KLKPD Kls XI Chapter 1, Ganjil

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Suggestion and
Kompetensi dasar:
3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan should, can)
4,2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi pembelajaran:
 Fungsi Sosial
Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.
 Struktur Teks
- Memulai dan Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)
 Unsur Kebahasaan
- Ungkapan yang menunjukkan saran dan tawaran, dengan modal should dan can
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.
 Topik
Situasi yang memungkinkan pemberian saran dan tawaran melakukan tindakan yang dapat
menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI.

Look at the following pictures then try to answer the following question about the picture!
Task 1
1. Where are they in the picture?
2. What are they probably talking about?
3. What expressions do they use?

Task 2.
Look at the pictures. Answer the questions orally.
a. Do you know any of their names? Mention all.
b. How do you think their taste?
c. Which one do you think is healthy and suit with your taste?
d. From those foods, which one do you most like to try?
e. Where can you find these foods? Which food is the cheapest and healthiest?

A. Study the following dialogue

Give suggestion or advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn’t. See the example.
Example :

Doctor : I’m worried about your heart.

Patient : Really, doctor ? Should I stop eating rich dessert?
Doctor : Mr. Jones! You MUST stop eating rich dessert.
Patient : What else should I avoid ?
Doctor : You should avoid both fatty meat and cheese. If you don’t, you are going to have
serious problems with your heart someday.
B. Read the following dialogs .
Dialog 1.

Ketut : Let’s have lunch at the cafeteria.

Ayu : Ok
Ketut : What are you going to eat?
Ayu : Meatball, burger, fried rice, or gado- gado ?
Ketut : I want to eat gado- gado
Ayu : I don’t like it. You eat raw vegetables, don’t you?
Ketut : Yes, but it is a healthy food. You must try it.
Ayu : Thanks, but I don’t like
Ketut : It’s a nice and a healthy food, really I suggest you to try it.
Ayu : Okey…but just one spoon.
Ketut : Good…after you try it I’m sure you will ask again and again, hahaha.

Dialog 2

Tiara : What do you usually have for dinner Dewi?

Dewi : I sometimes have fried chicken, fried rice, or pizza. How about you ?
Tiara : I usually have pecel and fried egg and tofu or tempe.
Dewi : Really ?
Tiara : I do, Why ?
Dewi : No, I just want to know why you like those kinds of food.
Tiara : It is because they make me healthy. You should try it.
Dewi : Really ? I’ll try it next time.

Task 3
Check your understanding
1. What are Ketut and Ayu going to do ?
2. What are they talking about ?
3. What foods are mentioned in the dialogs?
4. What are the healthy food found in the dialogs ?
5. What do Ketut and Tiara suggest to Ayu and Dewi?

Task 4
After reading dialogue 1 and dialogue 2, Identify the expression of giving suggestion/advice in the
dialogue! Complete this table!
giving suggestion asking suggestion Accepting Declining
............................ ............................ ............................ ............................
............................ ............................ ............................ ............................
............................ ............................ ............................ ............................
Suggestion is abstract and can be in form of solutions, advice, plan and idea. It can be accepted or
Social Function to facilitate interpersonal communication between different people

Expressing of giving advice / suggestion

▪ I can ( show you/ take you to) … ▪ Would you like to …

▪ How about (doing) … ? ▪ What about …?
▪ Shall we …? ▪ Why don’t we/ you …?
▪ You should … ▪ Let’s …
▪ I suggest you … ▪ Any suggestion ?
▪ You would better … ▪ I suggest that you …
▪ I think you should … ▪ Perhaps you could …
▪ I’d advice you … ▪ We’d better …
▪ If I were you, I’d … ▪ I don’t think you should
▪ If I were you, I wouldn’t …
▪ I wouldn’t … If I were you.

- Expressing Asking an advice/ suggestion

- ▪ Do you think I should …

- ▪ Should I … ?
- ▪ What should I … ?
- ▪ What would you advice ?
- ▪ What would you advice me to do ?
- ▪ Would you advice me to … ?
- ▪ Could you give me some advice on …?
- ▪ I’d like you advice on / about …

Accepting Declining
▪ That’s a good idea ▪ I don’t feel like …
▪ Yes, I’d love to … ▪ No, let’s …
▪ All right. Let’s (do) that ▪ I don’t think we should.
▪ Okay
▪ Yes, that’s great, thanks
▪ Thanks for your advice
▪ That’s sound like a great idea
▪ That means a lot to me, thanks
▪ I’ll do that, thanks.
▪ you are right.
Sentence structure to suggest / advice something
Let’s take a look at sentence structure to suggest something.
I Suggest That He clean his room.

We recommend That She read “ the hunger games”

I Propose That Are report should be set she read in.

I Put forward That We work together on this.

We Advice That He works hard.

I Advocate That We support them in every way possible.

