Idioms: 4 Character Idiom Chinese Characters Literal Meaning Translation Note

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The text discusses Korean idioms called 사자성어 that originate from Chinese characters. It provides the structure of four-character idioms as well as their literal meanings and translations to Korean.

The text discusses several common types of Korean four-character idioms called 사자성어 that originate from Chinese including those related to relationships between people and proverbs.

Korean four-character idioms called 사자성어 are structured with four Chinese characters. The characters together form an idiomatic expression, though their individual literal meanings do not represent the actual meaning of the idiom, which must be learned.


사자성어 are four-character idioms from Chinese. This is called chengyu in Chinese.


4 character Chinese Literal

Translation Note
idiom Characters meaning

유유상종 類類相從 Birds of a feather flock together

일석이조 一石二鳥 Kill two birds with one stone

새옹지마 塞翁之馬 A blessing in disguise

고진감래 苦盡甘來 No pain, no gain

견물생심 見物生心 Seeing is wanting

기진맥진 氣盡脈盡 Complete exhaustion

죽마고우 竹馬故友 A childhood friend

Full of
자신만만 自信滿滿 Full of confidence

다다익선 多多益善 The more the merrier

부지기수 不知其數 Countless, boundless

학수고대 鶴首苦待 Look forward to

4 character Chinese Literal
Translation Note
idiom Characters meaning

Equally matched, neck-and-neck, on

막상막하 莫上莫下
par, be 50-50

Something that is useless, white

무용지물 無用之物 Attaches with -이다

일거양득 一擧兩得 Kill two birds with one stone Attaches with -이다

Prevention is better than cure, better

유비무환 有備無患 Attaches with -이다
safe than sorry

Waiting for an opportunity (to do

something), waiting for an opening,
waiting to pounce. You watch a
호시탐탐 虎視眈眈
situation and wait until you see an
opportunity to take advantage of the

Keep on winning, being on a roll, Attach -하다 to turn it

승승장구 乘勝長驅 going from strength to strength, being into a verb (
on the up and up 승승장구하다)

A match made in heaven; to be a

천생연분 天生緣分 Attaches with -이다
perfect match


These function like actual words

4 character Chinese Literal

Translation Note
idiom Characters meaning

Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

과소평가 過小評價 Underestimate
4 character Chinese Literal
Translation Note
idiom Characters meaning

Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

자화자찬 自畫自讚 Self-praise

Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

비일비재 非一非再 Frequent occurrence

Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (
다재다능 多才多能 versatile, all-around
(good) 다재다능하다)

Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

도중하차 途中下車 A stopover, a layover

Weep loudly, mourn Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

대성통곡 大聲痛哭
bitterly 대성통곡하다)

To make a long story Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (

거두절미 去頭截尾
short 거두절미하다)

progress day Making steady Attach -하다 to turn it into a verb (
일취월장  日就月將
after day, month progress 일취월장 하다)
after month

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