IGCSE Past Paper Grade 9

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Multiple choice questions

1-A longitudinal section of the kidney and some associated structures have been labelled.
Which labelling is correct?

2- The steps to produce a reflex action where the hand is withdrawn from a hot object are
1 Nerve impulses pass from the sensory neurone to the relay neurone.
2 Nerve impulses pass from motor neurone to the effector.
3 Nerve impulses pass from the receptor to the neurone.
What is the correct sequence of steps?

3-Four processes occur when impulses cross a synapse.

P neurotransmitter diffuses across the gap
Q neurotransmitter binds with receptors
R impulse stimulates vesicles
S release of neurotransmitter
What is the correct sequence for these processes?

4-Which hormone is involved in the conversion of glucose to glycogen?

A adrenaline
B insulin
C oestrogen
D testosterone

5-The diagram shows a section through part of the human eye.

When a person looks at an object which is far away from their eye, which of the

6-Which process in humans does not use energy released from respiration?
A cell division
B diffusion of oxygen
C muscle contraction
D protein synthesis

7-An amino acid is deaminated. This is the removal of

A the carbon-containing part.
B the nitrogen-containing part.
C the oxygen-containing part.
D the sulfur-containing part.

8-The diagram represents a simple reflex arc.

What is the sequence of nerve cells through which an impulse passes during a reflex

9- What happens as a result of deamination in the liver?

A Alcohol is broken down.
B Glycogen is stored.
C Glucose is produced.
D Urea is produced

10-The diagram shows a section through a human eye.

Good colour vision is a result of a high concentration of which type of cells at which

A cones at P
B cones at Q
C rods at P
D rods at Q

11- Where is urea formed?

A kidneys

B liver

C muscles

D small intestine

12- What is a function of the kidneys of a healthy person?

A break down toxins

B eliminate all salts

C reabsorb all glucose

D retain all water

13- What is urea formed from?

A amino acids

B fatty acids

C glucose

D glycerol

14- Which two substances are both reabsorbed in the kidneys?

A glucose and salts

B glucose and starch

C glycogen and salts

D glycogen and starch

15- Which organ makes urea?

A bladder

B kidney

C liver

D stomach

16-Four effects of a specific hormone are listed

● increased blood pressure
● increased blood glucose concentration
● increased rate of respiration
● reduced blood flow to the gut
What is this hormone?
A adrenaline
B glucagon
C insulin
D testosterone

17-The diagram shows a synapse in a reflex arc.

What are the identities of the two neurones and in which direction does the
neurotransmitter pass?

18-The table shows the presence or absence of chemicals in solution in different parts of
a healthy kidney. Which row is correct?

19-Which labelled part of the eye contains muscle?

20-After a race, athletes experience oxygen debt.

The diagram shows how the oxygen debt is removed.

What happens at X?
A aerobic respiration of glucose
B aerobic respiration of lactic acid
C anaerobic respiration of glucose
D anaerobic respiration of lactic acid

21- The steps to produce a reflex action where the hand is withdrawn from a hot object
are shown.
1 Nerve impulses pass from the sensory neurone to the relay neurone.
2 Nerve impulses pass from motor neurone to the effector.
3 Nerve impulses pass from the receptor to the neurone.
What is the correct sequence of steps?

A1 2 3 B 2 1 3 C 3 1 2 D 3
2 1

22- Which diet will cause the liver to produce the most urea?

A high carbohydrate, low fat

B high fat, high fibre

C high fat, low protein

D high protein, low carbohydrate

23- What is an example of excretion in mammals?

A the release of hormones from glands

B the release of saliva into the mouth

C the removal of undigested food through the anus

D the removal of urea by the kidneys

24-The diagram shows some cells from the lining of the trachea (windpipe) in the
respiratory tract.

What is the function of the structures labelled X?
A absorbing oxygen
B killing micro-organisms
C moving mucus
D trapping bacteria

25-The diagram shows a structure found in the human body.

What is this structure an example of?

