VHDL: An AOI Gate Design Entity

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The document discusses how VHDL is used to describe hardware designs at the register-transfer level using design entities which specify interfaces and architecture bodies which specify behavior/structure. Design entities contain port declarations to represent external connections and architecture bodies contain the internal description.

A VHDL design entity splits a design into two parts - an entity declaration which represents the external interface, and an architecture body which represents the internal description/behavior. The entity specifies port declarations while the architecture specifies the implementation.

The main components of a VHDL design entity are the entity declaration, port list, and architecture body. The entity declaration specifies the name and port interfaces. The architecture body specifies the internal description/behavior and must be associated with a specific entity.

An Example Design Entity

A design is described in VHDL using the concept of a design entity. A design entity is split into two parts, each of which is called a design unit in VHDL jargon. The entity declaration represents the external interface to the design entity. The architecture body represents the internal description of the design entity its behavior, its structure, or a mixture of both. Let's imagine we want to describe an and-or-invert (AOI) gate in VHDL. If we consider the AOI gate as a single chip package, it will have four input pins and one output pin; we need not concern ourselves with power and ground pins in modeling our AOI design.

VHDL: an AOI gate design entity

-- VHDL code for AND-OR-INVERT gate

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity AOI is port ( A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC ); end AOI;

architecture V1 of AOI is begin F <= not ((A and B) or (C and D)); end V1;

-- end of VHDL code

OK, that's the code. Let's dissect it line by line...

-- VHDL code for AND-OR-INVERT gate

Similar to many programming languages, VHDL supports comments. Comments are not part of the VHDL design, but allow the user to make notes referring to the VHDL code, usually as an aid to understanding it. Here the comment is a header that tells us that the VHDL describes an AOI gate. It is no more than an aide de memoire in this case. A VHDL compiler will ignore this line of VHDL. Two hyphens mark the start of a comment, which is ignored by the VHDL compiler. A comment can be on a separate line or at the end of a line of VHDL code, but in any case stops at the end of the line.

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

Above the entity declaration is a library clause (library IEEE ;) and a use clause (use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all ;). This gives the entity AOI access to all the names declared within package STD_LOGIC_1164 in the library IEEE, and to data type STD_LOGIC in particular. More on data types, later.

entity AOI is

The name of the design entity is just an arbitrary label invented by the user. It does not correspond to a name pre-defined in a VHDL component library. entity and is are VHDL keywords. This line defines the start of a new VHDL design unit definition. The library and use clauses, although written before the entity declaration do not define the start the VHDL description of a design unit, they are context clauses. We can think of an entity declaration as corresponding to a chip package.

port ( A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC );

The entity declaration includes the name of the entity (AOI in this example), and a set of port declarations. A port may correspond to a pin on an IC, an edge connector on a board, or any logical channel of

communication with a block of hardware. Each port declaration includes the name of one or more ports ( e.g., A, B), the direction that information is allowed to flow through the ports (in, out or inout), and the data type of the ports (i.e., STD_LOGIC). In our example the port declarations correspond to the pins of our AOI chip. The data type of a port defines the set of values that may flow through the port. The ports are of type STD_LOGIC, which is found in package STD_LOGIC_1164 in library IEEE. A package is a VHDL language construct where new data types may be defined, and the particular package STD_LOGIC_1164 is an IEEE standard for representing digital signals in VHDL. The concept of data type is borrowed by VHDL from the world of software. It allows the VHDL compiler to ensure that the design is at least reasonably robust before beginning simulation.

end AOI;

The entity declaration is terminated by the VHDL keyword end. Here we indulge in a little programming robustness by adding the name of the design entity after the end keyword. Including the name of the design entity is particularly relevant in large descriptions where the port list may extend over many screens (or pages); it is good to be reminded of the name of the design entity whose end we are looking at, lest we forget. architecture V1 of AOI is The name of the architecture body (V1) is just an arbitrary label invented by the user. It is possible to define several alternative architecture bodies for a single design entity, and the only purpose of the architecture name is to distinguish between these alternatives. architecture, of and portis are VHDL keywords. Note that when we define an architecture, we have to tell the VHDL analyzer that the architecture V1 corresponds to the AOI design entity. You might think that it would be enough to specify the name of the architecture and that the architecture automatically corresponded to the previously declared entity, but I'm afraid VHDL doesn't work this way! In essence, we can think of the architecture as the die inside the chip package. begin The VHDL keyword begin denotes the end of the architecture declarative region and the start of the architecture statement part. In this architecture, there is but one statement, and all the names referenced in this statement are in fact the ports of the design. Because all of the names used in the architecture statement part are declared in the entity declaration, the architecture declarative part is empty.

F <= not ((A and B) or (C and D)); The architecture contains a concurrent signal assignment, which describes the function of the design entity. The concurrent assignment executes whenever one of the four ports A, B, C or port D change value. That's it! That's all there is to describing the functionality of an AOI gate in VHDL. Some might regard the rest of the VHDL code as superfluous and level a charge of verbosity against VHDL. Of course, the remainder of the VHDL code is setting the context in which this functionality is defined. end V1; The architecture is terminated by the VHDL keyword end. Once again, we reference the architecture name at the end of the architecture body for the same reason as we did with the entity. Usually, architecture bodies require significantly more code than entity declarations, hence repeating the name of the architecture is even more relevant.

