Chemistry Unit 5 Part 2

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IAL Edexcel Chemistry Unit 5 (WCH15):

Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen

Chemistry (Part 2/5)
● This series will be divided into 5 parts corresponding to the 5 topics in the 2018 specification
○ PART 1 - TOPIC 16: Redox Equilibria
○ PART 2 - TOPIC 17: Transition Metals and their Chemistry
○ PART 3 - TOPIC 18: Organic Chemistry: Arenes
○ PART 4 - TOPIC 19: Organic Nitrogen Compounds: Amines, Amides, Amino Acids and Proteins
○ PART 5 - TOPIC 20: Organic Synthesis
● This series will provide you with a means of last minute revision on [WCH15] IAL Edexcel
Chemistry Unit 5
● This series will aim to provide you with an revision in under 50 MINS
● All information here is a summary of the New Specification Book
● This series will not serve as a primary study material but as an adjunct to help you recall and
prepare as a last minute revision
1. Know that transition metals are d-block elements that
form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled
2. Be able to deduce the electronic configurations of
atoms and ions of the d-block elements of Period 4
(Sc-Zn) given their atomic number and charge (if any)
3. Understand why transition metals show variable
oxidation number
Introduction on Transition Metals
● Transition metals are d-block elements in the periodic table
● They can form one or more stable ions with a partially filled d-orbital.
● They lose electrons from the s-orbital to form positive ions.
● All transition metals have similar physical properties including
○ Atomic radius
○ High densities
○ High melting and boiling points
● They have special chemical properties:
○ Form complexes
○ Form coloured ions in solution
○ Variable oxidation states
○ Good catalysts
● Transition metals have variable oxidation states due to their 4s and 3d orbitals being close in
energy levels.
○ It is possible for electrons to be lost from both orbitals easily and also the remaining electrons can form stable
Electron Configurations
● The 4s orbital are filled before the 3d orbital and when electrons are
removed they are removed from the 4s orbital first.
Electronic Configuration (Continued…)
● Exceptions
○ Copper and chromium are exceptions to the rule that the 4s sub-shell is filled before the
3d sub-shell.
○ Chromium has 24 electrons.
■ According to the above rule, its electron configuration should be [Ar] 4s2 3d4
■ However, it is more stable if one of the electrons from the s orbital goes to the d
orbital. Therefore, the actual electron configuration of chromium is [Ar] 4s1 3d5
○ Similarly with copper
■ Instead of the electron configuration [Ar] 4s2 3d9, it is more stable if the 3d sub-shell
is completely filled.
■ Therefore, one of the 4s electrons is moved to a 3d orbital to give the electron
configuration [Ar] 4s1 3d10
Electronic Configuration (Continued…)
● The highest common
oxidation number increases
from Ti(+4) to Mn(+7) as all the
4s and 3d electrons become
involved in bonding.
● From Fe to Cu, the
increasing nuclear charge
means that the electrons are
attracted more strongly and
are less likely to be involved in
4. Know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’
5. Understand that dative (coordinate) covalent bonding
is involved in the formation of complex ions
10. Understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination
12. Understand that H2O, OH- and NH3 act as
monodentate ligands
16. Understand the terms ‘bidentate’ and ‘hexadentate’ in
relation to ligands, and be able to identify examples such
as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and EDTA4-
● Transition metals form complexes, consisting of a central metal ion
surrounded by ligands.

● Metal complexes can also be represented formulas with square brackets.

● A ligand is a molecule or ion that act as electron-pair donors that is able to form
a dative (coordinate) bond to the central metal ion
● Ligands must be either anions or neutral molecules that have a lone pair of
electrons available for donation.
● Common anions that act as ligands include: ● Neutral molecules that act as ligands include:
○ Halide ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, I-) ○ H2 O
○ Sulfide ion (S2-) ○ NH3
○ Nitrate(V) ion (NO3-) ○ CO
○ Nitrate(III) ion (NO2-)
○ Cynaide ion (CN-)
○ Hydroxide ion (OH-)
○ Thiocyanate ion (SCN-)
○ Thiosulfate ion (S2O32-)
○ Ethanoate ion (CH3COO-)
Ligands (Continued…)
● The number of ligands involved in a complex ion varies from element to element.
● Writing the formula:

