Aptis Advance

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Parte 1. (30 segundos por pregunta)

1. Talk me about your work or studies.

2. What do you usually do at the weekend?
3. Where would you like to spend your next holidays?
Parte 2: (45 segundos por pregunta)

1. Describe this picture.

2. How important is the mobile phone for you?
3. To what extent do mobile phones influence people’s lives?
Parte 3: (45 segundos por pregunta)

1. Compare these two pictures.

2. Which fashion trend do you find more appealing?
3. How does fashion influence societies?

Fashion nowadays
Fashion in the ’30s

Parte 4: (1 minuto para prepararlo y 2 para hablar)

1. Can you remember receiving a weekly payment when you were a child? What did you use
to do with it?
2. How did you feel when having money?
3. To what extent is it important for children to have their own money?
La primera parte de la parte oral del examen Aptis consiste en contestar a 3 preguntas en un
intervalo de 45 segundos por pregunta.  La primera siempre pide comparar 2 imágenes que te
aparecen en la pantalla y las otras 2 están relacionadas con ellas.

Para todos los exámenes tipo CAE, FCE, APTIS o cualquiera en los que haya imágenes para
describir y comparar te recomendamos:

 Utilizar suposiciones (I guess, perhaps, might etc..), vocabulario específico (the picture above
ilustrates, the picture below depicts, etc…) y alguna estructura de Use of English C1 C2.

Derechos de imagen de Wildland Trekking

Roadtrip. Derechos de imagen de Vee-dub

 1º Pregunta: Compare these two pictures (45 seconds) 

Di una cosa sobre la primera foto y luego compáralo con la segunda. Por ejemplo:

“The picture on the top is one of a  mountain landscape, quite breath-taking by the way, and the one at
the bottom shows a beachside landscape. The first photo might have been taken in a valley. There are
plenty of trees and what seems a lake behind On the other hand, in the second picture there is a van with
people around it. It looks like those people might be going on a road trip.”
 2º Pregunta: Which place would you go on holidays? (45 seconds) 
Éstas preguntas suelen referirse a tus gustos. Ten cuidado porque las preguntas van
encaminada a ciertos usos de la gramática y use of English. Por ejemplo, si te
preguntan: Which would you choose to work? habría que contestar en segundo condicional.
Expresar gustos y disgustos:

 I’m interested in…, I’m willling to/eager to/feel like

Presentar una opinión:

 From my point of view…

 In my opinion…
Modelo de respuesta:

“Honestly it’s a difficult choice because I would do both. Still, I guess traveling with friends is much
more fun for me. And I’ d like very much to do the 666 route in a van with my friends. We would
definitely have a blast. “
 3ª Pregunta: Where would old people enjoy most? (45 seconds) 
Nuestra recomendación:

1. Usa conectores para decorar tu discurso

2. Usa alguna palabra concreta que destaque como alguna de éste listado o de éste otro.
3. Habla despacio y con coherencia.
“As far as I know a great deal of old people would rather the beach and sea, at least in Spain. But having
to choose between these two, I suppose they would prefer to go hiking in nature rather than on a crazy,
uncomfortable roadtrip. However, I’m pretty sure my grandmother will pick up the second choice, she
has ants in her pants and she has always been on crazy trips ever since she was a young girl. ”
En la segunda parte se te da un minuto para prepararte un speaking que vas a hacer de 2
minutos sin parar. Sin embargo, para facilitar tu pequeña ponencia, a parte del tema, te dan 3
puntos qué habría que desarrollar.

Teamworking. Derechos de imagen de Udemy

 Are you good at working in a team? 

 What advice can you give to other people in order to better teamwork?
 Why is collaboration important?
Responde a todas las preguntas tranquilamente en orden y en el tiempo necesario:

“Honestly, I find it easy to hit it off with my work mates. I try to do my best to get along with them even
when there are times when we don’t think along the same lines.
I would recommend people to be pacient and try not to judge a book by it’s cover. Many times the person
you don’t expect interesting ideas from might amaze you. Furthermore, it’s important to be respectful
and placing yourself in other people’s shoes is the key to a better understanding.
Collaboration is imperative when you work in a place where creativity and innovation is required.“
Ésta parte te expone un tema sobre el que has de hablar. Se te facilitan 3 pros y 3 contras
relacionados con ese tema. Tendrás que elegir sólo 2 puntos de cada grupo y desarrollarlos.
Tienes un poco de tiempo para poder prepararte ésta parte.

Does life satisfaction depend on your job?

 a job is just a means to well-being
 there are other important factors
 sometimes you don’t have a calling
 your salary improves your well-being
 work can inspire you and have a better performance
 it give you a sense of fullfilment
Habla con calma e intenta evitar los “eeeees” :):

Parte 4
La última parte normalmente es una pregunta que hace referencia al ejercicio anterior y se trata
de improvisar en el momento pues no hay tiempo para pensar. Aún así, tienes suerte si haces
algún curso intensivo Aptis porque tenemos las preguntas originales del examen Aptis
Will IT related jobs be the future?
Nuestra respuesta:

“Indeed, in my opinion many jobs of the future are bound to belong to the realm of IT and technology.
Actually, graphic designers or Internet arquitects are already the state-of-the-art professions. However,
there are jobs which may never be replaced by robots or performed with technology such as performing
an actor or being a cook, even a teacher or a proofreader.”

