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Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), pages 2050–2057

Marseille, 20-25 June 2022

© European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC-4.0

EENLP: Cross-lingual Eastern European NLP Index

Alexey Tikhonov* , Alex Malkhasov, Andrey Manoshin, George Dima,

Réka Cserháti, Md.Sadek Hossain Asif, Matt Sárdi

Independent researcher, Germany; Financial University of Russia; MEPhI, Russia;

University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania; University of Szeged, Hungary;
Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Mozaik Education, Hungary

{altsoph, realex1902, sqidde, andreigeorgedima, cserhatir, asifsadek509, sardi.matt}@gmail.com

Motivated by the sparsity of NLP resources for Eastern European languages, we present a broad index of existing Eastern
European language resources (90+ datasets and 45+ models) published as a github repository open for updates from the
community. Furthermore, to support the evaluation of commonsense reasoning tasks, we provide hand-crafted cross-lingual
datasets for five different semantic tasks (namely news categorization, paraphrase detection, Natural Language Inference (NLI)
task, tweet sentiment detection, and news sentiment detection) for some of the Eastern European languages. We perform
several experiments with the existing multilingual models on these datasets to define the performance baselines and compare
them to the existing results for other languages.

Keywords: cross-lingual, less-resourced languages, NLP

1. Introduction to leverage diverse and detailed datasets.

Recent multilingual Transformer-based language
models – such as mBERT (Devlin et al., 2018), There are a bunch of cross-lingual datasets al-
XLM-RoBERTa (Sanh et al., 2019), multilingual ready, such as XGLUE (Liang et al., 2020), XCOPA
DistilBERT (Conneau et al., 2020), etc. – show (Ponti et al., 2020), XL-WiC (Raganato et al., 2020),
impressive results on different text analysis tasks XWINO (Tikhonov and Ryabinin, 2021), Wino-X
and their cross-lingual reasoning capabilities are still (Emelin and Sennrich, 2021), XNLI (Conneau et al.,
actively studied (Lauscher et al., 2020). For example, 2018), XL-WSD (Pasini et al., 2021), XTREME-R
the mBERT model trained on 104 languages has (Ruder et al., 2021), BSNLP (Piskorski et al., 2019),
shown high cross-lingual performance; however, such MOROCO (Butnaru and Ionescu, 2019), etc., but most
evaluations mostly focused on cross-lingual transfer of them cover high-resource languages.
within high-resource languages (Wu and Dredze,
2020). In this paper, we concentrate on Eastern Euro-
pean languages. These languages are numerous and
Commonsense reasoning is one of the key prob- heterogeneous; they include languages from at least
lems in natural language processing, but the relative two language families (Indo-European and Uralic),
scarcity of labeled data holds back the progress for and the former family is represented by very diverse
languages other than English: there are widely spoken branches. Although there are several dedicated
languages that still did not receive the focus of the multi-task benchmarks for a few Eastern European
research community (Joshi et al., 2020). Cross-lingual languages – e.g., KLEJ (Rybak et al., 2020) for Polish,
transfer learning could be beneficial for such languages LiRo (Dumitrescu et al., 2021) for Romanian, Rus-
in solving both theoretical and practical tasks. One can sianSuperGLUE (Shavrina et al., 2020) for Russian,
speculate that such high-level reasoning tasks could or the translation of SuperGLUE for Slovene, they
be less affected by the language syntax’s specifics and usually concentrate on one or two languages. They
low-level properties, so it can be effective to use a also use different tasks and various data formats; hence
cross-lingual approach here. However, it was shown they can not be used for cross-lingual benchmarking
that the success of cross-lingual transfer learning without careful manual pre-processing.
depends on different factors such as the amount of
shared vocabulary, explicit alignment of representa- The main contributions of this paper are:
tions across languages, size of pretraining corpora, etc
(Doddapaneni et al., 2021). To get a better understand- • To build a comprehensive picture of the current
ing of the importance of these factors, researchers need NLP state for the Eastern European languages, we
present the wide index of existing Eastern Euro-
* The corresponding author is Alexey Tikhonov pean languages resources (90+ datasets and 45+

