Final - SHS - Reading and Writing Skills - Q3 - Module 3 - Types of Claims Made in A Written Text
Final - SHS - Reading and Writing Skills - Q3 - Module 3 - Types of Claims Made in A Written Text
Final - SHS - Reading and Writing Skills - Q3 - Module 3 - Types of Claims Made in A Written Text
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted to Cidro MG, Montenegro-Gasulas A (2016) Integrated English for Ef-
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, fective Communication: Reading and Writing Skills. Phoenix Pub-
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Learning Objective:
10. P 5. F
9. F 4. V
Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text.
8. V 3. V
7. V 2. V
15. a This module aims to assist the learners to determine the types
of claims in a written text:
6. P 1. P
14. c
8. b 3. c 9. c
In doing this module, the
following are some reminders:
7. b 2. b 8. a
6. c 1. c 7. c
1. Take the pretest before
answering the module.
Review Time
6. b
2. Read the instructions
10. b 5. a
5. c carefully
4. b before doing each task.
9. c 4. d 3. Answer all the exercises.
8. d 3. c 3. c 4. Take the posttest.
5. Use a separate sheet in
answering all the activities.
7. d 2. a 2. a
6. c 1. b 1. c
Pretest Posttest
14 1
9. Parents should be the ones who determine whether or not their
children return to school, not the government.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Select the best answer a. fact b. value c. policy
and encircle the letter it corresponds 10. The existence of nuclear weapons has prevented the
1. Which of the following is an example of a claim? outbreak of World War III.
A. The Philippines has a lot of white sand beaches. a. fact b. value c. policy
B. The Tawa-tawa plant can be used to cure cancer.
C. Mount Samat is located in Aklan. 11. An improved sewer system would solve these flood drainage
D. Pres. Duterte is the 16th president of the Republic of problems.
the Philippines. a. fact b. value c. policy
12. Obesity can cause heart disease and other chronic diseases.
2. Which of the following is not a claim?
A. Bananas are rich in vitamins. a. fact b. value c. policy
B. Some computers are more diligent than humans. 13. This Covid-19 pandemic also caused worldwide depression
C. We should prioritize dealing with climate change. to humans.
D. It’s more fun in the Philippines.
a. fact b. value c. policy
3. Which of the following is not a claim of policy? 14. Areas under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) should
A. Human beings must become vegetarians. strictly follow the guidelines in order to flatten the curve
B. Filipinos do not need to take a bath every day. immediately.
C. I must wash my clothes. a. fact b. value c. policy
D. Mineral water plastic bottles should be reused.
15. Wearing of face masks and observing social distancing are
4. Which of the following is a claim of value? essential practices in this Covid-19 pandemic.
A. Silver is a conductor of electricity. a. fact b. value c. policy
B. Diesel prices should be subsidized by the government.
C. Sunlight can be used to cook food.
D. Palawan is a fun place for taking a vacation.
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6. Which of the following is FALSE?
Directions: Read and analyze the given sentences. Identify what A. Claims must have a degree of controversy.
type of claim is used by encircling the letter of your B. Claims must be related to an issue.
choice. C. Claims of policy must be related to legal issues.
D. Claims of policy talk about conditions that must exist.
1. The minimum wage in the province of Pangasinan should be
7. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. fact b. value c. policy A. Claims are statements accepted universally.
2. Excessive television viewing has caused the steady decline in B. Negative statements cannot be claims.
the reading ability of children and teenagers. C. All claims of policy are also claims of facts.
D. Claims of value relate to what is good or bad.
a. fact b. value c. policy
3. Gathering in groups in this time of pandemic should be consi- 8. Which of the following is a claim of fact?
dered be prohibited. A. The death penalty must be restored.
B. Eating vegetables benefits a person’s health.
a. fact b. value c. policy
C. Filipinos are very good singers.
4. Neil Armstrong's mission to the moon was actually a hoax. D. The government is trying to sterilize poor people.
a. fact b. value c. policy
9. Which of the following is not a claim of value?
5. Requiring community service in high school will produce more
A. The book version is always better than the movie version.
community-aware graduates.
B. The local government is doing well.
a. fact b. value c. policy C. Honey can be a non-perishable food in Mars.
6. It is okay for parents to lie to the school about why their child is D. Filipinos are very good in speaking English.
or is not completing learning opportunities.
10. Which of the following is a claim of policy?
a. fact b. value c. policy A. Lagundi is a better cough medicine than synthetic drugs.