-- end of VHDL code

Internal signals
Shown below is a second architecture V2 of AOI (remember that the architecture name V2 is completely arbitrary - this architecture is called V2 to distinguish it from the earlier architecture V1). Architecture V2 describes the AOI function by breaking it down into the constituent Boolean operations. Each operation is described within a separate concurrent signal assignment. In hardware terms we can think of each assignment as a die in a hybrid package or a multi-chip module. The signals are the bonding wires or substrate traces between each die. Signals

The architecture contains three signals AB, CD and O, used internally within the architecture. A signal is declared before the begin, of an architecture, and has its own data type (eg. STD_LOGIC). Technically, ports are signals, so signals and ports are read and assigned in the same way. Assignments The assignments within the architecture are concurrent signal assignments. Such assignments execute whenever a signal on the right hand side of the assignment changes value. Because of this, the order in which concurrent assignments are written has no effect on their execution. The assignments are concurrent because potentially two assignments could execute at the same time (if two inputs changed simultaneously). The style of description that uses only concurrent assignments is sometimes termed dataflow. Delays Each of the concurrent signal assignments has a delay. The expression on the right hand side is evaluated whenever a signal on the right hand side changes value and the signal on the left hand side of the assignment are updated with the new value after the given delay. In this case, a change on the port A would propagate through the AOI entity to the port F, with a total delay of 5 NS.
VHDL: Internal signals of an AOI gate

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity AOI is port (A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC); end AOI;

architecture V2 of AOI is signal AB, CD, O: STD_LOGIC; begin AB <= A and B after 2 NS; CD <= C and D after 2 NS; O <= AB or CD after 2 NS; F <= not O after 1 NS; end V2;

Components and Port Maps

The example above shows the previously defined design entity AOI being used as a component within another, higher level design entity MUX2, to create a design hierarchy with two levels. The design entity MUX2 also contains a second component, named INV. In order to write the VHDL for this circuit, we need to cover two new concepts: component instantiation (placing the INV and AOI inside another higher-level design, MUX2) and port mapping (connecting up the two components to each other and to the primary ports of MUX2). In VHDL, this is how we can model PCBs assembled from individual chips, for example. Components The two component declarations (for INV and AOI) must match the corresponding entity declarations exactly with respect to the names, order and types of the ports. We've already seen enough of the AOI gate; let's see how closely the component and entity declarations match for the INV design entity.



entity INV is port (A: in STD_LOGIC; F: out STD_LOGIC); end INV;

component INV port (A: in STD_LOGIC; F: out STD_LOGIC); end component;

The two component declarations (for INV and AOI) appear in the architecture declarative part (that's a VHDL technical term that means that the component declarations are coded before the begin).

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity MUX2 is port (SEL, A, B: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC); end;

architecture STRUCTURE of MUX2 is

component INV port (A: in STD_LOGIC; F: out STD_LOGIC); end component;

component AOI port (A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC); end component;


begin G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB);

G2: AOI port map (SEL, A, SELB, B, F); end;

Instantiation The architecture STRUCTURE of MUX2 makes instances of INV and AOI through the component instantiations at the bottom of the architecture (labelled G1 and G2). The component names (INV and AOI) are references to design entities defined elsewhere. The instance labels (G1 and G2) identify two specific instances of the components, and are mandatory. Port Maps The ports in a component declaration must usually match the ports in the entity declaration one-for-one. The component declaration defines the names, order, mode and types of the ports to be used when the component is instanced in the architecture body. Instancing a component implies making a local copy of the corresponding design entity - a component is declared once within any architecture, but may be instanced any number of times. In this example, there is just one instance of the components AOI and INV. Association Signals in architecture are associated with ports on a component using a port map. In effect, a port map makes an electrical connection between pieces of wire in architecture (signals) and pins on a component (ports). The same signal may be associated with several ports - this is the way to define interconnections between components. In our MUX2 example, the signal SELB is associated with the F port of the INV instance and the C port of the AOI instance. Component Declarations Remember that the two component declarations (for INV and AOI) must match the corresponding entity declarations exactly with respect to the names, order and types of the ports. This is important because, as a hardware analogy, the component declaration is essentially a chip socket for the chip represented by the design entity - the entity declaration defines the pins of the chip. Component Instantiation So, instantiation is essentially a VHDL term for soldering a chip socket into a PCB. Instantiation also assumes that the socket contains the chip referenced by the same name as it is plugged into the PCB.

However, for our purposes, we can think of component instantiation as plugging a chip into a PCB, ignoring whether it's socketed or not.
Component Declaration Component Instantiation

component INV port (A: in STD_LOGIC; F: out STD_LOGIC); end component; Port Mapping

G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB );

The concept of port mapping is little more than soldering the chip socket pins into the holes of the PCB. Thus in the case of our inverter, the F output pin of the INV chip is plugged into the F pin of the INV socket. The F pin of the INV socket is soldered to a PCB trace called SELB. Similarly, instantiation of the AOI gate can be thought of as soldering the AOI socket into the MUX2 PCB. In this case, as an example, the SELB trace is soldered to the C pin of the AOI socket. By default, the AOI socket is assumed to be carrying an AOI chip.

