The Curious Loan Approval
The Curious Loan Approval
The Curious Loan Approval
very bright. He had recently completed a series of credit analysis exams, earning
the highest score in his training group and capturing the attention of the bank’s
officers. In the second phase of his training program, Krishna was promoted to a
financial analyst’s position and assigned to work for Sudha Ryan, one of the bank’s
most productive commercial loan officers. Like Krishna, Sudha had earned the
highest score on the analysis exams among her training group five years ago, and
she and Krishna quickly became a team to be reckoned with inside the bank’s
In the first few months of his new assignment, Krishna quickly grew to admire his
new boss.
Sudha, she readily agreed with his analysis and praised his attention to detail.
However, one recent loan application left Krishna totally confused. Evaluating a
request from Mitchell Foods, Inc., for a $5 million short-term loan to finance
inventory expansion, Krishna noted that the firm was dangerously overleveraged.
Mitchell Foods represented a retail grocery chain with 35 stores located in the
financing its retail outlets with operating leases. Unlike financial leases, operating
leases only appear in the notes accompanying the firm’s financial statements, and
Mitchell Foods’ current balance sheet gave the appearance of far less leverage
to Sudha for inclusion in the Mitchell Foods credit file. Much to his surprise, Sudha
discounted the problem and told Krishna to destroy the memo. After the bank’s
senior credit committee approved the Mitchell Foods loan request, Sudha defended
her position by telling Krishna that the issue of operating lease leverage never
In spite of Sudha’s reassurances, Krishna knew from his days in credit school that
Mitchell Foods’ operating lease liability was handled improperly. While pondering
this problem over coffee in the employee cafeteria, Krishna overheard Sudha
talking excitedly among a group of young commercial lenders. It seems she had
just received word that her personal mortgage loan application at Bay Street
Savings and Loan had been approved, and the terms of this loan were most
attractive. The savings and loan willingly waived its normal down payment
Given his recent credit analysis, Krishna recalled that the president of Mitchell
thinking too much. After all, Sudha was an outstanding commercial loan officer,