Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Distributed Generation Systems

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in

Distributed Generation Systems
MD Awesh Alam, Javed Ashraf
Department of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Al Falah University, Faridabad, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: MD Awesh

This paper discusses the power quality issues of the power of Alam | Javed Ashraf "Mitigation of
distributed production systems renewable energy sources such as Power Quality Issues in Distributed
solar and wind power. This paper provides an in-depth study of the Generation
energy quality of energy systems, including those using renewable Systems" Published
in International
energy sources. Learn more about energy quality monitoring Journal of Trend in
strategies and potential energy quality solutions. Next, we will Scientific Research
analyse how to reduce these problems with custom power systems and Development
like D-STATCOM, UPQC, UPS, TVSS, DVR, in microgrid systems. (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD50444
In renewable energy systems, STATCOM has many benefits for and 6470, Volume-6 |
it may be a possible choice, but rotating repositories can improve the Issue-5, August 2022, pp.251-256, URL:
quality of power of traditional systems. Finally, in check the power
quality of the DC system. The simplified structure and improved
reliability are two main advantages of DC systems, but they also Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
address other power quality issues such as: Stability and error International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
detection. It incorporates mitigation technologies such as static power
Journal. This is an
supply, flexible power detection, filters, flexible compensation, Open Access article
power storage systems, flexible AC transmission systems, and distributed under the
transformers. Leading international processes in accordance with terms of the Creative Commons
IEEE rules should be applied to the grid to achieve optimal energy Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
quality. (

KEYWORDS: Power Quality, System Stability, Instantaneous Power


Today, reliability and quality are among the most continuity, or power quality and supply quality.
talked about topics in the energy industry. There are Electrical power quality is the degree of any deviation
different types of power quality problems that have from the nominal values of the voltage magnitude and
been seen in the distribution system, each with frequency. Power quality may also be defined as the
different possible causes. The types of power quality degree to which both the utilisation and delivery of
problems may be categorised by how the voltage electric power affect the performance of electrical
waveform is distorted. Short-term events, short-term equipment [3]. From a customer perspective, a power
fluctuations (immersion, swelling, and distortion), quality problem is defined as any power problem
long-term fluctuations (constant disruption, manifested by voltage, current, or frequency
inefficiency, power outages), power imbalances, deviations that result in power failure or disoperation
waveform distortions (DC offset, harmonics, of customer equipment. Power quality is certainly a
harmonics, Notch, and noise), electrical major concern in the present era; it has become
fluctuations[1]. especially important with the introduction of
Both electric utilities and end users of electrical sophisticated devices, whose performance is very
power are becoming Concerns about the quality of sensitive to the quality of power supply. [4]. Modern
electricity are growing. The term "power quality" has industrial processes are based on a large number of
become one of the most prolific buzzwords in the electronic devices, (shown in fig-1) such as
power industry [2]. The issue of electricity power programmable logic controllers and adjustable speed
sector delivery is not confined to only energy drives. Electronic devices are very sensitive to
efficiency and but also on supply quality and disturbances and, thus, industrial loads become less
tolerant to power quality problems such as voltage

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
dips, voltage swells, harmonic flickers, interruptions, and notches[5].

Fig-1 Proposed Hybrid model

Electrical PQ is the approximate voltage range and the degree of deviation from the frequency. PQ can also be
defined as the level at which both the consumption and supply of electricity affects the performance of electrical
equipment. When devices connected to a network are compatible with what is happening in the network, it is
often helpful to consider power quality as a compatibility problem. There are at least two solutions to
compliance issues. Clean the stream or make the device more solid. Both suppliers and end users are very
concerned about electrical quality[6]. Electrical PQ magnitude of power and degree of deviation from frequency.
PQ can also be defined as the level at which both the consumption and supply of electricity affects the
performance of electrical equipment.
Series Active Power Filter:
Shunt active power filters compensate for current harmonics by injecting equal but opposite harmonic
compensating current. In this case, the shunt active power filter operates as a current source, injecting the
harmonic components generated by the load but phase shifted by 180 degrees. As a result, components of
harmonic currents contained in the load current are cancelled by the effect of the active filter, and the source
current remains sinusoidal and in phase with the respective phase-to-neutral voltage. This principle is applicable
to any type of load considered as a harmonic source[7]. Moreover, with an appropriate control scheme, the active
power filter can also compensate for the load power factor. In this way, the power distribution system sees the
nonlinear load and the active power filter as ideal resistors. The Series active power filter and passive filter
combined in a one system in Fig. 2.