A an organ
B an organism
C an organ system
D a tissue

26- The diagram shows a plant that has been placed near a sunlit window for a few

Which two characteristics of living organisms have affected the shape of the plant?

A excretion and sensitivity B growth and
C reproduction and excretion D sensitivity and growth

27- Which hormone is involved in the conversion of glycogen to glucose?

A adrenaline B insulin C glucagon
D testosterone

28- What is urea formed from ?

A amino acids B fatty acids C glucose
D glycerol

29-Which function does not occur in the kidneys?

A breakdown of alcohol
B removal of excess salts from the blood
C removal of excess water from the blood
D removal of urea from the blood

30- What is the result of the release of adrenaline?

31-Which process releases the most energy from one molecule of glucose?
A aerobic respiration
B anaerobic respiration in muscle
C anaerobic respiration in yeast
D photosynthesis

32-What is the function of the kidney?

A- making glucose and reabsorbing urea

B- making urea and removing salts

C- removing glucose and reabsorbing salts

D -removing urea and reabsorbing glucose

33- How is urea removed from the body?

A as insoluble waste

B by being destroyed in the liver

C in expired air

D in solution

34- How does blood change as it passes through a kidney?

A It gains glucose.

B It gains salts.

C It loses protein.

D It loses urea.

35-Which process releases the most energy from one molecule of glucose?
A aerobic respiration B anaerobic
respiration in muscle
C anaerobic respiration in yeast D photosynthesis

36- Vigorous exercise can cause an oxygen debt.
Which process removes the oxygen debt?A
A aerobic respiration of lactic acid in the liver B a decrease in
breathing rate
C a decrease in heart rate D an increase in
blood supply to the skin

37- What happens as a result of deamination in the liver?

A Alcohol is broken down. B Glycogen is stored.
C Glucose is produced. D Urea is produced

38- An amino acid is deaminated. This is the removal of

A the carbon-containing part. B the nitrogen-
containing part.
C the oxygen-containing part. D the sulfur-
containing part.

39- Which function does not occur in the kidneys?

A breakdown of alcohol B removal of excess
salts from the blood
C removal of excess water from the blood D removal of urea from the

40- Which organs remove excretory products from the blood?

A bladder and liver

B bladder and lungs

C kidneys and bladder

D lungs and kidneys


1. Hormones are chemical substances produced by glands.

The column on the left shows the names of some hormones.
The column on the right shows the names of some glands.
(a) Draw one straight line from the hormone to the gland that secretes it.
Draw four lines.

(b) State the function of the hormone insulin.


(2)This question is about neurones and reflex actions.

Choose words from the list to complete the sentences.
Each word may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Endocrine, fast ,impulses Motor. nervous ,receptor, sensory
slow ,stimuli, synapses

(i)Neurones are cells that are part of the .............. ................................. system.

(ii)There are three types of neurone involved in a simple reflex action: a sensory
neurone, a relay neurone and a ................................. neurone.

(iii)The nerves conduct electrical ......... .......................... Which are transmitted from one
neurone to the next at junctions called .........

(v)A reflex action is automatic, co-ordinated and .... .......................................... .

3-The endocrine system in mammals produces hormones.

a-(i)Define the term hormone.
(ii)State how hormones are transported round the body.

(b) The responses of the human body to danger are coordinated by the nervous and
Fig. 3.1 shows the sequence of events that occurs in response to a dangerous situation
that is detected by the eyes.

(I) Identify the organ labelled P.

(II) Identify the gland labelled Q.

(iii) State the type of neurone that conducts impulses from the eye to the brain.

(iv) State the tissue in the eye that converts light energy into nerve impulses.

(v) State the part of the eye that has the highest concentration of light-sensitive cells and
gives the most detailed image.

(vi) State the nerve that contains these neurones that conduct impulses from the eye to the

(c) Complete Table 3.1 to describe the effects of the hormone released when a person is
in a dangerous situation.

organ Effect of the hormone


4 Fig. 4.1 shows some of the endocrine glands of a woman.

The boxes contain the names of three substances made by the endocrine glands.
(a) (i) Which group of substances do adrenaline, insulin and oestrogen belong to?