architecture STRUCTURE of MUX2 is ... component AOI port (A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC); end component; signal SELB: STD_LOGIC; begin ... G2: AOI port map (SEL, A, SELB, B, F); end; Default binding

-- 3rd item in list is C

-- 3rd item in list is SELB

Our current view of component instantiation assumes default binding. In default binding, the chip socket (component declaration) carries a chip (design entity) of the same name (say, AOI) as we've already seen. Now in the hardware world, there's no such limitation, sockets aren't chip specific. VHDL allows the designer the same freedom. The chip socket and the chip do not have to have the same name, but to implement this facility requires a configuration to bind the appropriate design entity to the component instantiation. We'll look at configurations shortly. Configuration A VHDL description may consist of many design entites, each with several architectures, and organized into a design hierarchy. The configuration does the job of specifying the exact set of entities and architectures used in a particular simulation or synthesis run. A configuration does two things. Firstly, a configuration specifies the design entity used in place of each component instance (i.e., it plugs the chip into the chip socket and then the socket-chip assembly into the PCB). Secondly, a configuration specifies the architecture to be used for each design entity (i.e., which die). Default configuration5 Shown below is a minimal configuration for the top level entity MUX2. This configuration selects the architecture to be used (there is only one, STRUCTURE). By default, all components inside the architecture will be configured to use a design entity of the same name as the component (i.e., AOI), and the most recently analyzed architecture of each design entity. We'll tackle the concept of the most recently analyzed architecture in the next but one article in this series. Suffice to say that in this example we will take v2 to be the most recently analyzed, by virtue of the fact that we compiled the v1 version of AOI first and then compiled the v2 version of our AOI design entity a few minutes later (let's say).

Configuration declaration The configuration declaration is yet another one of those VHDL design units. Remember the entity declaration is a design unit as is the architecture body. In the configuration declaration, for the architecture that we want to configure, we can specify exactly which components make up the final design entity. In the example below, for the G2 instance inside our STRUCTURE architecture, we use the V1 architecture of the AOI gate. There will be absolutely no doubt as to which architecture has been chosen for simulation because we have specified v1 in the configuration. In the MUX2_default_CFG configuration, we could

change the AOI architecture for simulation by simply re-compiling v1 after v2 - hardly a robust mechanism for design description! Note, that you only need to be concerned with configurations of multiple architectures when you have more than one architecture per design entity in the first place. Default configuration of MUX2

use WORK.all; sconfiguration MUX2_default_CFG of MUX2 is for STRUCTURE -- Components inside STRUCTURE configured by default -- let's say v2 architecture for AOI end for; end MUX2_default_CFG;

Specified configuration of MUX2

use WORK.all; configuration MUX2_specified_CFG of MUX2 is for STRUCTURE for G2 : AOI use entity work.AOI(v1); -- architecture v1 specified for AOI design entity end for; end for; end MUX2_specified_CFG;

Once again, let's break the VHDL code down fragment by fragment, using the specified configuration. Leaving aside the use clause for now, the first line specifies what we are configuring; configuration is a VHDL keyword and is followed by the name we wish to give the configuration. After the of keyword we specify the design entity we are configuring; is is also a keyword. Bracketed with this first line is the last end configuration_name line. Hence, configuration MUX2_specified_CFG of MUX2 is -- block configuration end MUX2_specified_CFG;

Configurations usually consist of nested configuration items, bracketed with end for; statements. The first item is the architecture specification, for architecture_name -- thus, for STRUCTURE the second is the instance specification, for instance_label : component_name -- thus, for G2 : AOI

and finally the binding indication, use entity library_name.entity_name(architecture_name) -- thus, use entity work.AOI(v1);

Now, what about that use clause? Let's say the AOI design entity is compiled into the working library WORK by default. Thus in order for the component_name to be visible we need a use clause, hence use WORK.all; Late binding The syntax is really no different than before except that we choose a different chip name for the bound design entity, it does not have to be the same as the component declaration. Let us suppose that a spec. change (happens too often, doesn't it?) is required. The spec change requires a 3-input AND gate rather than a 2-input multiplexer. One way to tackle this requirement is to use late binding. This requires no change to the MUX2 at all except in the configuration. So, in a hardware sense, we're extracting the AOI gate from its socket and inserting a 4-input AND gate. Late-binding configuration of MUX2 use WORK.all;

configuration AND3_CFG of MUX2 is

for STRUCTURE for G2 : AOI use entity work.AND4(quick_fix); -- architecture quick_fix of AND4 specified for AOI component end for; end for; end AND3_CFG; Order of Analysis This is one of those topics that doesn't really relate to hardware design. However, you can't ignore this topic as it is so fundamental to simulating (and to a lesser extent, synthesizing) your VHDL designs. Anyhow, let's see how hardware-y we can make it! Remember design units? So far we have used three of the five VHDL design units. An entity declaration is a primary design unit, as is a configuration declaration. An architecture body is a secondary design unit. An architecture is a secondary design unit of the corresponding entity declaration primary design unit. Hence, architecture architecture_name of entity_name is -secondary primary

To simulate a piece of VHDL code, you need a design environment consisting of an entity declaration and an architecture body and you also need a testbench. The testbench contains an instance of the design plus some VHDL code to apply stimuli to the design that is being simulated. In VHDL terms, the testbench is just another design entity. OK. On to order of analysis, following on from the hardware analogy we used in the Configuration pages. In the VHDL design world, you have to create the chip package first before you can glue in the die. So, create the chip package (and put it into stores), then create the chip die (and put that in to stores, too). Someone in stores will check to see that a package for the die exists, if not they'll give it back. Once you have done that, you can check the assembled chip out of stores any time you like. We'll look at checking items out of stores later on. In VHDL, checking items into stores is called analysis. In VHDL, stores is called a library (yes, in VHDL you can have lots of storerooms, hence a library not the library). So, this requires that before you analyze any architecture into a library, you must first analyze the corresponding entity declaration into the same library.