○ When the formula of a complex ion is given, the metal ion always comes first followed by the ligands.
○ The charge on the complex ion is the sum of the charge on the metal ion and the charges on the ligands
○ Over here, Mn has a charge of +2 and H2O has a charge of 0 hence the overall charge of the complex is +2
● The number of lone pairs attached to the metal ion is called the coordination number
and it determines the number of ligands which may be attached to the metal ion
Ligands (Continued…)
● Types of ligands:
○ Monodentate ligands each form one coordinate bond. Examples: H2O, Cl-, NH3
○ Bidentate ligands each form two coordinate bonds. Example: NH2CH2CH2NH2
○ Hexdentate ligands each form six coordinate bonds with the central metal ion. Example:
○ ’Polydentate’ and ‘multidentate‘ ligands are general terms for any ligands that form
more than one coordinate bond
7. Know that aqueous solutions of transition metal ions
are usually coloured
8. Understand that the colour of aqueous ions, and other
complex ions, is a consequence of the splitting of the
energy levels of the d-orbitals by ligands
9. Understand why there is a lack of colour in some
aqueous ions and other complex ions
Forming of coloured ions in solution
● Most of the transition metals form compounds which dissolve in water to
form coloured solutions.
○ Changes in the colour of the solution may indicate a change in the oxidation number
● Where the ion has a 3d0 or 3d10 arrangement, the solution of the ion is
Forming of coloured ions in solution (Continued…)
● Why do they display colour?
○ When water ligands are attached to the metal ion, the energy level splits into two levels
with slightly different energies.
○ If one of the electrons in the lower energy level absorbs energy from the visible spectrum,
it can move to the higher energy level.
■ Movement from a lower to a higher energy level is called promotion or excitation
○ When the electron moves, the amount of energy absorbed depends on the difference
of the energy level (high and low), this determines the colour of the solution.
○ For example:
■ Cu2+ ion has a small difference in energy level —> low frequency and high
wavelength visible light is absorbed —> red light is absorbed —> blue light is the
only one that remains hence giving a blue solution.
Forming of coloured ions in solution (Continued…)
● Why do some of the metal ion complex not have colour?
○ Colour arises when some wavelengths of light are absorbed while others are reflected,
which involves the excitation of electrons.
○ Ions and complexes where there are no available electrons to excite and move around
cannot absorb light and are therefore colourless.
○ For example:
■ Zinc is in the d-block of the periodic table and has completely filled d-orbitals.
Therefore, there are no unfilled or partially filled d orbitals into which an electron
can be promoted —> zinc is colourless
13. Understand why complexes with six-fold coordination have an octahedral shape,
such as those formed by metal ions with H2O, OH- and NH3 as ligands
14. Know that transition metal ions may form tetrahedral complexes with relatively
large ions such as Cl-
15. Know that square planar complexes are also formed by transition metal ions and
that cis-platin is an example of such a complex which is used in cancer treatment
where it is supplied as a single isomer and not in a mixture with the trans form
17. Know that haemoglobin is an iron(II) complex containing a polydentate ligand
and that ligand exchange occurs when an oxygen molecule bound to haemoglobin is
replaced by a carbon monoxide molecule The structure of the haem group will not be
25. Understand, in terms of the positive increase in ΔSsystem, that the substitution of a
monodentate ligand by a bidentate or hexadentate ligand leads to a more stable
complex ion
Shapes of Complex Ions
● Octahedral complexes
○ Transition metal complexes with H2O and NH3 ligands commonly form octahedral
complexes with a bond of 90o.
○ Octahedral complexes are formed when there is six-fold coordination with monodentate
Shapes of Complex Ions (Continued…)
● Tetrahedral Complexes
○ When complexes form with larger ligands, such as Cl-, they form tetrahedral complexes
with a bond angle of 109.5o. Tetrahedral complexes can display optical isomerism.
Shapes of Complex Ions (Continued…)
● Linear Complexes
○ Formation of complex ions using 2 ligands
Shapes of Complex Ions (Continued…)
● Square Planar Complexes
○ Platinum and nickel complexes form a square planar shape. This consists of four
coordinate bonds with a bond angle of 90o.

