is powered on.

Step 3 Turn on the temperature and humidity controller, smoke sensor, and lighting
switches in the auxiliary power distribution box (PDB) in the MV room.

The temperature and humidity sensor should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started. The smoke sensor indicator should blink slowly and no alarm
should be generated. The light should be turned on. After the container door of the MV
room is closed, the light should turn off.

Step 4 Turn on the heat exchanger switch in the auxiliary PDB in the MV room.

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After the heat exchanger is powered on, the fan should start for self-check. That is, the
internal fan rotates for about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the
self-check is complete, the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs
at a low speed.

Step 5 Turn on the power switch and the switch of the energy storage loop in cabinet G2
of the ring main unit. The circuit breaker starts to store energy. The energy storage
is complete after about 10s.

The switch numbers of ring main units may vary depending on the manufacturer. Operate
the switches against the drawing.

Step 6 Turn on the ACB in LV PANEL A. The ACB starts to store energy, and the green
indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.
Step 7 Switch on the measurement and control device, temperature and humidity
controller, and IMD (optional) in LV PANEL A.

● The measurement and control device should be started with the LCD energized.
● The temperature and humidity sensor should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.


The IMD should start and perform self-check first. The running sequence is as follows:
1. Conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4 seconds. The HM LED indicator blinks
fast. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
2. Conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4 seconds. The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
3. Checks the insulation if no fault is found.
4. The normal running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the
LED light strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(10 kΩ ≤ insulation resistance ≤ 2 MΩ). The HM LED indicator blinks slowly or fast.

Step 8 Switch on the lighting and smoke sensor in the LV room.


After the smoke sensor starts, the indicators of the smoke sensors in the LV room and
transformer room should blink slowly and no alarm should be generated. The light should
be turned on. After the container doors of the LV room are closed, the light should turn off.

Step 9 Switch on the heat exchanger in LV PANEL A.


After the heat exchanger is powered on, the fan should start for self-check. That is, the
internal fan rotates for about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the
self-check is complete, the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs
at a low speed. The heating plate in LV PANEL A is energized (not running).

Step 10 Turn on the ACB in LV PANEL B. The ACB starts to store energy, and the green
indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.

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Step 11 Switch on the temperature and humidity controller and IMD (optional) in LV

● The measurement and control device should be started with the LCD energized.
● The temperature and humidity sensor should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.


The IMD should start and perform self-check first. The running sequence is as follows:
1. Conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4 seconds. The HM LED indicator blinks
fast. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
2. Conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4 seconds. The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
3. Checks the insulation if no fault is found.
4. The normal running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the
LED light strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(10 kΩ ≤ insulation resistance ≤ 2 MΩ). The HM LED indicator blinks slowly or fast.

Step 12 Switch on the heat exchanger in LV PANEL B.


After the heat exchanger is powered on, the fan should start for self-check. That is, the
internal fan rotates for about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the
self-check is complete, the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs
at a low speed. The heating plate in LV PANEL B is energized (not running).

Step 13 Switch on the UPS auxiliary socket and ensure that the socket is energized. Switch
on the common power socket and ensure that the socket is energized.


Powering On the SACU


If the auxiliary power supply to the SACU has been powered on before the transformer
supplies power, skip this step.

Step 1 Switch on the SACU.

Step 2 Open the door of the SACU and switch on the SmartLogger. The running indicator
of the SmartLogger blinks half a minute later.


Powering on the Backup Power Supply and the Tracker Loop

The power-on time of the backup power supply and the tracker loop may be much
later than the power supply time of the STS. The power supply operation should
be performed by the customer.

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6.7 Supplying Power to the LV Loop

Supplying Power to LV PANEL A
Step 1 Supply power to the bus in LV PANEL A.
1. Switch the remote/local switch of the ACB in LV PANEL A to the local position.
2. Press the ON button to turn on the ACB. The red indicator (green indicator for
the Spanish version) is on.
3. After the ACB is turned on, it stores energy. The remote/local switch is
switched to the remote position.
Step 2 Supply power to the PT loop in LV PANEL A.
1. Turn on the knife fuse switch in LV PANEL A. The PT (TV) is energized.
2. Turn on the secondary circuit breaker of the TV. The measurement and control
device (CK) displays the first group of voltage, and the power meter displays
the current operating voltage.
Step 3 (Optional) Supply power to the IMD loop in LV PANEL A.
1. Turn on the knife fuse switch.

The IMD is running properly. If the resistance decreases significantly or an alarm is

generated, the IMD is not properly insulated. Power off the IMD.

Step 4 Supply power to the PID/PLC (MBUS) loop in LV PANEL A.

1. Turn on the knife fuse switch in LV PANEL A.
2. In the SACU, turn on the first 800 V three-phase switch and the PID1 input
switch. The PID module is energized.
3. When an IMD is installed, set the IMD device access status in the PID1 to
Disable. After the PID1 runs, the HM LED indicator of the IMD in LV PANEL A
is off, indicating that the IMD is enabled and the cable connection is correct.
Set the IMD device access status in the PID1 to Enable and set the IMD and
PID running periods.

Commission the PID module after powering it on. For the detailed commissioning
procedure, see the SmartPID2000 User Manual.


Supplying Power to LV PANEL B

Step 1 Supply power to the bus in LV PANEL B.
1. Switch the remote/local switch of the ACB in LV PANEL B to the local position.
2. Press the ON button to turn on the ACB.
3. The red indicator (green indicator for the Spanish version) is on. After the ACB
is turned on, it stores energy.

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4. The remote/local switch is switched to the remote position.

Step 2 Supply power to the PT loop in LV PANEL B.

1. Turn on the knife fuse switch in LV PANEL B. The PT (TV) is energized.
2. Turn on the secondary circuit breaker of the TV. The measurement and control
device (CK) displays the second group of voltage, and the power meter
displays the current operating voltage.

Step 3 (Optional) Supply power to the IMD loop in LV PANEL B.

1. Turn on the knife fuse switch in LV PANEL B.

The IMD is running properly. If the resistance decreases significantly or an alarm is

generated, the IMD is not properly insulated. Power off the IMD.

Step 4 Supply power to the PID/PLC (MBUS) loop in LV PANEL B.

1. Turn on the knife fuse switch in LV PANEL B.
2. In the SACU, turn on the first 800 V three-phase switch and the PID2 input
switch. The PID module is energized.
3. When an IMD is installed, set the IMD device access status in the PID2 to
Disable. After the PID2 runs, the HM LED indicator of the IMD in LV PANEL B
is off, indicating that the IMD is enabled and the cable connection is correct.
Set the IMD device access status in the PID2 to Enable and set the IMD and
PID running periods.

Commission the PID module after powering it on. For the detailed commissioning
procedure, see the SmartPID2000 User Manual.