In the real world, you can goof up and put an empty chip package in to stores. You can do the same in VHDL, too. Analyzing an entity declaration into a library is OK. Conversely, a VHDL architecture body must not exist alone (the VHDL storeman will lose that tiny die!); an architecture won't be put into a library unless there's already an entity declaration in the library. To summarise, VHDL design units are analyzed into VHDL libraries. One default library is provided for you, it is called WORK. Once you have have analyzed all of the design units you need for a simulation run into a VHDL library, you can run the simulation... Simulating the MUX2 Let's suppose we have a rudimentary Unix or Windows'95 DOS Box command line interface for our VHDL simulator. The analyze command allows you to specify a VHDL library name and a filename in order to analyze the VHDL source code. We'll assume that each VHDL design unit has it's own file. To analyze the VHDL in the correct order for simulation, we would enter the following commands, one after the other, analyze -library WORK -file aoi.entity analyze -library WORK -file aoi.v1.architecture analyze -library WORK -file mux2.entity analyze -library WORK -file mux2.v1.architecture analyze -library WORK -file mux2test.entity analyze -library WORK -file mux2test.v1.architecture analyze -library WORK -file mux2test.v1.configuration Vectored Ports and Signals

Ports can represent busses or vectors as well as single bits. In the example above, the port SEL is a 2-bit bus, with msb numbered 1 and lsb numbered 0. The type of the port is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, which is also defined in package STD_LOGIC_1164 on library IEEE. Objects of type STD_LOGIC_VECTOR are simply an array of STD_LOGIC objects. Vectors used in a MUX4 design library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity MUX4 is port (SEL : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);

A, B, C, D: in STD_LOGIC; F end MUX4; In the previous example, an array type was used to allow the description in VHDL of a vectored port. Array types can be used for internal signals as well as ports. This can be seen in the MUX4 testbench code below: entity TEST_MUX4 is ... : out STD_LOGIC);

architecture BENCH of TEST_MUX4 is ... signal SEL: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); ... begin

SEL <= "00", "01" after 30 NS,

"10" after 60 NS, "11" after 90 NS, "XX" after 120 NS, "00" after 130 NS; ... M: MUX4 port map (SEL, A, B, C, D, F);

end BENCH; The stimulus for the SEL signal is shown as a waveform, made up of individual waveform elements. A waveform element consists of an expression followed by a time specification for when the signal is driven by the value of the expression. In this particular case, the expression is a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR literal. STD_LOGIC_VECTOR values can be written as bit string literals. For example both bits are set to '0 at time 0, while at time 30 ns, SEL(1) is set to '0' and SEL(0) is set to '1'. Test Benches : Part 1 So we have a design. But it's unproven. In this tutorial we look at designing a simple testbench in VHDL.

With VHDL, it is possible to model not only the hardware or system design, but also a test bench to apply stimulus to the design and to analyze the results, or compare the results of two simulations. In effect, VHDL can be used as a stimulus definition language as well as a hardware description language. One consequence of using VHDL to model a test bench is that the test bench is portable between VHDL tools from different vendors. Test Bench for MUX4 The entity declaration for a test bench (entity TEST_MUX4 is ... end;) is usually empty. This is because the test bench itself does not have any inputs or outputs. Test vectors are generated and applied to the unit under test within the test bench. Note that it is illegal to have an architecture body without an entity declaration. Components A component declaration is needed (component MUX4 ... end component;) in order to pull the MUX4 entity into the test bench. Think of a component declaration as a chip socket. It allows a VHDL structural description to be written in a top-down manner, because the VHDL compiler can check the consistency of the design unit that uses the component before the corresponding design entity has been written.

In order that the VHDL simulator can bind (more VHDL jargon) the design entity MUX4 to the component MUX4, the names and types of the ports must match between the entity and the component. Test Bench for MUX4 entity TEST_MUX4 is end; library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; architecture BENCH of TEST_MUX4 is component MUX4 ... end component; -- signals

begin -- signal assignments to create stimulus M: MUX4 port map (...); end BENCH; Test Benches : Part 2 This month, we look at writing the VHDL code to realise the testbench based on last month's template. Concurrent Assignment The 5 concurrent signal assignment statements within the test bench define the input test vectors (eg. A <= 'X', '0' after 10 NS, '1' after 20 NS;). The delays in these assignments are relative to the time when the assignments execute (ie. time 0), not to each other (eg. Signal A will change to '1' at 20 NS, not at 30 NS). Test Bench for MUX4

entity TEST_MUX4 is end;

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

architecture BENCH of TEST_MUX4 is

component MUX4 port (SEL :in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); A, B, C, D:in STD_LOGIC; F: out STD_LOGIC); end component;

signal SEL: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); signal A, B, C, D, F: STD_LOGIC;


SEL <= "00", "01" after 30 NS, "10" after 60 NS, "11" after 90 NS, "XX" after 120 NS, "00" after 130 NS;

A <= 'X', '0' after 10 NS, '1' after 20 NS; B <= 'X', '0' after 40 NS, '1' after 50 NS; C <= 'X', '0' after 70 NS, '1' after 80 NS;

D <= 'X', '0' after 100 NS, '1' after 110 NS;

M: MUX4 port map (SEL, A, B, C, D, F);

end BENCH; The waveforms generated for the SEL, A, B and C signals are shown below.