● Example: This is the cis isomer of a

square planar complex of platinum. It is
commonly used as a cancer therapy
● Mechanism of action:
○ Cancer cells contain DNA
○ During cell division, the two strands of DNA
must separate from each other to form
more DNA
○ The structure of cis-platin enables it to form
a bond between the two strands of DNA,
which prevents them from separating —>
prevents the cancer cell from replciating
Summary of Structure of Complex ions
Naming Complex Ions
● Identify the number of ligands around the central cation using the
prefixes: mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, and so on
● Name the ligand using names ending in -o for anions, e.g. chloro for Cl -,
fluoro- for F-, cyano for CN-, hydroxo for OH-. Use aqua for H2O and amine
for NH3
● Name the central metal ion using the normal name of the metal for
positive and neutral complex ions and latinised name ending in -ate for
negative complex ions. e.g. ferrate for iron, cuprate for copper, argentite
for silver.
● Finally, add the oxidation number of the central metal ion
Ligand Substitution
● Ligands in a transition metal complex can be exchanged for other ligands
● For example:
○ Haem, a component of haemoglobin, is another common multidentate ligands.
○ It consists of six coordinate bonds around a central Fe2+ ion. The shape and structure
allows it to transport oxygen around the body
○ A ligand substitution reaction occurs when the oxygen usually bound to haem is
replaced with carbon monoxide.
○ Therefore, carbon monoxide is toxic to humans as it prevents oxygen from being
transported around the body.
The stability of complexes
● For example: a monodentate ligand is replaced by a bidentate ligand:
○ As you can see six water ligands are replaced by three 1,2-diaminoethane ligands, so the
total number of species has increased from four to seven
○ This means that the system is more disordered, and so there is an increase in ΔSsystem.
● This substitution of monodentate ligands with bidentate or polydentate
ligands is known as the chelate effect.
18. Know the colours of the oxidation states of vanadium
(+5, +4, +3 and +2) in its compounds
19. Understand redox reactions for the interconversion of
the oxidation states of vanadium (+5, +4, +3 and +2), in
terms of the relevant E values
Vanadium oxides and its colours
● Vanadium has four possible oxidation states from +5 to +2 each of which
produces a different coloured compound.
● These different species can be produced from the reduction of vanadium by
zinc in acidic solution
Oxidation State Ions Formula Ion Colour

+5 VO2+ Yellow

+4 VO2+ Blue

+3 V3+ Green

+2 V2+ Violet
Ecell value and its relation to vanadium reduction
● Vanadium can be reduced from an oxidation state of +5 all the way +2 via reduction
with zinc in acidic conditions. The Ecell values are given below for the reduction steps:
● Colour changes from yellow —> blue —> green —>
● VO3- (yellow) is reduced to VO2+ (green) because
○ the E value of half-cell 5 is more negative than that of
half-cell 4
○ therefore a positive Ecell value
● VO2+ is then reduced to V3+ (blue) because
○ E value of half-cell 5 is more negative than that of
half-cell 3
○ therefore a positive Ecell value
● V is then reduced to V2+ (violet) because
○ E value of half-cell 5 is more negative than of half-cell 2
○ therefore a positive Ecell value
● The reduction will stop at V2+ because
○ E value of half-cell 5 is less negative than that of half-cell
○ therefore a negative Ecell value
20. Understand, in terms of the relevant E values, that the
dichromate(VI) ion, Cr2O72-
A. Can be reduced to Cr3+ and Cr2+ ions using zinc in acidic
B. Can be produced by the oxidation of Cr3+ ions using
hydrogen peroxide in alkaline conditions (followed by
21. Know that the dichromate(VI) ion, Cr2O72- can be converted
into chromate(VI) ions as a result of the equilibrium
Cr2O72- + H2O ⇌ 2CrO42- +2H+
● The most stable oxidation states of chromium are +6, +3 and + 2, found in
the species Cr2O72-, Cr3+ and Cr2+ respectively. These can be
interconverted by oxidation and reduction reactions.
● Cr2O72- can be reduced to Cr3+ and Cr2+ ions by reduction with zinc in
acidic conditions.
From chromium +6 to +3 to +2
● Reduction of chromium(VI) by zinc in acidic conditions. The equation is as follows:

● E value of the ionic equations:


● Since the E value for half-equation 1 is more negative than the E value for
half-equation 2. Zn is electron releasing with respect to Cr 2O72-, and therefore the
reaction is thermodynamically feasible.
From chromium +6 to +3 to +2 (Continued…)
● Reduction of chromium(III) by zinc in acidic conditions. The equation is as follows:

