Jumpchain Gift Shop
Jumpchain Gift Shop
Jumpchain Gift Shop
Welcome, Jumpers! It seems that some of you have been complaining about wanting a few
things from home or a few useful toys that are either uncommon or unavailable in existing
Jumps, so Jumpchain Incorporated has decided to put together a lovely selection of items to
help make your life a little bit happier.
These items can be purchased using the Choice Points, or equivalent, of any Jump, and are
delivered just like items from that Jump. If these items are lost, stolen or destroyed, they are
restored in 24 hours.
Any of these items can be purchased multiple times. If an item has an Upgraded form, you can
purchase the basic item in one jump and buy the upgrade in a later jump.
My Stuff (100cp)
This is your stuff. All of it, barring vehicles and buildings/real estate, that you owned or partially
owned when your Jumpchain began. Just as a bonus, all your stuff will be fully restored,
repaired and cleaned. This includes digital property, such as downloaded or cloud-stored
games, movies, music, books, and any other data.
My Wheels (100cp)
You can take any and all vehicles that you own or are leasing when your Jumpchain begins
along with you. You have all needed documentation on these vehicles. They will never need to
be maintained or refueled, and will repair themselves within 24 hours of being damaged. They
will retain any modifications you make to them.
My House (100cp)
And any other properties you happen to own, rent or lease, including businesses and shops,
when your Jumpchain begins. They can be inserted in any future jumps or be part of the
Warehouse. Either way, they have a permanent portal to the Warehouse, which can only be
accessed by those you give permission to. All taxes, rents and utilities will be paid on these
properties and you have all needed documentation. You can choose to take a home you lived in
previously, in place of a currently possessed home.
Wardrobe (50cp)
You have any form of clothing and accessories that you need, all stored in a massive walk-in
closet in your Warehouse or equivalent. No matter what the occasion, you will have the proper
outfit. Just don’t try to sell any of this, it will disappear and return to your Warehouse.
Smartphone (50cp)
You have a top-of-the-line smartphone that will upgrade to match the best equivalent device in
each new jump, but will never downgrade. It never needs to be recharged or maintained, will
instantly repair itself, is immune to malware and hacking, and always has a signal, along with
unlimited data and memory. This smartphone can never be tracked, except by its own GPS app.
Any apps acquired for this phone will work anywhere, even if the service should be unavailable.
Degrees (100cp)
You have documentation and records awarding you any and all degrees, licenses and
certifications that you have the skill, knowledge and ability to qualify for. These will always be
believed and treated as respectfully as if they came from the best school/training facility in the
Snacks (100cp)
You have an unlimited supply of your favorite snack foods and drinks, up to three varieties of
each. These can be summoned at will. Choose whatever snacks you want, they can be
changed once a week.
Mailbox (100cp)
All mail meant for you will be delivered to this mailbox. Any traps or harmful items will be made
safe for you to handle, any perishable deliveries will be held in perfect stasis until you retrieve
them and all mail addressed to you will appear here within fifteen minutes of being sent/placed
in a mailbox.
Iconic Item (200cp)
This status can attach to any item (chosen when this is purchased). In addition to being
indestructible, never needing to be cleaned, maintained, sharpened, refueled or reloaded, this
item will now automatically gain the abilities of any item of the same type (melee weapon to
melee weapon, computer to computer, vehicle to vehicle, etc.) that you pay CP for. This is
When In Doubt
Fanwank. That is almost always going to be my answer.
Personal Reality
Points from the Personal Reality Supplement can be converted 1:1 to CP to spend here.
Version 1.0 5/19/2019
Created the Document.