St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
Name: MACARAIG, MARIE KELSEY A. Instructor: Melanio P. Rojas Jr MAN Score: _________
Section/Year Level: ___BSN-III_________ Date: ____04/08/22______________________
The chain of survival The Chain of Survival summarizes the vital links needed for successful
resuscitation. Most of these links apply to victims of both primary cardiac and asphyxia arrest.
The immediate initiation of CPR can increase the survival rate from cardiac arrest. If
able, bystanders with CPR training should give chest compressions together with
3. Early defibrillation
Defibrillation within 3–5 mins of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%.
Each minute of delay to defibrillation reduces the probability of survival to discharge by
10–12%. The links in the chain work better together: when bystander CPR is provided,
the decline in survival is more gradual and averages 3–4% per minute delay to
4. Early advanced life support and post-resuscitation care
Early initiation of advanced life support and post resuscitation care will improve the
survival of the victims.
1. Introduction
insufficiency but not due to primary cardiac problem. Ventilation is a very important
Health care workers (HCW) who are unable or unwilling to provide breaths should be
All HCPs should initiate CPR in children even if they haven't been taught specific
paediatric techniques. CPR should be started with the compression: ventilation ratio of