models) published as a github repository1 open for 3. Models index
updates from the community; In a similar way, we tried to enumerate available
• Next, we provide hand-crafted cross-lingual models useful for Eastern European languages. We
datasets for five different semantic tasks (namely were aiming for the Transformer-based MLM models
news categorization, paraphrase detection, Natu- (which are state of the art for text classification
ral Language Inference (NLI) task, tweet senti- nowadays), but we also found some models of other
ment detection, and news sentiment detection), types, including Causal Language Models, Adapters,
compiled by processing data from various sources static embeddings, etc; we listed them as well.
into the same format, opening room for evaluation
scenarios such as zero-shot cross-lingual transfer. We started with the modern well-known multilin-
Since the source datasets are licensed under vari- gual models, namely mBERT (Devlin et al., 2018),
ous licenses, we publish automatic scripts for our mDistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019), XLM-Roberta
datasets compilation on the same github reposi- (Conneau et al., 2020), and LaBSE (Reimers and
tory; Gurevych, 2019). Next, there are several cross-lingual
models, such as CroSloEngual (Ulcar and Robnik-
• Finally, we perform several experiments with the Sikonja, 2020), BERTić (Ljubesic and Lauc, 2021),
existing multilingual models on our datasets to SlavicBERT (Arkhipov et al., 2019), or LitLat BERT.
define the performance baselines and compared Finally, we found more than 20 language-specific
them to the existing similar results for other lan- BERT-like models; most of them are listed in Figure 1.
Besides MLM models, we found 6 GPT-like models
We made all our code and data publicly available. We
and several dozens of models from the pre-Transformer
also published the detailed results of our experiments
era: ULMFiT, ELMo, and static word embeddings. All
at our Weights and Biases project2 (Biewald, 2020).
our findings are available on our github repository4 as
2. Dataset index
Aiming to build the index of Eastern European 4. Benchmark tasks
language NLP resources useful to the community,
Considering the coverage and sparsity of source
we have created a long list of available datasets we
datasets, we decided to proceed with five commonsense
were able to find. We focused on supervised datasets
reasoning tasks with different Eastern European lan-
(with data labels) and preferred semantic tasks to
guages subsets. We checked these tasks for the lan-
syntactic ones. Lastly, since some languages are
guages coverage and finally decided to focus on this
already well covered with benchmarks (for example,
Polish, Romanian, Russian), we tried to focus on less
represented languages. Indeed, we do not claim this • news categorisation,
list is exhaustive; however, we provide an easy way to • paraphrase detection,
add any missing resources via the creation of a github
• news sentiment detection,
issue. We encourage the community to help with
updating this index further. • tweet sentiment detection,
• NLI.
For this moment, we’ve already collected more
than 90 datasets for 20 different languages: Albanian, For each of these tasks, we manually crafted a ded-
Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, icated dataset with maximized Eastern European
Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, languages coverage. Whenever it was possible we
Macedonian, Moldavian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, also added English as a language most common for
Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Ukrainian. contemporary pre-trained models. The properties of
these datasets are given in the following sections.
These datasets cover various tasks, including text Since the source datasets are licensed under various
category prediction, coreference resolution, fake news licenses, we published automatic scripts for our
detection, lemmatization, morphosyntactic tagging, datasets compilation on the same github repository5 .
NER, NLI, offensive comments detection, paraphrase
detection, POS tagging, question answering, sentiment For each of these tasks, we evaluated three modern
analysis, word sense disambiguation, and many transformer-based pre-trained models: a multilanguage
more. The complete list of the discovered datasets is version of BERT, a model XLM-Roberta that is two
published on our github repository3 . times larger than BERT, and a distilled version of
multilanguage BERT (to check how the distillation
2 4
https://wandb.ai/eenlp https://github.com/altsoph/EENLP/blob/main/docs/models.md
3 5
https://github.com/altsoph/EENLP/blob/main/docs/datasets.md https://github.com/altsoph/EENLP/tree/main/build benchmarks

Figure 1: MLM Transformer-based models with Eastern European languages coverage.