Components vs. Processes

Last month, it was suggested that designs could be created using a more software-oriented behavioural style of VHDL coding rather than the explicit structural coding style used to create the MUX_2 design. Before we look at how to describe a MUX_2 using a behavioural coding approach, let's deal with how VHDL designs operate - the MUX_2 will serve as our example. signal SELB, FB: STD_LOGIC;

begin G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB); G2: AOI port map (SEL, A, SELB, B, FB); G3: INV port map (FB, F); Sequential, parallel or concurrent?

Conceptually, the AOI and INV components operate concurrently. They do not operate in parallel. Sorry for being pedantic but this subtlety is important. Parallel means operate simultaneously, usually without communication between the parallel elements (never touching in my dictionary). Concurrency means cooperating, taking place at the same time or location, with the cooperation implied through communication. In VHDL, we usually speak of elements executing rather than operating (or cooperating), so in VHDL elements can execute concurrently, in parallel or in sequence. We can see that the AOI and INV components execute concurrently - they communicate via the internal signals. You might think that they execute in sequence. (Almost!) If SEL changes and A, B have the same value then the G1 instance of INV executes in parallel with AOI. As FB does not change value the G3 instance of INV does not execute. This simple scenario shows the absence of parallel execution (G3 doesn't execute whilst G1 and G2 are executing) and sequential execution (G3 doesn't execute after G2); this leaves us with concurrency. We often say to ourselves that the AOI and INV are connected. We now know that being connected means concurrent execution. In our example, the functionality of the MUX_2 is implemented via components executing concurrently. Processes To create software-style VHDL, we first have to deal with processes. We can think of a VHDL process as a blob of hardware. Instead of instantiating a component in architecture, we can instantiate a process. For our MUX_2 example, let's dispense with concurrency altogether. Let's use a single process. Processes enable you to code up a design by describing the design's functionality using statements executing in sequence. This is different from the way in which components create functionality. Components create functionality by executing concurrently with respect to each other.
Structure Behavior

architecture STRUCTURE of MUX2 is

architecture BEHAVIOUR of MUX2 is

-- signal & component -- Declarations...

-- signal declarations -- (no components!)...

begin G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB); G2: AOI port map (SEL, A, SELB, B, F);

begin ONLY_ONE: process -- software-style VHDL for

-- the MUX_2 design G3: INV port map (FB, F); end process; end STRUCTURE; end BEHAVIOUR;

A process can contain signal assignments to describe the functionality of a design. Thus, we can re-code our MUX_2 example using a single process rather than three component instantiations. Processes do not have to exist in isolation. A process is a concurrent statement inside an architecture body just like a component instantiation. We know that components can be connected together using signals and so too can processes. So processes execute with respect to each other concurrently, but internally they execute statements in sequence. You can describe functionality using sequential statements inside processes. And you can create multiple processes within architecture to create your design. But there are a couple of things you can't do - a component instance is not a sequential statement so you can't execute a component inside a process. And you can't embed one process inside another in the way that you can embed component instances within each other, so there's no way to build a process hierarchy. To build a design hierarchy, you have to use components. An extension to the approach of behavioral coding is to describe the functionality of the design by using software-oriented methods exclusively that don't use components. In VHDL, this is accomplished using processes to replace component instances. Processes enable you to code up a design by describing the design's functionality using statements executing in sequence. Instead of writing: architecture STRUCTURE of MUX2 is

-- signal and component declarations...

begin G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB); G2: AOI port map (SEL, A, SELB, B, F); end; We can write:

architecture BEHAVIOUR of MUX2 is

-- signal declarations (no components!)...

begin G1: process -- software-style VHDL for the INV component end process;

G2: process -- software-style VHDL for the AOI component end process;

end; Processes In VHDL, the process statement contains sequential statements. Processes are only permitted inside architecture. The statements within processes execute sequentially, not concurrently. Processes can be written in a variety of ways. The most common approach when using processes to describe designs is to use the form that has a sensitivity list. Carrying on from last month, we shall use two processes in our MUX_2 design, one to replace the AOI gate, the other to replace the inverter. We will then merge the two processes to see how a single process can be used to describe the design. First of all, let's tackle the AOI gate. All we do is extract the signal assignment from the v1 architecture and insert it into the process. At this point, the signal assignment is a sequential signal assignment rather than a concurrent signal assignment. At this stage all we have done is wrap a process around the signal assignment.

v1_arch: process -- incomplete at this stage begin F <= not ((A and B) or (C and D));
end process;

