Rethinking Engineering Education at The Age of Industry 5.0

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Rethinking engineering education at the age of industry 5.0

Didem Gürdür Broo a, *, Okyay Kaynak b, Sadiq M. Sait c
Center for Design Research, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 424 Panama Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: During the last two decades, profound technological changes have taken place around us, supported by
Industry 5.0 disruptive advances, both on the software and hardware sides. An amalgamation of information, communication,
21st century skills and artificial intelligence is taking place, as well as the cross-fertilization of a wide range of concepts, referred to
Engineering education
as the digital transformation. While the discussion on how to operationalize the new intelligent systems of the
Higher education
Digital Transformation
fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, is still going on; the dominant characteristics of the fifth industrial
revolution, Industry 5.0 – going beyond producing goods and services for profit – requires all to think and act
differently. As a result of the convergence phenomenon, the boundaries between different disciplines are eroding,
necessitating a thorough discussion on what engineering education should be like in the future. In this paper,
after presenting a brief history of engineering education, the recent paradigm changes are discussed, which
essentially stress that skills must prevail over degrees to deal with challenges posed by the trends of the fifth
industrial revolution. Later, before concluding the paper four strategies are presented such as lifelong learning
and transdisciplinary education (1), sustainability, resilience, and human-centric design modules (2), hands-on
data fluency and management courses (3) and human-agent/machine/robot/computer interaction experiences

1. Introduction disciplinary, seamless manner. At the same time, the boundaries be­
tween different disciplines (and many other things) are eroding; what
During the last two decades, profound technological changes have mechanical engineering is, what electrical engineering is, and what
taken place around us, supported by new disruptive advances, both on computer engineering is, are becoming difficult to define. In fact, what
the software and the hardware sides. An amalgamation of information, engineering is and what basic sciences are (even the social sciences for
communication, and artificial intelligence (AI) is taking place, as well as that matter) nowadays difficult to define. In short, we are going through
the cross-fertilization of a wide range of concepts. These changes are a phenomenon of convergence of different disciplines, necessitating a
causing what is commonly referred to as the digital transformation, the thorough discussion on what engineering education should be like in the
main characteristics of which boil down to convergence and erosion. We future. “If we do not change the way we teach, 30 years from now, we’re
are witnessing a convergence phenomenon, where convergence is going to be in trouble” [7].
fueling further convergence and finally laying the foundations for the In order to be able to survive in an increasingly competitive and
emergence of advanced and new technologies. global market, enterprises need graduates who can manage the changes,
While the term Industry 4.0 [1–3] is defined as the combination of a challenge that the engineers of the 21st-century face. The graduates of
Internet and emerging technologies and drives a new fundamental the engineering schools in this new era should be capable of going from
paradigm shift in industrial production [4, 5], Industry 5.0 complements technology to solutions and from solutions to operations. This requires a
it by specifically putting research and innovation at the service of the broad skill set. Speaking at the 2017 Times Higher Education Research
transition to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient industry [6]. Excellence Summit in Taichung, Taiwan, a similar remark was made by
This new paradigm shift happens at the edge of traditional disciplines. Prof. Sung-Chul Shin, the President of the Korea Advanced Institute of
The connections between different disciplines are becoming the core Science and Technology (KAIST). He stated that universities must
of the new technologies, in a not multi-, not inter-, but in a trans- embrace cross-disciplinary education and research in order to deal with

* Corresponding author. .
Received 31 May 2021; Received in revised form 24 October 2021; Accepted 3 November 2021
Available online 7 November 2021
2452-414X/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D. Gürdür Broo et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25 (2022) 100311

challenges posed by the "megatrends" of the fourth industrial revolution. number of hours spent on the seat, the unit of measurement is the credit
These challenges were particularly pressing in South Korea, which he hour [13, 14]. Despite the fact that it is meaningless to measure seat
described as being at a "stall point" where it can either continue devel­ time, education systems continue to do this. The argument put forward
oping as an advanced nation or get stuck with a stagnant economy. in [15] is in favor of reversing the traditional equation. The authors
"Concerning all megatrends, university reform is urgent," he added [8]. believe in ensuring that learning is constant while time could vary,
In this article we will look beyond megatrends and focus specifically on thereby creating opportunities for students to accelerate learning
engineering education. through self-paced asynchronous programs.
