Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablet of Metoprolol Succinate

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Formulation and Evaluation of Floating

Tablet of Metoprolol Succinate
Neeta. V. Jadhav*, Prof. Mr. Prashant Khade, Dr. Ashok Bhosale
Department of Pharmaceutics, Pune District Education Association’s Shankarrao
Ursal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Neeta. V. Jadhav

The aim of the present work is Formulation and Evaluation of | Prof. Mr. Prashant Khade | Dr. Ashok
Floating Tablet of Metoprolol Succinate. Metoprolol Succinate is a Bhosale "Formulation and Evaluation of
BCS class I drug used in the treatment of Angina pectoric, Heart Floating Tablet of Metoprolol
attack, Hypertension and has short half-life 3-7hours. In the present Succinate"
Published in
study it was planned to prepare sustained release floating tablets of
International Journal
Metoprolol succinate by using HPMC E5 and Gum Karaya of Trend in
excipients. The procured sample of drug was authenticated by pre- Scientific Research
formulation study like melting point, IR spectra, UV analysis were and Development
done. Results of pre-formulation studies show that Metoprolol (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD50409
Succinate was pure and complies with standard. Prior to 6470, Volume-6 |
compression, the powder blend were evaluated for angle of repose, Issue-5, August 2022, pp.103-115, URL:
bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, Hausner's ratio.
Results of pre-formulation studies show that Metoprolol Succinate
was pure and complies with standard. Formulations were evaluated Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
for various evaluation parameters like hardness, thickness, weight International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
variation, friability, drug content, floating lag time, floating time,
Journal. This is an
swelling index and in vitro drug release. From the results of Open Access article
evaluation parameters it was observed that formulation F6 shows best distributed under the
results for floating lag time 4min floating time up to 12 hours and terms of the Creative Commons
consistent drug release 96.15 % as compared to other formulations. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
So formulation F6 was finalized as a optimized formulation for (
further study. On the basic of above finding it was concluded that
sustained release floating drug delivery system was successfully
KEYWORDS: Metoprolol Succinate, HPMC E5M, Gum Karaya,
Floating Tablets
Metoprolol succinate is a beta-selected adrenergic behind the development of such a system is to stay
receptor blocker for oral administration. Treatment of constant. The drug does not break down, but the level
hypertension, angina and heart failure. Half-life is 3-7 of the drug in plasma. medicine Normally, it floats in
hours. The dose is Attention was paid to the gastric juice and slowly dissolves at a given rate to
development of sustained release tablets, as without it release the drug. Adjust the dosage form to keep the
can cause nocturnal seizures, so attention was made drug level in the blood constant. Several approaches
to develop the sustained release tablets of Metoprolol are used to form gastric retention systems such as
succinate with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose E5M mucosal adhesion. Flotation, sedimentation,
and Gum Karaya. expansion and modified molding system. Both single
The need for gastric retention form (GRDF) has led to unit systems (tablets or capsules) In addition, multiple
unit systems (multi-particle systems) are described in
extensive efforts in both science and research. The
industry for the development of such drug delivery the literature. Including FDDS Provides the most
effective and rational protection against premature
systems. Prolonged gastric retention time of dose The
morphology has therapeutic value. Floating dosage and accidental gastric emptying compared to others A
method proposed to increase gastric retention time
forms stand out among the methods available to
achieve this. An important promise. The basic idea (GRT) in solid dosage form.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Metoprolol succinate, which is better absorbed from quantity of drug, polymers, sodium bicarbonate, citric
the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and is acid, Carbopol 940, magnesium stearate, talc were
repeatedly administered, is the best candidate for the mixed thoroughly. Mixing was continued for another
preparation of gastric-specific formulations. The minute and the mixed blend was studied for
gastric retention formulation of metoprolol succinate precompression parameters. Finally, required quantity
will increase the retention time of the drug in the of mixture was weighed and then compressed using a
stomach in a delayed release pattern. This is tablet compression machine.
particularly advantageous in reducing the side effects
of the drug and increasing the therapeutic effect.
Sustained release of the drug is beneficial in reducing
Identification and Characterization of Metoprolol
the frequency of drug administration, which will
result in increased patient compliance. Such Preformulation may be described as a phase of the
formulations can be developed on an industrial scale research and development process where formulation
to achieve the greatest benefits and efficient treatment characterizes the physical, chemical and mechanical
of hypertension, angina, heart failure. In the solid properties of new drug substances, in order to develop
dosage form, the oral route is the most preferred of all stable, safe and effective dosage forms.
routes of administration. Tablets are the most
commonly used solid dosage form given orally. 1. Color
Sustained oral drug delivery can be complicated due A small quantity of pure Metoprolol Succinate
to the limited residence time in the stomach. Because powder was taken in a butter paper and viewed in
most drugs are absorbed into the stomach or upper well illuminated place.
small intestine, rapid gastrointestinal passage reduces 2. Taste and odour
total drug release and minimizes dose effectiveness. Very less quantity of Metoprolol Succinate was used
Prolonged gastric retention improves bioavailability, to get taste with help of tongue as well as smelled to
reduces drug waste, and improves solubility. A drug get the odour.
with low solubility in a high pH environment. 3. Melting point
Effervescent flotation form made with help From The melting point of the drug substances was
swelling polymers such as methylcellulose and determined by using melting point apparatus. The
various effervescent compounds such as sodium melting point was determined by introducing small
Bicarbonate, tartaric acid, citric acid. When they amount of substance in the capillary attached to
come in contact with acid. The contents of the graduated thermometer and constant heat was applied
stomach are released by CO2 and trapped in a with the assembly suspended in the paraffin bath. The
swollen hydrophilic colloid that gives the stomach drug sample was tested in temperature range 100-200
buoyancy to dosage form. 0C and point at which drug melts was noted. The
The purpose of this study was to develop an gastro melting point is reported in results section.
retentive formulation using HPMCE5M and Gum UV-Spectroscopic Analysis of Drug
Karaya as natural polymer which releasing drugs in A. Determination of Absorption Maxima
the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract (GI) ,and UV scanning was done in Shimandzu double beam
enhanced opportunity of absorption in the stomach UV spectrophotometer using 10 µg/ml drug solutions
and upper gastrointestinal tract instead of the lower in the wave length range of( 200-400 nm). 0.1 N HCl
gastrointestinal tract. solution used as a blank
MATERIALS AND METHODS: B. Preparation of Calibration Curve
Materials 1. Preparation of 0.1 N HCl
Metoprolol Succinate received as a gift sample from Dissolve 8.5 ml of concentrated HCl in 1000 ml of
‘USV Pharma’ Mumbai. All the excipients distilled water
such as HPMC E5M, Gum Karaya, Carbopol 940, 2. Preparation of standard drug solution
Sodium bicarbonate, Citric acid, Magnesium stearate,
talc were obtained from Research-lab fine chem. Stock solutiom:
Industries, Mumbai. 10 mg of Metoprolol Succinate was dissolved in 10
ml of 0.1 N HCl, to get a solution of 1000 µg/ml
Methodology concentration.
Direct Compression Method
Different tablets formulations were prepared by the Standard solution:
direct compression technique. All the powders were 1 ml of stock solution was made to 10 ml with 0.1 N
passed through 120# mesh sieve. The required HCl thus giving a concentration of 100 µg/ml.