● E value of the ionic equations:


● Since the E value for half-equation 1 is more negative than the E value for
half-equation 2. Zn is electron releasing with respect to Cr 3+, and therefore the
reaction is thermodynamically feasible.
From chromium to +3 to +6
● Oxidation of chromium(III) by hydrogen peroxide in alkaline conditions is:

● E value of ionic equations:

● Since the E value for half-equation 3 is more negative than the E value
for half-equation 4. Cr(OH)3 is electron releasing with respect to H2O2, and
therefore the reaction is thermodynamically feasible.
From chromium to +3 to +6 (Continued…)
● CrO42- is converted to Cr2O72- by acidification. This occurs because there is
an equilibrium between the two chromium(VI)-containing species:

● Acidification of a solution containing CrO42- ions will, therefore, cause the

equilibrium to shift to the right (to use up the additional H + ions), so the
concentration of Cr2O72- ions will increase.

Start Reagent Intermediate Reagent Finish

CrO42- Add Zn/H+ [Cr(H2O6]3+ Add Zn/H+ [Cr(H2O)6]2+

Yellow solution Green solution Blue solution
22. Be able to record observations and write suitable
equations for the reactions of Cr3+(aq), Mn2+(aq), Fe2+(aq),
Fe3+(aq), Co2+(aq), Ni2+(aq), Cu2+(aq) and Zn2+(aq) with
aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia,
including in excess
23. Be able to write ionic equations to show the meaning
of amphoteric behaviour, deprotonation and ligand
exchange in the reactions in 22
Reactions of transition metal ions with sodium hydroxide
and ammonia
● Metal ions become hydrated in water where H2O ligands form around the
central metal ion.
● Metal aqua ions react with sodium hydroxide and ammonia to form
coloured precipitates that can be used to identify the transition metal
Reactions involving chromium(III) complexes
● Chromium(III) complexes added to aqueous sodium hydroxide:
○ Observation: Green solution turns into green precipitate

● Chromium(III) complexes added to excess aqueous sodium hydroxide:

○ Observation: Green precipitate turns into green solution

● Chromium(III) complexes added to aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Green solution turns into green precipitate

● Chromium(III) complexes added to excess aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Green precipitate turns into violet or purple solution
Reactions involving manganese(II) complexes
● Manganese(II) complexes added to aqueous sodium hydroxide:
○ Observation: Pale pink to pale brown precipitate

● Manganese(II) complexes added to excess aqueous sodium hydroxide:

○ Observation: precipitate does not dissolve

● Manganese(II) complexes added to aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Pale pink to pale brown precipitate

● Manganese(II) complexes added to excess aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: precipitate does not dissolve
Reactions involving nickel complexes
● Nickel complexes added to aqueous sodium hydroxide:
○ Observation: Green solution to green precipitate

● Nickel complexes added to excess aqueous sodium hydroxide:

○ Observation: precipitate does not dissolve

● Nickel complexes added to aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Green solution to green precipitate

● Nickel complexes added to excess aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Green precipitate to blue solution
Reactions involving zinc complexes
● Zinc complexes added to aqueous sodium hydroxide:
○ Observation: Colourless solution to white precipitate

● Zinc complexes added to excess aqueous sodium hydroxide:

○ Observation: White precipitate dissolves to form a colourless solution

● Zinc complexes added to aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: Colourless solution to white precipitate

● Zinc complexes added to excess aqueous ammonia:

○ Observation: White precipitate dissolves to form a colourless solution
Reactions involving zinc complexes (Continued…)
● Zinc hydroxide also reacts with acid, showing its amphoteric behaviour:
Summary: Reaction with sodium hydroxide
Transition Metal Ion Metal-aqua ion With OH- With excess OH-

Cr3+ Violet solution Green precipitate Green solution

[Cr(H2O)6]3+ Cr(OH)3(H2O)3 [Cr(OH)6]3-

Mn2+ Pale pink solution Light brown precipitate No change

Mn(H2O)6]2+ Mn(OH)2(H2O)4

Fe2+ Green solution Green precipitate No change

[Fe(H2O)6]2+ Fe(OH)2(H2O)4

Fe3+ Yellow solution Brown precipitate No change

[Fe(H2O)6]3+ Fe(H2O)3(OH)3
Summary: Reaction with sodium hydroxide (Continued…)
Transition Metal Ion Metal-aqua ion With OH- With excess OH-

