Chapter 5 Who Was Involved??: Membandingkan

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Nama : Nur Salimah

No Peserta : 2000103921157024
Nuptk : 7658768670130052

Chapter 5 Who was Involved??

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Ranto Baik Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris LKPD : Ke 1 untuk pertemuan 1
Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil Materi pokok : News Item
KD : 3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV

Melalui pembelajaran discovery learning siswa dapat :
1. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item dengan text lainnya
dengan tepat.
2. Mengklasifikasikan kalimat tanya menggunakan 5 W + 1 H dengan baik dan benar.
3. Menuliskan 6 kata tanya yang tepat tentang isi text berita dengan tepat.
4. Menuliskan bagian - bagian struktur teks news dan item unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item secara
kreatif, percaya diri, dan bekerja sama.
5. Menyimpulkan inforfamasi yang di temukan pada text berita dengan tepat.

Pertemuan 1
Name : ...........................................................................................
Class : ...........................................................................................
Activity 1
Read the text below and answer the qustion

One of Four Remaining Yangtze Turtles Dies in China

One of the world’s rarest turtles, a Yangtze giant softshell, has died in China, leaving just three
remaining. Also known as Rafetus Swinhoei, the female turtle died in the Suzhou zoo in southern
Experts had tried to artificially inseminate the creature, which was over 90 years old, for
a fifth time shortly before she died.The species is critically endangered due to hunting,
overfishing, and the destruction of its habitat.

One male is left in the Chinese zoo while two other turtles live in the wild in Vietnam.
The elusive nature of the turtle means it has been difficult to identify the latter’s gender.

Local staff and international experts had attempted to artificially inseminate the female 24
hours before she died.
They said, “There were no complications from the operation and she had been in fine
health after the procedure, but deteriorated the next day.”

The cause of her death is being investigated and the turtle’s ovarian tissue was collected
for future research.
Adopted from: (April 15, 2019)
1. Find the difference between the text above and the text that you found earlier based on the social
function, language feature and the generic structure of text.
2. From the text above, find the imformation from the text using question words 5 W + H.
3. What is the question words are suitable for finding the information above. Explain .
B. Activity 2
1. Read the text 1 and write generic structure and language feature with your group.
2. Conclude the information that was you found from the text.

GENERIC STRUCTURE Language features

1............... 1................
2............... 2..............
3.............. 3..................




C. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Penilaian Spiritual

Jenis/teknik penilaian : Non-tes

Bentuk instrumen : Lembar pengamatan/observasi
Lampiran 1 : Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Spiritual
Berikan tanda (√) sesuai dengan sikap spiritual yang ditunjukkan peserta didik selama proses
pembelajaran berlangsung.
No Indikator Skor
4 3 2 1
Selalu Sering Kadang- Tidak
kadang Pernah
1 Peserta didik selalu berdoa
sebelum melaksanakan
aktivitas pembelajaran.

2 Peserta didik selalu berdoa

setelah melaksanakan
aktivitas pembelajaran.

2. Penilaian Sikap Sosial

Jenis/teknik penilaian : Non-tes

Bentuk instrumen : Lembar pengamatan/observasi
Lampiran 2 : Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Sosial
Proses penilaian dimulai sejak aktivitas pada tahap Observing, Questionin, Collecting the data,
Associating, and Communicating.
Berikan tanda (√) sesuai dengan sikap sosial yang ditunjukkan peserta didik selama proses
pembelajaran berlangsung.
No Indikator Skor
4 3 2 1
Selalu Sering Kadang- Tidak
kadang Pernah
1 Peserta didik mampu
mengerjakan tugas yang
diberikan dengan penuh
tanggung jawab
2 Peserta didik percaya diri
menyampaikan hasil
pekerjaannya dengan baik
di depan kelas

Pedoman penskoran : NA = skor perolehan X4

skor maksimal
Chapter 5 Who was In

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Ranto Baik Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil
LKPD : Ke 2 untuk pertemuan 2 Materi pokok : News Item
KD : 3.4. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV
Melalui pembelajaran discovery learning siswa dapat :
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks item tulis,
sangat pendek dan sederhana dan tepat.
2. Menemukan informasi tertentu terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks berita / news item
tulis, secara benar.
3. Menggambarkan informasi tersirat dari teks berita / news item tulis pendek, ringkas secara tepat.
4. Menganalisis text berita yang di tayangkan dengan tepat.


Name : ...........................................................................................
Class : ...........................................................................................
A. Activity 1
Read the following text and answer the question
Text 2
Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan
Sultan last night.
The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car may have been trying to overtake
the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car
may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not
allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car–a small Japanese car–should
not have been carrying more than five people. The names of the victims are not yet known.

