Competency: Understand How To Read Prescriptions

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Competency: Understand How to Read Prescriptions

Lesson Overview:

Students will learn vocabulary associated with prescriptions and pharmacies and will
be able to read and understand prescription labels upon completion of this lesson.

This lesson plan includes:

1. How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary

2. How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary Matching
3. How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary Fill in the Blanks
4. Reading Prescription Labels
5. Getting a Prescription Filled Optional Vocabulary
6. Getting a Prescription Filled dialogues Listening Activity (Optional)
7. Getting a Prescription Filled dialogues Listening Activity Answer Key (Optional)
8. Pharmacy Dialogue Writing Activity (Optional)
9. How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary Flash Cards (Optional)

Approximate Time: 1 – 2 hours

Prerequisite Skills: Students must be able to read and write simple sentences and be
familiar with basic health words. Much of the prerequisite vocabulary required in this
lesson is taught in the intermediate-level lesson plan entitled “Understand a Doctor’s

Prerequisite Vocabulary:

afternoon (PM)
morning (AM)
once a day
take medicine(s)
twice a day

2002-2003 ESL Special Project

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Basic Skills Department
Competency: Understand How to Read Prescriptions Page 1
Vocabulary: Optional Vocabulary:

apply/applies aspirin
capsule(s) brand name drug(s)
ointment(s) co-payment(s)
pharmacist(s) drowsy
pharmacy/pharmacies generic drug(s)
prescription(s) insurance card(s)
prescription label(s) over the counter drugs (OTC)
refill(s) prescription card(s)

Materials Needed: Whiteboard or flip chart, erasable markers, and handouts

Equipment Needed: Multi-media computer with Internet access (for optional activities)


1. Explain the purpose of the lesson.

2. Ask students what they already know about prescriptions. Write their responses
on the board or on a flip chart

3. Briefly review the prerequisite vocabulary. Go over the new vocabulary. You
may want to write the words on the board.

a. Make sure that each student can correctly pronounce the new words by
having them pronounce the words aloud as a group and then individually.

b. Give the students How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary. Carefully

explain each word and make sure that students understand the

c. Give students How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary Matching.

Review answers orally.

4. For further vocabulary development, use How to Read Prescriptions

Vocabulary Fill in the Blanks. Students should complete this exercise
independently. Review answers orally. (This handout could also be used as a
quiz on the following day of class.)

2002-2003 ESL Special Project

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Basic Skills Department
Competency: Understand How to Read Prescriptions Page 2
5. Reading Prescription Labels is a reading and writing exercise. Students will
look at three prescription labels and answer questions about them. The
questions for the first prescription label are multiple-choice. Students are asked
to write their answers for the second and third prescription labels. Students may
complete this activity independently or in groups. Review and discuss answers.

Assessment/Evaluation of Learning:

1. Instructor evaluation of students’ participation.

2. Evaluation of student worksheets

Optional/Follow-up Activities:

1. To challenge your students a bit more, give them Getting a Prescription Filled
Optional Vocabulary. Go over each word’s pronunciation and definition.
Answer any questions that the students may have about them.

2. For listening and writing practice give students Getting a Prescription Filled
Dialogue Listening Activity. Tell them that you are going to read the dialogue
to them. They are to listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Read
from the Answer Key that is provided.

a. Read the dialogue at normal pace the first time. Read it again a little
slower. Read it a third time if necessary.

b. Ask two students to read the dialogue, supplying the missing words as
they read.

c. Write the words on the board so that students may check for spelling

d. Answer any questions students may have about the dialogue.

e. Ask two other students to read the completed dialogue aloud.

f. Tell students to practice the dialogue in pairs, changing roles.

3. For a writing activity, use Pharmacy Dialogue Writing Activity. This handout
gives students three scenarios from which to choose to write a dialogue about.
Circulate as the students write, offering spellings of words and correct grammar.
Give each student personal feedback on his/her writing. (As a variation, have
students create a dialogue in pairs. Have them read their dialogue to the class.)

2002-2003 ESL Special Project

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Basic Skills Department
Competency: Understand How to Read Prescriptions Page 3
4. Use How to Read Prescriptions Vocabulary Flash Cards for further
vocabulary development.

5. The Oxford Picture Dictionary, by Oxford University Press, “Health Care”, pages
80 – 81.

6. The Oxford Picture Dictionary Intermediate Workbook, by Oxford University

Press, “Health Care”, pages 80 – 81.

7. Visit This website offers online prescription refill ordering,

information on various medications, and automatic refill reminders.

8. allows you to order prescription refills online and have

them delivered to your door. (Click on the Pharmacy tab at the top of the page.)

9. offers automatic refill services and information on

generic drugs. (Click on the Pharmacy tab at the top of the page.)

2002-2003 ESL Special Project

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Basic Skills Department
Competency: Understand How to Read Prescriptions Page 4

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