To this end, Section 2 briefly presents a historical perspective and We are in times when a large population of teens is tech-savvy –
describes the current situation. Section 3 summarizes the current situ­ “digital natives” is the term used in [16] and the “net generation” in [17]
ation in higher education and describes some issues related to the higher – they are surrounded by computers, videogames, digital music players,
education while defining some characteristics of the future jobs and video cams, cell phones, and all the other tools and gadgets of the digital
universities. Later, in Section 4, the Industry 5.0 is discussed in more age. This cohort has access to large vaults of knowledge available on the
detail. Several properties of the new systems of Industry 5.0, cyber- Internet; it is possible for them to self-learn concepts and skills with few
physical systems, is listed and important trends and influencing factors clicks, which are otherwise difficult to grasp in the traditional classroom
are summarized. In Section 5, four main strategies for improving the environment. Moreover, various online academies make it possible for
engineering education are presented. Finally, Section 6 concludes the students to access and learn independently or with the help of peers on
article by summarizing the study and motivating the change. the net. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s) and Open Educational
Resources (OER’s) are some examples of these. Clearly, the growth
2. Background witnessed in these learning formats indicates a future where more in­
dependent learning will develop and flourish.
2.1. Historical perspective It is observed that the rich multi-media content available on the web
[18] enables a student to acquire knowledge that barely reaches
The necessity of change in educational approaches has been recog­ him/her in the archaic class. In recent days, much has been spoken about
nized by both industry and academia since a long time ago. The earliest the way content needs to be delivered, and a lot of emphasis has been
study dates back to 1918 as the first evaluation of U.S. engineering ed­ placed on using technology to improve delivery. However, most sug­
ucation [9]. It is interesting to note that Prof. Mann advocates a "case" gestions do not address the possible removal of the instructor (at least for
based approach (like advocated for the law practice) in his study. For certain subjects) from the classroom, even if it is beneficial. The term
example, in electrical engineering, a "dynamo" could be the "case" and ‘flipped classroom’ is normally attributed to the work [19]. It is a phi­
the students would start with an analysis of the case for the purpose of losophy that puts the student instead of the lecturer at the heart of the
discovering the fundamental physical and/or mechanical principles learning process. There are many ways to flip teaching. The central idea
involved in its operation. He argues that this would "lead the student is that students prepare in advance for the contact session with in­
from practical applications by analysis to a comprehension of the theory, structors, enabling better time utilization [20]. Technology too plays a
instead of from theory to applications". He also underlines the fact that big role in making the flipped classroom a reality. As a consequence of
the engineering education has a very strong emphasis on science and adopting technology for teaching, university faculty will greatly benefit,
mathematics to the neglect of social science, design and practice. The as they will have more time to spend on research and undertake more
observations of him are still true for today. productive work.
Another study [10] that goes back well into the history begins with a Today, in most cases, students are able to acquire the most important
review of the state of engineering education in the late 19th century and knowledge about a course from sources other than the traditional lecture
continues with a discussion of the role of European-born and educated (e.g. MOOC’s/Collaborative Learning) and are able to pass the exami­
engineers such as Stephen Timoshenko, Theodore von Kármán, and nations of the course without taking any formal classes. This has helped
Harald Westergaard. The paper then goes on to state that these "Euro­ students to learn at their own pace. Mozilla is now validating such
pean École" engineers laid the foundations of the transformation of en­ learning by awarding badges [21]. This is another useful way of letting
gineering curricula that came later. the student progress at his/her own pace, it keeps him/her engaged and
A recent study [11], written for the Centennial Year of IEEE (Institute eager to move forward. For students who have the badges (that confirm
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), is detailed and very informa­ knowledge), Universities could provide course waivers for a subset of
tive. It lists the major shifts in engineering education that have occurred courses that do not require intensive laboratory sessions or projects as
during the past 100 years as follows: this would not affect the achievement of the program learning outcomes
and also where some of the course contents overlap with other courses.