Task 5
Complete these dialogs with the words in the box

a. You would better start g. listen

b. announce h. had better
c. be so sad i. should
d. I should do something j. would like
e. That sound good k. terrible
f. You should try l. do you have some ideas

Dialog 1.

Student : I’m … at English and I think … about it. What do you advice me to do ?
Teacher : I think … this website. It’s fantastic website for beginners.
Student : I’ve heard about it., but what do you think I should start with?
Teacher : … with the lessons. Then, try the exercises. There are many English materials on the website
and also some exercises
Student : I … to improve my speaking. What should I do?
Teacher : You … watch English channels and … English music.
Student : Thank you sir
Teacher : Don’t mention it
Dialog 2.

This conversation taking place at the park.

Aulia : I have a serious problem today. I just lost my wallet.
Tomi : Don’t … my friend, let us search it around the park.
Aulia : I had looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas?
Tomi : You … tell the securities to … it to other students.
Aulia : Yeah,, … . I do hope it helps.
Tomi : Let’s go !

Task 6.
Study the dialog. Underline the expressions used to suggest.then answer the following questions.
Then practice the dialog with your friend.

Hendy : Well, I think we should take a taxi to the restaurant.

Tiara : We’d better go to another restaurant near here. It’s almost impossible to find a taxi during rush
Hendy : But I prefer the restaurant.
Tiara : Why ?
Hendy : Because it serves organic foods.
Tiara : In fact, it is very expensive
Hendy : It doesn’t matter I’ll treat you so don’t worries.
Tiara : Okay then
Hendy : One more thing. It is a healthy food. We should eat that kind of food to keep our health.
Tiara : I get your point.

Questions :
1. What is the dialog talking about?
2. What suggestion does Tiara give?
3. Does Hendy accept Tiara’s suggestion ? How do you know?
4. Which restaurant does Hendy really prefer?
5. What suggestion does Hendy give?

Task 7.
Complete the following dialog then practice with your friend .

1. A : I can’t sleep well last night.

B : …
A : That’s a good idea, thank you.

2. A : Son, take your father to the optician. He needs change his glasses.
B : All right mum. Besides wearing glasses I think …
A : …

3. A : …
B : Okey Dad. If the medicine I took doesn’t really work well. I’ll do it.
A :

4. A : Sitta, I don’t understand why you can stand for it. If I were you …
B : … , I’ll do what you said
A : …

5. A : John, what should I do? I can’t stand working too long. I feel weak and lose my appetite.
B ; …
A : …

Task 8
Write proper advice for each of the following problems.
1. A teenage girl doesn’t want to eat. She is very thin, but she thinks she is still too fat.
2. A successful middle aged businessman works twelve to sixteen hours every day, seven days a
week. He doesn’t take time for relax.
3. A college student is tired all the time. He studies a lot, but he’s always worried about his grades.
He never exercises. He eats a lot of junk food and drinks a lot of coffee.

Choose the correct answer !
1. Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.
Brian : Yes I had a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on I will accompany you.
Brian : Ok
What is the dialog about?
a. Headache and stomachache d. Brian is not well
b. A good doctor e. Brian who asked Alex to go to a doctor
c. Alex health

2. Amir : I am not good in English.

Budi : …
a. I should practice English everyday
b. Why don’t you take an English course and practice everyday
c. Do you like English?
d. I must take an English course
e. You must sleep often
3. You accept a friend’s suggestion that Indonesia should buy a new battleship for nautical defense.
a. I suggest that we might buy new battleship for nautical defense
b. I’m not with you concerning this matter
c. I think it’s a good idea about buying new battleship for nautical defense
d. Shouldn’t we buy new battleship for nautical defense
e. It’s clear that we won’t buy new battleship for nautical defense
4. Girl : We will have a long holiday. What should we do?
Boy : What about taking an English conversation class?
Girl : I agree with you. It is a useful activity to do.
What will the speaker do during the holiday?
a. Visit some relatives
b. Take an English conversation class
c. Attend an English workshop
d. Take an English course to improve their marks
e. Spend their holiday time together
5. Santi : Mom I couldn’t clean my white shirt.
Mom : …
Santi : Okay, I’ll.
a. You should paint it white d. You shouldn’t wear it anymore
b. You should rinse it thoroughly e. You should just deal with it
c. You should buy another T-shirt
6. Dodi : What can we do in Sukabumi? I don’t think we can find any tourist attractions there.
Dani : We ____ Pelabuhan Ratu. It’s only a one-hour drive from Sukabumi.
a. could visit c. could visit e. couldn’t visit
b. must have visit d. must visit
7. Tania : I have a very important interview tomorrow. But I have arranged some appointments with
Lia : I ____ the appointments. I believe they will understand your situation.
a. Suggest you rearranging d. suggest you to rearrange
b. suggest you rearrange e. suggest you arranging
c. suggest you to arrange
8. Woman: "......... to the party tonight?"
Man : "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It looks wonderful
on you."
a. What are you going to wear.
b. Can I recommend something to wear
c. Do you have something to wear
d. What do you think I should wear
e. Which dress could you wear
9. In the above dialog, the woman ..........
a. asks the man for a suggestion
b. agrees with the man’s suggestion
c. gives the man a suggestion
d. disagrees with the man’s suggestion
e. asks the man about his party
10. In the above dialog, the man ..........
a. asks the woman for a suggestion
b. agrees with the woman’s suggestion
c. gives the woman a suggestion
d. disagrees with the woman’s suggestion
e. invites the woman to a party

Read more: Exercise: Asking For, Giving, and Responding to an Advice / Suggestion ~ Mister Guru


Task 1
Look at the picture.