To make this process complete, we have to remember that we are describing a piece of combinational logic. From a conceptual point of view, the outputs of a combinational circuit CAN change when ANY one of the inputs changes. This means that we need to cause the process to execute when any of the inputs' to the process changes. The way to do this is to create a sensitivity list for the process from the signals A, B, C and D. The sensitivity list follows the process keyword as shown:

v1_arch: process (A, B, C, D) begin F <= not ((A and B) or (C and D)); end process;

However, inside the MUX_2 design, we are using the the ports and signals of that design, so:

G2: process (SEL, A, SELB, B) begin F <= not ((SEL and A) or (SELB and B)); end process;

Likewise for the inverter:

G1: process (A) begin

SELB <= not SEL; end process;

We can combine these two processes into one:

combined: process (SEL, A, B) begin F <= not ((SEL and A) or ((not SEL) and B)); end process;

Notice that not SEL from the G1 process was used to substitute the SELB in the G2 process. We now have a single process with a sensitivity list made up from only the MUX_2 ports - no internal signals. In the next article in this series we will see how to take a more conceptual approach to coding processes, so that we can use more than just signal assignments to describe the behavior of a design, in this case the MUX_2. RTL Coding Last month, we saw how to use processes to describe a MUX_2 design. However, the coding approach used was somewhat low-level, in that the code consisted of binary operators. In order to adopt high-level design principles, it is necessary to try and describe a design at a higher level of abstraction. This means thinking about the functionality of the design rather than its implementation. This allows the synthesis tool to optimize the functionality you have specified, leaving you to describe what the design does, whilst the synthesis tool's job is to implement the design how it sees fit in order to create the optimal implementation. The style of coding required for synthesis tools is known as RTL coding.

Most commercially available synthesis tools expect to be given a design description in RTL form. RTL is an acronym for register transfer level. This implies that your VHDL code describes how data is transformed as it is passed from register to register. The transforming of the data is performed by the combinational logic that exists between the registers. Don't worry! RTL code also applies to pure combinational logic - you don't have to use registers. Using processes in RTL descriptions is particularly appropriate for input to a synthesis tool. For example, using component instances implies a level of structure in the design. This can sometimes be advantageous particularly on a large design but for a 2-input multiplexer...

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity MUX2 is port (SEL, A, B: in STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC); end;

architecture BEHAVIOUR of MUX2 is

begin -- descibed using a single process end;

For the functionality, let's get conceptual. If sel is a logic 1, a is routed through to the f output. On the other hand if sel is a logic 0, b is routed through to the f output. Rather than think about routing one of the inputs

through to the output let's think about the output getting one of the inputs, and let's write the text on separate lines depending upon whether we are making a decision or performing an action (sometimes referred to as pseudo-code): if sel is logic 1 f gets a otherwise f gets b This can be translated into VHDL code: if sel = '1' then f <= a; else f <= b; end if; Now before we go any further, we'll just take this code snippet a line at a time. if sel = '1' The VHDL language allows for many different kinds of sequential statement. The sequential signal assignment is a signal assignment that can appear inside a process. You have already come across this statement in the Processes page (assignment to F in the combined process, if you remember). Here's another: the if statement. Actually this line is part of the if-else statement that is the entire code snippet. if is a VHDL keyword. After the if keyword you have a conditional expression, in this case sel = '1' - does sel have the value logic 1? If so... f <= a; f gets the value on the a input. But what if sel is not logic 1? else Otherwise (assume sel is logic 0 - more on this assumption later)...

f <= b; f gets the value on the b input. end if; simply denotes the end of the if-else statement. So, as it turns out, we have described the funcionality of the MUX_2 design using a single sequential statement, the if-else statement. In each branch of this if-else statement, there is an additional sequential statement, either assigning a to f, or b to f, depending upon the value of sel. But we have to remember that sequential statements always live inside a process, so...

process (sel, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; else f <= b; end if; end This now enables us to describe a design using a list of concurrent signal assignments, a hierarchy of designs (using component instances) or a process. Compare the 3 approaches for yourself: // concurrent signal assignments selb <= not sel;

fb <= not((a and sel) or (b and selb)); f <= not fb; // a hierarchy of designs G1: INV port map (SEL, SELB);

G2: AOI port map (SELB, A, SEL, B, FB); G3: INV port map (FB, F); // process process (sel, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; else f <= b; end if; end process; And of course you can mix'n'match coding styles if you wish. On a simple design, such as a MUX_2 it is perhaps not apparent how succinct the use of processes is in general compared to component instances and concurrent signal assignments. But you can readily appreciate that the use of just one process in this design is enabling us to describe the design in terms of its functionality without regard to the implementation. You can describe what you want without having to worry about how you are going to implement the design (because you don't have to - that's the synthesis tool's job!). If statement In the last article, we looked at describing hardware conceptually using processes. What kind of hardware can we describe? What are the limitations? What kinds of VHDL statement can be used in always blocks to describe hardware? Well, we have already seen the use of an if statement to describe a multiplexer, so let's dwell on if statements for this month's tutorial. process (sensitivity-list) -- invalid VHDL code! -- process declarative region begin -- statements end process;