Co2+ Pink solution Blue precipitate No change

[Co(H2O)6]2+ Co(OH)2(H2O)4

Ni2+ Green solution Green precipitate No change

[Ni(H2O)6]2+ Ni(OH)2(H2O)4

Cu2+ Blue solution Blue precipitate No change

[Cu(H2O)6]2+ Cu(OH)2(H2O)4

Zn2+ Colourless solution White precipitate Colourless solution

[Zn(H2O)6]2+ Zn(OH)2 [Zn(OH)4]2-
Summary: Reaction with ammonia
Transition Metal Ion Metal-aqua ion With NH3 With excess NH3

Cr3+ Violet solution Green precipitate Purple solution

[Cr(H2O)6]3+ Cr(OH)3(H2O)3 [Cr(NH3)6]2+

Mn2+ Pale pink solution Light brown precipitate No change

Mn(H2O)6]2+ Mn(OH)2(H2O)4

Fe2+ Green solution Green precipitate No change

[Fe(H2O)6]2+ Fe(OH)2(H2O)4

Fe3+ Yellow solution Brown precipitate No change

[Fe(H2O)6]3+ Fe(H2O)3(OH)3
Summary: Reaction with ammonia (Continued…)
Transition Metal Ion Metal-aqua ion With NH3 With excess NH3

Co2+ Pink solution Blue precipitate Yellow solution

[Co(H2O)6]2+ Co(OH)2(H2O)4 [Co(NH3)6]2+

Ni2+ Green solution Green precipitate Blue solution

[Ni(H2O)6]2+ Ni(OH)2(H2O)4 [Ni(NH3)6]2+

Cu2+ Blue solution Blue precipitate Dark blue solution

[Cu(H2O)6]2+ Cu(OH)2(H2O)4 [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+

Zn2+ Colourless solution White precipitate Colourless solution

[Zn(H2O)6]2+ Zn(OH)2 [Zn(OH)4]2-
Amphoteric Metal Hydroxides
● Some metal hydroxides produced can dissolve in both acids (by accepting
protons) and bases (by donating protons). These metal hydroxides are
called amphoteric metal hydroxides.
● Example: Amphoteric behaviour of chromium
○ Chromium hydroxide precipitate, like all hydroxides, can react with acid:

○ Chromium hydroxide precipitate can also react with base:

24. Understand that ligand exchange, and an
accompanying colour change, occurs in the formation of:
A. [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ from [Cu(H2O)6]2+ via
B. [CuCl4]2- from [Cu(H2O)6]2+
2- 2+
C. [CoCl4] from [Co(H2O)6]
Copper and Cobalt Ligand Exchange
● Copper and cobalt aqua ions can undergo substitution with chloride ions.
● The Cl- ligand is much larger than the NH3 and H2O ligands meaning
substitution with this ligand results in a change in coordination number
for that complex

● Complexes with just Cl- ligands always have a coordination number of

four, producing a tetrahedral shaped complex
26. Know that transition metals and their compounds can
act as heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts
27. Know that a heterogeneous catalyst is in a different
phase from the reactants and that the reaction occurs at
the surface of the catalyst
28. Understand, in terms of oxidation number, how V2O5
acts as a catalyst in the contact process
● It is a substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction without being
used up in the reaction.
● It provides an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation
● Catalysts don’t affect the position of equilibrium but allow it to be
reached faster.
● Transition metals make good catalysts due to their variable oxidation
● There are two main types of catalyst:
○ Heterogeneous and
○ Homogeneous
Heterogeneous Catalysts
● Heterogeneous catalysts are in a different phase or state to the species
in the reaction.
○ An example of this is the haber process, where a solid iron catalysts is used to speed
up the reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen gases
● Electrons are transferred to produce a reactive intermediate and
speed up the reaction rate.
○ An example of this is the contact process which uses a vanadium oxide catalyst to speed
up the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide
Heterogeneous Catalysts (Continued…)

● The oxidation state of vanadium is first reduced from +5 to +4. It is then reformed to its
original oxidation state, showing it has acted as a catalyst for the reaction
29. Understand how a catalytic converter decreases
carbon monoxide and nitrogen monoxide emissions from
internal combustion engines by:
A. Adsorption of CO and NO molecules onto the surface
of the catalyst, resulting in the weakening of bonds
and chemical reaction
B. Desorption of CO2 and N2 product molecules from the
surface of the catalyst
● A solid catalyst works by adsorbing molecules onto an active site on the surface of the
catalyst. These active sites increase the proximity of molecules and weaken the covalent
bonds in the molecules so that reactions occur more easily. This increases the rate of reaction.