• “a shift from hands-on and practical emphasis to engineering science While this may not be for all, it will be beneficial for a large number of
and analytical emphasis; qualified students whose number is steadily rising.
• a shift to outcomes-based education and accreditation; In addition to this, independent learning enables students who are
• a shift to emphasizing engineering design; smart in certain areas to engage themselves earlier and learn more
• a shift to applying education, learning, and social-behavioral sci­ quickly, thereby completing the course in a shorter period of time. In the
ences research; work [22], the authors discuss accelerated learning programs including
• a shift to integrating information, computational, and communica­ fast-track degrees. They argue that such programs are not meant to
tions technology in education.” replace the existing traditional degree, but to provide a range of options
for learners. They stress that acceleration works very well for “more able
2.2. The current scenario students, i.e., those of sufficient maturity, with motivation and
commitment to handle the additional workload.” The benefits include
The world we live in has evolved tremendously while our education being responsive to the needs of employers and students, particularly
system tries to hold on to the old patterns of teaching, learning, and those who have a specific need to graduate more rapidly. In addition,
consequently conferring qualifications (degrees). When college is quicker graduation time for some students enables them to enter the job
mentioned, the predominant image conjured up is a lecture hall with a market at a younger and more energetic age, and thus contribute better
member of the faculty at the front talking and students listening. Each to the economy. This will also make room for more students to enroll in
time the bell rings students pour out of the halls and faculty rush to their existing programs and thus help to address the problem of “massifica­
next class [12]. Progress in the current system is measured by the tion” by catering to the rapidly increasing demand to acquire university

D. Gürdür Broo et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25 (2022) 100311

degrees. The initiatives taken in this context in several universities of the workforce. Giving credit for advanced study in high school can help for
US, UK, Australia, and Norway are detailed in [22]. early graduation.
An extreme argument is that “the degree is doomed… The value of a
3. Higher education in this century college degree has been in question since the Great Recession, but there
have yet to emerge clear alternatives for the public to rally around” [30].
3.1. Some issues with today’s higher education In a report by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) [31], it is stated that
“lack of time within a strictly regulated curriculum is the biggest barrier
Can everyone get quality Higher Education (HE) today – particularly to teaching 21st-century skills (49%), while the third most-cited reason
in the discipline of their choice? The answer is “yes”. However, it is not is similar: the strict requirements by education authorities that classes
possible to make quality higher education available to all with the model focus on literacy and numeracy (30%).”
currently in use. Imagination and coordinated effort would be the keys It is clear that higher education is, in the age of disruption, in the
to making it happen. What is being proposed towards this objective is a midst of dramatic, disruptive changes. It is being unbundled. “As one
multi-dimensional approach involving universities, content providers, Nobel Prize-winning economist is reputed to have ominously remarked,
hosting companies, testing services, regulators, accreditation agencies, “Now school does not mean you will learn; learning does not mean you
and other stakeholders. will have the skills for the labor market and having the skills does not
To begin with, we will explore the terrain, understand the climate, mean you will have a job - it’s a more complex route.”” [32]. As careers
and chart a course. Simply put, the metaphor translates into under­ become more fluid, we need alternative ways of training and retraining
standing the demand for flexibility, acknowledging the lapses of the workers (reskilling and upskilling) for growing job areas. Otherwise,
current system, and bringing key players together to implement a bold market forces will make sure that the void is filled. We have already
new approach to meet the academic needs of students and fulfill the started seeing the first signs of this, there is a rise of alternative cre­
economic aspirations in the 21st-century and beyond. Some relevant dentials, in the belief that in the age of disruption, the traditional cre­
issues with HE today can be listed as; massification, repetition, boredom, dentials are not only unnecessary but sometimes even a liability. The
exorbitant cost and market needs [23, 24, 25]. worldwide popularity of recent players like the Fullbridge Program [33]
and coding boot camps is an indication of the shortcomings of the higher
3.2. Future of jobs and universities education institutions and the hunger for reskilling. It should be noted
that these credentials do not have to replace college. But working adults
Throughout most of the 20th century, we have been witnessing a will increasingly rely on such alternative credentials in the course of
changing nature of work and careers. In the past, people used to spend their careers to attain the skills they need to remain employable or
their lifetimes in one or two organizations. But since the 1980s, as firms enhance their employability or to pursue their passions/callings etc.