7. Virtual Learning should not be required. B. Little children should not be allowed to play video games.
C. Garbage can be turned into soil.
a. fact b. value c. policy
D. Plants also think.
8. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to many illnesses.
a. fact b. value c. policy
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Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Critical reading is necessary for judging the reliability of the text
1. Which would be an example of explicit information about the through the study of implicit and explicit information. An important
hall? skill that is needed in critical reading is the skill to evaluate the
A. Why the desks are set up in groups? claims of an author.
B. Why the flag is on the left side of the room?
C. How many desks there are? Claim is the central argument or thesis statement of the text. It is
D. What Mr. Cantu thinks about his students? what the writer tries to prove in the text by providing detail,
explanations, and other types of evidences. It must be
2. Amber wants to buy a new smart phone but she doesn't have argumentative, debatable, specific, logical, interesting and
the money. Which question from the list below would be engaging.
considered explicit? Claims of Fact – these are statements that can be verified. It must
A. Why does she need a new phone? be specific as to time, place, people involved in situation.
B. Why can't Amber buy the smart phone?
Claims of Value - are pieces of information that are focused on
C. How is Amber going to raise the money?
relative judgment such as goodness or badness, and these are
D. Where does she plan to buy the phone?
usually addressed based on standards.
3. Mr. Torres looked at his alarm clock. It was 7:30. He should Claims of Policy - are specific statements on procedures or laws
have left the house an hour ago. He was going to be late. He that need to be modified based on certain issues or conditions.
turned on the television and started thinking what he wanted
to make himself for breakfast. What can be implied about Mr.
A. He will still make it to work on time.
B. He is nervous about getting to work after the bell rings.
C. He doesn't care about being late.
Take note of the following concepts and get
D. He knows that his students can figure things out without ready with the exercises .
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5. If Ms. Cruz wanted to get into a good nursing school then she
Directions: Identify whether the following statements are claims of needs to study hard and talk to people who are already
fact, value, or policy. Write F for claim of fact, V for claim of value, nurses so that she can know what to expect from nursing
and P for claim of policy in the space provided. school. What information below is explicit?
A. Why she chose to go into nursing?
____1. Students' cell phones should be collected by office B. Who she will talk to about nursing school?
personnel when they enter school. C. Where the nursing school is?
____2. Imposing harsh prison sentences and fines for non-violent D. What kind of school does Ms. Smith want to attend?
crimes is wrong.
6. Wendy was walking home from school when she found a sick
____3. The right thing to do is to support this year's school bird lying on the ground under a tree. She stopped and gave
fundraiser. the bird a look. She looked up and noticed a nest in the
____4. Rebuilding flooded homes in flood plains is a poor branch above her. She looked forward and continued walking
decision. home. What implicit information can you obtain from this
____5. Cell phones pull students away from learning.
A. Wendy loves animals.
____6. The speed limit on Montana's highways should be lowered. B. Wendy is a selfish person.
____7. Mac computers are more reliable than PC's. C. Wendy is running late for an appointment.
D. Wendy needs to get home before dark.
____8. Keeping animals locked away in zoos, no matter how nice
they are, is unethical and harmful. 7. The coach blew his whistle and told the team to pack it up.
Practice was over. Little Mike asked his coach to please
____9. Millions of bees are dying off with alarming consequences
leave the lights in the gym on so he could stay a little longer.
for our environment and our food supply.
He stayed for another two hours practicing his shooting and
____10. All people convicted of arson should lose the privilege of dribbling. What information below is a good example of
enjoying our nation's national parks. implicit information?
A. Mike is afraid of the dark.
B. Mike was a dedicated athlete.
C. Mike was scared to go home.
D. Mike wanted to be a doctor.
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Claims of Policy - are specific statements on procedures or laws
that need to be modified based on certain issues or conditions.
8. Mr. Sy walked into the classroom and slammed the door
Most of the time, claims of policy ask for plans of action to solve
behind him. He threw his clipboard to the ground and knocked
a pile of papers to the ground. What color is Mr. Sy's shirt? Is current problems. What makes it arguable is that, even though
this an example of an implicit question? people may not be totally certain about the proper course of action
A. yes B. no to take, they still must act.
9. An autobiography written about a former president would be Example: Death penalty should not be implemented because it
a good way to get explicit information from? has not something to do with murder or any crimes.
A. true B. false
In the given example, the claim suggests exchange of diverging
10. A lot of implicit information can be gathered by looking at a views and discussion that urges action or implementation.
A. true B. false
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Example: A democratic government is superior to that of an What are the characteristics of a good claim?
A claim should be argumentative and debatable.
Here there is a comparison between an autocratic government
and a democratic one with the claim to value in the phrase "is A claim should be specific and focused.
superior to".
A claim should be logical.
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