Primera parte: Preguntas sobre un par de imágenes

Esta parte consiste en contestar tres preguntas sobre un par de imágenes. La primera
pregunta es sobre comparar las imágenes y las dos últimas son sobre opinión
relacionadas con dichas imágenes . Dispones de 45 segundos para cada pregunta.
Algunos consejos de utilidad son:

 Usar suposiciones ( I guess, perhaps, I suppose…)

 Vocabulario sobre imagenes (background, foreground, the picture above ilustrates…)
 Estructuras que demuestren un nivel C1 (as long as, as far as I`m concerned…)
 Usa conectores y phrasal verbs.

 A continuación unos ejemplos para practicar esta parte del examen:

1. Compare these pictures
2. Where would you prefer to live?
3. What place is better for old people?
1. Compare these pictures
2. Do you prefer individual or team activities?
3. Do you think it is important to know how to work in group?

Segunda parte: Exposición de dos minutos

En esta segunda sección tienes que hablar dos minutos sobre un tema dado. Dispones de
un minuto de reflexión previamente. Para ayudarte tienes tres preguntas planteadas que
deberás responder a lo largo de tu exposición. Los temas de esta parte suelen ser muy
variados y relacionados con temas actuales. Para preparar esta parte debemos desarrollar
un vocabulario amplio relacionado con distintos temas, conocer sinónimos de las distintas
palabras clave, usar phrasal verbs, condicionales…. Algunos de estos temas son:

 Healthcare (medicines, health lifestyle…)

 Demanding jobs and work (motivation, effort, job skills…)
 Alternative energy and environment
 Animal Testing
 Impact of technology on our lives and influence of social media
 Tablets vs. textbooks
 Education
 Censorship or free speech
 Genetic engineering
 Development
 Driverless cars
 Cultural differences and inmigration
 Online shopping
 Experiences in other countries or places

Para practicar os dejo unos ejercicios:

1. Have you ever go abroad?

2. How did you feel?
3. What cultural differences did you find?

1. Do you think children should have cooking lessons at school?

2. Would it change the way they treat food sometimes?
3. Would that help them in the future when they become independent?

Tercera parte: Pros y contras

En esta ultima parte, tendrás que hablar sobre un tema dado. Al finalizar dispones de una
pregunta adicional. Para mayor facilidad se da tres argumentos a favor y tres contra; de los
que debes desarrollar dos de cada. En total tienes dos minutos de exposición y un minuto
previo para prepararte.

Es recomendable usar conectores de contraste ( on one hand…one the other hand, one
positive aspect is, one drawback might be, whereas….), además de lo anteriormente

Para practicar os dejo un ejemplo:

 Do you think children should have a more varied diet?

 PROS: Schools included a fruit`s day in the week; there are courses and programs about
healthy life, there are advertisements on television to encourage the consumption of a
healthy diet.
 CONS: There are many sugary foods, children are very spoiled now, parents have less
time to prepare healthy meals
 Are there enough measures to promote a healthy life.

Test 1: Part 2
In this part of the test you will be asked 3 questions about an abstract topic.
You are given 1 minute to prepare an answer and can take notes. You are
expected to talk for 2 minutes.

In what ways are people influenced during their young years?

Do role models have something to say in career path decisions?
How can peer groups influence career choices?

Test 1: Part 3
In this part of the test you need to speak on a topic for one and a half minutes.
You will have 1 minute to prepare. After your presentation, you will be asked an
additional about the topic and asked to speak for 45 seconds. There is no
preparation time for this additional question.

Howcan it be improved?
Choose 2 for and 2 against arguments and express your point of view.


• Children´s health education should be the responsibility of parents and schools.
• Our personal responsibility is to live a healthy lifestyle
• Doctors should be available for house visits or to give advice over the phone •
People rely too much on medicines.
• Hospitals are not friendly places for young children
• There is a lack of good doctors



1.    Please tell me about your job.

2.    What do you like doing in your free time?
3.    What’s the weather like today?


1.    Please describe this picture in detail.

2.   When did you last attend a wedding?
3.   Why are weddings important to the families

1.    Tell me what you see in the
two pictures.
2.  What would it be like to
work in these two places?
3.  Which of these two places
would you prefer for a


1.  Tell me about a time when you had to work

quickly or under pressure.
2.  How did you manage your time effectively?
3.  Do you think some people work better under


1. Please tell me about your home town or city

2. How do you relax in the evening? 
3. Do you have a large family?


1.    Please describe this picture in detail.

2.   Why is it important for people to learn to cook
3.   Tell me about a dish that you like?

1.    Tell me what you see in the
two pictures.
2.  What would it be like to
work on these two farms?
3.  Which method of farming is
better for the community?


1.  Tell me about a book that is important to you.

2.  How has this book helped you?
3.  Do you think computers will replace books in
the future?

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