are under pressure to downsize and outsource, work has become more
precarious. People today construct their careers across organizations. 4. Fifth industrial revolution and the changing world
Not only are people crossing organizational boundaries in the course of
their careers, but they also go over the occupational boundaries. A Series of industrial revolutions from the 18th century to today has led
recent report [26] of the World Economic Forum quantifies this ten­ to changes that have shaped the earth’s political, ecological, and cul­
dency by the prophecy that by 2022 "no less than 54% of all employees tural spheres. These overall technological improvements resulted in new
will require significant reskilling and upskilling." Here, what is meant by machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work which
reskilling and upskilling are; learning new sets of competencies to made existing industries more productive and efficient. While Industry
transition to a completely new role and learning new competencies to 4.0 promises to use cyber-physical systems by increasing integration of
stay in the current role, due to the change in skills required, or adding information and communication technologies into production, auto­
certain competencies for career progression respectively. A further mating processes, and introducing edge computing in a distributed and
prediction is that out of these, 35% will need additional training up to six intelligent manner; Industry 5.0 – or Society 5.0 – aims to solve social
months, 9% between six to 12 months for reskilling, and 10% more than problems with the help of integration of physical and virtual spaces [34]
a year to acquire additional skills. This may cause some alarm in some that would be achieved by Industry 4.0.
industries, however, as it is stated in the report; "in order to truly rise to
the challenge of formulating a winning workforce strategy for the Fourth 4.1. The new systems and the new society
Industrial Revolution, businesses will need to recognize the human
capital investment as an asset rather than a liability." The new products of the fourth industrial revolution are a combi­
Recognizing the shortcomings of the educational system, President nation of software systems, communications technology, sensors/actu­
Obama initiated a drive for STEM education [27] where STEM stands for ators, and embedded technologies that work seamlessly [35]. These
science, technology, engineering, and math collectively. Despite the complex systems increasingly operate in loosely supervised and complex
initial enthusiasm, it was soon realized that STEM inherently meant environments, interact with the Internet and its services, operate with a
focusing on the right side of the brain rather than the left side, which is high degree of autonomy, involve humans-in-the-loop, and are often
believed to be more creative and artistic (most recent studies indicate safety-critical. Such systems must address complications, such as
that this is a myth [28]). It was perhaps because of the recognition that systems-of-systems challenges and desired failure modes if they are to
soft skills would require more than STEM subjects that an expanded achieve the desired levels of safety, security, and privacy [36].
version of the abbreviation was offered by some in the form of STEAM, While the systems evolve in an unprecedented paste due to the
where A stands for art. After all, as Picasso has once stated, "All children technological advancements in the age of the fourth industrial revolu­
are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." tion, the society and the characteristics of the social generations evolve
A recent argument is that given the present rate of technological and too. Social generations are cohorts of people born in the same date range
societal changes one just cannot teach it all! One suggestion that has and who share similar cultural experiences. In the Western World, the
already received widespread acknowledgement is that the traditional list of generations as listed in Wikipedia [37] start with the Lost Gen­
four-year bachelor’s degree program does not provide enough time to eration, the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers,
cover the fundamentals and at the same time provide training in Generation X, Millennials (also known as Generation Y), and Generation
specialized areas [29]. Rethinking the college curriculum and refocusing Z. Gen Z is also referred to as Gen C due to its prominent characteristics.
it on "soft" skills (as will be discussed later) could allow students to finish Some argue that Gen C does not refer to a particular age group, but a
their degrees sooner. They could then move on to graduate school or the mindset. One could be 15 or 75 to be a member of Gen C. Its members

D. Gürdür Broo et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25 (2022) 100311

have one big thing in common: they are digital natives and exceptionally Table I
tech-savvy, staying connected all the time. Additionally, they are Influencing factors and their descriptions.