1. Create the generic structure, and language feature from the text above.
Paragraph 1..............................

Paragraph 2..............................

Paragraph 3..............................

2. Find the social function of the text relating information that was you found from the text.

Paragraph 1..............................

Paragraph 2..............................

Paragraph 3..............................
3. After you read the text above. make an analysis of the text

Paragraph 1..............................
a. Social function
Paragraph 2.............................. b. Generic structure
c. Language feature
Paragraph 3..............................

B. Penilaian
1. Pengetahuan
Tabel Penilaian Aspek Pengetahuan
No yang Kriteria Skor 1-5 Skor 1-4
Sangat memahami 5 4
Memahami 4 3
1 Komunikat Cukup memahami 3 2
if Kurang
Hampir tidak 2 1
Tidak memahami 1
Struktur teks yang digunakan sangat
5 4
Struktur teks yang digunakan runtut 4 3
Struktur teks yang digunakan cukup
3 2
Keruntutan runtut
2 Struktur teks yang
Teks Struktur teks
digunakan kurang 2 1
Struktur teks yang
digunakan tidak 1
tidak runtut
Sangat variatif dan tepat 5 4
Variatif dan tepat 4 3

Pilihan Cukup variatif dan tepat 3 2

Kosakata Kurang variatif
dan Hampir tidak 2 1
Tepat variatif dan
Tidak variatif dan tepat
Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat 5 4
Pilihan tata bahasa tepat 4 3
4 Tata Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat 3 2
Bahasa Pilihan tata bahasa Pilihan tata
2 1
kurang tepat bahasa
Pilihan tata hampir tidak
Bahasa tidak tepat tepat
Chapter 5 Who was In

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Ranto Baik Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris LKPD : Ke 3 untuk pertemuan 3
Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil Materi pokok : News Item
KD : 3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV
Melalui pembelajaran discovery learning siswa dapat :
1. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks news item tertulis secara benar dan
bekerja sama.
2. Merangkum fungsi social, structure text, unsur kebahasaan dan makna yang terdapat pada text secara tertulis.
3. Mengumpulkan hasil rangkuman text yang diamati secara berkelompok melaui WA group/ google classroom.

4. Membuat reflexi tentang pembelajaran text news item dengan tepat secara mandiri


Name : ...........................................................................................
Class : ...........................................................................................
A. Activity 1
The video of News Item text
Click the link

1. Watch the news video above, then do the Aanalyze about the video with your group relating
social function, generic structure and language feature.
2. Conclude the information that was you find on the video.

B. Penilaian Keterampilan

Teknik penilaian : Unjuk kerja

Bentuk instrumen : analyze the text in video and Presentasi

No Indikator Bentuk Instrument Butir Instrumen

1. Menganalisis video berita Analyze the Video Aanalyze the video with
pendek dan sederhana, terkait with group your group relating social
function, generic
pungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan structure and language
unsur kebahasaan. feature.

2. Menampilkan kesimpulan teks Presentasi Conclude the information

berita lisan / tetulis dengan that was you find on the
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, video
struktur teks, dan unsur

Kriteria Penskoran Keterampilan Tertulis

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

Content 4 The topic is complete and clear and the details

are relating to the topic.
3 The topic is complete and clear but the details
30% 3X
are almost relating to the topic.
2 The topic is complete and clear but the details
(Details) are not relating to the topic.

1 The topic is not clear and the details are not

relating to the topic.

Organization 4 Identification is complete and analyze are

arranged with proper connectives.
3 Identification is almost complete and the
20% 2X
analyze is arranged with proper connectives.
2 Identification is not complete and analyze are
(Description) arranged with few misuses of connectives.

1 Identification is not complete and analyze are

arranged with misuse of connectives.

Grammar 4 Very few grammatical or agreement

3 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
20% 2X
but no effect on the meaning.
(Use present tense)
2 Numerous grammatical or agreement
(Agreement) inaccuracies.

1 Frequent grammatical or agreement


Vocabulary 4 Effective choice of words and word forms.

(V) 3 Few misuses of vocabularies, word forms, but

not change the meaning.
15% 1,5 X
2 Limited range confusing words and word

1 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms,

and not understandable.
Mechanics 4 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
3 It has occasional errors of spelling,
15% 1,5 X
punctuation, and capitalization.
2 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
(Punctuation) and capitalization.

(Capitalization) 1 It is dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization.
NA = X 10

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