6.8 STS Running Without Loads

After the preceding steps are complete, the STS needs to run without loads for 24

6.9 STS Running with Loads

Supplying Power to the Solar Inverters

Supply power to the solar inverters after the STS has run without loads for 24 hours.

Step 1 Turn on all MCCBs of the 800 V incoming cables on the LV side.

Step 2 Turn on all switches of the combiner boxes (if any) of the PV array and the DC
switches of the solar inverters.

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If the insulation of the LV PV array is measured before power is supplied, the switches of
the combiner boxes can be turned on.

Step 3 Connect a PC to the SmartLogger, search for solar inverters, assign solar inverter
addresses, upgrade the SmartLogger software version, and upgrade the solar
inverter software version.
Step 4 The solar inverters are running and feeding current.


Checking the STS with Loads

Step 1 Check the current displayed on the multimeter of LV PANEL A and on the
electronic tripper of the ACB. The currents of the three phases should be equal or
Step 2 Check the current displayed on the multimeter of LV PANEL B and on the
electronic tripper of the ACB. The currents of the three phases should be equal or
Step 3 Check the current displayed on the protection device of the MV cabinet. The
currents of the three phases should be equal or close.


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7 System Maintenance

7.1 Safety Precautions


● After the equipment stops running, wait for at least 10 minutes to ensure that
the voltage is within the safe range, the transfer switch is in the local position,
the ground switch of the circuit breaker cabinet in the ring main unit is
switched on, and the ground cable is connected to the low-voltage cabinet.
Then you can perform maintenance or repair.
● Before maintaining the transformer station, turn off the switches on the LV side
and then the high-voltage (HV) side of the STS.
● Before maintaining the transformer station, turn off the ACB at the LV side and
the switch at the HV side, and attach warning labels to ensure that the
equipment will not be powered on by accident.

● Maintain the equipment with sufficient knowledge of this document and

using proper tools and testing equipment.
● Prior to maintenance, power off the equipment.
● Place temporary warning signs or erect fences to prevent unauthorized access
to the maintenance site.
● If the equipment is faulty, contact your dealer.
● The equipment can be powered on only after all faults are rectified. Failing to
do so may escalate faults or damage the equipment.

7.2 Shutdown and Power-Off

To power off the equipment system, perform the following operations:
1. Strictly follow the relevant power operation procedure. Wear high-voltage
insulation gloves, insulation shoes, and safety helmets. Use operation levers.
2. Turn off AC input switches in the low-voltage cabinet.

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3. Switch off the air circuit breaker and the PT loop.

4. After checking that the two air circuit breakers are switched off, switch off the
circuit breaker of cabinet V (cabinet G2) of the ring main unit. Then turn off
the isolation switch.
5. If the power indicator indicates no power supply, ensure that the V cabinet
(G2 cabinet) of the ring main unit is grounded according to operation
instructions on the panel of the ring main unit.
6. Perform the preceding operations without powering off the circuit. After the
ground cable is connected to the low-voltage cabinet, check and repair the
transformer and low-voltage cabinet. To facilitate the power-off maintenance
of the transformer station, turn off the upper-level cabling cabinet. Ensure
that the circuit is not energized, turn off the load switch of cabinet C of the
ring main unit, turn on the ground switch of the upper-level cabling cabinet
and cabinet C of the ring main unit, and check and repair the rain main unit.

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7.2.1 Powering Off the Transformer for Overhaul (Upper

Isolation Structure of the Ring Main Unit, CGM)
Figure 7-1 Running status before overhaul

Step 1 Remotely turn off the ACB in LV PANEL A.
Step 2 Remotely turn off the ACB in LV PANEL B.
Step 3 Remotely turn off the circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 4 Manually turn off the disconnector of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 5 Manually turn on the circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 6 Manually turn on the ground knife switch of cabinet G2 and lock the operation
hole. Install a sign to forbid any operation.

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Step 7 Manually turn off all MCCBs of the incoming cables and discharge the busbar of
the LV cabinet using a ground cable.

Figure 7-2 Status of the switches after overhaul


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7.2.2 Powering Off the Transformer for Overhaul (Lower

Isolation Structure of the Ring Main Unit, DQS and 8DJH)
Figure 7-3 Running status before overhaul

Step 1 Remotely turn off the ACB in LV PANEL A.
Step 2 Remotely turn off the ACB in LV PANEL B.
Step 3 Remotely turn off the circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 4 Manually turn off the disconnector of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 5 Manually turn on the circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the ring main unit.
Step 6 Manually turn on the ground knife switch of cabinet G2 and lock the operation
hole. Install a sign to forbid any operation.

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Step 7 Manually turn off all MCCBs of the incoming cables and discharge the busbar of
the LV cabinet using a ground cable.

Figure 7-4 Status of the switches after overhaul


7.2.3 Powering Off the Ring Main Unit for Overhaul


● The overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo ring main units are the same. The
overhaul procedures for DVC and CVC are the same.
● This document uses Ormazabal CVC ring main unit at site 2 as an example.

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Figure 7-5 Status of the switches before overhaul

Step 1 Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.
Step 2 Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.
Step 3 Turn off load switch 57011 of cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of
cabinet G3 does not blink, turn on grounding switch 57017 of cabinet G3 (pull out
the mechanical interlock key to grounding switches 57017 and 50027). Install a
sign to forbid any operation.
Step 4 The main loop of the ring main unit at site 2 has been powered off and safety
measures have been taken for overhaul.

Figure 7-6 Status of the switches during overhaul


7.3 Overhauling Cables Between STSs (CVC)


● For CVC ring main units, the cable overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo are the
● This document uses the Ormazabal CVC ring main unit (cables between site 1 and site
2) as an example.

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Figure 7-7 Status of the switches before overhaul

Step 1 Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.
Step 2 Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.
Step 3 Turn off load switch 57011 of cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of
cabinet G3 does not blink, turn on grounding switch 57017 of cabinet G3 (pull out
the mechanical interlock key to grounding switches 57017 and 50027). Install a
sign to forbid any operation.
Step 4 Turn off load switch 50021 of cabinet G1 at site 2. (Insert the mechanical interlock
key to grounding switches 57017 and 50027.) Turn on grounding switch 50027 of
cabinet G1. Install a sign to forbid any operation.
Step 5 Both ends of the cables between site 1 and site 2 are grounded, safety measures
are taken, and the cable compartment doors at both ends are unlocked.

Figure 7-8 Status of the switches during overhaul


7.4 Overhauling Cables Between STSs (DVC)


● For DVC ring main units, the cable overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo are
the same.
● This document uses the Ormazabal DVC ring main unit (cables between site 1 and site
2) as an example.

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Figure 7-9 Status of the switches before overhaul

Step 1 Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.

Step 2 Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.