Communicating, Content-centric, Computerized, Community-oriented, Influencing Factor Description Reference
and Clicking. This generation is considered to be the one that shapes
Automation Automating tasks, processes, and [43–46]
everything; most market decisions are focused on them. It will not be an machines is one of the goals of any
exaggeration to state that most innovations are due to them. industry for a long time now. Essentially,
One other important characteristic of Gen Z is their environmental automation focuses on the technologies
and social consciousness that would affect the design of the next- and techniques to enable an apparatus, a
process, or a system operate
generation cyber-physical systems. For instance, a report from Pew automatically. While some see
Research Center [38], shows that younger generations – Millennials automation as a threat to the labor
(81%), Gen Xers (75%) – are more likely to agree that the earth’s tem­ market, many researchers argues that the
perature is getting warmer compared with Baby Boomers (69%) and automation and labor market has a more
complex relationship and instead
Silents (63%). Similarly, Gen Zers’ views about climate change are
automation may increase productivity
virtually identical to those of Millennials and not markedly different and economic growth.
from Gen Xers. The two younger generations hold views that differ Connectivity The products of the Industry 4.0 and the [1, 4, 44,
significantly from those of their older counterparts and call governments machines, which will deliver the benefits 47–51]
to do more to solve problems. We can see the effect of this on school to Society 5.0, cyber-physical systems are
connected. The networking abilities
strikes for climate change, which are organized by thousands of young combined with the cloud technologies, 5
high school students, such as Fridays for Future [39]. G cellular networks, wireless energy
Nahavandi [40] describes the current Industry 4.0 approach by harvesting, big data, smart network
stating that “unfortunately, Industry 4.0 does not have a strong focus on slicing, and similar technologies promise
to provide integration where these
environmental protection, nor has it focused technologies to improve
systems communicate with each other
the environmental sustainability of the Earth, even though many seamlessly.
different AI algorithms have been used to investigate from the Data Today, the amount of data that has been [44, 52–57]
perspective of sustainability [41] in the last decade.” Industry 5.0 is collected, stored, analyzed and the
expected to bridge this gap and create future systems and services that insights delivered from data is already
changing the world in many ways
focus on social and environmental aspects in addition to utilizing data
including some unexpected ones. This
and technological advancements. data-driven world is always on, always
tracking, always monitoring, always
4.2. Trends and influencing factors listening, and always learning. Many
organizations are interested in leverage
data to improve customer experiences,
Gürdür Broo et al. [42] conducted a trend-spotting activity, seeking deliver insights, open new markets,
to identify possible influencing factors and trends that may have a great increase productivity and create new
impact on the future of engineering education and research. According sources for competitive advantage.
to this article, in total 44 different trends are identified. 12 of these Data ethics The increased usage of data throughout [44, 58–61]
different industries bringing ethical
trends are selected as influencing factors. These influencing factors are complexities where data ownership,
listed in Table I. Interested readers can find all of the trends at the ap­ privacy, equity, responsibility,
pendix of the earlier work in [42]. explainability, and transparency are
becoming important topics of the Industry
4.3. New skillset and paradigm changes in basic skill sets
Electrification It has been mentioned by many that [44, 62–66]
electricity has the potential to deliver
To support the design, development, and manufacturing of the new equivalent energy service with less energy
system of systems in line with the trends that have been introduced in input because it avoids conversion losses
the prior subsection; next-generation engineers are expected to be associated with burning fossil fuels. This
electrification possibilities are seen as an
articulate in different technologies, methods, and methodologies [42]. opportunity to change the many sectors.