● Adsorption occurs inside catalytic converters where carbon and nitrogen monoxide adsorb
onto the surface of the catalyst. This weaken their bonds and allow reactions to occur. As a
result, CO2 and N2 are desorbed from the catalyst
30. Know that a homogeneous catalyst is in the same
phase as the reactants and appreciate that the catalysed
reaction will proceed via an intermediate species
31. Understand the role of Fe2+ ions in catalysing the
reaction between I- and S2O82- ions
32. Know the role of Mn2+ ions in auto catalysing the
- 2-
reaction between MnO4 and C2O4 ions
Homogeneous Catalyst
● Homogeneous catalysts are in the same phase to the species in the
○ An example of this is the reaction between S2O82- ions and I- ions where Fe2+ is used as a
catalyst. Without a catalyst, these negative ions would naturally repel each other and
would never react
Homogeneous catalyst (Continued…)
● The catalyst works by combining with
the reactants to produce a reactive
● This changes the reaction pathway
since the enthalpy change of the
formation of the intermediate is
much lower than the enthalpy
change of the original reaction.
● Thus, the activation energy is lower
so the reaction is more feasible.
● In some reactions, one of the products can act as a catalyst for the reaction.
● An example of this is the redox reaction between MnO4- ions and C2O42- ions in
acidic conditions, where the Mn2+ ions produced act as a catalyst for the

● A small amount of initial heating is required in order to produce some Mn 2+ ions for
autocatalysis. Following this, the rate of reaction increases on its own without further heating.
Exam Questions
Exam Question 1
A precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide dissolves in aqueous ammonia. What is
the formula of the complex ion formed?

A. [Cu(NH3)2]2+
B. [Cu(NH3)4]2+
C. [Cu(NH3)6]2+
D. [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+
Exam Question 1: Answer
A precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide dissolves in aqueous ammonia. What is
the formula of the complex ion formed?

A. [Cu(NH3)2]2+
B. [Cu(NH3)4]2+
C. [Cu(NH3)6]2+
D. [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+
Exam Question 2
What is the electronic configuration of the iron cation that can form the
complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4-? [The cyanide ligand has the formula CN-]

A. [Ar] 3d4 4s2

B. [Ar] 3d5 4s0
C. [Ar] 3d6 4s0
D. [Ar] 3d6 4s2
Exam Question 2: Answer
What is the electronic configuration of the iron cation that can form the
complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4-? [The cyanide ligand has the formula CN-]

A. [Ar] 3d4 4s2 Answer

B. [Ar] 3d5 4s0
C. [Ar] 3d6 4s0 ● Fe has an electronic configuration of [Ar]
D. [Ar] 3d6 4s2 3d6 4s2
● 2 electrons are lost from the 4s subshell
Exam Question 3
Titanium has the electronic configuration of 1s22s23s23p63d24s2. Which of the
following compounds is unlikely to exist?

A. TiO
B. TiO2
C. K3TiF6
D. K2TiO4
Exam Question 3: Answer
Titanium has the electronic configuration of 1s22s23s23p63d24s2. Which of the
following compounds is unlikely to exist?