Step 3 Turn off load switch 57011 of cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of
cabinet G3 does not blink, turn on grounding switch 57017 of cabinet G3 (pull out
the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and grounding switch 57017
of cabinet G1 at site 2). Install a sign to forbid any operation.

Step 4 One end of the cables between site 1 and site 2 is grounded and safety measures
are taken. The door of the cable room at site 1 is unlocked. The door of the cable
room at site 2 can be unlocked by inserting the mechanical interlock key.

Figure 7-10 Status of the switches during overhaul


7.5 Routine Maintenance

Routine inspection and maintenance must comply with relevant regulations of the
electric utility.

The inspection, maintenance, and repair can only be performed by trained

personnel who are familiar with the equipment. The personnel must be certified
and comply with the safety regulations issued by the electric utility.

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Before check, maintenance, and repair, ensure that:

● The high-voltage power supply is disconnected.
● There is no possible feedback power supply at the high-voltage cable outlet.
● There is no operation at the high-voltage cable outlet.
● All auxiliary power supplies must be disconnected, and have no power supply.

Table 7-1 Maintenance list

No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance

1 System running Check whether the equipment and internal Monthly

status and equipment are damaged or deformed.
Check whether there is any abnormal sound or
vibration when the equipment is running.

Check whether the temperature inside the

equipment or the temperature of the
equipment shell is too high.

Check whether warning labels are clear and

replace them if necessary.

Check whether the humidity and dust in the

equipment are heavy, and clean the equipment.

Check whether the device exterior is corroded

or the paint flakes off, and repaint areas where
the paint has flaked off.

2 Cable connection Check whether power cables are loose. If so, The first
properly connect them according to specified inspection is half
torques. a year after the
Check whether power cables and control cables commissioning.
are damaged and whether the cable exterior in From then on,
contact with the metallic surface is scratched. perform the
Check whether the insulation binding tapes on inspection once
the wiring terminals of power cables are flaked. every two years.

3 Heat exchanger Check the working status of the heat The first
exchanger. inspection is half
a year after the
From then on,
perform the
inspection once

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No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance


Check whether the heat exchanger produces every half to one

abnormal sounds during operation. year.

4 Device For the maintenance of various equipment N/A

maintenance inside, refer to the related manuals.

5 Low-voltage Check the voltage, current, and on/off indicator Monthly

cabinet of the low-voltage input cabinet. Check
whether the actual indication is normal.

Check whether the measurement and control

equipment displays normally.

Check whether the SPD indicator is normal or

faulty (red).

Check whether the cables to the primary and

secondary control loops are securely connected.

Check whether the bolts of the AC input power

cable are tightened properly, and whether there
is any gap in the cable hole.

Check whether there is condensation on the

internal side panel and top cover.

Test the SPD. Check whether the cables to the Annual

primary and secondary loops are secured.

Drive test for the low-voltage cabinet. Once every three

Maintain the internal dynamic contact of the
circuit breaker, and perform a preventive test
on the controller.

6 Transformer Check the oil level meter indication of the Monthly

transformer. If the oil level is low, power off the
transformer and refill it in time.

Check whether there is oil leakage around the

pressure release valve. If yes, tighten the valve.

Check whether there is oil leakage on the

phase sleeves of the high-voltage and low-
voltage cabinets. If yes, tighten the valve.

Check whether there is oil leakage on the joint

between the heat sink of the transformer and
the flange of the oil tank. If yes, tighten the
valve in time.

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No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance


Check whether the real-time temperature of

the oil surface temperature controller is normal.
If the difference between the temperature
controller and the data collector is greater than
1°C, the temperature controller is faulty and
needs to be repaired in time.

Check whether the sound of the transformer is

normal during operation. If there are abnormal
noises, power off the transformer and repair it.

Check whether the collector box of the gas

relay is filled with oil and whether there is air. If
yes, take air samples or exhaust air.

Check whether the dehydrating breather is

damp or blocked with foreign matters. If the
dehydrating breather is abnormal, replace it in

Test the transformer oil (chromatographic Annual


Clean the transformer, and tighten the bolts on

the lap surface.

Test the insulation, DC resistance, and voltage Once every three

ratio of the transformer, and perform the years
voltage withstanding and micro water tests on
the transformer oil.

7 Ring main unit Check the SF6 air pressure meter to see Monthly
whether the pointer is in the green range. If the
pointer is close to red, stop running it in time
and supply it with air.

Check the electric indicator to see whether the

L1/L2/L3 indicator is normal. If not, replace the
L1/L2/L3 indicator.

Test the ring main unit SPD, and tighten the Annual
bolts of power cables.

Perform manual operation tests on the

operating mechanism to check the flexibility.

Perform a leakage test on the SF6 to check air Once every three
leakage. years

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No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance


8 IMD device Check whether the insulation resistance of the Once every 6
IMD is correct and whether the IMD is months
damaged. If the warning indicator or alarm
indicator is on, check whether the insulation
loop is normal.

9 Other equipment Replace the damaged lights in time. If necessary

Replace the damaged smoke sensor in time.

Replace the temperature and humidity

controller in time.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 7 System Maintenance

7.6 Common Faults Troubleshooting

Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion

Transformer Tripping ● The transformer is short- 1. A short circuit fault usually

pressure signal circuited. affects the gas relay from
valve action ● The transformer is not which you can take the gas
breathing well. sample first.
● The pressure relief valve is ● If the gas is colorless,
faulty. odourless, and not
flammable, it is air. In this
● The transformer is not case, identify the air inlet
properly operated during oil and the reason for air
recharge. intake, which may be
improper oil charge.
● If the gas has a peculiar
smell or is even
flammable, it indicates an
internal fault. In this case,
you need to take the oil
sample to conduct
chromatograph analysis to
further identify the cause.
If the cause is unidentified,
the transformer cannot be
put into operation until
the defect is eliminated.
(Note: If a major internal
fault indeed occurs, the
transformer is damaged
and cannot be repaired
onsite but only be
2. Check whether the silica gel
in the dehydrating breather is
severely damp and whether
the silica gel exceeds 2/3 of
the breather. Check whether
the pipes are blocked by
filling nitrogen.
3. The expander, an elastic
element of the pressure relief
valve, does not work
smoothly, thin films are
damaged since the bolts
securing them are too tight,
or the sealing ring of the
pressure relief port is

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


damaged (Check whether oil

leakage occurs at the port
using a piece of paper or a
strip of white cloth). In this
case, replace the thin films or
contact the manufacturer.
4. When the transformer is
being repaired or installed,
the oil charge method is
improper. As a result, the gas
in the upper part of the
conservator is not exhausted
as required. Power off the
transformer and refill it until
the oil is over the
conservator. Then, release oil
to an appropriate level by
referring the oil temperature-
oil level curve.