affects the cross-lingual transfer quality). Whenever results of four models on a multilanguage dataset.
the English language was also available for the task we Further details across languages and categories are
added a base English BERT model to our evaluation. available on W&B7 .
We fine-tuned them using AdamW optimizer with
the learning rate 1e-5, epsilon 1e-8, and the linear The main observations based on the results of
schedule with warmup. We reported all the metrics this task are:
for the epoch with the best source language validation • multilingual pre-training is the key factor for suc-
result and published our code for evaluation6 . cessful cross-lingual transfer learning, English
BERT model shows no ability to transfer its
We will now describe every task in detail. knowledge from English to other languages;
4.1. News categorisation task • mBERT and XLM-R models show a similar level
In this task, the model should detect the correct of quality as in (Liang et al., 2020) for the simi-
category of the news text. This is a basic semantic lar NC task (however, note, it’s unfair to compare
task; however, it’s not always obvious how to separate, them directly since the list of categories is not the
for example, categories like ”lifestyle” and ”enter- same);
tainment.” Our dataset consists of 8 major categories
and covers 7 Eastern European languages + English • distillation significantly affects the ability to
(however, the distribution of categories differs from cross-lingual transfer learning; this effect is sig-
one language to another, consider Table 1). nificant for almost all of the tested languages;
• the results vary across the languages a lot, this is
The sources for this dataset are: a direction of possible deeper analysis (note that,
• English: (Liang et al., 2020), for example, Romanian and Moldavian are close
languages; however, all the models are performing
• Armenian: (Avetisyan and Ghukasyan, 2019), significantly better on Moldavian);
• Estonian: (Purver et al., 2021),
• mBERT generally performs slightly better than
• Latvian: (Pollak et al., 2021), XLM-RoBERTa, this could be an effect of rela-
• Moldavian: (Butnaru and Ionescu, 2019), tively small datasets.
• Romanian: (Butnaru and Ionescu, 2019), 4.2. Paraphrase detection task
• Russian: (Liang et al., 2020), In the paraphrase detection task, the model should
• Slovak: (Hladek et al., 2014). decide whether a pair of sentences have the same
meaning. It is another standard task for contempo-
We use this task to measure the models’ cross-lingual rary NLU benchmarks; however, it is significantly
transfer quality while transferring from English to hard and can be problematic even for the English lan-
various Eastern European languages. (One can also guage (Yamshchikov et al., 2021). Our dataset consists
use Latvian or Russian as a source language since both of four Eastern European languages + English. The
of them cover all of the categories). Following (Liang sources for this dataset are:
et al., 2020), we use multi-class classification accuracy
as the key metric for this task. Table 2 sums up the • English: (Wang et al., 2018),

6 7
https://github.com/altsoph/EENLP/tree/main/eval benchmarks https://wandb.ai/eenlp/newscat full

en hy ee lv mo ro ru sk
entertainment 3498 996 275 227 1234 1058 1498 22
finance 13405 2066 13 34 3429 5105 2514 1022
health 5751 121 119 311 559
lifestyle 6295 1630 107 37 671 481
news/accidents 31490 1454 33526 3722 12125 1655
sports 38598 2797 149 3443 2583 1731 1042
tech/auto 3926 144 40 1266 3392 387
travel 3076 49 55 53

Table 1: News categorisation dataset properties. For each language / category pair we reported the number of the
items (short news texts) in our dataset.


en 91.11% 92.50% 92.36% 92.65% en 81.84% 82.20% 83.80% 82.20%
ee 74.83% 81.58% 72.55% 27.33% hy 88.68% 92.79% 92.70% 75.36%
hy 55.57% 66.10% 67.64% 21.41% pl 87.86% 87.29% 82.14% 84.33%
lv 63.79% 86.60% 87.68% 6.31% ro 79.82% 82.36% 86.88% 80.03%
mo 65.79% 66.11% 62.36% 16.12% sr 72.10% 77.01% 71.74% 55.09%
ro 46.18% 47.54% 44.18% 7.46%
ru 77.49% 77.34% 77.10% 43.31% Table 4: Paraphrase detection task. For each language /
sk 59.88% 63.25% 60.32% 35.34% model pair we reported the accuracy value on the same
epoch where the validation accuracy was the best. We
Table 2: News categorisation task. For each language / also evaluated a standard English BERT here to com-
model pair we reported the accuracy value on the same pare.
epoch where the validation accuracy was the best. We
also evaluated a standard English BERT here to com-
directions. The results of non-TaPaCo->TaPaCo
transfer were much better than for the opposite di-
Language Items Classes rection (for example, for Polish, it was 68% versus
English 373 263 2 51%), which implies that datasets represent different
Armenian 4 233 2 tasks with non-equal complexity. Thus, we decided
Polish 8 000 2 to reject a TaPaCo-based augmentation until further
Romanian 5 749 2 investigations. However, we consider it an interesting
Serbian 835 2 direction for future work.

Table 3: Paraphrase detection dataset properties. Each We used the same setup as in the previous task –
item is a pair of sentences. cross-lingual zero-shot learning from English to other
languages. Following (Yang et al., 2019), we use
classification accuracy as the key metric for this task.
• Armenian: (Malajyan et al., 2020), We reported values in table 4 from the same epoch
• Polish: (Rybak et al., 2020), where the validation accuracy was the best. More
• Romanian: RO-STS dataset8 , details are available online9 .

• Serbian: (Batanović et al., 2011).

