Creating Tables: I Fill in The Blanks

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1. Using the validation rule property, you can specify the values that can be
2. The foreign key is used as cross reference in setting table relations.
3. Relationships are connections or links between tables.
4. You can use the navigation bar to navigate between different records in a table.
5. Relationship can be created among more than two tables.
6. Access provides a datasheet view to enter the records.
7. Backup your table before doing any modifications.


1. Data validate - validate the data being entered.
2. Primary key - uniquely identifies records
3. Field name - column name in a table
4. Relationship - link between tables
5. Foreign key - cross reference in setting table relations


1. One can set the primary key clicking on the little key button.
2. With Wizard you create a table using step by step options.
3. Deleting a field will result in deletion of column contents.
4. To insert or delete a record, right click on the row header.
5. Click on + symbol in row header to expand or collapse all sub- datasheets.
6. The symbols “1” on both sides indicate one to one relationship.
7. Access sorts records in Ascending or Descending order based on a particular
1. How many ways can a table be created in MS Access?
Tables can be created in three ways.
• Create tables using design view
• Create tables using wizard
• Create tables by entering data

2. What is primary key?

A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record in a database.
It is necessary to have a primary key for each table in your database.

3. What is a foreign key?

Foreign key is a field that is present in a relational table that matches the primary
key column of another table.
It is used as cross reference in setting table relations.

4. What is a table relationship?

Relationships are connections or link between tables.
Access provides option to bring the information back to generate queries and
reports using relationships between tables.

5. Draw the navigation bar.

(Answer in pg 26)

1. Write the steps to create a table in design view.
• Double click on the Create table in design view option, the Table Design
screen appears.
• Screen consists of two panes: The topic is used to enter the field name and the
bottom pane is used for specifying field properties.
• A table consists of fields. Each field you need to specify the name, the type of
data stored, and the description about the field.
• Press the tab key to move the cursor from one column to another.
• Data type for a field can be selected from drop down list.
• You can set the seal properties by selecting options from the field property

2. Write the steps to create a table using Wizard.

• Double click on the Create table by using a Wizard option, the Table Wizard
window appears.
• The table that consists of sample tables and options to add field names.
• Move field names in the column to Field in my new table.
• Click on the Next button. A dialogue box appears to enter the table name.
• Enter the table name and select the option to set a primary key later.
• Click the Next button. Select option to enter data directly in the table.
• Click the Finish button.

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