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


Oil flow trip Tripping ● The transformer is short- 1. Check whether there are
signal circuited. obvious bumps and dents on
● The gas loop is faulty. the shell of the transformer,
whether the container leaks
● The transformer is not oil, and whether the pressure
properly operated during oil relief device is sprayed with
recharge. oil. If yes, it indicates a
● The gas relay misbehaves. serious internal fault. If no,
take the gas sample from the
gas relay first.
● If the gas is colorless,
odourless, and not
flammable, it is air. In this
case, identify the air inlet
and the reason for air
intake, which may be
improper oil charge.
● If the gas has a peculiar
smell or is even
flammable, it indicates an
internal fault. In this case,
you need to take the oil
sample to conduct
chromatograph analysis to
further identify the cause.
If the cause is unidentified,
the transformer cannot be
put into operation until
the defect is eliminated.
(Note: If a major internal
fault indeed occurs, the
transformer is damaged
and cannot be repaired
onsite but only be
2. If there is no gas, check the
secondary loop and whether
the wire post and lead wire
of the gas relay are well
3. When the transformer is
being repaired or installed,
the oil charge method is
improper. As a result, the gas
in the upper part of the
conservator is not exhausted
as required. Power off the
transformer and refill it until

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


the oil is over the

conservator. Then, release oil
to an appropriate level by
referring the oil temperature-
oil level curve.
4. Check whether there is any
violent vibration in the local
area, whether the gas relay
leaks oil, and whether the
secondary cable is corroded.

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


Gas Alarm signal ● A minor fault occurs on the 1. Take the gas sample from the
accumulatio transformer and a small gas relay. If the gas is
n alarm amount of gas is generated. colorless, odourless, and not
● The transformer leaks oil. flammable, it is air. In this
case, identify the air inlet and
● The transformer is not the reason for air intake,
properly operated during oil which may be improper oil
recharge. charge. If the gas has a
● The gas relay or the peculiar smell or is even
secondary loop is faulty. flammable, it indicates that
● The gas relay misbehaves. an internal fault occurs. In
this case, power off and
maintain the transformer. You
need to take the oil sample
to conduct chromatograph
2. Check the seal and weld of
the oil tank for oil leakage. If
the gas relay misbehaves due
to the oil level decrease,
check whether the oil level
complies with the oil
temperature-oil level curve.
Power off and refill the
transformer if necessary.
3. When the transformer is
being repaired or installed,
the oil charge method is
improper. As a result, the gas
in the upper part of the
conservator is not exhausted
as required. Power off the
transformer and refill it until
the oil is over the
conservator. Then, release oil
to an appropriate level by
referring the oil temperature-
oil level curve.
4. If there is no gas, check the
secondary loop and whether
the wire post and lead wire
of the gas relay are well
5. Check whether there is any
violent vibration in the local
area, whether the gas relay
leaks oil, and whether the
secondary cable is corroded.

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


Transformer Tripping ● The transformer is 1. Check whether the cooling oil

ultra-high signal overloaded. level of the transformer is
oil ● An internal fault occurred on low, and whether the
temperature the transformer. temperature sensor is
abnormal. Rule out the
● The secondary loop of the possibility that the high
transformer is faulty. temperature is caused by the
transformer itself.
2. Check the transformer loads.
Generally, the oil-immersed
transformer can run overload
for a few hours. However, the
long overload would raise the
transformer temperature
continuously, resulting in
overcurrent and high-voltage
tripping. Check the loads
using the ammeter of the LV
cabinet. If the trip is caused
by overload, you are advised
to reduce the operating loads.

Transformer Alarm signal ● The oil level is abnormal 1. If gas relay protection is
high oil level because of oil seepage, water available, remove the trip
seepage, or other accidents. circuit to prevent accidental
● The change of oil tripping.
temperature is related to load 2. O&M personnel need to
conditions and the ambient check the oil level gauge
temperature. If the oil level frequently. If the oil level is
changes are inconsistent with too high, drain some oil.
these factors, the oil level 3. If the oil conserver or the
may be false. Reasons for the explosion-proof pipe sprays
false oil level: The pipe of the oil abnormally, cut off the
oil level gauge is blocked or power supply of the
the exhaust vent of the transformer immediately to
explosion-proof pipe is prevent the spread of fault
blocked. and accident.

Transformer Alarm signal ● The transformer is leaking oil 1. Check the secondary loop for
low oil level (for a long time). false actions.
● After oil is drained due to 2. If the action is correct, refill
maintenance, repair, or tests, the transformer.
the transformer is not refilled
to the normal level in time.
● A false low oil level alarm is
generated due to the
secondary loop.

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


Transformer Alarm signal ● The transformer is 1. Check whether the

high oil overloaded. transformer is overloaded. If
temperature ● The heat dissipation channel so, the high oil temperature
is blocked. alarm is generated in some
● A false alarm is generated
due to the secondary loop. 2. Check whether the heat
dissipation channel of the
transformer is blocked.
3. Check whether a false alarm
is generated based on the
actual oil temperature.

Heat Alarm signal The heat exchanger is damaged. Check whether the heat
exchanger exchanger is faulty. Replace the
faulty heat exchanger.

Circuit Tripping A short circuit or false tripping Check whether the LV busbar is
breaker for signal occurred. short-circuited or the branch
the LV loop is short-circuited, and the
incoming MCCB has no action.
cable Do not turn on the switch before
tripping the fault is rectified.

Temperature Alarm signal The heat exchanger is faulty. As 1. Check whether the
and a result, the temperature inside temperature and humidity
humidity the container exceeds the upper controller works properly. If
controller threshold. not, replace it.
overtempera 2. Check whether the heat
ture exchanger works properly. If
not, replace it.

Smoke Alarm signal A fire or false alarm is generated 1. Check whether there is a fire
sensor inside the STS. onsite. If there is a fire in the
action LV cabinet, switch off the MV
circuit breaker immediately.
2. If the fire is in the ring main
unit, switch off the circuit
breaker on the main station
side of the STS.

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Alarm Signal Fault Cause Troubleshooting Suggestion


Ring main Alarm signal An SF6 gas leakage or false 1. Check whether there is an SF6
unit SF6 low alarm occurs in the ring main gas leakage. If the SF6 air
pressure unit. gauge pointer is in the yellow
area, the ring main unit can
still work. Contact Huawei
technical support.
2. If the SF6 air gauge pointer is
in the red area, disconnect
the load switch of cabinet G3
in the upper layer STS

Transformer Alarm signal The operation loop of the circuit Check the operation loop of the
MV circuit breaker is faulty. Therefore, the circuit breaker.
breaker remote turn-off fails.

Transformer Alarm signal Energy is not stored for the 1. After the energy is stored, the
MV circuit circuit breaker spring on the MV signal will disappear in a few
breaker side. seconds.
spring no 2. If the signal is still on, check
energy the energy storage loop.