A. TiO Answer
B. TiO2 ● Titanium can only lose between 1 to 4 electrons since
C. K3TiF6 they have a configuration of 3d2 and 4s2. It would be
very difficult to lose electrons further from a 3p6
D. K2TiO4 subshell.
● The oxidation number for Ti in:
○ TiO is +2
○ TiO2 is +4
○ K3TiF6 is +3
Exam Question 4
Why is the hexaaquacopper(II) ion, [Cu(H2O)6]2+ blue?
A. The water ligands split the p-orbital energies and p-p electron transitions
emit blue light
B. The water ligands split the d-orbital energies and d-d electron transition
absorbs all but blue light
C. The water ligands split the p-orbital energies and p-p electron transitions
absorb all but blue light
D. The water ligands split the d-orbital energies and d-d electron transitions
emit blue light.
Exam Question 4: Answer
Why is the hexaaquacopper(II) ion, [Cu(H2O)6]2+ blue?
A. The water ligands split the p-orbital energies and p-p electron transitions
emit blue light
B. The water ligands split the d-orbital energies and d-d electron transition
absorbs all but blue light
C. The water ligands split the p-orbital energies and p-p electron transitions
absorb all but blue light
D. The water ligands split the d-orbital energies and d-d electron transitions
emit blue light.
Exam Question 5
Scandium and titanium are both d-block elements, but only titanium is a transition metal
A. Complete the electronic configuration of each of these ions
Sc3+ 1s22s22p6…
Ti3+ 1s22s22p6…
B. Explain why titanium is a transition metal, but scandium is not
C. What is the oxidation number of the d-block element in each of these compounds?
Exam Question 5: Answer
Scandium and titanium are both d-block elements, but only titanium is a transition metal

A. Complete the electronic configuration of each of these ions

Sc3+ 1s22s22p6…3s23p6

Ti3+ 1s22s22p6…3s33p63d1

B. Explain why titanium is a transition metal, but scandium is not

● The ion of a transition metal has an incompletely filled d-orbitals
● The Ti3+ ion has this but the Sc3+ ion does not
C. What is the oxidation number of the d-block element in each of these compounds?

Sc(OH)3… +3

CaTiO3… +4
Exam Question 6
1. What is the meaning of the term ‘ligand’?
2. Give the formula of the complex with the name tetraaquadihydroxoiron(II)
3. Give the name of the complex with the formula [CoCl4]2-
4. The arrangement of d-electrons in the complex with the formula [Cr(H2O)6]3+
can be represented using this diagram. Explain, with reference to this diagram,
why a solution containing this complex is coloured.
Exam Question 6: Answer
1. What is the meaning of the term ‘ligand’?
● A species with a lone pair of electrons that forms a dative bond with a metal ion
2. Give the formula of the complex with the name tetraaquadihydroxoiron(II)
● [Fe(H2O)4(OH)2]
3. Give the name of the complex with the formula [CoCl4]2-
The arrangement of d-electrons in the complex with the formula [Cr(H2O)6]3+ can be represented using this diagram. Explain, with reference to this diagram, why a solution containing this complex is coloured.
Exam Question 6: Answer
1. What is the meaning of the term ‘ligand’?
2. Give the formula of the complex with the name tetraaquadihydroxoiron(II)
3. Give the name of the complex with the formula [CoCl4]2-

4. The arrangement of d-electrons in the complex with the

formula [Cr(H2O)6]3+ can be represented using this diagram.
Explain, with reference to this diagram, why a solution
containing this complex is coloured.
● The 3d energy level splits into two sub-levels with different
● In the ground state, all the electrons are in the lower energy
● When radiation from the visible spectrum is passed through
the solution, some of the radiation is absorbed
● The energy of this radiation excites electrons from the lower
to the higher energy level
● The colour of the solution is in the visible spectrum but
without the colour absorbed by the electrons
Exam Question 7
The following sequence summarises some reactions, 1, 2, 3 and 4, of chromium

1. State the appearance of the reactant and product in reaction 1

2. State the reagent used in both reaction 1 and 2
3. With reference to oxidation numbers, identify which reaction is a redox reaction
4. Describe the colour change in reaction 4
5. Write an equation for reaction 4
Exam Question 7: Answer
The following sequence summarises some reactions, 1, 2, 3 and 4, of chromium

1. State the appearance of the reactant and product in reaction 1

● Reactant: green solution
● Product: green precipitate
2. State the reagent used in both reaction 1 and 2
● Sodium hydroxide (solution) / NaOH
3. With reference to oxidation numbers, identify which reaction is a redox reaction
● Reaction 3
Because the oxidation number of Cr changes from +3 to +6
Describe the colour change in reaction 4
5. Write an equation for reaction 4
Exam Question 7: Answer
The following sequence summarises some reactions, 1, 2, 3 and 4, of
chromium compounds

1. State the appearance of the reactant and product in reaction 1

2. State the reagent used in both reaction 1 and 2
3. With reference to oxidation numbers, identify which reaction is a redox reaction

4. Describe the colour change in reaction 4

● Yellow to orange
5. Write an equation for reaction 4
● 2CrO42- + 2H+ —> Cr2O72- + H2O
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