Module#1 - The Literature of India
Module#1 - The Literature of India
Module#1 - The Literature of India
Historical Background
The Aryans
• After the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, the Aryans came to the
Indus Valley. They were Caucasians (white race) and spoke Sanksrit.
They migrated from the north and drove southward the dark-skinned
Dravidians (India's aborigines). Consequently, they founded small
kingdoms in the fertile plains of North India and brought the Vedic
literature, Hindu religion, the caste system, and the Sanskrit (old Indo-
Aryan language).
These are sacred books of ancient Sanskrit hymns with comments believed to
The have been revealed by Brahma (creator God in Hinduism) and has become
the basis of Brahmanical caste system:
The In Indian mythology, it is said that Brahma invented drama for the pleasure of
the deities.
Indian However, the elements of drama are also present in the Vedas, such as:
Sanskrit Shakuntala, a Sanskrit play dramatizing the story of Shakuntala as told in the
epic Mahabharata and written by Kalidasa, is known for its lovely poetry,
playfulness, and uninterrupted humor, chiefly represents Sanskrit drama.
It possesses the theory of "rasa" or flavor, sometimes translated as sentiment.
Reyes, D. D. (2011). World literature: literary gems of the East and West (1st ed.) Rex Book Store, Inc.
People and Lifestyle. Retrieved from
Robinson, W. (2020). Rabindranath Tagore Bengali poet. Retrieved from
Wolpert, S. (2020). India. Retrieved from
Suggested Reading:
Doshi, T. & Rushdie S. (Novelists). (2020 February 27). Novelists Tishani Doshi and Salman
Rushdie on fiction, poetry, and India [Audio podcast].