Transformer Tripping The transformer is short- Transformer protection action.

MV side signal circuited or the MV cable is Do not turn on the MV circuit
safety faulty. breaker before the fault is
shutdown rectified.

Transformer Tripping The transformer is overloaded or Transformer protection action.

MV side signal a short circuit occurs on the LV Do not turn on the MV circuit
overcurrent side but the LV circuit breaker breaker before the fault is
protection takes no action. rectified.

LV SPD fault Alarm signal ● SPD-1FC fault (LV PANEL 1. Locate the faulty SPD.
loop A) 2. Before replacing the SPD,
● SPD-2FC fault (LV PANEL disconnect the power supply
loop B) to ensure that the SPD wiring
● SPD-3FC1 fault (auxiliary terminal has no power.
power distribution loop) 3. Replace the faulty SPD.
● SPD-3FC2 fault (distributed
power loop)

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If you cannot rectify faults with the measures listed in troubleshooting suggestions, contact
Huawei technical support.

7.7 Component Replacement


● For details about how to replace a component inside the transformer station,
see the component installation guide.
● Before replacement, check that a spare component of the same model is
available and functional.
● When replacing the component, disconnect the power supply. High voltage is
dangerous. Do not operate with power on.
● Replace components not listed in this document following manufacturer
● The appearances of the components mentioned in this document are for
reference only. For details, see the documents delivered with the components.
● Dispose of faulty components in accordance with the local disposal act for
waste electrical equipment.

7.7.1 Replacing a UPS

Step 1 Switch off the UPS power input circuit breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.

Step 2 Remove the cables between the UPS power module and the lithium battery
module in the sequence of power cables, communications cables, and ground
cables, and label the cables.

Step 3 (Optional) Remove the input and output power cables from the UPS, and remove
the UPS.

Step 4 Protect the removed cables and waterproof connectors against water or damage.

Step 5 In the PDB in the MV room, move the plug-in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:4
and 3XUPS1:5 to between terminals 3XUPS1:3 and 3XUPS1:4, and move the plug-
in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:25 and 3XUPS1:26 to between terminals
3XUPS1:24 and 3XUPS1:25.

Step 6 Switch on the UPS power input circuit breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.
The loads that were powered by the UPS are powered by the auxiliary transformer.
Wait until the new UPS is delivered to the site.

Step 7 After the new UPS is delivered to the site, switch off the UPS power input circuit
breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.

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Figure 7-11 Replacing a UPS

Step 8 Install the new UPS.

Step 9 Connect the UPS cables. (You are advised to connect the power cables between
the UPS power module and the lithium battery after connecting other cables.)

For details about how to connect cables to the UPS, see the installation guide delivered
with the UPS.

Step 10 In the PDB in the MV room, move the plug-in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:3
and 3XUPS1:4 to between terminals 3XUPS1:4 and 3XUPS1:5, and move the plug-
in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:24 and 3XUPS1:25 to between terminals
3XUPS1:25 and 3XUPS1:26.
Step 11 Switch on the UPS power input circuit breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.
Step 12 Check the status of the UPS running indicator.
Step 13 Switch off the UPS power input circuit breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.
The light in the MV room blinks once and then is steady on.
Step 14 Switch on the UPS power input circuit breaker 3FB1 in the PDB in the MV room.


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7.7.2 Replacing the Lightning Arrester

If the lightning arrester is faulty and cannot be repaired during maintenance,
power it off and replace it.


Do not replace a lightning arrester during a thunderstorm.

Step 1 Loosen the fixing components of the lightning arrester to be replaced.
Step 2 Remove the ground cable connected to the lightning arrester.
Step 3 Remove the rubber cap and insulation plug from the lightning arrester.

Figure 7-12 Removing the rubber cap and insulation plug from the lightning

Step 4 Remove the nut from the conductive pole assembly.

Figure 7-13 Removing the nut

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Step 5 Remove the faulty lightning arrester.

Step 6 Replace the conductive pole assembly with a new one.

Figure 7-14 Removing the conductive pole assembly

Step 7 Install a new lightning arrester.

Figure 7-15 Installing a new lightning arrester


Use a detergent to clean the insulation surface of the lightning arrester. After the detergent
is volatilized, evenly spread the silicon grease.

Step 8 Tighten the nut on the conductive pole assembly.

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Figure 7-16 Tightening the nut

Step 9 Reinstall the insulation plug and rubber cap.

Figure 7-17 Reinstalling the insulation plug and rubber cap


Use a detergent to clean the insulation plug. After the detergent is volatilized, evenly
spread the silicon grease.

Step 10 Reinstall the ground cable.

Step 11 Secure the fixing components of the lightning arrester.

7.7.3 Replacing the Measurement and Control Device

If the measurement and control device is faulty and cannot be repaired during
maintenance, power it off and replace it.


Before replacing the measurement and control device, ensure that the secondary
side of the current transformer (CT) is short-circuited and the secondary side of
the potential transformer (PT) is open-circuited.

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Step 1 Unscrew the wiring terminals from the measurement and control device.

Step 2 Remove the screws from the rear of the measurement and control device and
remove the device.

Figure 7-18 Removing the measurement and control device

Step 3 Install a new measurement and control device and tighten the screws.

Step 4 Secure the wiring terminals.

Step 5 Power on the measurement and control device.

Step 6 Set the measurement and control device according to the fixed value list.


7.7.4 Replacing the ACB

If the air circuit breaker (ACB) is faulty and cannot be repaired during
maintenance, power it off and replace it.


Ensure that the device is powered off and set the ACB to OFF.

Step 1 Remove the copper bar connected to the rear of the ACB.

Step 2 Remove the signal cable and PE cable from the ACB and mark the cables.

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Step 3 Remove the screws from the ACB.

Figure 7-19 Removing the screws

Step 4 Install a new ACB and tighten the screws on both sides.
Step 5 Reinstall the signal cable and copper bar.


7.7.5 Replacing the SPD

If the surge protective device (SPD) is faulty and cannot be repaired during
maintenance, power it off and replace it.

Step 1 Remove the cables from the SPD and mark them.
Step 2 Remove the SPD.

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Figure 7-20 Removing the SPD

Step 3 Install a new SPD.

Step 4 Reinstall the cables.


7.7.6 Replacing the MCCB

● If the molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) is faulty and cannot be repaired
during maintenance, power it off and replace it.
● If the short-circuit fault current of the MCCB is less than or equal to Icu
(limited short-circuit breaking capability), the MCCB needs to be replaced
once a short-circuit fault occurs.
● If the short-circuit fault current of the MCCB is less than or equal to Ics
(operating short-circuit breaking capability), the MCCB needs to be replaced
after three short-circuits occur.


Ensure that the device is powered off and set the MCCB to OFF.

Step 1 Remove the cover from the upper part of the MCCB.