Fig-2 Series active power filter and passive filter combined in a one system

Fig-3 A voltage restorer: Series Active power Filter

Active power filters (APF) have proved to be effective for compensating nonlinear loads [8]. The shunt
configuration has been the most studied topology, in which the APF is connected in parallel to the load. Its

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
traditional use is the elimination of current harmonics produced by loads generating disturbances, known as
harmonic current source (HCS) loads. However, parallel APF is not effective in situations where the load
generates voltage harmonics, which are called harmonic voltage source (HVS) loads [9]. In this case, a series
connection APF configuration has been proposed, and different control strategies have been tried out [8]. In any
event, compensation systems composed only of an APF, whether in parallel or in series, do not completely solve
the problem of harmonic elimination for all load types. To this end, other configurations have been proposed
[10] that are combinations of series and parallel topologies with active and passive filters. These are called
hybrid topologies.
Power Quality Mitigation:
This section describes some basic ways to reduce energy quality problems such as STATCOM, UPQC, and
UPS. In general, SR is a traditional power system allows the system to compensate for unpredictability,
inequality, and errors in load balancing and production. Spin reserve defined power generator to provide with a
supply that exceeds its maximum capacity when additional torque is applied. With renewable energy, there is a
way to measure this. This method of measuring renewable energy limits revealed a different approach , but it is
not effectively provide satisfactory results.

Fig-4 (a) System configuration of D-STATCOM with active filter and PWM controller
A shunted power device, D-Statcom compensates for the power factor and current harmonics, thereby improving
energy quality. It also provides filtering, bus power control, and load balancing. Contains IGBT installed in
shunt switch voltage source converter (VSC) and is sometimes referred to as an active power filter in PWM [11].
Called D-Statcom because it was installed on distribution area. IGBT, with high switching frequency, is mainly
used to improve speed. Capacitors are used to store energy and the LC branch acts as a synthetic filter [12]. D-
STATCOM cancels harmonics by injecting harmonic components produced at a load of 180 degrees outside the
phase. D-STATCOM can also be used to compensate for inadequacies power factor.
Filter Design:
When an input filter is introduced to a dc-dc switch-mode power converter, the negative input impedance of the
converter is thought to be the cause of instability [7]. A system that has an EMI filter terminated with negative
impedance may be unstable, and the stability of such a system can be assessed using chain characteristics. We
refer to this input system instability, as in [14]. It should be made clear that the instability of the input system,
which is also brought on by the input filter, is not the instability of the converter caused by the loop-gain of the
converter decreasing.

Fig-4 (b) The components of the VMC buck converter, the EMI filter and the LISN

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There are different types of PQ failures in power systems. They fall into categories and their meaning is
important in classifying the measurement results and defining electromagnetic events that can cause PQ
problems. The categories can be divided as follows: Short-term fluctuations in energy b. Long-term voltage
fluctuations c. Temporary occurrence d. Voltage asymmetry e. Waveform distortion f. Voltage fluctuations g.
Frequency fluctuations of large pipelines.
Power Quality Costs Evaluation:
The costs associated with PQ disruption can be divided as follows: 1) Direct costs: Direct costs due to
disruption. These costs include equipment damage, loss of productivity, loss of raw materials, cost of non-
productive work, and re-start costs. Other savings can be made in less productive hours, such as:. Energy savings
that must be deducted from the cost. Some interruptions do not mean shutdown, but other costs may be incurred,
such as: B. Decreased device efficiency and reduced device life. 2) Overhead: It is very difficult to assess these
costs. Due to some confusion and unproductive time, the company may miss some service delivery dates and
may lose future orders. Investing to avoid energy quality issues can be considered normal. 3) Invisible
interruptions: Other interruptions caused by power outages cannot be financially demonstrated. The only way to
describe this disorder is to set a price that consumers are willing to pay to avoid this disorder [13]. Confusion is a
PQ problem that has a very important impact on the environment. Table II summarizes the average cost of short-
term disruption for different types of consumers. Estimated costs do not include large technological investments
to empower riding skills to handle the turmoil.
Table-1 Mitigation of Power Quality Issue
and filter and filter and with filter
THD 0.7953 .7235 0.568
Voltage(rms) 0.566 0.2644 0.264
Frequency 50.06 50.01 50.06
Result: The different results have been shown with and without a filter, with and without STATCOM to
mitigate the power quality issues explained above. Figure 5 depicts the power supply's DC equal wind output
voltage with filter and STATCOM, grid voltage, and THD These have been shown in figs. 6 and 7 respectively.

Fig- 5 wind voltage with filter and STATCOM

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Fig-6 Grid voltage (Perunit) with filter and STATCOM

Fig-7 THD in Power supply with filter and STATCOM

Fig-8 Grid frequency without filter and STATCOM

Fig-9 Grid frequency with filter and STATCOM

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50444 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 256

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