We also tried to leverage the TaPaCo dataset (Scherrer, The main observations based on these results are:
2020) to build a derivative dataset with positive and • again, multilingual pre-trained models show con-
negative examples of paraphrases. We treated pairs of sistently better performance than English BERT,
sentences from the same cluster as positive paraphrase which highlights the importance of the multilin-
examples. Then, we used several strategies for sam- gual pre-training phase;
pling hard-negative samples (including sampling from
similar sentences by Levenshtein distance and LabSE • mBERT results are competitive with the results re-
(Feng et al., 2020) embedding distances). To assess the ported in (Yang et al., 2019);
quality of such dataset augmentation, we performed a • once more, distillation affects the ability to cross-
two-folded cross-check: considering languages where lingual transfer learning.
we have both TaPaCo and non-TaPaCo datasets, we
checked the cross-datasets transfer learning in both 9
https://wandb.ai/eenlp/paraphrase detection/artifacts/
paraphrase detection-dataset/paraphrase detection-dataset/
https://github.com/dumitrescustefan/RO-STS d144e76e6129b022dc5d

4.3. News sentiment detection task • XLM-RoBERTa generally dominates over the rest
of the models.
Language Items Classes
4.4. Twitter sentiment detection task
Croatian 1 500 3
Lithuanian 10 000 3
Russian 8 200 3 Language Items Classes
Slovenian 10 000 3 Czech 10 000 3
Latvian 1 160 3
Table 5: News sentiment detection dataset properties. Russian 230 000 2
Each item is a short news text. Slovak 1 600 3

In this task, we made an evaluation of sentiment de- Table 7: Twitter sentiment detection dataset properties.
tection (3 classes: positive, neutral, negative) for rela- Each item is a tweet text.
tively long texts (news articles). We compiled a dataset,
that covers 4 Eastern European languages (Croatian, In addition to the previous task, we considered the
Lithuanian, Russian, and Slovenian). Table 5 describes task of short texts (tweets) sentiment detection (same 3
volumes of data per language. The sources for this classes: positive, neutral, negative). The dataset for this
dataset are: task also covers 4 Eastern European languages (Czech,
Latvian, Russian, and Slovak). Table 7 describes vol-
• Croatian: (Pelicon et al., 2020), umes of data per language. The sources for this dataset
• Lithuanian: TN2gramos 10 , are:
• Russian: Sentiment Analysis in Russian11 , • Czech: (Habernal et al., 2013),
• Slovenian: (Bučar et al., 2018). • Latvian: latvian-tweet-sentiment-corpus 13 ,
We used classification accuracy as our main metric and • Russian: mokoron14 ,
evaluated all possible directions of transfer learning • Slovak: Sentigrade15 .
for three multilingual models (mBERT, mDBERT, and
XLM-R), as in (Pelicon et al., 2020). Check table 6 for As previously, we used classification accuracy as
the results, more details are available on W&B12 . our main metric and evaluated all possible directions
of transfer learning for three multilingual models
This task results support several observations: (mBERT, mDBERT, and XLM-R). Check table 8 for
the results, more details are available on W&B16
• as in previous experiments, the distillation de-
creases the ability to cross-lingual transfer learn- This task results support several observations:
• again, the distilled model shows the worst ability
• the cross-lingual transfer quality seems to be cor- to cross-lingual transfer learning;
related with the degree of language affinity;
https://www.kaggle.com/rokastrimaitis/lithuanian- corpus
financial-news-dataset-and-bigrams http://study.mokoron.com/
11 15
https://www.kaggle.com/c/sentiment-analysis-in-russian https://sentigrade.fiit.stuba.sk/data
12 16
https://wandb.ai/eenlp/news sentiment https://wandb.ai/eenlp/twit sentiment

hr lt ru sl ru sk lv cz
mDBERT 67% 20% 48% 53% mDBERT 88% 61% 75% 68%
hr mBERT 66% 23% 53% 57% ru mBERT 89% 60% 76% 67%
XLMR 70% 24% 50% 60% XLMR 95% 72% 78% 79%
mDBERT 45% 70% 50% 51% mDBERT 72% 51% 30% 35%
lt mBERT 49% 71% 57% 49% sk mBERT 76% 59% 32% 38%
XLMR 51% 78% 58% 63% XLMR 72% 70% 38% 42%
mDBERT 63% 39% 68% 52% mDBERT 39% 35% 70% 52%
ru mBERT 57% 39% 71% 55% lv mBERT 56% 38% 71% 51%
XLMR 56% 65% 70% 59% XLMR 32% 38% 73% 57%
mDBERT 55% 41% 57% 64% mDBERT 36% 47% 60% 74%
sl mBERT 54% 52% 58% 67% cz mBERT 44% 50% 60% 76%
XLMR 51% 59% 60% 69% XLMR 44% 62% 71% 79%

Table 6: News sentiment detection task. Validation ac- Table 8: Twitter sentiment detection task. Validation
curacy. accuracy.