1. What is the man doing?

2. What do you think the man says?
3. What ate the other expression you can use?

Task 2
Study the dialog and answer the following question.

Andi : Could I help you on your new project?

Budi : I have a need for help with writing and with the computer work. Which would you prefer.
Andi : I want to help with both.
Budi : That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will be working together and sometimes independently.
Would that be OK?
Andi : Most of the time that is what I prefer.
Budi : We start on Monday. Can you be there?
Andi ; Of course.

1. What is the dialog about?

2. What does Andi offer to Budi?
3. What does Budi need from Andi?
4. Which work does Andi take?
5. How does Andi prefer to work?

Offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a trade.
Social Function of Offering is to facilitate interpersonal communication between different people.

Offering Help

 Can/may I help you?

 What can I do for you?
 Do you want me to joint us?
 Would you like me to ….
 Let me …
 I’ll …. if you ‘d like
 I’ll be happy to ….. if you ‘d like
 I’d be glag to ……. if you ‘d like
 Shall I …………….?
 Would you like me to……………..?
 Would you like ……………..?

Offering Something

 Can I get you something to drink?

 Would you like something to drink?
 Do like …..
 Do like …. or …..
 Do you want …..
 Do you take ….. or ….
 May I give you ……
 Would you like some candies?
 Would you like to have dinner with me?

Accepting Refusing
▪ Oh yes, I’d love to. ▪ No, thank you
▪  That sounds nice. ▪ It’s Ok, I can do myself
▪  That’s very kind of you. ▪ That’s alright, I can
▪  Oh, thank you. Yes, please ▪ Don’t worry, everything is ok
Task 3
Study the dialog and underlined the expression of offering and the response, and practice with your

Heny : Hi Mer. How are you?

Merry : Hi hen . I’m fine, and you ?
Heny  : I’m fine too. By the way, can you accompany me go to the bookstore tomorrow?
Merry : I’m ’ sorry Hen I can’t accompany you go to bookstore because I will go to my grandmother
with my family tomorrow.
Ricko  : Good Morning Dad?
Daddy : Good morning Son.
Ricko  : What are you doing dad?
Daddy : I am filling Crossword puzzle.
Ricko  : Can I help you Dad?
Daddy : yes. What is the meaning “Korek api” in English?Five box!
Ricko   : Oh I know Dad. The answer is M-A-T-C-H.
Daddy : Thank you Son.
Ricko   : You’re welcome Dad.

Task 4.
Make the expression of offering based on these statements.

1. Offer someone to dance =

2. Offer to have for drink.       =
3. Offer to treat someone’s dinner.       =          
4.  Offer to go to the Talun =
5.  Offer to carry someone’s suitcase =
6.  Offer to post someone’s letter         =
7.  Offer to cook the dinner      =
8.  Offer to borrow your camera.          =        
9. Offer to teach someone to speak English =
10. Offer to watch film =                    

Task 5.
Complete this dialog with the words in the box.

a. can you help me d. nice g. Of course

b. appreciate e. Could you translate h. Terrible
c. Why don’t you f. I’d be delighted
Dialog 1.
Guest : Excuse me,________?
Staff : _________ma’am, what can I do for you?
Guest : Someone just stole my purse off my shoulder outside the hotel.
Staff :_________. Are you OK?
Guest : Yes, just shaken up a bit.
Staff _________seat down here and I’ll call the police for you.
Guest : Thank you; I _________your help.

Dialog 2
Guest : I don’t understand what the taxi driver is trying to say. __________for me?
Staff : Of course sir, _____________to help.
Guest : Oh, thank you. I would really appreciate that.

Task 6.
Complete these dialogs

1. Indra    : The box you brought looks very heavy. ______

Ardi      : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks
2. Andara     : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Bella        :  _____ it will very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.

3. Abu : Would you like to go out for shopping?

Dyah : ________ . May I invite Siti to join with us.
Abu : Sure, why not?

4. Ina : Nia, I have a problem

Nia : What is it. Tell me
Ina : I have to pay my school fee, but I haven’t received the money from my parents ______
Nia ; Sure, I’ll lend you.
Ina : Thanks a lot

5. Staff : Excuse me ma’am, ________with your bags?

Guest: That would be great thanks.
Create a dialog with your partner using the expression of offering something then practice in front
of your class!

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