EB 2 NIW Reference Letter Template

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[Applicable Service Center Address]

RE: National Interest Waiver for [Beneficiary Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

- It is a pleasure for me to write this letter in support of [Beneficiary]’s permanent residency and
national interest waiver.

About the Expert

- Introduce yourself. Include your Title, Department and University or Employer Information.
- Summary on specific area of research led by the Expert.
- Summary on areas of publications and significant contributions made by the Expert.

Association with Beneficiary

- Describe how you know the Beneficiary or the Beneficiary’s work
- Describe Beneficiary’s contributions and research as it intersects with the work of the Expert.
- Describe specific areas of collaboration between Beneficiary and Expert.
- Describe outcomes from collaboration or continued joint research between Beneficiary and

About the Beneficiary (as applicable)

1. Describe how the Beneficiary’s proposed endeavor has both substantial merit and national

- Provide a background on the field itself.

o What is the importance of the field itself.
o How does the Beneficiary’s work fit into this scheme.
o What is it about the field that makes it difficult, demanding and challenging.
o What percent of the field can perform this type of work

2. Evidence that foreign national is well positioned to advance the proposed endeavor

- Describe how the Beneficiary has made a significant contribution in his field
o Provide a background on Beneficiary’s education and work experience.
o Introduction of the Beneficiary’s work of significant contribution.
 For example, describe the underlying goals of beneficiary’s work
o How this issue has been dealt with traditionally
o The shortcomings of prior approaches
o What the Beneficiary has done to overcome these shortcomings
 Detail what the Beneficiary actually does
 The degree of skill required to do it
 The impact of such work
o Provide specific examples
o Provide a personal opinion on Beneficiary’s work as perceived by other experts in the

- Incorporate into the above the Beneficiary’s:

o Education, Knowledge & Skills
o Record of success in related or similar efforts;
o Model or plan for future activities;
o Progress towards achieving the proposed endeavor; and the
o Interest of potential customers, users, investors, or other relevant entities or

3. Beneficiary’s Authorship of Scholarly Articles in the Field

- Please provide an opinion / description on how these citations are significant by describing:
o The significance of the source;
o The significance of the article

4. Published Material about the Beneficiary

- Please provide an opinion / description on how these citations are significant by describing:

o The significance of the source

o Clarifying how the published material reflects on the Beneficiary
o Highlight how the authors who cited to the Beneficiary’s work relied on the Beneficiary’s
o Whether such comments were laudatory;
o How the citations are significant.

5. Presentations

- The Beneficiary has presented both poster and platform presentations at various venues.
Please provide an opinion / description on how these presentations are significant by

o Details regarding the forum; whether it was regional, national, or international;

o Details regarding the sponsoring organization;
o How the Beneficiary was invited or selected;
o The significance of the forum
6. Beneficiary’s Participation as a Judge of the Work of Others

- The Beneficiary has served as a peer reviewer / judge of the work of others. Please provide
an opinion / description on how this is significant by describing:

o Describe the Beneficiary’s role as a reviewer and how this was significant.
o Besides being a reviewer for a peer reviewed scholarly journal describe other

7. Awards

- Please provide an opinion / description on how these citations are significant by describing:

o Describe the distinction and how why the Beneficiary meets the standards of national
recognition for excellence;
o For more traditional “honor”, the letter should address the number of individuals in
competition for the award, the basis or criteria upon which it was awarded, and how
widely it is regarded in the field of endeavor.

8. Grants

- The Beneficiary has received awards or been given grants from highly competitive
organizations. Please provide an opinion / description on how these awards or grants are
significant by describing:

o For grants we would need to establish that the reason for funding was based on
recognized past accomplishments.

9. Membership in Associations in the Field that Require Outstanding Achievements

- The Beneficiary is a member of associations in the field. Please provide an opinion /

description on how these associations are significant and require outstanding achievements
by describing:

o Describe the significance of the association and clarify the requirements and discuss
how such memberships are viewed in the field.

10. Describe how on balance it would be beneficial to the United States to waive the
requirements of a job offer and thus of a labor certification.

o Whether, in light of the nature of the foreign national’s qualifications or proposed

endeavor, it would be impractical either for the foreign national to secure a job offer or
for the petitioner to obtain a labor certification;

o Whether, even assuming that other qualified U.S. workers are available, the United
States would still benefit from the foreign national’s contributions; and

o Whether the national interest in the foreign national’s contributions is sufficiently

urgent to warrant forgoing the labor certification process.
o Whether on balance, it would be beneficial to the United States to waive the
requirements of a job offer and thus of a labor certification.


In conclusion, [Beneficiary] is an outstanding recognized [international scientist] that has made

significant contributions to [his/her area of research] and the United States, and [his/her] work is in the
national interest. I strongly recommend that [he/she] be granted permanent residency to the United


Name & Title

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