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Figure 7-21 Removing the cover

Step 2 Remove the cable from the MCCB and mark the cable.
Step 3 Remove the screws from the MCCB and remove the MCCB.

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Figure 7-22 Removing screws

Step 4 Install a new MCCB.

Step 5 Reinstall the cable.
Step 6 Reinstall the cover on the upper part of the MCCB.

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Figure 7-23 Reinstalling the cover


7.7.7 Replacing the Oil Surface Temperature Controller

If the oil surface temperature controller is faulty and cannot be repaired during
maintenance, power it off and replace it.

Step 1 Use both hands to rotate the outer metal ring of the oil surface temperature
controller counterclockwise, remove the outer metal ring and glass plate, remove
the cable from the oil surface temperature controller, and mark the cable.

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Figure 7-24 Removing the cable

Step 2 Remove the screws from the oil surface temperature controller.

Figure 7-25 Removing the screws

Step 3 Install a new oil surface temperature controller.

Step 4 Reinstall the cable.


7.7.8 Replacing a Heat Exchanger

If the heat exchanger is faulty and cannot be repaired during maintenance, power
it off and replace it.

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Step 1 Remove cables from the heat exchanger.

Step 2 Remove the screws from the heat exchanger, and remove the front panel and heat

Step 3 Install the new heat exchanger and front panel, and tighten the screws.

Step 4 Power on the heat exchanger.


7.7.9 Replacing the Power Meter

If the power meter is faulty and cannot be repaired during maintenance, power it
off and replace it.

Step 1 Remove cables from the power meter.

Step 2 Remove screws from the power meter and remove the power meter.

Step 3 Install a new power meter and tighten the screws.

Step 4 Secure the power meter cables.


7.7.10 Replacing the Temperature and Humidity Controller

If the temperature and humidity controller is faulty and cannot be repaired during
maintenance, power it off and replace it.

Step 1 Remove the wiring terminals from the temperature and humidity controller.

Step 2 Remove screws from the temperature and humidity controller and remove the
temperature and humidity controller.

Step 3 Install a new temperature and humidity controller and tighten the screws.

Step 4 Install the wiring terminals.


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7.7.11 Replacing the MCB

If the miniature circuit breaker (MCB) is faulty during maintenance, power it off
and replace it.

Step 1 Remove the cable from the faulty MCB.

Step 2 Remove the faulty MCB.

Figure 7-26 Removing the faulty MCB

Step 3 Install a new MCB.

Step 4 Install the cable on the new MCB.


7.7.12 Replacing the Light

If the light is found damaged during maintenance, power it off and replace it.

Step 1 Remove the faulty light.

Step 2 Install a new light in the original position.


7.7.13 Replacing the Smoke Sensor

If the smoke sensor is found damaged during maintenance, power it off and
replace it.

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Step 1 Hold the smoke sensor, and rotate it counterclockwise to remove it from the base.

Step 2 Remove the cable from the smoke sensor.

Step 3 Connect the cable to a new smoke sensor.

Step 4 Insert the smoke sensor into the base and turn it clockwise until it locks in.


7.7.14 Replacing the Fuse of the Fuse-Switch-Disconnector

If the fuse cannot be used during maintenance, power it off and replace it.

Step 1 Open the switch box of the fuse-switch-disconnector.

Step 2 Remove the faulty fuse.

Figure 7-27 Removing the faulty fuse

Step 3 Install a new fuse and close the switch box of the fuse-switch-disconnector.


7.7.15 Replacing the Ring Main Unit

Step 1 Ensure that the STS has been powered off and the new ring main unit has been
transported to the site.

Step 2 Remove AC power cable connectors and wrap the connectors with a clean plastic
bag to keep the connectors clean.

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Figure 7-28 Removing AC power cable connectors

Step 3 Pull AC power cables out of the transformer room.

Figure 7-29 Pulling out AC power cables

Step 4 Remove cables from the secondary room of the ring main unit and take out the
cables from the secondary room.

Figure 7-30 Removing cables from the secondary room of the ring main unit

Step 5 Remove the PGND cable from the ring main unit.

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Figure 7-31 Removing the PGND cable

Step 6 Remove screws from the top of the ring main unit.

Figure 7-32 Removing screws from the top of the ring main unit

Step 7 Remove screws at the bottom of the ring main unit.

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Figure 7-33 Removing screws from the bottom of the ring main unit

Step 8 Remove the old ring main unit using a forklift.

Figure 7-34 Removing the old ring main unit

Step 9 Separate the ring main unit from the base, and remove the old ring main unit
using a crane.

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Figure 7-35 Removing the old ring main unit

Step 10 Install the new ring main unit in the MV room of the STS. (The installation
procedure is opposite to the removal procedure. Only the text description is
provided here.)
1. Place the new ring main unit on the base using a crane, and secure the ring
main unit to the base.
2. Move the ring main unit to the MV room of the STS using a forklift.
3. Tighten the screws at the bottom and top of the ring main unit.
4. Connect the PGND cable of the ring main unit and cables of the secondary
room, and install AC power cable connectors.
Step 11 Check that cables are securely connected, the environment is clean and tidy, and
there is no foreign matter inside the transformer station. Then close the door of
the transformer station.


7.7.16 Replacing a Transformer

Step 1 Ensure that the STS has been powered off and the new transformer has been
transported to the site.
Step 2 Remove the cable connectors between the transformer and the MV room, wrap
the cable connectors with a clean plastic bag, and keep the cable connectors

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Figure 7-36 Removing cable connectors

Step 3 Remove the protective cover from the copper bar between the transformer and
the low-voltage room.

Figure 7-37 Removing the protective cover from the copper bar

Step 4 Remove the copper bar between the transformer and the low-voltage room.

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Figure 7-38 Removing the copper bar

Step 5 Remove the cables from the top of the transformer, and place the cables in a
position that does not affect the installation of the transformer.

Figure 7-39 Removing cables from the top of the transformer

Step 6 Remove the ground cable from the transformer.

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Figure 7-40 Removing the ground cable from the transformer

Step 7 Raise and smooth the ground in front of the STS. Ensure that the ground is 10 mm
higher than the foundation. Place the transformer fixture in front of the
transformer and ensure that the fixture platform does not tilt using a spirit level.

Figure 7-41 Leveling the fixture

Step 8 Remove the screws that secure the transformer.

Figure 7-42 Removing the screws that secure the transformer

Step 9 Lift the transformer using four jacks.

1. Loosen the screws on the top of the jacks.
2. Push the jacks to the bottom of the transformer support and release gas.
3. Raise the jacks and lift the transformer.

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4. Raise the transformer by about 10 mm.

Figure 7-43 Lifting the transformer

Step 10 Fix a chain block at the front and rear of the transformer respectively. One person
slowly pulls out the transformer in the front, and another person pulls the
transformer in the rear to prevent the transformer from sliding out.