• again, the similarity of the languages matters for en pl ru bg sl
the cross-lingual transfer quality; mDBERT 65% 62% 56% 55% 34%
en mBERT 69% 48% 59% 58% 37%
• again, XLM-RoBERTa generally dominates over XLMR 76% 48% 69% 72% 36%
the rest of the models regardless of the transfer mDBERT 40% 92% 39% 40% 26%
pair. pl mBERT 42% 92% 38% 38% 19%
XLMR 46% 94% 38% 40% 14%
4.5. NLI task
mDBERT 62% 57% 54% 55% 33%
ru mBERT 68% 54% 54% 60% 28%
Language Items Classes XLMR 75% 57% 64% 73% 31%
English 30 000 3 mDBERT 62% 62% 56% 54% 31%
Bulgarian 30 000 3 bg mBERT 67% 38% 61% 52% 38%
Polish 9 000 3 XLMR 74% 56% 68% 64% 27%
Russian 30 000 3
Slovenian 306 3 Table 10: NLI task. Validation accuracy. We omitted
training on Slovenian since that dataset consists only of
Table 9: NLI dataset properties. Each item is a pair of 306 items.
Finally, we proposed the evaluation on the natural lan- reasoning tasks, and provided the evaluations of sev-
guage inference (NLI) task. NLI is the task of predict- eral modern multilingual models. We have published
ing whether a hypothesis sentence is true (entailment), all our code to support future research.
false (contradiction), or undetermined (neutral) given a
premise sentence. Our dataset for this task also covers As we have highlighted in our analysis, the qual-
4 Eastern European languages (Bulgarian, Polish, Rus- ity of cross-lingual transfer learning depends on
sian, and Slovenian) + English. Table 9 describes vol- various factors, including the pre-training and distil-
umes of data per language. The sources for this dataset lation details of the model, the similarity between the
are: languages, the size of the dataset for the downstream
• English: (Liang et al., 2020), task, etc. These observations are consistent with
the conclusions of previous studies (check (Dodda-
• Bulgarian: (Liang et al., 2020),
paneni et al., 2021) for more details). The general
• Polish: (Rybak et al., 2020), observations from these experiments are:
• Russian: (Liang et al., 2020),
• the multilingual pre-training is the key factor for
• Slovenian: (Žagar et al., 2020).
successful cross-lingual transfer learning;
As in (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019) and
(Nooralahzadeh et al., 2020), we used classifica- • the distillation significantly decreases the quality
tion accuracy as the metric for the NLI task and of cross-lingual transfer learning;
evaluated all possible directions of transfer learning
for the same three multilingual models (mBERT, • the cross-lingual transfer quality seems to be cor-
mDBERT, and XLM-R). Table 10 provides the results, related with the degree of language affinity;
more details are available on W&B17
• XLM-RoBERTa generally dominates over the rest
This task results support several observations: of the tested models.
• this task seems to be significantly harder than oth-
ers; We are considering two major directions for future
work in the scope of better understanding cross-lingual
• there is no consistent winner among the models abilities of the modern models in the context of less-
for this task. resourced Eastern European languages:

5. Conclusions and discussion • leveraging the synthetic datasets and data aug-
In this project, we have made and published a broad mentation methods for supporting the less-
index of NLP resources for Eastern European lan- resourced languages;
guages, which, we hope, will be helpful for the NLP
community. We have invested in the creation of new • and evaluation of the less general models (for
cross-lingual datasets focused on Eastern European example, models like CroSloEngual(Ulcar and
languages, hand-crafted the benchmarks for 5 common Robnik-Sikonja, 2020), BERTić (Ljubesic and
Lauc, 2021), SlavicBERT (Arkhipov et al., 2019),
https://wandb.ai/eenlp/nli or LitLat BERT).

6. Acknowledgements Kunchukuttan, A., and Kumar, P. (2021). A primer
This work was initially started as an EEML 2021 sum- on pretrained multilingual language models.
mer school project. We would like to thank all the orga- Dumitrescu, S. D., Rebeja, P., Lorincz, B., Gaman, M.,
nizers, especially Viorica Patraucean and Razvan Pas- Avram, A., Ilie, M., Pruteanu, A., Stan, A., Rosia, L.,
canu for their valuable support. We also would like to Iacobescu, C., Morogan, L., Dima, G., Marchidan,
thank our mentor Tomáš Mikolov for wise advice and G., Rebedea, T., Chitez, M., Yogatama, D., Ruder,
recommendations. S., Ionescu, R. T., Pascanu, R., and Patraucean, V.
(2021). LiRo: Benchmark and leaderboard for Ro-
manian language tasks.
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