Lyrics English Mass

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(Entrance) (Offeratory) (Communion)

Sing a New Song One More Gift ANIMA CHRISTI

(Chorus) (Chorus)
Sing a new song unto the Lord If there's one more gift (Refrain)
let your song be sung from mountains I'd ask of you, Lord Soul of Christ
high. It would be peace, here on earth Sanctify me
Sing a new song unto the Lord, As gentle as your children's laughter Body of Christ save me
singing alleluia. All around, all around Water from the side of Christ
Wash me, Passion of Christ
(Verse 1) (Verse 1) Give me strength
Yahweh's people dance for joy. Your people have grown weary
O come before the Lord. Of living in confusion (Chorus)
And play for him on glad tambourines, When will we realize? Hear me Jesus
and let your trumpet sound. That neither heaven is at peace Hide me in thy wounds
When we will live not in peace That I may never leave thy side
(Verse 2) From all the evil that surrounds me
Rise, O children, from your sleep (Verse 2) Defend me and when the call of death
your Savior now has come. Grant me serenity, within arrives
He has turned your sorrow to joy, For the confusions around are mere Bid me come to thee
and filled your soul with song. reflections That I may praise thee
Of what's within With thy saints forever
(Verse 3) What's within in me?
Glad my soul for I have seen
the glory of the Lord. (Verse 3)
The trumpet sounds the dead shall be Lord, grant us peace
raised. As gentle as your children's laughter
I know my Savior lives. All around

(Verse 4)
If there's one more gift
I'd ask of you Lord
I Will Sing Forever
I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord
I will celebrate the wonder of your name
For the word that you speak is a song of forgiveness
And a song of gentle mercy and of peace

Let us wake at the morning and be filled with your love

And sing songs of praise all our days
For your love is as high as the heavens above us
And your faithfulness as certain as the dawn

I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord

I will celebrate the wonder of your name
For the word that you speak is a song of forgiveness
And a song of gentle mercy and of peace

I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord

For you are my refuge and my strength
You fill the world with your life giving spirit
That speaks your word
Your word of mercy and of peace

And I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord

Yes I will sing forever of your love, oh Lord

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