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Aliquot of standard drug solution ranging from 0.2ml, spectrum was recorded. The identified peaks were
0.3 ml, 0.4 ml, 0.6 ml,0.8ml and 1 ml were compared with the principle peaks of reported IR
transferred into 10 ml volumetric flask and were spectrum.
diluted up to the mark with 0.1 N HCl. Thus the final
Drug-Excipients compatibility Studies by using
concentration ranges from 2-10 µg/ml. Absorbance of
each solution was measured at 222 nm against 0.1 N
The selected polymers were characterized by FT-IR
HCl as a blank. A plot of concentrations of drug spectroscopy and the FTIR spectra of the pure drug
versus absorbance was plotted.
Metoprolol Succinate with used excipients like
FT-IR spectrum of Metoprolol succinate HPMC E5, Gum karaya, Sodium bicarbonate, Talc,
FT-IR spectra of Metoprolol Succinate samples were Carbopol 940, Magnesium Stearate. The instrument
recorded using potassium bromide (KBr) pellets at was operated under dry air purge and the scans were
resolution of 4cm-1 for its authentication and to study collected at scanning speed 2 mm/sec with resolution
principle peaks using FT-IR spectrophotometer (FT- of 4 cm-1 over the region 4000-400 cm-1. The scans
IR 8400S, Shimadzu). Dry sample of drug and were evaluated for presence of principle peaks of
potassium bromide was mixed uniformly and filled drug, shifting and masking of drug peaks and
into the die cavity of sample holder and an IR appearance of new peaks due to polymer interaction.
Table 1: Formulation composition of Floating tablets of Metoprolol Succinate Formulation MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6
Ingredients Unit formula (mg per tablet)
1 Metoprolol Succinate 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 Carbopol 940 100 80 60 100 80 60
3 HPMC E5 50 70 90 - - -
4 Gum karaya - - - 50 70 90
5 Sodium bicarbonate 20 20 20 20 20 20
6 Citric acid 20 20 20 20 20 20
7 Magnesium stearate 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 Talc 8 8 8 8 8 8
Total 300 300 300 300 300 300
Powder blend were evaluated for various parameters.
Bulk Density
It is the ratio of total mass of powder blend to the bulk volume of powder blend. It was measured by pouring the
weighed amount of powder blend into a measuring cylinder. This initial volume is called bulk volume; from this
the bulk density was calculated according to the formula mentioned below. It is expressed in g/ml.
Bulk density:- BD = Weight of the powder/Volume of the powder.
Tapped Density
It is the ratio of weight amount of the powder blend to the tapped volume of powder blend. The powder was
introduced into a measuring cylinder with the aid of funnel and tapped for 100 times on a wooden surface of 2
sec intervals and the volume attained was the tapped volume. It is expressed in g/ml.
Tapped density:- TBD = Weight of the powder/Tapped volume of the powder.
Angle of Repose
The angle of repose of powder blend was determined by the funnel method. The accurately weighed powder
blend were taken in a funnel. The height of the funnel was adjusted in such a way that the tip of the funnel just
touched the apex of the heap of the powder blend. The powder blend were allowed to flow through the funnel
Greely onto the surface. The diameter of the powder cone was measured and angle of repose was calculated
using equation.
ɵ = tan-1(h/r)
ɵ = the angle of repose
h = height of the heap of the powder
r = radius of the heap of the powder.