The code snippet above outlines a way to describe combinational logic using processes. To model a multiplexer, an if statement was used to describe the functionality. In addition, all of the inputs to the multiplexer were specified in the sensitivity list. signal sel, a, b : std_logic; process (sel, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; else f <= b; end if; end process; Sensitivity list It is a fundamental rule of VHDL that only signals (which includes input and buffer ports) must appear in the sensitivity list. Combinational logic It transpires that in order to create VHDL code that can be input to a synthesis tool for the synthesis of combinational logic, the requirement for all inputs to the hardware to appear in the sensitivity list is a golden rule. Golden Rule 1: To synthesize combinational logic using a process, all inputs to the design must appear in the sensitivity list. Altogether there are 3 golden rules for synthesizing combinational logic, we will address each of these golden rules over the next couple of articles in this tutorial. If

The if statement in VHDL is a sequential statement that conditionally executes other sequential statements, depending upon the value of some condition. An if statement may optionally contain an else part, executed if the condition is false. Although the else part is optional, for the time being, we will code up if statements with a corresponding else rather than simple if statements. To incorporate more than one sequential statement in an if statement, simply list the statements one after the other, there are no special bracketing rules in VHDL as there are in some programming languages, signal f, g : std_logic; -- a new signal, g process (sel, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; g <= not a; else f = b; g = a and b; end if; end process; If statements can be nested if you have more complex behavior to describe: signal f, g : std_logic; process (sel, sel_2, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; if sel_2 = '1' then g <= not a; else

g <= not b; else if sel_2 = '1' then g <= a and b; else g <= a or b; end if; f <= b; end if; end process; Note that the order of assignments to f and g has been played around with (just to keep you on your toes!). Synthesis considerations If statements are synthesized by generating a multiplexer for each register assigned within the if statement. The select input on each mux is driven by logic determined by the if condition, and the data inputs are determined by the expressions on the right hand sides of the assignments. During subsequent optimization by a synthesis tool, the multiplexer architecture may be changed to a structure using and-or-invert gates as surrounding functionality such as the and, or and not can be merged into complex and-or-invert gates to yield a more compact hardware implementation. Synthesizing Latches In the last article, if statements were used to describe simple combinational logic circuits. Synthesizing the VHDL code produced multiplexing circuits, although the exact implementation depends upon the synthesis tool used and the target architecture of the device. As well as enabling the creation of multiplexers, if statements can also be used to implement tristate buffers and transparent latches. In this article we will look at how transparent latches are synthesized from if statements and how to avoid the inadvertent creation of latches when you meant to create combinational logic circuits from VHDL code containing if statements. If Statements

In the processes that have been coded up so far, if-else statements rather than simple if statements have been used. Let's use a simple if statement rather than an if-else statement in an example you have already seen: signal sel, a, b : std_logic; if_else: process (sel, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; else f <= b; end if; end process; becomes... signal sel, a, b : std_logic; pure_if: process (sel, a, b) begin f <= b; if sel = '1' then f <= a; end if; end process;

Note that the behavior being described is the same. In the pure_if process, f initially gets b. Only if sel is active HIGH does f get a. This is perhaps a slightly odd way to describe a multiplexing circuit but it is accepted by all synthesis tools. Synthesis tools expect to create circuits responding to only binary ('0' and '1' in VHDL) values. As far as a synthesis tool is concerned if sel is '1' a is routed through to f. If sel is not '1' it must be '0' and thus sel being '0' leaves f being driven by the initial assignment from b. Let's lose the b input to the process so that we have: signal sel, a : std_logic; latching_if: process (sel, a) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; end if; end process; Incomplete Assignment Now analyze the behaviour of the code. If sel is '1', f gets a. But what happens when sel is '0'? Well, very simply, nothing! f does not and can not change. When sel is fixed at '0', we can change a as much as we like, f will not be assigned the value of a. If we suppose that an if statement synthesises to a multiplexer, then we must be able to configure the multiplexer such that f only gets the value of a when sel is '1'. This can be achieved by feeding back the multiplexer f output back to the '0' input. in hardware terms this is a transparent latch and this is exactly the hardware synthesized by a synthesis tool given this VHDL code.

If the target architecture does not contain transparent latches the synthesis tool will generate multiplexer circuits that employ combinational feedback in order to mimic the latching behaviour required.

Now, this is very well but what's really happening here? One minute if statements create multiplexers, the next they create latches. Well, it's not the if statements, but the process as a whole that counts. If it is possible to execute a process without assigning a value to a signal in that process, the signal will be implemented as a transparent latch. This is known as incomplete assignment. Golden Rule 2: To synthesize combinational logic using a process, all objects must be assigned under all conditions. Note that this golden rule states that all objects must be assigned under all conditions. This is because signals are not the only VHDL objects, there are also variables in VHDL. In a later tutorial, we will use variables inside a process to describe functionality. Simplifying code analysis Suppose you are creating a process to describe combinational logic. This process consists of nested if-else statements as follows: signal f, g : std_logic; process (sel, sel_2, sel_3, a, b) begin if sel = '1' then f <= a; if sel_2 = '1' then g <= not a; else g <= not b; if sel_3 = '1' then g <= a xor b; end if; end if; else

if sel_2 = '1' then g <= a and b; else if sel_3 = '1' then g <= a nand b; -- oops! no else -- else -g <= ...

