Session #21 SAS - TFN

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Theoretical Foundations in Nursing


Session # 21

LESSON TITLE: Materials:


Upon completion of this lesson, you can:
▪ Acknowledge the background and credentials of these
local nursing theorists;
▪ Identify the major concepts and definitions of terms as
utilized in their respective models;
▪ Highlight their major areas of contributions in the
nursing field; and, Reference:
▪ Describe each of these theories in view of their Alligood, M. (2018). Nursing theories and their
implications in the nursing field. work (9th ed.). Singapore: Elsevier.

Let us have a review of what you have learned from the previous lesson. Kindly answer the following questions on the
space provided. You may use the back page of this sheet, if necessary. Have fun!

What are the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Give examples each.

What are the six developmental stages as explained by Harry Stack Sullivan?

You will study and read their book, if available, about this lesson.


✔ This theory may be considered as a specialization of systems thinking and a

generalization of systems science.
✔ First proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972).
✔ General systems theory is a general science of “wholeness”.
✔ This theory has been applied in developing nursing theories and conducting
nursing research.

Characteristics of System:
▪ "Systems" refer specifically to self-regulating systems
▪ Systems are self-correcting through feedback
▪ Systems have a structure that is defined by its parts and processes
▪ Systems are generalizations of reality
▪ The various parts of a system have functional as well as structural
relationships between each other

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▪ Systems tend to function in the same way
▪ Every living organism is essentially an open system

General Systems Theory and Nursing:

Many nursing theorists have drawn from his works on systems theory.

✔ Neuman's Systems Theory

✔ Rogers 's Theory of Unitary Human Beings
✔ Roy's Adaptation Model
✔ Imogene King's Theory of Goal Attainment
✔ Orem Self-care Deficit Theory
✔ Johnson's Behavior Systems Model


✔ Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) is considered as the Father of Social

✔ He was born in Germany, later emigrated to the US
✔ He is well known for his writings on group dynamics, group therapy
and social psychology
✔ He introduced his field theory concepts, emphasizing that the group
differs from the simple sum of its parts
✔ He coined the term group dynamics in 1939
✔ His field theory states that "one’s behavior is related both to one’s
personal characteristics and to the social situation in which one finds

Theory Description:
✔ His most influential theory was his model of the change process in
human systems.
✔ He theorized a three-stage model of change that is known as the
Unfreezing-Change-Refreeze Model that requires prior learning to be rejected and replaced.

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✔ People grow and change throughout their lives. This growth and changes are evident in the dynamic nature of
basic human needs and how they are met.
✔ Change happens daily It is subtle, continuous and manifested in both everyday occurrences and more disruptive
life events. Change involves modification or alteration. It may be planned or unplanned.
✔ Lewin's theory states behavior as "a dynamic balance of forces working in opposing directions”.

Major Concepts and Definition:

▪ Driving forces
→ Driving forces are forces that push in a direction that causes change to occur.
→ Driving forces facilitate change because they push the person in the desired direction.
→ They cause a shift in the equilibrium towards change.

▪ Restraining forces
→ Restraining forces are forces that counter driving forces.
→ Restraining forces hinder change because they push the person in the opposite direction.
→ Restraining forces cause a shift in the equilibrium which opposes change.

▪ Equilibrium
→ Equilibrium is a state of being where driving forces equal restraining forces and no change occurs.
→ Equilibrium can be raised or lowered by changes that occur between the driving and restraining forces.

6 Components of the Theory:

1. Recognition of the area where change is needed.
2. Analysis of the situation to determine what forces exist to maintain the situation and what forces are working to
change it.
3. Identification of methods by which change can occur.
4. Recognition of the influence of group mores or customs on change.
5. Identification of the methods that the reference group uses to bring about change.
6. The actual process of change

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✔ Unfreezing is the process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to
let go of an old pattern that was counterproductive in some way.
✔ Unfreezing is necessary to overcome the strains of individual resistance and group conformity.
✔ Unfreezing can be achieved by the use of three methods:
Unfreezing 1. Increase the driving forces that direct behavior away from the existing situation or status
2. Decrease the restraining forces that negatively affect the movement from the existing
3. Find a combination of the two methods listed above
Moving to a New
✔ This stage involves a process of change in thoughts, feeling, behavior, or all three, that is in
Level / Changing
some way more liberating or more productive.
or Movement
✔ Refreezing is establishing the change as a new habit, so that it now becomes the “standard
Refreezing operating procedure”.
✔ Without this stage of refreezing, it is easy to go back to the old ways.

Application of the Theory in Nursing:

▪ It is pertinent that the driving and restraining forces must be analyzed before implementing a planned change.


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the
correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not

1. The system is independent of specific elements and variables. Systems Theory is ____________.
a. Partial
b. Impartial
c. Specific
d. Holistic
ANSWER: ________

2. This theory provides recognition of interplay between ____________ factors in determining individual behavior.
a. Spherical and genetic
b. Spiritual and physical
c. Physiological and biological
d. Biological and psychological
ANSWER: ________

3. Systems theory is useful as a perspective for understanding small groups because this theory:
a. reminds us that small groups are simpler than they appear.
b. provides a framework for thinking about the complex processes of groups of human beings.
c. helps us describe how individual elements of a whole can operate autonomously.
d. can help a student identify the single most important reason why something occurs in a group.
e. provides a group comparison to the "fight or flight" response of an individual.
ANSWER: ________

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4. Ludwig von Bertalanffy theory is a systems theory. Which of the following is referred to as a structural limitation that
separates a system from other systems?
a. Boundary
b. Closed system
c. Open system
d. Entropy
ANSWER: ________

5. It is the state of disorganization.

a. Boundary
b. Closed system
c. Open system
d. Entropy
ANSWER: ________

6. Kurt Lewin is considered as the father of social psychology. His theory has three components. Which component
causes a nurse to recognize the problem and need to change to address the problem?
a. Freezing
b. Movement
c. Refreezing
d. Unfreezing
ANSWER: ________

7. This stage involves a process of change in thoughts, feeling, behavior, or all three, that is in some way more liberating
or more productive.
a. Freezing c. Refreezing
b. Moving to a new change d. Unfreezing
ANSWER: ________

8. It involves establishing the change as a new habit so that it now becomes the "standard operating procedure”.
a. Freezing c. Refreezing
b. Moving to a new change d. Unfreezing
ANSWER: ________

9. Which of the following may contribute to unfreezing resistance?

a. Adequate amount of information c. Rewards
b. Trust d. Lack of information
ANSWER: ________

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10. He is the founder of social psychology.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Kurt Lewin
c. Charles Sullivan
d. Ludwig von Bertalanffy
ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now provide you the rationalization to these questions. You can now ask questions and debate among
yourselves. Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.

1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________
5. ANSWER: ________
6. ANSWER: ________
7. ANSWER: ________
8. ANSWER: ________
9. ANSWER: ________
10. ANSWER: ________

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You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.


Summarize or paraphrase the concepts presented based on your own understanding of the said topic. After the activity,
your teacher will rate your output as follows: E-Excellent, S-Satisfactory and N- Needs Improvement.


Define in your own Define in your own Define in your own Define in your own
understanding understanding understanding understanding

Example Example Example Example

Rating of the Output: ________________

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