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The result of various trial taken result given in table 10.9.
Carr's Index or % Compressibility
It indicated powder flow properties. It is measured for determining the relative importance of interparticulate
interactions. It is calculated by following formula.
Compressibility Index;- [ (Tapped density- Bulk density) / Tapped density] x100.
Hausner's ratio:
Hausner's ratio is an indirect index of ease of powder flow. Hausner's ratio was measured by the ratio of tapped
density to bulk density.
Hausner’s ratio;- Tapped density/ Bulk density.
Table 2: Standard values of powder flow properties
Excellent 25-30 <10 1.00-1.11
Good 31-35 11-15 1.12-1.18
Fair 36-40 16-25 1.19-1.25
Passable 41-55 21-25 1.26-1.34
Poor 46-55 26-31 1.35-1.45
Very poor 56-65 32-37 1.46-1.59
Very Very poor <65 <38 <1.60
Evaluation of Floating Tablets (Post-Compression Studies)
General Appearance
General appearance of the tablets from each formulation batch was observed the general appearance parameters
are shape, color, presence or absence of odour and taste.
Weight Variation Test:
Twenty tablets were selected at random and average weight was determined. Then individual tablets were
weighed and the individual weight was compared with an average weight. The result of given in table no 10.10
Table 3: IP standards of Uniformity of weight
Sr. No Avg. Wt. of Tablet(mg) % of Deviation
1 ≤80 mg 10
2 >80 mg – 250 mg 7.5
3 <250 mg 5
The resistance of tablets to shipping or breakage under condition of storage, transportation and handling before
usage depends on its hardness. The hardness of each batch of tablet was checked by using Monsanto hardness
tester. The hardness was measured in the terms of kg/cm², 6 tablets were chosen randomly and tested for
hardness. The average hardness of 6 determinations was recorded. The result of given in table no 10.10
Tablet thickness:
Thickness of the tablet is important for uniformity of tablet size. Thickness was measured using Vernier
Calipers. It was determined by checking the thickness of ten tablets of each formulation. Vernier calipers
consists of metric and imperial scales. The main matric scale is read first then read "hundredths of mm" of
imperial scale (count the number of division until the lines concedes with the main metric scale. The imperial
scale number is multiply with 0.02. Then that number obtained from imperial scale added with main metric scale
to get final measurement. The result of given in table no 10.10
Friability generally refers to loss in weight of tablets in the containers due to removal of fines from the tablet
surface. Friability generally reflects poor cohesion of tablet ingredients, 10 tablets were weighed and the initial
weight of these tablets was recorded and placed in Roche friabilator and potated at the speed of 25 rpm for 100
revolutions. Then tablets were removed from the friabilator the fines and again weighed and the weight was
recorded. Percentage friability was calculated by using the formula. The result of given in table no 10.10
% Friability = Weight initial-Weight final /Weight initial *100