end if; end if; f <= b; end if; end process; Will you get transparent latches on the f and g outputs? Not easy is it? If you look carefully you will see that in fact, g is latched when sel is '0', sel_2 is '0' and sel_3 is '0'. The oops!' comment should help you to see where the complete assignment is NOT made. Fortunately, it is possible to save yourself the bother of scouring through the process code to locate possible incomplete assignments by setting signals to default values at the start of the process. Using this approach you may get undesired functionality if you have missed out an assignment (which should be easy to fix) as opposed to unwanted transparent latches. For our current example, process (sel, sel_2, sel_3 a, b) begin -- default values assigned to f, g f <= b; g <= a and b; if sel = '1' then

f <= a; if sel_2 = '1' then g <= not a; else g <= not b; if sel_3 = '1' then g <= a xor b; end if; end if; else if sel_2 = '1' then g <= a and b; else if sel_3 = '1' then g <= a nand b; end if; end if; end if; end process;

Important Questions:
What is the difference between using direct instantiations and component ones except that you need to declare the component?

What is the use of BLOCKS?

Block Statement
A block is a grouping of related concurrent statements that can be used in representing designs in a hierarchical manner. Syntax: label: block (guard expression) ... local declarations ... begin ... Concurrent statements... end block label; If a guard expression is given, "guarded" a Boolean variable GUARD is automatically defined and set to the Boolean Value of the guard expression. GUARD can then be tested within the block, to perform selected signal assignments or other statements only when the guard condition evaluates to TRUE. Examples -- D Latch: Transfer D input to Q output when Enable = '1' block (Enable = '1') begin Q <= guarded D after 5ns; end block;

-- D Flip-flop: Transfer D to Q on falling edge of Clock block (Clock EVENT and Clock = '0') begin Q <= guarded D after 5ns; end block;

-- Tristate driver with input B and output A block (Enable = '1') begin

A <= B when GUARD = '1' else 'Z'; end block; In the last example, B is assigned to signal A only when GUARD is true, which implies Enable = '1'.
What is the use of PROCEDURES?

A procedure is a subprogram that is passed parameters and may return values via a parameter list. Example procedure proc_name (signal clk: in vlbit; constant d: in vlbit; signal data: out vlbit) is ... local variable declarations ... begin ... sequence of statements ... end proc_name; Procedure call: proc_name (clk1, d1, dout);
What is the usage of using more then one architecture in an entity? The architecture describes the underlying functionality of the entity and contains the statements that model the behavior of the entity. Architecture is always related to an entity and describes the behavior of that entity. Multiple architectures; Describing the behavior of the entity. One Architecture could be a behavioral description, and another could be a structural description. An entity with multiple architectures requires connection between the architecture and the entity

Differences between Signals and Variables in VHDL? If the same code is written using Signals and Variables what does it synthesize to?

A signal is an object with a history of values (related to "event" times, i.e. times at which the signal value changes). Signals are declared via signal declaration statements or entity port definitions, and may be of any data type. The declaration syntax is: Signal sig_name: data_type [:=initial_value]; Examples signal clock: bit; signal GND: bit := '0'; signal databus: std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); signal addrbus: std_logic_vector(0 to 31);

Signal assignment statement

Assign a waveform to one signal driver (edit the event queue). Example A <= B after 10ns; C <= A after 10ns; -- value of C is current A value

A variable is declared within a blocks, process, procedure, or function, and is updated immediately when an assignment statement is executed. A variable can be of any scalar or aggregate data type, and is utilized primarily in behavioral descriptions. It can optionally be assigned initial values (done only once prior to simulation). The declaration syntax is: Variable symbol: type [:= initial_value]; Examples

process variable count: integer := 0; variable rega: bit_vector(7 downto 0); begin ... count := 7; -- assign values to variables rega := x"01"; ... end;

Variable assignment statement

Update a process/procedure/function variable with an expression. The update takes affect immediately. Example A: = B and C; D: = A; -- value of D is new A value
Differences between functions and Procedures in VHDL?

A procedure is a subprogram that is passed parameters and may return values via a parameter list. Example procedure proc_name (signal clk: in vlbit; constant d: in vlbit; signal data: out vlbit) is ... local variable declarations ... begin ... sequence of statements ... end proc_name; Procedure call: proc_name(clk1, d1, dout);

A function is a subprogram that is passed parameters and returns a single value. Unlike procedures, functions are primarily used in expressions. Example -- Convert bit_vector to IEEE std_logic_vector format -- (attributes LENGTH and RANGE are described below) function bv2slv (b:bit_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable result: std_logic_vector(b'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin for i in result'RANGE loop case b(i) is when '0' => result(i) := '0'; when '1' => result(i) := '1'; end case; end loop; return result; end; -- Convert bit_vector to unsigned (natural) value function b2n (B: bit_vector) return Natural is variable S: bit_vector(B'Length - 1 downto 0) := B; variable N: Natural := 0; begin for i in S'Right to S'Left loop if S(i) = '1' then N := N + (2**i); end if; end loop; return N; end;

Explain the concept of a Clock Divider Circuit? Write a VHDL code for the same? Implement D flip-flop with a couple of latches? Write a VHDL Code for a D flip-flop?
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity d_ff is port(d,clk:in std_logic; q,q'bar:out std_logic); end d_ff; architecture a_d_ff of d_ff is begin process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then q<=d; q'bar<=not d; end if; end process; end a_d_ff;

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