For instance, intelligence is very much related to artificial intelligence, For instance, electric vehicles are
machine learning, neural networks, data, and similar concepts. While becoming mass-market products and
these technologies and tools are part of the curriculums for some pro­ reaching record sales. Similarly, new
approaches to battery technologies,
grams such as computer science, unfortunately, it is not the same for the
powertrain architectures, native electric
other engineering programs. At the same time even in computer science vehicle platforms, and similar enablers of
the ethical considerations, biases, trust, social implications related to the the electrification are gaining importance.
usage of these technologies are not part of the education yet. Higher Education Different dynamics of the higher [67–70]
More importantly, the engineering data and its challenges are (HE) Environment education environment impact education
and research. These includes rise of global
different from any other data. In some industries, there is not enough university rankings, declarations by
available data, where in some others the data is not of high quality. The nations to have world-class universities,
current curricula are not preparing the next generation engineers for the the development of regional units of
real-world scenarios where a huge amount of heterogeneous data is control and reform, the development of
cross-border quality assessment practices,
required to be integrated not only for one system to function but also to
and the internationalization of
produce a system of systems-level interoperability. universities.
Furthermore, the sustainability – social, environmental, and eco­ (Artificial) Intelligence enables the automated [1, 43–45,
nomic – to help to achieve the SDG is rarely part of the engineering Intelligence decision-making through interconnected [71–73]]
education. For sustainable, resilient, and human-centric industry 5.0, we networks of systems of systems and the
intelligent systems are the results of a
should redesign our programs to include these important discussions in wide range of technologies including
addition to advancing the technological and data fluency of the next artificial intelligence, data analytics,
generation engineers. (continued on next page)
In science and philosophy, a paradigm is defined as a distinct set of

D. Gürdür Broo et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25 (2022) 100311

Table I (continued ) work will be done in front of a computer screen, using simulation tools.
Influencing Factor Description Reference In the report [31] by EIU, only 34% of executives surveyed reported
that they are satisfied with the level of attainment of young people
cloud computing, cyber security, high
performance CPUs and so on.
entering their companies and 52% stated that a skills gap is hampering
Labor market Several researchers pointed out the shift [44, 68, 74] the performance of their organization. On the other hand, an OECD
in the labor market which effects survey [87] came up with the conflicting finding that 21% of workers
especially the basic skilled workers. The reported feeling over-educated for what they do. The logical deduction
changes in the labor market due to
is that the educational ways we have been following are teaching the
technological advancements may cause
unexpected effects in education, workforce the wrong things and that a fundamental change is required
economy, and society. to facilitate the development of technical skills, cognitive and
Sustainable SDG was adopted by all United Nations [62, 74, 76] non-cognitive skills, commonly referred to as “soft skills.” This includes
development goals Member States in 2015 with an agenda the “4Cs of twenty-first-century learning”, which are Critical thinking,
(SDG) [75] that provided a shared blueprint for
peace and prosperity for people and the
Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. These are perhaps the
planet, now and into the future. These inherent characteristics of Generation C and may mostly be self-acquired
goals underline that ending poverty and as only a minority of 18 to 25-year-olds report that their education
other deprivations must go hand-in-hand provided them with the skills needed in the workplace. A large majority
with strategies that improve health and
(77%) is confident or very confident about their career prospects [27].
education, reduce inequality, and drive
economic growth which is at the very core Most of them consider that they have become good or very good at the
of Industry 5.0. skills listed in the questionnaire without receiving much formal educa­
Technological As we have already discussed continuous [44, 62–64, tion in them.
development or disruptive technological developments 77–82] As mentioned by Ansari et al. [88] “a human labor on the one side is
such as the Internet, mobile phones,
personal computers, social media, and
assisted by smart devices and machines (human-machine cooperation)
similar technologies, illustrate new and on the other should interact and exchange information with intel­
devices, technologies, methods, and ligent machines (human-machine collaboration).” Going over the indi­
methodologies may cause series of vidual Cs of the 4C, the third and the fourth (Collaboration, and
changes and in return how they influence
Communication) corresponds to Sharing skill of the 3Ss. When there is
the learning and teaching environments.
Trust in technology While technology’s role and effects on [62, 74, 76, so much talk about robots taking over most jobs, it is perhaps a relief that
society are increasing, keeping the level of 83] the first two, i.e., Critical thinking and Creativity, are the areas where
trust in these new technologies is human beings still hold a considerable advantage over intelligent
becoming important. Increased usage of machines.
automation, data, and artificial
intelligence, and changing power
structures may have an opposite 5. Strategies for the future
consequence to the trust in technology.
Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is defined as an ongoing, [67, 68, After considering the fifth industrial revolution, important trends/
voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit to 84–86]
influencing factors that will affect engineering education fundamentally
acquire new knowledge. Motivating and
providing opportunities for lifelong and analyzing the need for skills from the next generation, we have
learning increases social inclusion, active identified four strategies that may help the higher education institutions
citizenship, and personal development to redesign their programs. These strategies are;
and helps the workforce to stay
competitive and employable.
• lifelong learning and transdisciplinary education
• sustainability, resilience, and human-centric design modules
concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, • hands-on data fluency and management courses
postulates, and standards. In the educational arena, there have been a • human-agent/machine/robot/computer interaction
number of important paradigm changes, some in the contents of edu­
cation and some in the skills that the graduates should have. With the
rise of the ICT (information and communication technologies) a heap of 5.1. Lifelong learning and transdisciplinary education
new science and engineering subjects emerged. The reaction of the
college professors was generally “our graduates might need to be Concrete actions toward lifelong and transdisciplinary learning
equipped with this topic; so, let us include a compulsory or elective possibilities are going to be key for the future of engineering education.
course into the curriculum.” However, as the information and commu­ The technological advancements of the fifth industrial revolution
nications technologies revolution gained steam, it was soon realized that require a change in the current workforce. The new generation engi­
it would be impossible to include all that is “new” into the curriculum. neers will be asked to learn new skills and even define their job de­
Consequently, came the paradigm shift from “just-in-case teaching” to scriptions according to the technological changes more often than the
“just-in-time learning.” Parallel to this, the concepts like “life-long- current engineers. To be able to deal with these requirements engineers
learning,” “learning by doing,” “teach to learn” and so on became the do not only need to be more flexible and adaptable but also should have
common talk. continuous learning environments available for them.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the basic skill set that a job The products of the fifth industrial revolution, cyber-physical sys­
seeker needed to have was considered to be 3Rs, i.e., Reading, wRiting, tems, cannot be designed and developed without transdisciplinary en­
and aRithmetic. With the start of the convergence and the growth of big vironments. These environments – where societal, engineering and
data, 3Rs were replaced by 3Ss, i.e., Searching, Sharing, and Simulation. sustainability-related decisions are discussed together rather than
Considering the 3Vs (volume, variety, and velocity) of big data, the first separately in different divisions or groups – combined with new
skill is necessary for “just-in-time learning,” i.e., to find the “document” frameworks, methods, and methodologies; such as blending systems
(in whatever form) to learn from. The second S indicates that most thinking, design thinking, future thinking [89, 90]; should be introduced
projects require working in a transdisciplinary team, with the members and encouraged by higher education institutions.
of which one must share knowledge. The last S refers to that most of the

D. Gürdür Broo et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25 (2022) 100311

5.2. Sustainability, resilience, and human-centric design modules predicted by 2020 knowledge would double every 12 hours and pointed
out that the Internet of Things [94] would drive this. Although there are
The introduction of new technologies and systems has led to side- different views about the types and different rates of growth today, it is
effects and rebound effects many times in history. The next-generation not a question that human knowledge is increasing at an extraordinary
engineers should understand these unexpected effects and their impli­ rate. Simultaneously knowledge is becoming more transient, boundaries
cations to sustainability and resilience while contributing to the fifth between disciplines are eroding and perhaps we may have already
industrial revolution. reached a point where relevant knowledge is reaching the limit of what
Dignum [91] stated that “even though AI is, in fact, a piece of soft­ we can absorb. How long can human beings cope with these disruptive
ware that we people design, understanding and guiding the impact of AI changes? Should machines come to our rescue where we fail? Not in the
in society requires more than understanding its technical design.” Data form of replacing us, but helping us? And what is the role of an engineer
ethics, trust in technology, automation, and data itself are interrelated today? There is a lot of work we need to do for building the Society 5.0
concepts and this interrelationship combined with other technological and engineering education plays a great role in this new age.
advancements may cause greater changes in society. Therefore, ethical In this article, we tried to summarize the historical perspective, the
and social considerations related to these systems should be included in views for future workforce and the excitement of this new age, new
the current education programs and necessary methods and methodol­ systems, and the needs of a new society. The changes driven by tech­
ogies should be introduced to the students to design and develop nology is affecting politics, economy and certainly the society. This
human-centered cyber-physical systems. article briefly touches to these changes. Many influencing factors from
automation to data ethics, to trust in technology and to the promise to
5.3. Hands-on data fluency and data management courses achieve sustainable development goals push the engineering education
to change, perhaps to regenerate itself.