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Drug Content for Floating Tablet of Metoprolol succinate
10 tablets of each formulation were weighed and taken in a mortar and crushed to powder. A quantity of powder
equivalent to 100mg of Metoprolol Succinate was accurately weighed and transferred to a 100ml volumetric
flask and 0.1N HCl solution was added and mixed thoroughly. The solution was made up to volume 100ml and
filtered. Dilute 1ml of the resulting solution to 10ml with 0.1N HCl solution. The absorbance of resulting
solution was measured at 222.5nm using a UV-visible spectrophotometer. The result of given in table no 10.10
Swelling Index
The extent of swelling can be measured in terms of % weight gain by the tablet. Swelling studies were carried
out for formulations and from each formula, one tablet was weighed individually and placed separately in petri
dish containing 15 ml of 0.1 N HCI. After 5 hrs the tablets were removed from petri dish and the excess surface
liquid was removed carefully using tissue paper. The swollen tablets were then reweighed swelling index (SI)
was calculated using formula the result of given in table no 10.11

In-vitro buoyancy determination

Buoyancy Floating Test was done by tablets were placed in a 100mi beaker containing 0.IN HCl as the
dissolution medium at 370C. The time required for the tablet to rise to the surface and float was determined as
floating lag time and total floating time. Total floating time for the formulations containing HPMC E5 with Gum
Karaya were maintained their matrix integrity for 12 hours shown in Table 10.12
Floating Lag Time (FLT) or Buoyancy Lag Time (BLT): The time taken for dosage form to emerge on surface
of medium.
Total Floating Time (TFT): Total duration of time by which dosage form remain buoyant.
In -Vitro Dissolution Study for Floating tablets
Details of Dissolution Test:
Apparatus : USP Type-II (Paddle)
Volume of medium : 900 mL
Temperature : 37± 0.5°C
Speed : 50 rpm
Dissolution medium used : 0.1N HCl
Aliquot taken at each time interval 5 ml : 5 ml
Time : 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 upto 12 Hrs.
Filter : whatmann filter paper
In vitro drug release studies were carried out using the USP Type II Dissolution test apparatus (Electrolab Model
TDT-08L) set with a paddle speed of 50 rpm. Dissolution was performed in 900 ml of 0.1N HCI maintained at
37± 0.5°C. The tablet of Metoprolol Succinate was taken in vessel of dissolution apparatus, the paddle was
rotated at 50 rpm. The 5 ml sample was withdrawn at predetermined time interval and an equivalent amount of
fresh dissolution fluid equilibrated at the same temperature was replaced and the sample was diluted suitably
with dissolution medium. The solution was filtered through Whatmann filter paper. The filtrate was analyzed by
UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The data is given in Table No.10.13
These tests were performed as per procedure given in the results were illustrated in table.
Identification and Characterization of Metoprolol Succinate
Table No 4: Identification and Characterization of Metoprolol Succinate
Test Specification Observation Inference
Color White White Complies as per IP
Odor Odorless Odorless Complies as per IP
Taste Bitter Bitter Complies as per IP
0 0
Melting Point 120 C 118-121 C Complies as per IP

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UV-Spectroscopic Analysis of Drug
The prepared standard solution of Metoprolol Succinate in 0.1N HCI scanned between 200- 400nm in UV
spectrophotometer showed maximum absorbance in 222.5nm which was chosen as the working ʎ max. The
spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate shown in Figure 10.1