Fig. 4.1

(ii) State the name of the gland which produces:

(iii) define the term target organ
(iv) State the function of:
insulin ................................................................................................................................
.............. l..........................................................................................................................
v) State how hormones are transported round the body.

(iv)Choose words from the list to complete the sentences about hormones.
Each word may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Adrenaline ,blood, decrease, glands,increase, insulin, nerves ,main,
Saliva, system ,target ,urine
Hormones are chemicals produced by .............................. .

Hormones are carried round the body by the ............................. .
A hormone affects the activity of one part of the body called the ..............................
After a person has eaten a meal the pancreas releases the hormone .............................. .
One of the effects of this hormone is to lower the glucose level in the ............................

5- Fig. 5.1 is a vertical section of the kidney.

Table 5.1 shows the functions of parts of the kidney.

a)Complete the table by:
• naming the part of the kidney that carries out each function

• using letters from Fig. 5.1 to identify the part of the kidney named.

One row has been completed for you.

Table 5.1

(b) People with kidney disease are often treated in renal dialysis clinics. Their blood
passes .through tubes lined with a special membrane for about three hours.
(i) State one waste substances that are removed from the blood by dialysis.

(ii) Kidney patients may be given a kidney transplant. State one

disadvantage of kidney transplants compared with dialysis.


(iii) Excess water is excreted from the lungs and the kidneys.State the name of one
substance that is excreted from the
kidneys .................................................................................................................................

(b) People with kidney disease are often treated in renal dialysis clinics. Their blood
through tubes lined with a special membrane for about three hours.
(i) State one waste substances that are removed from the blood by dialysis.

6- Fig. 6.1 shows a section through a kidney.

Fig.6. 1
a-(i) Complete the table by stating the name of the parts labelled A, B and C on Fig. 2.2.

(ii) Name the blood vessel in Fig. 6.1 that has the highest concentration of urea.
(iii) Name the blood vessel in Fig. 6.1 that has the lowest concentration of glucose.

(b) Excess water is removed in the urine.

Fig. 6.2 shows the organ system that excretes excess water.

Fig. 6.2

State the names of the parts labelled A, B and C.

A ........................................


C .......................................

7-Fig. 7.1 shows the structures that produce urine and excrete it from the body.

Fig. 7.1
(a) (i) Name the structures labelled L and M.
Write your answers on Fig. 7.1.
(ii) Urea is excreted in the urine.
Name the organ that produces urea and which diet that produce too much urea

(8) Fig. 8.1 shows a diagram of the gas exchange system

(a) Complete the labelling of Fig. 8.1 using the words from the list.
Bronchiole, diaphragm, intercostal, muscle trachea

(b)Excretion is the removal of toxic substances or substances in excess, from the body.
Excess water is excreted from the lungs and the kidneys.

State the name of one substance that is excreted from the

9. fig 9.1 shows part of the human gas exchange system.

Fig 9.1
(i) list the name of structure L
(ii) Ciliated cells and goblet cells line structure L.
Explain the function of these cells in structure L.
(iii) Name one gas that is found in a higher concentration in expired air than in inspired

10. (a) Fig. 10.1 shows the human gas exchange system. The functions of the parts of the
gas exchange system are given in Table 10.1.

Fig. 10. 1

Complete Table 10.1. One row has been done for you

Table . 10.1

function Letter on fig.1.1 name

Structure that make sound

Airways that allows passage

of air into both lungs
Bone that provide
protection to the lung
Contract to increase volume
of thorax
Site of gas exchange

Airway that allows passage

of air into the right lung

11-(a) Fig. 11.1 shows the human breathing system.

Name the structures labelled J, K, L and M.

Write your answers on Fig. 11.1.
(b) Fig. 11.2 shows four sections through groups of alveoli and their blood capillaries

(i)State which diagram, N, P, Q or R, shows the most efficient gas exchange surface.
And the reason

most efficient gas exchange surface


(ii) State the word equation for aerobic respiration in cells.