Digital fluency is the ability to leverage the new digital technologies To address this paradigm change we identified four strategies. We
and it requires competencies beyond that which higher education offers suggest to introduce lifelong learning and transdisciplinary education
today. The engineers of the future should not only be fluent in digital programmes for bridging the gaps between different disciplines and
technologies but also in data. For instance, in earlier studies, Gürdür experiences; sustainability, resilience and human-centric design mod­
[92] found that the industry does not yet have mechanisms in place to ules as part of courses to help students to understand unexpected effects
deal with challenges of industrial data; such as accessibility, availability, of the technologies on sustainability and resilience, hands-on data
quality, volume, and variety. This level of data fluency of the industry fluency and management courses for increasing the awareness of the
signals the need for a structural change in current education strategies. opportunities of data but also to give the students necessary skillset to
To address the current shortcomings of data privacy, security, man­ deal with the complexities around it and human-agent/machine/robot/
agement, and quality the society needs engineers who are aware of these computer interaction experiences to help them to understand the
shortcomings and will take necessary actions to eliminate them. communication and collaboration needs of the future where human and
Furthermore, data management, statistics, data visualization, ma­ intelligent machines are expected to work together and learn mutually.
chine learning, data ethics, and social implications of the future These strategies require the higher education environments all
autonomous and intelligent systems should be integrated with the cur­ around the world to reconsider their role in addition to reconsidering the
rent engineering curricula to deal with the increasing complexity and role of future engineers. Possibly the most important contribution of this
very much needed sustainability of these systems. article is to show the importance and necessity of the art of the long view
– looking at the important trends/factors that are changing the world
5.4. Human-agent/machine/robot/computer interaction experiences around us, understanding their effects, and identifying strategies that
will help us to reshape our education system not only for the future
The success of the engineering education at the age on Industry 5.0 engineers to change the world but also for the educators to give them
will be dependent to the “mutual learning” between human and intel­ necessary tools and mindsets to do that. This will perhaps lead us to
ligent machines. Ansari et al. [88] defines the mutual learning as: “a Nepantla [95]; the liminal space, the in-between, and the borderlands
bidirectional process involving reciprocal exchange, dependence, action from which novel insight and inspiration emerge. Such a trans­
or influence within human and machine collaboration, which results in disciplinary scholarship will remove the boundaries of what engineering
creating new meaning or concept, enriching the existing ones or encompasses to enrich the academic discourse of our profession.
improving skills and abilities in association with each group of learners”.
The workforce of the future should have experiences of this type of CRediT author statement
learning so they can distinguish and understand how different systems
requires only human, only machine efforts or collaboration on shared Conceptualization
tasks. The future engineers will not be only the creators of this type of Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
collaborative ways of work or mutual learnings but also will take part on Methodology
these tasks. Therefore, the engineering curricula should challenge the Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
students’ views on human-agent/machine/robot/computer interactions Software
and allow them to experience different ways of communication and N/A
collaboration with the next generation cyber-physical systems. Validation
Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
6. Conclusion Formal analysis
As has been stated over and over again, we are going through Investigation
tremendous changes in our times, so much so that it is thrilling, exhil­ Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
arating, and exciting, as well as perhaps scary. When Fuller [93], an Resources
American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor, and Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
futurist, created the ‘knowledge doubling curve’, he noticed that human Data Curation
knowledge doubled approximately every century until 1900. By the end Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait
of World War II, knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Years later, Writing - Original Draft
when IBM published a report and added to Fuller’s theory, they Didem Gürdür Broo, Okyay Kaynak, Sadiq M. Sait

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