Fig. 1 UV Spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate in 0.1 N HCI

1. Standard Calibration Curve of Metoprolol Succinate

Fig 1: Standard Calibration Curve of Metoprolol Succinate

Calibration curve of Metoprolol Succinate was performed in 0.1N HCl found to be linear in the concentration
range of 2-10 ug/ml having coefficient of regression (R2) value for 0.1N HCI was 0.9984 which showed a linear
relationship between concentration and absorbance.
Table.5 Standard Calibration Curve of Metoprolol Succinate in 0.1N HCl
Sr. No Concentration (µg/ml) Absorbance
1 0 0
2 2 0.23
3 4 0.42
4 6 0.6
5 8 0.82
6 10 0.99
FT-IR spectrum of Metoprolol succinate
1. IR Spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate standard
The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate was studied

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Fig.2: FT-IR spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate

Table.6: IR frequencies of Metoprolol Succinate
Reference Peak Observed Peak Functional Group
Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1)
1 3300-3400 3340.82 N-H Stretching of secondary amine
2 1000-1300 1242.20 C-O Stretching
3 2690-2840 2831.60 C-H Stretching
4 2500-3300 2507.54 O-H Stretching
2. Drug-Excipients compatibility Studies by using FTIR

Fig.3: FT-IR spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate + HPMC E5

Table.7: IR frequencies of Metoprolol Succinate + HPMC E5
Reference Peak Observed Peak Functional Group
Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1)
1. 3050-3000 3132.50 N-H 20 Amines
2. 2850-3000 3016.77 CH3,CH2 and CH
3. 1350-1470 1381.08 -CH2 Stretching
4. 1889-158 1550.82 C-C Stretching

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Fig.4: FT-IR spectrum of Metoprolol Succinate + Gum Karaya

Table.8: IR frequencies of Metoprolol Succinate + Gum Karaya
Reference Peak Observed Peak
Sr. No. Functional Group
Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1)
1. 1254-1731 1550.82 Acetyl group
2. 970-1250 1257.63 O-H Stretching
3. 1350-1470 1381.08 CH2-CH3
The peaks of drug excipient compatibility study compare with IR spectra of Metoprolol Succinate, it indicate no
chemical changes between drug excipient compatibility and Metoprolol Succinate. It was concluded that there is
no interaction between drug and excipients.
The Floating tablets of Metoprolol Succinate were evaluated for Post Compression Parameter like weight
variation test, friability, thickness, hardness and drug content.
Table no 9. Post-Compression Parameter of floating tablet of Metoprolol Succinate
Formulation Weight variation Hardness Friability Thickness Drug Content
Code (n=20) (mg±SD) (kg/cm2 ±SD) (%) (%± SD) (%)
F1 298.89±0.23 5.9±0.44 0.59±0.59 4.14±0.15 94.48±0.42
F2 299.88±0.41 6.2±0.26 0.68±0.32 4.25±0.34 95.65±0.44
F3 297.82±0.13 6.3±0.34 0.58±0.26 4.23±0.37 98.32±0.26
F4 299.87±0.42 5.9±0.49 0.59±0.29 4.19±0.28 98.24±0.34
F5 298.90±0.55 6.3±0.33 0.62±0.36 4.16±0.55 99.72±0.55
F6 299.85±0.57 6.1±0.24 0.59±0.47 4.23±0.37 99.86±0.55
Weight Variation
All the formulated (F1to F6) tablets passed weight variation test as the % Weight variation was with in the
pharmacopeia limit of +5% of the weight. The weight of all the tablets were found to be uniform with low
standard deviation values.
The measured hardness of tablets of each batch ranged between 5.0 to 6.00 Kg/cm2. This ensures good handling
and transportation of all tablets.
Tablet Thickness
The measured Thickness of tablets of each batch ranged between 4.1 to 4.25 mm. This ensures good handling
and transportation of all tablets.
The % Friability was less than 1% in all formulations ensuring that the tablets were mechanically stable..
Drug Content (%)
The percentage of Drug content for F1 to F6 was found to be between 94.4% to 99.1% of Metoprolol Succinate
it complies with official specifications.