.............................. + ............................. →.............................. + ..............................

12- The eye is a sense organ.
Fig. 12.1 is a diagram of a section through the eye.

(i) Select letters from Fig. 12.1 to match the part with its function.
Write your answers in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1

(13)The eye is a sense organ.

Fig. 13.1 is a diagram of a section through the eye.

(a) Shade in the part of the eye that gives people different eye colours on Fig. 13.1.

(b) The boxes on the left show parts of the eye.The boxes on the right show the functions
of different parts of the eye. Draw four lines to link the part of the eye with its correct
One has been done for you.

14-Fig. 14.1 is a flow chart that shows the events that occur as light travels through the

(a) (i) State the name of the tissue X.
(ii) State the name of the nerve that transmits impulses from the eye to the brain.
................ ................................................................................................................
(iii) State what happens to rays of light as they enter the cornea and the lens.
(iv) Describe the role of rod cells.

15-Fig. 15.1 shows a reflex arc.

Fig. 15.1

(a) (i) Name the structures labelled H, J and K.

Choose your answers from the following words or phrases:
Effector motor neurone receptor relay neurone sensory
Write your answers in Table 15.1.

(ii) On Fig 15.1, draw a small circle around one synapse.

(iii) State two characteristics of a reflex action.

16-Fig. 16.1 shows a motor neurone, which is a specialised type of animal cell.

Fig 16.1
a-( i )Name the structures A to E.
A… ………………………………………….
C… …………………………………………
D… …………………………………………
E … ……………………………………………………………………………

ii- Give the letters of two structures that you would expect to find in all animal cells.

(b) i On Fig. 16.1, draw one arrow to show the direction in which a nerve impulse
travels in this neurone.

(c)The diagram shows a motor (effector) neurone.

Which structure is also found in white blood cells, but not in red blood cells?

(d)When the nervous system responds to a stimulus there are several stages to the
1 The central nervous system processes the information.
2 The receptors detect the stimulus.
3 A nerve impulse is sent to the central nervous system.

4 A response is produced.
5 A nerve impulse is sent to the muscles.

What is the correct order of the stages?

A 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 B 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 C 3, 2, 1, 5, 4 D 3, 2, 5, 1,

17-A student stood on a sharp pin, causing a nerve impulse to travel along a reflex arc in
her nervous system.
Use words from the list to complete the boxes.
Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Brain relay neurone effector receptor
Response spinal cord stimulus

18) Fig. 18.1 shows parts of two neurones. The area in the dashed circle has been

(i) Complete Table 18.1. One row has been done for you.
Table 18.1

(ii) State where in the body the neurones in Fig. 6.1 would be found.
(iii) Describe how neurotransmitters move across the gap between two neurones.

19. The nervous system coordinates the responses of animals to changes in their
Fig. 19.1 shows the arrangement of the nervous system in a mammal.

a(i)-Complete Fig. 19.1 by writing the names of the missing parts of the mammalian
nervous system in the boxes.

(b) Some neurones connect to effector organs.

(i) State the name of the type of neurone that connects to an effector organ.
(ii) State one example of an effector organ.

20- Fig. 20.2 is a flow chart that shows how an involuntary action is controlled.

(i) State the structure found at X.
(ii) State the type of involuntary action shown by the flow chart.
(iii) State one ways in which a voluntary action differs from an involuntary action.

21. A plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, was placed on its side in the dark. Fig21.1 is a series of
drawings made of the plant, over seven days, as it responded to a change in its

(i) State the stimulus to which the plant responded.


(ii) Name the growth response shown by the plant.


(iii) Explain the advantage to plants of the growth response shown in Fig. 21.1.
..................... ............................................................................................................
(iv) state the name of plant hormone that increase the plant growth

(22) Plants also respond to other stimuli.

This is shown in Fig22.1

Fig. 22.1

(i) State the name of this response.

(i) State the name of this stimulus.



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