Figure 7-44 Removing the transformer

Step 11 After the transformer is completely removed from the STS, remove the jacks and
chain blocks.
Step 12 Hook the four corners at the top of the transformer using lifting ropes, and
remove the old transformer. (crane lifting capacity ≥ 50 tons)

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Figure 7-45 Hoisting the transformer

Step 13 Install the new transformer in the STS. (The installation procedure is opposite to
the removal procedure. Only the text description is provided here.)
1. Place the new transformer on the fixture using a crane.
2. Use four jacks to lift the transformer for about 10 mm.
3. Move the transformer to the inside of the STS by using chain blocks.
4. Tighten the screws that secure the transformer.
5. Connect the transformer ground cable, cables on the top of the transformer,
the copper bar between the transformer and the LV cabinet, and cable
connectors between the transformer and the MV room.
Step 14 Check that cables are securely connected, the environment is clean and tidy, and
there is no foreign matter inside the transformer station. Then close the door of
the transformer station.


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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 8 Technical Specifications

8 Technical Specifications


Some parameters involve two types of cabinets. For details, see the nameplates of the

Technical STS-3000K-H1 STS-6000K-H1
ons Specification 1 Specification 2 Specification 1 Specification 2

Capacity ● 3150 ● 3250 ● 6300 kVA@40°C ● 6500 kVA@40°C

rate kVA@40°C kVA@40°C ● 5760 kVA@50°C ● 5920 kVA@50°C
● 2880 ● 2960
kVA@50°C kVA@50°C

Rated 800 V

Rated ● 10 kV/11 kV/15 kV/20 kV/22 kV/30 kV/33 kV/35 kV: 50 Hz

frequency ● 13.8 kV /34.5kV: 60 Hz

Maximum 2273.4 A@40℃ 2345.5 A@40℃ 2 × 2273.4 A@40℃ 2 × 2345.5 A@40℃

input 2078.5 A@50℃ 2136.2 A@50℃ 2 × 2078.5 A@50℃ 2 × 2136.2 A@50℃
current at

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 8 Technical Specifications

Technical STS-3000K-H1 STS-6000K-H1
s Specification 1 Specification 2 Specification 1 Specification 2

Rated output 10 kV/11 kV/13.8 kV/15 kV/20 kV/22 kV/23 kV/30 kV/33 kV/34.5 kV/35 kV

Tapping ±2 × 2.5%

impedance 7% (0 to 7% (0 to N/A N/A

characteristic +10%)@3150 kVA +10%)@3250 kVA

Impedance N/A N/A 7.5% (0 to 8% (0 to

(HV-LV1 and +10%)@6300 kVA +10%)@6500 kVA

Technical Specifications STS-3000K-H1 STS-6000K-H1

IP ratings of the MV and LV IP54


Surge protection Type I+II

General Specifications
Technical Specifications STS-3000K-H1 STS-6000K-H1

Dimensions (H x W x D) 6058mm×2896mm×2438mm

Weight < 15 tons < 23 tons

Operating temperature –25°C to +60°C

Relative humidity 0% RH to 95% RH

Maximum operating altitude 2000 m@50 Hz/2500 m@60 Hz

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual 8 Technical Specifications

Feature specifications
Technical STS-3000K-H1 STS-6000K-H1
ons Specification 1 Specification 2 Specification 1 Specification 2

Transforme Oil-immersed
r type

Transforme ONAN
r cooling

Transforme Mineral oil

r oil type

Transforme Dy11 Dy11-y11

r winding

MV SF6, 12–40.5 kV, 600/630 A, three feeders (CVC/CCV or DVC/DCV), IAC A-FLR 20
switchgear kA/1s

LV Room ACB (2900 A/800 ACB (2900 A/800 ACB (2900 A/800 ACB (2900 A/800
V/3P, 1 PCS) and V/3P, 1 PCS) and V/3P, 2 × 1 PCS), V/3P, 2 × 1 PCS),
MCCB (250 A/800 MCCB (250 A/800 MCCB (250 A/800 MCCB (250 A/800
V/3P, 18 PCS) V/3P, 16 PCS) V/3P, 2 × 18 PCS) V/3P, 2 × 16 PCS)

Auxiliary Part Specifications

transforme ● 5 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/400 V
● 5 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/220 V
● 50 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/400 V
● 50 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/220 V
Supported device specifications
● 5 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/400 V: L1 ≤ 1.4 kW, L2 ≤ 0.8 kW, L3 ≤ 1.6 kW
● 5 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/220 V: L1 ≤ 1.4 kW, L2 ≤ 0.6 kW, L3 ≤ 0.8 kW
● 50 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/400 V: L1 ≤ 16.4 kW, L2 ≤ 15.8 kW, L3 ≤ 16.6 kW
● 50 kVA, Dyn11, 800 V/220 V: L1 ≤ 16.4 kW, L2 ≤ 15.6 kW, L3 ≤ 15.8 kW

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 125

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ


A.1 How to Operate a Transformer


When operating a transformer, ensure that the transformer is in the no-excitation

state, that is, the high and low voltage sides of the transformer are not powered

A.1.1 Adjusting the Off-Load Tap Changer

The off-load tap changer can be used to adjust the transformer output voltage.
When operating a changer, ensure that the transformer is in the no-excitation
state, that is, the high and low voltage sides of the transformer are not powered
When the voltage at the low-voltage side remains unchanged, the output voltages
at the high-voltage side at different levels are as follows:
● Level 1: standard voltage x 1.05
● Level 2: standard voltage x 1.025
● Level 3: standard voltage
● Level 4: standard voltage x 0.975
● Level 5: standard voltage x 0.95

Step 1 Adjust the off-load tap changer to the level you need.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Figure A-1 Adjusting the off-load tap changer (to level 1 for example)


A.1.2 Releasing Gas in the Gas Relay

When you see the oil level surface through the glass window of the gas relay, you
need to release the gas.

Step 1 Open the cover of the gas relay.

Step 2 Remove the nut from the bleeder plug.
Step 3 Loosen the bleeder plug bolt. The gas gradually runs out until the oil overflows.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Figure A-2 Releasing the gas in the gas relay

Step 4 Tighten the bleeder plug bolt, and reinstall the nut and the cover of the gas relay.


A.1.3 Draining Oil from the Transformer

Check whether the transformer is filled with too much oil based on the oil
temperature-oil level curve. If the oil level exceeds the threshold, drain some
transformer oil.
Prepare the following materials and tools: a clean steel hose, a 200-liter oil tank, a
rag, a wrench (16–18, 17–19, and 22–24), an adjustable wrench (300 mm x 38
mm), a hose connector for oil draining, and a hose clip.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Figure A-3 Hose connector for oil draining

(A) For the hose with a 60 mm inner diameter (B) For the hose with a 35 mm inner diameter
(oil drain valve) (oil feeding and drain valve of the oil cabinet)

The transformer has two oil drain ventages: DN50 cast-iron oil drain valve at the
bottom of the transformer and DN25 copper oil feeding and drain valve at the
bottom of the oil cabinet. The oil drain valve is recommended.