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Swelling Index of Floating Tablet of Metoprolol Succinate
The Swelling index of different formulation was determined and results are given as follows:
Table No 10: Swelling Index for Floating Tablet.
Time (hr)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
Initial weight(gm) 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.30
Final weight(swollen) after 5 hrs 0.34 0.37 0.38 0.31 0.35 0.39
Swelling index(%) 17.24 32.14 35.710 14.81 25.00 30.00
Swelling index of all formulations was done and it measured in terms of percentage weight by the tablet. It was
found that formulations FI-F6 having good swelling property for prolongation of drug release.

Figure 5: Swollen Tablet after 5hrs

In- Vitro Buoyancy Determination
The In-Vitro buoyancy determination of different formulation was determined and the results are given as
Table.11: In- Vitro Buoyancy Determination
Sr. No. Batch Code Floating lag Time (min) Total Floating time (hr)
1 F1 18 8 hrs
2 F2 14 8 hrs
3 F3 7 12 hrs
4 F4 5 9 hrs
5 F5 6 10 hrs
6 F6 4 12 hrs

Fig No: 6 in vitro buoyancy study of Metoprolol Succinate floating tablet

The In-Vitro buoyancy determination of different formulation was determined by analysis of parameters like
Floating lag Time (minutes) and floating time over gastric fluid. All formulations a good floating behavior with
floating lag time ranging from 4 to 18 min and floating period between 12 hr. Both floating lag time and total
floating time increases with increase in concentration of polymers.

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Invitro Drug Release Study of Formulated Floating Sustained Release Formulations
Table 12: Invitro Drug Release Study
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 32.72 29.2 30.22 29.3 27.13 33.34
2 50.39 55.74 54.29 37.24 35.36 45.78
4 66.39 69.01 64.7 53.86 54.2 55.85
6 74.75 83.59 70.49 70.27 67.86 66.75
8 91.06 92.95 83.42 90.99 74.92 83.42
10 - - 91.82 - 91.23 87.19
12 - - 93.17 - - 96.15

Fig.7. In-vitro Drug Released Study of Metoprolol Succinate Sustained release tablet
Sustained release tablets of Metoprolol Succinate were prepared by using HPMC E5 and Gum karaya polymers.
The release profiles of Metoprolol succinate Sustained Released tablet were plotted as in fig.10.11. The release
rate of Metoprolol succinate mainly sustained by the hydration and swelling properties of polymers. The use of
Sodium Bicarbonate and Citric acid forms effervescence that make tablet floats over gastric fluid for 12 hrs. The
effect of polymer concentration on drug release could be clearly seen from the variation of dissolution profiles. It
was found that drug release from composed of HPMC E5 in high concentration was 12 hr and also shows
significantly higher drug release rate than other formulations. Formulation F6 containing 300 mg of HPMC E5
and sustained drug released for relatively 12 hr. and shows 96.15% cumulative drug release which comparatively
greater than other formulation batches so F6 was selected for further formulation of Floating tablet of
Metoprolol succinate.
Metoprolol Succinate is a BCS class I drug used in Hausner's ratio. Results of pre-formulation studies
the treatment of Angina pectoric, Heart attack, show that Metoprolol Succinate was pure and
Hypertension and has short half life (3-7hours). In the complies with standard. Formulations were evaluated
present study it was planned to prepare sustained for various evaluation parameters like hardness,
release floating tablets of Metoprolol succinate by thickness, weight variation, friability, drug content,
using HPMC E5 and Gum Karaya excipients. The floating lag time, floating time, swelling index and in
procured sample of drug was authenticated by pre- vitro drug release. From the results of evaluation
formulation study like melting point, IR spectra, UV parameters it was observed that formulation F6 shows
analysis were done. Results of pre-formulation best results for floating lag time 4min floating time up
studies show that Metoprolol Succinate was pure and to 12 hours and consistent drug release 96.15 % as
complies with standard. Prior to compression, the compared to other formulations. So formulation F6
powder blend were evaluated for angle of repose, was finalized as a optimized formulation for further
bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, study. On the basic of above finding it was concluded

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50409 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 112
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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greatness to USV Pharma company. as Metoprolol
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