G7-Week 1 - Scientific Method

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Teacher’s Name Mr. Jastoni A.

Grade Level & Learning Area Grade 7 – Science
Quarter Period/Week
Q1 / Week 1 / August --, 2020
Learning Outcomes Being Addressed This Week
The learners The learners demonstrate understanding of scientific
Content Standard demonstrate ways of acquiring knowledge and solving problems.
understanding of…
The learners should be able to perform in groups in
The learners
Performance Standard guided investigations involving community-based
should be able to…
problems using logically available materials.
Most Essential Learning
Describe the components of scientific investigation.
Competencies (MELCs)
1. Identify the components of scientific investigations.
2. Design a simple experiment based on the given situation.
1. Understanding Life through Science 5 by Phoenix, p. 24-27
2. Ppt presentation – Scientific Method
3. https://examples.yourdictionary.com/scientific-method-

Videoconferencing through Zoom (50 minutes)

Synchronous 1. Lesson discussion on Scientific Method, its
components and procedures.
ONLINE Activities & 1. Access link at
Description https://examples.yourdictionary.com/scientific-
Asynchronous method-examples.html and read the article
about the application of scientific method in
different fields and disciplines.
1. Perform Activity 6. On Exploring Life through Science 7 (A picture
of the said activity will be uploaded by the teacher), p. 29-34
OFFLINE Activities &
“Designing an Experiment”
2. Download PPt presentation and study. List down terms/concepts
not understood for future discussion.
Estimate of Time Required
(estimate amount of time required to 200 minutes
complete the activity/task)
1. Answer to book Activity 6, Exploring Life through Science 7
(Laboratory Manual), p. 29-34 “Designing an Experiment” (A
Demonstration of
picture of the learner’s answer to be uploaded in their class
notebook before next session)

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