Step 1 Ensure that the oil drain valve is closed.

Step 2 Remove the cover from the oil drain valve.
Step 3 Secure the hose connector. Connect one end of the steel hose to the hose
connector and the other end to the oil tank.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Figure A-4 Connecting a hose connector

Step 4 Open the oil drain valve to let the oil slowly move from the transformer to the oil
Step 5 Check the position indicated by the oil level gauge according to the local ambient
temperature and oil temperature-oil level curve. When the transformer oil drops
to the corresponding indication position, stop draining oil.
Step 6 Close the oil drain valve and remove the hose connector and hose.
Step 7 Reinstall the cover on the oil drain valve.


A.2 How Do I Repair Paint Damage on the Container?

● Do not apply paint in bad weather, such as rain, snow, strong wind, and
sandstorm, when there is no shelter outdoors.
● You have prepared the required paint that matches the color palette delivered
with equipment.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Paint Repair
The container should be intact. If paint has flaked off in a specific area, repaint
that area.


Check the paint damage on the container and prepare appropriate tools and materials. The
number of materials depends on site requirements.

Table A-1 Paint repair

Paint Damage Tools and Procedure Description


Slight scratch Spray paint or Steps 1, 2, 4, and 1. For the color of

(steel base paint, brush 5 the finish coat
material not (required for (acrylic acid
exposed) repainting a small paint), see the
area), fine delivered color
Smudges and rust sandpaper, palette and
that cannot be anhydrous Pantone
wiped off alcohol, cotton number.
cloth, and specified on it.
painting gun 2. For a few
(required for smudges,
repainting a large scratches, or
area) rust, manual
paint spraying
Deep scratch Spray paint or Steps 1, 2, 3, 4,
or brushing is
(primer damaged, paint, zinc-rich and 5
steel base primer, brush
material exposed) (required for 3. For many
repainting a small scratches or
area), fine large-area
sandpaper, smudges and
anhydrous rust, use a
alcohol, cotton painting gun to
cloth, painting spray paint.
gun (required for 4. The paint
repainting a large coating should
area) be thin and
even. Paint
Logo and pattern If a logo or pattern is damaged, drops are
damage provide the logo size and color prohibited on
number. Seek help from the local the coating.
advertisement coating supplier to The surface
formulate a repair solution based on should be
the logo size, color, and damage. smooth.
5. Leave the
repainted area
for about 30
minutes before

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Paint Damage Tools and Procedure Description


Dent 1. If a dent is less than 100 mm2 in performing any

area and less than 3 mm in depth, further
fill the dent with Poly-Putty base operation.
and then perform the same
operations as those for processing
deep scratches.
2. If a dent is greater than 100 mm2 in
area or greater than 3 mm in
depth, ask the local supplier for an
appropriate repainting solution.

Step 1 Gently polish the damaged areas using fine sandpaper to remove smudges or rust.

Figure A-5 Polishing a damaged area using sandpaper

Step 2 Dip a piece of cotton cloth into anhydrous alcohol and wipe the polished or
damaged area to remove the dirt and dust. Then wipe off the alcohol with a clean
and dry cotton cloth.

Figure A-6 Wiping a polished or damaged area using anhydrous alcohol

Step 3 Paint zinc-rich primer on the damaged coat using a brush or painting gun.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ


● If the base material is exposed in the area to be repaired, apply epoxy zinc-rich
primer, wait until the paint has dried, and then apply acrylic acid top coating.
● Select epoxy zinc-rich primer or acrylic acid top coating with a color the same
as the surface coating color of the equipment.

Step 4 Apply paint evenly to the damaged area based on the damage degree of the paint
using a spray bottle, brush, or painting gun until all damage traces are invisible.


● Ensure that the painting is thin, even, and smooth.

● In the case that a container pattern has different colors, to prevent undamaged
areas and those with different colors as the damaged area from being polluted
during repainting, cover such areas using white paper and adhesive tape before
repairing paint.

Figure A-7 Repainting a damaged area

Step 5 Wait for 30 minutes and check whether the painting meets the requirements.

● The color of the repainted area must be consistent with that of the surrounding area.
Use a colorimeter to measure the color difference (ΔE), which should be less than or
equal to 3. If a colorimeter is unavailable, ensure that there is no visible edge between
the repainted area and the surrounding area. The paint should also be free of bulges,
scratches, flaking, or cracks.
● If you choose to spray paint, it is recommended that you spray paint three times before
checking the result. If the color does not meet the requirements, paint more times until
the painting meets the requirements.


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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Paint Supply Information

Table A-1 STS paint requirements

Item Requirement Item Requirement

Primer thickness 60 μm Primer type Epoxy zinc rich


Intermediate coat 120 μm Intermediate coat Zinc-rich paint

thickness type

Top coat thickness 60 μm Color number of Obtain the color

the top coat number based on
the color plate
delivered with the


The following is a paint model list provided by Huawei. The list may be updated irregularly
and is for reference only. The price of paint and technical services shall be subject to local
price standards.

Supplier Purpose Paint Model

Hempel Container coating Zinc-rich primer for pretreatment:

HEMPADUR ZINC (shopprimer) 1536C/
Zinc-rich primer for the entire container:
HEMPADUR ZINC (on line) 1536C/19830
Intermediate coat: HEMPADUR FAST DRY
Top coat: HEMPATHANE 55210/17630

Logo Red: HEMPATHANE 55210/57200

Black: HEMPATHANE 55210-19990

CMP Container coating Zinc-rich primer for pretreatment: EPICON

Zinc-rich primer for the entire container:
Intermediate coat: EPICON SC PRIMER
CSC-9205 (RAL-9003)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual A FAQ

Supplier Purpose Paint Model



Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 135

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station B How Do I Use the Emergency Stop Button
User Manual (optional)?

B How Do I Use the Emergency Stop

Button (optional)?

In case of an emergency, such as a fire or an electric shock, press the emergency

stop button to power off the STS. The system will turn off the air circuit breaker
(ACB) on the LV side and then the circuit breaker in the MV room.


Pressing the emergency stop button will interrupt services. Exercise caution when
performing this operation in non-emergency situations.

Step 1 Press the emergency stop button.

Figure B-1 Pressing the emergency stop button


Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 136

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
User Manual C Acronyms and Abbreviations

C Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACB air circuit breaker

COM communication

IMD Insulation Monitor Device

LV low voltage

MV medium voltage

STS smart transformer station

TR transformer

Issue 03 (2021-01-19) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 137

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