Lajara Activity4 Inquest
Lajara Activity4 Inquest
Lajara Activity4 Inquest
The pros of this RH Law, or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
of 2012, is a pioneering law that ensures universal and free access to practically all
modern contraception at government health clinics for all residents, including
underprivileged populations. The legislation also establishes a requirement for
reproductive health education in public schools and acknowledges a woman's right to
post-abortion care as part of her right to reproductive healthcare. "Millions of Filipino
women will now be able to retake control of their fertility, health, and lives with universal
and free access to modern contraception," said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of
the Center for Reproductive Rights. "The Reproductive Health Law represents a
watershed moment for all Filipino women, allowing them to make their own health and
family decisions and participate more completely and equitably in society."
Cons of this law passing the RH law would literally be killing the goose that lays the
golden eggs. Already China and Thailand—still with relatively large populations—are
suffering from labor shortages because of the rapid aging of their populations over the
last decade or so. Such a negative demographic trend can be traced to very aggressive
birth control programs that were based on artificial contraceptives and, in the case of
China, on coercion and abortion. China and Thailand may be the first important countries
in the history of humanity to grow old before becoming rich. They clearly illustrate the folly
of a population management program that always leads to the unintended effect of cutting
fertility rates to abnormally low levels which have very deleterious effects on the national
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
3. What is the current status of the population of the Philippines after the passage of
the law? Does it worsen the economy or it helped in the betterment of the
country? Defend your answer.
The current situation of the Philippines since the rh law are totally pass on 2012 it lessens in some
area of the Philippine the too much human existence. People are allowed to use contraceptive
things for their protection of body and country. However, today that the pandemic exist people are
not allowed to work from different are, wherein staying at home is the best way. And in this kind
of situation couples has way to do somethings, which result of human existence.
Improving access for those with difficulties in accessing services, including safe abortion
according to existing WHO guidelines. The RH law provides various mechanisms to overcome
geographic, financial and social barriers and thereby facilitate access to contraceptive information
and services. However, contraceptive access by adolescents is partly constrained by the
requirement for parental consent and the restriction on ECP procurement and distribution.
Induced abortion is prohibited by the general penal code, with no explicit exception allowing
conditional use.
Melgar J, Melgar A, Cabigon J. Family planning in the Philippines. In: Zaman W, Masnin H,
Loftus J, editors. Family planning in Asia and the Pacific: addressing the challenges. Malaysia:
International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP); 2012.
Republic Act No. 10354: An act providing for a national policy on responsible parenthood and
Reprod Health 2012.
Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277